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The only five exercises INSIDE
We xennials
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Esther Walker

Sale now on Are you

Britain ready to lead way by sending Challenger tanks to Ukraine
George Grylls 1994, is equipped with a 120mm gun. Kyiv would provoke a response. The US and M1 Abrams tanks from the US. A itself the goal of expelling all Russian
Only one has been destroyed in com- is sending 50 Bradley fighting vehicles, donation of Challenger 2s from Britain forces from Ukrainian territory by the
The UK is poised to become the first bat, in Basra, southern Iraq, in 2003, while Germany is providing 40 Marder could lead to both nations increasing end of the year and says that it needs
western nation to send tanks to after being hit by friendly fire. infantry fighting vehicles. France is giv- their levels of support. tanks to liberate land south of Kherson
Ukraine as Kyiv prepares for a major The United States, Germany and ing an undisclosed number of AMX-10 Although no final decision has been and around the Donbas.
counteroffensive in the spring. France have all promised to send RC armoured combat vehicles as well as made, Kyiv officials expect a formal Major General Kyrylo Budanov, the
The British army is set to send about armoured vehicles to Ukraine as west- Bastion armoured personnel carriers. announcement about British tanks at chief of Ukrainian defence intelligence,
a dozen Challenger 2s, with a formal ern countries become increasingly con- President Zelensky has been lobby- the end of next week when defence suggested Kyiv was planning to launch
announcement expected next week. fident in calling President Putin’s bluff ing for tanks since the war began, ministers meet for the Ramstein con- a major offensive in the spring when the
The tank, which first entered service in that providing offensive weaponry to requesting Leopards from Germany ference. The Ukrainian army has set


too casual
NHS turns
to cabins
in car parks
Fresh round of strikes planned as talks falter
Kat Lay Health Editor and said that temporary structures

at work?
Chris Smyth Whitehall Editor could provide this “in weeks not
NHS patients face being treated in He said trusts could use their “discre-

Subscribe and save up to 50% on

temporary cabins set up in hospital car tion” on how to use the buildings to ease
parks under plans to tackle the crisis in A&E pressures, which could include
the health service. the creation of new “discharge loun-
Steve Barclay, the health secretary, ges”. Such buildings are most likely to
outlined proposals to ease pressures as be set up in hospital car parks.
the NHS contends with staff shortages, A spokesman for the Royal College of
record waiting times and a particularly Emergency Medicine said last night
bad flu season. that using similar spaces for patients
Barclay pledged £50 million to pay who needed A&E care had been “tried,
for temporary buildings to create extra tested and not worked many times
space for overcrowded accident and over”, adding: “These are not effective
emergency departments as he ac- and will not reduce ambulance waiting
knowledged that patients’ recent expe- times. These only move corridor care The Duke of Sussex said the Queen “has done everything that she can to improve her own reputation for her own sake”
riences had “not been acceptable”. into temporary structures built in car
He also told the Commons that parks that become rapidly full.”
hospital inspections would be scaled
back to ease the pressure on staff .
Saffron Cordery, the interim chief ex-
ecutive of NHS Providers, said ques-
Villainous Camilla was a danger, says Harry

Britain’s No 1 quality news titles Page 2

His comments came after meetings tions would “rightly be asked about
between ministers and unions failed to how quickly and efficiently the NHS es- Alistair Dawber Washington During an interview with Anderson Maybe she’d be less dangerous if she
avert a new round of strikes. Ambu- tate can be restructured to implement Valentine Low Cooper for the US programme 60 Min- was happy.” Another excerpt read: “I
lance workers will walk out again to- these changes given the pressures we utes, Harry said of his stepmother: “She have complex feelings about gaining a
morrow. Unions said they were dis- are being confronted with right now”. The Duke of Sussex described the was the villain. She was the third person step-parent who I thought had recently
appointed by a lack of concrete offers, Barclay did not set out how much Queen as “dangerous” yesterday as he in [my parents’] marriage. She needed sacrificed me on her personal PR altar.”
although both sides hailed “progress” additional space the units were expect- criticised her attempts to rehabilitate to rehabilitate her image.” Harry said he and the Queen
after months of ministers refusing to ed to create, but said modular designs her image after becoming “the villain”. That, he said, “made her dangerous “haven’t spoken for a long time”. He

directly discuss pay. and modern methods of construction In the latest television interviews to because of the connections she was added: “I love every member of my
Barclay acknowledged that existing standardisation could reduce costs by publicise his memoir Spare, which is forging within the British press”. He family, despite the differences, so when
measures to ease pressure on the NHS 35 per cent and get sites “up and run- released today, Prince Harry accused added: “There was open willingness on I see her we’re perfectly pleasant with
had not been quick enough. A scheme ning at a far earlier stage”. A 20-bed his stepmother of doing whatever she both sides to trade information. And . . . each other . . . I don’t look at her as an
to discharge elderly patients swiftly has ward at North Middlesex University could to salvage her reputation in the there was going to be people or bodies evil stepmother. I see someone who . . .
struggled amid difficulties in recruiting Hospital was created in 16 weeks during years before she married Charles. left in the street because of that.” has done everything that she can to
enough home care workers. the Covid-19 pandemic, at a cost of The duke also declared that he could In another interview on Good Morn- improve her own reputation and her
Barclay said the government would £1.7 million. never return to Britain as a working ing America, Harry was read an extract own image for her own sake.”
now fund “more physical capacity in Admitting it was “an extraordinarily member of the royal family because of from his book saying: “In a funny way
and around emergency departments”, the destructive influence of the press. I even wanted Camilla to be happy.

Oxford boss wants ‘streaming spires’ — and more state pupils

Nicola Woolcock Education Editor numbers recruited from private schools of £390,000, said all students must be quotas but will keep encouraging more we’ve opened up and done so much
would reflect increased competition, taught about free speech and how to to apply. There is no conspiracy against more on engagement, you’re going to
Oxford’s new vice-chancellor, the first and an ambition to find “the best kids”. give and receive criticism. She pledged the privately educated but there is more have more competition and that’s going
from a British comprehensive, has said At her inauguration yesterday she to seek talks with ministers about the competition. I’ve done admissions for to be reflected in the numbers.”
there is no “conspiracy” against private said Oxford should become the city of devaluing of the tuition fee and funding 25 years so I can absolutely speak at the Tracey described herself as a defender
schools but that the university will “streaming spires” by using technology shortfall. The neuroscientist grew up coalface about how we do it. of free speech, saying: “The earlier we can
continue its drive to attract more state- to transform learning and disseminate and studied in Oxford and was the “There are no quotas. There are no teach students how to deliver and how to
educated pupils. knowledge, reaping the benefits of warden of Merton College, her alma biases, it’s so thorough and fair, and we receive criticisms would be very helpful
Professor Irene Tracey told The changes during the pandemic. mater, until last month. work our socks off to make sure that for them in being prepared for life.”
Times in her first interview that the Tracey, 56, who will receive a salary She said: “We don’t have state-school we’ve got the best kids . . . Inevitably, as

1,000 excess The prince of

sales: Harry’s
royal memoir
deaths each breaks record
week as the Valentine Low
Prince Harry’s memoir became the
fastest-selling non-fiction book as
400,000 copies across all formats
were snapped up on the first day of

NHS buckles
publication yesterday.
The record sales for Spare were
disclosed as more revelations emerged
from the book, including Harry’s claim
that the Sandringham meeting which
decided the future for the Sussexes
Excluding pandemic, figures are worst since 1951 three years ago was “a fix”.
Harry also said in an interview that
he revealed that he killed 25 Taliban
Chris Smyth Whitehall Editor where there are long waits for 999 fighters in Afghanistan to help his
Thomas Saunders ambulances and emergency treatment “healing journey”.
Kat Lay Health Editor in hospitals. Larry Finlay, the managing director
Today 999 call handlers will join of his publisher, Transworld Penguin
Fifty thousand more people than paramedics in a second day of strikes in Random House, said: “We always knew
normal died over the past 12 months, the ambulance service as an estimated this book would fly but it is exceeding
with NHS delays blamed for one of the 25,000 staff walk out. With ministers even our most bullish expectations. As
most deadly years on record. publishing draft laws to restrict strikes in far as we know, the only books to have
Excluding the first two pandemic the NHS and other public services, sold more in their first day are those
years, 2022 brought the highest excess health leaders have accused the govern- starring the other Harry [Potter].”
deaths total since 1951, according to an ment of using the powers to “silence Spare, which has a recommended
analysis by The Times. workers in their hour of need”. retail price of £28, is being sold for £14 in
There were 1,600 more deaths than Adrian Boyle, president of the Royal Waterstones and WH Smith as well as
usual during Christmas week as long College of Emergency Medicine, said online at Amazon. Philip Jones, editor
waits for ambulances, cold weather the latest death figures were “shockingly of The Bookseller, said it was “quite
and surging flu infections increased high”. He acknowledged that it was normal” to have a “big hardback” that
mortality rates by a fifth. “extremely difficult to determine the booksellers thought would do well
Covid accounts only for a minority of causes” but pointed to studies showing offered at half-price by big retailers.
recent extra deaths, focusing attention deaths rose with longer waits at A&E. Spare’s sales figure of 400,000 across
on “compelling” evidence that the crisis “Our own analysis indicates that an hardback, ebook and audio formats was
in the NHS is killing hundreds of estimated 300-500 patients are dying confirmed by Transworld. It was
people a week. per week across the UK associated with dwarfed, however, by Harry Potter and
Untreated health problems as people long waiting times in emergency the Deathly Hallows, which on its
were urged to stay away from surgeries departments,” he said. “This is awful, first day of publication in 2007 sold
and hospitals during the pandemic are distressing and completely unaccept- 2.65 million copies in Britain and about
thought to be contributing to the deaths. able. The health system is not function- 15 million worldwide.
Experts have also cited lingering after- ing as it should. Our priority should not In an interview with People magazine
effects of Covid infection. be to quibble about the data but to miti- Harry said he hoped his book would
Figures published by the Office for gate the harm of this crisis.” “turn my pain into purpose”.
National Statistics yesterday showed Overall the 656,735 UK deaths last
the third consecutive week of more than year were 51,159 above the pre-Covid
1,000 excess deaths in England and five-year average. The figure was
Wales and confirmed that last year one exceeded only in four years prior to 1951
of the highest death totals in Britain was since records began 130 years ago.
recorded. Although 2020 and 2021 brought
Ministers say that countries across higher excess death totals as the
Europe had high excess deaths last pandemic hit, excess deaths last year
year, pointing to a big increase in flu. were predominantly not driven by Actress’s road ban Honeysuckle Weeks, who appeared in the TV drama Foyle’s
But others pinned the blame on the
government’s handling of the NHS,
Covid. Stuart McDonald, a partner at War, has admitted driving while twice over the alcohol limit. She said she had to
flee a friend’s house as she feared being coerced into a threesome.
y(7HB7E2*OTSPNK( |||+z!$
2 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Surging Times MRI knee scans for migrants

Millions more readers turned to The Times who say that they’re under 18
and Sunday Times as news events made history
home secretary, is expected to overrule person refuses to be scientifically
last year. Taken together the titles reached: Matt Dathan Home Affairs Editor
the advice, with those suspected of assessed.”
Migrants who claim to be children to lying about their age forced to have the The Home Office wants to introduce
15 million 17.4 million raise their chances of being granted checks. biological scanning to carry out age
12% asylum in the UK will have to have MRI A government source said it would be assessments to prevent asylum-seeking
digital readers readers a scans and x-rays to check whether they pointless to allow individuals to opt out adults posing as children to get prefer-
a month month 10% are lying. of scientific age assessments. ential treatment. Unaccompanied child
A report by scientific advisers com- “The majority of our international asylum seekers are more likely to be
a rise of more an increase of missioned by the Home Office partners use scientific age assessments granted permission to stay in the UK,
than 12% almost 10% approved the use of MRI scans of knees and so we welcome this report,” the leading to increasing numbers of adult
and collar bones and x-rays of wisdom source said. “But clearly it’s not tenable migrants claiming they are under 18,
teeth, wrists and hands to assess the age that a migrant who is claiming to be a according to the Home Office.
of asylum seekers. child can simply refuse to undergo a Figures published by the department
No1 The Times and
Sunday Times are
the No1 quality newspapers in
70% At 70%, the titles
have the joint
highest composition of ABC1
However, it said the Home Office
should first gain the consent of individ-
scientific age assessment. This is about
ensuring we have a consistent and ro-
have shown that just over half of asy-
lum seekers whose age it challenged
uals before biological age assessments. bust asylum system.” were ultimately found to be over 18.
Britain, reaching 3.9 million readers, comprising managers The committee also said that none of Alp Mehmet, chairman of Migration A Home Office spokesman said:
readers a month — 1.3 million and professionals, in the the biological methods available could Watch UK, which campaigns for lower “Through our Nationality and Borders
more than the Telegraph newsbrands market predict age with “precision”. It said that immigration, urged the government to Act, we will introduce scientific
asylum seekers who were asked to ignore the advice. He said: “It is surely methods to assess the age of asylum
And The Sunday Times is the longest-read printed newspaper, with an undergo the checks should be given in the interests of minors to have sup- seekers. We will now consider the [com-
average time spent of 82 minutes Source: PAMCo Q4 2022 readership report “clear information explaining the risks portive evidence confirming they are mittee’s] recommendations.”
and benefits of biological evaluation” so indeed children. In the event of anyone Enver Solomon, chief executive of
they could give “informed consent”. refusing to be scientifically assessed, the Refugee Council, said: “We wel-
Save up to 50% with a subscription to The committee recommended there
be no “automatic assumptions or con-
the government must have the courage
and political will to take a common-
come the committee’s confirmation
that scientific age assessments are not a
The Times and The Sunday Times today sequences” if they refused to give their sense approach based on physical standalone solution and they should be
THETIMES.CO.UK/SUBSCRIBE consent to the x-rays or MRI scans. appearance. It would be absurd to have used with caution [with] other methods
However, Suella Braverman, the to accept a claimed age just because a rather than on their own.”

Asylum seeker ‘stabbed nightclub DJ’

7am Steve Barclay, health secretary Will Humphries legal dispute later arose over his manslaughter but denies murder, was
12pm Matt Chorley and Tim Shipman Southwest Correspondent claimed age and a court hearing was wearing an Afghan flag round his neck
review the exchanges at PMQs held to determine his date of birth. when he fled on foot following the
2pm Kait Borsay chats to the writer An Afghan asylum seeker who told Checks were carried out and a court alleged murder outside a Subway sand-
and actress Sabrina Ali police he was a juvenile murdered a determined he was born in October wich outlet in Bournemouth at about
nightclub DJ by stabbing him as he 2001 and therefore 20 at the time of the 4.30am on March 12 last year.
3.35pm The wildlife presenter Michaela Strachan, acted as a “peacemaker” in a fight over alleged murder, and had been 18 when In CCTV footage Roberts, from
right, tells Jane Garvey and Fi Glover an electric scooter, a court was told. he came to the UK. Bournemouth, could be seen stagger-
about the latest series of Winter Watch Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai, 21, twice Salisbury crown court was told that ing before collapsing seconds later.
7pm Lucy Fisher and Patrick Maguire plunged a knife into the chest of Roberts intervened in the argument The court was told Roberts and Med-
look at the big stories of the day Thomas Roberts, also 21, when he tried between Abdulrahimzai and James way had visited several bars and clubs
to stop the dispute between his friend Medway. Moments later he suffered and were looking for a taxi before the
and the Afghan citizen. two stab wounds to his chest, with one argument over the scooter.
T O D AY ’ S E D I T I O N When police officers arrested Abdul- slicing through his heart. The court was told Abdulrahimzai
rahimzai he told them he was 16 years Nic Lobbenberg KC, for the prosecu- will argue a “loss of control” defence.
old and had entered the UK aged 14. A tion, said Abdulrahimzai, who admits The trial continues.
Satellite launch Biden pressure IMF accused of
in Britain fails over Bolsonaro inquiry snub
The first attempt to
send satellites into orbit
President Biden is
facing calls to extradite
The International
Monetary Fund has
continued from page 1
Thousands of excess deaths Excess deaths Security bill ‘a
Deaths exceeding the
from Britain failed
because of an engine
malfunction that is
the ex-Brazilian leader
Jair Bolsonaro, who
flew to Florida last
been accused of
avoiding scrutiny after
refusing to appear in
LCP analytics who works on the Faculty
of Actuaries’ Continuous Mortality
Investigation, said that even looking at
five-year average
700k chilling threat
under investigation.
Virgin Orbit’s rocket
month. Supporters of
the populist stormed
front of a cross-party
figures adjusted for age, 1963 was the
last time deaths had jumped so much
deaths 650k to journalism’
did make it into space Brazil’s Congress, committee to discuss above the rate three years earlier. 600k
on Monday night after supreme court and its criticism of the “Had we not just had two years of Fariha Karim
it took off from presidential palace on Truss government’s very extreme mortality, 2022 would Five-year 550k
Cornwall. Sunday. mini-budget. really stand out,” he said, adding that it average Nearly 40 media organisations and
was most unusual for there to be month 500k writers have criticised the National
after month of high deaths. “At the start 2000 05 10 15 20 Security Bill for placing public interest
COMMENT 23 LEADING ARTICLES 27 SPORT 56 of the year we were seeing fewer deaths Five-year average remains constant from 2020 onwards journalism and whistleblowers at risk.
THUNDERER 24 MARKETS 42-43 CROSSWORD 66 among older people because a lot of The Foreign Press Association, PEN,
LETTERS 26 REGISTER 49 TV & RADIO TIMES2 those people had frankly already died the causes of the excess, but I find evi- the International Federation of Jour-
[of Covid], but it was clear even then dence around delayed admissions com- nalists, Reporters Without Borders and
FOLLOW US that we were seeing higher deaths pelling”. He said that since the summer the Commonwealth Press Union are
thetimes timesandsundaytimes thetimes among younger people. Since the there had been more than 40,000 ex- among the groups to say that the bill,
spring and beyond we’ve had fairly cess deaths in England and Wales. Ad- which is expected to become law this
consistently high levels at all ages”. justing for an ageing population and year, will have “a chilling effect on the
THE WEATHER McDonald said “it’s undeniable that subtracting Covid “still leaves an legitimate flow of public interest infor-
the NHS crisis is part of the story”, average of around 450 excess non-Cov- mation, creating a blueprint for author-
adding: “Access to healthcare has been id deaths each week since June”. Spie- itarian governments to threaten jour-
a problem all year and that’s been gelhalter said “multiple factors will be nalists, activists and whistleblowers
5 increasing — waiting times for contributing to this: early flu, Covid, the with lengthy prison sentences”.
ambulances [and] A&E. We also know impact of disrupted care in the pan- In a letter to The Times published
there are people who should have got demic, and the acute crisis in the NHS”. today, signatories including Martin
4 32 diagnosed with high blood pressure or Wes Streeting, the shadow health Bright, editor at large of Index on Cen-
should have had a statin who missed secretary, blamed “13 years of Conserv- sorship, Michelle Stanistreet, general
out [when the pandemic began].” ative mismanagement of our health secretary of the National Union of
The Times reported last year that service”, saying: “The NHS is in the big- Journalists, and Quinn McKew, execu-
Professor Sir Chris Whitty, the chief gest crisis in its history and the crisis tive director of Article 19, say they write
8 medical officer for England, had been has a cost in lives.” “as a group of global journalism and
raising alarm in government about an The Department of Health said: media freedom organisations to ex-
36 increase in heart deaths in the middle “There are a wide variety of factors that press our serious concerns about the
age linked to missed care during the may be contributing to excess deaths National Security Bill currently before
pandemic. and the health and social care secretary the UK parliament, and the risk it poses
Rain and blustery showers Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter, a continues to receive regular briefings to whistleblowing and public interest
spreading eastwards, heavy and statistician at Cambridge University, on Covid and flu cases.” journalism”.
wintry in places. said it was “very difficult to divide up
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 2GM 3


Johnson airbrushed from history

The former PM has
mysteriously vanished
from a minister’s photo,
report Geraldine Scott
and Jack Blackburn
The art of political photoshopping is
well known and well honed. Joseph
Stalin erased new enemies from old
pictures, David Cameron super-
imposed a poppy on his lapel for
Remembrance Sunday, Nick Clegg was
reimagined as the Game of Thrones
hero Jon Snow, and the North Korean
government has been manipulating
photos for well over a decade.
Now Boris Johnson has found him-
self the target of the airbrushing wand,
as the former prime minister was edited
out of a photograph with one of his
longest serving cabinet ministers.

Boris Johnson was cut out of a picture of Grant Shapps visiting Spaceport Cornwall, just as Stalin photos were doctored. Johnson was at the Carlton Club last night

Grant Shapps, the busi- men, earning Yezhov the post- “multimillionaire web marketer”, in
ness secretary, cele- humous nickname The Vanishing which he posed under the pseudonym
brated the ultimately Commissar. of Michael Green. He has long been a
unsuccessful rocket In one of the earliest examples of key ally of Johnson’s, first backing him
launch from Spaceport photo tampering, the US president for leader in 2017, after he helped to lead
Cornwall with a photo- Abraham Lincoln attempted to a plot to oust Theresa May as party
graph from a visit to the bolster his image during his 1860 leader. He became known for his
site in June. election campaign. It led to claims spreadsheet skills during Johnson’s
In it, he is shown next that although his face was used on 2019 leadership campaign, totting up
to the LauncherOne an image of him standing regally, the supporters he had secured.
rocket during a trip the body was that of a Southern While some Tories might want to
as transport secretary politician, John Calhoun. erase Johnson from their memories,
under Johnson. George VI was removed from a one ally said: “You can’t get rid of him
He tweeted, before the photograph in which he was that easily.” Last night Johnson was
launch, that the govern- standing with his wife, Queen mobbed as he arrived at the Carlton
ment was “delighted to be Elizabeth, and the Canadian prime Club in central London, where he was
backing the FIRST ever satellite launch Now he finds himself compared to one minister William Lyon Mackenzie King guest of honour at a dinner. Most of
from European soil”. In the accompa- of the Soviet dictator’s key lieutenants. in Banff, Alberta. It was used on King’s those present seemed to be journalists
nying image, posted on his Twitter ac- Nikolai Yezhov is one of the most election poster, prompting claims that and anti-Brexit protesters, however. It
count on Sunday, he appeared alone notorious figures in 20th-century Rus- the editing was designed to show him in comes amid speculation Johnson could
with Spaceport staff, a gap left where sian history. As head of the NKVD a more powerful light. launch a comeback, with his backers
his former boss once stood. between 1936 and 1938, he organised In the original Spaceport photo- endorse anyone rewriting history by re- predicting a return either before or
Shapps insisted yesterday that he did much of Stalin’s Great Purge, which led graph, Johnson stands alongside moving the former PM from a picture.” shortly after an election in 2024.
not know the image had been edited. in the torture and death of millions. Shapps with his brow furrowed and In the Commons, Shapps added: “I After the Virgin Orbit launch failed,
But those looking closely could still However, being an associate of Stalin arm raised, wearing a jacket embla- would never knowingly remove the Shapps told Sky News: “It didn’t work.
spot Johnson’s floating left elbow. And was n full of peril. Yezhov fell from zoned with the words “prime minister”. former prime minister, who I served en- I’ve no doubt that they’ll pick them-
around the body of the LauncherOne favour, was tortured into a confession A source close to Shapps said: “Grant thusiastically, from anything that I put selves up, dust themselves off and
were telltale blurred edges. of anti-Soviet activity and executed in wasn’t aware anyone had edited the out, if I knew it was going out that way.” they’ll go again once they find out what
Johnson has been keen in the past to 1940. He was subsequently airbrushed picture. He removed it as soon as it was Shortly after becoming an MP in exactly went wrong with it.”
compare political opponents to Stalin. from an official photo featuring both pointed out. Obviously he wouldn’t 2005, Shapps had a second job as a

Irish Giant’s skeleton granted privacy £10 vase by Sir Grayson

Jack Blackburn History Correspondent
Kat Lay Health Editor
Reynolds, first president of the Royal
Academy, will be displayed instead.
taken by anatomists, and rejected an
offer to buy his corpse from the surgeon
Perry could fetch £80,000
The decision is a victory for a cam- John Hunter, after whom the Hunter-
When a museum withdraws an exhibit, paign to have Byrne’s body removed ian Museum is named. Instead he Jack Malvern that the vendor acquired the 44cm vase
it is usually the prelude to a debate as to from public display, a movement that wished to be buried at sea when he died after Perry left it behind at one of his
whether or not something has been counted the late author Dame Hilary in 1783, aged 22. A vase featuring a crumpled car and a exhibitions in Essex. The work depicts
“cancelled”. However, the Hunterian Mantel among its supporters. However, Hunter took possession of bare-breasted woman is expected the M11 protests, including a chest-
Museum at the Royal College of “We are delighted to hear the news Byrne’s remains and had them de- to fetch up to £80,000 after it nut tree in Wanstead, east
Surgeons of England has an exhibit that the battle that we and others have fleshed. It became the centre piece of was identified as an early London, felled to make way
that has, if anything, cancelled itself. fought to have Charles Byrne’s skeleton his collection but, while it has contrib- work by the contemporary for a new link road.
The 7ft 7in skeleton of Charles Byrne, removed from the Hunterian has final- uted to medical research, the skeleton artist Sir Grayson Perry. Perry’s breakthrough
the “Irish Giant” from the 18th century, ly been won,” Len Doyal, emeritus has led to centuries of controversy, The vendor picked up the came after he won the
will not be displayed when the museum professor of medical ethics at Queen which was resolved during the recent work for nothing in the early Turner Prize in 2003,
reopens in March, almost 250 years Mary University of London, said. £4.6 million redevelopment of the 1990s, when Perry was offer- which he collected in the
after Byrne said that he did not wish to Byrne suffered from an undiagnosed, museum in Lincoln’s Inn Fields. ing his smaller pots at a car guise of his alter ego, Claire.
be used by anatomists. benign tumour on his pituitary gland The board of trustees agreed not to boot sale for £10. Eastbourne He was knighted in the new
While his withdrawal from public that caused him to have acromegaly display the skeleton but decided to keep Auctions in East Sussex, which year honours last month.
display is in keeping with his wishes, his and gigantism. He was rumoured to be it available for research. is selling the work today, said Jeanette May, who is auc-
remains will still be kept available for able to light his pipe from a street lamp Doyal suspects the museum will still tioning the work, said: “He
“bona fide medical research”. A portrait without standing on tiptoe. let students see the skeleton in private Sir Grayson Perry made the vase created this work when he was
featuring the skeleton by Sir Joshua Byrne asked for his remains not to be and called for Byrne to be buried at sea. when he was a struggling potter really struggling.”
4 2GM Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

News Royal family

William didn’t tell me he was ly more a lunge than a hug, if eyewit-

Charlotte Wace, Ben Ellery
nesses can be believed; Granny the only other solution middle-aged white men”
The Duke of Sussex found out that his
brother was getting married only at the
swerved to avoid contact and the whole
thing ended awkwardly. Every time I
His waspish they would accept was
Option 5, departure.
who had consolidated
power through “bold
same time as the rest of the world.
Harry, 38, had not long returned
tried to picture the scene it reminded
me of a thwarted pickpocketing. I won-
account of At that point the
Queen’s private secretary,
from a trip to Lesotho with the future
Prince of Wales, who “never men-
dered if Pa ever tried? Probably not.
When he was five or six, granny left
the flies Sir Edward Young — who
Harry refers to only by
He writes: “The Bee
was oval-faced and fuzzy
tioned” it before the official announce-
ment of the engagement in 2010. The
him, went off on a tour, and offered him
a firm handshake when she returned.”
on the wall the nickname he gave
him, “the Bee” —
and tended to glide
around with great
Duke of Sussex also claims that the he Duke of distributed drafts of a equanimity and poise, as
court circular — the official record of
royal engagements — is a “scam”, with
some in the family including “blips” to
boost their tally. His book, Spare, was
officially released yesterday, although
many claims were known after the
Spanish edition, En La Sombra [In the
balmoral eau naturelle
Visitors to the late Queen’s Scottish re-
treat were concerned by what came out
of the taps. “Brownish, suggestive of
weak tea, the water often alarmed
guests ,” Harry writes. “Pa would smile
and assure them that nothing was
T Sussex claims in
his book that the
meeting where
the royal family thrashed
out the terms of his and
his wife’s departure from
statement announcing the
implementation of Option
5. Harry writes: “Wait.
I’m confused. You’ve
already drafted a
statement? Before any
discussion? Announcing
if he was a boon to all.”
Of Case, the former
principal private
secretary to prime
ministers David Cameron
and Theresa May and now
the cabinet secretary,
Shade], went on sale last week in error. wrong; on the contrary [the water] was Britain was a “fix” Option 5? In other words, Harry writes: “The Fly
filtered and sweetened by the peat.” (Valentine Low writes). the fix was in, this whole had spent much of his
bible bashing He believes that despite time? This summit was career adjacent to, and
At his school, Ludgrove, Harry prowled phil the grill a pretence at talking just for show?” indeed drawn to, shit. The
the corridors at night. “There was one Prince Philip loved the barbecues he through different He was assured there offal of government and
particular teacher who, whenever he hosted at Balmoral and had a trailer scenarios, the plan was were draft statements for media, the wormy
caught me, would give me a tremen- built to carry all the equipment. always that the royal other options. But they entrails, he loved it.”
dous clout, always with a copy of the Harry reveals that his grandfather family would refuse to were not printed because He says Alderton, a
New English Bible,” he says. “The hard- was a dab hand at making spaghetti compromise. The summit Young told him his career diplomat who
back version. It is indeed, I always bolognese on the coals, while the in January 2020 was printer was “on the blink”. served as ambassador to
thought, a very hard back. Getting hit Queen’s speciality was salad dressing. meant to consider five The passage highlights Morocco, was so “weedy”
with it made me feel bad about myself, options for how the Harry’s attitude to some and “self-effacing” one
bad about the teacher, and bad about charles’s headstands Sussexes might step back senior courtiers. Simon might be tempted to push
the Bible.” But, Harry adds, he would Reminiscing about Balmoral once from their royal duties. Case, William’s private back. “That was when
“flout the rules” again the next night. more, Harry writes of his father’s exer- They ranged from secretary, is referred to he’d put you on his list,”
cise regime to ease aching joints. “Open maintaining the status only as the Fly, while Sir writes Harry. “A short
close shave the wrong door and you might burst in quo, Option 1, to full Clive Alderton, Charles’s time later, without
Harry writes that he screamed in on Pa while his valet was helping him departure, Option 5, private secretary, is called warning, he’d give you
horror and ran to find his brother after dress,” he says. “Worse, you might blun- Harry writes in Spare the Wasp. They were, such a stab with his
friends at Eton shaved his head. der in as he was doing his headstands. that the family discussed Harry said, “three outsized stinger that you’d
Another pupil fetched some clippers “Prescribed by his physio, these exer- the options for an hour. cry out in confusion.
and he was pushed into a chair. “When cises were the only effective remedy for They pressed the Sussexes Harry also spoke to the US Where the f*** did that
the cutter was done I looked down, saw the constant pain in Pa’s neck and back. to stay but barring that magazine People, right come from?”
Old polo injuries, mostly. He per-
formed them daily, in just a pair of box-
ers, propped against a door or hanging
from a bar like a skilled acrobat.”

middle market musk

Harry recalls Charles coming into the
Balmoral bedroom he shared with his
brother smelling of Eau Sauvage, a £74
Dior perfume advertised by Johnny WASP CLIVE ALDERTON BEE EDWARD YOUNG
Depp. He writes: “He’d slather the stuff
on his cheeks, his neck, his shirt. Flow-
ery with a hit of something harsh, like
pepper or gunpowder.”
Harry’s guard carried what appeared penis pillow
to be a gun box after the duke left The Harry uses his book to speak honestly FLY SIMON CASE
Late Show, in New York, this week and in detail about his suffering caused
by a frostbitten penis after a North Pole
a dozen pyramids of ginger on the floor, expedition in 2011. Later there is
like red volcanoes seen from a plane, another reference as he describes how
and knew I’d made a mistake. Of course a friend created a “cock cushion” from
there was nothing Willy could do. “the softest fleece” for a trip to Antarc-
Instead, he laughed like the others.” tica to protect him from developing a
second dose.
The Duke of Sussex was presented
blood sport
Harry says his head was shoved into a
stag carcass after he shot his first deer at
with the aid by a “close mate” before a
335km charity hike for injured veterans
fashion police
William was unhappy at what he had to
wear to his own wedding. “He was
Duke denies he ‘boasted’
Balmoral. “I couldn’t smell anything, across the continent in 2013. Harry suf- wearing the red uniform of the Irish
because I couldn’t breathe. My nose
and mouth were full of blood, guts and
a deep, unsettling warmth.” He writes
fered frostnip during a similar charity
event in the Arctic in 2011.
Guards, not his Household Cavalry
frock coat. He’d asked Granny if he
could wear his Household Cavalry kit
about killing 25 Taliban
that it made him feel close to God. engagement snub and she’d turned him down. As heir, he Keiran Southern Los Angeles adding: “There’s nothing boastful
Harry found out about William’s must wear Number One Ceremonial. about it.”
he chose his burial spot engagement with the rest of the world, “Willy was glum at having so little The Duke of Sussex has denied “boast- Harry blamed the media for twisting
At the Royal Burial Ground, near Frog- despite a trip abroad together. “Soon say in what he wore to get married, ing” about the number of Taliban his words. “Because they had the con-
more House during the Duke of Edin- after we returned to Britain the Palace at having his autonomy taken from fighters he killed in Afghanistan and text. It wasn’t like ‘here’s just one line’,
burgh’s funeral in 2021, Harry recalls announced that Willy was going to him on such an occasion. He’d accused the media of putting his family they had the whole section, they ripped
choosing it as his own resting place. marry. News to me. All that time in told me several times that he felt in danger by twisting his words. it away and just said ‘here it is, he’s
“(We) were now smack in the middle, Lesotho he’d never mentioned it.” frustrated.” Harry, 38, was criticised by military boasting on this’. And that’s dangerous.”
more up to our ankles in bodies than veterans for revealing in his book that Colbert agreed that it was “danger-
Hamlet. Come to think of it . . . didn’t I pre-wedding jitters court circular criticisms he had killed 25 insurgents while on ous” because the words made him and
myself once ask to be buried here? William and Catherine’s nuptials were The court circular is a “scam” and a missions in an Apache helicopter. his family a “target”. Harry replied:
Hours before I’d gone off to war my the “wedding of the century” but Harry, “joke”, Harry writes, claiming that In a teaser clip of his appearance on “And that is a choice they have made.”
private secretary said I needed to the best man, reveals that his focus was certain royals are “obsessed” with it, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the The duke said he had shared the
choose the spot where my remains on trying to calm the mood as the “feverishly striving” to have the prince said that after the contents of number of fighters he had killed to help
would be interred. ‘Should the worst brothers surveyed the crowds in front highest number recorded each year Spare were leaked last week the media veterans to “share their experiences
happen, Your Royal Highness . . . war of them at Westminster Abbey. “I was in and “succeeded by including things spread a “dangerous lie”. without any shame” and “reduce the
being an uncertain thing.’ ” danger of becoming as anxious as the that weren’t, strictly speaking, engage- He said: “Without doubt the most number of suicides”.
groom,” Harry says in Spare. ments, recording public interactions dangerous lie that they have told is that Harry also gave an interview to
queen not a hugger “So I started pacing, shaking my that were mere blips, the kinds of I somehow boasted about the number People magazine in the US, in which he
Unlike his wife, Harry’s “granny” is not arms, listening to the crowd murmur- things Willy and I wouldn’t dream of of people that I killed in Afghanistan.” said he hoped his book would “turn my
a tactile person, the memoir says. ing in the pews. They’d been seated two including.” Colbert described the passage as a pain into purpose”.
“There was a famous story about Mum- hours before we arrived. You just know “very thoughtful description” of the
my trying to hug Granny. It was actual- many of them need a pee.” experience of having killed in action,
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 2GM 5


getting married, Harry claims

Tailor fixed bridesmaids’
dresses at eleventh hour
Ben Ellery were very grateful and sent us a card
The tailor brought in to alter brides- After four days of working on the
maids’ dresses for Prince Harry and dresses, Mirpuri and his team left
Meghan’s wedding said he understood Windsor at 10pm the night before the
why the Duchess of Cambridge had wedding.
been upset about them, because they “Did anyone on the day complain
were a “mess”. about the bridesmaids’ dresses and how
Ajay Mirpuri, 45, told The Times he they looked? The answer is no,” he said.
and his team worked until 4am making He saw no evidence of the rift between
sure that the dresses — which, like the duchesses that Harry wrote about
Meghan’s wedding dress, were made by in his memoir.
the French fashion house Givenchy — “I read the excerpts in the book relat-
were perfect for the big day. ing to us. Everybody was lovely in my
Harry revealed in his memoir, Spare, presence. What goes on behind the
that Catherine had texted Meghan to scenes, I have no idea,” he said.
say that “Charlotte’s dress is too big, too “But in my presence, everybody was
long, too baggy”, adding: “She cried co-operative. Everybody was helpful,
when she tried it on.” The team at Mirpuri Bespoke worked but it was stressful, as any wedding is.
Meghan replied that Mirpuri had extensively on the Givenchy outfits There was a lot going on for them.
been waiting at Kensington Palace “all “It’s a family — I don’t see them as
day” for her to bring Charlotte to have were arriving for fittings and she was in- Sussexes or Cambridges. It’s their situa-
it altered. Harry said he later found troducing us to them, she gave us a bit of tion, their challenge to deal with, and
Meghan “sobbing” on the floor, and the guidance. We had to take in shoulders, they’ll deal with it in the best way they
following morning Catherine came bodies and we had to make them short- know how.”
with flowers to apologise. er. Basically, we had to recut the dress- Since Harry and Meghan
Mirpuri, who runs Mirpuri Bespoke es. We were working to four o’clock in have left for the US Mirpuri
in Bond Street, London, said: “At the the morning. The dresses were a mess, has continued to work for
end of the day [Catherine is] a mother, there’s no denying that. We just had to Meghan. “I did some work for
first and foremost, and her daughter’s fix them. the family and they said the
about to — at three years old — go up “[When] tacking a white dress you alterations to the dresses
on the world stage and be pictured from don’t get second chances. You can’t would be mentioned in
every angle. If the dresses don’t fit, of stain it. You have to be absolutely the book.
course you’re going to be nervous.” clear on what you’re doing. “I really didn’t think
Mirpuri, whose customers include “It’s only the talent of our team and anything of it at the time.
the actors Sir Michael Caine and Tom the hard work that we put in those I didn’t realise it was by
Cruise, developed a relationship with four days [that turned] those dresses name or anything like
Meghan after altering a Burberry dress from what they were to that. If this book had not
for her before her engagement to what they ended up come out, no one would
Harry. He said that he was initially being. have known anything and
brought in to fix the bridesmaids’ hems “I’m not taking everyone would have said,
but “as soon as we saw them, they were anything away from ‘Well done, Givenchy,
far too big and far too long and it turned [Givenchy] and the you’ve done a great job’.
out to be a lot more than that”. dresses were beautiful. But it really wasn’t them.
He added: “I’ve no idea what meas- I don’t know what “I have the utmost re-
urements Givenchy had received, but went on before so I spect for the family and
with our experience and knowledge we would never criticise for the monarchy and every-
could see straight away that all six anybody. thing that it stands for.
bridesmaids’ dresses had to be fixed, as “We were faced “It was just a privilege to be
they weren’t going to fit. with a problem. It able to be of service in our
“The whole thing was ill-fitting. In was a big chal- own small, little way in our
my field, you pick up a dress and you lenge, it was a big risk, little business.”
can see the length, you can see the di- and we came good. Givenchy did not respond to
mensions. Meghan was great. People “Meghan and Harry a request for comment.

Somehow shops still have King picks France for first state visit
copies of memoir to spare Charles Bremner Paris Franco-British summit, Le Parisien
banquet at the Élysée and possible
visits to the National Assembly and the
The King has chosen France for his first The Times reported in October that Senate. The King and Macron are also
Tom Ball Northern Correspondent state visit abroad, with his arrival Canada and the Caribbean were also expected at a hospital or a school or
Emma Penney Times Radio planned for March 27 on a trip expected being considered as the King’s first similar institution.
to help to restore frayed ties, according overseas trip. The British embassy did The Queen will follow a programme
When Princess Diana’s authorised bio- to French media. not react to the latest report but Paris with Brigitte Macron.
graphy went on sale in 1992, queues of President Macron’s aides said he had been expected to be chosen Macron said when he attended the
people lined up outside bookshops to greatly appreciated the king’s gesture in because of historic links and the need to Queen’s funeral that he had invited the
get their hands on a copy. But no such accepting his invitation to come to the restore relations after friction between new King to France and signalled his
queues were seen yesterday when her Spare displayed alongside How to Kill country to which the late queen made Boris Johnson and Macron. The states wish for reconciliation with a tribute to
son’s memoir, Spare, went on sale. Your Family, written by Bella Mackie more state visits than any other. have been at loggerheads over migrant his mother. “Her rare and powerful
Waterstones on Deansgate in Man- “It’s an extremely strong symbol Channel crossings, fishing and the words, her unwavering dignity made
chester opened an hour early at 8am for Waterstones in Piccadilly, central because it will be the first official visit by Northern Ireland protocol. her the constant symbol of the United
the release of Prince Harry’s book. In London, there was no queue. Charles III. The event will be happen- Macron regards Brexit as a disastrous Kingdom,” he said. “We are grateful for
that hour, the store sold five copies, a rate A bookshop in Swindon set up a dis- ing when the king is not yet crowned, error and was reported to have called her deep affection for France.”
that continued throughout the day. play of the memoir next to Bella Mac- which shows that France is a priority Johnson a clown. Liz Truss annoyed France has been closely following the
The stack of Spare copies by the en- kie’s book How to Kill Your Family. Alex for him,” an adviser to Macron told Le Paris by saying she did not know tempest over Prince Harry’s outbursts
trance remained largely intact, al- Call, 35, the owner of Bert’s Books, said Parisien newspaper. whether Macron was friend or foe. Sun- against the royal family, viewing it as
though staff said online sales were Mackie’s book “was already in our The visit would “show the age-old ak has said he wants to mend fences. another episode in a soap opera over a
strong. Like other bookshops, Water- window because it was our bestselling attachment of his country to ours, The Queen made five state visits to dysfunctional family. Commentators
stones is selling the book at half price book of 2022”. He added that there had beyond Brexit, and to mark family France, the first to Paris in 1957 and the and the public always made a distinc-
following leaks before publication. been a “little bit of interest” in Spare, continuity because Elizabeth II was a last to Paris and Normandy in 2014. No tion between the late Queen, who was
Other bookshops around the city, with a few copies being sold. Francophile,” the official said. foreign sovereign has visited the Élysée admired, and other members of the
including EJ Morten in Didsbury, were Rishi Sunak is expected in Paris Palace more often. family. The King has received favour-
not stocking the new release. And at earlier in March for an ice-breaking The Paris stay will include a state able coverage in the French media.
6 2GM Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Oxford ‘needs more cash for courses’

Nicola Woolcock Education Editor sity. But we want to do more.” She
added: “The city and community must
The new vice-chancellor of Oxford also recognise the challenges we face
will seek meetings with the govern- as a world-leading university embed-
ment on university funding to sustain ded not in London, Boston or San
the quality of its courses. Francisco but in a relatively small and
Professor Irene Tracey said the cost beautiful town on the edge of the
of running the university’s degree pro- Cotswolds.
grammes was significant. “Oxford’s size cannot be a limiting
One of her predecessors, Andrew factor in creating opportunities. Let us
Hamilton, said ten years ago that help each other and be ambitious and
degree courses at Oxford cost £16,000 imaginative for what we can co-create
a year to run. Since then the annual here, alongside our local partner in
tuition fee has increased by only £250, Oxford Brookes University.”
to £9,250, a sum that analysts say is Also speaking at Tracey’s inaugura-
worth about £6,500 at 2012 prices. tion ceremony, Oxford’s chancellor,
Tracey, 56, told The Times: “There’s Lord Patten of Barnes, said: “I wish to
no doubt the whole sector is struggling thank Merton [college] for giving up a
in every regard. It’s not just about the fine warden to allow us, I’m sure, to
fees. It’s not just about the cost of living appoint an equally fine vice-chancel-
and the energy crisis. The cost of lor.” He said Tracey — and the univer-
running courses in the university is sity — faced headwinds of a lament-
significant. The amount of time and able national economy and the painful
effort and finances that are poured impact of inflation plus the impact of
into it are great but it’s all at great cost. having had nine education secretaries
So there’s no doubt sustaining that in seven years.
model will require thinking boldly Co-operation was needed between
about how we are supporting that the university and its colleges, Patten
activity financially. said, but the recent dispute between
“It’s a question of having those con- Christ Church and its former dean —
versations with the government. This in which it was criticised by the
is a really good time, I would say this Charity Commission over its handling
year, to start to have some more active of the disagreement with Martyn
conversations about that.” Percy — raised questions about the
In her inauguration speech yester- role of trustees at colleges.
day, Tracey made it clear that she The commission said Christ Church
wanted Oxford to monetise its expert- was guilty of either mismanagement,
ise and bring in more income from misconduct or both, and that the
“spin-out” companies to subsidise the Lord Patten of Barnes, right, Oxford’s chancellor, said its vice-chancellor, Professor Irene Tracey, second left, faced headwinds college’s trustees had not managed the
university. charity’s resources responsibly or
She described Oxford’s endowment [from Oxford] going into politics and ensured it was accountable.
pot (worth £6.3 billion, including those that side of life, which is very public, Profile Patten said: “One recent unfortu-
of its colleges) as “woefully small who were drawn from the humanities nate college dispute . . . inevitably and

compared to our competitors in the then it tends to give an impression that rofessor Harvard. She said her undergraduate and wholly correctly attracted the interest
USA”. that’s where we’re going. Irene Tracey immersion in Oxford graduate studies at of the Charity Commission. The
The university is creating an inno- “But the pandemic unveiled the fact describes gave her an “intimate Oxford were in commission, after a show of consider-
vation district about eight miles from that, of course, there’s that huge herself as the knowledge, plus an biochemistry, where able patience, reached the under-
the city centre, to provide more oppor- research base here, which didn’t “ultimate emotional sense, of her research focused standable conclusion that it raised the
tunities to create spin-outs. This was happen overnight.” insider”. Born and how this place ticks on the early use of question of the role of trustees at our
“fuelling a real thirst for entrepreneur- One of Tracey’s first actions as vice- schooled in Oxford, and of how to get magnetic resonance colleges.
ship” and creating employment chancellor has been to commission she became an things done in such a imaging to study “At the very least, I believe that the
through “porous boundaries between independent analysis of staff pay and undergraduate at the complex and devolved disease. She was a Conference of Colleges will wish to
academia and industry”, she told those conditions, a timely decision as University of Oxford organisation”. It also founding member of engage with the Charity Commission
at the ceremony, held at the univers- another wave of academic strikes is and has worked there meant she knew the Oxford Centre for — which is doing its duty in a spirit of
ity’s Sheldonian Theatre. imminent at universities across the for 25 years (Nicola “where the bodies are Functional MRI of the goodwill — to consider how the ques-
“Sustaining our excellence and glob- country. Woolcock writes). buried” and she said Brain (now the tions that arise can best be resolved.
al position as one of the world’s leading Of her upbringing in Oxford, she No previous vice- one of the biggest risks Wellcome Centre for Other charities will inevitably watch
universities for generations to come said: “Not to detract from the other chancellor, perhaps, was complacency. Integrative what happens with great interest.”
will be challenging without growth vice-chancellors that I’ve worked has been so steeped in Tracey has Neuroimaging) and Tracey, whose parents came from
and diversification of our funding under for most of my career in terms of the town and gown certainly been at the was its director from Liverpool, is the youngest of six child-
streams,” she said. their genuine desire to engage sides of the city. She coalface. She is 2005 to 2015. ren and credits one of her sisters for
Historically, the stereotype was that with the city, but I do have a unique went to a local professor of Her research team helping with childcare at a time when
Oxford was renowned for the arts and window on it.” comprehensive, anaesthetic has contributed to a she and her husband were developing
humanities whereas Cambridge was In her speech, she said: “The uni- Gosford Hill, and is neuroscience in the better understanding their careers.
stronger in science. However, a team at versity’s impact is far greater than our thought to be the first Nuffield Department of pain perception, She has three children with her hus-
Oxford was behind the AstraZeneca contribution to the skyline or tourist Oxford vice- of Clinical pain relief and the band, Myles Allen, who is professor of
coronavirus vaccine. coach parties. We support more than chancellor not to have Neurosciences, a 550- sensation of pain geosystem science at the university
Tracey told The Times: “We knew 28,000 jobs and, pre-pandemic, con- attended a selective or strong department using neuroimaging. and is director of its Oxford Net Zero
that we were really strong and we were tributed £16 billion per year to the UK private school. she led for four years, It has also looked in initiative.
attractive to an international science economy. In her inauguration and says she plans to the altered states of Tracey describes him as “the one
base. We didn’t do a good enough job “I am also acutely conscious of the speech Tracey, 56, continue teaching. consciousness individual without whose constancy,
talking about what we did to different tensions. There is intense pressure on said she had “escaped Until last month she induced by love and support — as well as his devo-
types of audiences. affordable housing in our city. That is the ring road” only was warden of Merton anaesthetics. tion as a father to our three fabulous
“That’s probably why there was a bit why we do our best to house as high a once, for a couple of College, her alma Tracey was made a children and all the while being a
of a perceptual mismatch and I think proportion of our students as possible, postdoctoral years at mater. Her CBE last January. climate warrior — I would not be
when you’ve got such a run of people more than any other large UK univer- standing here today.”

