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radiation - is energy that comes from a source and travels through space at the speed of light, it could
also be called as " electromagnetic waves ". this energy has an electric field and is associated with a
magnetic field

radioactivity - is the spontaneous release of energy from the decay of nuclei of certain kinds of isotopes


radiation is an energy that includes forms like ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, and gamma rays while an
example of radioactivity is a change of an unstable atom to a stable atom of a different element by
giving off radiation, the process is called radioactive decay


Luminescence - Luminescence emission occurs after an appropriate material has absorbed energy from
a source such as ultraviolet or X-ray radiation, electron beams, chemical reactions, and so on.

Phosphorescence - the term phosphorescence means light emission caused by electronic transitions
between levels of different multiplicity. phosphorescence was first used to describe the persistent
luminescence (afterglow) of phosphors.

Fluorescence - the term fluorescence is used for light emission connected with electronic transitions
between levels of like multiplicity. The name fluorescence was derived from the mineral fluorspar, which
exhibits a violet, short-duration luminescence on irradiation by ultraviolet light.

Luminescence is an activity done with an energy that lifts the atoms of the material into an excited state,
and then, because excited states are unstable, the material undergoes another transition, back to its
unexcited ground state, and the absorbed energy is liberated in the form of either light or heat or both

Phosphorescence is responsible for light persistence up to several seconds, fluorescence, on the other
hand, is an almost instantaneous effect, ending within about 10−8 second after excitation.

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