One in three has a degree or similar in race for qualifications

Nicola Woolcock figure was 27.2 per cent. The ONS said, Nick Hillman, director of the Higher south is a serious issue. Alongside edu- age for many years now.” He added: “At
however, that this gap was partly down Education Policy Institute think tank, cation it is the most significant driver of the Convention of the North later this
More people have a degree or equiva- to changes in the way questions were said: “London does well partly because why productivity is lower here than in month we will be pushing hard for
lent than ten years ago and fewer have structured. The total was highest in people move there but also because the London and the South East. Michael Gove [the levelling-up secre-
no qualifications, census data shows. London, with 46.7 per cent of the popu- education system in the capital is very “More skills devolution is already on tary] to rapidly devolve skills budgets as
The Office for National Statistics lation holding such qualifications com- good, thanks to conscious decisions by the cards for Greater Manchester and it part of supercharging all of the eco-
said that there were 11.5 million school- pared with 28.6 per cent of residents in policymakers over many years. cannot come soon enough. Whitehall nomic drivers for the north.”
children and full-time students in 2021 the North East, the English region with “If other areas are to compete with continues to make unwise decisions in In Wales, Cardiff had the highest pro-
in England and Wales, accounting for the lowest proportion. London they need similar levels of in- this area and our metro mayors would portion of people with a level 4 qualifi-
20.4 per cent of the population. Some 18.2 per cent of people, or vestment and commitment. The jury is be far better placed to join the dots cations or above at 40 per cent. Blaenau
Of those aged 16 and over, 33.8 per 8.8 million, in England and Wales had out on whether that is likely to happen between skills policy and local industry Gwent was lowest at 21.6 per cent, and
cent had at least a level 4 qualification, no qualifications, down from 22.7 per given recent political changes.” need. Skills levels in key capabilities in also had the largest proportion with no
such as a higher national certificate or cent in 2011. The highest proportion Henri Murison, chief executive of the the northern economy, including ad- qualifications at 27.9 per cent.
diploma, a bachelor’s degree or post- with no qualifications in England was Northern Powerhouse Partnership, vanced manufacturing and energy, In Scotland, the government delayed
graduate qualification. In 2011 the 21.1 per cent in the West Midlands. said: “The skills gap between north and have lagged behind the national aver- holding the census for a year.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 7


TV star tells Hungry seal

angles for
court: I drove residency at
fishing lake
drunk to flee Ali Mitib
A hungry seal has forced a popular fish-
ing lake to shut for three weeks after
eating £3,000 worth of fish.

a threesome
Nick North, owner of Marks Hall
Fishery in Rochford, Essex, has had to
turn anglers away after the 1.5-metre
long seal moved into his lake. It has
evaded two attempts at capture by the
RSPCA, Essex police and British Divers
Marine Life Rescue.
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor drink-drive limit. Weeks, of Byworth, The grey seal, believed to be about a
West Sussex, admitted drink-driving year old, was first spotted swimming up
A star of the television drama Foyle’s yesterday. She told magistrates that she the River Roach in Essex on December
War has admitted driving her car while had been “expecting to stay the night in 6, having probably swum in from the
being more than twice the legal alcohol a friend’s house in Arundel, but the man North Sea. It was then seen in Marks
limit, saying that she was fleeing a in question invited his lover to the Hall Fishery on December 12.
sexual threesome. property and I was in danger of being North estimated that he had lost
Honeysuckle Weeks, who appeared coerced into sexual actions with them, £2,000-£3,000 in fish stock and more
in ITV’s award-winning detective which I found extremely unwelcome”. than £500 in day tickets to the lake. He
series, told a court that she had no alter- Weeks was said to have no regular was not receiving compensation.
native but to get behind the wheel of income from acting and to be receiving The businessman, who has leased the
her car because she feared she would be universal credit. She said that she
coerced into a sexual encounter with a needed her car to take her son to school
male friend and his lover. every day. However, the magistrates
Weeks, 43, who is on welfare benefits, banned her from driving for 20 months
told Worthing magistrates’ court and fined her £120 with £85 costs
that she had been drinking with and a victim surcharge of £48.
friends in November and was She agreed to undertake a
invited to stay for the night. drink-driving awareness
But her friend invited his course that would reduce her
lover to his house in Arun- driving ban by 20 weeks.
del, West Sussex, and Weeks had been resi-
Weeks became convinced dent at the Chichester
that she would be co- Centre in West Sussex, a
erced into a sexual low-security unit for the
act with the couple. treatment of drug and al- The seal has evaded capture attempts
The actress said cohol problems, the
that she left the court was told. The ac- lake from Rochford district council for
house and ac- tress said she was no 12 years, has had to wait for environ-
knowledged that longer living there. mental agencies to make a third
despite being In 2016 she dis- attempt to capture the seal. The seal has
drunk she drove appeared during a a cut on its head and tail and a suspect-
her silver Honda stay as a voluntary ed blind eye, injuries that were of con-
CR-V SUV. She re- patient at a care cern but deemed not life-threatening.
versed into a parked centre near her home The divers rescue group said that “all
car before driving in West Sussex. At the agencies involved appreciate the detri-
away but returned 15 time, police issued an mental effect on the other species in the
seconds later. An off- appeal saying that her be- lake”. It added: “Seals are capable of
duty police officer haviour had been “con- Honeysuckle Weeks starred alongside Michael Kitchen in the TV series Foyle’s living healthily in freshwater, however,
who observed the in- cerning”. She was found War which began in 2002. She made no comment as she left court yesterday it is obviously not a natural location for
cident stopped the safe and well. this one. We need to give it a short
car and realised that Weeks joined the cast as a driver and assistant to Detective 2005. The couple were married in the period to settle again after the last two
the driver was drunk. of Foyle’s War, set during Chief Superintendent Christopher UK two years later at a ceremony in attempts.”
After failing to and after the Second Foyle, played by Michael Kitchen. West Sussex. They were understood North, 67, was worried that after eat-
submit to a roadside World War, from its Weeks has appeared in other televi- to have split in 2019, with Weeks tweet- ing carp weighing 10lb the seal could
breath test, Weeks launch in 2002. She sion series, including Midsomer Mur- ing a picture of a sign bearing the turn its attention to the larger, more
was taken to a police played Samantha Stew- ders, The Ruth Rendell Mysteries and initials L&H with pink hearts burning expensive carp in the lake, which can
station where a art, a member of the Death in Paradise. on a bonfire and captioned: “By bye weigh up to 30lbs. It was “pretty stress-
breath test registered Mechanised Transport She married Lorne Stormonth- marriage.” ful” to be told that the seal, by virtue of
that she was more Corps who was seconded Darling, a hypnotherapist, in a Bud- Weeks made no comment as she left being protected by English law, had
than twice the legal to the police and worked dhist ceremony in the Himalayas in court. more rights than the fish in the lake.

Petrol is cheapest since Russia invaded Car park fees set to soar
Ben Clatworthy Transport Correspondent should be, adding: “Indicative of the
chaos of UK pump pricing and the
ly erased savings. The freeze ends in
as councils run out of cash
The price of a litre of petrol has fallen to rampant exploitation of drivers by Diesel now averages 172.21p a litre,
its lowest since Russia began its assault many fuel retailers, the AA spotted having been 153.05p when the Russian Ben Clatworthy authorities make almost £1.8 billion a
on Ukraine last February. supermarket and non-supermarket invasion began, according to the AA. It year from parking fees.
The average pump price across the retailers yesterday charging less than hit a record of 199.07p on July 1. Motorists face double-digit rises in Jack Cousens, head of roads policy
UK has fallen below 150p for the first 140p a litre in south Wales and North- Last month the Competition and parking charges as councils scramble for the AA, told the Daily Mail: “Resi-
time since February 24. ern Ireland. Markets Authority said drivers, partic- for ways to boost their coffers. dents could soon ‘vote with their
The price of petrol and diesel soared “How fuel stations in areas of big ularly those with diesel cars, were the Southend, York, Rutland, Thanet wheels’ and decide it’s easier to avoid
after President Putin launched the in- populations and high volume sales can victims of “rocket and feather” pricing, and the London borough of Waltham the town centre and shop online.”
vasion, hitting 191.53p a litre on July 3 — charge well over 10p more for fuel than in which pump prices quickly reflect Forest are among the local authorities Families across the country are also
taking the cost of filling the average in rural parts of the UK is a question rising wholesale costs but are slow to that have announced they will increase braced for a 5 per cent increase in
family car tank over £100. that the Competition and Markets fall when costs drop. parking fees by about 10 per cent from council tax bills from April.
Luke Bosdet, a spokesman for the Authority will have to address.” Motorists can expect a sharp rise in April. In Cornwall, charges will rise by A spokesman for the Local Govern-
AA, said: “A 41.8p-a-litre crash in the The big increase in fuel prices last fuel prices, however. After the autumn 29 per cent at the most popular tourist ment Association, which represents
average pump price of petrol is a huge year forced Rishi Sunak, when he was statement the Office for Budget spots, taking an hourly ticket to £2.20. hundreds of councils across England
relief for drivers, cutting £22.99 from the chancellor, to cut fuel duty by 5p a Responsibility warned that fuel duty is In Dudley, in the West Midlands, the and Wales, said local authorities were
the cost of filling the typical 55-litre car litre in his spring statement. The expected to rise by 23 per cent in 2023, price of an all-day ticket will rise by 43 under intense financial pressure,
tank.” measure was designed to save motorists adding 12p a litre to the cost of petrol per cent to £5. Bristol city council will adding: “The cost of providing public
But he said that petrol prices were 6p once VAT was factored in, but sharp and diesel. double the cost at some of its car parks. services has dramatically increased
“still historically way above” what they rises in the wholesale price of oil quick- Government figures show that local with rising inflation.”
8 2GM Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

News Politics

999 warning as
call handlers join
ambulance strike
Eleanor Hayward Health Correspondent day’s strike would “hit the NHS harder”,
adding: “With more staff expected to
Control room staff who answer 999 strike this time, the NHS is in an even
calls will walk out today alongside para- more precarious position. Since the last
medics in a strike escalation the NHS strikes, delays transferring patients
said would “intensify risks to patients”. from ambulances to hospitals have got
Up to 25,000 ambulance workers are worse as pressure across the whole of
striking across the country, including the NHS increases.
call handlers, who were not involved in “Trust leaders are working hard to
the first day of action, December 21. minimise the impact on patients and to
Ambulance bosses urged patients to support staff during the industrial
be “really helpful” by not calling 999 action but they are braced for another
unless their lives were in danger, warn- day of significant disruption and
ing that only about half of vehicles knock-on effects.”
would be available and anyone whose Matthew Taylor, chief executive of
condition was not life-threatening was the NHS Confederation, said: “With
“unlikely” to get an ambulance. Call handlers who take part will give prolonged NHS staff strike action in
Control room staff, who answer 999 the strike a bigger impact, Unison says the offing, the fear is that the risk to
calls and dispatch vehicles, will join patients will intensify in the days and
picket lines in staggered six-hour shifts. trusts fear that today’s strike will be weeks ahead.”
The strike by members of the Unison more disruptive than the first one in The strike comes amid record waits
and GMB unions will affect all NHS re- December both because more staff are for ambulances and entry to A&E de-
gions except the East of England. involved and because hospitals are bus- partments which doctors have warned
Christina McAnea, the head of Uni- ier than they were before Christmas. are causing 500 deaths a week. The
son, said involving call handlers would Members of the armed forces are on NHS issued a rare safety alert after inci-
“put additional stress on the system” standby to drive ambulances if needed, dents of patients suffering heart attacks
compared with the previous strike, and despite anger from some soldiers that because they did not have sufficient ox-
that because hospitals had fewer empty they are being used as “spare capacity” ygen supply while in corridors or A&E
beds than before it would be “more dif- to fill in for striking public sector staff. waiting rooms waiting for a bed.
ficult” for them to cope. Daniel Elkeles, chief executive of the Another day of ambulance strikes is
“When you speak to NHS employers, London Ambulance Service, said: due to take place on January 23, but the
they’re particularly worried about the “Hospitals are really, really full, so I unions said these would be called off if
impact of bringing out call handlers,” would just ask the public to be really the government made an improved pay
she said. helpful again tomorrow and only offer. There is cautious optimism about
Patients will be guaranteed a re- phone us if they have a life and limb- a pay deal for NHS staff after talks on
sponse only if they have an immed- threatening emergency.” Monday after which both sides said
iately life-threatening condition, such He said the service expected only “progress” had been made.
as cardiac arrest. Such calls are known about 200 ambulances in the capital to Steve Barclay, the health secretary, is
as Category 1.
Unions have made local agreements
be available — roughly half — and that
striking call handlers could be called off
considering union suggestions of back-
dating a 2023-24 pay rise to the start of
Sunak flies into a transport storm
to exempt paramedics from picket lines
to respond to the most severe Category
2 calls, including those for strokes and
heart attacks. But thousands of patients
with Category 3 or 4 conditions, such as
the picket line.
He said: “If our call-answering time
takes too long then staff will come from
the picket line back into answering the
phone, so that we can know that we can
this calendar year, a way of boosting
pay now without reopening this year’s
McAnea said: “We can do a deal with
the Department of Health but it only
D owning Street
has defended
Rishi Sunak’s
decision to fly from
London to Leeds, after
(Henry Zeffman
A photo published
by No 10 showed the
prime minister
plane for the journey
to visit a healthcare
centre in Chapel
Allerton, a suburb of
Leeds, on Monday.
falls by elderly people, will have to make provide life and limb-threatening cover.” works if you’re able to free up money Labour said it was an boarding a Royal Air The planes are used to
their own way to hospital or wait until Miriam Deakin, of NHS Providers, from the Treasury, so we recognise we “extravagance” Force Envoy IV CC “transport key
Thursday for an ambulance. NHS an organisation for NHS trusts, said to- have to engage with the Treasury.”

90-year-old’s three days in A&E chair Quentin Letts

Eleanor Hayward were no beds in her usual hospital in “Delays in ambulances and A&E are

A grandmother with suspected sepsis

was forced to spend three days sitting
on a chair in an overcrowded A&E
Aberystwyth so he said, ‘I think there
might be more of a chance in Glangwili
in Carmarthen’.
“As soon as we arrived . . . I’m
the worst on record. More than one in
four patients arriving at A&E by
ambulance last week had to wait at least
an hour to be handed over to hospital
Shapps, annoying as
waiting room.
Morwen Griffiths, 90, woke with
breathing difficulties and a high tem-
basically speechless still trying to
explain the situation of seeing ten
standstill ambulances and the A&E
In the last week of December, 2,674
ambulances waited more than an hour
he is, could have a point
perature but was told there “weren’t room absolutely packed. each day on average, which is twice as
any ambulances”. “It was surreal. It was just patients be- many as the peak last winter. levels”. Opposition MPs did not take
Her family drove her to Glangwili hind each other on the corridor, Health bosses are urging patients to Political Sketch this idea calmly. There was neck-
Hospital in Carmarthen, people in front of the toilets, seek emergency care as usual when clutching on a scale not seen since
South Wales, but there people just queuing any- ambulance staff strike in England and Prince William last met his brother.
were no beds available where you could find Wales today but have warned that some One Labour man, Sam Tarry, said
and patients were some room. To watch people will have to wait longer than it was worse than living in Vichy
stranded in corri- someone as ill and usual. Dr Vin Diwakar, NHS England France or Franco’s Spain. Another,

dors. Despite as close to me as medical director for secondary care, ot since Tom Daley Richard Burgon, called our
having low oxy- my mamgu going said: “The message from the NHS to wriggled into his government “the most authoritarian
gen levels, she through it, was patients is clear — if you need emer- skimpies at the regime in living memory”.
was left sitting tragic.” gency care, please come forward. Olympics have so many Recipients of trade-union funding
on a chair in the Hywel Dda “This means continuing to call 999 people gone off the screamed that a “draconian”
emergency unit University for life-threatening emergencies as well deep end so spectacularly. outrage was afoot from the “rancid”
for three days. health board, as using 111 online for other health Grant Shapps stood at the Tories. A Scots Nat, David Linden,
Her grand- which runs the needs where you will receive clinical dispatch box to discuss the strikes. spat out that Britain was “a silly
daughter, Caryl hospital, apolo- advice on the best next steps to take. The business secretary proposed little island”. Double the diazepam
Griffiths, 27, said: gised for the waits. NHS staff have worked hard to that vital workers in sectors such order, doctor.
“The GP wanted us to minimise disruption but it is inevitable as recue and emergency should in Shapps is, it must be conceded, an
go straight to A&E with Caryl Griffiths cares for there will be an impact on services.” future provide “minimum service irritating fellow. That puppyish
her. We were told there her grandmother Morwen
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 2GM 9


Lords could impose

year’s delay on law
to restrict walkouts
Steven Swinford Political Editor What happens in Europe?
NHS leaders accused the government
of using new strike laws to “silence France
workers in their hour of need” as oppo- Minimum service laws were first
sition threatens to delay the legislation introduced in France in 2007, giving
for more than a year. transport authorities explicit legal
Grant Shapps, the business secretary, powers to force striking workers to
yesterday published legislation to force come to work if they fail to provide
unions to provide a minimum level of a minimum level of service. The
service when they strike. It would cover legislation has never been used.
six sectors: transport, NHS workers,
firefighters, education, border security Spain
and nuclear decommissioning. Last year Spain’s transport ministry
Under the proposals employers will introduced a new minimum service
be able to sue unions that fail to provide law for flights to deal with industrial
a minimum level of service and sack action by Ryanair cabin crew. The
employees. Labour opposes the legis- government also reserves the right
lation, accusing the government of to impose compulsory arbitration in
going from thanking workers to sack- the event of harm to the economy.
ing them for striking.
The plan is expected to meet strong Italy
opposition in the Lords, with some in Essential public services, including
government concerned that it could health, water, energy and public
take more than a year to pass. No 10 transport, have to retain a
hopes the legislation will get through minimum level of service. Armed
this year, although even then unions forces and police are banned from
may mount a legal challenge. striking.
The NHS Confederation, represent-
ing health service leaders, criticised the
plans. Matthew Taylor, its chief execu- that the new legislation would “poison
tive, said: “There are rising waiting lists industrial relations”. He added: “This
and treatment backlogs, a vacancy legislation would mean that, when
crisis with 133,000 posts unfilled, workers democratically vote to
under-investment in the infrastructure strike, they can be forced to work and
and NHS pay that has failed to keep up sacked if they don’t comply. That’s
with the rising cost of living. undemocratic, unworkable, and
“This new legislation will not change almost certainly illegal. Let’s be clear: if
that as it does not address the funda- passed, this bill will prolong disputes
mental concerns facing NHS staff. In- and poison industrial relations —
stead, it could be seen as an attempt to leading to more frequent strikes.”
silence workers in their hour of need Angela Rayner, Labour’s deputy
and sweep the problem under the rug.” leader, described the legislation as “an
Shapps told MPs that the govern- attack on the fundamental freedom of
military and the government Rishi Sunak prime minister jets takes will vary, and ment “absolutely believes in the right to the working people.”
diplomatic personnel reveal how much cut the from London to Leeds always be done in the strike” but is “duty-bound” to protect Shapps said similar laws were already
around the world money was “wasted” time of his for a photo op.” interest of what’s the lives and livelihoods. The government in place on the Continent. He told
quicker and more on the half-hour journey to By train the most effective use of plans initially to introduce legislation MPs: “Labour will have to explain
efficiently than flight. Leeds by journey takes his time, enabling for ambulance staff, firefighters and rail why their leader, without hearing any
before”, according to She said: “Patients boarding a about two and a him to get around workers. Ministers will consult on appro- details of this legislation, had already
the RAF. and staff are crying plane but half hours. the entirety of the priate minimum service levels. Planss for pledged to stand in the way of this
Angela Rayner, out for action . . . in has fuelled Sunak’s spokesman UK when there’s a education, border security and nuclear legislation.”
Labour’s deputy the midst of a crisis in criticism said: “The transport great deal of pressure decommissioning, will be held back in
leader, demanded that our NHS while the the prime minister on his time.” the hope that deals can be reached.
Paul Nowak, head of the TUC, said

bounce he has, the implausibly

sandy hair, the grin stretching to his
minded observer would have to
admit that ministers had a duty to
was “playing politics!” How
troubling to think of the cathedral
PM may need Truss’s plan
cheek bones: these things can soon the public. He, personally, did not of our legislature being used for
make you snap your pencil.
The Dalai Lama, if exposed to the
wish to see people die of heart
attacks or strokes because some
such a purpose.
Shapps, enjoying himself more
if peace doesn’t come soon
Rt Hon gentleman for more than a ambulance crew had gone on strike with each of these Technicolor
few minutes, might start kicking the without informing local health sallies, replied that the minimum Analysis also became clear to Sunak that the
temple lhasa apso. Shapps could managers. If minimum services service levels he was seeking were unions were prepared for a long haul
make Justin Welby say the F-word.
He could drive Liz Hurley to a
nunnery and he could have snails
doing somersaults into the nearest
bubbling skillet of sauce
were not being provided, it was his
responsibility to act. Shapps trusted
that his opponents would see that
this was only sensible.
All this was put in the lightest of
already agreed with unions in
modern European democracies
such as France and Spain. It was at
this point that Tarry leapt in to
denounce the Vichy and Franco
J ust 127 days after Liz Truss
entered Downing Street and 78
days after she left, the anti-strike
law tabled in parliament yesterday
may become the most enduring
and that a de facto general strike was
incompatible with his mission to
bring calm to the country after a
year of political turmoil.
Still, there is something slightly
bourguignonne. You wouldn’t want voices, moderation ironed to his regimes. legacy of her brief period as prime jarring about the strike laws being
Shapps in a Nato war room. His brow. Shapps quietly suggested that minister (Henry Zeffman writes). tabled precisely at the point of
incessant zing might make a For Labour’s Andy McDonald France and Spain had “moved on It was Truss, not Rishi Sunak, who cautious optimism in government
marshal of the air force smash the (Middlesbrough), it was not sensible just a little bit” since those proposed an aggressive approach that deals might be struck, at least
table with his fist, accidentally at all. It was Too Much. It was governments. during the Conservatives’ summer with the health unions.
hitting the nuke button. Beyond A Joke. McDonald, not Laura Farris (C, Newbury), an leadership campaign, promising to The reason the move is not more
Even so, Labour and the Scots necessarily one of Westminster’s employment lawyer, noted that get minimum service requirements immediately incendiary is because
Nats should probably not have risen more refined specimens, cupped his minimum service levels were into law within 100 days. the legislative process is long. The
to the bait. In a lunchtime statement lips with one hand and bawled found in South Africa, Argentina Sunak initially adopted a more bill is likely to take a while in the
Shapps put his initial proposal in an insults at the minister. The other and elsewhere. Well, what do you emollient approach as prime Lords and few expect the minimum
artfully constructive tone. He McDonald hand scratched at its expect from a bunch of Boers and minister. Last month his tone service rules to be in law before the
presented himself as Mr Reasonable, master’s itchy undercarriage. He Third Reich-fancying Peronists? changed, announcing at a session of summer.
his door ever open to talks, the accused Shapps of “declaring war on As for the Sunak government, PMQs that he would re-examine It is presumed that Sunak would
honest broker whose belief in the working people”. Comrade Burgon was surely right. Truss’s plans. It had become clear to wish for a compromise to end many
right to strike was cemented to his Angela Rayner, Labour’s deputy We are in the grip of despots. Rishi Sunak that the unions’ demands for of the disputes by then. However, if
core. And yet, and yet — at this leader, called the proposal a would clearly be a goose-stepper, if higher pay was incompatible with strikes are still going on and he
point he pursed his lips with “Sacking Nurses Bill” and accused only he didn’t wear such tight the central creed of his premiership: needs to invoke the new law, another
statesmanlike maturity — any fair- Shapps of being “utterly stupid”. He trousers. that inflation will come down if the confrontation with the unions would
government shows fiscal restraint. It be the least of his political problems.
10 2GM Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Taxman is taken to task by MPs Quintagram® No 1522

Solve all five clues using each
letter underneath once only

after failing to collect £42 billion

1 In good shape (3)

2 Senior academic (6)

David Byers Assistant Money Editor public spending black hole,” Dame Meg to HMRC, in which he could not find 3 Light motorcycle (7)
Hillier, chairwoman of the committee, What that could pay for out what happened, Preston eventually
Failures at HM Revenue and Customs said. hired a solicitor to represent the family. -------
mean £42 billion in taxes have not been “But the public purse will continue Subsidising the energy costs for all HMRC apologised after being contact- 4 Assimilating knowledge (8)
collected and people are being let down missing out on billions of desperately households for 18 months ed by The Times.
by poor customer service. needed revenues. Meanwhile taxpay- (calculations by consultancy Experts welcomed the report and --------
The taxman has been criticised by ers battle customer services that need Cornwall Insight in November) backed its calls for urgent action. Alex 5 Selling online (1-7)
the Commons public accounts commit- improvement.” Dunnagan, of TaxWatch, said £42 bil-
tee for not dedicating enough resources In October, The Sunday Times re-
6 The annual wages of three
quarters of staff in the NHS lion of unpaid tax was “ staggering”. --------
to tracking down lost or stolen revenue, vealed that a £100 million anti-fraud (Department for Health and Social Susan Ball, president of the Char- A A A C D E E E
which it says works out as 5 per cent of taskforce set up by Rishi Sunak as chan- Care figures) tered Institute of Taxation, said: “The
the country’s entire tax burden each cellor had been disbanded. It had re- delays that taxpayers and their advisers E E F G G I I I
year. A total of £4.5 billion of the miss- couped less than £625 million stolen or 6 40 per cent of the annual state face are not acceptable. Our members I L L N N N O O
ing money was taken from the Covid-19 overclaimed from Covid-19 support pension burden (HMRC figures) tell us every day of the delays getting
support schemes administered by the schemes administered by HMRC, in- answers and action from HMRC.” R R R R S T T T
6 The annual tax shortfall caused
department during the pandemic. cluding the furlough scheme, the self- by Brexit (Centre for European Christine Jardine, the Liberal Demo- Solutions MindGames in Times2
TaxWatch, an investigative think employed income support scheme and Reform) crat Cabinet Office spokeswoman, said: Cryptic clues page 10 of Times2
tank, said that if the £42 billion of tax the Eat Out to Help Out programme. “Ministers need to immediately get a
owed was divided evenly among the Last January, Lord Agnew of Oulton, 6 The annual GDP of Bolivia (IMF) grip on this situation, anything less
34 million income tax payers in 2022, it the counter-fraud minister, quit at the would be a failure for millions of people Uranium at Heathrow
would amount to £1,235 each. Lords dispatch box, attacking the struggling with the cost of living crisis.”
The committee also demanded that “desperately inadequate” efforts to stop has bolted — but we believe there is a A HMRC spokesman said the de- Counterterrorism police are
HMRC publish a three-year plan to taxpayers’ money being stolen. moral duty to pursue fraud. HMRC partment had cut the “tax gap” — the investigating after Border Force
revive its troubled customer services. It In its report, published today, the must ensure dishonesty is not seen to difference between the amount of tax officers seized material
highlighted that staff numbers had committee urges HMRC to set out create advantage,” Hillier said. owed and that which is actually collect- contaminated with uranium at
been cut by 24 per cent in the past five “what level of investment” its compli- The Times investigated poor cus- ed — by 30 per cent. “We continue to Heathrow. The package
years, from 25,500 to 19,500, while per- ance team would need to track down tomer service at HMRC during the prioritise collecting unpaid taxes, originated from Pakistan, arrived
formance continued to deteriorate. lost or stolen tax, to set formal targets for summer, revealing chronic delays at which is why are adding further people on a flight from Oman and was
The 22-page report also criticised the what money it should get back, as well as more than half of the tax office’s depart- to our compliance teams as well as roll- destined for Iranian nationals
department for lagging behind inter- to report more accurately on what ments, with some queries taking almost ing out our digital offer to ensure every- when it was picked up on
national counterparts such as Ger- money is actually owed. The committee a year to answer. one pays what is due,” he said. “The December 29, according to The
many in its attempt to stop businesses added it was “disappointed” in HMRC’s In one example, Jeff Preston, 66, was Covid support schemes protected mil- Sun. Scotland Yard said the
committing VAT fraud. plan to recover only a quarter of its unable to register the estate of his late lions of jobs and businesses during the amount of contaminated material
“The eye-watering £42 billion now £4.5 billion losses to Covid-19 fraud. mother Joan, who had died aged 98, to pandemic. We also minimised fraud was “extremely small” and posed
owed to HMRC in unpaid taxes would “We recognise the problems HMRC execute her will in Scotland because through compliance checks and have no threat to the public. No one
have filled a lot of this year’s infamous faces — due to poor controls, the horse HMRC had lost it. After months of calls protected £1.2 billion so far.” has been arrested.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 11

What went wrong
Low Earth orbit
311 miles

Return 6 Second stage fails to
flight IRELAND guide the rocket to
UK its designated orbit

Drop Spaceport
point Cornwall
5 Second-stage
engine ignites
but suffers an
FRANCE unknown
AT L A N T I C “anomaly”

Elation turns

flight direction
7 Midnight: 747

to despair as
returns to
SPAIN Cornwall in

Cornish space 1 Jan 9, 10.02pm: Jet launches

from Spaceport Cornwall. It
4 Stage 1 separates
and falls into ocean
3min 13sec
64.2 miles

launch flops
climbs to 35,000ft

Kaya Burgess Science Reporter tumbled when New York’s Nasdaq ex- 3 11.10pm: Main engine 8 Multimillion-pound cargo of nine
change opened yesterday, down 20 per successfully starts satellites left to break up in the
Callum Jones 4.8sec atmosphere or lands in the sea
US Business Correspondent cent on Monday and 83 per cent since
its market debut. Investors had been 6.86 miles
Tears were shed in mission control by primed to expect up to six launches in 453mph
LauncherOne 70ft long
“gutted” crew members as they learnt last year. It managed two.
One hour after take-off, just before 24.3 tonnes
that the first attempt to send satellites Dan Hart, the Virgin Orbit chief ex- rocket drop, the pilot tilted nose 2 Rocket under left
into orbit from the UK had failed — but ecutive, said the company knew it had wing detaches
of 747 to 32.5 degrees Time: 0sec
officials said it still counted as the first not given customers “the launch ser- skywards (close to the
space launch from British soil. vice they deserve”. He added: “We will Altitude: 6.67 miles Man to
maximum the aircraft Speed: 499mph
Virgin Orbit’s rocket did make it into work tirelessly to understand the can cope with) scale
1st stage 2nd stage
space on Monday night after taking off nature of the failure, make corrective 32.5°
and payload
from Cornwall, but did not make it into actions, and return to orbit as soon as
orbit owing to an engine malfunction we have completed a full investigation
now under investigation. The an- and mission assurance process.” Cornwall,” she said. “[But] we’re feeling
nouncement shortly before midnight An air accident investigation is ex- Behind the story awful, I’m not going to lie. It’s gutting.”
prompted groans from a 2,000-strong pected to be held by bodies that could She added, however: “We’ve proven

crowd who had been on site since 7pm. include the Civil Aviation Authority 27 per cent the engine meant that failures are expected. we’re a spaceport. We launched last
The rocket’s cargo of nine satellites is and Department for Transport and US chance of it could not reach its The next phase is a night . . . we can do it again.”
thought to have fallen back into the investigators. They will assess whether failure. orbit and the rocket, six-minute burn by Josh Western, 30, co-founder of
Earth’s atmosphere to burn up. Their any debris made it back to Earth and Buried in with all nine satellites the second-stage Space Forge, creator of the first Welsh
value has not been publicly confirmed, where it might have fallen. the still on board, plunged engine, when 6.75 of satellite, which was lost on Monday,
but the mission was insured. The Boeing 747 carrying the rocket documents submitted back down. every 100 missions said he would be happy to launch
A UK Space Agency official said took off at 10.02pm. The rocket de- to the Civil Aviation The first phase of are expected to fail — another satellite on a Virgin mission.
Spaceport Cornwall fulfilled its func- tached and ignited its first-stage engine Authority ahead of the launch, carried the same rate as for Emma Jones, who worked on the
tion perfectly and said the UK had now at 11.10pm. However, an “anomaly” in Britain’s first attempt out using a Boeing the final phase, a Dover pathfinder satellite, said: “We
achieved a space launch and had the ca- the second-stage engine prevented the to launch satellites 747, is fairly routine. 30-second burn to cracked open a bottle of champagne
pability to “dust ourselves off and go rocket from reaching its orbital speed of from UK soil, a risk The complications precisely position the and said: ‘Let’s do this again. It’s not
again” for more launches. There are 17,000mph and altitude of 550km. The analysis laid bare the begin at the point spacecraft. over yet.’ ” The Ministry of Defence, the
hopes Virgin Orbit will return to engine only fired for one minute challenges of getting a when the rocket’s Investigations are Sultanate of Oman and the US
Cornwall this year. rather than the planned three. It rocket into orbit engines take over. now under way to National Reconnaissance Office also
Risk assessment documents is not clear whether it cut off (Kaya Burgess writes). In the first phase, assess what precisely lost satellites.
seen by The Times show that early, or if mission controllers Virgin Orbit the rocket detaches went wrong with the Asked about the scene in mission
Virgin Orbit gave its missions a stopped it on realising that planned for 17 from the plane to second-stage engine, control, Matt Archer, head of commer-
27 per cent chance of failure and something was wrong. launches from British free-fall for five amid speculation that cial spaceflight at the UK Space Agen-
expected four of its 17 launch- Melissa Thorpe, the head soil between 2022 and seconds before its it could have been an cy, said: “Definitely tears. Definite hug-
es from UK soil before 2030 of Spaceport Cornwall, had 2030 and expected first-stage engine issue with the mixing ging and consoling. When you’ve in-
to fail. Virgin Orbit’s stock been working towards four of these to fail. ignites. This is of the engine’s fuel, a vested that much time, energy and
this launch for nine It was the historic assessed as the combination of liquid emotion, understandably people are
Dan Hart, CEO of years. “We’ve done first attempt that was riskiest part of the oxygen and the upset . . . we will dust ourselves off and
Virgin Orbit. Top, everything we said the first to fail. mission. Out of every kerosene-based go again. That’s space.”
a crowd watches we were going to Some “anomaly” in 100 missions, 13 propellent RP-1.
the 747 take off do at Spaceport

Rocket science teaches us that failure is just part of the solution

It is a “glass half full” versus “glass ignition. But at some point during the over all the data they received, trying on its first flight but has had four
Alice Bunn half empty” story. The spaceport firing of the rocket’s second-stage to figure out what happened. subsequent successful flights. The
Comment operations were flawless on the last engine, with the rocket travelling at And one would hope that most of failure was a surprise to everyone
night, the first stage was impeccable, more than 11,000mph, the system the satellite manufacturers have a given it has had four successful flights
but we ran into problems at the experienced an anomaly. flight spare or the ability to rebuild in a row.

he failure of the mission is a second stage. There are all sorts of things that the satellite pretty quickly. Looking forward, we have the
bit crushing, but we know Until Virgin Orbit does its full could go wrong at the second stage. As with all these missions, the conditions and regulations in place
not to celebrate too early in analysis we will not really know what Did the fuel come in properly? Was it margins are so tight, you do not want for launches, the spaceport conditions
the space sector. It is always the cause of the failure was, how the ignition? Sometimes there can be to take any extra fuel than necessary were really good, so we have to hope
important to wait until you quick it will take to remedy and how an issue from the ground station, and are always trying to keep the we will see them return pretty soon.
get that positive signal from the right quickly we can expect them to get about the commands being received. weight to a minimum, so you are Dr Alice Bunn is chief executive of
orbit. Sometimes these things happen back on the launchpad. The mission tracking was always operating at the cutting edge. the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
when you are working at the cutting We know the flight went through a happening from Goonhilly Earth It really is rocket science. and president of UKspace, the trade
edge of technology. successful stage separation and Station in Cornwall. They’ll be poring Virgin Orbit did suffer a problem association for the UK space industry
12 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Just Stop Oil backer’s firm

donated £360,000 to Labour
Henry Zeffman Associate Political Editor was running for the leadership in 2020 that except sometimes to take to the
and £10,000 to Angela Rayner, his streets. We’ve reached a point where
Sir Keir Starmer and Labour have re- deputy, last October. taking to the streets is the only power
ceived hundreds of thousands of Vince, 61, is also the owner and chair- we’ve got. We’ve just given permission
pounds from a multimillionaire busi- man of Forest Green Rovers, a League to a new coal mine in the teeth of [the]
nessman who also funds Just Stop Oil. One football team that under his watch climate crisis. What are we to think and
Dale Vince, who owns the electricity has rocketed up the divisions as well as do about that?”
company Ecotricity, has given to both serving fans only vegan food and play- Vince said he had donated to Labour
causes, even though Starmer has criti- ing in kits made from bamboo and to “help them win, to help them into
cised the activist group. waste coffee grounds. government so they have the chance to
Since the last election Ecotricity has He differs from Starmer in his deliver their agenda, which is my agen-
given Labour £360,000. Vince’s com- approach to Just Stop Oil, the activist da, social justice and a green economy”.
Dale Vince said he thought Sir Keir Starmer would be “a great prime minister” pany gave Starmer £20,000 when he group whose campaign against fossil He said he had spoken to Starmer
fuels has included protesters glueing twice and met him only once.
themselves to roads and throwing soup “I’m a particular fan of his, the way he
at works of art in public galleries. goes about things and the things he
Asked about Just Stop Oil last year, says,” Vince said. “I think he’d be a great
Starmer said he backed the govern- prime minister.”
ment’s plans to impose tough sentences Questioned about why Starmer took
on climate protesters who blocked money from Vince despite their differ-
roads. He said: “I think it’s arrogant of ent opinions of Just Stop Oil, Jon Ash-
those glueing themselves to the road to worth, the shadow work and pensions
think they’re the only people that have secretary, told Sky News: “I think that
got the answer to this. They haven’t got shows you that people cannot buy our
the answer. policies, because you’ve got Keir Starm-
“I don’t know how they can look in er disagreeing with somebody’s posi-
the eye the families who’ve got some- tion who has donated.”
one in the back of an ambulance. They 6 Ed Miliband has promised that La-
certainly wouldn’t be able to look me in bour’s next manifesto would be the
the eye if it was my mum.” strongest ever on climate change, as he
Vince said he had given Just Stop Oil accused Rishi Sunak of being silent on
“tens of thousands, probably” to “help environmental challenges.
them get started”, having done the Speaking at the launch yesterday of a
same for Extinction Rebellion. new pro-environment group, the La-
Defending their disruptive tactics, bour Climate and Environment Forum,
Vince told Sky News: “We reach a point the former party leader said the prime
where taking to the streets is really minister “doesn’t get” green issues.
all we’ve got. Most people have no “I’ve got lots of bad things to say
power to change what’s happening, about Boris Johnson, but at least he
and we can see the direction of travel is talks about this agenda. Sunak doesn’t
a disastrous one. So I understand why even bother to talk about this agenda,
organisations like that do the things never mind act on it,” Miliband said.
that they do.” He said Labour would “move into the
Vince said he had “disagreements void” as he listed three examples of the
with them from time to time . . . when “great disappearing Tory climate agen-
they were smashing bank windows I did da”, citing Sunak’s equivocation over
say publicly I didn’t think it was the attending last year’s Cop27 climate con-
right thing to do”. ference, the government’s approval of a
However, he added: “Whereas big new coal mine and the environment
business has different powers to pursue barely being mentioned in the prime
its agenda, we have no real answer to minister’s new year speech.

Freeport scheme takes in

Liverpool and East Anglia
Oliver Wright Policy Editor Behind the story
Ministers have given the final go-ahead
to two new freeports as part of Rishi he realisation of
Sunak’s long-held ambition to use
Brexit to attract foreign investment to
some of the UK’s most deprived areas.
Under plans announced yesterday,
Liverpool will join the Suffolk port of
Felixstowe and Harwich in Essex,
together dubbed Freeport East, in
T freeports owes as much
to the rise of Rishi
Sunak as it does to the
idea’s merit (Oliver
Wright writes). Sunak articulated
the concept in 2016 when he was
a backbench MP, arguing that
getting £25 million of seed funding. the UK could take advantage of
The policy was championed by Brexit freedoms to revitalise
Sunak before he became a minister, manufacturing and deprived
when he proposed a series of freeports areas. Sceptics said changes were
to drive economic growth by taking unlikely to be transformative and
advantage of the UK’s position outside that many of the tax breaks were
the EU customs zone. Businesses possible within the EU.
setting up in freeports are able to Freeports quickly became
import raw materials into the UK talismanic to Brexiteers. Under
without paying customs duties and Boris Johnson the plan was fast-
then export the manufactured goods tracked and the first freeports
abroad, reducing costs to industry. were announced in 2021.
Firms in the new investment zones also
benefit from a range of tax breaks,
including relief from employer national regulation and planning rules, the
insurance contributions, business rates freeports will never reach their full
and stamp duty. potential.“It is critical that they are
The freeports announced yesterday accompanied by a real deregulatory
will join those in Teesside, Plymouth agenda,” said Eamonn Butler of the
and the Solent that are already opera- Adam Smith Institute.“If you look at
tional, with further announcements the success of places like Singapore and
expected. But critics say that unless Dubai, you see what can be achieved.”
Sunak goes much further in reducing
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 13

Life in refugee camp is worse than prison, says Shamima Begum
Duncan Gardham, Dominic Kennedy 2019, pregnant in a refugee camp. She Shamima Begum of I’m Not A Monster, hosted by Josh so you can dress nicely for your hus-
told the BBC about being stranded in a left Britain in 2015 Baker. The show will also be broadcast band’.” She married a Dutch jihadi and
Shamima Begum has claimed that the camp: “This is, I feel, worse than a pris- to travel to Syria on BBC Radio 4 with discussions on had three children, who all died young.
refugee camp in northern Syria she is in on. I think it’s because at least with pris- Radio 5 Live. A feature-length film will Begum, a pupil at Bethnal Green
is “worse than a prison”. on sentences you know that there will follow on BBC iPlayer. Academy in east London, left with two
Begum, 23, spoke in a BBC podcast be an end but here you don’t know if Sources at the corporation insisted female school friends in 2015. They flew
released today as she fights to have her there’s going to be an end.” the series was not a platform for Begum to Turkey and made their way to the
British citizenship restored. Begum accepted that people saw her to give her unchallenged story. main bus station in Istanbul. “While the
She was a 15-year-old schoolgirl as “a danger, as a risk, as a potential risk “I don’t think it’s actually towards me. I Begum said she stuffed her bags with world was looking for us, we were just in
when she left Britain to become an to them, to their safety, to their way of think it’s towards Isis. When they think chocolate bars when she left to join Isis. the coach station,” she said. “Then we
Islamic State bride. Her lawyers have living. I’m not this person that they of Isis they think of me because I’ve “I just like bought candies that I knew I contacted the smuggler who’s going to
appealed against a decision by Sajid think I am being perceived as in the been put on the media so much but wouldn’t find in Syria: mint Aero, mint help smuggle us across the border. It
Javid, then the home secretary, to re- media, you know. I’m just so much what was there to obsess over? We went chocolate, like, a lot. You can find a lot was so scary because at that point we
voke her citizenship on security more than Isis and I’m so much more to Isis, that was it. It was over, it was over of things in this country but you cannot were in unknown territory.”
grounds. than everything I’ve been through.” and done with.” find mint chocolate,” she said. She added: “My family thought I was
She was discovered by The Times in She understood public anger but said: Begum features in the second series “People used to say ‘Pack nice clothes too weak to do something so crazy.”

take off as
Britons run
for the sun
Andrew Ellson
Consumer Affairs Correspondent
Wet and windy weather at the end of
the Christmas break appears to be en-
couraging Britons to cast their minds
forward to their summer holidays.
Despite the cost of living crisis, travel
bookings have surged, with easyJet
Holidays and several other travel
agents reporting their busiest days of
trading since the pandemic hit.
The first Saturday in January is
dubbed “Sunshine Saturday” in the
travel industry, as it usually heralds a
surge in bookings. Over the past two
years sales have been weak because of
Covid but last weekend bookings
bounced back.
Garry Wilson, the chief executive of
easyJet Holidays, said: “We know that
as January sets in, people like to book a
holiday to look forward to. We’re really
excited to have seen our best sales day
since we launched our business back in
2019. With the cost of living still very
much at the top of the agenda, people
are still prioritising holidays. We expect
demand will continue with great value
playing a more key role than ever.”
The company said the Spanish
Clear the way Cashmere goats resting in the gorse on East Cliff, above Bournemouth beach. They were introduced in Dorset to keep the vegetation down naturally islands of Tenerife, Palma and Lanzar-
ote were proving the most popular
beach destinations, while Amsterdam,
Paris and Reykjavik were the most-

Girl, six, crushed by rotten tree booked city break destinations.

Cyprus achieved the biggest jump in
bookings compared with last year. Most
customers booking beach holidays
were opting for all-inclusive options to

that council failed to chop down keep a lid on costs.

The eco tour operator Responsible
Travel reported a 21 per cent increase in
bookings compared to before the pan-
demic, meanwhile, and Macs Adven-
Tom Ball Northern Correspondent hospital the following morning, on meant the willow, which had a 35- the life we’ve had to live couldn’t be fur- ture, a tour operator that offers self-
Kevin Donald September 26, 2020. The cause of death degree lean and significant decay to its ther apart. She should have been so safe guided trips, reported its best-ever sales
was given as crush asphyxia. stem, remained standing when it at school and knowing that I’m the only on Friday. The long-haul specialist
A six-year-old girl was killed as she Newcastle city council, which was should have been safely felled. one who doesn’t get to pick their child Travelbag also reported a “positive
played “ballerinas” with her friends in contracted by the school to main- Ella’s parents, Neil and Vikki up every day is just the worst feeling. start to the new year”, with the average
the school playground when she was tain the trees on its premises, Henderson, who have another “When I pass schools on the way value of bookings exceeding pre-
crushed by a decayed tree that a council admitted failing to ensure the young daughter, watched the somewhere and hear that innocent pandemic levels.
had failed to cut down. safety of Ella and others at proceedings via video link. In noise of children playing, I think, ‘That Retailers said the surge of bookings
The parents of Ella Henderson, a the school. a statement read to the court, was all she was doing — she was just were boosting sales of travel gear. John
year two pupil at Gosforth Park First The court heard that the tree Mrs Henderson said that for playing ballerinas with her friends’.” Lewis reported that searches for suit-
School in Newcastle, told a court they had been identified as show- the two years since her daugh- Zoe Passfield, the district judge, im- cases were up 30 per cent during the
expected her to be safe when they ing signs of decay by a quali- ter’s death their lives had re- posed a fine of £280,000 on Newcastle weekend, while sandals surged by 60
dropped her off at the school gates. fied arborist as early as Feb- mained “still, always with a city council, plus £8,201 in costs. per cent and sunglasses 150 per cent
But just before the end of the lunch- ruary 23, 2018. A further in- six-year-old who will never Pam Smith, chief executive of New- compared with the previous weekend.
time break, a large section of a rotted spection was ordered, but get her front teeth”. castle city council, said that since Ella’s It said sales in its travel category overall
willow tree crashed on to Ella and her the team that carried this She said: “When you lose a death “new procedures” had been put had more than doubled compared to
friends amid 32mph gusts of wind. out was less qualified and child you live two lives: the in place. Smith added: “Ella’s death was the same weekend last year.
The other children were able to climb spent only a minute in- one you should be living and a devastating tragedy and our hearts go Beth Pettet, head of fashion brands at
out from under the tree but the largest specting the tree. It the life you have to live. out to her family and friends. We fully John Lewis, said: “We could certainly
and heaviest section fell directly on to “Knowing how happy accept that there were failings in our see our customers were thinking about
Ella, South Tyneside magistrates’ court Ella Henderson and we would be and what processes, which is why we have taken sunnier climes at the weekend, likely
was told. Despite the swift intervention her friends were hit we would have done in the the opportunity to plead guilty . . . at the shopping for their holiday moments
of emergency services, she died in by the falling tree last two years compared to first available opportunity.” coming up this year.”
14 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Plea to save Madagascan wildlife that Combat waste

with a can of
would take 23 million years to replace Waitrose wine
Rhys Blakely Science Correspondent Andrew Ellson
Consumer Affairs Correspondent
Scientists have called for Madagascar’s
unique wildlife to be protected after Waitrose is to become the first super-
finding it would take 23 million years market to replace small wine bottles
for evolution to naturally replace the with cans, saving 320 tonnes of packag-
island’s endangered mammals. ing in the process.
Madagascar split from mainland From next week all small bottles of
Africa and Asia more than 80 million wine apart from champagne, prosecco
years ago. Its flora and fauna have since and cava, and rioja because of appella-
travelled their own evolutionary paths. tion restrictions, will be replaced by
It is the world’s fifth-largest island, with aluminium cans to reduce the com-
ecosystems ranging from mountainous pany’s carbon footprint.
rainforests to lowland deserts. Mada- Barry Dick, the beer, wine and spirit
gascar boasts scores of species found bulk sourcing manager at Waitrose,
nowhere else on Earth, including the said: “We’re delighted to pioneer this
ring-tailed lemur, the cat-like fossa and move and make reducing waste even
tenrecs, small mammals some of which easier for our customers.
resemble hedgehogs. “Aluminium cans weigh significantly
For the new study, published in Na- less than glass and create less than half
ture Communications, scientists exam- the amount of carbon dioxide than the
ined how long it took Madagascar’s equivalent single-use glass bottle. Cans
mammals to emerge then estimated can also be recycled an infinite number
how long it would take for similarly of times.
complex species to evolve in their place “We know that more people are
if those listed as endangered were to buying their drinks in canned formats,
vanish. The estimate of 23 million years from cocktails on the go to craft beer,
is longer than has been calculated for which is why making this shift in our
any island. Previous work found it Madagascar is home to the brown mouse lemur, top right, the sucker- wine category makes sense.
would take eight million years to recre- footed bat and the lowland streaked tenrec, which is close to extinction “Picking up a can of wine is a great
ate the variety of bird life listed as en- way to enjoy wine in moderation,
dangered in New Zealand. valuable this diversity is. These findings occur on Madagascar that have gone on Madagascar over 2,500 years, which especially if you’re heading to a picnic
Dr Luis Valente of the Naturalis Bio- underline the potential gains of the extinct or are [close to] extinction. If is how long humans have been present or a social occasion. It also enables
diversity Center and the University of conservation of nature [there].” immediate action isn’t taken, Madagas- there. The study results do not mean customers to try a new variety without
Groningen, the study’s senior author, Steve Goodman, of the Field car is going to lose 23 million years of that if the lemurs and tenrecs and fossas worrying about wastage or cost.”
said: “It was already known that Mada- Museum of Natural History in evolutionary history.” vanished, evolution would recreate Last year Waitrose customers bought
gascar was a hotspot of biodiversity, but Chicago, a co-author, said: “There are The researchers created a database them. “It would be simply impossible to nearly three million small bottles of
this research puts into context how lineages of unique mammals that only of every mammal species to have lived recover them,” Goodman said. wine.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 15

BBC accused of giving Pride group ‘too much power’ over content
Fariha Karim made. Clark, a co-founder of the LGB influence on the working culture and of the BBC. Clark said that Wren told know they can’t say anything . . . against
Alliance, a national advocacy group, editorial output of one of the world’s him “we only intervene when, say, a their manifesto or they will be labelled
The BBC has been accused of allowing said that BBC Pride had become overly most respected media organisations,” trans subject is being covered and then [as transphobic].”
an internal LGBT staff network to powerful, often at the expense of gay, Clark wrote in an article for The Critic. we’ll press to ensure trans voices are A BBC spokeswoman said: “BBC
wield “unwarranted influence” on its lesbian and bisexual people who did not “I know from talking to BBC insiders, being heard” and that “we often ask for Pride is a volunteer-led staff network
coverage and working culture. believe in the gender-identity politics who can’t speak openly for fear of losing changes and they don’t happen”. which aims to support all LGBTQ+
Malcolm Clark, a former producer espoused by some in trans groups. their jobs, that this is true.” Clark said: “It was remarkable. He staff. It is not an editorial team, has no
for shows such as Tomorrow’s World He said that Phil Harrold, the BBC Clark, who is a film-maker, said that implied that they sometimes ask for role in directing editorial content.”
and Horizon, said that BBC Pride, a company secretary and chief of staff for he had recently been at an event in changes and they don’t always get their A BBC Pride member said: “To my
volunteer-run network for LGBT the director-general Tim Davie, was Glasgow where he met Nathan Wren, a way. That was proof that they are influ- knowledge, no, there is no evidence of
people, told him that it had sought to the “executive sponsor” of BBC Pride. BBC science producer. ential. In my day, no staff organisation BBC Pride influencing output. The
intervene when the broadcaster was “Critics of the corporation have Wren, he said, disclosed that he was would think that they would have any closest we got was when we said ‘can we
covering trans subjects, and that it had claimed its Pride Group, for LGBT staff, co-chairman of BBC Studios Pride. editorial influence. It’s ludicrous. I sit in on an editorial meeting’ to see
requested changes that were not always wields outsize and unwarranted BBC Studios is a commercial subsidiary know from staff who speak to me they what it’s all about.”

HMS Terror

50 miles

Doc HMS Erebus

Pta. de wreck

areas CANADA

Treasures frozen in Cabo de São

what could be the
time are given up by second lieutenant’s
cabin, continued the
excavation of what is
HMS Erebus wreck believed to be the third
lieutenant’s cabin and

n diving suits command of Sir John completed excavation of
heated with warm Franklin, disappeared part of the captain’s
water as protection along with the crew of steward’s pantry.
from the freezing 129 men. A message left The work has been
temperatures of the by the ships’ captains laborious. The folio was
Canadian Arctic, said that the vessels excavated bit by bit with
archaeologists have were abandoned on a spoon, according to
recovered a hoard of April 22, 1848. CBC News.
rare artefacts from one Erebus was discovered As well as the folio,
of the best-preserved 90 miles from where it other items retrieved
wooden shipwrecks in was believed to have from the deep include
the world (Keiran been crushed by ice an eyeglass lens, serving
Southern writes). while Terror was found dishes, plates and a
Over the course of a 30 miles north of its lieutenant’s epaulets.
year, they recovered 275 companion ship in 2016. The artefacts, which are
artefacts from HMS Among the artefacts across a folio — a which rests twice as jointly owned by the
Erebus, which was found by archaeologists leather book cover, deep as its companion. Canadian government
discovered on the Arctic from Parks Canada was beautifully embossed In April and May of and the Inuit Heritage
sea bed in 2014. a folio that could — with pages inside. last year Parks Canada Trust, are being
It is believed to have contain handwriting It actually has the archaeologists and conserved in Ottawa.
been crushed by ice from a crew member. feather quill pen guardians from the Inuit Parks Canada said it
after leaving England in “It’s probably the still tucked inside hamlet of Gjoa Haven had recorded physical
May 1845 alongside most remarkable the cover like a journal established an ice camp changes to Erebus that
HMS Terror in search of find,” Ryan Harris, that you might write in over the site of Erebus were probably caused by
the elusive Northwest one of the divers and put on your bedside before returning in waves generated by wind
Passage between the who has been table before turning in.” September to dive to the storms.
Atlantic and Pacific excavating the Artefacts are being found Archaeologists are wreck. The team Climate change may
oceans. ships, told on HMS Erebus, lost in exploring Erebus first as completed 56 dives in 11 be hastening the vessel’s
Both ships, which CBC News. 1848 under the command it is deemed to be more days, Parks Canada said. deterioration,
were under the “We came of Sir John Franklin, left vulnerable than Terror, They began excavating archaeologists said.

Stay in custody, court tells influencer risk they might try to escape. It was tims have been identified, police said. nounced his conversion to Islam, say-
David Brown
unclear if the women had been charged Tate, a former kickboxer from Luton, ing modern “Christianity don’t mean
A British online influencer under with any offences. moved to Romania in 2017 after being anything” after an American church
investigation in Romania for alleged Ramona Bolla, a spokeswoman for expelled from Channel 5’s Big Brother appointed a drag queen as a minister.
human trafficking and rape was back in Diicot, the Romanian anti-organised show when British police told produc- Tate was reinstated on Twitter after
police detention last night having lost crime agency, said that the court had ers that they were investigating rape Elon Musk bought it and has 4.5 million
his bid to be freed from custody. rejected Tate’s appeal against a judge’s allegations against him. He was not followers. He often refers to the 1999
Andrew Tate, 36, arrived for a private decision to extend his arrest from 24 charged with any offence. film The Matrix, and themes centring
hearing at Bucharest’s Court of Appeal hours to 30 days. Tate built up a large following online on a supposed secret world order. His
yesterday carrying a copy of the Quran Eugen Vidineac, the Tates’ lawyer, before being banned from Twitter for account tweeted the evening before the
while handcuffed to his brother, said that he was disappointed with the misogynistic remarks and hate speech. hearing: “The Matrix does not play fair,
Tristan, 34. They were arrested on “excessive” decision to keep the group He then focused on his Hustlers Uni- they play to win,” in reference to the
December 29 at the headquarters of in custody. Vidineac told local media versity, offering advice on get-rich prosecution case.
Tate’s Hustlers University, which was this week that there was “not a single schemes in exchange for a monthly £41 Romania’s organised crime police
also used for his online pornography piece of evidence” for rape except the subscription. He told followers last claim that his victims were subjected to
business. alleged victim’s statement. year: “I am no longer an atheist. I am an “physical violence and mental coer-
A judge ordered that the brothers, Prosecutors from Diicot searched orthodox Christian. For that reason, I cion” and sexually exploited. They were
Andrew Tate’s girlfriend Georgiana Tate’s Bucharest headquarters in April go to church twice a week.” He alle- lured into performing pornographic
Naghel, 28, and Luana Radu, 32, a after a 22-year-old American woman gedly claimed to donate more than acts, intended to reap substantial finan-
former Romanian policewoman, be claimed that she was held against her £16,000 a month to the Romanian Or- Andrew Tate, centre, arrives at court cial gains, it is alleged. Both brothers de-
held for 30 days because there was a will in a nearby house. Six potential vic- thodox Church. Last autumn he an- in Bucharest with his brother, Tristan ny the allegations.
16 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Troops found guilty in Japan could be hanged

Richard Lloyd Parry Tokyo intended to counteract Chinese mili- with according to the legal system of said the Ministry of Defence believed
tary assertiveness. Iron-clad agreement their country. However, military per- that the agreement’s benefits out-
Troops sent to Japan could be hanged if The treaty will set out rules on mat- sonnel who are off-duty will be subject weighed the small risk that personnel
convicted of capital crimes, under a ters such as immigration procedures Rishi Sunak will host Fumio Kishida to the Japanese justice system — mean- could be hanged. British military per-
defence deal to be signed today by Rishi and the transport of weapons. It will at the Tower of London today to ing that a British soldier who murdered sonnel already operate in countries
Sunak and Fumio Kishida, the Japa- also set out the legal rights of military mark the signing of an Anglo- could face capital punishment. that have capital punishment, with
nese prime minister. personnel and contractors when they Japanese security pact. They will Japan hangs those convicted of much less rigorous legal systems than
British negotiators failed to persuade visit Japan for training and exercises. see armour given to James I in 1613 “aggravated murder”. In practice this Japan, such as in the Middle East.
the Japanese to give visiting troops Australia, the only other country to by the shogun Tokugawa Hidetada. means mass killings, the murders of The MoD believes that if a capital
immunity from the death penalty have a reciprocal access deal with The lacquered iron helmet and children, and those carried out for mo- crime were committed by a British ser-
under the terms of a reciprocal access Japan, took seven years to negotiate it, cuirass laced together with silk was tives such as claiming life insurance. viceman or woman, diplomatic pres-
agreement, which is to be signed by the mainly because of its opposition to the brought back by Captain John Saris The last hanging, in July, was of a man sure could be applied to ensure that it
two leaders in the Tower of London. death penalty. Australia settled for the of the East India Company, who was who drove a lorry into a crowded shop- did not end in a hanging. The deal con-
The deal is important to the increas- same compromise as Britain: visiting sent to Japan to establish diplomatic ping street in 2008 then stabbed pas- tains a clause that allows visiting com-
ingly close military relationship troops who commit offences while on links. It represents the first trade sers-by, killing seven people. There are manders to decline to co-operate with
between the two countries and forms duty, or whose victims include only deal between England and Japan. 107 people on death row. the Japanese authorities if a member of
part of Britain’s strategic “tilt” to Asia, their own countrymen, will be dealt Sources linked to the negotiations, the services faces execution.

Feather cut Mark Hume, a chainsaw artist near Hawick in the Scottish Borders,
sculpts mammals and birds, such as this buzzard, from solid blocks of wood

Family’s fear for volunteer

Briton missing in Ukraine
Mario Ledwith abled people, which we are very proud
of. We, his family and partner, all love
The family of a British aid volunteer him very much and would be grateful if
who has gone missing on the Ukrainian our privacy could be respected.”
front line have expressed fears for his Parry’s father, Robin, said relatives
safety, as they praised the humanitar- had been watching updates on his son’s
ian work of an “extraordinary person”. work on the social media pages he uses
Christopher Parry, 28, has evacuated to crowdfund humanitarian work.
more than 250 civilians from the war Parry, a former coach at Cheltenham
zone since last March, often putting Running Club who is originally from
himself in the line of fire to carry out Cornwall, was travelling with Bagshaw
rescue missions. to Soledar in the eastern Donetsk re-
The software engineer was reported gion in a black Land Rover when they
missing after leaving the city of Krama- lost contact with friends.
torsk at 8am on Friday with Andrew Christian Campbell, a fellow human-
Bagshaw, 48, who was born in Britain itarian worker, said the pair had gone to
but lives in New Zealand. a village to carry out an evacuation
In a statement released through the when Russian forces mounted an
Foreign Office, his family said: “We are offensive. Russian state media de-
very worried and concerned about the scribed the men as “mercenaries”.
health and whereabouts of Chris right A Foreign Office spokesman said:
now. He is an extraordinary person “We are supporting the families of two
who is compassionate and caring and British men missing in Ukraine.”
would not be dissuaded from his work
in Ukraine liberating elderly and dis-
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 17


‘Fake psychiatrist’ was paid £1m for 20 years in the NHS

Tom Ball Northern Correspondent had secured entry on to the GMC regis- wealth Route — a legitimate route, Zholia Alemi is All of this was confirmed by university
Ian Leonard ter of medical practitioners by forging closed off in 2003 — which could only accused of duping records, he added.
her qualifications and other documents. be achieved if an applicant held a the General In 2019 police had raided a property
An “accomplished forger and fraud- On the opening day of the trial at MBChB. However, her application had Medical Council owned by Alemi in Omagh, Co Tyrone,
ster” spent two decades working as a Manchester crown court, Stables said: included spelling and grammatical and discovered what was described as
psychiatrist for the NHS earning more “She is a most accomplished forger and errors, with an alleged letter of verifica- a “forger’s kit”. Stables said an expert
than £1 million after falsifying her qual- fraudster, but . . . has no qualification tion for her degree from the university’s witness would give evidence that items
ifications, a court was told. that would allow her to be called, or in School of Medicine coming from a fac- found at the house in a briefcase —
Zholia Alemi, who was born in Iran any way to be properly regarded as, a ulty “regitrar” instead of registrar. tion did not make her a doctor and which included dry transfer letters
and is believed to be 60, is alleged to doctor.” Stables said the documents that Alemi was never awarded anMBChB purchased from WH Smith and
have duped the General Medical Stables said that Alemi had used de- Alemi sent to the GMC were “forgeries” by the University of Auckland after fail- blank degree documents — had been
Council into granting her registration ception and fraud to obtain employ- and were not issued by the University of ing her second year exams and “pro- used to make Alemi’s fake university
as a doctor before working for various ment and a “conservative estimate” of Auckland. Alemi had first enrolled at ceeding no further”. certificate.
trusts around Britain. the money she had fraudulently ob- the university in 1988 for a Bachelor of He said: “She never graduated as a Alemi denies 20 charges of deception
Alemi, of Burnley, claims to have ob- tained was “somewhere between £1 Human Biology course, which she doctor. And that is why she forged the relating to forgery and fraud.
tained her doctor’s qualification from million and £1.3 million”. gained, after failing some of her exams, degree certificate to send to the GMC The trial, which is expected to last
the University of Auckland in 1992. But He said that the defendant’s case was in 1992. Stables said that this qualifica- with her application for registration.” several weeks, continues.
the prosecution alleges that she never that she was appropriately qualified
passed the six-year Bachelor of Medi- and that documents demonstrating her
cine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) qualifications were all genuine.
course needed to be a doctor, having Her motive was “irrelevant”, he told
failed her exams before coming to the the jury; she “may simply have wanted
UK three years later. desperately to be a doctor” and, having
All the charges against Alemi date failed her exams, forged her qualifica-
from September 1995, after she had ar- tions. However, the fact remained that
rived in Britain from New Zealand, to the money she obtained came through
June 2017. dishonesty.
Christopher Stables, for the prosecu- Alemi was allowed to join the GMC’s
tion, said that Alemi was a “fraud” who medical register by the Common-

TMS | @timesdiary

Five stars that was a smashing link, even if the

song’s opening lyrics aren’t exactly
about geopolitical conflict and one
wink at Harry suspects that Mr Putin would lend a
less sultry air to the words: “When
you are ready I will surrender, take
Within minutes of “that book” me and do as you will.”
hitting shelves, the Amazon
reviews were in. One five-star rave explorer’s limit
called Spare an “emotional human Colonel John Blashford-Snell
story with unprecedented insight” conquered the Blue Nile but had
and advised that “leaked excerpts mixed success with frozen water.
don’t do his story justice”. The Ski season hasn’t interested him
review was written by “The Duke since he was a young Royal
and Duchess of Sussex”, who have Engineer in Cyprus, where he
an Amazon blue tick verifying created and tested a new slope in
their “influencer” status. Is this the Troodos Mountains. “Alas my
the real H&M? Well, the same navigational skills were lacking,” he
reviewer(s) posted this on a says. “I plunged downhill,
previous purchase: “Absolutely demolishing numerous newly
horrible phone case I wasted my planted fir trees before crashing
money on! Barely had it for a day into a bank of snow.” Though urged
and already has scratches and to do it again for the cameras, he
dents on it.” They added: “I will be declared himself the “wrong shape”
complaining a lot.” Sounds like the for the sport. “I have stuck to
real McCoy. white-water rafting, where we
bounce off rocks,” he says.
hypocrisy on wheels
Many are unaware that ministerial It’s Hanks all round in new film A
cars are not there to carry the Man Called Otto, where the
people in government, but their younger version of Tom is being
papers. At times this can really played by his son, Truman. It was
embarrass the officers of state. On the director’s suggestion but
his News Agents podcast, the Truman is a cameraman and so his
journo Jon Sopel was reminded of father advised him on the essentials
a bizarre moment in his youth of learning lines and being
when he was interviewing enthusiastic on set. He summarised
Labour’s Michael Meacher. “We it in a phrase: “You don’t have to be
were walking back from a qualified. You have to be colourful.”
restaurant and I was suddenly
aware in the periphery of vision laughter is best medicine
that there was something behind BBC correspondents laugh in the
us,” he says. It was Meacher’s face of adversity. After the cancer
government car, but its presence veterans Nick Robinson and
rather undercut the environment George Alagiah formed a
minister, who was telling Sopel: Survivors’ Club, the concept is
“We’ve got to use cars less: we’ve spreading. Rory Cellan-Jones, left,
got to get on our feet!” a former technology
correspondent, has brought
Tony Blackburn thinks that today’s together a judge, a comedy writer
DJs can be stifled personalities, and his former colleagues Mark
but his Radio 2 show Mardell and Jeremy Paxman to
demonstrates that he doesn’t form a dining club for
suffer from this. Which Parkinson’s sufferers. “We’re
other presenter would have pondering a podcast,” he says.
introduced Moloko’s Sing The name of this enterprise:
it Back by saying Movers and Shakers.
“Wouldn’t it be lovely to
hear Putin say this?” It jack blackburn
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 2GM 19

Justice fight
for woman in
1923 hanging
Jack Blackburn
History Correspondent
On Monday a small group gathered
at the City of London cemetery. It is
not unusual to have a eulogy, letter
readings and a rendition of Abide
With Me there, but in this case the
deceased had been dead for 100 years.
They were there to remember
Edith Thompson, a woman thought
to have suffered one of Britain’s
gravest miscarriages of justice. This
year the mourners had reason to
believe that there might be redress.
The Ministry of Justice is reconsid-
ering an application to pardon
Thompson. The case was a cause
célèbre in 1922, when she was 28. She
was convicted of the murder of her
husband, Percy, and executed 100
years ago this week. The killing had
actually been carried out by her 20-
year-old lover Frederick Bywaters.
“She was hanged for being a
woman,” said René Weis, an emeritus
professor of English at University
College London, who has paid for
High and dry Heavy rain has led to flooding in parts of the UK, including Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, where the River Severn burst its banks. solicitors working on the case.

Warhammer’s miniature
figurines net big figures
Dominic Walsh year and at the present share price, tion is quite the honour and the
the company is worth a shade under responsibility.”
The Superman actor Henry Cavill £3 billion. Games Workshop said yes- Kevin Rountree, the chief execu-
once called them “plastic crack”. terday that its revenue in the six tive of Games Workshop, said he was
The legions of Warhammer months to November rose 7 per cent confident that it would “bring the
fans clearly agree as Games to £226.6 million — the first time its worlds of Warhammer to the screen
Workshop, the owner of the fantasy half-year revenues have topped like you have never seen before”.
games, announced record revenues £200 million. Alex Chatterton, a City analyst at
yesterday for the first half of the Coming up for the company is a the stockbroker Panmure Gordon,
financial year. tie-up with Amazon, with Cavill, 39, pointed out that Amazon had paid
The company was founded 48 set to star in and produce films and $250 million for the rights to produce
years ago by three friends who made TV shows based on Warhammer Lord of the Rings programmes for
and sold wooden board games from 40,000 games. The actor said last TV. “While we do not believe the deal
their homes. Games Workshop month that for “30 years I have between Games Workshop and
secured the European distribution dreamt of seeing a Warhammer uni- Amazon will be anywhere near this
rights to Dungeons & Dragons, the verse in live action”. figure, we do believe it will be a
role-playing game, and opened its He told fans that he promised “to material contribution,” he said.
first store in Hammersmith, west bring you something familiar. In an appearance on The Graham
London, in 1978. And I endeavour to bring you Norton Show last year, Cavill said:
Warhammer, which was something fantastic that is, as of “You put them together in little ar-
created in 1983, is sold in its own yet, unseen.” mies and you fight against someone
chain of 517 shops in 23 coun- Cavill said: “I have loved War- else’s army. It’s fun. It sounds
tries, although the total hammer since I was a boy, mak- ridiculous but it is fun.”
number of stores ing this moment truly special The actor is not the only celebrity
where customers can for me. The opportunity to with a penchant for Warhammer,
buy figurines is shepherd this cinematic though not all the big names admit to
more than 5,000 universe from its incep- it. The list includes Vin Diesel, Trey
around the world. Parker, the co-creator of South Park,
The company Henry Cavill is to star in and Ed Sheeran, the singer. The late
says it makes and produce a series of Robin Williams was also a big fan.
millions of models a Warhammer fantasies

Four guilty over Rolex death ambush

Nadeem Badshah before Dhillon and Temidayo Awe, Affia, and all four left 20 minutes
21, met Murray at his flat. Both later, with one of the men carrying a
Four people have been convicted women were convicted of man- large knife, officers said. Murray was
after a man was stabbed to death after slaughter and conspiracy to commit seen running towards the door before
a woman saw pictures of his Rolex robbery along with Cleon Brown, 29. losing consciousness and collapsing.
watches on social media. Ikem Affia, 31, was convicted of Affia and Brown, of Hackney, east
Saul Murray, 33, was drugged with murder, possession of a knife and London, Dhillon, of Forest Gate, east
the sedative GHB, stabbed and left conspiracy to commit robbery. London, and Awe, of Gillingham,
for dead at his home in Luton last CCTV video showed the two Kent, will be sentenced on March 3.
February, Bedfordshire police said. women entering Murray’s flat just Detective Inspector Dale Mep-
Murray posted images of himself before 11.40pm, Bedfordshire Police stead, from the Bedfordshire, Cam-
wearing two watches on Instagram said. One woman propped open the bridgeshire and Hertfordshire major
that were spotted by Surpreet Dhil- communal door with a broom as the crime unit, said: “All four . . . had
lon, 36, Luton crown court heard. other left shortly before 2.30am. agreed to use force and threats to get
She spoke to him on WhatsApp She returned with Brown and what they wanted.”
20 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Ex-mayor digs in over cricket row Army cadets

Jack Malvern
A former mayor is defending herself
after a row about a Dorset cricket pitch
by sergeant
became the subject of a national outcry.
Kelly Webb, who was mayor of Wim- George Grylls
borne until 2019, is one of three neigh-
bours of a longstanding cricket club A 17-year old cadet was grabbed by the
who complained that players were neck and forced to “leopard-crawl”
striking sixes on to their properties. round a running track after a military
When Colehill Sports and Social instructor discovered he was wearing a
Club found it would cost up to £35,000 woolly hat under his helmet, a court
to erect protective netting, it decided to martial was told.
cancel all adult matches rather than Four teenage soldiers accused Lance
provoke further claims for damages. Sergeant Ryan Harley, 36, of “manhan-
The disappearance of adult cricket dling” recruits and behaving in a “force-
from the ground for the first time in 118 ful” manner after he also allegedly kick-
years prompted expressions of disbelief ed a number of young female soldiers.
from sportsmen including Ben Stokes, Harley, of the 1st Battalion Irish
the England cricket captain. Michael Guards, is facing claims that he abused
Vaughan, the England captain from recruits weeks after they began their
2003 to 2008, wrote: “What an utter training at the Army Foundation Col-
joke. You buy a house next to a lege in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. He
cricket ground. What do you faces four charges of ill treatment of a
expect?” More than 22,000 subordinate at Bulford military court.
people have signed a petition Harley denies the allegations.
to “save cricket in Colehill”. Cricket has been played at Colehill for 118 years but neighbours including Kelly Webb, left, have complained Lieutenant Jamie Brotherton, RN,
Webb, a councillor and for the prosecution, detailed the allega-
former bank manager in the been very cordial and last I heard understanding neighbours who are pre- Some neighbours of the club wrote tions of abuse against four soldiers aged
town who bought her house from them was last April when pared to accept the occasional incon- on the petition that they had no objec- 16 or 17 over a three-month period in
next to the ground in 2014, we were discussing other venience and want to embrace living tion to cricket. One, named Roy H, said: 2021. He said Harley’s punishments
said she had complained but sources of funding.” next to a cricket ground. We have many “I live right next to the ground. Cricket went “far beyond what was expected”.
had offered to help pay for She said she had neighbours who follow this mantra, but balls come into my garden all the time In one incident, Harley allegedly
the netting on her side of heard nothing since. we are also encountering those who and it’s to be expected. I have no prob- assaulted a female soldier who did not
the pitch. “I was talking to The club committee want to adopt ‘compensation culture’.” lem with it at all. If you buy a house next know how to complete a drill. “He
the cricket club last year said that it had decided to Daryl Rees, 43, whose son Dylan, 18, to a cricket pitch you benefit from the screamed, ‘Stop!’ She didn’t stop. He
and offered to help pay for restrict cricket to under-15s played at the ground, said that it would green open space and the buzz and life grabbed her by the webbing, picked her
the fence as 95 per cent of “with a heavy heart and as deprive Colehill of a valuable commu- of the cricket being played. up and kicked her in the leg,” recalled
the time they play, balls an absolute last resort”. nity tradition. He said that the adult “If you buy a house next to a cricket Craftsman Joel Ellwood, 17 at the time.
end up in our garden, The committee said: “A matches were cherished not just by pitch you have to accept the pros with “After, she just looked white. She was
front and back,” she said. ground of our size and sportsmen but spectators “who like to the very occasional con of a ball coming stunned. I believe the manhandling . . .
“Our exchanges have nature relies on having come out and have a beer”. into the garden or hitting the house.” was too far.” The trial continues.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 2GM 21


Church displays slave’s plea

in £100m push to say sorry
Kaya Burgess churches and priests who keep the
The appeal for freedom church alive on the front line, suddenly
Religious Affairs Correspondent
they’ve found £100 million behind the
The Church of England is to display a August the forth I723 back of the sofa.”
letter written in 1723 by a slave asking to The Right Raverrand father in god my The church’s endowment fund can be
for help obtaining his freedom, as part Lord arch Bishop of Lonnd this corns to traced to Queen Anne’s Bounty in 1704,
of a £100 million drive to apologise for sattesfie your honour that there is in this set up to support poor priests. A report
Land of verJennia [Virginia] a Sort of
its historical links to the trade. people that is Calld molatters [mulattoes] said: “The origins of the fund partly
The letter from Virginia is believed to which are Baptised and brouaht up in the came from the abhorrent practice of
be the earliest known plea of its kind way of the Christan faith and followes the enslaving people 200 to 300 years ago.”
and will go on show at Lambeth Palace. wayes and Rulles of the Chrch of England Most of this came from investments
and sum of them has white fathars and
Church leaders have acknowledged sum white mothers and there is in this
in the South Sea Company, “a company
that the cost of the programme is a lot Land a Law or act which keeps and which for many years shipped enslaved
when many parishes are struggling. makes them and there seed SLaves human beings . . . in appalling condi-
The Church Commissioners, who forever —— and most honoured sir a tions”. Researchers including the Right
handle more than £10 billion of assets mongst the Rest of your Charitabell acts Rev David Urquhart, a retired bishop of
and deed wee your humbell and poore
for the church, announced the fund partishinners doo begg Sir your aid and Birmingham, noted: “The church’s in-
after researchers found that much of assisttancce in this one thing which Lise volvement in the trade in enslaved
this wealth could be traced to 18th-cen- as I doo understand in your LordShips people in this way shocked us.”
tury slave trade investments. brest which is that your honour will by The new programme would support
Welby said: “I am deeply sorry for the help of our Sufvering [sovereign] “communities affected by historic slav-
Lord King George and the Rest of the
these links. It is now time to take action Rullers will Releese us out of this Cruell ery” and help “parishes to research and
to address our shameful past. Only by Bondegg and this wee beg for Jesus address their historic links”.
obeying the command in I John i, 6-7 Christs his Sake who has commaded us Lambeth Palace, the seat of the Arch-
and addressing our past transparently to seeke first the kingdom of god and all bishop of Canterbury, will host an exhi-
things shall be addid un to us
can we take the path that Jesus Christ bition with material from its archive, in-
calls us to walk and face our present and and here it is to bee notd that one cluding the 1723 letter which pleads:
brother is a SLave to another and one
future with integrity. Sister to an othe which is quite out of the “Releese us out of this cruell bondegg.”
“It is hard to do this at a time when way and as for mee my selfe I am my A church spokeswoman said: “The
resources in many parishes are so brothers SLave but my name is Secrett letter was written . . . to the Archbishop
stretched, but by acting rightly we open and here it is to bee notd againe that wee of London, which we interpret as being
ourselves to the blessing of God.” are commandded to keep holey the the Archbishop of Canterbury. As far as
The Rev Marcus Walker, chairman of Sabbath day and wee doo hardly know we’re aware it is the first known letter
the Save The Parish group, which wants when it comes for our task mastrs are has from an enslaved person asking for help
hard with us as the Egypttions was with
more resources to aid struggling par- the Chilldann of Issarall god be marcifll securing freedom for a group of
ishes, said: “After decades of telling us unto us people.” No response from the church
The letter will form part of the church’s attempt to address its “shameful past” that there is no money to fund the was recorded.
22 2GM Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Lessons learnt from

Covid help experts
track more viruses
Tom Whipple Science Editor of thousands of samples. Globally,
many scientists were sceptical of the
The UK institute that led the world on value of the work. However, it proved
sequencing the coronavirus that causes its worth in identifying new variants
Covid-19 is set to apply the same genet- and gave scientists a rapid understand-
ics approach to other viruses, in the ing of their properties, allowing them to
hope of “supercharging” our under- track their transmission even when
standing of disease dynamics. they were only a few infections amid a
The Wellcome Sanger Institute near wider outbreak.
Cambridge has announced that it is The other benefit of sequencing
beginning a project to investigate rou- came from understanding how the
tinely sequencing the genomes of other virus spread. The small changes in the
common infections, including influ- genetic information between different
enza and rhinovirus, to build a nation- infections meant that the sources of
wide genetic surveillance system for individual outbreaks could be located.
respiratory infections. Judith Breuer, professor of virology
Dr Ewan Harrison, head of the insti- at University College London, said this
tute’s respiratory virus and microbiome would be useful with other pathogens.
initiative, said the pandemic had shown Using standard PCR techniques such
just how useful it could be to under- as those used for mass testing in Covid,
it was impossible to get all the informa-
tion researchers would like, she said.
“We have no idea, when we identify two
rhinoviruses on the intensive care unit,
whether those were brought in or
acquired from relatives or whether they
were transmitted between the patients
— because we’re not sequencing.
“The power of this study is we can
find out what is related to what, and see
transmission patterns.”
Harrison said researchers hoped to
establish the protocols and techniques
that mean such approaches can be used
round the world on many pathogens at
Sequencing at the Wellcome Sanger once. Because of the level of investment
Institute’s campus near Cambridge in research during the pandemic, the
coronavirus is understood better than
stand infections at a genetic level, from many older infections.
tracking variants to tracing outbreaks. “Take RSV [respiratory syncytial
“For the first time in human history, virus]. This causes hundreds of
large-scale genomics has provided gov- thousands of cases globally, probably
ernments and policymakers with full millions of cases . . . and really causes
warning of what’s going to happen severe infections, particularly in young
within an epidemic,” he said. “That’s a children,” he said. “But we have very,
really important and profound change very limited understanding compared
in science, but also public health policy, to Covid about how these viruses
and it’s now something that it is really transmit.
important to further build upon.” “We hope that by expanding our
The Wellcome Sanger Institute has ability to sequence these viruses rou-
been integral to Britain’s genomics sur- tinely, we can build on the work that’s
veillance during the pandemic. Most going on for Covid and hopefully super-
countries focused on testing people to charged research efforts . . . to under-
see if they had the coronavirus, but UK stand the transmission of these viruses,
scientists conducted mass sequencing, but also to help develop new treatments
reading the whole genome of hundreds and vaccines.”

BioNTech to buy British

AI start-up for £562m
Alex Ralph B investment round, led by Alpha Intel-
ligence and CDIB, and backed by BioN-
BioNTech, one of the leading corona- Tech and Google among others. It
virus vaccine makers, has agreed to buy follows a collaboration between Insta-
a UK artificial intelligence start-up for Deep and BioNTech that created a
up to £562 million. warning system to predict variants of
The purchase of InstaDeep is the the virus.
biggest acquisition by the German bio- Ugur Sahin, BioNTech’s chief execu-
tech company, which partnered with tive and co-founder, said: “The
Pfizer on the coronavirus jab and aims acquisition of InstaDeep allows us to
to use machine learning to accelerate incorporate the evolving AI capabilities
drug discovery. of the digital world into our technolo-
InstaDeep was founded in Tunisia in gies, research, drug discovery, manu-
2014 and incorporated in Britain, where facturing and deployment processes.”
it has its headquarters, the following Pharmaceutical companies, includ-
year. It has offices in Paris, Tunis and ing GSK, one of Britain’s two big phar-
Boston, and employs about 240 people. ma groups, are increasingly investing in
The company was co-founded by AI to improve the risky process of dis-
Karim Beguir, 46, its chief executive, a covering new drugs.
British citizen who was born in France BioNTech will pay about £362 mil-
and grew up in Tunisia. InstaDeep lion in cash and shares to acquire the re-
declined to comment on the sharehold- maining InstaDeep stock it does not
ings of individual investors. InstaDeep own and up to £200 million in perform-
raised £74 million a year ago in a series ance-based payments.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 23

Every soldier I’ve known

has kept a kill count
Anthony Loyd
Page 24
Tory MPs risk being usurped by their party
The Conservative Democratic Organisation is a Bennite attempt to grab the levers of power and get rid of Rishi Sunak
gathering wasn’t referred to as a he led the efforts of the Campaign for would certainly in practice ensure,
Daniel branch meeting. Local groups of the Labour Party Democracy in the early that where the views of the party and
Finkelstein league were called “habitations”. This 1980s. The Bennites argued that their consciences diverge, they would
odd name is because the league was parliament was the creature of be required to please the party.
conceived of as a rather bizarre and wealthy elites and not, therefore, the For all its constitutional posturing
romantic chivalric order. Subscriptions real voice of the people. Yet Benn was and use of inapt historical analogies,
were referred to as “tributes” and uncomfortable with the unmediated the CDO leaders’ real agenda is
@dannythefink there was an elaborate medieval voice of the shopfloor as the ultimate nakedly political. They wish to replace
structure ruled over by a grand source of law. There was a need for a Rishi Sunak, regarding his

t’s not even entirely obvious that ruling council of knights imperial. body with greater legitimacy. premiership as illegitimate. And in his
the primrose was really Benjamin The order was primarily social, with His solution was for parliament to place they desire the return of Boris
Disraeli’s favourite flower. At picnics and walks, and the chance for continue but to be controlled by the Johnson. They openly argue that last
some point he’d clearly told members of the middle class to meet mass party. A crucial move — one October, in circumstances where the
Queen Victoria that it was. But members of the aristocracy, who that sounded a mere matter of words creation by Johnson of a broad
he told her all sorts of stuff as long as possessed not just status but the allure but was so much more — was to ministry would have been impossible,
it sounded good. of celebrity. It owed much of its change the party constitution to the membership should nonetheless
In any case, when he died the success — it rose to two million make the leader of the Parliamentary have been able to install again as
Queen sent a wreath of them to his members — to its inclusiveness. It Labour Party into the leader of the leader someone the MPs removed.
funeral. And when, in 1883, an allowed Roman Catholics and, most Labour Party. The Bennites then In pursuit of this regrettable
organisation was established to importantly for its size and influence, successfully pressed for this leader to objective they propose permanent
celebrate Disraeli’s life and propagate women to play leading roles. be elected by the members and trade changes that would be a danger to
his myth, it was named the Primrose The Primrose League was many unions as well as MPs. parliamentary democracy and to
League. It was to become one of the things, and certainly it played a big This was accompanied by moves to pluralism for decades to come.
most successful political role in providing Conservatives with make it easy to remove MPs who Changes that might suit a presidential
organisations of the late 19th and canvassing support and linking it to displeased local activists and by an Tony Benn campaigned to make Labour system but do not suit ours.
early 20th centuries. It lasted until an emerging middle class. What it was enhanced emphasis on the decisions MPs accountable to the mass party Yet still they might succeed, if not
2004, when it was disbanded. of party conference. When one of in restoring their lost leader then in
Now a new Conservative
organisation, headed by the Tory peer
This sort of thinking is Benn’s circle, Jeremy Corbyn, became
leader he pledged that his own policy
The political objective is to make
MPs mere delegates of the party
installing their Bennite party
constitution. With funding and even
and donor Lord Cruddas, has been
established which claims the Primrose
completely alien to the on Europe and nuclear weapons —
the policy of MPs in parliament —
membership and to tie them to
leadership and policies determined
moderately competent organisation
their agenda might easily gain
League as its inspiration. Called the
Conservative Democratic
Conservative tradition would be determined not by his
conscience or theirs but by
outside parliament. Just as once was
the case with Tony Benn, the
traction in the party. What party
member, after all, doesn’t wish more
Organisation, it features the “historic, not was a model for a modern, conference voting. political thinking that underpins this power for themselves? And arguing
patriotic and democratic Primrose democratic Conservative Party. The Conservative Democratic is the idea that MPs are an elite for the preservation of the delicate
League” on its website, alongside a Indeed the party leader, the Marquess Organisation promotes some while the party members represent balance between MPs and the party
call for greater control of the of Salisbury, approved formal unremarkable ideas. A party policy the voice of “real” people. This is an can seem like the support of elitism.
parliamentary party by members who recognition of the Primrose League conference to be held in a more astonishing doctrine. It is not to show disrespect for party
“feel ignored, steamrollered and held (despite thinking it vulgar) as a way affordable location, for instance. And Such thinking would have been members, whose role is important, to
in utter contempt by party leaders”. of forestalling any move to empower better arrangements for the completely alien to the Primrose argue that it is an error to confuse
But the real inspiration of the local Conservative associations. accountability of party officers League and is alien, too, to their will with the “will of the people”.
Conservative Democratic The argument of Salisbury was carrying out party tasks. But its Conservative tradition. Confusing The lesson of repeated elections is
Organisation isn’t Disraeli, or even that in a parliamentary democracy, overall ambition is much greater and party democracy with democracy for that voters do not always share the
Randolph Churchill (whom they also members owed parliament their more worrying than that. The aim of everyone is a classic error. And it is enthusiasms of activists. As the fate
cite). It is Tony Benn. independence of judgment, as was the CDO is to reduce the role of MPs incompatible with a parliament in of Jeremy Corbyn demonstrated.
The first meeting of any branch of famously argued by Edmund Burke. in the selection of the party leader — which conscience and judgment is The Conservative Democratic
the Primrose League was in the MPs could not possibly be dictated already, in my view, too small — and exercised. Members of parliament Organisation is not the Primrose
Freemasons’ Tavern, near Covent to by extra-parliamentary bodies. to allow local associations much must be accountable to all their voters League. It is Tory Momentum.
Garden, on April 19, 1884, the third And this position was precisely what greater freedom in selection and, and be good representatives of them.
anniversary of Disraeli’s death. But the Tony Benn sought to overturn when crucially, deselection of MPs. The CDO seems to be suggesting, and
24 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Every soldier I’ve known has kept a kill count

Outrage over Harry’s 25 dead Taliban is hypocritical but may reflect unease with today’s warfare
boasted of the kills, and broke some euphemism of “enemy neutralised” servicemen, the public lapped up
Anthony unwritten code of soldierly conduct — are often included in the official their stories, egged on by a media Drake was a rogue
Loyd in referring to them at all. military citations for gallantry and entertainment industry which
but don’t write him
Few critics appear to have read awards. As an institution, the recognises the thrilling appeal of
what he wrote — a measured and
reflective account, a little dull and
military’s core is imbued with body-
count culture. To say different is not
state-sanctioned killing. The profits
can be huge. Book sales made both
out of our history
certainly devoid of boast, in which he
recalled the post-mission analysis of
just disingenuous. It is an outright lie.
Contrary to Prince Harry’s
McNab and Ryan millionaires. In
fact and in fiction, we are obsessed
Roland White
@a_loyd_times gun camera footage. “The Apache forgetful have-a-go military critics, by soldierly killing.

saw it all,” he wrote. “Everything I former soldiers also regularly Lost in the hypocritical froth of egend has it that, in times of

oldiers have always counted did in the course of two combat tours mention in books and on camera those denouncing Harry is a deeper great peril to the nation, Sir
kills. As units or as was recorded, time stamped. I could how many people they have killed, truth. It concerns “honour”. Honour Francis Drake will return
individuals, they write up always say precisely how many and sometimes how they killed them. divides a soldier from being a from the dead and rescue us
body counts to give enemy combatants I’d killed. And I Patrick Hennessey, the Grenadier common killer because they face a all (presumably supported
themselves a sense of felt it vital never to shy away from Guards officer whose book The mortal risk. In essence, it is okay for by King Arthur, who also offers
meaning, or purpose or progression; that number.” Junior Officers’ Reading Club so soldiers to kill so long as they may much the same service). All we have
or sometimes power or skill. It is an As an infantry platoon commander beautifully encapsulated the horror, also be killed. to do is to give a few hefty beats on
integral part of war. Some men later in the late 1980s, I remember a wall tenderness, violence and fun of a Harry made no claim of courage. his legendary drum.
reflect on taking life to unburden in the lecture hall at Lydd training 2007 infantry platoon commander’s His Apache exemplified the high-tech At least, that was the deal until fairly
themselves. Others choose to kill tour in Helmand, described the Zen- overreach in the US-led coalition’s recently. Because if Drake turned up
and keep silent. A few talk about
killing to make money. Whatever the
Honour divides a like certainty of taking a shot at the
beaded skull cap of a Taliban
abilities to kill Pashtun insurgents
across a battlefield with a heavy
now, like Lord Flashheart in
Blackadder, he’d be sent packing or
reason, ever since one man clubbed
another to death, combatants have
soldier from a killer as carrying an RPG. Hennessey rued,
when told his company had killed
civilian presence. The M230 chain gun
with which he killed 25 people can
possibly even arrested for historic
offences. The supposed saviour of
counted heads, scalps, ears or bodies.
Scythians, Romans, Native
they face mortal risk between 180 and 190 Taliban, that
“we didn’t get a double century”.
fire up to 625 rounds a minute, which
typically fragment on impact with a
the nation and great explorer is the
latest figure to be cancelled.
Americans, Anglo Saxons, fighter aces, camp where my battalion was being Rougher stories of killing abound, lethal radius for anyone standing Sir Francis Drake Primary School
bomber crews, US grunts and British prepared to be sent to Northern and the public love them. Andy within five feet. The Taliban, armed in Deptford, southeastLondon, has
generals: they all kept tally. “Body Ireland. It was decked with close-up McNab and Chris Ryan, the two SAS with AK-47 assault rifles and RPGs, voted to change its name to the
count” is as old as war itself. Every colour photographs of the eight soldiers whose accounts of a failed posed minimal threat to the Apache. rather bland Twin Oaks Primary
wartime army I have encountered in members of the IRA’s East Tyrone patrol in Iraq in 1991, call sign Bravo Harry could kill without fear of dying. School because Drake is “at odds”
35 years’ work in conflict has a Brigade killed in an SAS ambush at Two Zero, opened the gates to a And kill he did, as he was sent to do. with the school’s values. To be
subconscious “kill count” doctrine in Loughgall a few months earlier flood of one-man, shoot-em-up tales Are his military critics really so honest, I would hope that the vast
their operational orders, whether during an attack on a police station. of derring-do and ultra-violence by angry because he broke some non- majority of people in modern Britain
they admit it or not. It’s war, after all, They had all been shot in the head, former soldiers, made no attempt to existent code? Or because his would be at odds with the values of
so go out and get some. multiple times, at close range. The shrink from body counts. McNab account of killing so easily in a Drake. He was a man of his time: a
Yet since the Duke of Sussex wounds were hideous. The same claimed the SAS patrol had killed or faraway land, in a war that was lost chancer and a rogue.
revealed that as an Apache images of mutilation were replayed wounded 250 Iraqis. Ryan described despite the overwhelming advantage For a start, he was an early tax
helicopter co-pilot and gunner he to us at the start of training videos to killing one sentry with a knife. in technology, is the reflection not of evader. He deliberately did not keep
had done the job he was trained by the soundtrack of Another One Bites Recent accounts in the same genre — a knight, but of a military machinist,
the military and sent by the
government to do, killing 25 Taliban,
the Dust. There was no utility to the
display. It was army kill-count
Sergeant Dan Mills’ account of action
in Iraq, Sniper One, and Craig
taking multiple lives without the fear
of dying: a modern war story of the
People with flaws and
he has been criticised by members of
the military establishment. The most
crassness at its worst.
Kill counts — today more often
Harrison’s The Longest Kill —
describe killing in even baser detail.
soldier who kills without honour? repellent opinions can
common accusations are that he referred to by the Orwellian Rather than criticise these former still be a force for good
an inventory of the loot he seized
from the Spanish in case they tried
Matthew Parris Notebook to tax him, or — worse — demanded
it back. He had a former friend and
stop-and-start driving through busy should list that among your confidently, until I hit calculus, and colleague, Thomas Doughty, executed
It’s surely urban streets. Surely this is as skilled
as, and certainly it’s more laborious
objections to the practice — arguably
at the head of a list on which
crashed. There’s something about
calculus, a step-change, that some
on trumped-up charges of witchcraft.
More to the point for the teachers,

harder to than, a train driver’s job?

So what is he or she paid? £24,879
per annum, and up to £31,000 with
subsequent objections are surely
superfluous. If a person arguing in
favour of assisted dying turned out to
minds take in their stride while others
simply can’t. As through a one-way
mirror, you calculus whizzos can see
parents and children who voted to
replace him with two oak trees, he
was a transatlantic slave trader, who

drive a coach experience. A train driver? £48,000

and up to £65,000 with experience.
Something here doesn’t look right.
have a financial interest in the
practice, we’d expect them to declare
it. There is something sneaky,
us floundering on the other side of
the glass, but we can’t see you and
your mental processes. It’s humbling
transported slaves from West Africa
to the Spanish and Portuguese
colonies of South America.
than a train Show your faith
ve been following the debate
something subterranean, about those
believers who avoid mentioning God
or sin in their arguments against
for a boy who thinks himself clever to
come a complete cropper this way.
All of these flaws have long been
acknowledged, yet have usually been
balanced against his obvious

I’ Staring competition

anding at Luton airport on among politicians and on our own things such as assisted dying, suicide, achievements. It was Drake, as second-
Thursday I flew into a Times pages about assisted dying, abortion or homosexuality. Before we ometimes, no further comment in-command of the English fleet,
trainless UK but I’d bought
a National Express coach
ticket to Chesterfield. This
and (although I’m on the other side
of the argument) was particularly
struck by a letter last Thursday
examine their pragmatic arguments,
we need to know and judge for
ourselves whether the real
S is needed. I was on a Tube train
before Christmas staring above
the seats opposite, as you do, at that
who devised the plan which routed
the Spanish Armada. It was Drake
who became the first Englishman to
was my first coach expedition for from the chief executive of motive is faith-based. infuriating STARING poster that circumnavigate the globe.
some years; it may be the first of Humanists Against Assisted Undercover Christianity (I react Transport for London displays. On a rather more parochial level,
many for lots of us, so I was curious Suicide and Euthanasia. I was strongly against CS Lewis) is a “Intrusive staring of a sexual nature it was Drake who, as mayor of
to try it. Summarised verdict: good, struck because we do need to know form of deception. is sexual harassment and is not Plymouth, is said to have introduced
unexpectedly punctual, comfortable, where people are coming from tolerated. See it or experience it on that city’s first municipal water
quiet — but slower and you can’t in this debate and I grow Differential test public transport? Text what, where supply. The construction of so-called
stretch your legs. suspicious of apparently m slightly unsettled and when to 61016. In an emergency Drake’s Leat has been celebrated
En route we stopped at Milton
Keynes, Leicester and Nottingham
— and here’s what struck me. The
pragmatic or even scientific
arguments against assisted
dying that turn out (on
I’ by plans Rishi Sunak
foreshadowed last
week to make
always dial 999.”
My next Tube ride found me staring
at a different poster above the opposite
annually by civic dignitaries.
History is complicated. Great
figures are complicated. People with
driver does everything. He drives, he further inquiry) to come schoolchildren continue seats. The advertiser was Genie obvious flaws and repellent opinions
loads cases into the hold and unloads from religious people learning maths until Connections. “Had flirty eye contact?” can still be a force for good. That in
at each destination, he checks whose church believes they’re 18. I was very it read, on a picture of a cheeky- itself is a valuable lesson for young
passengers on and off, and while the practice to be a good at maths up until looking girl gazing intently at a children. So please, let’s not write
driving he’s also responsible for mortal sin. my GCE O-levels, and got cheeky-looking boy, who is returning Drake completely out of our national
supervising a coachload of It may be a mortal sin, a distinction. Arithmetic, her glance. “Making the first move is story. Apart from anything else, it
passengers behind him. He must be though as a non-believer mental arithmetic, geometry, easy with Genie. Have your Bluetooth would be a belated victory to
expert and attentive at the wheel, I doubt this, but here’s the algebra, trigonometry — no on, they’ll stay in our app’s history, another group of enthusiastic slave
taking split-second decisions point: if you believe problem, sailed through. So and you can connect now or later. traders — the Spanish.
continuously and encountering assisted dying is against I carried on with maths Never miss that moment to connect!”
everything from fast motorways to God’s commandments you towards A-levels: It’s a mad, mad world, my masters.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 25


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Gen Z has lost patience with softboi Harry

He was a flag-bearer for millennials but his inconsistency and self-indulgent regurgitation of grudges have put us off
Now there is a general sense of has read a SparkNotes on being 21st-century man he wants to be. of his wife. Yet to Bradby he
Pravina amusement at anecdotes about “woke”. His ability to articulate Millennial women increasingly defended Lady Susan Hussey over
Rudra frostbitten extremities, and of despair summary points and surface-level attach the label “softboi” to men who her questioning of Ngozi Fulani’s
that he has made erstwhile defenders insights kept us nodding along with are performatively feminist or origins and said the royal family
look stupid. As little as a month ago, him for years. But the probing emotionally vulnerable in order to were guilty of “unconscious bias”, not
Harry had a 20 per cent net approval afforded by 416 pages of memoir attract kudos but who cannot live up racism. The sentiment is increasingly
rating among young people, but at makes it clear he is not aware of the to the reality they present. Harry that Harry is “woke” foremost when
@pravina_r the end of last week this slipped to nuance or deeper introspection bears increasing resemblance to this it comes to how he and his wife have
zero, according to YouGov. needed to combat injustice. archetype. been treated, but he’s not for a

hatever older Harry derived a lot of support There is especially increased Ultimately, Harry was lent broader societal reckoning.
generations might from my generation because we scepticism towards Harry among millennial support because we The question which follows is of
have said about appreciated his openness around young women. Harry’s assumed he’d be our flag bearer on course whether this chapter of
Prince Harry in mental health and the long-lasting preoccupation with defending his the world stage. He has condemned Harry’s verbal incontinence will prove
recent years, he effects of his adolescent grief. But his wife’s privacy once earned him our a watershed for how my generation
could rely on millennials such as me,
and members of Gen Z, to be his
repeated regurgitation of dated
family grudges, some as petty as
admiration. But in Spare, he reveals a
gamut of detail about women he has
Harry is not aware of perceives Meghan, too. I suspect not
— yet. No matter how much she
bulwark. The more he was ridiculed,
the more firmly we defended him.
getting a smaller bedroom than his
brother when they were children, is
met, so disrespectfully it feels he has
rendered them collateral damage in
the nuance needed rankles, or how grave the allegations
from the “mainstream media”, many
What he was railing against — the
monarchy, racism, the stiff upper lip
frustrating to watch. It plays directly
into a stereotype of therapy we try to
his quest to tell a good story. Surely
he knew that referring to the older
to combat injustice consider the tabloid treatment of her
so egregious they feel compelled to
of our elders — are viewed by our woman he lost his virginity to aged “the Firm” with such intensity that offer her a shield. And because
generation as having their roots in
capitalism, colonialism and
It feels as though he 17 would provoke reporters to go
after various equestrian-inclined
people assumed they could rely on
him, when he was finally asked “Do
Meghan is a gushy American, many
of her inconsistencies, especially over
conservatism, all anathema to
progressive young people.
has read a SparkNotes women in an attempt to work out
who she was? Was it necessary to
you believe in the monarchy?”, to
self-identify as a republican. But on
privacy, can be laughed off as “lost in
translation” rather than inherently
We looked away from Harry’s
more mawkish moments and
on being ‘woke’ share that Courteney Cox, the
Friends actress, gave him magic
ITV he told Tom Bradby: “My
problem has never been with the
This is not least because she is
contradictions. Sometimes quite dispel — that it’s self-indulgent and mushroom chocolates when he monarchy.” For a cohort whose mixed race, and whatever might be
literally. I have friends who refused allows you to play the victim for stayed at her house in LA? desire to abolish the monarchy was her position now, she was not born
to watch his and Meghan’s Netflix ever more. Any Freud-versed Elsewhere, he refers to his buttressed, even triggered, by the into privilege. Harry, however, is a
documentary because they knew millennial knows the mantra that brother’s “alarming baldness, more royal family’s treatment of Harry and British prince. He has no excuse —
they’d be forced to renounce him. our parents often pass on trauma advanced than my own” and Kate’s Meghan (since their Oprah and millennials have stopped giving
But something has changed since they received from their own “baby brain”, the kind of interview, memes about turning him the benefit of the doubt.
the publication of Spare and its parents, but Harry continues to lash commentary that a perma-online Buckingham Palace into a Greggs or
surrounding publicity. Previously, out at his father, and not privately generation can see from a mile off as a location for Love Island are
following any royal news, Instagram but in the public eye. outdated and gratuitous. It becomes routinely swapped), that is a betrayal.
was chequered in squares of For a lot of young liberals, it clear there is a gulf between Harry Again, Harry was initially
solidarity with Harry and his wife. increasingly feels as though Harry and the enlightened, rarefied, outspoken about the racist treatment
26 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

Letters to the Editor should be sent to

Letters to the Editor or by post to
1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF

Stemming the exodus of doctors to Australia Marbles ownership

Sir, The trustees of the British
Sir, A survey of nearly 1,800 final-year them? We must pay junior doctors a years immediately after qualification, Museum are in principle prevented by
medical students in 1966 for the Royal realistic living wage but they should which is when most doctors and law from returning the Parthenon
Commission on Medical Education also have to sign a contract when nurses become disillusioned and marbles. However, they do not “own
found that a third were considering starting medical school to work for at change jobs or move abroad. the friezes” as your leading article
emigrating. Most did. More than half least five years for the NHS to repay Matthew Porteous, FRCS claims (“Homeward Bound”, Jan 5).
a century on, and many short-term part of the cost of their training. Pakenham, Suffolk Elgin did not have legal title to them
fixes later, history is repeating itself Dr Klaus J Misch, FRCP and could not pass title he did not
Whistleblowing bill (“Thousands swap NHS grind for life Epsom, Surrey Sir, GPs have become part-time, have. In 1811 Robert Adair, the British
down under”, Jan 9). Creating the leading to inflexibility when demand ambassador to the Ottoman empire,
Sir, We write as a group of global NHS is something of which this Sir, Nurses and doctors who choose peaks, and the push to specialise has reported that the Ottomans
journalism and media freedom country can be truly proud. But we to work abroad not only leave behind created the need for multiple “absolutely denied” that Elgin had
organisations to express our serious cannot go on like this. If those we the NHS with all its failings but also appointments; then we wonder why “any property in the marbles”. That
concerns about the National Security train to high standards in health (provided they do not return) their there are none (Wes Streeting same year, Elgin wrote to Spencer
Bill before parliament, and the risk it professions cannot practise to those not inconsiderable student debt, interview, Jan 7; letters, Jan 9). Perceval, the prime minister, also
poses to whistleblowing and public standards, they will go to where they which is eventually written off. For There are two options for general admitting that the Ottomans denied
interest journalism. Although we can. They and the public deserve many it is a win-win situation: better practice. We can recognise primary that those who gave him the marbles
understand the government’s aim to better. A long-term strategy for health quality of life, better pay and no debt. care as a specialty in its own domain “had any right to dispose of them”. In
update its espionage laws to protect and social care, learning from A solution to deter this brain drain of and then pay an NHS-funded fee for any event, in the Temple of Preah
national security, the bill contains countries that do not lurch from crisis shortage specialties would be for the service. At present income is not Vihear case in 1962, the International
broad definitions that we believe will, to crisis as we do, is long overdue. NHS or government to write off a dependent on the number of patients Court of Justice confirmed that parts
even if unintentionally, have an Sir Peter Rubin proportion of student debt (say seen. When working with such a of public buildings belong to the
impact on legitimate whistleblowers Emeritus professor of medicine, £10,000) for every year of continual system in Australia I found that a sovereign territory in perpetuity. They
and public interest journalism. Nottingham University; London SW1 full-time service in the NHS after busy day was a joyous one with a are, so to speak, immoveable.
Clauses intended to target spies qualification. If doctors or nurses took fuller wallet. The other option is to Catharine Titi
acting on behalf of foreign states Sir, I have every sympathy for junior a break, worked part-time or went scrap primary care and move GPs Research associate professor, French
could also bring individuals working doctors, who start after many years of abroad they would no longer be into hospital-type settings. Most GPs National Centre for Scientific Research
for international media and non- training on an hourly rate of £13 an eligible. This arrangement would feel no longer want to run a practice as a
governmental organisations, many of hour before tax. By comparison the like a significant pay rise without any business and prefer to be salaried and Sir, Regarding Robert Tombs’s letter
which legitimately receive funding companion I employ for an elderly increase in headline pay, as the part-time working within big teams. (Jan 10), may I also suggest the return
from foreign states, within the scope relative earns more than £20 an hour. beneficiaries would no longer need to Patients want to go where the of the Lindisfarne Gospels to
of the bill. This could have a chilling You report an exodus of junior service the debt. This would scanner is housed. Northumberland, where they were
effect on the legitimate flow of public doctors to Australia for more realistic undoubtedly help with morale, Dr Gerard Bulger, FRCGP, FRACGP created in the early 8th century.
interest information, creating a pay and conditions. Who can blame recruitment and retention in the London EC1 Phil Thirkell
blueprint for authoritarian Newcastle upon Tyne
governments to threaten journalists,
activists and whistleblowers with loss of attraction to foreign
lengthy prison sentences. Fallout from Brexit companies, allied to continuing Private healthcare Vermeer’s genius
We believe the government can underperformance.
strengthen its espionage laws for the Sir, Sadly, your report “Foreign Andrew Fraser Sir, Wes Streeting has lost my respect Sir, Gregor Weber’s theory about
modern age while ensuring that there investors turning away from unstable Chief executive of InvestUK after his unwarranted remarks about Vermeer’s introduction to the camera
are meaningful and robust Britain” (Jan 9) came as no surprise. 1994-2000; London SW19 Rishi Sunak’s use of the NHS. Giles obscura is exciting (“Vermeer was
protections for those acting in the The economic damage from Brexit Coren is right: such comments are a exposed to camera by Jesuits”, Jan 7).
public interest, specifically was predicted. As you point out, Sir, Hugo Rifkind is right to highlight sign of pure snobbery (“So Rishi may However, even if Vermeer was
whistleblowers and journalists. Make UK has “blamed the impact of the present lack of debate about use private healthcare? Good for him”, delighted by his new acquisition, he is
Romana Cacchioli, PEN Brexit on trade costs and customs Brexit (“Sunak and Starmer can Jan 10). If one speaks without a unlikely to have used it very much,
International; Rebecca Vincent, barriers”. This has led to an inevitable barely say the B-word”, Jan 10). Like definable regional accent, pays one’s because a box camera’s screen is so
Reporters Without Borders; Deborah fall in investment, which the Bank of the small majority of the electorate taxes when asked, does not approve small. Vermeer needed only a convex
Bonetti, Foreign Press Association; England has estimated to be almost who voted in the 2016 referendum I in the main of strikes, is able to afford lens and a pair of curtains to set up a
Liz Corbin, European Broadcasting 25 per cent in the five years to 2021. voted to leave the EU. Since then I private medical insurance one stands room camera obscura wherever he
Union; Owen Meredith, News Media The political impact has been equally have often asked myself if my vote condemned. Too many Labour chose, and then he could work
Association; Lord Black of Brentwood, damaging when, as the The Economist would have been the same if I knew politicians like Wes Streeting boast directly from a projected image of his
Commonwealth Press Union noted recently, “support for Brexit then what I know now; the answer is about being on the side of the whole motif. Delft was a centre for
Plus a further 29 signatories at became a requisite for office”. This is a no. I wonder how many others have “ordinary working man” as if they are lens grinding, and curtains are listed direct consequence of the suspension reached the same conclusion. the only people who are. Giles Coren in the inventory of his belongings.
of our tradition of representative Christopher Patridge is correct to call out the politics of I have shown how Vermeer could
democracy. All the main parties March, Cambs such snobbery and envy. have transferred a paint tracing by
Defence spending supported Remain but a narrow vote
in favour of Brexit was sufficient to Sir, As Hugo Rifkind demonstrates,
Simon Evers
Weston Turville, Bucks
“printing” it on to a prepared canvas
(Traces of Vermeer, OUP 2017). This
Sir, Max Hastings makes a powerful effect fundamental constitutional we Remainers have learnt nothing would correct the orientation of the
case for strengthening Britain’s armed change despite the referendum being from the referendum. We lost because Sir, Giles Coren says he sometimes image, and provide a tonal base layer.
forces (“It’s time for realism about our advisory (which meant no sensible we saw it as an economic argument. uses private healthcare so that he does He could then work in colour on top
armed forces”, Jan 10). His argument thresholds were set). The case for leaving was simple and not burden the state by hogging seats of this, out in the light of his studio.
applies to other nations, not least Britain’s remarkable record in was based on the need to reinstate in NHS waiting rooms. I had rather Prints made in this way show striking
Australia. At least Britain belongs to leading the EU for inward investment Britons’ ability to choose which foolishly believed it was because he resonances with Vermeer’s own
that minority of countries that spend was predicated on its competitive politicians make the laws they live by. wanted to shorten the time between roughly made beginnings, as seen in
at least 2 per cent of GDP on defence. position inside the single market. By any measure Brexit achieved this. diagnosis and treatment. recent scientific investigations, and
My nation, which is exposed to Unfortunately we must now expect Andrew Wauchope John Arbuckle could be additional evidence to
increasing strategic and economic further surveys demonstrating our Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, Oxon Glasgow confirm his use of optics when
pressure from China, spends only making his luminous paintings.
1.96 per cent of its GDP on defence. Jane Jelley
True, it intends to spend more and, nothing in the book which was to teach them how to limit their Oxford
pursuant to its Aukus agreement with BIRTH- obscene. It was written by a woman of families.”
Britain and the US, may have its own
nuclear-powered submarines in due
CONTROL BOOK refinement and education, and the
ideas advocated therein were those
The Magistrate observed that he
had to consider not only the Heroic hornbeam
course — but not for several decades.
As Hastings suggests, America’s allies
‘OBSCENE’ which could be found in many
medical books. Its object was to
pamphlet or book itself, but the
manner of its publication. It had Sir, Hornbeam produces not only
have sheltered under its military explain to ignorant women how they been said with truth that dirt was useful hardwood (Nature notes, Jan 10)
umbrella for too long and must bear could avoid large families. only matter in the wrong place. The but invaluable seeds: large and hard,
the financial burden more. from the times january 11, 1923 Evidence for the defence was given eminent persons called for the they appeal to hawfinches, which with
John Kidd by Sir W Arbuthnot Lane, consulting defence had stated that the only their powerful beaks (exerting 4kg per
Surfers Paradise, Queensland At West London Police Court surgeon to Guy’s Hospital, who said object of the book was to give sq cm) thrive on them. Planting more
yesterday, Mr Boyd heard an that in his opinion the book was one persons of a certain age certain hornbeam might help to reverse the
adjourned summons against Guy that ought to be in the hands of every necessary information and advice birds’ red-list status.
Corrections and Aldred and Rose Aldred (or young person about to be married. He on the subject of birth-control. That, Peter Saunders
clarifications Witcop), of Richmond Gardens, saw no harm in it. Mr Harold Cox, no doubt, was true, but the whole Salisbury
Shepherd’s Bush, for keeping at that who was also called for the defence, question was whether such
address copies of a certain obscene said it was a “gross injustice” to call information had been published
The Times takes
book for sale and gain, the
defendants being called on to show
the book obscene.
The Magistrate: “Would you put
indiscriminately. He was of the
opinion that publication had been
Soft soap solution
about editorial why such books should not be such a book in the hands of a girl or indiscriminate, and therefore he Sir, In addition to the evocative scent
content destroyed. boy of sixteen?” Mr Cox: “All over should direct that the books be of Imperial Leather (letter, Jan 7)
seriously. We are committed to abiding
by the Independent Press Standards It was stated that the book was London you see books of a lustful destroyed. there is the advantage that if it is
Organisation rules and regulations and called “Family Limitation”, and was tendency, and there is nothing to Notice of appeal was given. placed with the label facing down it
the Editors’ Code of Practice that IPSO written by Margaret Sanger, an prevent a boy or girl buying them. prevents the bar from becoming
enforces. Requests for corrections or American. Mr Harry Myers, for the This is a book written for the mushy in a soap dish.
clarifications should be sent to defence, argued that there was edification of poor, ignorant women Nigel à Brassard London
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 27

Leading articles

Daily Universal Register

UK: Ambulance staff in England belonging
to the Unison and GMB unions go on strike,
as do secondary school staff belonging to the
Educational Institute of Scotland union.

Nature notes
The dragonfly
scooted over the
bridleway. Though
Union Dues
it was a cold day in
January, the insect The government’s proposed law requiring unions to guarantee minimum service
was flying
vigorously at a levels is right in principle, even if it comes too late for the present wave of strikes
height of six or seven metres. Was it a brown
hawker? No. In fact, it wasn’t a dragonfly at It is unfortunate that the bill requiring trade ployees would also lose blanket unfair dismissal year requiring airlines and their staff to provide a
all, but a field maple seed. Like its larger unions to provide minimum service levels during protection if they were told to work but refused to minimum level of service. In France, local author-
cousin the sycamore, the field maple strikes was introduced to parliament in the very do so. Unions would have to pay damages. ities have the right to “requisition any property or
produces winged seeds that have evolved to week that the first signs emerged of a possible end Defining minimum service levels will be easier service, require any person necessary” to main-
hitch a ride on the wind. Caught on a fresh to this winter of discontent. Even so, Rishi Sunak in some sectors than others. So far during the tain public order, hygiene, tranquillity or safety.
breeze, this particular field maple seed is right to forge ahead with delivery on a long- strikes by health workers, there have been few Besides, the legislation is unlikely to reach the
twirled overhead like a helicopter before standing Conservative manifesto commitment. issues with patient safety after the Royal College statute book in time to have a bearing on the
spinning out of sight. Some field maple seeds The present wave of strikes, which includes of Nursing and unions representing ambulance present wave of strikes. Although the bill is guar-
can travel a hundred metres from their tree threatened walkouts by railway workers, NHS workers all reached voluntary agreements with anteed an easy passage through the Commons, it
before falling to the ground. These staff, ambulance drivers, firefighters, teachers and hospitals to protect emergency services and life- is certain to run into opposition in the Lords.
ingenious, flying seeds are known as border officials, has already brought considerable saving care. But negotiating a minimum service Labour has said it will oppose the bill, and has
samaras. jonathan tulloch disruption and heavy financial costs for millions of agreement to cover rail will be trickier, given the pledged to reverse it if it comes to power. That sug-
people and thousands of businesses. The govern- involvement of multiple employers and unions gests it could be the summer at least before the bill
ment has a responsibility to balance the right to and the interconnected needs of what is effective- becomes law. It must be hoped that the present
Birthdays today withdraw labour with the need to protect the lives ly a single network. It is impossible to run a rail disputes will have been resolved by then.
and livelihoods of others. network, for example, with only 20 per cent of the Indeed, the government has already signalled a
Rachel Riley, pictured, The proposed legislation is right in principle. signals in operation, while agreements on services willingness to compromise with health workers by
TV presenter, There is no doubt, however, that the challenge will would have to be negotiated line by line. agreeing to discuss the possibility of a lump sum
Countdown (since 2009), be to ensure it works in practice. The government The unions argue that the proposed law is payment or backdating a future pay deal. Minis-
37; Chris Beardshaw, intends to consult on an “adequate level of cover- counterproductive. They say that not only will it ters have also met with representatives of rail and
garden designer and TV age” for fire, ambulance and rail services, based on antagonise union members and lead to a further education unions this week in an effort to avert
presenter, 54; Mary J minimum safety levels, to ensure that lives are not deterioration in industrial relations, but it will in- strikes. That may not have been enough to halt
Blige, singer, Be Without put at risk. Other sectors covered by the legis- evitably lead to increased disruption as the walk- planned walkouts starting this week. In particular,
You (2006), 52; Geraint lation include education, nuclear decommission- outs will be spread over more days. These objec- unions continue to resist the government’s insist-
Bowen, organist and director of music, ing and border security. Under the law, employers tions are unpersuasive. The reality is that several ence on measures to improve productivity in
Hereford Cathedral, 60; Sir Chris Bryant, will be able to sue unions and sack staff if they fail other European countries have long had similar return for higher pay. This is unreasonable. It is
Labour MP for Rhondda, shadow leader of to deliver on minimum service requirements. Em- laws in place. Spain, for example, passed a law last time for the unions to show flexibility too.
the House of Commons (2015-16), 61; Anna
Calder-Marshall, actress, Wuthering Heights
(1970), 76; Brian Cantor, metallurgist,
trustee, Science Museum Group, professor of
materials, Brunel University, 75; Jean
Chrétien, OM, prime minister of Canada
Tank Taboo
(1993-2003), 89; Jason Connery, actor, Robin
of Sherwood (1986), 60; Newton Faulkner, Britain is right to send Challenger tanks to Ukraine. If only it had more to give
singer and guitarist, Hand Built by Robots
(2007), 38; Caryn Franklin, fashion The Challenger 2 tank is a beast of the battlefield. Kyiv, except for legacy Soviet models still in the supply Challengers, the reality is that it has
commentator, 64; Melvyn Hayes, actor, It Weighing in at more than 70 tonnes when clothed hands of eastern European members. Donating precious few to offer from its own stocks: a few
Ain’t Half Hot Mum (1974-81), 88; Emile in the latest armour, and equipped with a lethal modern MBTs such as Challenger 2, the American dozen at a stretch, but not the hundreds Ukraine
Heskey, footballer, Liverpool (2000-04) and 120mm gun, it can make mincemeat out of Soviet Abrams and Germany’s Leopard 2 has been re- needs to reverse the Russian gains of last year. The
England (1999-2010), 45; Prof Sir Tony era rivals like the T72. Good news then that some garded as a step too far, an escalatory act that British Army has just over 220 Challengers, many
Hoare, emeritus researcher, Microsoft of these monsters may be soon making their way might somehow ignite a new level of conflict. But of which are in storage or long-term maintenance.
Research, Cambridge, and developer of the to Ukraine to take on Putin’s invading army. The in their reluctance to provoke Russia even as they There are just over 40 deployed in Estonia and
sorting algorithm Quicksort, 89; Richard government will be gratified by the positive cover- seek to prevent Ukraine’s defeat, the western pow- Poland. No other country operates them, except
Hughes, flat racing jockey and three-time age this rumoured donation has garnered, a pleas- ers may be prolonging a war that will bleed both Oman. Britain could ask Jordan to sell back some
champion jockey (2012, 2013, 2014), now ant change from strikes and patient waiting lists. sides for months and maybe years to come. of its older Challenger 1s but this would take time
trainer, 50; Brian Moore, rugby union While the Americans, Germans and French Modern MBTs have been considered off limits and money. A large-scale Ukrainian armoured
player, England (1987-1995), and rugby have promised only thinner skinned armoured because they are deemed offensive weapons. Yet offensive would need an injection of hundreds of
presenter and pundit, 61; Sarah Olney, vehicles to President Zelensky’s embattled forces, tanks can be employed offensively or defensively. modern tanks, which means Leopards or Abrams.
Liberal Democrat MP for Richmond Park, Britain is reported to be upping the ante. If so, it And what is morally offensive about a state retak- A handful of Challengers will make little
46; Vicki Peterson, guitarist and singer, the will be the first western power to offer Ukraine ing territory seized by an invader? In the broadest difference.
Bangles, Walk Like An Egyptian (1986), 65; western-manufactured main battle tanks (MBTs), sense, all Ukrainian actions are defensive, even Rishi Sunak’s commitment to defending
Bryan Robson, footballer, Manchester maintaining its public relations lead over Berlin armoured thrusts designed to liberate the home- Ukraine and his willingness to break Nato’s “tank
United (1981-94) and England (1980-91), and and Paris as that country’s most stalwart Euro- land. The deadly accurate US Himars rocket taboo” is to be welcomed. A European democracy
manager, 66; Tom Rowlands, musician, the pean supporter in the face of Russian aggression. system has wreaked havoc among Russian forces, is facing an existential threat from a ruthless dicta-
Chemical Brothers, Block Rockin’ Beats But this headline-grabbing move illustrates deep- being able to penetrate far behind the front line. torship. The hope must be that Britain’s gesture
(1997), 52; Arthur Scargill, trade unionist, er truths about the West’s equivocal stance on aid- Yet its participation is now taken for granted. The will encourage allies to think again about handing
president, National Union of Mineworkers ing Ukraine and the limitations of British power shyness of Washington, Berlin and Paris in supply- Kyiv the tools to finish the job. The armoured sal-
(1981-2002), 85; Adrian Sutil, Formula One after decades of parsimony in defence spending. ing tanks is misplaced. vation of Ukraine ultimately lies in the hands of
racing driver (2007-11, 2013-14), 40; Jamie Nato has until now refused to supply tanks to But while Britain deserves credit for the offer to the Americans and Germans.
Vardy, footballer, Leicester City, England
(2015-18), 36; Lotte Wubben-Moy, footballer,
Arsenal WFC and member of the Euro
2022-winning England national team, 24;
Joel Zwick, film director, My Big Fat Greek
Wedding (2002), 81.
Watch This Space
On this day
One failure should not stop the UK from reaching for the stars
Everybody remembers that the Soviet Union was as it might at first seem. Those gathered at Corn- with Challenger, on the way up, and Columbia, on
In 1973 the Open University awarded its first the first country to put a satellite into space, and wall Spaceport were understandably distraught. re-entry, losing their crews. Russia’s Soyuz 11 de-
degrees. After two years of home study, 867 most would assume, correctly, that the United Yet rockets of this sort are expected to fail almost pressurised after undocking from a space station.
of 1,000 students who sat their exams States came second. Only rarely, though, is it re- one in four times. It is unfortunate that this failure Its crew of three are the only humans to have died
graduated. The body was established by called that the United Kingdom was behind the curtailed what could have been Britain’s first in space. Spaceflight has never been easy.
royal charter on April 23, 1969. third. Ariel 1 may have been launched from Cape domestic launch, but the rocket did technically In perhaps typical Richard Branson style, the
Canaveral, but it was ours. Although never a huge reach space before malfunctioning, making it the Virgin Orbit endeavour was heavily hyped, but is
player in the global space industry — the British first object launched from British soil to do so. only a small part of the UK’s space ambitions.
The last word Black Arrow rocket did reach orbit in 1971, but Every space programme suffers failures. The Future unmanned launches are planned from
started from Australia — the UK was there at the first of Nasa’s crewed Apollo missions, which both Sutherland and Shetland, both of which in-
“The less we indulge our pleasures the more start. It will also be there in the future. would eventually put man on the moon, did not volve more traditional vertical take-off rockets.
we enjoy them.” Juvenal, Roman poet and The failure this week of Virgin Orbit’s Launch- get off the ground after a fire killed its crew during Britain will be back in space before long. The sky
satirist (AD c 60 – c 130), Satires erOne was devastating, if not quite as devastating testing. Disaster struck the Shuttle programme is not the limit.
28 2GM Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

Brasilia riot storm
follows Bolsonaro
to Florida hideout
United States president’s son, was fêted at the resort
Warrant for justice minister by Trump and Jason Miller, his
Jacqui Goddard Miami
one-time campaign spokesman,.
He promised to make his country great The President of Brazil’s supreme Trumpworld exported its strategy of
again, but spread false claims of elect- court, Alexandre de Moraes, has delegitimising an election before it
ion fraud, was accused of fomenting a ordered the arrest of Anderson even happened to Brazil, where Don
popular uprising, then fled to Florida to Torres, the former justice minister Jnr, Trump’s son, last year attended
lick his wounds. under Jair Bolsonaro and, until events that sowed misinformation
In a case of “familiar plot, different Sunday, head of security forces in about voting integrity and election-
protagonist”, Jair Bolsonaro, the former Brasilia (Stephen Gibbs writes). rigging, branded Bolsonaro’s rivals
president of Brazil, is thousands of Torres was fired from his Brasilia criminals and amplified his nationalist
miles from his homeland, five minutes post after the riots and it is agenda.
from the home of Mickey Mouse, and understood he recently left the Bolsonaro repeatedly met Trump’s
two hours from another accused insur- country and is now believed to be in circle including Steven Miller, his
rectionist — Donald Trump — learn- the United States. former senior adviser, and Steve Ban-
ing the ropes of a life in exile. Demonstrations have been held in non, a former White House chief strate-
His digs are an eight-bedroom holi- Brazil’s largest cities of Sao Paulo gist who was central to the insurrection
day villa rented from José Aldo, a and Rio de Janeiro calling for those at the US Capitol and who spread un-
retired Brazilian mixed martial arts and behind the storming of key founded claims of Brazilian election
cage-fighter, and billed as “the perfect government buildings last weekend fraud on his War Room podcast.
place to call home on your Orlando to be prosecuted. Lula has accused Bolsonaro of
vacation”. It is inside a resort that fea- More than 1,000 people alleged having stoked and encouraged the up-
tures an aqua park with water slides and to have taken part in the riots in rising, a charge Bolsonaro has rejected,
a free shuttle to Walt Disney World. Brasilia are being held by police, stating on social media that peaceful
It a far cry from the Palacio da Alvo- most in a gymnasium in the capital. protest is integral to democracy but
rada, or Palace of Dawn, the architec- vandalism and storming the seats of
tural marvel in Brasilia that was his power are “exceptions to the rule”.
home for four years. Bolsonaro is recu- On Sunday, thousands of his sup- Brazil has not requested his extradi-
perating here after a night in hospital porters stormed and ransacked Brazil’s tion, but Bolsonaro is not likely to re-
for stomach pains, posing a headache Congress, Supreme Court and presi- main long in Florida; visa restrictions
for President Biden as calls grow for dential palace in scenes reminiscent of could limit his stay to a few weeks.
him to be extradited to his homeland. the insurrection by Trump supporters Despite the “gourmet kitchen” and
“Florida should not be a place where at the US Capitol two years ago. “He availability of “in-home dining ser-
we give safe harbour to fascist leaders basically used the Trump playbook to vices” at his resort, Bolsonaro has been
inciting people to go out and storm cap- inspire domestic terrorists to try to take pictured dining alone at a Kentucky
itols,” said Maxwell Frost, a Florida over the government,” said Joaquin Fried Chicken. He was also captured on
Democrat congressman. “Bolsonaro Castro, a Texas Democrat congress- video at a supermarket strolling while
should be sent to Brazil immediately.” man who has called for Bolsonaro to be an aide wheeled a trolley.
Bolsonaro, 67, a right-wing authori- extradited. “He’s a dangerous man.” Brazilian well-wishers have gathered
tarian who lost his bid for a second pres- The scenes in Brasilia pulled into outside his villa. “There he is. There’s
idential term in October, flew to Florida focus the close ties between Trump- our president,” a man shouted as he
last month, two days before he was due world and Bolsonaro, who modelled signed shirts and posed for pictures.
to hand over to Luiz Inácio Lula da Sil- himself on his American counterpart to Bolsonaro, who has had five opera-
va, his leftist rival. He had initially con- such an extent that he was referred to as tions since he was stabbed in the stom-
tested his defeat, called for ballots cast “Trump’s mini-me” by commentators. ach at a rally four years ago, claimed
on digital voting machines to be an- In 2020, Trump hosted Bolsonaro at that a flare-up of abdominal issues was
nulled — alleging without evidence Mar-a-Lago, his Florida residence. In the cause of his hospital stay. “Grateful
that a software bug had corrupted them October, shortly after the Brazilian for the prayers and messages of prompt
— and has never explicitly conceded. vote, Eduardo Bolsonaro, the former recovery,” he wrote in a message to fans.

Mardi Gras parade ditches Mel Gibson Forget dot com, Americans
United States included threats and caused us great of battery after assaulting her later that Will Pavia New York call out to an uncomprehending world.
concern. In the best interest of the year and charges of domestic violence Instead, after they founded a Morse
Alistair Dawber Washington
safety of our riders, special guests and against him were dropped. A few years ago a group of New York code club and began offering online
Mel Gibson has been dropped by the everyone that welcomes us on the Winona Ryder, who has Jewish heri- ham radio enthusiasts decided to tutorials, they discovered a new gener-
organisers of the biggest Mardi Gras streets, Mel Gibson will not ride as a co- tage, claimed in 2020 that Gibson had address a glaring problem. “There were ation desperate to start communicating
parade in New Orleans, hours after grand marshal for our 2023 parade”. called her an “oven dodger”. His repre- not enough Morse code operators on in dots and dashes.
they named him as a co-grand marshal. The star of Mad Max, Lethal Weapon sentatives described her claims as “100 Long Island,” said Howard Bernstein, “There was an explosion of interest,”
The group behind the parade, Krewe and Braveheart verbally assaulted a Los per cent untrue”. 70, a retired chemicals importer. Bernstein said. “We just so happened to
of Endymion, faced an outcry over the Angeles county sheriff’s deputy in 2006 On Monday the Anti-Defamation Amateur radio operators were once be at the right place at the right time.”
actor’s history of racism and sexism. with antisemitic and sexist insults. He League, the Jewish Federation of required to learn Morse code by the The Long Island CW Club — CW
The organisers said they removed the issued two apologies through his publi- Greater New Orleans, the Greater New Federal Communications Commis- being the abbreviation for Morse trans-
Oscar winner because of safety con- cist before going into a recovery pro- Orleans Clergy and the Jewish Com- sion, which licensed them, but this pro- missions — now has 3,340 paying
cerns after “threats”. gramme for alcoholism. munity Relations Council issued a vision was dropped in the 1990s and the members. “We have 90 new members a
The annual parade typically has 80 In 2010 Gibson threatened Oksana statement saying they were appalled code was no longer a staple of maritime month coming in,” Bernstein said. The
floats, 3,200 riders and celebrities who Grigorieva, his girlfriend at the time, that organisers had nominated Gibson, and military communications. club boasts 75 Morse code teachers and
are named as grand marshals. Dan with rape. She released a tape in which 67, for a role in the parade. “Mel Gibson Perhaps Morse code operators were offers 77 classes a week.
Kelly, the organisers’ president, said he apparently told her: “If you get raped has a long history of making antisemit- destined to diminish in the age of Twit- Nor is this revival limited to Long
they had received “significant feed- by a pack of n***ers it’ll be your fault.” ic, racist and misogynistic slurs,” they ter and the internet until, like endan- Island. At the headquarters of the
back” and “some of this commentary Gibson pleaded no contest to a charge said. Gibson has not commented. gered birds, only one or two were left to American Radio Relay League in
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 2GM 29

Sordid secrets of Now Biden faces inquiry

Pompeii revealed over cache of spy files
Page 31 Page 32

Nato to send Kyiv

modern tanks as
new attack looms
Ukraine Behind the story
Oliver Moody Berlin
Michael Evans, Samantha Berkhead

Europe is closer to sending Ukraine social
modern battle tanks as Nato prepares media
to redouble military support in antici- influencer
pation of a Russian spring offensive. embedded with
Among the heavy weapons under Russian forces in
consideration are Stryker armoured Ukraine has won
combat vehicles from the US, Archer more than
artillery guns from Sweden, Challenger 200,000 followers for her videos
2 tanks from Britain and German- pushing Kremlin lines. Alina
made Leopard 1 or 2 tanks, as inter- Lipp, 29, whose father is Russian,
Pro-democracy demonstrators march in Porto Alegre after national pressure mounts on Berlin to claims to be an independent
supporters of Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s former leader, stormed release them. reporter, but has repeated
Congress, the Supreme Court and the presidential palace Ukraine’s supporters, led by Lloyd Russian disinformation.
on Sunday. President Lula accused his predecessor of Austin, the US defence secretary, will A survey for Cemas, a think
stoking and encouraging the uprising — claims Bolsonaro discuss a new package of weaponry tank, found that a large minority
denied from his hospital bed in Kissimmee, Florida donations at the Ramstein airbase in in Germany believed Russian
Germany next week as part of a push to propaganda: 19 per cent thought
supply more advanced systems. the invasion was an unavoidable
Moscow is expected to begin mobilis- response to Nato provocation
ing as many as half a million additional and 18 per cent thought Putin
soldiers for a renewed onslaught after was fighting a hidden global elite.
losing ground in the Kherson and
Kharkiv regions. In recent months it
has concentrated forces around the
town of Bakhmut, where the Russian Stryker
army and Wagner Group mercenaries
have eked out territorial gains with
significant losses on both sides.
The British Ministry of Defence in-
telligence unit said yesterday that the
Russians had made “tactical advances”
in their efforts to encircle Bakhmut and
were probably in control of most of Crew 2 Top speed 60mph
Soledar, a smaller town to the north. Length 6.95m Height 2.64m
The Wagner Group said last night that
Width 2.72m Weight 16.5 tonnes
its troops had captured Soledar.
President Zelensky said in a video ad- Cost $4.9m Capacity 9 soldiers
dress on Monday that there was “almost Armed with .5-calibre machinegun
no life” and “no whole walls” left in Sole-
dar, which he said was “covered with the also agreed to send Patriot missile
corpses of the occupiers”. Before what defence systems. The Pentagon is plan-
may be a decisive phase of the war, Nato ning to bring Ukrainian troops to the
members are reaching into their arse- US for training on the systems.
nals for more weapons to send Ukraine. Nikolai Patrushev, the head of
Over the past week alone, France has Russia’s security council, told the Argu-
announced a consignment of AMX-10 menti i Fakti newspaper: “The events in
RC “light tanks”, the US has said it will Ukraine are not a clash between
send 50 Bradley infantry fighting vehi- Moscow and Kyiv. This is a military con-
cles (IFVs) and Germany has consented frontation between Russia and Nato,
to donate up to 40 Marder IFVs, which above all the United States and Britain.”
Kyiv has been requesting since the start
of the invasion. Germany and the US

are making a new dash for Morse code 15m viewers join groggy
Connecticut, Bob Inderbitzen speaks of
a “Morse code renaissance”.
amateur radio with mountaineering
and journeys into America’s national
slight tone, it’s easier to convey intelli-
gence over long distances. You can be
bear waiting for summer
Each February the league stages a parks. A programme called Summits on on a mountaintop with a radio that sits
48-hour contest in which the Air encourages participants on your knee, attached to a wire anten- Will Pavia New York indication that he had a guest came
amateur radio operators con- to broadcast from mountain- na you have strung up in a tree,” he said. when his pitbull became strangely re-
tact as many other opera- tops and maintains a “You don’t want to lug a computer up At the end of last month a family in a luctant to go outside. His girlfriend,
tors as possible. Between leaderboard of the most there.” But a small radio, no larger than small town in Connecticut were joined Olivia Unwin, went to investigate and
2020 and last year the prolific contestants. a cigarette packet, can broadcast Morse by an enormous black bear that made a came back shouting about a bear.
number of participants Another programme code all over the world. bed of leaves beneath their deck and lay Dashukewich told the local news-
grew by 10 per cent, to involves parks while a Bernstein, who learnt Morse code at down to see out the winter. paper CT Insider: “I turn my head to the
4,872, and more of them third requires commu- the age of 13, compares it to learning a The visitor gave no notice of his arriv- right and there is a bear just staring
were using Morse code. nications from light- spoken language. He thinks some new- al, and has done little to acknowledge right at me. He was absolutely massive.”
Part of the growth is houses. They encour- comers are nostalgic for the communi- the Dashukewich family beyond star- Wildlife officials said a loud car horn
attributed to a new age the use of small, cations of another era. “I think people ing at them sleepily. Nevertheless, he is or leaf blower might encourage the
pursuit that combines lightweight radios on are getting tired of cell phones,” he said. now a star, the protagonist of what bear to go elsewhere, or they could ar-
which voice communica- In place of a tweet, they could exchange might be known in Hollywood as a range its removal. But Dashukewich
Samuel Morse invented tions do not travel very far, greetings in dots and dashes with some- sleeper hit. A video of the bear has said: “Hey, he’s a hibernating bear. Why
the code that would bear Inderbitzen said. “But if all one halfway across the world who was attracted 15 million views on TikTok. even mess with him right now? We’ll
his name as far back as 1838 you are listening for is a very really listening, he said. For Vincent Dashukewich, the first just leave him be.”
30 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

Pilot a pawn
in US-China
war game,
says lawyer
Bernard Lagan Sydney
A former fighter pilot with the US Mar-
ines accused of training Chinese pilots
to land on aircraft carriers is a “pawn” in
the stand-off between America and
China, his lawyer has claimed.
Daniel Edmund Duggan, 54, is fight-
ing efforts to extradite him from Aus-
tralia to the US, where he faces charges
of breaking American arms control
laws. An indictment unsealed by a US
court said that Duggan, who has re-
nounced his US citizenship, “provided
military training to People’s Republic of
China pilots” through a “test flying aca-
demy” in South Africa between 2010
and 2012. He was allegedly paid more
than A$110,000.
Duggan was arrested by the Austra-
lian authorities at the request of the FBI
in New South Wales in October, pend-
ing a formal US extradition request
that has since been received by the
Australian government. His arrest co-
incided with warnings from the Austra-
lian, British and New Zealand author-
ities that former military pilots in the
West were being offered lucrative con-
tracts to train Chinese pilots.
Dennis Miralis, Duggan’s lawyer, told
reporters after a brief court hearing in
Snow saviours Rescue teams from Pec pod Snezkou in the Czech Republic practise their skills in the Giant Mountains, the country’s most avalanche-prone region the Sydney Downing Centre district
court yesterday that his client was
being held in a high-security Australian
prison and was considered a serious

Daughter of former president is security risk. The “arbitrary” arrest ap-

Daniel Duggan is
said to have taught

jailed for anti-Iran ‘propaganda’ Chinese pilots

how to land on
aircraft carriers

Iran after the Amini protests began, was Volker Türk added. ly prove he was not present in the dem- peared to be an attempt by Washington
charged with “collusion against Only few details are known about the onstrations, but . . .” to gain leverage over China, he added.
Abbie Cheeseman Beirut
national security, propaganda against conditions of detention for protesters, Despite international condemnation The American authorities allege that
The daughter of a former Iranian presi- the Islamic Republic and disturbing but stories of solitary confinement, and increasing sanctions against Iran, Duggan was paid for his expertise and
dent has been sentenced to five years in public order by participating in illegal sexual assault and torture have the regime has shown no sign of slow- military experience but had not sought
prison for “propaganda acts” after gatherings”. emerged. ing its bloody crackdown on dissent. US government approval to train for-
being arrested in September for taking International condemnation of Iran’s Mohsen Jafari-Rad, the Iranian film The Iranian Mehr news agency re- eign pilots. Duggan has repeatedly de-
part in the mass protests that have treatment of protesters grew after the critic and director, has become the lat- ported yesterday that the prosecutor- nied the allegations, but will remain in
swept the country. execution of young demonstrators over est to have taken his own life after being general had ordered police to “firmly custody at least until he returns to court
According to her lawyer, Faezeh the weekend. released from prison, according to the punish any hijab violations”, despite the on February 13. A magistrate must
Hashemi, 60, was accused of encourag- The UN human rights chief opposition news channel, Iran infamous “morality police” being less decide whether he is legally eligible “for
ing people to take part in the unrest that said yesterday that the execu- International, which is based in visible on the streets lately. surrender” to the US.
began after the death of Mahsa Amini, tions amounted to “state- the UK. “Courts must sentence the violators, Duggan spent a decade with the US
22, a student being held for not wearing sanctioned killings”, con- Houshang Golmakani, a as well as fine them, to additional penal- Marines and flew the AV-8B Harrier II
her headscarf “properly”. Hashemi said demning Iran for violating journalist from the Film maga- ties such as exile, bans on practising attack jet, which is based on the RAF’s
that she would appeal. international human zine in Iran, broke the news certain professions and closing work- pioneering vertical take-off and land-
Her late father, Akbar Hashemi Raf- rights law. Iran has been on Instagram. He wrote: places,” it quoted the judiciary. ing aircraft. He was a senior instructor,
sanjani, who was in office from 1989 to “weaponising” criminal “After two weeks of incar- Four people have been executed as a rising to the rank of major and spent
1997, was considered a moderate and procedures to strike ceration, he could final- result of the protests. Scores more have time as an exchange pilot with the
advocated for improved ties with the fear into the heart of been sentenced to death or are facing Spanish navy, carrying out several hun-
West. She has long been a women’s the country to quell Faezeh Hashemi has charges that automatically attract the dred landings on seven different air-
rights activist. the movement long been an activist death penalty. Iran has arrested thou- craft carriers, according to the US mili-
Hashemi, who was arrested 11 days against the regime, for women’s rights sands in connection with the protests. tary website the War Zone.
Later Duggan moved to Australia,
where he ran Top Gun Tasmania, offer-
ing joy rides on former military jets. It
Beijing claims its laser-driven drone will fly for ever promoted itself as “Australia’s premier
adventure flight company”, and em-
ployed former military pilots from the
China advantage in surveillance and intelli- artificial intelligence, optics and 40 hours and is powered by a turboprop US, Germany and Britain.
gence-gathering missions. electronics, have devised a way of engine. America’s longest-range drone, His arrest in October happened in
Michael Evans
Researchers at the Northwestern adapting the shape and density of a the Global Hawk, can fly at high the same week that the Ministry of De-
China is developing a drone powered Polytechnical University in Shaanxi beam so it can be adjusted to reduce the altitudes for more than 30 hours and is fence confirmed that British former
by high-energy laser beams which can province have succeeded in converting impact of weather patterns. powered by a Rolls-Royce turbofan frontline military pilots had been hired
remain airborne for unlimited periods. light energy from a laser into electricity Although there is no evidence that engine. “to help Beijing develop its tactics and
Drones have proven devastatingly using a photoelectric conversion China is close to producing a drone The Wing Loong drones fielded by technological expertise”. The pilots in-
effective on the modern battlefield, module that could be fitted to a drone, with limitless endurance, the research- China are said to have an endurance volved were mainly former fast-jet
especially in the Ukraine conflict. But according to a report in the South ers have apparently demonstrated the capability of about 40 hours and are crew and all began working for China
like combat aircraft, their range and China Morning Post. technology to make this feasible. powered by a turbocharged engine. from the end of 2019.
operational endurance are restricted Lasers can be diverted by changing By contrast, the Reaper drone that is Until now, the focus of government- Some of the British pilots were
by their power source. atmosphere and air turbulence. But the the United States’ most-deployed funded researchers both in the West engaged via an intermediary, the Test
A drone that could effectively fly for researchers, led by Professor Li unmanned aerial vehicle, has an and China has been on developing Flying Academy of South Africa, a
ever would offer its operators a huge Xuelong of the university’s school of operational endurance limit of about lasers for use as anti-drone weapons. privately run training centre.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 31


Frescoes come with a frisson Vatican will

hold inquiry
as Pompeii villa goes on show into fate of
missing teen
Italy Vatican City
Philip Willan Rome Philip Willan
One of the most impressive private A Vatican prosecutor has agreed to
homes in Pompeii, the House of the reopen the case of a schoolgirl whose
Vettii, famous for its abundance of erot- disappearance has remained shrouded
ic images, has been reopened to visitors in mystery for almost 40 years, tarnish-
after 20 years of restoration work. ing the reputation of three popes.
First excavated between 1894 and Linked variously to Cold War poli-
1896, the elaborately decorated domus tics, terrorism, mafia finance and cleri-
is testament to the social mobility of cal sexual abuse, the Emanuela Orlandi
ancient Rome. Owned by freed slaves, story has been a moral albatross around
Aulus Vettius Conviva and Aulus Vetti- the neck of the Holy See.
us Restitutus, the house’s frescoed walls Alessandro Diddi, the Vatican pro-
and marble and bronze statues were a moter of justice, ordered the Holy See’s
reflection of the wealth the men had ac- first official inquiry into the fate of
crued through the Mediterranean wine Emanuela, who was 15 when she van-
trade. ished from the streets of Rome on June
The building had been restructured 22, 1983, after multiple requests from
and its decoration enriched in AD62 her family.
after an earthquake, before it was Diddi may also have been prompted
buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvi- by the fallout from a Netflix docu-
us 17 years later. mentary series, Vatican Girl: the Disap-
It is known for a painted figure of pearance of Emanuela Orlandi, first
Priapus, the Greek god of fertility. He is shown in October, and by a call from
seen weighing his outsized phallus on a opposition MPs for a parliamentary
set of scales against a bag full of money, inquiry into the case, long a friction-
an image intended to evoke the pros- point between Italy, which has pursued
perity of the house’s residents.
Gabriel Zuchtriegel, director of the Emanuela Orlandi
archaeological site, said the house en- was living at the
capsulated all levels of ancient Roman Vatican when she
society, from the freed slaves who had disappeared
found wealth to the room where a
Greek slave worked as a prostitute.
Her room, in the servants’
quarters near the kitchen, is dec-
orated with erotic images. An the case for decades, and the author-
inscription discovered on a wall of ities in the city state. The documentary-
the entrance hall gives her name, makers interviewed a friend of Emanu-
Eutychis, and describes her as a ela’s who revealed that she had confid-
“Greek of beautiful manners” ed a week before her disappearance to
whose services are available for having been sexually “bothered” in the
two asses, a local currency. The Death of Pentheus, King of Thebes, at the hands of followers of Dionysus, Vatican gardens by someone close to
Other inscriptions previously features among many erotically charged frescoes in the House of the Vettii the Pope, at that time John Paul II.
found in Pompeii list sexual ser- The Orlandi family has a long tradi-
vices costing from one to 16 asses. Sangiuliano, the Italian culture layers of wax that had been applied to tion of service to the Vatican, where
Two asses, historians say, was minister, who grew up in nearby some of the frescoes in a misguided Emanuela’s father, Ercole, was a papal
equivalent to the cost of a glass of Naples, said. “Italy is a cultural intervention by earlier generations of messenger, and lived within the walls.
wine or a loaf of bread. superpower because history has restorers. Intended to preserve and Yesterday La Stampa published a
“The owners, liberti (freed men) gifted it something quite unique.” brighten the colours of the frescoes, the transcript of a conversation between a
and therefore ex-slaves, are an The restoration was funded from the technique had ended up obscuring Vatican official, identified only as
expression of social mobility that paintings found in the house were of archaeological park’s own resources some pictorial details representing “Excellency”, and Monsignor Pietro
would have been unthinkable two cen- exceptional artistic quality, illuminat- and comes after a €105 million invest- fantastical architectural designs and Vergari, once a suspect in the case. Ver-
turies earlier,” Zuchtriegel said. “They ing the interplay of Greek and Roman ment in the site by the European mythological figures. gari was rector of the Church of
became rich by trading in agricultural cultures and the economic and social Union’s Great Pompeii Project. “From today the public can once Sant’Apollinare, adjacent to the music
products from the area around Pom- life of the time. The work involved improving the again admire an environment that is school where Emanuela was last seen.
peii, but it seems that prostitution was “Pompeii is unique in the world and it building’s protection against the ele- unique of its kind, and that has been During the call, he sought guidance on
practised in their home by a Greek is a place where we can come into ments, strengthening its structure and inaccessible for 20 years,” Sangiuliano answering investigators.
slave, who belonged to the weaker contact not just with the historical and planting ancient species in the court- said. “I thank the staff of the archaeo- “Look, your telephone is being
sectors of society.” anthropological value but with the eco- yard garden. logical park for making possible this tapped,” the Excellency was quoted as
Zuchtriegel said the sculptures and nomic value of our culture,” Gennaro Restorers also removed harmful authentic gift to the world.” telling him. “Keep quiet and that’s all.”

Spain’s cocoa conquest is first in Europe Builders unearth Holocaust

Isambard Wilkinson Madrid
valuables buried by family
cocoa trees in its greenhouses near the
southern coastal city since 2019 but
late factory left in Andalusia, had been
interested in producing cocoa to make
only in the past few weeks managed to gourmet chocolates. They provided
For centuries scientists have tried to harvest about 100kg of beans. In the EU some of the four species of cocoa plants Poland to celebrate Chanukkah in the city,
cultivate cocoa beans in Europe to the minimum cocoa content for milk successfully used in the experiment. 70 miles southwest of Warsaw. Lodz
Oliver Moody Berlin
satisfy the continent’s lust for choco- chocolate is 25 per cent, although prod- “We have already given cocoa beans was home to one of the largest Jewish
late. Now a team of horticulturalists in ucts sold in Britain are subject to differ- to La Despensa de Palacio and staff A hoard of more than 300 treasures populations in Europe, about 230,000
Spain claims to be the first to have pro- ent rules. there plan to produce the first choco- thought to have been buried by Jews people — a third of the city’s residents
duced a significant cocoa crop. “We are growing about 80 cocoa lates early this year,” Hormaza said. after Nazi Germany invaded Poland — on the eve of the Second World War.
Beans grown in Malaga will be used trees in two greenhouses; one heated “Depending on what the market will has been unearthed In September 1939 the city fell to
by Andalusia’s only surviving chocolate and one unheated. What makes this pay, we will see if it could be profitable.” during building work the Wehrmacht and over the
factory to make a limited supply of first harvest particularly successful is Although a local harvest would be in Lodz. next year all its Jewish residents
gourmet confectionary this year. the fact that it has been achieved not more ecological by reducing the carbon The find includes were squeezed into a cramped ghetto
The Spanish brought the cocoa bean only in the heated greenhouse but also footprint, it would be challenging to silver-plated artefacts and later deported to the death camps
to Europe after discovering it during in the unheated one,” Hormaza said. grow a crop that suffers in tempera- such as ewers and a pair of at Chelmno and Auschwitz. Only
their colonisation of the Americas. “There have been many attempts tures below 15C. In Malaga it can drop menorah, which have since 10,000 or so survived the war.
Iñaki Hormaza, head of Malaga univer- since the 18th century in the open air to 9C and below in January. been cleaned up and used The items were discovered by
sity’s Institute of Subtropical and Medi- and in unheated greenhouses, includ- The European chocolate market was builders renovating a block of
terranean Horticulture, who leads the ing in Malaga, but they have not valued at €42 billion last year, and the The items are thought to flats on Polnocna street, a little
project, is proud that Spain has been the worked until now,” he added. continent imported more than 2.2 mil- have been hidden by a outside the ghetto area. They
first to grow it successfully in Europe. Hormaza said the managers of La lion tonnes of cocoa beans, more than Jewish family to avoid will be restored and displayed in
The organisation has cultivated Despensa de Palacio, the only choco- half of global imports. confiscation by the Nazis the Museum of Archaeology in Lodz.
32 2GM Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

Kiwis clamour to keep hens as pets amid national shortage of eggs
New Zealand The Egg Producers Federation has producers must use less crowded threat. Cowells, a company in Dunedin, concern for the SPCA, New Zealand’s
said that more than 75 per cent of egg “colony cages” or free-range set ups. has supplied pavlovas for decades. leading animal welfare agency.
Bernard Lagan
farmers have had to stop production or The number of egg-laying hens Matthew Heaton, the owner, said that “You have to think about the whole of
New Zealanders are rushing to buy change their methods. across New Zealand have dropped to without egg whites there was no way of their lifetime,” Marie McAninch, the
hens as a severe egg shortage grips the The battery cage housing system is fewer than 2.5 million, resulting in making the dessert and that the rising organisation’s farmed animals expert,
nation after confined battery cages used for various animal farming empty shelves in supermarkets, which cost of the ingredient was a concern. said, noting hens may live for ten years.
were banned. methods, but mainly for egg-laying have introduced limits on how many “If you keep putting the price up, all of Switzerland was the first nation to
Commercial egg producers had hens. The name arises from the eggs shoppers can buy. a sudden demand can drop,” he told ban battery cages, in 1992. Most of
about three million hens but that num- arrangement of rows and columns of Industry leaders expect it will take a Radio New Zealand. Europe, including the UK, banned the
ber has plummeted since the ban — identical cages connected together. minimum of five months to alleviate Interest in online auctions for chick- use of battery cages in 2012; Mexico,
first proposed a decade ago — came The ban, primarily on animal welfare the shortage. Even the national dish, ens has more than doubled because of Israel, and Canada have also banned
into effect this month. grounds, means that commercial egg the meringue-based pavlova, is under the nationwide egg shortage, causing the system of keeping animals.

Girl linked to
cocaine gangs
is shot dead
Bruno Waterfield Brussels
An 11-year-old girl whose family was
linked to Moroccan cocaine gangs has
been shot dead in Antwerp.
Firdaous El J was shot dead at a rela-
tive’s home in the suburb of Merksem.
“What I feared for a long time has
happened: an innocent victim has
fallen, a child,” said Bart De Wever,
Antwerp’s mayor. He said the motive
for the shooting was a “settling of
scores” between rival gangs including
the so-called Mocro-Maffia operating
in the Netherlands and Belgium.
The girl’s relative was said to be
Younes El Ballouti, 24, known as “El
Magico”. A fugitive and convicted
cocaine smuggler, he was kidnapped by
mafia rivals in 2017 only for his release
to be negotiated for a price of €5 mil-
lion, police sources said.
The killing has shocked residents of
the port city, where customs officials
have seized 110,000kg of cocaine in the
past year. In Rotterdam, 50,000kg were
seized, officials announced yesterday,
making the two ports the biggest gate-
way for trafficking into Europe.
Vincent Van Quickenborne, the Bel-
gian justice minister who lives in pro-
tective custody after an attempted kid-
napping last autumn, said: “The police
are doing everything they can to track
Work is a cabaret The Blanc de Blanc Encore circus show returned to The Grand Electric in Sydney this week after a sold-out run at the city’s Opera House in 2019 down and punish those responsible.”

Biden faces inquiry over Limb-rotting ‘zombie drug’

aggravates US opioid crisis
secret files at his office Alistair Dawber
America’s opioid crisis has intensified
of fentanyl in Philadelphia, told The
New York Times she switched dealers
after developing crusty sores on her
United States retained a number of materials that August to 15 felonies in a deal with pros- as dealers increasingly cut the deadly arms where she injected fentanyl but all
ought to have been passed to the ecutors. The deal required him to testi- drug fentanyl with an even more dan- the supplies she found elsewhere
Alistair Dawber Washington
National Archive. The FBI is not in- fy truthfully at the trial of the Trump gerous substance that can lead to skin caused the same problem. “I’d wake up
Classified documents dating from Joe volved in the Biden case. Organization, pay $2 million in back disease and amputations. in the morning crying because my arms
Biden’s vice-presidency that were The former president has been quick taxes, and waive any right to appeal. He Xylazine, which is known by street were dying,” she said.
found at a university office he used to call for a similar investigation into is likely to spend about 100 days behind names such as “tranq”, “tranq dope” According to Prevention Point Phila-
before launching his bid for the White the Biden documents. “When is the FBI bars once his presumed good behaviour and the “zombie drug”, is being used to delphia, which works with drug users,
House include intelligence briefings going to raid the many homes of Joe is taken into account. bulk up supplies of fentanyl, a synthetic more than 90 per cent of fentanyl sam-
about the UK, according to reports. Biden, perhaps even the White Last month two Trump Organiza- opioid. The tranquilliser causes injec- ples now contain xylazine.
The Department of Justice has begun House?” the former president asked on tion companies were convicted on mul- tion-site wounds to erupt with a scaly “It’s too late for Philly,” Shawn West-
a review of how the documents came to Truth Social, a social media platform, tiple charges of tax fraud and falsifying dead tissue called eschar. Untreated, it fahl, an outreach worker with the
be at an institute at the University of on Monday night. business records. can make amputation of the affected group, told the newspaper. “Philly’s
Pennsylvania that is named after the However, the spotlight turned back It was reported yesterday that the area necessary. Users say the wounds supply is saturated. If other places
president. on to Trump yesterday when the documents found at the office Biden are extremely painful. around the country have a choice to
The discovery has echoes of the reve- former finance chief of his sprawling used after leaving the vice-presidency Xylazine induces hours-long black- avoid it, they need to hear our story.”
lation last summer that Donald Trump business empire was sentenced to five in 2017 included US intelligence mem- outs in users. When they come to, the The drug is believed to have first been
had taken more than 300 classified months in prison for tax fraud, which os and briefing materials that cover high from the fentanyl has long passed. used in Puerto Rico, before arriving in
documents to Mar-a-Lago, his Florida prosecutors said had lasted for 13 years. Ukraine, Iran and Britain, according to The drug is a sedative and resists the Philadelphia in the early 2010s. It was
residence, when he left office in 2021. Allen Weisselberg, 75, was expected CNN. It is not known specifically what standard treatments to reverse opioid thought to be largely contained to that
A special prosecutor is investigating to report to the notorious Rikers Island the papers concern. overdoses. city but in recent years has been found
Trump’s case and is considering whe- prison in New York last night to begin Richard Sauber, Biden’s special coun- Overdose deaths in the US involving in illicit supplies of other drugs in New
ther to take further action, possibly in- his sentence. The executive had been sel, said that “a small number of docu- opioids increased from just over 70,000 York and Massachusetts. In June, tests
cluding criminal charges. Trump said the star prosecution witness in the case ments with classified markings” were in 2020 to almost 81,000 in 2021. of illegal supplies of fentanyl found that
in November that he would seek the against the former president’s com- discovered as Biden’s lawyers were Deaths caused by an overdose of xylazine was present in 36 US states.
presidency again next year, and has dis- pany, which spans property, licensing clearing out the offices of the Penn synthetic opioids such as fentanyl were The US Food and Drug Administra-
missed the action as a political smear. deals and media operations. Biden Centre. The documents were the biggest contributor to the overall tion issued a warning in November
The FBI searched Mar-a-Lago after In return for a relatively light sen- found on November 2 in a “locked clos- number of fatalities. about the dangers of xylazine and its
suspicions were raised that Trump had tence, Weisselberg pleaded guilty in et,” Sauber said. Tracey McCann, a 39-year-old user widespread presence in drug supplies.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 2GM 33

world markets (Change on the day) commodities currencies
FTSE 100 Dow Jones Gold Brent crude (6pm) £/$ £/€
7,694.49 (-30.45) 33,704.10 (+186.45) $1,875.77 (+4.77) $ $80.55 (+0.74) $ $1.2151 (-0.0054) $ €1.1317 (-0.0028) ¤
8,000 35,000 2,000 120 1.300 1.300

7,500 32,500 1,800 100 1.200 1.200

7,000 30,000 1,600 80 1.100 1.100

6,500 27,500 1,400 60 1.000 1.000

Dec 9 16 23 Jan 3 10 Dec 12 19 27 Jan 3 10 Dec 13 20 27 Jan 3 10 Dec 13 20 27 Jan 3 10 Dec 13 20 27 Jan 3 10 Dec 13 20 27 Jan 3 10

Carmakers put the brake on electric revolution that few can afford
Robert Lea Industrial Editor British factories would produce buyers towards cheaper models, and re- to be one million units lower than gen vehicles as an alternative. In the
280,000 fully electric cars and vans in duced BEV [battery electric vehicle] expected at 12 million. It added: “A re- UK, production of electric vehicles is at
British and European manufacturers 2025, out of a total production of production is planned on that expecta- covery for 2030 that gets BEV produc- a crossroads. BMW has confirmed it
are slowing down production of electric 1.1 million. It previously forecast tion. Buyers are expected to stick with tion back on track is uncertain due to an will halt production of the electric Mini
vehicles because they are too expensive 360,000 battery-only vehicles to be cheaper options for longer. Although uncertain geopolitical situation and at its plant at Cowley in Oxford, and
for the vast majority of motorists, an produced out of a total one million. BEV production is reduced, overall potential supply issues.” move the production of its next-gener-
industry body has said. If correct it would mean only a quar- production is increased, with more The centre has warned that the sup- ation zero-emission Mini to China.
The Advanced Propulsion Centre, ter of UK assembly output will be elec- plug-in hybrids and hybrid vehicles ply issues, especially the availability of Nissan produces the all-electric Leaf
which distributes taxpayer money to tric within two years, compared with [both of which include petrol engines].” lithium, a key ingredient in batteries, in Sunderland but has been concentrat-
push the automotive industry towards a the prior forecast of more than a third. This was not just a UK phenomenon, could put the brakes on the fuel transi- ing on expanding production of the
zero-emission future, said in its latest In its report the centre said: “An un- the centre said. It is now expecting elec- tion and lead to more manufacturers next-generation hybrid version of the
quarterly review of the market that certain economy is expected to drive tric vehicle production across Europe looking at accelerating plans for hydro- Qashqai, the UK’s best-selling car.

IMF accused
of hiding from
budget inquiry
Fund must be called to account, says ex-minister
Alex Ralph are due to meet the committee privately
today, as part of a wider visit to London.
The International Monetary Fund has Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, the IMF’s
been accused of “ducking” public scru- chief economist, held a private video
tiny after rejecting a request to appear call with Baldwin last month.
in front of a cross-party parliamentary In the fallout from the mini-budget,
committee to discuss its criticism of the Gourinchas said in October that if cen-
Truss government’s mini-budget. tral banks were trying to tighten mone-
The Commons’ Treasury select com- tary policy at the same time that fiscal
mittee has been pressing the IMF to policy was stimulating demand “it’s like
give it on-the-record testimony after its having a car with two people in the
unusual intervention last year. front . . . each trying to steer the car in a
The Washington-based fund, of different direction. That’s not going to
which the UK is a founding member, work very well”.
had said after Kwasi Kwarteng’s an- In the mini-budget Kwarteng an-
nouncement in September that it was nounced £45 billion in unfunded tax
“important that fiscal policy does not cuts, including scrapping the top rate of Fashion statement The Manchester-based online clothes company Boohoo Group is preparing to lose 100 jobs from the
work at cross purposes to monetary tax for those earning £150,000 or more, e-commerce, buying and design departments of its London office as it moves the brands it has acquired online. Page 34
policy” and had asked the chancellor, cancelling a planned increase in corpo-
who was later sacked by Liz Truss, to re- ration tax, bringing forward an income
evaluate his plans. tax cut and reversing the rise in
Writing in The Times today, Harriett
Baldwin, the Conservative chairwom-
an of the Treasury select committee
national insurance contributions intro-
duced in 2021, among other proposals,
but much of it was later scrapped.
Fed chief: leave climate to politicians
and a former Treasury minister, has The IMF had said the policies would Mehreen Khan Economics Editor gland and European Central Bank, who elected branches of government and
called on the IMF to change its policy to increase inequality and “given elevated have taken a more activist role in pro- thus reflect the public’s will as ex-
allow its most senior officials to appear inflation pressures in many countries, The world’s most powerful central bank moting green goals. pressed through elections,” Powell said.
on the record before parliamentary including the UK, we do not re- should not get involved in the business The former Bank of England gover- The Fed is unique among major cen-
committees of member countries. commend large and untargeted fiscal of climate change, Jerome Powell has nor Mark Carney pioneered the Bank’s tral banks by having two explicit tar-
She said she understood that the gui- packages at this juncture”. said, in a veiled rebuke at rate-setters in shift towards assessing climate-related gets: controlling inflation and ensuring
dance to IMF staff on interacting with The crisis that followed the mini- the UK and Europe who have pushed risks to the economy and financial sta- full employment.
legislators stated “officials cannot be budget led to an emergency £65 billion green policies. bility in 2015. By contrast, the ECB has a price sta-
compelled to testify before legislative intervention in the bond market by the Powell, the head of the US Federal This has been followed up by the bility mandate and a secondary target
bodies”. However, she added that the Bank of England to reverse a run on gilt Reserve, said “we should ‘stick to our ECB, which under its president, Chris- to support the “general policies” of the
guidance and precedent “doesn’t justify markets and prevent a credit crunch for knitting’ and not wander off into policy tine Lagarde, has made climate change eurozone, which since 2019 include the
such an important international body households and businesses in the real areas” that were not related to its target a priority for the institution, calling on transition to net-zero emissions.
ducking public scrutiny from elected economy. Truss was forced to step of keeping inflation at moderate and the bank to “incorporate climate “The public reasonably expects
politicians”. down as prime minister after just 44 stable levels. change into everything we do”. supervisors to require that banks un-
Baldwin added: “If they won’t, per- days in office. “We are not, and will not be, a ‘climate Powell pushed back against the idea derstand, and appropriately manage,
haps they could use the same discretion Kristalina Georgieva, the head of the policymaker’ ”, Powell told an audience that climate policies were the preserve their material risks, including the
and avoid on-the-record commentary IMF, tweeted in November that she of central bankers in Sweden. His re- of central bankers, calling it an area for financial risks of climate change,” Pow-
outside their normal on-the-record re- welcomed the autumn statement of marks clearly distinguish the Fed’s politicians to legislate on. “Decisions ell said. “We should not be getting
porting cycle.” Jeremy Hunt, which was “prepared at a approach to climate change from other about policies to directly address cli- ahead of where the public is in terms of
Her criticism comes as IMF officials central banks such as the Bank of En- mate change should be made by the the mandate,” he added.
34 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Need to know
Failures at HM Revenue and
Customs mean £42 billion in
taxes have not been collected
Recession fears stall global
and people are being let down by Tom Howard
poor customer service. The Hire and lower
Commons public accounts Robert Walters, the FTSE 250-listed
committee criticised the taxman recruiter, warned of a slowdown in Jobs Pay
for not dedicating enough global hiring yesterday, dealing a reality Any reading above 50 = growth 80 Any reading 80
resources to tracking down lost or check to the recruitment sector that since previous month above 50 = growth 75
stolen revenue, which it says sent shares into retreat. since previous
amounts to 5 per cent of the The firm, which specialises in white- 60
month 70
country’s annual tax burden. collar placements, expects full-year 65
profits for 2022 to come in slightly 50
below market expectations due to a 60
The International Monetary “difficult” market after cautious com-

Fund has been accused of panies paused hiring in the face of a Permanent
“ducking” public scrutiny after looming recession. 30
placements Permanent 50
rejecting a request to appear in The company blamed a softening of index salaries index
front of a cross-party activity levels towards the end of the 45
parliamentary committee to year for the profit warning that lopped Temporary 10 Temporary
discuss its criticism of the Truss 9 per cent from its market value in early billings index wages index
government’s mini-budget. trading. Shares recovered to close 0 35
down 18p, or 3.3 per cent, at 522p. 2018 19 20 21 2022 2018 19 20 21 2022
British and European Sentiment in the sector was further

Sources: KPMG and REC
(UK Report on Jobs), Refinitiv
manufacturers are slowing weakened by jobs data from KPMG and
down production of electric REC which showed that the number of
vehicles because they are too people being placed in permanent jobs
expensive for most motorists, the in the UK fell in December for a third
Advanced Propulsion Centre, successive month. The economic un-
which disburses taxpayer money certainty has put pressure on hiring
to push the automotive industry budgets and left candidates more reluc-
towards a zero-emission future, tant to move, the researchers found.
has said. Reflecting that, other recruiters were
caught up in the sell-off. Page Group,
The world’s most powerful which runs the Michael Page and Page

4 central bank should not get

involved in the business of
climate change, Jerome Powell,
Personnel agencies, fell 34½p, or 7.3 per
cent, to 439½p; Hays, Britain’s biggest
recruiter of accountants, reversed 8½p,
the head of the US Federal or 6.9 per cent, to 113p; and SThree fell
Reserve, has said in a veiled 30½p, or 7.3 per cent, to 386p.
rebuke at rate-setters in the UK Robert Walters founded his epony-
and Europe who have pushed mous company in London in 1985,
green policies. having originally trained as an account-
ant. At the end of last year it had almost
Amazon, the American 4,400 employees across 32 countries.

5 ecommerce giant, plans to

shut three UK warehouses,
putting about 1,200 jobs at risk
The group is a leading recruiter in
specialist areas such as law, engineer-
ing, technology and finance in 30 coun-
and further straining relations tries. Its operations on the west coast of
with union bosses. the United States are focused on the
tech sector, where the likes of Amazon, growth of 21 per cent. “The global mac- profit of about £60 million for 2022 but
Businesses with connections Meta, Twitter and Salesforce have an- roeconomic backdrop became increas- knocked off 5-10 per cent from esti- Boohoo to cut
6 to a fundamentalist Christian
sect are suing the government
in a High Court dispute over
nounced mass layoffs.
The group reported a 22 per cent rise
in net fee income between July and
ingly uncertain as the quarter pro-
gressed resulting in a softening of re-
cruitment activity levels across many of
mates after the update. Some trimmed
back their forecasts for 2023’s profits.
As lockdowns ended and economies Boohoo Group, the online fast-fashion
Covid-19 tests. Sante, a partnership September, compared with the same the group’s markets,” Robert Walters, reopened, businesses went on rapid hir- retailer based in Manchester, is prepar-
linked to the Plymouth Brethren period a year earlier. Growth slowed to the chief executive, said. “Nevertheless, ing sprees as they tried to prepare ing to cut 100 jobs at its office in Soho,
Christian Church, profited from 11 per cent in the final quarter of 2022, the group continued to see growth, themselves for a post-pandemic boom. London (Isabella Fish writes).
hundreds of millions of pounds of with net fee income totalling £105.3 mil- albeit more muted, across all regions That intense competition for talent Most of the jobs under threat are in
pandemic contracts and claims the lion versus £95.1 million in the same and all forms of recruitment.” led to steep wage inflation, particularly the ecommerce, buying and design de-
Department of Health and Social quarter of 2021. Walters, 68, conceded that the drop- in white-collar sectors. Last summer partments. A consultation phase began
Care wrongly terminated a There was a noticeable drop-off in off in trading towards the end of the Alan Bannatyne, Robert Walters’s chief last week but a decision on the final
contract for 68 million lateral flow Asia Pacific, its largest market, where year meant that the group’s profit in financial officer, said that candidates number of has not been made.
tests. net fee income rose 4 per cent in the 2022 would be “slightly below current were typically getting a rise of between From February 20 teams from
fourth quarter to £46.8 million. In the market expectations”. 20 per cent and 25 per cent when they brands that Boohoo bought such as
The Wellcome Trust, Britain’s third quarter it recorded income Analysts had pencilled in an annual switched jobs. Burton, Coast, Dorothy Perkins, Karen

7 biggest charity and a major

institutional investor, has cut
its exposure to listed equities to
the lowest this century and said it
is braced for “an extended period
Bank’s warning over growth City PR firm snaps up rival
of sub-par returns”.
The stockpicker Terry Smith
and eurozone stagnation and lands £35m for founder
8 has raised questions about a
spree of acquisitions struck by
Unilever in a further attack by the
Mehreen Khan Economics Editor
The eurozone economy will stagnate
area suffers from the impact of rising in-
terest rates and high energy costs.
Growth in the United States, the
Helen Cahill when it emerged he had helped compa-
nies to secure PPE contracts from the
star fund manager on the this year, the World Bank said as it cut world’s largest economy, is expected to The City PR firm Tulchan Communi- government during the pandemic.
FTSE 100 consumer goods giant. its growth forecast for the global eco- slow to 0.5 per cent this year, a 1.9 per- cations has been bought by rival Teneo Tulchan’s big clients include Unilev-
nomy and warned of a “sharp and long- centage point downgrade from last in a deal that will net Andrew Grant, its er, Legal & General and Marks & Spen-
lasting slowdown”. summer. Japan is projected to expand founder, about £35 million. cer. Teneo will aim to gain ground
Majestic Wine uncorked the In the first set of projections from a by 1 per cent. The World Bank, which Teneo has bought Tulchan at a valu- against UK rivals such as Brunswick

9 second-biggest Christmas
trading performance in its
history as sales last month rose by
big forecaster this year, the bank said
that every region would suffer from
falling income levels compared with
mainly focuses on developing and
emerging economies, does not produce
an individual forecast for the UK.
ation of about £70 million after Grant
appointed Evercore, the merger advi-
sory specialist, to explore a sale of the
and FTI Consulting with the acquisi-
tion, which was first reported by the
Financial Times.
21 per cent compared with pre- the decade before the pandemic, hurt- Russia will be the worst-performing business some 18 months ago. Grant, 59, said the “shape and scale”
Covid levels. ing the poorest countries the most. big economy, as the impact of sanctions Tulchan was founded in 2000 and has of the industry had changed since he set
It cut its global growth forecast for contributes to an expected contraction more than 70 public relations staff work- up Tulchan. He is expected to stay on

10 Byron Burgers has

undergone its third
restructuring in five years
after customers continued to shun
its £13 burgers in favour of new
this year to 1.7 per cent, down from
2.9 per cent last year as well as the pro-
jection of 3 per cent it made in June for
2023. It would mark the third weakest
year for global growth in three decades,
this year of 3.3 per cent. China is projec-
ted to grow by 4.3 per cent this year, up
from 2.7 per cent in 2022, when much of
the country was put under restrictive
ing in London and Singapore. Ten part-
ners will each receive at least £1 million.
It advises companies in the public and
private sectors on communications
around mergers and acquisitions, public
with other members of its senior team.
He said: “We know that our clients are
increasingly seeking a broader range of
communication expertise as well as
international representation.
mid-market rivals. Byron’s owner, eclipsed only by the pandemic-hit 2020 The bank said a resurgence in Covid offerings and reputational crises. “Combining Tulchan with Teneo’s
Famously Proper, has filed an and the financial crisis in 2009. cases, another crisis in energy markets Grant brought in Lord Feldman of platform, both in London and interna-
intention to appoint Of the rich-world economies, growth or new geopolitical tensions would tip Elstree, a former chairman of the tionally, will transform the expertise we
administrators at the High Court. in the eurozone is projected to be 0 per the world economy into its second re- Conservative Party, as managing part- can bring to our clients as well as offer
cent after an expected 3.3 per cent ex- cession in the past decade, the worst ner in 2019 to help to grow the business. outstanding new opportunities for our
pansion last year, as the single-currency run for global growth in 80 years. The appointment caused controversy colleagues.”
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 35


recruitment Amazon’s
warehouse Smith sticks the boot
closures put in from paradise
Robert Walters
share price 900p jobs in peril business commentary Alistair Osborne

800 Alex Ralph eople often ask: how Unilever’s ludicrous “virtue
exactly does fund signalling”, this time over Lux soap.
Amazon plans to shut three UK ware- management work? Well, It’s not just for washing, apparently,
houses, putting about 1,200 jobs at risk what about this for an but “inspiring women to rise above
and further straining relations with example. First, bank a everyday sexist judgments and
600 union bosses. £36.4 million payday from your express their beauty and femininity
The American ecommerce giant has Mauritian hideaway. Then release a unapologetically”: a “purpose”
500 launched consultations over the clo- 19-page letter to investors agenda, incidentally, that’s hard to
sure of sites this year in Hemel Hemp- explaining how the value of their square with the group continuing to
stead, Doncaster, and Gourock in Scot- fund fell 13.8 per cent last year. sell Magnum ice creams in Vladimir
land. But it said all workers at the sites Who is this stockpicker, you ask. Putin’s Russia. Still, one point Smith
would be offered roles at other Amazon Fundsmith’s Terry Smith. And, put doesn’t make: Unilever shares rose
300 locations and also revealed plans for like that, the juxtaposition is a bit 6 per cent last year. Shame he can’t
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 two new sites in Sutton Coldfield, in the unfair on our Terry. His pay was for say the same about his fund.
2021 2022 West Midlands, and Stockton-on-Tees, the 12 months to March 31, while
Co Durham, which will create 2,500 last year’s performance needs a bit
jobs over the next three years. of context: a rare downer from the Tarnished nickel
Amazon also announced the closure equity fund that since its launch in
of seven delivery stations. The sites em- November 2010 has still delivered a ot everyone goes around
ploy at the most a few dozen workers
and staff will have the opportunity to
transfer to other stations. A spokesman
cumulative 478 per cent return.
Even so, it probably wasn’t the best
week to be disclosing his latest
N “setting the global standard”.
But then how many can
match the London Metal Exchange:
said: “Amazon will open new delivery wedge, even if he does pen a more an outfit that turned itself into a
stations in Havant [Hampshire] and readable investor letter than most cast-iron case for a regulatory
Aylesford [Kent]. They will replace ex- (page 39). It’s far from a mea culpa. review by cancelling $4 billion of
isting, older delivery stations in Ports- Smith has a three-step strategy: “Buy trades in the nickel market?
mouth and Aylesford. A further five good companies, don’t overpay, do The move last March followed
delivery stations in Huntingdon [Cam- nothing.” But he says it’s “inevitable” Putin’s assault on Ukraine, when a
bridgeshire], Horley [Surrey], Newcas- there’ll be an occasional lousy short squeeze sent nickel prices up
tle, Birmingham and Hemel Hemp- performance. He reckons that last 270 per cent to $101,365 in three days.
stead will also close.” year “unless you restricted your It badly tarnished the exchange’s
The plans prompted the GMB union equity investments to the energy reputation. So it’s right it gets
to call it “a real kick in the teeth for Am- sector, you were almost certain to independent scrutiny (page 43). A
azon staff who worked themselves into have experienced a drop in value”. report by Oliver Wyman says that
the ground during the festive rush”. Energy rose 59 per cent but the LME, led by chairman, Gay
Workers at Amazon’s distribution everything else was down: about 40 Huey, Evans and chief executive,
centre in Tilbury, Essex, are said to be per cent for consumer and Matthew Chamberlain, lacked
close to balloting for strike action over communications services. visibility on the size of two large
pay, and Stuart Richards, an official at Two key themes emerge. First, short positions held in the over-the-
GMB, told The Sunday Times he ex- Smith’s contempt for central counter derivates market. It meant it
pected this to be followed at other cen- bankers. Second, his love/hate was “not able to fully assess the risks”.
tres operated by Amazon. The com- relationship with Unilever. The It was beyond Wyman’s remit,
100 staff at London office pany, which refuses to recognise trade
unions, is facing unrest after it raised
former gets the boot for presiding
over an era of “easy money”, with
though, to look into the key issue:
who held the shorts and whether
pay by as little as 35p an hour at some low interest rates dating back to the the LME’s cancelling of the trades
Millen, Oasis and Wallis will move business and the intellectual property sites last summer. It has subsequently so-called Greenspan put: the notion could have been influenced by its
under the umbrella. of Oasis and Warehouse were bought given employees a £500 one-off bonus. that they were the “palliative” for owner, Hong Kong Exchanges and
Boohoo said the job cuts were in line out of administration in a £5.25 million Workers at its internal distribution the sort of market volatility that Clearing. At the centre of the
with its focus to improve its operational cash deal with Hilco Capital. centre in Coventry, which employs came with 1997’s Asian crisis. brouhaha was the Chinese nickel
performance, as set out in its half-year Boohoo told The Times: “Our people 2,000 people, are set to stage the first or- He’s right that central bankers producer Tsingshan, founded by
trading update on September 28. teams will be supporting those potent- ganised strike at an Amazon facility this doubled down on that for the 2008 Xiang “Big Shot” Guangda. He was
In February 2021 Boohoo agreed to ially affected [by the job cuts]. We are month after 180 members of the GMB financial crisis, adding quantitative sitting on a vast short position,
acquire Arcadia Group’s Burton, Doro- committed to our portfolio and believe union balloted for industrial action. easing to the mix — and then facing margin calls heading for
thy Perkins, and Wallis brands for that all of our brands have a significant Amazon said it was “evaluating our net- souped that up some more for $8 billion. So is it relevant that four
£25.2 million moving them online only. role in the ongoing success of the group work to make sure it fits our business Covid. Then came Russia’s assault of the LME’s nine directors worked
Boohoo bought Debenhams for and are maximising their individual needs and to improve the experience for on Ukraine to expose the downside for or had links to Beijing-controlled
£55 million in January 2021. The online potential for growth.” our employees and customers”. of “almighty stimulus”, with central HKEX? Market players thought so.
banks finally forced to jack up At the time, Clifford Asness of the
interest rates to tame inflation. That AQR hedge fund accused the LME
particularly hurt the one-fifth of of “reversing trades to save your
continued from page 33
IMF accused of hiding Microsoft moves in on $10bn Smith’s fund in tech stocks, even if
the likes of Amazon, Microsoft and
favoured cronies and robbing your
non-crony customers”. The findings
difficult time for the UK economy,
against strong global headwinds. It
strikes the right balance between fiscal
backing for chatbot ‘sensation’ Meta are hardly the blue-sky sort.
As for Unilever, he wonders why
activist Nelson Peltz can turn up
of two bigger investigations await:
by the Bank of England and the
Financial Conduct Authority. They
responsibility and protecting growth Callum Jones spond to a request for comment. Micro- and get a seat on the board, unlike a must not duck the key issue.
and vulnerable households”. soft declined to comment. 12-year investor like him (not that
Baldwin said that “other than that, it’s Microsoft is weighing up a second ChatGPT impressed users with its he wants one). Having lashed out at
been impossible for us to get the IMF to investment in the developer behind the ability to swiftly offer detailed answers its boss, Alan Jope, for last year Virgin lost in space
utter any opinion of current UK fiscal advanced ChatGPT chatbot, this time to questions, coherently summarising delivering a “near death experience”
policy on the record”. She added that for $10 billion. publicly available information, and with his abortive £50 billion tilt at houldn’t it be renamed Virgin
when the IMF “talks, people listen,
because some of the world’s brightest fi-
nancial and economic brains are work-
OpenAI, a company based in San
Francisco, received $1 billion from
Microsoft in 2019 and in November its
attracted a million users days after its
launch. Bullish analysts have suggested
the tool could revolutionise the online
GSK’s consumer health wing, Smith
bridles at being “asked to suspend
disbelief” that Peltz’s arrival “was in
S Sub-Orbital? Shares in the
US-listed group fell more than
20 per cent in pre-market trading,
ing for it. It is a critical part of the world’s artificial intelligence bot caused a search industry. Microsoft is widely ex- no way linked” to Jope stepping before recovering to a more gravity-
financial architecture”. sensation upon its release. pected to integrate it into its Bing down (even if not yet). defying 12 per cent drop. Let’s hope
The IMF has given evidence to the According to the news website Sema- search engine. Then, there’s a justifiable rant the Sir Richard Branson-founded
Treasury committee on other occa- for, which cited sources familiar with OpenAI was founded seven years over Unilever disclosing the price of Virgin Orbit learns from its
sions, including about the economic the latest deal, Microsoft would reap ago as a non-profit research institute only three of 27 beauty acquisitions “anomaly” and has another go at
impact of coronavirus in 2020. 75 per cent of the start-up’s profits until focused on ensuring that artificial gen- over the past eight years, where its putting Britain on the satellite
The IMF’s guidance states that staff recouping its investment. Other firms eral intelligence — autonomous tech- silence over the €2.3 billion Carver launch pad. Even so, you can see
can offer to meet informally with legis- are also expected to participate. nologies that could outperform Korea and the reportedly $1 billion why his Virgin Galactic outfit is not
lators and it is a “good idea to verify the The deal is said to value OpenAI at humans — could be created safely for Dollar Shave Club — both bought shooting for a Musk Mars mission.
ground rules beforehand, for example, $29 billion, in line with previous reports the benefit of all. It created a for-profit by Jope’s predecessor, Paul Polman It’s only designed to take civilians to
whether or not the proceedings of dis- that it was considering the sale of a arm in 2019. Elon Musk was one of its — suggests they’re terrific duds. the edge of the upper atmosphere —
cussions will be published”. batch of existing shares to investors as founders but departed in 2018, citing a Unilever has merely disclosed sub-orbital space — and return to
The IMF was approached for com- part of a tender offer. Such a valuation conflict with his AI work at Tesla. €16 billion of capital invested in 29 Earth. Lucky that.
ment. would make the company one of Amer- OpenAI is also behind DALL·E 2, an buys across the group since 2017.
ica’s most valuable start-ups. image generation tool that creates pic- On top, Smith has another pop at
OpenAI did not immediately re- tures from users’ words.
36 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

Britain’s airlines and airports lag behind rivals for punctuality
Robert Lea Industrial Editor ential in the size of carriers’ flight after its performance slipped to just two of flights that were on-time fell from sis coming out of the pandemic, but ac-
schedules compared to pre-pandemic in every three flights being on time. 74 per cent to 64 per cent. cording to OAG, in 2019 Heathrow was
No UK airlines feature in the top 20 in times, the performance of the UK seg- Even among the world’s low-cost The OAG league tables do not in- outperforming both its main rivals,
the world for being on time and none ment of the industry does not compare carriers it is only 17th, having fallen clude data from Ryanair, which has Paris Charles de Gaulle and Amster-
are in the top ten in Europe. well with its peers and competitors in marginally behind easyJet on 67.5 per been Britain’s busiest airline in recent dam Schiphol. While both those air-
Annual statistics from OAG, the avi- mainland Europe. cent. months, because it does not disclose ports had a poor year, they were not as
ation industry’s flight data specialists, On-time performance is calculated That position represents a recovery enough information. Eurowings, the bad as Heathrow’s.
also show that of the world’s 20 largest as flights departing or arriving within 15 for easyJet after its poor performance in German budget airline, was Europe’s Last year just 61 per cent of flights at
airports, Heathrow comes in 20th with minutes of the scheduled time. spring, which cost Peter Bellew, who most punctual carrier, and the best Heathrow were on time. In 2019 that
only three out of every five flights Before the pandemic Jet2, the provid- was the airline’s chief operating officer, global low-cost one too. figure was 75 per cent.
taking off or landing on time. er of holiday flights mainly from the his job. The best big airline and big hub for At Charles de Gaulle, its perform-
Although the figures are skewed by north of England, was among the lead- Among the very largest carriers, Brit- punctuality were All Nippon Airways ance has deteriorated to 63 per cent on-
the stop-start reopening of the sector as ing 20 airlines for punctuality in the ish Airways slipped from 14th before and Tokyo Haneda Airport. time from 73 per cent while Schiphol
Covid-19 receded, and by a large differ- world. In 2022 it fell down the rankings the pandemic to 17th as its percentage Heathrow lurched from crisis to cri- fell to 65 per cent from 71 per cent.

Christian sect
in £100m High
Court case over
Covid tests deal
Government cancelled £680 million across seven contracts.
Unispace was referred via the contro-
lateral flow contract versial VIP lane, which offered acceler-
ated assessments of offers to provide
over ‘false’ information PPE at the start of the pandemic.
Sante’s partners include Gareth and
on working conditions, Charles Hales, sons of Bruce Hales, the
worldwide leader of Plymouth Brethren
James Hurley writes Christian Church. Pandemic contracts
appear to have been transferred to
Businesses with connections to a fun- Sante after Unispace, an Australian
damentalist Christian sect are suing the office design company founded by
government in a High Court dispute Charles and Gareth Hales and Anthony
over Covid-19 tests. Hazell, was sold to a private equity firm,
Sante, a partnership linked to the PAG, in February 2021.
Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, In its first annual accounts, Sante re-
profited from hundreds of millions of corded sales of £731.3 million, from
pounds of pandemic contracts and which it made a pre-tax profit of
claims the Department of Health and £84.1 million. One member of the part-
Social Care wrongly terminated a con- nership, thought to be Gareth Hales,
tract for 68 million lateral flow tests. received £32 million in 2021. Sante’s
The government refused to accept former partners include Devon
tests supplied by Sante Global and Ster- Advisory, a company also incorporated
ilab after it alleged that the Chinese in May 2020 and controlled by Hazell.
manufacturer provided “false and mis- Devon Advisory recorded £11 million in
leading” information about working the bank in its inaugural set of accounts.
conditions, court documents show. Hazell is also chairman of Manor
Sante and Sterilab, whose owners are Gospel Trust, a charity that provides Businesses connected to the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church secured Covid-19 deals totalling about £2.2 billion
connected to the evangelical group, and maintains Brethren-owned halls.
also known as Exclusive Brethren, Its income rose from £1.2 million in 2021 The evangelical group has connec-
which follows a doctrine of separation to £14.2 million in 2022. Donations Behind the story tions to the Conservative Party, and
from the outside world, are seeking re- from related parties rose from £64,727 MPs have lobbied for it to be given
payment of the test costs and damages in 2021 to £9.8 million last year, which he Plymouth with outsiders; they network of 43 private charitable status. After winning the PPE
for alleged “wrongful rejection” of the
goods as well as losses linked to storage
and insurance costs. The pair are also
involved in at least one other procure-
ment dispute with the government.
The government claims it would not
have awarded the contract, worth
was used to repay all its loans.
The church would not comment on
whether the increased donations from
related parties was linked to church
members’ success with Covid contracts.
It said its charity work had been able to
fund initiatives such as providing
T Brethren
Church, also
known as
Exclusive Brethren,
dates back to 1820s’
Ireland. Now led by
do not vote and
cannot belong to
secular organisations.
Brethren businesses
have long been
involved in areas such
as manufacturing,
schools in the UK.
The group has
about 43,000
members, including
15,000 in Australia,
where it has its
headquarters. A
deals, Sante hired Fullbrook Strategies,
the lobbying firm of Mark Fullbrook,
briefly Liz Truss’s chief of staff.
Sante and Sterilab claim that there
were no grounds for the government to
terminate the tests deal, and that the
state had no entitlement to rely on the
about £100 million, to Sante and Steri- humanitarian relief following the Bruce Hales, it is the clothing and spokesman said its audits in order to reject the tests. They
lab had it known the “true state” of Russian invasion of Ukraine, food box- most hardline of the distribution so were members had lived also dispute the government’s reading
working conditions at the test manu- es to vulnerable families in the UK and groups associated well placed to tender and worked in of the audits, and whether any Chinese
facturer, Xiamen Boson Biotech. It supporting emergency services. with the Plymouth for pandemic communities across labour laws were in fact breached.
alleges that audits revealed “grave Unispace has said its founders met Brethren sect. contracts. Brethren the UK for nearly 200 The government claims the compa-
professional misconduct” by Boson, through the church in 2008, although it Its doctrine of also have their own years. “Similar to nies have “no entitlement to the relief
including “repeated and systemic” non- denies that the company is owned or separation from evil other religions, we sought” as the alleged breaches by their
compliance with Chinese labour laws. run by the Brethren directly. means that members’ have our own manufacturer gave it the “right to ter-
The disputed contract is just one of Research by this newspaper and the engagement with TV, traditions that relate minate” the deal.
several pandemic-related deals that Open & Candid website, which investi- radio and the open to our faith, and we Boson, Sante and Sterilab did not
companies linked to the Exclusive gates the Exclusive Brethren, found last internet is restricted. strive to live a respond to invitations to comment. A
Brethren secured. Last year, The Times year that former directors of Unispace Members should not community-minded government spokesman said: “We can-
revealed that businesses connected to are connected to at least 45 companies eat with people not life, underpinned by not comment on ongoing legal pro-
the group won as much as £2.2 billion linked to the Brethren that have won in the Brethren our core values of ceedings.” A spokesman for the Plym-
worth of contracts for PPE, masks, coronavirus contracts. There is no community, and there care, charity and outh Brethren Christian Church said:
visors, aprons, tests and ventilators. suggestion that the sect co-ordinated are restrictions on compassion.” “Like any other religious group, many
Sante was incorporated as Unispace applications for contracts or of any being in business with However, critics of our members run their own busi-
Health Products in May 2020. A related wrongdoing by Unispace, Sante, Steri- non-members. have accused the nesses, and these organisations are sep-
company, Unispace Global, was identi- lab or the Exclusive Brethren. Members should group of being too arate from the church. Any contractual
fied by the National Audit Office as the The church said members’ businesses not live in houses that Members of the church controlling of agreements between the government
single biggest beneficiary of Covid PPE were separate from the church and it share a common wall preach on the street members’ lives. and these independent businesses are
procurement, receiving a total of had no involvement with contracts. completely unrelated to the Church.”
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 37


David Smith Ed Warner

Nephew’s share-dealing
Strikes aren’t the cause of the debut was a success but
recession – but they’re not helping what’s in store for 2023?

For UK economy- summer. His best guess is that they There are several reasons why we t’s just over a year since I inflation and a doubling of
watchers, figures to have knocked a net 0.25 per cent off are not seeing those effects now. In a bought my teenage nephew a government bond yields in America,
be published on GDP, though that effect could be mainly non-unionised economy, book on investing in shares for and a trebling here in Britain.
Friday have taken getting slightly bigger with the recent strike action is a shadow of what it Christmas. He’d used his mum’s Whereas a year ago US shares had
on great intensification of strike activity. The used to be. The Office for National details to open an account on only rising profits to counter
significance. Though they will not strikes are contributing to the Statistics will soon provide new data, one of the popular trading apps that historically high valuations and the
provide the definitive answer on economy’s weakness but are not its but its latest figures show that a total was then sweeping his sixth-form prospect of dearer money, now
whether the UK has formally entered cause, where the main factor is the of 1.16 million days were lost because common room. Boxing Day at the interest rates are much closer to a
recession, two and a half years after energy shock, which through the cost of industrial disputes between June football was time to check in on his peak and valuations have moderated
entering the last one, they will of living crisis is driving union and October. That, over five months, first 12 months as a master of the — but the profit outlook is gloomy,
provide a pretty good indication. militancy. is higher than the pre-pandemic universe. if not entirely bleak. Here, the prop
The figures for monthly GDP in For really big impacts on GDP of norm but low in comparison with I set out Uncle Ed’s advice to him of strong dividend growth has been
November will tell us whether strikes, you have to go back. Before strike waves of the past. in The Times last year: “Start kicked away from under equities,
economic activity is heading for a the pandemic, the biggest modern- GDP is not everything, however, modestly, use a stop loss, don’t just leaving their 3.5 per cent yield less of
second successive quarterly fall, after day quarterly fall in GDP was in the and while the walkouts have not follow your mates (what do they a magnet for investors than the
the 0.3 per cent drop in the third first quarter of 1974, 2.8 per cent, caused a recession that may or may know?), do some research, however same level was a year ago.
quarter of last year. That would meet when in response to a miners’ strike not become a certainty this week, rudimentary, and focus on All of which looks like a welcome
a commonly used recession definition. and the oil crisis the government their effect is more insidious. Train companies you recognise and think reversion to something
Some economists think it will be a imposed a three-day week. strikes mean people can no longer you can learn to understand. approximating normal investment
dead cert, others a close call. All can Everybody knows about the winter trust what for many was an essential “Don’t be tempted to leverage uncertainty to my increasingly
agree that the economy stopped of discontent of 1978-79 — the dead service. Event organisers now play your bets by trading on margin. And rheumy old eyes. I expect the
growing around March last year and not being buried, rubbish piling up in roulette, hoping that they do not don’t come to me for individual coming months to be marked by
has been flatlining, at best, since then. the streets, etc — which helped to settle on a date that coincides with stock tips as I wouldn’t want to fall profit shocks that grab headlines,
Non-economists would say it is not propel Margaret Thatcher to election fresh stoppages. out with you when they go wrong.” outweighed by the majority of
surprising the economy is in trouble victory in May 1979. Its effects can Everyone else prays they will not My nephew tells me he’s grown his companies quietly benefiting from
given the wave of strikes crippling the clearly be seen in the economic data. need the NHS at this time. The strikes few hundred quid by 14 per cent, sound housekeeping, in cutting costs
railway network and large parts of the GDP fell by 0.5 per cent in the first have exposed deep structural more than decent given the and pushing up prices. Overall,
public sector. The UK has been quarter of 1979, the height of that weaknesses in the affected sectors. rollercoaster year for equities since profits may be a positive surprise.
flirting with a repeat performance of winter of discontent, but bounced National rail use appears to have the unexpected war in Ukraine. Just Flotations will reappear, slowly at
the “sick man of Europe” act it was back by 4.4 per cent in the second settled at between 80 and 85 per cent turned 18, he’s now opening an first but with increasing frequency
once famous for. quarter, as the days lost due to of pre-pandemic levels, pending any account in his own name and is as the year progresses. The
That the strikes are having a industrial disputes fell sharply. further permanent reduction because pump-priming it with birthday dominant force, though, will be
negative effect is not in doubt. Ask Not a lot of people know, to of the strikes. The Institute for Fiscal money. His greatest success has mergers and acquisitions — driven
the hospitality sector, battered from channel Michael Caine, that there Studies exposed what it described as a been buying into energy companies both by corporates themselves, and
all sides and reeling from lost was another wave of strikes soon after “concerning” puzzle for the NHS when their prices fell back in by the global private equity industry,
revenues because of train strikes. This Thatcher was elected. In August and which, despite more staff and funding, September on recession fears, while which is awash with cash and eager
winter of discontent is having a real September 1979 she faced her first is treating fewer patients in most types his biggest loss was from buying a to recommence investing in spite of
impact as well as causing massive big union confrontations. September of care than before the pandemic. The medical stock before quarterly the challenges posed to its existing
inconvenience. that year was extraordinary, with answer may be a prolonged Covid results without understanding that portfolios of companies by the
It is, however, not as 11.7 million working days lost due to hangover and an inability to discharge the jump in its profits he anticipated economic convulsions of last year.
straightforward as it may appear. strikes, four times the maximum patients from hospitals into care, the was still short of analysts’ If I could persuade my nephew of
When the trains are not running, monthly number during the winter of perennial problem. expectations. one dull but potentially rewarding
economic activity is displaced rather discontent and a record in data that Rishi Sunak’s government, He claims to have read the book I strategy for the year it would be to
than cancelled; hence all those stories stretches back to 1931. The result was meanwhile, in its conduct of the gave him — a slightly unexpected look at the opportunities presented
and surveys about suburbs and a 2.2 per cent drop in GDP in the disputes, is doing little to embellish its triumph, I confess — and bemoans by discounts in the listed investment
smaller towns doing well while city third quarter of 1979, though that did reputation for competence, though it the difficulties in finding what he company sector. Analysts at Numis
centres suffer. For those who can, not mark the start of the first appears to be inching forwards. describes as “valid information calculate that these have ballooned
working from home — the economy’s Thatcher recession, which was at the Reform is needed but trying to online on what to do and how to to about 13 per cent, their widest
lifesaver during the pandemic beginning of 1980. shoehorn it into fractious pay talks at start investing”. Media paywalls are since the global financial crisis. This
— means it is possible to The next episode was a a time of double-figure inflation, or expensive for those starting out average covers a very wide
function, even when few years later and the more usually non-talks, will never modestly. My nephew’s lesson for his underlying range, throwing up
the trains are not. miners’ strike of work. Ministers have been confusing contemporaries: “Don’t be greedy opportunities to buy exposure to
Simon French, 1984-85, led by stubbornness with strength. One of and hold too long — profit is profit.” assets at knockdown prices and wait
chief economist at Arthur Scargill. the country’s strengths in the post- The lad could yet go far. patiently for a reversion. Not
Panmure Gordon When many Thatcher era was improved industrial This year will present very exciting, I grant you, and not
and a regular in miners walked relations. Presiding over a country in different challenges to him and all without its challenges, as Patrick
these pages, has out in March which nothing investors. The energy-heavy FTSE Hosking wrote in this slot yesterday.

attempted to put 1984, the loss of seems to work, and 100 index may now be only a couple It’s hard to explain in the common
numbers on the their production strikes have become of percentage points off its all-time room. Maybe not one for his
impact on GDP of — in a country the norm, is the last high, but the general state of share sophomore trading year.
the strikes since the still quite reliant thing the UK needs. prices is better measured by the
on coal — resulted S&P 500 in the US and the FTSE 250 Ed Warner chairs a number of
The miners’ strike led by in a 1 per cent drop David Smith is Economics Editor of in the UK, both closer to 20 per cent company boards, including two listed
Arthur Scargill in 1984 in GDP in the second The Sunday Times from their peaks. It’s no surprise investment companies. He is writing in
took 1 per cent off GDP quarter of that year. given the growth crunch, high a personal capacity
38 V2 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

hour, keeping up to date
is essential. Get the
latest news and market
Hard times to
Business reaction by 8am, and
analysis at 12.30pm,
Patrick Hosking Financial Editor
The Wellcome Trust, Britain’s biggest

briefing direct by email from the

Business Editor, Richard
Fletcher, and Business
charity and a major institutional inves-
tor, has cut its exposure to listed equi-
ties to the lowest this century and
warned that it is braced for “an extend-
Rarely has the outlook
for the global economy
News Editor Martin
ed period of sub-par returns”.
The trust reported an overall invest-
ment return of just 1.7 per cent for the
year to September, an abrupt come-
Size of portfolio as
looked so uncertain as we the battle to bring down down from the previous year when it at September 2022
enter the new year. War, inflation ... with the Sign up at home.thetimes. smashed all recent records by posting a
34.5 per cent return, netting £10 billion
political and trade tensions, situation changing by the in capital gains plus dividends.
The lacklustre return this time would
have been sharply negative but for the
slide in sterling over the period and
Wellcome warned that the subsequent
rally in the pound had wiped £1.5 billion
from the sterling value of its portfolio
since its year-end.
Wellcome said it had seen the most
challenging conditions since the finan-
cial crisis with “nowhere to hide”
because of “nasty” falls in government
Average annual real
bonds, credit and equities. After taking return since 1985
account of inflation, the real return was
-5.9 per cent.
Nick Moakes, chief investment offi-
cer, told The Times, he doubted that
what he called “the bloating of valua-
tions” of the past decade had been com-
pletely reversed by the sell-off of the
past year. It took a long time for excess-
es to work through, he said.
If the trust could achieve real returns
of 4 per cent a year over the next ten
years, that would be a good result, he
said. Since 1985 it has averaged stellar
£4.7mSalary of the
real returns of 11 per cent a year.
The trust’s performance is closely highest paid
watched, not just because it bankrolls investment chief
almost £1.4 billion a year of medical and
other research, but also because it is
one of the most open of sophisticated
institutional investors, giving insight
into how it makes money.
It was created by the will of the phar-
maceuticals tycoon Sir Henry Well- The closure of the Wellcome Trust’s
come in 1936 to improve health by sup-
porting scientific research and the total return from public equities, un-
study of medicine. It initially used divi- derperforming the global index it uses
dend income from his company Well- as a yardstick, which chalked up a
come but shifted to a wider investment -3.7 per cent return.
approach after Glaxo bought Wellcome “This is clearly a disappointing result,
in 1995. although our focus remains on long-
By September, just 34.5 per cent of its term absolute returns,” it said.
£39.7 billion portfolio was invested in In the course of the year it cut its
public market equities, down from holdings in directly owned shares by
41.9 per cent a year earlier, 50.5 per cent £1.6 billion. Its pot of shares managed
in 2019 and as high as 69.2 per cent in by outside fund managers did very
2005. poorly, with one long-time manager
Wellcome said it made a -12.7 per cent registering a -37.4 per cent total return.

Floating proved difficult as

storms rocked the markets
Jessica Newman went ahead with listings. Last summer
Mishcon de Reya paused its £750 mil-
The amount of money raised by com- lion float plans because of “market con-
panies joining the London Stock ditions”. It would have been the seventh
Exchange dropped more than 90 per legal services firm to list on the London
cent last year as management teams exchange.
shunned public markets amid eco- EY said the market had “minimal ac-
nomic and geopolitical uncertainty. tivity” in the final quarter with nine
Just 45 companies floated last year, companies making their debut to raise
against 119 in 2021, according to the a total of £380 million. London’s Alter-
latest IPO Eye report from EY, the native Investment Market had only two
accountancy firm. joiners in the final quarter that raised
The money raised by those new join- £24 million combined.
ers fell to £1.6 billion, down 90.2 per cent Scott McCubbin, EY’s UK and Ire-
from £16.3 billion in 2021 in what was a land IPO leader, said: “The outlook for
bumper year for initial public offerings. 2023 remains uncertain, as the contin-
Market sentiment has receded sharp- uation of the prevailing headwinds ex-
ly over the past year as a gloomy back- perienced in late 2022 are likely to lead
drop of rising interest rates, looming in- to depressed IPO activity early in the
flation and the war in Ukraine forced in- new year.” However, he believes there is
vestors to turn to less risky asset classes pent-up demand for public listings and
while many companies shelved their even potential for an upturn in the
float plans amid doubts about the valua- market in the second half of the year
tions that they might achieve if they without further geopolitical shocks.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 39


come, says Wellcome Star stockpicker

renews attacks
on Unilever deals a name for himself in 1992 when he lost
Ben Martin Banking Editor
his job as head of research for UBS
The stockpicker Terry Smith has raised Phillips & Drew after writing a book
questions about a spree of acquisitions that criticised widespread accounting
struck by Unilever in a further attack by practices used by British companies.
the star fund manager on the FTSE 100 He founded Fundsmith in 2010 and is
consumer goods giant. now based in Mauritius. While his main
Smith, whose £22.5 billion Fund- Fundsmith Equity vehicle lost 13.8 per
smith Equity fund is a leading share- cent last year after his growth investing
holder in Unilever, said the company’s style struggled amid rising interest
wellbeing and beauty division had rates, it has generated cumulative turns
bought 27 businesses in the past eight of 478 per cent since its launch.
years but in all except three instances Accounts filed for the UK-based Fund-
had not disclosed the price it had paid. smith LLP show Smith took home at
He also suggested there was a lack of least £36.4 million for the year to the
transparency about the performance end of March, his biggest ever payout.
of these purchases after the deals Since Smith’s criticism of Unilever
completed because only a “minority” of last year, Nelson Peltz, the activist in-
the companies were mentioned in vestor behind Trian, has emerged as a
subsequent annual reports published top shareholder in the consumer goods
by Unilever. group. Smith said that during the first
In his annual letter to the eight years Fundsmith had
fund’s investors, Smith been a shareholder “we did
asked: “Whilst I am sure not hear from Unilever”
Unilever complied and that even after
with their disclosure contact was estab-
obligations, is there lished, concerns his
some reason why company raised
we shareholders were “ignored”.
can’t know how Peltz, 80, mean-
much of our while, was made a
money they non-executive on
spent? Shouldn’t Unilever’s board in
we have some idea May. Smith said he
how Unilever and its did not object to Peltz
management have becoming a director
performed before they but added: “What I find
are allowed to do any more questionable is that compa-
acquisitions? Unilever’s low nies mouth platitudes about
return on capital might be a clue.” wanting to attract long-term sharehold-
It marks an escalation of Smith’s ers, yet based on our experience we tend
Medicine Man gallery in central London in November resulted in accusations from some corners of “cultural vandalism” criticism of the group behind Domestos to get ignored, whereas an activist who
and Ben & Jerry’s, after claiming in his has held shares for fewer months . . . gets
The trust is in the process of sacking the portfolio,” it said. The company, excluded from conversations about letter a year ago that Unilever, which is invited to board meetings.”
some outside hedge fund managers which floated in 2020, saw its shares health, science and medicine,” Sir Jer- valued at more than £100 billion, was Smith also addressed the underper-
after what it called “very disappoint- crash by 76 per cent amid the sell-off of emy Farrar, the director, said. “obsessed with publicly displaying formance of his fund, which he said was
ing” performance. Although these growth stocks. Previously, Doordash Farrar, who leaves next month to be- sustainability credentials” and had unwelcome but “nonetheless inevita-
managers had the opportunity to take has been a huge profit generator for come the World Health Organisation’s “clearly lost the plot”. ble”. He said: “I will leave you this year
down bets on share prices, they failed to Wellcome. chief scientist, received a 4.4 per cent Smith, 69, is one of Britain’s most with a quote from Winston Churchill:
capitalise on plunging share markets, The board defended its decision to pay rise to £538,000, according to the popular fund managers and a veteran ‘If you are going through hell, keep
producing a -13.3 per cent return. close its Medicine Man gallery in its report. of the City, having previously run the going.’ At Fundsmith we intend to.”
“Some of them we’ve decided are not London museum in November, for The two highest-paid investment stockbroker Collins Stewart and Tullett Unilever declined to comment. At an
fit for purpose,” Moakes said. which it was accused of “cultural van- chiefs at the trust received £4.7 million Prebon, an interdealer broker. He made investor event held last month it told
Some individual stock reversals also dalism”. and £4.4 million respectively, down shareholders that acquisitions it had
hit the trust. Doordash, the US home “We are determined that our ap- from £7.9 million and £7.8 million last Unilever owns about 400 household made since 2017 had grown by 14.8 per
delivery service, was “a major drag on proach includes people traditionally time. brands, including Ben & Jerry’s cent.

City regulator’s stress warning to banks Goldman’s high-flyers will

Ben Martin Banking Editor investment firm that inflicted heavy
losses on some banks when it went
said. “In 2023, firms must ensure that
those lessons from past crises are defin-
have to tighten (seat) belts
City regulators have told banks to brace under in 2021, had revealed deficiencies itively learnt in full, and thoroughly
for a “prolonged period of stress” and in lenders’ internal processes. The embedded across the first and second Callum Jones Goldman has moved to aggressively
have criticised lenders for failing to heed watchdog said it had “specifically asked lines of defence.” cut costs after a sharp slowdown in
a warning about risky exposures that firms to consider concentrated and lev- In a separate letter to the bosses of in- Goldman Sachs’ high-flyers might have investment banking activity called time
were building up in their businesses. eraged exposures and to improve coun- surance companies, the authority said to curb their spending after the invest- on a bumper run during the early years
The Bank of England’s Prudential ter-party risk management” after the the market fallout from the mini-bud- ment bank said it was looking to cut of the pandemic, and knocked its profits
Regulation Authority said that deposit- Archegos debacle. get had “highlighted gaps in insurers’ down on expenses, including a review by 45 per cent during the nine months
taking groups should expect “increased liquidity risk frameworks”. The watch- of private jet use. to September.
engagement” from the watchdog about Andrew Griffith dog also said that insurers’ “exposure The Wall Street giant is preparing for The bank is scaling back its ambitions
the credit risks they faced as the eco- said the UK would management capability” for non-natu- a possible recession and has cut jobs as for its lossmaking consumer unit, and
nomic outlook darkens. not rush into a ral catastrophe risks, including cyber, it wrestles with a broader decline in reducing its workforce. It is expected to
“The impact of increasing interest cybercurrency “remains immature”. takeovers and stock market listings. start cutting 3,200 jobs, about 6.5 per
rates, inflation and high cost of living, The authority said it would cary out “We’re looking at expenses in every cent of its staff, and start informing those
geopolitical uncertainty and supply consultations this year on new rules on corner of the firm,” the bank told the affected today.
chain disruptions is expected to pose diversity in the financial industry. Financial Times, “so it’s ridiculous to Ericka Leslie, the chief administra-
challenges to firms’ credit portfolios,” It came as Andrew Griffith, the City focus on any single segment or item”. tive officer at Goldman and a key figure
directors from the authority told chief However, turmoil last March in the minister, told the Treasury select com- Goldman Sachs has a market value of in the review, is said to be scrutinising
executives of commercial banks in a London Metal Exchange’s nickel mittee that the aim behind the plan to about $120 billion and employs about the bank’s spending on a variety of
letter. “Firms need to be ready for a pro- market and ructions in the gilt market scrap the EU cap on bankers’ bonuses 49,000 people worldwide. It is more areas, including two Gulfstream jets it
longed period of stress.” after September’s ill-fated mini-budget “is not to seek to increase total compen- reliant than any of the other big Amer- acquired in 2019.
They also told banks that they “demonstrated that firms continue to sation” for financiers. He also said the ican banks on services such as invest- Goldman declined to comment.
needed to do more to improve their risk unintentionally accrue large and con- case for a digital pound remained “an if ment banking and trading. Shares in the bank, which is due to re-
management systems. centrated exposures to single counter- and not a when” and that the UK would Marcus, its online lender in Britain, lease quarterly earnings next week,
A year ago the authority had cau- parties, without fully understanding not rush into a cybercurrency: “I would was launched four years ago and has closed $4.32, or 1.2 per cent, higher at
tioned that the collapse of Archegos, an the risks that could arise”, the authority rather be right than be first.” about 750,000 customers. $357.32 in New York last night.
40 2GM Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


the same
day she
she had
Phoenix bid
for Dignity
Enterprise major


Red tape
UK companies that supply
looks to be
Ray of hope
Small and medium sized
firms will contribute more
of UK business turnover by
large German businesses
are being questioned about
their supply chains in
greater detail after a new
a dead cert
2025 as they bounce back The joint venture has attempts to turn the company
quickly from the recession, law took effect on January 1 around through “substantially” low-

researchers predict
offered £263m for the er prices to increase the number of
funerals and market share have been
Sign up now for The Times funeral firm, with few hindered by competition and rising
costs. Davidson, 37, said at the third-
True grit Enterprise Network’s obstacles in the way, quarter update in November that it
weekly newsletter for tips was beginning to see positive signs.
Entrepreneur Rachel and insight from Britain’s Alex Ralph writes But in a gloomy outlook for Digni-
Watkyn acquired her new ty, Peel Hunt said: “The cashflow of
leading entrepreneurs When the largest shareholder of the business has reduced due to the
company, Know the Origin, Dignity moved to seize control of lower profitability and need to in-
the board two years ago it vowed it vest in the estate. The issues are ex-
was not seeking a takeover of one of acerbated by the need to service the
Britain’s biggest funeral companies. bonds, which are trading below par.”
In an open letter to shareholders Phoenix owns 29.7 per cent of
in March 2021, Phoenix Asset Man- Dignity and the intentions of John
agement gave investors “peace of Jakes, 66, the Monaco-based entre-
mind that we won’t use this situation preneur behind Acorn Mobility
to make a bid for the company”. Services, Dignity’s second-largest
With the fortunes of Dignity shareholder with 19.5 per cent, who
having not revived, and Gary Chan- has been building his stake recently,
non, Phoenix’s chief investment of- remain unclear. Jakes did not re-
ficer, having come and gone from spond to a request for comment.
Dignity’s board after overhauling Dignity is based in Sutton Cold-
the leadership and strategy, a field, near Birmingham, and oper-
£263 million takeover approach for ates about 756 funeral directors and
the London-listed company from a 46 crematoriums. Co-op Funeral-
Phoenix joint venture consortium care is the other dominant operator.
emerged last week. Castelnau Peel Hunt said there was “no com-
petitor of sufficient scale to make an
offer that would not fall foul of the

The number of funeral directors
operated by the company
Competition and Markets Author-
ity”, meaning any competing offer
would need to come from a financial
buyer or an overseas player. Yet the
level of equity required is also an Parties went
issue, particularly given Dignity’s

Group, a London-listed investment

bonds, Peel Hunt said. Dignity has
received approval from bondholders
with a swing
company managed by Phoenix, and
SPWOne, an investment business
created by Sir Peter Wood, the
to sell crematorium sites, but noth-
ing has materialised. Dignity owed
about £522 million on its bonds in
for Majestic
veteran insurance industry entre- the summer and had cash of about

preneur who founded Direct Line £29 million at the end of September. ajestic Wine uncorked
and Esure Group, has made a 525p One source, who asked not to be the second-biggest
per share cash proposal. named, said the consortium’s ap- Christmas trading
Channon, 55, and Wood, 76, proach was a lot less than Dignity performance in its
believe taking Dignity private will was worth but Phoenix had pursued history as sales last
allow the debt-ridden, lossmaking a disastrous strategy. “They started
funerals company to rise again away cutting their prices in the funeral
from the public markets. In the business when they got control and
boardroom battle two years ago, they really believed that the market
when Channon succeeded in oust-
ing Dignity’s executive chairman, he
was accused of trying to take control
share would explode.” An investor,
also speaking confidentially, said
they believed Phoenix “did a disser-
Switch from
without paying a bid premium. vice to shareholders by stopping pre- Tom Howard
This time, though, amid pressure vious management from splitting
over its bonds and its shares having the business” between its funerals AO World’s “pivot to profitability”
fallen by about 30 per cent last year, and crematorium operations. looks to be paying off, with the online
Dignity’s board is minded to re- Wood, whose SPWOne made a retailer of electrical products making
commend the approach, the consort- cornerstone investment of £25 mil- more money over the holiday period
ium’s fourth since October, to share- lion in Castelnau, believes Dignity than it expected.
holders, should it receive a firm offer. has “long-term growth potential — Between October and December UK
The consortium has until Februa- the signs are clear to me”. “But the sales were down 17.2 per cent compared
ry 1 to make a firm offer or walk changes and significant develop- with the same period a year earlier.
away, and with shares in Dignity ment work and investment needed However, this was in line with what the
having dropped below the proposal to enable this growth mean the best market had expected after John Rob-
price to about 502p, the market is not way forward for Dignity is as a pri- erts, the chief executive, announced
pricing in a bidding war. Charles vate company”. over the summer that he was abandon-
Hall, at Peel Hunt, the City stock- Channon agrees, and has offered ing the company’s pursuit of growth
broker, has told clients the approach shareholders who want to stay the over profits.
was attractive and a counter offer option through unlisted equity in the As the cost of living crunch started to
looks unlikely given the dominant consortium’s joint venture vehicle or hit home, Roberts, 49, said in August it
shareholding of Phoenix, Dignity’s listed equity in Castelnau. “Share- was time to “batten down the hatches
struggles and the lack of buyers. holders who want immediate liquidi- and focus on core fundamentals, not
Since Kate Davidson replaced ty can take cash for their shares at a raising your sales or getting distracted
Channon as chief executive in June, 23.4 per cent premium,” he said. exploring new opportunities”. He
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 2GM 41


IMF cannot duck

public scrutiny
from politicians
budget, the Treasury committee has
Harriett Baldwin been unable to secure on-the-record
Comment testimony from the IMF.
Gourinchas has been kind enough
to speak privately, and officials from

hen the International the Article IV team [which holds
Monetary Fund talks bilateral discussions about policies
people listen because with members], who are in town this
some of the world’s week, have agreed to meet us
brightest financial and privately today.
economic brains are working for it. The estimable head of the IMF,
It is a critical part of the world’s Kristalina Georgieva, tweeted in
financial architecture, and the UK is November that she welcomed the
proud to have been a founding chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s autumn
member and now one of 190 statement, which was “prepared at a
countries that are shareholders. difficult time for the UK economy,
The Treasury committee benefited against strong global headwinds. It
from their insight when Gita strikes the right balance between
Gopinath, then chief economist and fiscal responsibility and protecting
now deputy managing director, spoke growth and vulnerable households”.
to us on the record in 2020 about the But other than that, it’s been
economic impact of coronavirus. In impossible for the committee to get
2002, Horst Köhler, who was the the IMF to utter any opinion of
managing director, gave evidence in current UK fiscal policy on the
public to the committee. record.
The IMF was in the news in the UK I understand that the guide for IMF
again after they took aim at the staff outreach to legislators says
former chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s “officials cannot be compelled to
“mini-budget” in September. “We do testify before legislative bodies”. But
not recommend large and untargeted this guidance and precedent doesn’t
fiscal packages at this juncture,” the justify such an important
IMF said on September 27, “as it is international body ducking public
important that fiscal policy does not scrutiny from elected politicians.
work at cross purposes to monetary Like the Treasury committee at the
policy. Furthermore, the nature of the beginning of the millennium, we call
UK measures will likely increase on the IMF to change its policy to
inequality.” allow the most senior officials to
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, the appear on the record before
IMF’s chief economist, said that if parliamentary committees of member
central banks were tightening countries.
monetary policy, but fiscal policy If they will not, perhaps they could
“stimulate[s] aggregate demand, it’s use the same discretion and avoid
like having a car with two people in on-the-record commentary outside
the front . . . each trying to steer the their normal on-the-record reporting
month rose by 21 per cent compared inflationary backdrop it had sought Majestic’s top sellers included English car in a different direction. That’s not cycle.
with pre-Covid levels (Dominic to “keep a lid” on prices to help sparkling wine, from producers going to work very well.” Harriett Baldwin MP is chairwoman of
Walsh writes). hard-pressed consumers, with such as Chapel Down based in Kent However, following the autumn the Commons Treasury select committee
The chain’s performance over the wines, beers and spirits 2 per cent
eight weeks to Boxing Day was also cheaper compared with last year. Majestic was for a short period
ahead year-on-year, with sales up It said that customers left buying part of Naked Wines but in 2019 it
0.2 per cent compared with the
same period in 2021 as Majestic
late last year, with the retailer
recording the busiest trading day in
was split off from the online retailer
in a deal backed by Fortress
Byron Burgers serves up
achieved its highest market share. its 42-year history on December 23 Investment Group. John Colley, 51,
The company, which has 202
stores, including two in France, said
as shoppers made a dash for deals.
Among the top sellers was English
chief executive of Majestic, said the
move back into private ownership
yet another rescue deal
its market share gain had been sparkling wine, where sales were up had returned the chain to growth
achieved despite heavy promotional 19 per cent, while Spanish cava did and stability, and it was planning Helen Cahill, Dominic Walsh
activity by the big supermarkets. even better, up 29 per cent. The five new stores as part of a wider
Majestic said that despite the World Cup also boosted beer sales. target of adding 20 branches. Byron Burgers has undergone its third
restructuring in five years after custom-
ers continued to shun its £13 burgers in
favour of new mid-market rivals.
Byron’s owner Famously Proper has
growth to profit is a winner for AO filed an intention to appoint adminis-
trators at the High Court after appoint-
ing restructuring experts at Interpath
cancelled in-store trials with Tesco and Peel Hunt, said that the fall in sales Advisory to make another assessment
ditched deals with some big house- Share price meant AO did not need extra ware- of how to stabilise its finances.
builders to kit out their new homes with house space or temporary workers over It is understood the chain will prob-
washing machines and fridges. 100p Christmas, both of which can be expen- ably remain with its present owner, the
AO also moved to cut costs by lower- sive. “The outcome is a more profitable private equity firm Calveton, as part of
ing its headcount, reducingBwarehouse 80 period than anticipated,” he said. a pre-pack administration deal. Byron Burgers had more than 70
space, using fewer trucks and bringing Carave 60
Previously, AO had told shareholders Byron has been through multiple restaurants at its peak. It now has 21
in a delivery charge, which analysts said that its adjusted underlying profit for its insolvency procedures and came under
had “improved order economics”.AItNex- present financial year, which runs until scrutiny after the death of a teenager 1,800 people, but the chain has been
Source: Refinitiv

Doc 40
pects that its cost base next year willBelo
be Pta. de March, would come in at close to who had an allergic reaction to one of outcompeted on price by new high
at least £30 million lower than it was at 20 £30 million. It now thinks it will be its burgers in 2017. The burger chain’s street rivals including Five Guys, Shake
the beginning of 2022. between £30 million and £40 million. restructuring started in 2018 when it Shack and Patty & Bun.
The Bolton-based company was 0 Most of the City analysts upped their launched a company voluntary The chain has also suffered from the
Cabo de São Jul
Apr Oct Jan
founded as Appliances Online in 2000 forecasts to about £35 million. arrangement that led to 16 sites closing. headwinds impacting other companies
by Roberts, a former kitchen salesman, Cabo 2022 2023 “We remain cautiously optimistic The chain underwent another over- in the hospitality industry. The sector
when he agreed to a bet with a friend and yet mindful of the continuing haul during the pandemic as it entered was buffeted by coronavirus lockdowns
that he could not make money selling over the holiday period. As well as the macroeconomic uncertainty and tough a pre-pack administration and was and now faces a decline in consumer
fridges on the web. AO sells everything rush for new games consoles and consumer environment,” AO said. taken over by Calveton. The restructur- spending from rising interest rates and
from fridges and freezers to televisions speakers, AO said energy-saving appli- Shares fell 3¾p, or 5.4 per cent, to 65¾p, ing involved the chain cutting 650 jobs energy bills.
and mobile phones. ances had sold well amid the backdrop leaving them a third below where they and closing 31 restaurants. Byron once generated sales of
Despite the planned drop in revenue, of higher gas and electricity prices. were this time a year ago and valuing Byron opened its first restaurant in £90 million from more than 70 restau-
the company enjoyed decent trading John Stevenson, a retail analyst at the business at £379.9 million. 2007 and five years ago employed about rants. It now has 21.
42 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

Business Markets
news in brief
Emma Powell Tempus
Buy, sell or hold: today’s best share tips
Bond fund flows return
British investors are starting to
trickle cash back into bonds and

Electronics supplier needs to deliver shares for the first time in six
months, according to data from
the Investment Association. A
net £389 million of funds were
bought by UK investors in
rs group which accounts for three quarters of November, the first time buyers
Relatively stable revenue, distributes parts used to outweighed sellers since April.
Market cap Q3 revenue
Share price Quarterly revenue growth by region
repair and maintain manufacturing Bond funds were popular while
£4.47bn growth 8% £13 facilities. The average order size is investment into equities was
EMEA Americas Asia Pacific only £250, manufacturers spend out patchy. Net purchases of US

upplying components “just in Mar of operational rather than capital equity funds were strong but
time” means global industrial 12 2022 19% expenditure budgets. That means UK share funds continued to be
distributor RS Group can 33% sales are less closely tied to output, shunned, with the UK All
charge a premium for the 23% but then it does not completely Companies category recording
speed and breadth of 11
insulate RS’s sales volumes against net outflows of £976 million.
products delivered. But it also means 16% manufacturers shuttering production
the FTSE 100 group is acutely short- 24% facilities entirely or going bust. Plus500 wins on losses
sighted over future revenue. As 10 13% Lindsley Ruth and David Egan,
global recessions take hold, investors interim boss and former finance Have-a-go traders who lost
have become more wary of the Sep chief, have put the business on a money betting on the direction of
9 14%
group’s ability to sustain sales growth 19% better footing to withstand the volatile financial markets last
as manufacturing output declines. downturn. An adjusted operating year boosted revenues at Plus500
Source: Refinitiv

Even bullish guidance could not 8 margin of 12.5 per cent last year was by about $193 million. The FTSE
draw more positivity from investors. Dec double the level in 2015, during 250 group, which operates a
RS, formerly Electrocomponents, 6% which time sales have grown at a trading platform for derivatives,
expects profit this year to be at the 2022 compound annual rate of 11 per cent. said the lift it had received from
7 -8%
top-end of the consensus range of Apr Jul Oct Jan Free cash generation has stepped “customer trading performance”
£350 million to £375 million. Gaining up, with the group in a net cash helped propel its annual revenues
market share and mitigating cost rules in China could help to lift sales, position. That leaves room for to about $832 million in the 12
inflation with higher prices has ADVICE Hold but weakness in the electronics acquisitions to expand its services months to the end of December,
helped to counter weaker sales. WHY The company is in good business will be harder to shift. business, which includes production up from $718.7 million a year
Still, top-line growth has slowed. Electronics, which accounts for design and procurement, the “value- earlier. Plus500 shares closed up
An increase in revenue of 8 per cent financial shape to withstand a roughly a quarter of sales, recorded a add” that RS hopes will give it an 79p, or 4.6 per cent, to £17.90.
in the latest three months was downturn but deserves its decline in volumes in the company’s edge over rival distributors.
almost half the rate recorded over weaker valuation third quarter and a 4 per cent Self-help initiatives, like Coinbase cuts 950 jobs
the September quarter. What’s more, contraction in like-for-like revenue. automating some distribution
price inflation has done almost all of The business is more closely geared facilities, and sales price inflation Coinbase Global will cut about
the heavy lifting, up in the low operating profit fell by 30 per cent, towards capital expenditure budgets, helped RS push its margin forward 950 jobs — 20 per cent of its
double digits during the quarter. brokerage Shore Capital calculates. so more vulnerable to a fall in during the first half of this financial workforce — in the third round
Fluctuating sales volumes have an RS Group has two main sources of consumer demand. year despite higher wage and of layoffs for the cryptocurrency
outsized impact on RS’s bottom line, weakness: Asia Pacific and the The shares have fallen by just over logistics costs. The question now is to exchange since last June. The
stemming from a relatively high level electronics business, which caters a quarter since November 2021 and what extent price inflation will nascent sector, which is already a
of fixed costs within the business. mainly to design engineers. Sales in now change hands at 16 times continue to mitigate slowing sales casualty of rising interest rates
When organic revenue fell by an the former fell 8 per cent in the third forecast earnings. Investors are right volumes and whether RS will need to and worries of an economic
aggregate 10 per cent in the quarter. Zero-Covid rules in China to discount the shares, without rein in spending on growth plans, downturn, suffered a blow when
aftermath of the last great financial played a part, as did a shortage of pricing in a doomsday scenario for that include growing online sales and the exchange FTX filed for
crisis in 2009 and 2010, adjusted some computing products. Looser RS. The core industrial business, broadening product ranges. bankruptcy protection in
November. Shares in Coinbase
rose $4.96, or almost 13 per cent,
games workshop Gordon expect sales and pre-tax long game, there are still solid group is highly cash generative, with to close at $43.23 in New York
profits to edge ahead by 10 per cent returns to be mined. Building the net cash building to £68.1 million at last night.
Half-year Dividend yield and 4 per cent respectively this year. business in the Asian market is one the end of November, from
revenue £227m 2.9% The release of a new edition of fount of revenue growth, particularly £41.4 million at the same point in Student landlord boost
Warhammer 40,000, one of the as the Chinese economy reopens 2021. That means dividends are also
ames Workshop is burdened group’s two core products, could be after Covid. North America is the pulling more weight in the total Unite Group expects it will be

G by its past glory. A boom in

sales at the fantasy figurine
maker during the pandemic has
due this summer, the brokerage
believes, and that could provide
another boost to sales.
biggest contributor to revenue, which
illustrates the rewards to be gleaned
from geographical expansion. Online
return delivered to shareholders.
The house broker Peel Hunt
expects this year’s dividend to total
able to increase its rents by a
little more than expected in the
next academic year as it lets out
given way to a slowdown in global The company’s market value has sales had grown to 22 per cent of the 295p a share, which would leave the student halls quicker than
growth rates, compounded by a rise rightly come down from the total last year. shares offering a dividend yield of anticipated. The landlord has sold
in the costs of raw materials, labour pandemic highs, when the shares hit In December the group agreed a 3.4 per cent at the current price. 70 per cent of its 70,000 beds for
and transportation. a valuation of just over 47 times licensing deal with Amazon to the 2023-24 academic year,
Pre-tax profits fell 5 per cent in the forward earnings. That multiple now develop films and television shows compared with 60 per cent at this
first half of its financial year, albeit in stands at 23, back at about 2019 based upon the Warhammer ADVICE Buy point 12 months ago. Bosses had
line with management guidance. levels. That does not reflect the universe. Licensing the company’s WHY Expansion and licensing forecast rental growth of
Hobbyists are loyal but not above the inroads made into international intellectual property might be a less 4.5-5 per cent next year, but they
wider strains on disposable income. markets and online expansion since steady source of income than retail deals could boost the shares now expect growth of “at least”
But note that analysts at Panmure then. For investors willing to play the sales, but it is almost pure profit. The 5 per cent. Its shares closed down
13p, or 1.4 per cent, at 926½p.

Major indices London Financial Futures Commodities

© 2023 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved.

The Tradeweb FTSE Gilt Closing Prices information contained
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re-distributed; is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely; and does not constitute
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from the use of this information.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 43

Markets Business

Investors alight after profit

warning from Hornby
Jessica Newman Market report

profit warning from
Hornby pushed the MARKETS
Scalextric maker’s shares
down to levels not seen
since the summer of 2018.
The company, which also makes
Lessons after nickel debacle
train sets and Airfix models, spooked
the market as it warned of a “modest” he London Metal that the existence of
pre-tax loss this year despite third-
quarter sales, which covers the
Christmas period, being ahead of last
T Exchange has
been urged to
improve its ability to
short bets, in
particular two large
wagers against nickel,
year. It said those sales figures were spot distortions in its and dwindling
“behind budget” because of the tough markets by an liquidity had
economic backdrop facing its fanbase independent review contributed to the
of miniature model enthusiasts. into a crisis that difficulties. The
The warning knocked investors’ disrupted nickel situation was
confidence as well as the shares, trading last year exacerbated by a lack
which tumbled 4½p, or 15.5 per cent, (Ben Martin writes). of overall visibility on
to 24½p. The wider market was also The LME was The London Metal the shorts that meant
unsettled by the uncertainty over thrown into turmoil Exchange was forced the LME and other
interest rates as investors couldn’t in March when the to suspend dealings market players “were
price of its three- not able to fully assess
England Patriots, are by rumours over the month nickel futures worth of trades, the risks”.
Brady takes also among those with state of its balance Wall Street report contract experienced causing anger among It made a series of
stakes in FTX. sheet. Its investors are an unprecedented investors who lost out. recommendations to
big hit from Brady and assumed to be sitting Indices enjoyed a positive session as spike above $100,000 Oliver Wyman, the the exchange,
Bündchen, above, who on stakes that are investors bet that inflation will fall a tonne. This consultancy firm, was including that it
FTX collapse announced they had effectively worthless. again when the figures are released prompted the hired by the LME to tightens its rules “to
finalised their divorce John Ray, FTX’s new this week, leading to lower rate rises exchange to conduct an inquiry prevent risks of
he American in October, were chief executive, who from the Federal Reserve. The Dow temporarily suspend into the debacle and market distortions”

T football star
quarterback Tom
Brady and his former
among the stars of
FTX’s advertising and
marketing campaign.
was the liquidator to
Enron, the fraudulent
energy company, said
Jones industrial average rose 186.45
points, or 0.6 per cent, to 33,704.10.
dealings and cancel
billions of dollars-
its report was released
yesterday. It found
and improves its
volatility controls.

wife, the model Gisele Brady, 45, owns last month: “At the end
Bündchen, are among 1.1 million shares in of the day, we’re not shrug off hawkish comments from Next shed 188p, or 2.9 per cent, to last year and ahead of analysts’
FTX shareholders hit FTX’s trading business, going to be able to two of the Federal Reserve’s £62.66 after Investec flagged its forecasts. The shares rose to their
by the collapse of the according to recover all the losses policymakers, who said that US concerns about the retailer’s online dearest price in a year, closing up
cryptocurrency bankruptcy court here.” interest rates were likely to hover business losing momentum. Investors 165p, or 13.9 per cent, to £13.50.
exchange (Callum filings. Bündchen has Sam Bankman-Fried, above 5 per cent for a “long time”. It dumped their shares in Softcat on Supreme’s shares popped 13p, or
Jones writes). 680,000 shares in the 30, the founder of FTX, meant the FTSE 100’s five-day advice from UBS, causing the IT 12.8 per cent, to reach 114½p as the
Trusts and same unit. has been charged in winning streak came to a halt as the services group to end the day down Manchester-based company, which
companies linked to FTX, once valued on the United States by index retreated 30.45 points, or 60p, or 4.8 per cent, to £11.83, while manufactures and imports products
investors including the the private market at prosecutors who 0.4 per cent, to 7,694.49, while the Clarkson shed 250p, or 7.8 per cent, from lightbulbs to vapes and batteries,
PayPal co-founder $32 billion, filed for accused him of staging FTSE 250 fell 88.42 points, or 0.5 per to £29.35 as HSBC swapped its “buy” said it was “well placed” to deliver
Peter Thiel, the hedge bankruptcy in one of America’s cent, to 19,390.97. recommendation for a “hold.” full-year results in line with the City’s
fund tycoon Dan Loeb November after facing largest financial frauds. RS Group, formerly International Distributions expectations. Less spectacular but
and Robert Kraft, billions in customer He pleaded not guilty Electrocomponents, was the biggest Services lost 12½p, or 5.3 per cent, to still impressive, Marks Electrical
owner of the New withdrawals, prompted this month. faller among the blue-chips, dropping 221¾p after Barclays cut its earnings powered up 3½p, or 3.9 per cent, to
46p, or 4.8 per cent, to 906½p as it forecast as they reckon Royal Mail’s 93½p after the white goods retailer
The day’s biggest movers reported a 4 per cent dip in third- performance has further deteriorated posted revenues of £29 million in the
quarter sales of its electronic given the strike action that took place three months to the end of December,
products. Anglo American was down last month. Topping the FTSE 100 up a third on the same period a year
88p, or 2.5 per cent, to £34.93½p after leaderboard was Admiral Group, earlier.
silver and platinum prices fell as after Deutsche Bank raised its “hold” Hostmore’s shares hit a record low
investors gauged risks to demand, rating on the insurer to “buy”. The after the company, which owns the
while Ocado slipped 23p, or 3.1 per shares ticked up 64p, or 2.9 per cent, chain formerly known as TGI Fridays,
cent, to 720½p as data from to £22.72. Elsewhere, GlobalData announced that its boss Robert Cook,
NielsenIQ suggested weak confidence wowed the City as the analytics firm who has been in the role for just over
around personal finances and a says it expects to deliver £242 million a year, is stepping down with
squeeze on disposable income would in sales for the year ending December immediate effect. The shares closed
hold back growth in food retail sales. 31, which is 28 per cent higher than down 2p, or 13.4 per cent, to 12¼p.

Gold/Precious Money rates % Dollar rates Exchange rates

Because of a technical issue, the gold fix
prices are from Monday.

Sterling spot and forward rates Other Sterling

European money
deposits %

Data as shown is
for information
purposes only. No offer is made by
Morningstar or this publication
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 45

Unit Trusts Business

The Times unit trust information service
Yld Yld Yld Yld Yld Yld
Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- %

British funds

This is a paid for information service. For

further details on a particular fund, readers
should contact their fund manager.

Data as shown is
for information
purposes only. No offer is made by Morningstar
or this publication
46 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

Business Equity prices

12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

Automobiles & parts v v v

v v
Banking & finance v v v

v v

v v

v v v

v v

v v
v v
v v
v v v

Consumer goods

v v
v v

v v

v v

v v
v v

v v v


Investment companies v

12 month Price Yld Dis(-) 12 month Price Yld Dis(-) v
High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm


v v

v v


v v

v v

v v

v v

v v v

v v

v v v


Engineering v

Construction &
property v

v v

v v
v v

v v

v v

v v
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 47

Equity prices Business

12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

v v v v

v v v v v

v v v
v v
v v v

v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v

v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v v

v v

Industrials v
v v
Professional &
v v
support services Retailing v


v v v

v v
v v v
v v

v v
v v
v v v

v v v
v v
v v
v v

v v
v v


v v v

v v
Natural resources v
Leisure v

v v
v v
v v
v v

v v
v v
v v


v Technology
v v v
v v v
v v v
v v
v v v
v v v

v v

v Utilities
v v

v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v v
v v
Media v
v v
v v
v u
v s
v v t
v v
v v
v v
v v

v v
Data as shown is
v v v v for information
purposes only. No offer is made by
v v v
Morningstar or this publication
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 49

Heiress who claimed to be

Hawaii’s last princess
Abigail Kawananakoa
Page 50

Jim Garrett
Advertising guru behind After Eight and other campaigns who took on the thankless task of making Ted Heath more voter-friendly
Long before the Conservative Party He is survived by his Czech wife,
turned to Saatchi & Saatchi for the Margot (née Fleischner), who arrived
“Labour isn’t working” ad campaign, in Britain in 1938 as a refugee at the
which helped Margaret Thatcher to age of ten. They were married for 68
win the 1979 general election, there was years. He is also survived by their two
Jim Garrett. sons, Stephen and David, both of
Arguably Garrett’s brief as a political whom work in the film industry.
ad-man was a much harder sell — to James Leslie Michael Peter Garrett
persuade the nation to elect Ted Heath was born in Bristol in 1928. His father,
as prime minister, rather than the more Reginald, was a Cambridge-educated
voter-friendly Harold Wilson. Catholic schoolmaster with a small
Heath had lost the 1966 general private income from the family’s inter-
election by a majority of 98 and was ests in the wine trade. His mother, Eve,
perhaps lucky after such a landslide was the illegitimate daughter of an
defeat not to have been challenged and actress and a member of the landed
replaced as party leader. However, he gentry whose family fortune had been
survived and, with the next election made in coal mining.
looming, in 1968 Garrett was asked by He grew up comfortably in a house-
his friend Geoffrey Tucker, an ad man Jim Garrett was behind BT’s adverts hold with several maids and a nanny,
seconded to Conservative Central starring Maureen Lipman, above, and paid for from a trust fund established
Office as director of publicity, to assem- formed crowds into an “X” for Halifax for his mother. When the Second
ble a team of communications advisers World War intervened, the family was
to help get Heath elected. evacuated to the Welsh market town of
In an age before spin doctors and Builth Wells, where they rented a
image-makers dominated the political smallholding with cows, chickens,
landscape, Garrett was a big beast in the ducks and geese.
advertising world, running Britain’s At Builth Wells County Grammar
largest production company, with an School and later Bristol Grammar, he
enviable track record for producing was a decent schoolboy goalkeeper and
memorable TV commercials, including cricketer but decided early on that he
campaigns for Benson & Hedges and did not want to go to university. He
After Eight. thought it was “a slippery slope to
When he arrived at Conservative becoming a schoolmaster,” and feared
Central Office, he swiftly realised that turning into his father.
although the party was skilled in the A history of rheumatic fever meant
use of such old-school campaigning he failed his army medical and was
tools as posters and rallies, there was no spared National Service. With no idea
television strategy. “The ruling genera- what he wanted to do, he moved to
tion of the party — many of them pre- London, where in 1949 he landed a job
war, pre-television in outlook — had as a junior assistant director with the
little experience in TV,” he found. “Yet played a major part in our success.” newly established British Transport
they had an annual allocation of free Away from politics, his business Films, set up to promote the nationa-
airtime, the programmes were pro- thrived. He was the first British ad man lised transport industries.
duced free of charge by the BBC and to set up an office in New York and work He spent six years there before join-
aired simultaneously on the BBC and poured in from the big Madison Avenue ing Pearl & Dean, the cinema advertis-
ITV at peak time. It was a unique media agencies, later depicted in the TV series ing producers. Three months later
gift that was totally undervalued other Mad Men. Multinational clients includ- commercial television was launched in
than by Harold Wilson.” ed Gillette and Polaroid and he even the UK and with the new opportunities
Nobody was better qualified than managed to work for both Pepsi and that it opened up, he became a senior
Garrett to take on the task of using the Coca-Cola. producer at TV Advertising (TVA), the
medium of television to repackage the From the 1960s through to the 1990s biggest commercials production
unpopular Rt Hon Edward Heath — his ads were never off British TV company in London.
screens. He employed directors such as Within three years he had taken over
He was the first British John Schlesinger, who won an Oscar management of the company. He
for Midnight Cowboy, and Nicolas Roeg, launched his own company in 1963
ad man to set up an whose film work included Don’t Look with a staff of eight, which included
Now and The Man Who Fell to Earth. Richard Lester, who would go on to
office in New York Richard Loncraine, recruited from the direct the Beatles’ films A Hard Day’s
BBC features department, was a main- Night and Help!
whom the polling data suggested was Nixon and the senator Edward Kenne- election as a Tory councillor. Yet he was stay before he went on to direct Band Of He also employed Ken Russell to
perceived as remote, stiff and snobbish dy. The team also commissioned a also an active trade unionist who had Brothers for Steven Spielberg and the direct commercials and, working out of
— and replace him with something re- theme song, which was played at been a shop steward in the film union Bafta-winning adaptation of Richard III two rooms in a studio in Kensington, by
sembling “the people’s Ted”, who was to hustings and in the broadcasts, ACTT, which was affiliated to the starring Ian McKellen. 1966 Garrett was running the largest
be accessible, affable and familiar. designed a logo and created a stage set Labour Party, and later a member of its A show reel of Garrett’s greatest hits production company in the UK.
Garrett put together a team that for use at meetings around the country general council and a vice-president. The 1970 general election was the
included Dick Clement, the creator of during the campaign. Nor did Garrett tell Heath that as a From the 1960s to the only party political campaign he ran
popular TV sitcoms from The Likely Against the predictions of the opin- young man he had voted for Attlee but in 1975 he was part of the team that
Lads to Porridge; the film director ion polls, the campaign achieved its ob- rather than Churchill in the 1950 and 1990s his ads were never produced pro-European broadcasts for
Bryan Forbes, who would later move to jective and Heath won the 1970 general 1951 general elections. the referendum on Britain’s continued
Hollywood, where his credits included election, his one and only victory amid Unlike later image-makers who were off British TV screens membership of the EEC.
The Stepford Wives; Ronald Millar, the three defeats at the hands of Wilson. showered with knighthoods and peera- By the 1990s other production
future speechwriter to Margaret Yet as Garrett admitted, it was an up- ges by Thatcher, Sir John Major and included BA’s Manhattan ad, the BT companies had overtaken Garrett and
Thatcher; and the fashion photo- hill struggle. “Heath was not an easy David Cameron, Garrett received no commercials starring Maureen Lipman he downsized. He eventually retired in
grapher Terence Donovan, whose man,” he recalled. “He was remote and such recognition. All he had to show for and the first Halifax building society ad 2003, closing the company that had
images of Twiggy, Jean Shrimpton and suspicious of anything to do with com- playing kingmaker to the new prime to use a crowd of people to form the “X”, borne his name for 40 years. When he
Julie Christie helped to define the munications. He thought he could minister was a letter Heath wrote him which went on to become a familiar did so Campaign, the ad industry’s
“swinging Sixties”. communicate with the public via a two days after polling day which read: “I trope. house magazine, paid fulsome tribute,
Garrett and his team created a series letter in The Times.” am writing simply to thank you for all The wonderful Clement-directed conferring the honour which succes-
of party political broadcasts that Garrett’s own politics were intrinsi- your help and wise advice throughout “you don’t have to be big to be beautiful” sive governments had failed to bestow,
showed different facets of Heath — at cally Conservative. One of his earliest the campaign and indeed before it. As campaign for Tom Thumb cigars star- by calling him “Lord Jim”.
work in his constituency as an ordinary memories was leaning out of the regards the broadcasts themselves, I ring Dudley Moore was another
MP; as a national leader on a tour of the window of the family car and shouting have heard nothing but praise for all of Garrett production, as was the first Aids Jim Garrett, advertising man, was born
industrial northeast; and as an inter- “Vote for my Daddy” at high street them, and that is no mean achieve- awareness information campaign, on October 20, 1928. He died on January
national statesman meeting President shoppers when his father stood for ment. There is no doubt that they directed by Roeg. 2, 2023, aged 94
50 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Abigail Kawananakoa
Hawaii’s mischievous ‘last princess’ who argued for the restoration of its monarchy and inherited a multimillion-dollar fortune
Abigail Kawananakoa was, to para- goal had been to ensure that it never After her mother’s death in 1969
phrase Rudyard Kipling, the woman happened and describing the idea of Kawananakoa began to receive large
who would be queen. Yet she admitted renting out the palace as sacrilegious sums from the Campbell estate, much
that even if the Hawaiian monarchy had and crass. of which was spent on quarter horses.
not been overthrown by American When a Catholic bishop asked for Although they were successful, the
businessmen in January 1893, there was $100,000 to mark the canonisation of prize money was a fraction of her outlay
no guarantee that she would have St Marianne in 2011 she offered to con- and in 1997 she filed for bankruptcy
ascended the throne in the Iolani Palace tribute but only if there could be a photo protection. “She had lavished millions
— the only royal palace on US territory, of Pope Benedict XVI accepting her of dollars on the horses. She also spent
which was built in 1882 by her ancestor cheque. She was disappointed when the money on friends, buying them homes
King Kalakaua — as her cousin would bishop agreed. “She was really hoping and treating them to trips and enter-
have been in line to rule ahead of her they would tell her to buzz off,” her law- tainment,” Fawcett explained, adding
under the rules of succession. yer said. Meanwhile, she was happy that she also owned expensive stables
Kawananakoa held no official role in when the Dalai Lama refused a gift in in Hawaii, California and Washington.
Hawaii but claimed to be its “last prin- 2012. “She was so pleased that some- The terms of the estate dictated that
cess” and was regarded by many as body actually had some integrity,” the it was to be wound up 20 years after the
such, forging a reputation as the living lawyer added. death of James Campbell’s last daugh-
symbol of the bygone Hawaiian monar- Abigail Kinoiki Kekaulike Kawanan- ter. Beatrice Campbell died in 1987 and
chy. She could claim to have sat on the akoa was born in Honolulu in 1926, the in 2007 Kawananakoa inherited an es-
throne, as it were, having posed on it in daughter of Lydia Liliuokalani Kawa- timated fortune of $215 million (then
1998 for Life magazine. Several of its nanakoa, who was known as Princess £108 million), which helped not only to
fragile threads were damaged during Liliuokalani despite being born after clear her debts and back taxes but left
the photoshoot and she was forced to the overthrow of the monarchy, and her her able to indulge in her philanthropy.
resign as president of the Friends of first husband, William Ellerbrock, a “All I can say is for the rest of my life and
Iolani Palace, a post she had occupied sugar-plantation heir. whatever means I have at my disposal I
for a quarter of a century. “They asked will use for the benefit of the Hawaiian
for my head and I gave it to them,” she Every morning she read Kawananakoa in 1954 with a portrait of Kaiulani, Hawaii’s last heir apparent people,” she told Fawcett.
declared melodramatically. In 2017 she married Veronica Worth,
Much of her time was dedicated to the newspaper and then throne, there’s no question about that.” 1939, just before the outbreak of war in her companion of 20 years. Around the
equestrian pursuits and she specialised Their grandmother was Hawaii’s Europe, and completed her schooling same time she suffered a stroke and Jim
in quarter horses, an American breed contacted those in need reigning hostess, entertaining heads of at Notre Dame convent school in Wright, her lawyer, asked the courts to
that excels at sprinting short distances. states and living in a manner that re- Belmont, California, returning to intervene, suggesting that Worth had
One of them, A Classic Dash, won The family’s wealth had been accu- flected her regal birth. “We had a pretty Hawaii towards the end of the war. ulterior motives. That led to a bitter
$1 million in 1993 in the All-American mulated by her great-grandfather strict household. Grandmother never Her grandmother insisted that she legal battle with Worth claiming that
Futurity in New Mexico, while another, James Campbell, a Scots-Irish industri- let us forget our heritage,” she recalled. must work and she joined Bishop Bank, the lawyer was trying to take control of
Evening Snow, became the first quarter alist who made his fortune from sugar Her large house was later sold to the a forerunner of First Hawaiian Bank, the estate for himself. After three years
horse to run the quarter mile in under and land and had married a local Hawaii Conference of Seventh-Day and then the Territorial Legislature. of hearings a judge put Wright in
21 seconds in 1996. woman. His daughter, also called Abi- Adventists. “I miss that big place and Previously she had undertaken a series charge of her affairs.
Kawananakoa was also known for gail, married Prince David, heir to the the people who used to come there,” she of holiday jobs, including cleaning Although the Hawaiian monarchy
her philanthropy, which was often Hawaiian throne; they were Kawanan- said, recalling how Hawaiians gathered horse stables at a ranch on the Big had long since vanished, Kawananakoa
spontaneous rather than planned. akoa’s grandparents. to serenade her grandmother on her Island that fuelled her love of horses. was in favour of its restoration for cere-
Every morning she read the newspaper After Prince David’s death his widow birthday every January. Before long she had taken off for monial purposes. “Many countries in
from cover to cover and then contacted adopted the six-year-old Abigail. “It She was educated at Punahou, a pres- Europe with her cousins, planning to Europe still have a royal family, even if
those most in need, particularly fami- was a strictly Hawaiian arrangement,” tigious prep school in Honolulu, arriv- spend three months exploring the con- it has no power. People there look up to
lies struggling to pay medical expenses she said in a 1985 interview. “The eldest ing each morning with a chauffeur in tinent. “It took six years,” she added. their royalty; many Hawaiians still look
for critically ill children. She also pro- child always went to the grandmother.” livery and a governess. The English Denby Fawcett, a friend and journal- up to the few of us left who are related
vided scholarships for native Hawaiian By effectively moving up a generation nannies imported by her grandmother ist, recalled: “Kekau [as she was known] to the Hawaiian monarchy,” she said.
students and, having patched up her she perhaps had a stronger claim to the only lasted three weeks. “Grandmother was a beautiful blonde woman, a skilled “We were a country of our own at one
relationship with the palace, became a throne than her three cousins, Edward had to give in to Japanese maids,” she rider and movie star-like presence who time. The least we could do is restore a
key benefactor. (“Dudie”), Virginia and Esther, who said, adding that “collectively we could was often at the stables and in the park living symbol of that country, with all its
At times there was an element of mis- were all raised with her and who prede- be very naughty”. to watch the polo matches and polo grace and dignity.”
chief, however. On one occasion she ceased her. More recently she told Her parents divorced and her mother player Peter Perkins, with whom she
successfully bid $100,000 at a fund- Honolulu Magazine that had the mon- married Clark Lee, a journalist who was was in love.” Perkins had moved to Abigail Kawananakoa, philanthropist and
raising auction for the right to host a archy been restored it would have assigned to China. They took Abigail Hawaii in 1952 for polo. Their Hawaiian princess, was born on April 23,
fancy dinner on the palace terrace but passed to Edward, but added: “Of along and she attended the Shanghai engagement was announced in the 1926. She died of complications from a
later refused to host it, saying that her course, I would be the power behind the American School. She was sent home in press, but the wedding never happened. stroke on December 11, 2022, aged 96

Paul Bidwell
Archaeologist behind the excavation of Hadrian’s Wall on Tyneside, as well as the reconstruction of the Roman buildings there
The epitaph si monumentum requiris Paul Bidwell in the wall. It displayed a new level of ogist of Hadrian’s Wall and the Roman
circumspice — if you seek his monu- 1983 working on structural and artefactual analysis and army, Bidwell’s research interests were
ment look around you — might well the site of a challenged generally held beliefs. wider. He was equally at home with the
have been applied to the Roman Roman bridge in In 1983 he joined Tyne & Wear “civil” archaeology of southern Britain
archaeologist Paul Bidwell. On taking Chollerford, Museum Service as an archaeologist and remained active in his old stamping
up a museum position in urban Tyne- Northumberland. based at Arbeia, South Shields’s Roman ground in the southwest. Unusually he
side in the early 1980s, Bidwell courted The bridge, fort. He remained there for the rest of was both a talented excavator and a
controversy by arguing that the Roman which was built his career, retiring as a senior manager renowned pottery specialist.
buildings that once stood there should in about AD 220, of the museum service in 2013. He was a Stakhonovite worker, pro-
be reconstructed to full scale on the crosses the River At South Shields he initiated a pro- ducing an immense number of reports
original sites, to make the poorly pre- Tyne not far from gramme of large-scale excavation that and research papers, and several
served forts at the eastern end of Hadri- Chesters Fort on would continue for 30 years. Bidwell successful popular introductions, nota-
an’s Wall comprehensible to visitors. Hadrian’s Wall won widespread, though far from bly Roman Forts in Britain (1997). He
Consents were obtained after often universal, support for the policy of sup- never married, but leaves a partner,
bitter struggles and in one case a plementing excavation with recon- Hilary Fawcett, with whom he formed
lengthy public inquiry. The reconstruc- Wall undervalued when he arrived in legal career, as his family had hoped, he struction because the reconstructions a happy relationship in later life.
tions are now one of the key visitor the region, Bidwell fought unflaggingly joined the Exeter Museums Field were designed with academic rigour For all his team-building ability and
attractions of the Tyneside part of to persuade planning authorities that Archaeological Unit at the beginning of only after exhaustive excavation of the fearlessness in fighting for archaeologi-
Hadrian’s Wall. They include, at South the wall should be excavated and dis- a six-year campaign that uncovered the site and the gathering of every scrap of cal causes, Bidwell was essentially an
Shields, a fort gateway and a palatial played wherever the opportunity arose. baths of the Roman legionary fortress available evidence. introvert. He was happiest when
Roman commanding officer’s house It was on Tyneside that he made one at Exeter. The ever-growing army of paid pro- immersed in his books or in classical
and, at Wallsend, what is still the only of his most remarkable discoveries — a He arrived in the north in 1980 to ex- fessionals and volunteers that Bidwell music or engaged in serious discussion
full-height reconstruction of part of previously unsuspected defensive cavate inside the Roman fort at Vindol- assembled for the work at South with a few archaeological friends down
Hadrian’s Wall itself, complete with entanglement between the Wall and its anda, amid some suspicion: here was Shields and Wallsend included local the pub.
walkway and battlements — in frontal ditch — which he argued indi- someone from outside the tight-knit people from diverse backgrounds. His
informed defiance of the prevalent cated that it must have been possible to academic community of Hadrian’s pioneering mobilisation of the sur- Paul Bidwell OBE, archaeologist, was
counter view that Bidwell had found on engage attackers from the wall-top. Wall, an unknown southerner, under- rounding population in his excavations born on June 19, 1949. He died after a
his arrival in the north that the wall had Born in 1949 in Bournemouth, Paul taking an ambitious excavation of one formed the template for what would short illness on November 5, 2022,
no fighting-platform. Few archaeolo- Thomas Bidwell was the son of Peter of its best known sites. The promptly now be called community archaeology, aged 73
gists have had such a permanent Bidwell, a physiotherapist, and Jane published report, The Roman Fort of an achievement recognised in his
impact on an urban landscape. Woodrow, a nurse. He read law at Exet- Vindolanda (1985), was the first book- award of an OBE in 2012.
Finding the remains of Hadrian’s er University, but instead of pursuing a length report of a single excavation on Although best known as an archaeol- Email:
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 51

020 7782 7553
Lives remembered Births, Marriages and Deaths

Fay Weldon their house and starting again, our next president, Penelope David Gold THE HOLY God asks, “Who compares Dementia UK. Contact funeral directors: A
with me? Is anyone my equal?” Look at the Birkin & Sons, Coggeshall.
freed from all responsibilities. Lively. evening sky! Who created the stars? Who
Richard Co- On another novel, after I Stuart Harri- gave them each a name? Who leads them HILL James Richard Ledger, peacefully on
4th January 2023 with family close by.
hen writes: I plaintively objected to the hero- Jane Corry writes: Fay Weldon son writes: In like an army? The LORD is so powerful
that none of the stars are ever missing. Beloved husband of Marie-Thérèse, father
read with ine’s husband (with whom I was encouraging to would-be 1998 when Isaiah 40:25-26 (CEV) of Christopher and Philip, grandfather to
great sad- shared the same first name) authors. In the Nineties I was Oxford Sebastian, Alexander and Clementine.
Private family funeral at Hursley Church on
Bible verses are provided by the
ness of the being a caricatured wimp, she sent to interview her by a United were Bible Society Thursday 19th January. Donations to
death of Fay responded by minimal rewrites national newspaper. We bonded in free fall Brendoncare.
Weldon but having him commit suicide over a packet of chocolate rais- from the old Births
(obituary, on the final page. ins, which she was eating when I First Divi- JENKINS on 20th December 2022 to
Andrew died peacefully on 31st
January 4). I arrived (she kept inviting me to sion after Nadia Tawfik-Jenkins (née Tawfik) and
December 2022, aged 90. Much-loved
David Alan Jenkins, a son, Casper Harold
was her editor from Praxis, her Julia Claydon, former librarian of have one and it seemed rude to Robert Maxwell’s death, David Tawfik Jenkins, brother to Layla. Second husband, father and grandfather.
Funeral at Christ’s Chapel of God’s Gift
1978 novel, to The Heart of the Bromley House, writes: Fay decline.) At the end of the inter- Gold (obituary, January 4) ar- grandchild to Denise and Adel Tawfik and
at Dulwich on 24th January at 11am.
Miranda and Laurence Jenkins.
Country in 1989, and counted Weldon, when asked in 2001, view, I shyly asked if she’d mind rived at the old Manor Ground
her a loyal friend. Her The Life kindly agreed to be the second reading the first chapter of a in his chauffeur driven Rolls- Forthcoming Marriages JONES Mary (Molly) died peacefully on
and Loves of a She-Devil went honorary female president of novel I was writing. Fay kindly Royce as chairman of Birming- 29th December 2022, aged 98. Beloved
widow of Fred, dearest mother to Rod,
through five editorial rewrites, the historic Bromley House agreed and gave me some ham City. Oxford supporters, AND MISS O. K. GURNEY Chris and Tim, and much-loved mother-in-
at the end of which she asked if Library in Nottingham. It was advice. Some years later, when I who had formed FOUL, Fight- The engagement is announced between law, grandmother and great-grandmother.
Thomas, eldest son of Christopher and Funeral at Monken Hadley on 23rd January.
we couldn’t go on with a sixth or established in 1816 as a subscrip- was published, she gave me a ing for Oxford United’s Life, Johanna Mason of Whittlebury, South No flowers please, donations to Cancer
seventh, as she was enjoying the tion library and she was the first quote for the front cover. I was released a pop record to raise Northamptonshire, and Olivia “Libby”, Research UK.
process of playing around with president of national acclaim. also a regular guest at her gar- funds. I asked Mr Gold if he daughter of Jonathan and Margaret Gurney
LIVINGSTONE Dr Elizabeth Anne (Betsy)
of Wicken, South Northamptonshire.
what she had written so much. It She did a great deal to raise its den parties. One might find would buy one; he bought 100. died peacefully on 1st January 2023 at
was a novel, she told me, she was profile, attended many events oneself seated next to a vicar on Deaths Iffley Care Home. The funeral will be held at
Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, on
inspired to write because she and wrote wittily for the news- one side and an LA film produc- Candlemas Day, 2nd February 2023 at
believed that most women with letter. After her two year stint er on the other. She also came to @ AUDLAND
Claire Elizabeth died on 23rd
2.30pm. All inquiries to S&R Childs, Rose
a husband and family cherished she had so enjoyed the experi- speak at two weeks’ notice to December 2022 surrounded by her
Hill, Oxford. Tel: 01865 772780.
the fantasy of burning down ence she recommended us to our Sidmouth Literary Festival. family after a short illness. Beloved OWEN Brigadier Michael (late RAOC) died
sister of Rupert and William and aunt on 31st December 2022, aged 86, after a life
of Edwin and Esmé. Funeral at St well lived. Much-loved uncle and friend.
Peter’s, Greatworth OX17 2DU, at 11am Cremation followed by service at St Anne’s
Court Circular on Friday 27th January: and then at
St Peter’s, Heversham, Cumbria, at
Church, Bagshot, 11.15am on January 30th.
No flowers please, but donations if wished
11.30 am on Saturday 28th January, to

The perfect gift

where she will be laid to rest
alongside her parents. PURVES James Hamilton died peacefully
at home on Tuesday 27th December. A
BARTLEET Betty Evelyn (née Ramsey) loving husband to Angela and father of
died peacefully on 28th December 2022, Annabel and Nick.

for new parents

aged 85, after a brief illness. Beloved wife
of Tony (deceased), sister of Harold (Jack),
mother of Grahame, grandmother of Ned. REMINICK Charles Gilbert died
Funeral at Efford Crematorium at 2.45pm peacefully at home on Friday 6th January
on 19th January. No flowers. Donations to 2023. Born 5th August 1930 to Philip and
Alzheimer’s Society. Sadie Reminick in Brooklyn, New York.
Retired senior partner of Reminick, Aarons
BARTLETT Gwyneth (née Glynne-Jones) & Co, certified public accountants. Retired
St James’s Palace died peacefully on 16th December 2022, treasurer of the New York Friars’ Club. He
10th January, 2023 aged 88, after a full and active life. No leaves his devoted wife Dorothy and his
The Princess Royal this flowers. Donations, if desired, to the Simon beloved Yorkie, Maggie May.
Trust (Autism) CIO or Help in Elstead.
morning departed from Funeral on 12th January 2023. She leaves RICHARDS John Corley died on 22nd
Heathrow Airport, London, for two daughters, four grandchildren and December 2022, aged 68. Dear partner of
Cyprus and was received upon many friends and family who have happy Minna, brother of Sarah (Sally), son of the
late Ray and Patricia Richards.
memories to treasure.
arrival this evening at Larnaca
International Airport by the BONN Edwina Sylvia, Dame Grand Cross, SKELDING Simon of Somerset, formerly
Cornwall, died peacefully on 26th
British High Commissioner to with Collar, Royal Order of the Drum, of
Milton Lodge and formerly of Doverhay December 2022, aged 78. A dearly loved
the Republic of Cyprus (His and Jersey, CI, died peacefully, aged 89, at husband, father, best friend and super
Excellency Mr Irfan Siddiq). Pitlochry on 8th January. Formerly the gramps. Funeral service at St Andrew’s
Viscountess Savernake (née de Winton- Church, Compton Dundon, Somerset, on
Her Royal Highness Wills), daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Monday 16th January 2023 at 11am. No
afterwards attended a Edward de Winton-Wills, 4th Baronet of flowers. Donations payable to Prostate
Reception and Dinner given by Hazelwood, Laird of Meggernie Castle, Cancer UK c/o Forsey and Son Funeral
Directors, Pound Pool, Somerton, TA11 6LZ.
Scots Guards (commander; Royal Garrison
the British High Commissioner of HM King George VI at Balmoral Castle;
at the Residence in Nicosia. 1943) widow of Major Christopher Leslie STUART Margaret-Anne, Viscountess
Stuart of Findhorn, died peacefully in
Commander Anne Sullivan Leo Bonn, Welsh Guards; a former extra
equerry to HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of London on 5th January 2023. Funeral
RN is in attendance. Edinburgh; and adjutant, Eton College; dear service at the Brompton Oratory, London,
sister of Venetia and beloved mother of SW7 2RP, at 11am on Tuesday 24th January
David, Sylvia, Carina, Philip, Camilla, Melissa 2023.
and Melanie. Funeral to be held at
Innerwick Church, Glenlyon (inquiries to In Memoriam — Private
Gaulds of Crieff).
MOSSMAN TIM Always in our hearts
Join us for breakfast CHERRY John Loraine died peacefully on and thoughts.
28th December 2022, aged 83. Adored
Listen to Aasmah Mir and husband of Scilla, father of Tarquin and
Stig Abell on Times Radio, Amanda, and Grampa to Kitty, Zander and LEGAL, PUBLIC, COMPANY &

discount for
Monday to Thursday at 6am Charlie. Family funeral. A celebration of
John’s life will be held on Tuesday 30th
May at noon at St Mary’s Church, Iping
GU29 0PF. Donations to Alzheimer’s
Society. Inquiries: W Bryder & Sons,
To place notices for these
sections please call
subscribers Petworth, 01798 342174. 020 7481 4000
DOWSE Deirdre (née Cleverley) on 3rd Notices are subject to
January 2023, aged 91, of Charlton,
Northamptonshire. Peacefully at home on confirmation and should be
3rd January 2023. Beloved wife of the late received by 11.30am three
Michael, mother and grandmother. All days prior to insertion
funeral inquiries c/o Edd Frost &
Daughters, family funeral directors of
Banbury. Tel: 01295 40 40 04.

GUEST Juliet (née James) died in her

sleep on 19th December 2022, aged 91.
Adored wife of the late Patrick, greatly
loved mother of Peter, Matthew and David,
grandmother and great-grandmother.
Funeral to be held at Colchester

‘She has her father’s eyes and face Crematorium on Friday 20th January, 11am.
Family flowers only. Donations to RNLI and
Legal Notices
shape but her mother’s lips and nose’ The simple way to place your
announcement in The Times.
seven days a week.

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Readers’ Lives, a service in contracted tributes

Call 020 7782 5583 or email
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 55

Today Rain and blustery showers spreading eastwards, heavy and wintry in places. Max 11C (52F), min -2C (28F) Weather Eye
Paul Simons
Around Britain Five days ahead Wind speed Sea state Orkney Shetland
Key: b=bright, c=cloud, d=drizzle, pc=partly cloudy Generally unsettled with 34 Calm
du=dull, f=fair, fg=fog, h=hail, m=mist, r=rain, (mph) 24 6
sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, t=thunder rain and showers, wintry Slight 24
*=previous day **=data not available in the north and windy Temperature Moderate
Temp C Rain mm Sun hr* at times 28 (degrees C)
midday yesterday 24 hrs to 5pm yesterday
6 30
5 R 6.8 1.2
Tomorrow Flood alerts and warnings
Cloudy with showery rain across
Aberporth 12 C 9.6 0.4
southern and western Britain and At 17:00 on Tuesday there were 28 5
Anglesey 12 C 13.0 3.7 Ireland, wintry over higher ground in flood warnings and 97 flood alerts in 4
Aviemore 6 C 0.4 0.1 Scotland. Drier and a little brighter in England, 34 flood alerts and one flood
the northeast during the morning.

Barnstaple 14 C 2.8 ** 35 C F reenland might not be an
warning in Wales. There were six Aberdeen
Bedford 9 C 5.4 ** Max 13C, min -2C 35 95
flood alerts and no flood warnings in obvious place for
Belfast 12 C 9.4 0.8
Scotland. 30 86
Birmingham 10 C 6.6 **
For further information and updates 25 77 farming, an Arctic nation
Bournemouth 13 C 4.4 3.7 7 NORTH largely covered by
Bridlington 6 C 6.8 **
in England visit flood-warning- 20 68, for Wales SEA 15 59 glaciers with bitterly cold
Bristol 12 C 5.4 1.9 and 5
Camborne 13 M 6.2 **
10 for Scotland Edinburgh
10 50
weather. But the southern coastal
Cardiff 12 C 10.8 2.1 35 Glasgow 5 41
Edinburgh 7 C 3.2 1.0
0 32
fringe of the country supports grass,
Eskdalemuir 4 R 18.6 **
4 26 -5 23 flowers and shrubs where Norse
Glasgow 5 R 16.4 0.9
-10 14 settlers established farms to raise
Hereford 12 C 4.2 ** Londonderry
Herstmonceux 9 R 8.4 1.6 ATLANTIC
-15 5 livestock 1,200 years ago.
Ipswich 7 R 8.2 **
Newcastle In modern times rising
OCEAN Carlisle
Isle of Man 11 DU 15.0 3.2
Friday Belfast temperatures in southern Greenland
Isle of Wight 12 C 6.6 ** 7
Jersey 12 PC 3.2 1.6 Staying mainly dry in the south with 7 7 have led to an increase in the
sunny spells, but a few blustery
Keswick 8 R 27.2 ** showers in northern and western areas
York growing season by about two weeks,
Kinloss 6 C 2.6 0.7 and near the east coast. from late May to September, and
Leeds 8 R 20.2 ** Max 11C, min -3C
Lerwick 6 C 4.6 0.4 Manchester Hull
although the 60,000 population of
Leuchars 5 R 2.4 0.0 Liverpoo
Liverpool 8 Greenland relies on food imports,
Lincoln 7 D 7.8 ** Galway IRISH 31
the changing climate seemed to
Liverpool 9 R 14.2 ** 7 SEA Sheffield
London 9 D 4.2 1.9 Dublin
9 offer fresh opportunities for
Lyneham 11 C 5.6 3.1 growers. Farms can grow potatoes,
Manchester 9 R 18.4 0.9
Margate 8 C 0.0 **
8 6
Nottingham cabbages and some other crops, and
Milford Haven 12 C 9.8 ** 10
the yield of potatoes per hectare is
Newcastle 5 R 9.2 ** 37 7 only slightly less than for Finland.
Nottingham 8 R 13.6 1.0 Birmingham
Orkney 6 C 6.2 1.4 11
Cambridge Trials are under way to grow
Oxford 10 C 3.6 ** 7 carrots, turnips and barley for feed
Swansea Oxford 9
Plymouth ** ** 5.4 ** and there is even a commercial
Portland 12 M 3.0 ** Cardiff
Scilly, St Mary’s 13 M 2.4 **
Saturday Channel Islands CELTIC 10 beehive that supplies honey, with
Shoreham 10 D 6.6 1.4 Cloudy with rain in many areas at first.
SEA Bristol London bees that thrive on wildflowers.
Rain clearing eastwards to leave a
Shrewsbury 9 D 9.8 4.3 10
Snowdonia 10 R 47.8 **
mixture of sunny spells and blustery
showers, most frequent and wintry in Southampton
Sheep and cattle are kept in barns
11 over winter and let out to graze
Southend 8 R 4.6 1.3 the north and west. eter
South Uist 7 PC 5.4 ** Max 12C, min -4C 29 Plymouth Brighton grasslands in summer. With the ice
Stornoway 6 R 4.6 **
Tiree 9 R 14.8 0.3
cover melting, more land is
Whitehaven 6 C 41.2 0.4 5
11 becoming exposed for farming.
Wick 6 R 1.2 ** 38 Farmers had hoped that the
Yeovilton 13 C 1.4 1.9
steadily rising temperatures and
11 General situation: Heavy and blustery spells of rain. Heavy at times with Argyll, Cen Highland, NW Scotland, shorter winters would spur a growth
The world showers spreading eastwards. hail and thunder and wintry over N Isles, NE Scotland: Scattered wintry in agriculture but all is not well in
All readings local midday yesterday
London, SE Eng, E Anglia, E Mids, higher ground. Drier later. Strong west showers. Strong to gale force west to the new climate regime of
Alicante 19 S Madeira 19 B 12 Cen S Eng, Channel Is: Sunny spells to southwesterly winds, gale force southwesterly winds. Maximum
Amsterdam 6 S Madrid 9 S
Greenland. The weather has become
at first, but turning cloudier with along the coast. Maximum 11C (52F), 9C (48F), minimum -2C (28F).
Athens 13 R Malaga 20 S
showers or spells of rain spreading in, minimum 2C (36F). Republic of Ireland, N Ireland: Sunny more unpredictable, with summers
Auckland 19 C Mallorca 17 PC
perhaps heavy with hail and thunder. NE Eng, Borders, Moray Firth, intervals, but rather cloudy with that are sometimes dry and other
Bahrain 17 PC Malta 15 PC Sunday
Bangkok 30 PC Melbourne 20 PC Remaining unsettled and chilly with
Freshening southwesterly winds, Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Dundee: scattered blustery showers, some years too wet from rain. Serious
Barbados 28 PC Mexico City 21 S blustery wintry showers in many strong at times and gusty. Maximum Bright spells at first with blustery heavy with hail and thunder and drought began in the summer of
areas. Some drier and brighter spells 11C (52F), minimum 4C (39F). showers spreading in from the west, perhaps wintry at times. Fresh
Barcelona 14 PC Miami 26 PC
in the southeast. Wales, SW Eng, Midlands, Cen N Eng, heavy and wintry at times. Fresh to southwesterly winds, strong to gale
2006 when it did not rain for three
Beijing 3 S Milan 14 S
Beirut 17 PC Mombasa 27 PC Max 10C, min -5C NW Eng, Lake District, SW Scotland, strong southwesterly winds. Maximum force along the coast. Maximum months and almost killed the grass.
Belgrade 6 B Montreal -2 SN IoM, Glasgow: Scattered showers or 7C (45F), minimum -2C (28F). 11C (52F), minimum 1C (34F). Dry summers also left dire
Berlin 7 C Moscow -14 S shortages of hay for winter feed so
Bermuda 19 B Mumbai 31 S
Bordeaux 13 C Munich 5 DU
4 Tides Noon today farmers have had to import animal
Brussels 7 R Nairobi 25 B Tidal predictions. feed.
7 PC 11 PC Heights in metres 1048
Bucharest Naples
HIGH In stark contrast, the past two
Budapest 6 R New Orleans 15 S Today Ht Ht 1016 1032 1040
Buenos Aires 31 S New York 7 PC 6 Aberdeen 03:54 3.8 15:53 4.0 summers have been exceptionally
1024 1032 1024
Cairo 18 PC Nice 16 S Avonmouth 09:38 11.8 21:59 11.5 LOW 992 rainy. In this unpredictable new
Calcutta 25 S Nicosia 18 PC 1008
0 B 8
Belfast 01:32 3.1 13:47 3.5
976 climate many farmers have simply
Canberra 28 S Oslo Cardiff 09:22 11.0 21:44 10.8 1000
Cape Town 24 PC Paris 6 D 08:08 5.1 20:31 4.8 1000 984
given up and the number of farms
Chicago 5 PC Perth 34 S
Dover 01:20 6.3 13:31 6.0 992
1008 LOW has declined sharply in recent years.
Copenhagen 7 PC Prague 5 B 1016 These changes also reflect the
Monday Dublin --:-- -- --:-- --
Corfu 11 B Reykjavik 3 S
Delhi 13 FG Riga 1 R Another unsettled day with showers Falmouth 07:39 4.8 19:59 4.5 1016 widespread changes in weather
or longer spells and of rain, wintry Greenock 03:01 3.1 14:53 3.6 LOW 1024
Dubai 27 S Rio de Janeiro 25 C
over higher ground in the north. Cold front systems across Arctic regions, with
Dublin 13 B Riyadh 18 PC Harwich 01:51 3.7 14:18 3.6
Faro 17 B Rome 13 S
Max 9C, min -6C Holyhead 00:39 5.0 12:51 5.3 1032 Warm front more rain, storms, rising
Florence 10 S San Francisco 16 C Hull 08:50 6.6 20:49 6.9 Occluded front temperatures and melting ice.
Frankfurt 7 B Santiago 28 S Leith 05:08 5.0 17:17 5.1 HIGH Trough
Geneva 7 PC São Paulo 20 D Liverpool 01:24 8.4 13:36 8.6
Gibraltar 19 PC Seoul 4 S 4 London Bridge 04:09 6.5 16:30 6.6
Synoptic situation Highs and lows Hours of darkness
Helsinki -4 SN Seychelles 29 PC Lowestoft --:-- -- 12:17 2.2 24hrs to 5pm yesterday Aberdeen 16:21-08:10
Hong Kong 18 R Singapore 27 SH Milford Haven 08:41 6.4 21:01 6.1 Low pressure to the north and Belfast 16:51-08:10
Honolulu 24 PC St Petersburg -8 SN high pressure to the south of Warmest: Chivenor,
6 Morecambe 01:35 8.4 13:47 8.7 Devon, 14.1C Birmingham 16:46-07:43
Istanbul 13 S Stockholm 2 DU
7 Newhaven 01:28 6.2 13:35 6.1 Britain and Ireland will lead to a Coldest: Aonach Mor, -3.1C Cardiff 16:56-07:43
Jerusalem 18 S Sydney 23 PC blustery westerly wind flowing Wettest: Capel Curig, 47.8mm
Newquay 07:33 6.5 19:54 6.2 Exeter 17:01-07:41
Johannesburg 27 S Tel Aviv 18 S in from the Atlantic. This will Sunniest: Hawarden,
Oban 08:07 3.8 20:31 3.5 Glasgow 16:38-08:10
Kuala Lumpur 27 SH Tenerife 22 PC Clwyd, 4.5hrs*
5 Penzance 07:07 5.1 19:25 4.8 bring generally mild and windy Liverpool 16:46-07:52
Kyiv ** ** Tokyo 10 PC conditions. Several troughs will
Portsmouth 02:00 4.4 13:58 4.3 Sun and moon London 16:44-07:31
Lanzarote 21 PC Vancouver 8 C be the focal point for heavy For Greenwich
Shoreham 01:28 5.8 13:33 5.6 Manchester 16:43-07:49
Las Palmas 21 PC Venice 10 S blustery showers with hail Sun rises: 08.01
The Times weather Newcastle 16:32-07:54
Lima 20 M Vienna 7 B Southampton 01:38 4.3 02:25 4.3 Sun sets: 16.13
08:46 8.5 21:08 8.2
and thunder, especially across Moon rises: 20.57
Norwich 16:33-07:31
Lisbon 15 D Warsaw 6 B page is provided Swansea
Wales and southern and central Moon sets: 10.42 Thu Penzance 17:11-07:47
Los Angeles 14 M Washington 9 PC Tees 06:17 5.0 18:20 5.1
19 S 6 PC
by Weatherquest England during the day. Last quarter: January 15th Sheffield 16:40-07:46
Luxor Zurich Weymouth 09:05 1.9 21:30 1.6
56 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

‘I pushed too
hard and lost
all perspective’
Tommy Fleetwood lost struggling.’ I love playing golf and it’s a
great way of staying in the present, but
his mum last year but what I wanted to do after the Open was
[be with] family.
has found the strength “She will always be there. And in
South Africa it was one of those
to chase majors in 2023, moments when she was at the forefront
of my mind, so it was emotional. It’s a
he tells Rick Broadbent place where I have fond memories and
so I drew on that and thought I could do
In the aftermath of his first win for her proud.”
three years, Tommy Fleetwood posted Amid the power struggles, inflating
a social media message. “The moment prize funds and the tit-for-tat of glum-
of victory is so beautiful but far too faced millionaires, Fleetwood knows
short to live for,” he wrote in November. golf is his life’s work, but not his life. “My
It was a profound line that hinted at dad’s done really well,” he says. “He’s
head-wrecking fare on the course and not the type to pick up the phone
heart-breaking days off it. if he’s having a sad moment Fleetwood’s desire to pay tribute to his mother, Sue, pictured below with
Starting on Friday Fleetwood, 31, or tell anyone if he’s strug- him and his father, Pete, helped the player to win in South Africa, above
captains Great Britain & Ireland gling behind closed doors, but
against Continental Europe in the Hero I am constantly impressed by tains. I think the team shapes where he has a second academy at
Cup, the new three-day team tourna- how he has handled things up well.” Jumeirah Golf Estates. “It’s been great
ment in Abu Dhabi. His opposite and who he is. He’s coming It clearly matters hugely to for my golf,” he says. “I get to play on the
number is Francesco Molinari. The out in the next few weeks and Fleetwood, who gets the emo- Earth Course a lot and it helps to prac-
duo merged into “Moliwood” in 2018 that’s great.” tion and camaraderie of the tise on a Tour course.”
when they were the stars of the Ryder There have been many Ryder Cup. “There’s no doubt What the Middle East location does
Cup triumph in Versailles, even ending promising signs for Fleetwood about it — losing stinks,” he not mean is that he is LIV Golf-bound
up in bed together for another social over the past 12 months. Back says. “We never even got out of and he says the Saudi-funded start-up
media moment as they rated each up to No 24 in the rankings, he the gates last time and got bad- was never a “big deal” for him. “My
other’s performance. The hits have had a good year at the majors, ly beaten [19-9]. But I look back goals in life are to win majors and I want
since been tempered by misses. with a fifth place at the US on that Ryder Cup and Paris to do everything I can to be the best
Molinari, 40, almost won the Masters PGA Championship and 14th and the favourite place I have player in the world. The decisions
in 2019 but succumbed to Tiger at the Masters in addition to his ever been in golf is that team where I play and where I base myself
Woods’s tidal wave on the Sunday. Two run at St Andrews. room, [due to] the bonds and will always work around that. It’s
years later he had dropped from the And the Hero Cup, a revamp memories we made. On that 18th green interesting to see where golf is heading
world’s top ten to beyond the top 200. of the Seve Trophy with Friday four- at Whistling Straits [thoughts] quickly but I hope what happens is to the
Fleetwood’s struggles have been far less balls, two sets of foursomes on the His rise and fall and rise turned to this time.” benefit of the entire game.”
dramatic, but he slumped out of the top Saturday and Sunday singles, is a nice Fleetwood's year-end Only six players will qualify for He believes at least one major is still
ten during the pandemic, lost his US opener to a Ryder Cup year. The rankings 1st Europe’s team this year, with half being within him — he has been runner-up at
PGA Tour card in 2021 and was ranked drubbing by the United States at 23rd picked by Donald. Those in the qualify- the Open and US Open — but will now
as low as No 50 last February. It meant Whistling Straits in 2021 could be re- ing spots at present are Rahm, Rory wallow in any success that comes.
that his win at the Nedbank Golf dubbed the “sore from the shore” for 40th McIlroy, Shane Lowry, Viktor Hovland, “There’s a big difference to it being
Challenge in South Africa represented those who experienced it, but the Alex Noren and Adrián Otaegui. Fleet- three years since you won and just
a significant comeback. make-up of the teams who will gather wood, Matt Fitzpatrick and Tyrrell recently,” he says of his tearful triumph
Days after the Open at St Andrews, in Italy at the end of September is mired 80th Hatton will make the cut barring disas- in South Africa.
when he finished strongly for a share of in off-course detail. 100th
ters, with Sepp Straka, Seamus Power, “You need that element of being hard
fourth place, Fleetwood’s beloved Depending on boardroom discus- Thomas Pieters and Adrian Meronk on yourself and unaccepting of things,
mother, Sue, died of cancer, aged 60, sions and the Sport Resolutions hear- 120th the other Europeans in the top 50. but you can push too hard and lose per-
and he did not play again until the ing into DP World Tour sanctions 2014 16 18 20 22 It means this weekend is a chance for spective. I’ve had moments in my game
BMW PGA at Wentworth in against LIV Golf players, it is feasible Bob MacIntyre, Jordan Smith and when I’ve not been happy and have just
September. that Europe could be permitted a con- be the same for both teams,” Fleetwood Guido Migliozzi to catch Donald’s eye lost that. Some days you achieve great
“Everybody has things going on in tingent from the Saudi-backed tour says. in a team format. And then there is things, most of the time you don’t.”
their lives,” he says. “These are tough while the United States are not. “We are in a transitional period [in Molinari, who is still a threat, according Fleetwood, though, is better than
times for everybody. Lots of people Fleetwood echoed Jon Rahm’s Europe]. A few guys who have been in to Fleetwood. “He was doing good most at seeing the bigger picture. It is
would ask about my mum because my remark that both teams should share a the team for so long might not be play- things last year and the results just did there in family photos, in the memories
parents are such a big part of my life and selection policy. “Is it Europe against ing, or even involved. That might be a not come, but I feel it could change at of Paris and in the desire to wrench
people had not seen them around, but I America or the European Tour against big miss, might not be, but I think Luke any time for him,” he says. every success from his talent in 2023.
didn’t want to ruin anyone else’s day by the PGA Tour? I’m not sure. But [Donald] will be an amazing captain Last year the Southport-born Fleet- More “beautiful” moments may not be
saying, ‘She’s got cancer and she’s really whatever the rule is, it should probably and I have a lot of faith in the vice-cap- wood and his family moved to Dubai, far away.

Rees-Zammit likely to miss first two Six Nations games Broady out of Melbourne Pakistan give up on Arthur Kohli hits century in win
Rugby union Louis Rees-Zammit available mid-Six Nations. That is a Tennis Liam Broady suffered a defeat Cricket Pakistan appear to have given Cricket Virat Kohli scored his 45th
appears increasingly unlikely to be fit rough guide and not set in stone, in qualifying for the Australian Open up on reuniting with former head one-day international hundred on his
for Wales’s opening Six Nations though.” after a battle against Colombia’s coach Mickey Arthur, who remains return to the national team as India
games against Ireland and Scotland Rees-Zammit, who has won 22 Emilio Gómez which lasted almost committed to his job at Derbyshire. beat Sri Lanka by 67 runs in the first
next month. Wales caps, will sit out Gloucester’s three hours. Gómez took the final Arthur, 54, was previously in match of their three-match series.
The Gloucester wing, 21, suffered Heineken Champions Cup games three points of a tie-break to prevail charge of Pakistan from 2016 to 2019, Kohli, who missed India’s 2-1 win in
an ankle injury during his team’s against Leinster on Saturday and 6-3, 6-7 (4-7), 7-6 (10-7). winning the Champions Trophy, and the T20 series against Sri Lanka, hit
Gallagher Premiership defeat away to Bordeaux Bègles on January 21. Broady had fought back from 3-1 was reportedly top of the PCB’s an 87-ball 113 to put India in control
Leicester Tigers on Christmas Eve He would be a major attacking down in the deciding third set to lead shortlist when Saqlain Mushtaq was in Guwahati. India reached an
and although he is making progress weapon for Warren Gatland, the 4-3 but Gómez then broke back and sacked in December. The experienced imposing 373 for seven with openers
in his recovery, the game against Wales head coach, who is due to each held serve as a second South African signed a new three- Rohit Sharma, who made 83, and
Ireland in Cardiff on February 4 looks name his Six Nations squad next consecutive set went to a tie-break. year deal with Derbyshire at the end Shubman Gill putting on 143 off 118
to be too soon for him to be ready. week. After the Ireland game, Wales The result means that no British men of the season. balls for the first wicket.
“He is doing all right,” George take on Scotland at Murrayfield seven have made it through qualifying with The PCB said it “will continue its Dasun Shanaka made an unbeaten
Skivington, the Gloucester head days later before hosting England on Ryan Peniston having lost 7-6 (7-5), search for the right person to fit the 108 off 88 balls but Sri Lanka fell
coach, said. “I think he will be February 25. 6-2 to Canada’s Alexis Galarneau. slot of the national team head coach”. short on 306 for eight.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 2GM 57

Racing Sport
3.45 Handicap (£3,402: 1m 2f) (10)
Lingfield Park
Rob Wright

7.30 Fillies’ Handicap (£6,281: 6f) (9)

2.15 Handicap (£8,208: 1m 4f) (9)

12.45 Handicap (£4,187: 1m) (7)

6.00 Handicap (3-Y-O: £3,140: 1m) (7)

Kempton Park 8.00 Handicap (£6,281: 2m) (9)

Rob Wright
2.45 Handicap (£4,187: 5f) (8) 6.30 Handicap (3-Y-O: £3,140: 6f) (10)
1.15 Handicap (£4,187: 7f) (7)

5.00 Amateur Jockeys’ Handicap

(£5,960: 7f) (7)

Course specialists
1.45 Novice Stakes (£4,320: 6f) (10) 3.15 Handicap (3-Y-O: £3,402: 1m 2f) (5)
7.00 Maiden Fillies’ Stakes
(£3,780: 1m 3f) (10)

5.30 Handicap (£3,140: 1m 3f) (12)

Yesterday’s racing and other results

Doncaster 2.10 (2m 5f 137yd) 1, Barrier Peaks (T 8.30 (6f 16yd) 1, Fylingdale (D Allan, 10-1); 2, Hartlepool..........24 4 7 13 24 45 -21 19 Banbury Utd......25 10 6 9 35 32 3 36 Cheshunt ............ 25 7 2 16 30 48 -18 23
Scudamore, 13-2); 2, The Imposter (11-10 fav); Peachey Carnehan (12-1); 3, Admirable Lad Gillingham..........23 2 8 13 7 28 -21 14 Southport...........24 10 6 8 35 32 3 36 Weymouth.........23 5 3 15 25 46 -21 18
Going: good (good to soft in places) 3, Bellamy’s Grey (6-1). 15 ran. NR: Jack The (22-1). 12 ran. NR: Astrophysics, Big Impact. P’borough Sp....25 10 6 9 33 32 1 36 Hungerford .......24 4 4 16 18 33 -15 16
12.15 (3m 84yd) 1, Aazza (Dylan Johnston, 7-2); Farmer, Mojito Royale, Mr Craftsman, Start 1 l, l. T D Easterby. National League Aldershot Town 0 Gloucester City 26 10 5 11 38 42 -4 35
2, The Wise Traveller (10-3 fav); 3, First Man (28-1); Point. 5l, 4 l. D Pipe. Placepot: £47.40. Quadpot: £25.00. Dagenham and Redbridge 2; Notts County 1 Alfreton Town...23 8 9 6 30 24 6 33 Scottish Challenge Cup quarter-finals
4, Young Moloney (18-1). 19 ran. 20l, l. R Dobbin 2.40 (2m 161yd) 1, Hermes Du Gouet (Charlie Boreham Wood 1; Wrexham 2 Bromley 1 Kiddrmnstr.........25 9 6 10 24 27 -3 33 Hamilton Academical 3 Clyde 2; Queen of the
12.45 (2m 4f 181yd) 1, Feel Good Inc Deutsch, 6-5 jt-fav); 2, Ioupy Collonges (6-5 jt- Football Hereford FC.......24
Spennymoor ....24
South 0 Kelty Hearts 0 (Queen of the South
(R P McLernon, 9-1); 2, Issuing Authority fav); 3, Big Blue Moon (40-1). 10 ran. 8 l, 13l. P W D L F A GD Pts win 4-2 on pens).
(4-6 fav); 3, Storminhome (7-1). 11 ran. 1 , l. N Miss V Williams. Carabao Cup Man Utd 3 Charlton 0; Notts County.....27 18 8 1 69 25 44 62 Leamington.......25 5 14 6 21 22 -1 29
P Mulholland. 3.15 (3m 54yd) 1, Raddon Top (J M Davies, Newcastle 2 Leicester 0.
6 Reports, pages 63-65
Wrexham............25 18 5 2 64 21 43 59 Bradford (P Av) 25
Curzon Ashton..23
1.15 (2m 128yd) 1, Hidden Beauty 3-1 fav); 2, New Age Dawning (7-1); 3, Classic Chesterfield.......23 15 4 4 49 27 22 49
(P J Brennan, 12-1); 2, Passing Reflection (28-1); Ben (15-2). 8 ran. 8 l, 2 l. C J Down. Papa Johns Trophy Lincoln 1 Accrington Woking................25 15 4 6 45 25 20 49 Boston United...26 7 5 14 36 44 -8 26 India v Sri Lanka, first ODI
3, Kellahen (7-4 fav). 16 ran. NR: Belleloise, 3.45 (2m 161yd) 1, Moorland Rambler (David Stanley 1 (2-2 aet; Accrington win 3-1 on pens); Barnet..................24 12 5 7 44 41 3 41 Buxton.................23 6 8 9 24 32 -8 26 Guwahati (Sri Lanka won toss): India beat Sri
Spirit Of Regulus. 4 , 5l. F O’Brien. Noonan, 5-2 fav); 2, Global Agreement (14-1); Bolton 1 Portsmouth 0; Bristol Rovers 0 Southend............25 10 8 7 33 21 12 38 Kettering ...........24 6 7 11 22 38 -16 25 Lanks by 67 runs
1.50 (2m 4f 115yd) 1, Bold Endeavour 3, Lock Out (7-2). 6 ran. NR: Heva Rose. 3 l, 5l. Plymouth 2; Cheltenham 3 Salford City 1. Dag & Red..........24 11 5 8 39 38 1 38 Farsley Celtic....24 5 6 13 26 43 -17 21 India 373-7 (V Kohli 113, *R Sharma 83, S Gill
(N de Boinville, 5-6 fav); 2, Baron De Midleton Mrs J Williams. Wealdstone........25 10 7 8 32 36 -4 37 Blyth Spartans..23 4 7 12 22 36 -14 19 70; K Rajitha 3 for 88); Sri Lanka 306-8
League Two AFC Telford ......24 2 7 15 16 42 -26 13
(9-1); 3, Famous Bridge (9-2). 5 ran. 7l, 7 l. 4.15 (2m 161yd) 1, Heros De Romay (David Eastleigh.............26 10 5 11 32 33 -1 35 (*D Shanaka, P Nissanka 72; U Malik 3 for 57).
N J Henderson. Bradford (1) 1 Rochdale (2) 2 Bromley..............24 9 7 8 33 31 2 34
Bass, 85-40); 2, Pentire Head (2-1 fav); 3, Kayf
2.25 (3m 2f) 1, The Questioner (C Nichol, 7-4
fav); 2, Lyrical Genius (7-1); 3, Taste The Fear
Dancer (4-1). 7 ran. Nk, 4 l. K C Bailey. Eisa 29 Henderson 63, 70 Boreham Wood24
Solihull Moors...24
6 9
7 28
25 3 33
34 2 33 National League South Dover Athletic 1 Snooker
Placepot: £138.80. Quadpot: £6.70. Taunton Town 0.
(15-2). 6 ran. NR: Ballaquane, Grange Road. Altrincham.........25 8 9 8 37 45 -8 33 Cazoo Masters last 16 B Hawkins (Eng) bt
P W D L F A GD Pts York......................26 8 8 10 32 30 2 32
Shd, 31l. O Greenall & J Guerriero Southwell Leyton O.............25 17 5 3 36 13 23 56 P W D L F A GD Pts M Allen (N Ire) 6-0; M Williams (Wales) bt D
3.00 (2m 3f 88yd) 1, Clear White Light (B S FC Halifax...........25 9 5 11 24 32 -8 32 Gilbert (Eng) 6-2.
Stevenage..........24 15 6 3 35 17 18 51 Dorking ..............27 8 6 13 44 64 -20 30 Dartford..............27 18 3 6 57 26 31 57
Hughes, 11-2); 2, Garde Des Champs (9-2); 3, Going: standard Northampton....25 13 7 5 40 26 14 46 H & W’looville ... 25 16 4 5 56 34 22 52
Nora The Xplorer (22-1). 13 ran. NR: Betty’s Banjo, Maidenhead .....26 8 5 13 27 37 -10 29
5.30 (4f 214yd) 1, Mehmo (Alexander Carlisle.................24 10 9 5 37 25 12 39 Yeovil...................24 5 12 7 20 22 -2 27 Ebbsfleet ...........24 16 3 5 54 27 27 51
Fringill Dike, Vintage Fizz. l, 8l. A Keatley. Voikhansky, 11-2); 2, Hit Mac (15-8 fav); Bradford ............. 24 11 6 7 31 25 6 39 Chelmsford .......24 13 5 6 33 20 13 44
3.30 (2m 128yd) 1, Willmount (J E Moore, 5-2 3, Gunnerside (2-1). 9 ran. NR: Dodgy Bob, Ellie Barrow.................25 12 3 10 32 30 2 39
Oldham ............... 24
44 -12 26
40 -10 24 Worthing............26 11 10 5 43 38 5 43 Fixtures
fav); 2, Luckie Seven (11-2); 3, Pertemps Piper. Sh hd, 2 l. M Appleby. Salford City........24 11 5 8 32 24 8 38 St Albans City....25 12 6 7 40 23 17 42
Gateshead..........25 4 10 11 31 41 -10 22
Diamond (25-1). 14 ran. NR: Beachcomber, 6.00 (1m 4f 14yd) 1, Bond Spirit (D E Hogan, Swindon..............25 10 8 7 28 25 3 38 Torquay..............26 5 7 14 29 49 -20 22 Oxford City ........ 27 11 9 7 44 37 7 42
Beep Beep Burrow, Townhill. 13l, 1l. N P
3-1 fav); 2, Raffles Rebel (7-1); 3, Miss Sligo (5-1).
13 ran. 1 l, l. L Allan.
1 38
-5 37
Maidstone .........27 5 6 16 31 59 -28 21 Eastbourne .......26
4 39
4 37
Scunthorpe........26 4 7 15 32 53 -21 19
Placepot: £43.00. Quadpot: £41.10. 6.30 (1m 13yd) 1, Finery (Erika Parkinson, 13-2); Walsall.................23 10 6 7 29 21 8 36 Bath City.............25 9 8 8 36 34 2 35 Carabao Cup quarter-finals Nott’m Forest v
2, Wadacre Grace (11-4 fav); 3, The Flying Ginger Sutton United ... 26 10 6 10 27 33 -6 36 Tonbridge .........26 10 4 12 37 44 -7 34 Wolves (7.45); Southampton v Man City (8.0).
AFC Wimbledon 25 9 8 8 29 28 1 35 National League North Buxton 2 Chorley 2; Farnborough.....22 9 6 7 27 23 4 33
(12-1). 7 ran. NR: Biplane. 1 l, sh hd. M Appleby. FA Women’s League Cup Sunderland v
Exeter 7.00 (7f 14yd) 1, Tiger Crusade (Daniel Stockport ...........23 10 4 9 33 23 10 34 Hereford FC 2 Farsley Celtic 0. Welling................24 8 8 8 33 37 -4 32
Tranmere............25 9 7 9 27 22 5 34 Leicester (7.30); Charlton v C Palace (7.30).
Going: heavy (soft in places) Muscutt, 10-1); 2, Spirit Of Nguru (3-1); 3, Anif P W D L F A GD Pts Dover Athletic...25 8 7 10 30 33 -3 31
Grimsby...............23 8 6 9 26 27 -1 30 H H’pstead Town 25 8 6 11 28 35 -7 30 Scottish Challenge Cup quarter-final
1.00 (2m 7f 25yd) 1, Burrows Park (Ned Fox, (10-1). 9 ran. 1l, 1l. D M Simcock. Darlington..........26 14 5 7 50 35 15 47 Queen’s Park v Raith Rovers.
7.30 (1m 13yd) 1, Zealot (Alistair Rawlinson, Crewe...................23 7 8 8 19 27 -8 29 Dulwich Hamlet 22 8 4 10 32 38 -6 28
14-1); 2, Lanspark (16-5); 3, Imperial Storm (6-5 Newport .............25 6 8 11 24 28 -4 26 Brackley Town..25 13 8 4 31 19 12 47
Taunton Town...19 6 7 6 18 18 0 25
fav). 6 ran. 9l, 1 l. Miss V Williams.
1.35 (3m 54yd) 1, Blackjack Magic (Aidan
9-4 fav); 2, Dingle (5-2); 3, Tropez Power (9-2).
6 ran. 1 l, 1 l. M Appleby.
Harrogate ..........24 6 5 13 31 39 -8 23 Kings Lynn ........22
Chester FC..........25
6 3 41 21 20 45
10 4 39 23 16 43
Slough Town.....25 6 7 12 30 48 -18 25 Snooker
Colchester..........25 6 5 14 24 32 -8 23 Chippenham .....23 6 6 11 21 33 -12 24
Coleman, 5-2); 2, Rose Of Arcadia (6-4 fav); 3, 8.00 (2m 102yd) 1, Tiger Spirit (T Eaves, 16-1); Crawley...............24 5 7 12 26 39 -13 22 AFC Fylde............21 13 3 5 36 21 15 42 Cazoo Masters Alexandra Palace
Scarborough ....25 12 6 7 45 40 5 42 H & Richmond...23 6 5 12 29 40 -11 23
Anglers Crag (3-1). 4 ran. 1 l, 62l. A J 2, Smart Boyo (3-1); 3, Bird For Life (9-1). 10 ran. Rochdale.............25 5 5 15 21 37 -16 20 Last 16 J Trump (Eng) v R Day (Wales) (1.0);
NR: Zuckerberg. 1 l, 3 l. M Herrington. Chorley................25 10 8 7 36 25 11 38 Concord R’gers.22 6 5 11 22 36 -14 23
Honeyball. K Wilson (Eng) v S Bingham (Eng) (7.0).
58 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times


Archer makes 18
F1 drivers face
instant impact Times Archer has
taken three or more
wickets in a T20
for protests
Formula One
Martyn Ziegler Chief Sports Reporter

on T20 return Formula One drivers have been

warned by motor racing’s president
that they could face sanctions if they
use the sport’s platform for their “pri-
vate personal agenda”.
Cricket Mohammed Ben Sulayem, the presi-
Monthly award for Brook dent of the FIA, spoke out on Monday
Elizabeth Ammon
after last month’s announcement of
At the start of an Ashes year it was the England’s Harry Brook has been new rules requiring drivers to obtain
sight that every England fan wanted to named as the International Cricket permission before displaying political
see: Jofra Archer in a competitive Council’s men’s player of the month or religious statements.
match looking quick and threatening. after his outstanding Test series in F1 insiders insist that drivers will not
It had been 541 days since Archer last Pakistan. The 23-year-old, who had be prevented from making statements
played a competitive match — for played only one red-ball match for or gestures promoting equality or envi-
Sussex back in July 2021. But after a his country before the tour, scored ronmental causes — for example Lewis
friendly intra-squad game for England centuries in Rawalpindi, Multan and Hamilton wore a rainbow helmet at the
Lions v England in November, he was Karachi, scoring 468 runs at an inaugural Saudi Arabian Grand Prix
finally back in a game that mattered, average of 93.60. and will be free to do so again. The driv-
taking three wickets for 27 from four He edged out Pakistan captain ers have to seek permission from the
overs in the opening match of the new Babar Azam and Australia’s Travis motor racing authorities first, however.
South Africa T20 competition. Head for the award, which combines Ben Sulayem, speaking to the media
“Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing to see the votes of media experts and at the Dakar Rally, told drivers to con-
Jofra back on the field,” Ben Stokes, the formers players with a public poll. centrate on the sport. He said: “We are
England Test captain, said on Twitter. England all-rounder Charlie Dean concerned with building bridges. You
The 27-year-old fast bowler has not missed out on the women’s award, can use sport for peace reasons . . . But
played for England since the tour of won by Australia’s Ashleigh Gardner. one thing we don’t want is to have the
India in March 2021, but his return to FIA as a platform for a private personal
full fitness could be crucial for his agenda.
country’s hopes against Australia in ing party to Bangladesh in March and “[It] will divert from the sport. What
June and July and then in the defence of then will play for Mumbai Indians in does the driver do best? Driving. They
their 50-over World Cup crown in India the IPL in April and May. It is not clear are so good at it and they make the
in the autumn. yet when or where he might play any show, they are the stars. Nobody is stop-
After that previous England game he red-ball cricket before the Ashes unless ping them.
had to have surgery on his right elbow he plays against Ireland in the four-day “There are other platforms to express
but recovery was slow and he managed one-off Test at the start of June. what they want. Everybody has this and
only two first-team games for Sussex in Brought on yesterday in the third they are most welcome to go through
the summer of 2021. He had a follow-up over at Newlands against Paarl Royals, the process of the FIA. If there is any-
operation on the elbow in December Archer took a wicket with his third ball thing, you take the permission. If not, if
2021 which ruled him out of last win- — a fast ball that hurried Wihan Lubbe, they make any other mistake . . . it’s very
ter’s Ashes. And then just as the elbow who edged to mid-on. Archer didn’t clear what you get.”
had recovered, he was diagnosed with a reach his top speed of over 90mph, but The FIA has said its international
stress fracture in his lower back which he was the quickest bowler on show, sporting code has been updated to re-
ruled him out of the summer. bowling at 86mph with good control flect “the political neutrality of sport as
Archer was a late wild card pick by over his line and length. a universal fundamental ethical princi-
MI Cape Town for this tournament, After bowling a wicket-maiden, ple of the Olympic Movement”.
where he is playing alongside his Archer’s second over went for 13, in- Sebastian Vettel, who retired last
England team-mates Olly Stone, Sam cluding a six back over his head struck year, has highlighted issues from
Curran and Liam Livingstone. After by England captain Jos Buttler. He was LGBTQ rights to climate change.
such an extended period of absence, brought back on in the 14th over and Ben Sulayem denied that the FIA was
Archer and the England management conceded an unlucky boundary when trying to silence drivers but said he
are very keen to manage his workload Buttler tried a ramp shot, got himself in wanted to “improve and clean up” the
to try and ensure that he is fit and firing a tangle and the ball came off the back sport. “The FIA should be neutral,” Ben
for the Ashes and World Cup. of the bat and went for four. Sulayem, a former rally driver from the
It is not expected that he will play all In the 19th over, Archer took two United Arab Emirates, said. “We need
of his team’s ten group matches: maybe wickets in two balls, the first with a the superstars in to make the sport.”
only half of them. He will then join up short ball that David Miller could only Hamilton wore a T-shirt at the 2020
with the England ODI squad between carve to a sweeper in the deep and the Tuscan Grand Prix with the words
the group and knockout stages to play second from a well-executed slower “Arrest the cops who killed Breonna
three ODIs against South Africa. ball which foxed Ferisco Adams, who Taylor”, in reference to a black woman
Archer will rest for most of February chipped tamely to extra cover. in America who had been shot dead by
— he is not included in England’s Test Paarl Royals’ score of 142 for seven, in police. Insiders say such statements, or
squad to play in New Zealand — but is which Buttler top-scored with 51, was Archer took a wicket with his third ball and went on to take three wickets in four directly political ones targeting individ-
expected to be part of the England tour- knocked off easily by MI Cape Town. overs for MI Cape Town in his first competitive match for more than 18 months uals, will be seen as going too far.

Leicester expect no more poaching of staff Tom Willis set to return

Rugby union
Will Kelleher
to England with Saracens
ans from Harlequins as his temporary
attack coach for the Six Nations and
strong Leicester contingent in his first
England squad, which will be
Deputy Rugby Correspondent Leicester do not expect any more im- announced on Monday. Dan Cole, Dan
mediate raids for their backroom staff. Kelly and Anthony Watson are in the Will Kelleher Monday. There are no guarantees that
Leicester Tigers are confident that they “For the remainder of the season, mix for recalls, with Freddie Steward, Willis will be picked by England, given
will not lose another coach to England certainly, we are set with Richard Wig- Jack van Poortvliet, Ben Youngs, Guy Tom Willis, the former Wasps No 8, is he is competing with Billy Vunipola,
before the end of the season, having had glesworth as interim [head coach], with Porter, Ollie Chessum and Joe Heyes set to return to England and agree a Sam Simmonds and Alex Dombrandt
no approach from the RFU for Richard Aled Walters stepping up and running all named in Jones’s last squad as head deal to join Saracens next season. at No 8 and many others across the
Wigglesworth or Aled Walters. the programme with him and Matt Ev- coach. “I would be very surprised if The 23-year-old, who is the younger back row.
Their head coach Steve Borthwick erard taking a step up as well as the [Borthwick] doesn’t take a few of our brother of the England flanker Jack, 26, Borthwick has made the same request
and the defence coach Kevin Sinfield other assistant coach,” Andrea Pin- boys,” Wigglesworth said. moved on a short deal to Bordeaux to Toulouse for Jack Willis, who moved
left the Gallagher Premiership chen, the club’s chief executive, said. Meanwhile Pinchen thinks that Bègles when he was one of 167 players there in November for a brief stint.
champions to lead England’s new re- And while Pinchen’s plans have been Premiership Rugby would be “naive” and staff made redundant by Wasps at The England head coach can pick
gime after the RFU sacked Eddie Jones. ripped up this year, she holds no bitter- not to change its decision to raise the the end of last year. French-based players who were forced
But Borthwick is expected to want ness towards the RFU. “Did I want Kev salary cap back to £6.4 million in 2024. He has been in strong ball-carrying to move from Wasps and Worcester
Walters, whom he brought to Leicester and Steve to leave? No. Did I want them In June 2020 the clubs agreed to re- form for Bordeaux in France’s Top 14 Warriors after the clubs entered admin-
as head of physical performance in to leave mid-season? Of course not,” duce the cap by £1.4 million for three and is on the radar of Steve Borthwick, istration and were removed from the
2020, and Wigglesworth, who ran the she said. “I could sit here and say ‘the seasons, at which point it would return the new England head coach. It is un- Gallagher Premiership. The RFU in-
attack while playing before taking over RFU are all right because they’ve got to its old level for the 2024-25 cam- derstood that Borthwick has contacted voked its “exceptional circumstances”
from him as interim head coach, in the their men’ but it’s just a waste of energy.” paign. For the cap to stay at £5 million, the French club to request that Willis is regulation for players at the affected
summer and for the World Cup. Wigglesworth said that he would be ten out of thirteen shareholding clubs released in the event that he is selected clubs. Usually those playing outside the
For now, he has appointed Nick Ev- shocked if Borthwick did not select a needed to vote in favour; only nine did. in England’s Six Nations squad next country cannot represent England.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 59

Rugby union Sport

A true English master of the sidestep

Stephen Jones pays a Duckham at his
elusive best for
heartfelt tribute to the England during
their barren
great David Duckham, a period in 1975
wing so stylish he was
adored even in Wales
David Duckham, who has died at 76, is
rivalled by only Jeremy Guscott as the
greatest attacking runner that England
have ever produced. Had he played in
another era, he might well have been
festooned with individual and team
honours and, yes, been knighted. He
was as special as that.
He played 36 times for England in a
period from 1969 to 1976 and, by the
accident of birth, his timing was awful.
England took the wooden spoon in four
of the seven seasons in which he ap-
peared, winning only 11 matches.
Selection was random, a lottery. Half
backs came and went; Duckham was
often frozen out on his wing.
He was never given to anger or short
temper. But he did once write: “To say
England’s performances were incon-
sistent, during my time in the side,
would be a grotesque understatement.”
As it is, we are left with glorious
memories of Duckham, long blond hair
streaming in his wake, ghosting and
sidestepping the defence as one of
Coventry and
England’s most
beloved. Thank
goodness he
made the 1971
British & Irish
Lions tour to
New Zealand
and took the op-
portunity to join
the pantheon as
a world star. And
perhaps bizarre- His popu- ans game. The All Blacks were the least porter and was treated with due rever- creature comforts, and which provided
ly, he was also larity in popular team ever to visit. Keith ence. He was also a successful business- nothing comforting for the opposition.
adored in Wales Murdoch, the prop, was sent home after man and, as recently as last year, when Again Duckham stood out for his
Cardiff, and reached an punching a security guard in a Cardiff he appeared on The Times’ Ruck pod- stylishness.
throughout all-time peak hotel. Three days before the Barbarians cast, was still well up to date with the He was appointed MBE for services
Wales. when he match, the prop John Ashworth kicked modern game — he admired without to rugby, and was one of the prime mov-
Duckham played for the Barbarians against New JPR Williams in the face in the match reservation the present players, ers in the rugby charity Wooden Spoon,
played in an era when the England- Zealand in 1973 in Cardiff. He took no against Bridgend — Williams had to although became just a little reserved which raises money for disadvantaged
Wales rivalry was biting — as it has part in the famous try by Gareth have a long crescent of stitches. when he was asked if he would like to children. He was a noted public speaker.
been, frankly, in any era. But he was un- Edwards, which is about to reach its Ashworth was not banned and a few play on the wing these days. He was unfailingly modest, interest-
questionably taken to Welsh hearts and 50th anniversary. Where was he? “I was days later appeared for New Zealand He had already had the individual ed in others, gracious to all opponents.
was as popular as any of the stellar standing and applauding,” he said. against the Barbarians, and the crowd day of days, in another feisty match, this Of Gerald Davies, whom he marked so
Wales players of the 1970s. But he was the player of the match. wanted to see New Zealand put away as time for the Lions. In Greymouth on many times, he said: “You know exactly
England were notorious then for He made three runs involving sidesteps well as to see entertaining rugby. And New Zealand’s west coast, he scored six what Gerald is going to do. He is going
playing slow, forward-based and every bit as jagged and breathtaking as Duckham helped them on both an tries against West Coast/Buller. He was to run at you at pace, then step off his
kicking rugby, whereas Wales were those unleashed by Phil Bennett at the artistic and a visceral level. It was untouchable that day on a heavy sur- right foot. Trouble is, you know you
dazzling, and Duckham, although of start of the Edwards try and his magnificent. He took New Zealand to face. He was unplayable, untackleable. can’t do anything about it.”
Midlands birth, appeared to have so dummies, sidestepping and accelera- the cleaners. He had more possession for the great It was a strange old era: fun, some-
much in common with the gifted backs. tion into space bought roars of The memories lasted, he was a popu- Coventry club, for whom he played for times flat-footed. But David Duckham
He autobiography was entitled Dai for astonishment and joy from the stands. lar figure throughout rugby, making 12 years from 1967 in the old Coundon gave the game something that was
England. There was a real edge to that Barbari- tours on business or simply as a sup- Road stadium, a place without many eternally heroic.

Cowan-Dickie set to miss Six Nations because of ankle surgery

John Westerby tively bad,” Baxter said. “It was off the bench to replace Jamie George last summer, could step up to scrummager, he’s a good [lineout]
awkward. There was someone falling in the 27-13 defeat by South Africa. take Cowan-Dickie’s place. thrower, he’s physical and he’s a hard
Luke Cowan-Dickie, the Exeter Chiefs on the back of his leg, he ends up with Gloucester’s Jack Singleton, the George Skivington, the worker. He scored a lot of tries in the
hooker, looks likely to miss the Six his ankle crossed and one foot twists third-choice hooker in Eddie Jones’s Gloucester head coach, Premiership before coming to us, so
Nations Championship after scans underneath him.” autumn squads and an unused expects McGuigan, 29, to hopefully we’ll see some of that as well.”
revealed that the ankle injury he sus- This will be Cowan-Dickie’s final replacement in the defeat by be in Borthwick’s plans Borthwick could get better news
tained against Northampton Saints on season at Exeter before he moves to Argentina, is out for the after he attended the from Northampton Saints, who are
Saturday will require surgery. Montpellier in the summer and Baxter season after having surgery fitness sessions hopeful that Courtney Lawes will
The 29-year-old, who played in all knows his hooker will be desperate to on a leg injury. undertaken by return against Munster on Saturday.
four of England’s autumn internation- return to action to contribute to the George McGuigan, England players Lawes, 33, who captained England to
als, rolled his ankle after he was tackled Chiefs’ efforts later in the season. who moved to Glouc- last week. victory in Australia, has played only
from behind and was due to see a “He was very annoyed on Saturday,” ester last month after “He’s been one twice this season, missing the autumn
surgeon yesterday to discover the full Baxter said. “I sat with him in the physio scoring six tries in nine of the most con- internationals after problems with his
extent of his injury. room with the medical staff; his ankle Gallagher Premiership sistent hookers head and neck, then injuring his glute-
Rob Baxter, the Exeter director of was swelling. He really wants to have a matches for Newcastle in the league for us muscles last month. “He’s getting
rugby, does not expect him to be ruled big impact at the end of a season when Falcons, and Jack Walker a good while,” closer and closer,” Phil Dowson, the
out for the rest of the season, but it he’s leaving. I think there’s a lot of the of Harlequins, who went Skivington said. Northampton director of rugby, said.
seems unlikely that he will be available season left in him, but we need to get on the tour to Australia “Cowan-Dickie’s “He’s finished training today, he’s done
to Steve Borthwick, the new England the ball rolling so we can get that rehab out and Singo’s out, a full session. It’s been a long time and
head coach, for any of the Six Nations, [time] down significantly.” Cowan-Dickie leaves so he’s got a very there have been lots of bumps in the
which England begin at home to Cowan-Dickie started the first three Sandy Park on crutches good chance. He’s road, so we’re going to wait and see how
Scotland on February 4. “It looks rela- autumn internationals before coming on Saturday evening a very strong he goes [today] in training.”
60 Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

Sport Football

Note to Chelsea: this

is what a well-run
club should look like
Data-driven models of What teams get for wages
players. In fact the opposite may be
true, with supporters being intrigued at
Brentford and Brighton This table shows Premier League
a virtually unknown arrival and then
following his development closely.
wages for 2020−21 − the most recent
show it’s not just money available accounts for most clubs − and At Chelsea and Everton, the pressure
how it relates to current league to snap up established names is huge.
that brings success, position, stressing the extent to which For example, bringing in Kevin Schade,
teams like Brighton and Brentford are the 21-year-old Freiburg forward just
writes Martyn Ziegler overachieving, although Brentford's signed by Brentford, who registered the
wage figure here is for their final year second-fastest sprint in the Bundesliga
in the Championship, so it is likely to be
If there seems to be little logic and significantly higher now. Newcastle's
last season, would hardly have an-
planning in Chelsea’s lurch from one wage bill will also be much higher now swered the clamour for new blood at
high-profile transfer target to the next, as the club have been bought by Saudi the more established clubs.
the very opposite is the case among Arabian owners since the period The same could be said for Kaoru
those Premier League clubs who are covered by these accounts Mitoma, the 25-year-old Japan forward
achieving remarkable success on a Wages and amortisation* signed by Brighton for £2.5 million; he
limited budget. has made a dramatic impact this
Rank (Difference in Wages, £m
The league table of spending on season. Pascal Gross is 31 and has never
wages and amortisation — which this table to current won an international cap, yet by some
reflects spending on transfers over league position) measures the Brighton midfielder has
several years (for example, a £20 mil- been one of the top performers in the
lion signing over four years would be re- 1 (-1) Man City 519 Premier League over the past five sea-
corded as £5 million per year) — makes 2 (-8) Chelsea 496 sons. Ivan Toney, 26, was a striker who
for grim reading for fans of Chelsea and 3 (-1) Man Utd 443 failed to make it at Newcastle United,
Everton over this season and last. but Brentford saw enough to suggest he Net transfer spending
4 (-2) Liverpool 419
By contrast, the data-driven ap- could shine in the top flight. Since summer 2021 by clubs
proach taken by those strategic think- 5 (4) Arsenal 342 Yet Chaudhuri believes that the data
ever-present in Premier League
ers at Brighton & Hove Albion and 6 (1) Tottenham 279 approach can be, and has been, success-
Brentford has made them a shining fully harnessed by the top clubs too. in that time, £m
7= (-6) Leicester 264
example for those who are convinced “It is very hard as owners and execu- Man United 304
7= (-11) Everton 264
that success cannot only be bought and tives to cut through that expectation Chelsea 256
proves that there is another way. 9 (-10) Wolves 201 [from fans] but if you have a firm belief Newcastle 228
The secret is not simply crunching 10 (-1) Aston Villa 194 in what you are doing and that it actual- Arsenal 221
data; patience, vision, strategy and 11 (-6) West Ham 187 ly works, then given the right people West Ham 202
long-term thinking are also crucial. At and the right skills you can get success,”
12 (0) C Palace 176 Tottenham 173
Brighton, for example, a lot of time is he said.
spent on succession planning: if a key 13 (-7) Southampton 171 “One big club that has taken a data- Crystal Palace 99
player or executive gets bought or is 14 (11) Newcastle 169 driven approach and succeeded is Liverpool 96
poached, for example, who will step Liverpool and if any club has a fanbase Wolves 73
15 (7) Brighton 155
into their shoes? Succession plans for with expectations it is them.” Southampton 72
about 30 individuals at the club are 16 (2) Leeds 146 Chaudhuri cited the example of Liv- Brentford 71
regularly reviewed. 17 (8) Brentford 98 erpool signing Andrew Robertson, 28, Leeds 53
The perfect illustration of this from Hull City and Georginio Wijnal- Aston Villa 27
*Amortisation is the value of player transfer
came when Graham Potter fees when spread over the full periods of a dum, 32, from Newcastle — both
Man City 23
moved to Chelsea. Brighton player's contract. Promoted clubs (not listed): players had been relegated before the
had long been monitoring Fulham, Bournemouth, Nottingham Forest club moved in to buy them. Everton 12
Roberto De Zerbi after “Some clubs might discard the idea of Leicester -1
his success in Italy right data. Thinking hard about signing them just because they had Brighton -57
managing Sassuolo, how you use data is in their DNA been relegated but Liverpool saw the
despite their scant and it can get you a competi- quality of those players,” he said. Brentford and Brighton outperform, given their levels of spending, by making
resources, and tive edge. Of course money still remains the
continued to do “A lot of clubs have quite heart of it all. By and large, the wages
so when he moved
to Shakhtar Donetsk.
traditional set-ups and try-
ing to bring data into that
and spending table is a good guide to
final league position.
. . . and speedy Schade could
Once Potter decided to status quo can be challeng- Newcastle are the best-performing
go, they moved quickly to ing and seen as an after- club this season compared with their Constantin Eckner stars such as Brighton & Hove Albion’s
get their man. thought rather than funda- spending in 2020-21 but since then a World Cup-winner Alexis Mac Allister
But of course, the data mental to the process. The Saudi-backed takeover has occurred Brentford’s announcement last week — signed aged 20 from Argentinos
is the key. Tony Bloom, right people and the right with new money bringing key person- that they had signed Kevin Schade on Juniors — or Brentford’s Ivan Toney,
Brighton’s owner, and skills are critical.” nel into the club: head coach Eddie loan from Freiburg was greeted with 26, who was plucked from the lower
Matthew Benham, his Under the table of wages Howe, sporting director Dan Ashworth none of the fuss that accompanied leagues with Peterborough United.
counterpart at Brentford, and amortisation combined, and a number of players. Liverpool’s £37 million deal for Cody For a start, although Schade’s move is
made their fortunes in the Chelsea and Everton — But even at St James’ Park the Gakpo, or Chelsea’s £35 million initially a loan, Brentford are
betting industry, and not along with Wolverhampton success is not just about cash. Howe and signing of the Monaco defender obliged to make him their record
just by taking gamblers’ Wanderers — are the Ashworth achieved remarkable results Benoît Badiashile. signing in the summer for a fee
money: they both used worst-performing teams this with limited resources at Bournemouth And why would anyone outside that could rise to £22 million if all
data to win bets too. season in terms of a return on and Brighton respectively and their that corner of west London get ex- performance-related clauses
Omar Chaudhuri, the their spending. That may seem approach in the North East has revital- cited about the temporary sign- are triggered. It would al-
chief intelligence officer at obvious, but that was also the case ised a club that was dispirited and drift- ing of a 21-year-old winger so represent a record
the sports intelligence agency last season for both clubs in terms ing under the former ownership of with two goals this season sale for Freiburg,
Twenty First Group, said: of number of points secured, even Mike Ashley. from a relatively unfash- who are second
“Brighton and Brentford are though Chelsea finished in the top The time factor is also significant: ionable, if at present highly behind Bayern Mu-
held up as the poster boys for four. Brentford and Brighton could afford to successful, Bundesliga nich in the German
that type of approach and it is By contrast Brentford and Brigh- build slowly and not expect overnight club? Yet there are those top flight after a
no surprise that their owners ton are eight and seven places respec- success. Potter may be finding that in Germany who have superb first half
have a background in the tively higher than their position in the patience is a scarce commodity at followed Schade’s devel- of the season.
betting industry where spending table this season, and it was Chelsea, where price seems to be every- opment closely and believe that in Schade, who
your whole business lives the same in the previous campaign, thing and value nothing. a year or two his signing will be will sign a five-year
or dies on getting the where both finished six places higher If there is one lesson for Todd Boehly, viewed as the sort of inspired contract, has missed
in the Premier League than the Chelsea’s co-owner, it may be that the talent-spotting that un- several weeks of the
Brighton quickly spending table. most important next signing will not be earthed Premier League season with an abdomi-
brought in De Insiders at the clubs accept there is João Félix or Marcus Thuram, but nal muscle strain. How-
Zerbi, right, after less expectation from their someone with thick glasses, poor Schade’s loan move will ever, he shone in Frei-
Potter departed fans to sign well-known fashion sense and a PhD in statistics. become a permanent one burg’s 2021-22 campaign
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 61


Why Bale was always

up against it in Spain
Lofty expectations and passion for Wales became a problem,
the contrast in his performance and
the stigma of being an demeanour clear for all to see. “I defi-
nitely have more excitement playing
outsider gave the Wales for Wales,” he said.
For a while, those issues bubbled
star too much to do at under the surface but as Bale’s Real
career deteriorated, both sides dug in.
Real, Tom Allnutt says Bale’s agent, Jonathan Barnett,
described the club’s critical fans as
Gareth Bale was on the periphery “disgusting” and Zidane a “disgrace”.
again, standing a couple of yards away Bale celebrated Wales’s qualification
with his arms folded and his white shirt for Euro 2020 with that infamous
suspiciously pristine. Wearing an awk- “Wales. Golf. Madrid” banner, listing
ward smile, he watched as Zinédine his priorities. AS responded with the
Zidane was tossed into the air, the other headline “Disrespectful. Misguided.
Real Madrid players all tangled Ungrateful” while Marca mocked up a
together beneath the Frenchman, picture of Bale sucking blood from the
celebrating another La Liga title. Real badge, like a parasite.
Bale always wanted to be at the As his relationship with the club and
centre of things at Real. He was billed as media soured, Bale’s ambition to be at
the heir to Cristiano Ronaldo. Real’s the centre of things and the successor to
president, Florentino Pérez, declared Ronaldo evaporated. After Ronaldo left
that the Welshman would one day be in 2018, there was an opportunity for
the best in the world, a future winner of Bale to step forward, a chance he might
the Ballon d’Or. When Bale arrived in once have seized. How would Bale be
2013 from Tottenham Hotspur for a Bale endured some tough days at Real viewed now if he had enjoyed the years
then world-record transfer fee of since that Karim Benzema has? After
£85 million, he saw himself not as Ronaldo, it was Benzema who became
Ronaldo’s supplier but his successor. ‘He failed to reach his level’ the team’s new juggernaut, Benzema
There is something symbolic then who won the Ballon d’Or.
about Bale, 33, retiring before Ronaldo, Julen Lopetegui, Gareth Bale’s Instead, Bale began to revel in his role
even if the 37-year-old Ronaldo’s move former manager at Real Madrid, on the periphery. He left games early
to Saudi Arabia signals the end of his believes that the Wales winger did after being substituted. He pulled faces
own career at the highest level. The not reach the level he was capable for the cameramen. He pretended to be
player Bale was meant to take over from of (Graham Hill writes). asleep on the bench. When the crowd at
has, in the end, outlasted him. Lopetegui, now in charge of the Santiago Bernabéu whistled, he
Ronaldo outlasted Bale at Real too, Wolverhampton Wanderers, lasted a smiled. The criticism was exaggerated,
not in terms of contracts but influence. little over four months at Real and the tone unpleasant and it was hard to
When Ronaldo left for Juventus in the was sacked after a 5–1 defeat away see where the winners were. Not Real,
summer of 2018 he was still the to Barcelona in October 2018. not Bale either.
talisman around whom everything “Maybe he didn’t get to the level When Bale announced his retire-
revolved. Bale scored twice in the you can imagine when you see a ment on Monday, there was recogni-
Champions League final against player like him,” Lopetegui said. tion of the early years and fondness for
Liverpool, including that wonderful “Sometimes players with a lot of the special moments. Some saw both
bicycle kick, but he had been on the strengths go far. It is not just about sides. “If you ask me as a Madrid fan
margins since the spring, his spectacu- the strengths, you have to be able to would I sign Bale again? Absolutely,
lar contribution in Kyiv coming as a show them. But he was a fantastic with my eyes closed,” Álvaro Benito,
vengeful substitute not a starter. player and I wish him the best.” the former Real midfielder, said on Ca-
Against those loftiest of expecta- dena SER radio. “Has he been a key
tions, Bale was always up against it in player in a glorious period for the club?
Spain. He won five Champions League Would a different manager have Without a doubt. Do we all have that
titles and three La Liga titles. He left extracted something more? Bale bad taste in our mouths because he
with more goals for Real than the thrived in the early years at Real under could have done more? Without a
Brazilian Ronaldo, more assists than Carlo Ancelotti but felt most loved by doubt.” Some were less forgiving. “Bale
David Beckham, more trophies than Rafa Benítez, the coach who offered leaves a legacy in titles but has little
Zidane and more goals in Champions him that central role he craved. When place in the hearts of the Madridistas,”
shrewd transfers such as bringing in Japan’s Mitoma, left, for only £2.5 million League finals than anyone, except Zidane was appointed, Bale was back sports journalist Tomás Roncero wrote
Cristiano Ronaldo. Yet still it was not out on the wing. For a while, Zidane in AS. “There must be a reason for that.”
enough. From abroad, Bale looked turned to Bale only in the biggest For others, there was nothing more
be the latest big discovery underappreciated. From Spain, Bale
looked to be underperforming.
Injuries played a role, causing suspi-
games, when he thought his focus
would be sharpest, and then in the less-
er ones, when he felt defensive lapses
to say, a sense that Bale was gone from
Real when he joined Tottenham on
loan in 2020, gone when he almost
as they qualified for Europe by finishing ments on and off the ball. That experi- cion and frustration. “Every minute would go unpunished. In the end, he went to China the year before and gone
sixth and that attracted Brentford’s ence could help him fit into Thomas Gareth played has cost Madrid hardly played him at all. Zidane would when he was standing there with his
attention. They tried to buy him last Frank’s system instantly, as the Brent- €23,800,” the Diario AS newspaper always be the winner. He was the arms folded, watching on while his
summer and only Freiburg’s initial ford manager has moved from a 4-3-3 wrote in 2020. For Bale, there was the epitome of Real, Bale was an outsider. team-mates celebrated winning the
refusal to negotiate delayed the move. to a 3-5-2 in recent games. damage to his body but also his belief. In that sense, Bale was harshly league. Perhaps Ancelotti put it best:
Brentford’s description of their new Theoretically, Schade could fill the Some said that even when fit, he no judged. His lack of Spanish was over- “Bale is part of the history of this club.
signing on the club website pointed to role of wingback, but he would fare longer trusted his calves to endure played and his love of golf extrapolated, He has written some great chapters.
what caught their eye. It told fans: “Last much better up front, especially as those trademark, lung-busting runs. used as evidence of disinterest. His Let’s recognise that.”
season, Schade registered a top sprint Brentford tend to build through the
speed of 36.37km/h, which was the middle, rather than pepper crosses into
second-fastest recorded in the Bundes- the box. His dribbling may give him an
liga all campaign.”
But Schade, who made his debut in
the FA Cup defeat by West Ham United
edge over Toney, Bryan Mbeumo and
Yoane Wissa — with more than 1.6
completed dribbles per game, he ranks
Félix is poised to boost Potter’s attack
on Saturday, is much more than a in the top 5 per cent in Europe’s top lea- Tom Roddy Fulham. Graham Potter’s team have City, and Benoît Badiashile, the centre
sprinter on the right wing. The son of a gues, according to, the sta- won only one of their past eight Pre- back, were also involved in the session.
German mother and Nigerian father, tistics website. João Félix was last night undergoing a mier League games and are likely to be Chelsea’s owners are keen on
he can drive towards goal with force, Schade’s ability to outpace but also medical in London as his loan move without Raheem Sterling and Christian strengthening the squad further with a
which gained him notoriety at youth outmanoeuvre defenders made him from Atletico Madrid to Chelsea edged Pulisic, who suffered injuries against back-up to Reece James at right wing-
level — where he scored up to 30 goals one of the most exciting wingers in the closer to being finalised. Manchester City last week. Chelsea back, as well as a wide player. Senior
per season. Bundesliga. An underrated aspect of The 23-year-old forward left the benefited from the return of Ruben officials held positive talks with Darijo
On paper, Schade usually played as a his game is his physicality in aerial du- Spanish capital yesterday after Chelsea Loftus-Cheek to team training yester- Srna, the Shakhtar Donetsk director of
right winger in Freiburg’s 3-4-3 system, els, winning 4.83 on average per game. reached an agreement to sign Félix day, with the midfielder having been football, last week over their interest in
but the head coach Christian Streich At 6ft, he is not strikingly tall but his until the end of the season for a fee of out since injuring his calf in November. hijacking Arsenal’s move to sign
did not want his wingers to be glued to athletic attributes come into play when about £9 million. Chelsea will need to Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang could Mykhailo Mudryk. Chelsea are also in
the sidelines. Instead, Schade was asked he needs to compete in the air. have registered Félix with the Premier be available after missing Sunday’s FA negotiations to sign the Borussia
to stay in the half-space close behind It would not be a surprise to many in League by midday today in order to Cup defeat to City with a back injury. Mönchengladbach forward Marcus
the centre forward. In more crowded Germany if his value is considerably have the Portugal international avail- January signings David Datro Fofana, Thuram and are considering a move for
areas, he had to be smart in his move- higher within a couple of seasons. able for tomorrow’s derby against who made his Chelsea debut against PSV Eindhoven winger Noni Madueke.
62 2GM Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

Sport Football

Beckham Jr proves to be chip off Inter Miami

still confident
the old block as dad watches on of Messi deal
Matt Lawton
Chief Sports Correspondent
Alyson Rudd joins a Inter Miami remain confident of sign-
record crowd of 553 at ing Lionel Messi despite renewed
efforts by Paris Saint-Germain to ex-
Erith & Belvedere to tend the 35-year-old’s contract for
another season.
watch Romeo make a While sources at PSG have indicated
that they hope to make an announce-
promising debut ment about the Argentina star’s future
in the next few weeks, the Miami man-

ne of the best football- ager, Phil Neville, has said that the MLS
meets-Shakespeare jokes club remain focused on luring Messi to
of the new year involves Florida.
Romeo Beckham asking The principal Miami owners, Jorge
his new club what shirt Mas and David Beckham, were in Qa-
number he will wear and being told to tar for the World Cup and The Times
“wear four out there Romeo”. understands that meetings that took
In the end, the 20-year-old son of place during the tournament left them
David Beckham wore the No 21 shirt convinced they had their man.
for the second-round match of the However, Messi’s success in lifting
London Senior Cup, having been the World Cup with his Argentina
signed on loan for six months by team-mates — not to mention Cristi-
Brentford B, the west London club’s ano Ronaldo’s move to Saudi Arabia —
development team. His debut came has persuaded PSG’s Qatari owners to
last night against Erith & Belvedere at increase his salary, which is already in
the Park View Road stadium that the the region of £35 million a year.
club share with Welling United in “For us, the landscape’s not changed
northwest Kent. at all,” Neville said. “With any deal for
Brentford B are holders of this any DP [Designated Player] of the level
particular cup, but that was probably you’re talking about, it is complicated; it
not why there was a record crowd at takes time.
the home of the Southern Counties “Rest assured, we’re working every
East League Premier Division club. second of every day to bring in the best
An hour before kick-off, young players and I think he’s one of the best.
children milled about excitedly, In this league, the DPs make the
asking for something to write with in difference. I think we’ve got massive
case there was the opportunity for an ambitions to be the best team in the
autograph. The club’s historian was on league this year and for that we will
hand, full of pride in the national need the best players.”
attention being given to what would MLS clubs are allowed to acquire up
normally not be considered a to three Designated Players whose wa-
desperately glamorous fixture. Beckham came on to play on the right and displayed poise and passing reminiscent of his father, who was in the crowd, inset ges fall outside of the league’s salary cap.
The club’s average attendance at Neville was speaking at a press con-
Park View Road is 160. Last night, it into view to assess his offspring and the rich and famous tend to be unbelievable player, with an ference to mark his side’s return for pre-
was 553 — their record for this was mobbed by the locals. What snapped, but is reportedly deadly unbelievable character, who had an season training, with the MLS season
ground — and they were rewarded Beckham Sr would have noted was serious about his football career, unbelievable career,” Neil due to run from late February to mid-
for turning up in the swirling rain that Romeo is technically proficient. which began at Arsenal in the youth MacFarlane, the Brentford B October. Messi is contracted to PSG
with goals from the home team at the His passing was top notch and he team nine years ago, but lasted just manager, said. “We push the players until June, but Miami have made no
start of each half and, perhaps more took the corner that led to the one season. Thomas Frank, the like they have never been pushed secret of their desire to sign him while
importantly, with the chance to see Brentford B equaliser as they came Brentford manager, described Romeo before and he [Romeo] has been the former Barcelona forward, whose
not only Romeo, but also David back to win 3-2. And it was a fine as “an interesting player” and did not incredible and bought into the culture family have a home in Miami, has
Beckham, who was smuggled in debut considering he last played a rule out progress to the first team. and he should be proud of his debut.” expressed a wish to one day play in the
round the back at half-time. competitive game in September. This was no marketing gimmick, As he took his place in the dugout, United States.
During half-time, Romeo had Romeo is on loan from Inter Miami this was the real deal. Indeed, Romeo it is fair to say there were more In an interview with the Miami Her-
stayed on the pitch and, as he passed II, the American club’s development was not even the only son of a former photographers interested in a subs’ ald in June 2021, Mas revealed their am-
the ball among the substitutes, it was side, where he plays in the MLS Next player who featured for Brentford B bench than there had ever been bitious plan to recruit a player widely
clear that he has the relaxed gait of Pro. He scored twice and provided ten last night. At No 15 was Max Dickov, before in this stadium. That Beckham regarded as the greatest. But Nasser Al-
his father. Romeo finally came on assists last season. Such statistics are son of Paul Dickov, the former is Romeo’s father was of practical use Khelaifi, the president of PSG and
shortly before the hour mark amid important as they prove he earned his Manchester City striker. At No 12 was given that Lee Dykes, the Brentford chairman of Qatar Sports Investments,
some confusion as to his position, but place due to more than the fact his Kyreece Lisbie, son of Kevin Lisbie, technical director, knows the former has said that he hopes to extend Messi’s
he settled on the right wing — of father owns the club. Romeo has the former Charlton Athletic forward. England star and was alerted by him contract, perhaps forcing Miami to wait
course — and looked a little self- modelled for Burberry, had tennis The real pressure, though, when it that both parties would benefit from a further year, but would wait until after
conscious. This was understandable as lessons from Andy Murray, and been comes to comparisons, lies with the loan. After the Brentford win, it the World Cup to discuss the player’s
his father, hitherto hidden, now came photographed in most of the places Romeo. “His father was an was clear the deal holds real promise. future with him.

Reading captain: I faked injury to hide pregnancy Polish FA ‘want Gerrard as

national team’s manager’
Steven Gerrard is one of the Polish
Molly Hudson last February, that introduced a league- easier for club CEOs to be like ‘No, this “Who has even come up with that? FA’s favoured candidates to become
wide maternity policy for the first time isn’t happening.’ I don’t think there is Surely not someone who has played manager of the national team as they
Emma Mukandi, the Reading captain, in the 2022-23 season. enough stuff in place to make women football and had a baby. Is that a man?” prepare for Euro 2024.
has criticised the club for their support Under the new agreement, a player think ‘I could do it [have a baby].’ ” She also claimed that Reading had The former England midfielder was
of her as a new mother, and questioned going on maternity leave will be paid Toni Duggan, the Everton forward not allowed her child at the training sacked as Aston Villa’s manager two
the level of maternity conditions avail- 100 per cent of her weekly wage, as well who is pregnant, has described similar ground. “They basically said it was a months ago and has emerged as a
able to Women’s Super League players. as any other remuneration and bene- struggles over when to inform the club club policy and that they didn’t have the surprise contender for the Poland job.
Mukandi, 30, gave birth to her fits, for the first 14 weeks before revert- of her pregnancy and had to tell the right insurance to cover it but I just feel The Polish news outlet Meczyki
daughter Innes in November 2021 and ing to the statutory rate. “I think at the club doctor before her own family. like that’s a bit of a cop out,” she said. reported that the national federation
re-signed for Reading in July 2022 after time, there was nothing in the contracts On the effects of childbirth on “They never came and spoke to me. It had approached Gerrard about
having eight months out of the game. to say there was anything in place so I players, Mukandi said: “There’s no re- was just this email that got put out. I succeeding Czeslaw Michniewicz after
Speaking on Off the Ball’s COYGIG didn’t want to tell anybody in case it search on it, especially for footballers. I thought, if this is about me, why didn’t his contract was not renewed in the
Podcast, Mukandi details the many didn’t go down well,” Mukandi said. think they’ve done a study on running we have a conversation about it?” wake of Poland’s elimination from the
issues facing pregnant players and new “Then I had to fake an injury because and just getting back running but we’ve An FA spokesman said: “A new mini- World Cup in the round of 16.
mothers that she encountered, includ- I didn’t want to tell anyone I was preg- [also] got contact and trying to kick a mum standard maternity policy was in- It seems unlikely at this stage that
ing having to fake an injury to hide her nant until the ten-week scan. It comes ball at the same time when you’ve a troduced before the start of the 2022-23 Gerrard would take the job but it is
pregnancy before the ten-week scan, down to [the] club you’re at. If you’re at really weak pelvic floor.” season. It is at the discretion of clubs, understood he will consider his next
the lack of childcare provisions and an Arsenal or a Chelsea or a Manches- Mukandi believes the new 14-week who directly employ the players, if they move carefully after the way his
Reading not allowing her child to be at ter City and you’ve got loads of money, full-pay maternity leave does not go far choose to go above and beyond the tenure at Villa Park came to an end.
the training ground. great facilities and that, having a baby enough because of the demands of the regulations set out within our policy.” Gerrard was sacked in October
Mukandi’s pregnancy came before there is not an issue at all but I think the profession on footballers’ bodies and Reading have been approached for shortly after his Villa side had lost 3-0
an FA overhaul, which was announced lower down the league you go . . . it’s the level required to return to training. comment. away to Fulham.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 2GM 63

Carabao Cup quarter-final Sport

Burn puts Newcastle ahead, the full back scoring his first goal for the club after unlocking the Leicester defence with a fine dribble. Joelinton added a second to ensure the home team’s place in the semi-finals

Burn’s night of joy for Newcastle 47 years. “It’s been too long,” the New- standing between Joelinton and Joe them with a feint or a touch. He helped staff’s fierce effort. But Ward had no
Henry Winter castle manager said. Willock was a constant, positive feature Willock to create a chance that was chance on the hour when Burn, of all
Chief Football The competition has undergone so of Newcastle’s game. Over on the right, squandered by Sean Longstaff. Howe people, came calling. Newcastle’s
Writer many changes since Newcastle were in Almirón shone while Kieran Trippier’s had fielded a weakened team in the FA strong press turned the ball over,
the last four that it is almost influence on the team from right back is Cup on Saturday and was punished by Willock winning possession off Timo-
Newcastle United
Burn 60, Joelinton 72 2 unrecognisable. During Newcastle’s
long wait, the competition has gone
immense. He is a winner, a fighter, a
defender and a creator. Trippier
Sheffield Wednesday but last night he
unleashed his first-choice XI. Almirón
thy Castagne, who had struggled all
evening. Joelinton took the move on
from unsponsored League Cup to Milk embodies the best qualities of Howe’s was soon leaving Faes on the floor and down the left, inviting Burn to drive
Leicester City
0 Cup, Littlewoods Challenge Cup, Rum-
belows Cup and Coca-Cola Cup. It then
team, Newcastle’s captain setting a high
standard for himself and others. He is
setting up Callum Wilson, whose shot
was blocked. The Parguay star was
into the area. He was too powerful and
determined for Castagne and Wilfred
went on to become the Worthington one of the most important signings in pulling all the strings, soon switching Ndidi, too clever for Daniel Amartey.
Dan Burn dreamt of moments like this, Cup, Carling Cup, Capital One Cup, Newcastle’s history. Trippier took a play wide to Burn. Burn stroked the ball between Amar-
scoring his first goal for Newcastle EFL Cup for a season when the league knock that might have forced others off Newcastle’s towering left back em- tey’s legs and past Ward.
United in front of his beloved Gallow- couldn’t find a sponsor, and now but quickly signalled to Howe his deter- bodies the belief that Howe has instilled If Burn has proved an inspired sign-
gate End. “He’s from Blyth, you’ll never, Carabao Cup. At the time of that semi- mination to continue. Every dressing in the team. At one point, Burn dribbled ing by Newcastle, Howe’s work with
ever beat Dan Burn”, the Gallowgate final in 1976, Queen’s Bohemian Rhap- room needs strong characters and past Marc Albrighton and Ayoze Pérez, Joelinton has proved equally inspira-
sang back at the 30-year-old defender. sody was at No 1, a pint of beer cost 33p, Trippier has been vital in Newcastle’s who waved his hands in disbelief rather tional. His workrate is terrific and his
Released by Newcastle at 11, Burn’s the average house price was £12,704 resurgence. than chasing back. Newcastle varied adaptation to a midfield role has been
long journey back to his home ground and Howe hadn’t even been born. It is Newcastle’s first cup semi-final their set pieces, setting Leicester effortless. He charged upfield and took
via working at Asda, non-League and Leicester City had a promising spell since 2005, when they reached the last further challenges. Bruno Guimarães his 72nd-minute goal in style. Almirón
up the pyramid, makes an emotional midway through the first half and a four of the FA Cup, and their fans are shaped to lift in a free kick before did the damage, releasing Joelinton,
story and he celebrated his goal with a couple of chances when Jamie Vardy loving this new explosion of hope. squaring it short to Trippier. He who took a touch and drove the ball
smile as wide as the Tyne. Even Burn came on but Brendan Rodgers’ side Supporters again flocked in their tens of whipped it to the far post for Burn to past Ward to seal the victory.
surely could not have dreamt that his lacked personality and players pre- thousands to their sporting cathedral attack. Leicester withstood that move
debut goal would come via an elegant pared to take responsibility. Leicester on the hill, many stopping off outside and the Newcastle storm, and briefly
dribble and then a finish with his sup- are still in the FA Cup but their season the ground to drop off donations at the broke out themselves. Patson Daka was Newcastle United (4-3-3): N Pope 7 — K Trippier
8, F Schär 7, S Botman 7, D Burn 8 — S Longstaff
posedly weaker right foot. is drifting badly and too many of their foodbank. A young lad emptied the too isolated up front, however, and 7, B Guimarães 8, J Willock 7 (J Murphy 90min) —
Newcastle fans dream of moments players are either underperforming or coins from his piggy bank into the wasted a rare opportunity by passing M Almirón 8 (A Saint-Maximin 84), C Wilson 7
like this, their side playing with real preparing to move on. Youri Tielemans’ collection bucket before heading into instead of shooting. (A Isak 78), Joelinton 8. Booked Longstaff, Burn,
authority in the second half, the excel- decline is particularly sad to behold; the Gallowgate to peer through the Newcastle were too strong for Botman.
Leicester City (4-2-3-1): D Ward 6 — T Castagne 5,
lent Joelinton adding a second and there used to be an elite player in that flags and watch Almirón tearing into Leicester after the break, laying siege to D Amartey 6, W Faes 6, L Thomas 6 (K Iheanacho
Miguel Almirón earning a standing No 8 shirt. Leicester down the far end. Danny Ward’s goal in front of a Gallow- 68, 4) — Y Tielemans 6, W Ndidi 5 — M Albrighton
ovation for his twisting runs as Eddie They were swept aside by Newcastle. Almirón was a fast-moving night- gate End at fever pitch. Leicester’s goal- 6, A Pérez 6 (N Mendy 84), H Barnes 5 — P Daka 5
(J Vardy 64, 5). Booked Pérez, Amartey.
Howe’s side reached the semi-finals of Burn was enterprising from left back, mare for Luke Thomas and Wout Faes, keeper pushed Joelinton’s shot against Referee D England.
the League Cup for the first time in while the interchanging and under- either outrunning them or tricking the post, then punched away Long- Attendance 52,009.

corroborate a claim that tickets were

continued from back
New safety review at Hillsborough
Overcrowding sold for cordoned-off areas.
Newcastle supporters have said there
Football chief accused of
the SGSA said. “[We are] now working were plenty of stewards and police offi-
with the club, Sheffield City Council
and the safety advisory group [SAG] to
West Stand
Away fans
entrance cers outside the ground, but not enough
inside. A female fan who attended the
improper conduct by agent
review the event, learn any lessons and game with her 15-year-old son said that
ensure a safe environment for football 2 two stewards did nothing to direct fans “If we are close enough to each other,
Adam Sage Paris
fans.” towards their seats and away from the I will manage to put your ideas into
The Times revealed on Sunday that 1 most overcrowded area, at the front of The chairman of the French Football practice,” Le Graët said, according to
the FA is liaising with Wednesday, the Home fans the Leppings Lane end. The NUST has Federation is facing calls to resign after Souid’s account of the meeting.
SAG and Newcastle over the incident. entrance also received complaints about over- a female agent went public with allega- Souid said: “I realised that the only
The Newcastle United Supporters Leppings Lane crowding in the upper concourse of the tions of improper conduct. thing which interested him were . . . my
Trust (NUST) is also eager to be includ- 1. Approximately 4,500 Newcastle away fans same end at half-time. Sonia Souid, 37, said Noël Le Graët, two breasts and my arse. He just saw me
ed, so that it can give a voice to the 4,500 pack into narrow concourses - outdoors for Spirit of Shankly, a Liverpool sup- 81, had told her that he was prepared to as a girl whose only purpose was to get
Newcastle fans who were at the match. lower tier and indoors for upper tier porters’ union, included the incident in support her plan to develop women’s into bed with him.”
Supporters were forced to rip netting 2. Stewards stop fans from entering stand the minutes of a meeting it held on football in France, but only if she Le Graët was questioned yesterday
and are trapped in tunnel between
from seats in cordoned-off areas to concourse and lower tier until kick-off Monday night. became “close” to him. by government inspectors investi-
alleviate overcrowding at the entrance 3. As fans enter stand, entrance becomes Wednesday are still to release a com- Souid explained that she had gating claims that he also harassed
to the tunnel and on the stairway in overcrowded ment but it is thought that the club have approached him with her plan in 2013. female staff at the federation. Le Graët
front of it. opened an internal investigation. She said Le Graët had invited her to his has denied all the allegations.
The Times can reveal that the NUST The most concerning allegation is The NUST has more than 10,000 flat, telling her that Brigitte Henriques, Last week, Le Graët had to apologise
has only been involved in conversa- that supporters with seats in the corner members and liaised successfully with then head of women’s football at the for saying he would not even have taken
tions with officials from Newcastle. It of the lower Leppings Lane end were Leeds United officials last season to federation, would be there too. But a phone call from Zinédine Zidane, the
passed on emails from more than 50 being guided through the central tun- alter ticketing arrangements for away Henriques never arrived and Souid former France midfielder, in connec-
fans who were in the away end. nel. Evidence is also being sought to fans at Elland Road. found herself alone with Le Graët. tion with the France manager’s job.
64 2GM Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

Sport Carabao Cup quarter-final

Rashford turning United’s nearly

On two of those occasions, he fol-
Manchester Utd
Antony 21, Rashford 90, 90+4 3 lowed up his trickery with a shot at goal,
but he was unable to test the goalkeep-
er. For the other opportunity he
Charlton Athletic
0 created, Garnacho squared to Diogo
Dalot, but the full back put his shot into
the crowd.
Paul Hirst
Ryan Inniss threw himself into the
Marcus Rashford was on the pitch for path of Fred’s goalbound shot after
little over half an hour, but that was Tyrell Malacia enjoyed some success
enough time for him to fire Manchester down the left.
United into the semi-finals of the Cara- Thanks to some tight marking, Anto-
bao Cup and serve a warning to the ny had enjoyed less success down
noisy neighbours down the road. United’s right, but as soon as Charlton
Until the arrival of Rashford, Ca- let him off the hook, he made them pay.
semiro and Christian Eriksen from the Corey Blackett-Taylor could not de-
substitutes’ bench, United looked a lit- cide whether to follow Dalot’s run into
tle unconvincing in their quarter-final the box or stick with Antony on the
meeting with Charlton Athletic, who wing. In the end, he did neither, which
were backed by 9,000 vocal supporters. allowed the Brazil star to cut inside on
By that point, Erik ten Hag’s team to his left foot and curl a delicious shot
were 1-0 up thanks to Antony’s glorious into the far corner.
curling effort, but they still needed a lit- United looked for a second. Fred
tle something extra, a little push to get came close, smacking the post with a
them over the line, a ruthlessness that curling 20-yard free kick.
had until that point been absent. It was not all going to plan for United,
Rashford gave them exactly that, though. Dalot pulled up with a muscle
deftly nudging the ball past Ashley injury 11 minutes before half-time and
Maynard-Brewer in the final minute of was replaced by Aaron Wan-Bissaka.
normal time before beating the Charlton started the second half
Charlton goalkeeper with a finish that strongly. Miles Leaburn outjumped
was brutal in nature. Lisandro Martínez and flicked the ball
It was a timely double given the pre- to Scott Fraser, but the midfielder, off
carious nature of the scoreline against balance, cleared the bar with his shot.
the League One side and apt in the Charlton were beginning to grow in
sense that it reminded the Manchester confidence. Blackett-Taylor was giving
City players and supporters what Rash- Wan-Bissaka a testing time and Charl-
ford is capable of before Saturday’s ton’s midfielders kept the ball better.
derby at Old Trafford. Ten Hag called for reinforcements,
Of the players in Ten Hag’s squad, no which was galling for the Charlton
one will be as pumped for the derby as manager, Dean Holden.
Rashford. As a local lad, it means more “I thought we were getting a grip on
to him and he will come back here on the game, then I turned to my left and
Saturday lunchtime with an extra Erik’s bringing on those three — Ca-
spring in his step, having scored in six semiro, Rashford and Eriksen,” Holden,
successive matches. a United fan, said with a smile.
He has scored in his past eight home The Charlton supporters appealed
games and his tally for the season now for a free kick near the edge of their area
stands at 15, triple his return from last when Casemiro crashed into Jesurun
season. Everything he touches at the Rak-Sakyi, but the referee waved play
moment turns to gold. on.
“When he gets himself into that posi- Casemiro shifted the ball to Eriksen,
tion, one-on-one in the box, he will who set Garnacho free down the left.
score,” Ten Hag said. “That’s what he’s Inniss tried to force Garnacho out
doing at the moment. If he keeps the
focus and puts the same effort in, then
he will continue scoring.” Manchester United (4-2-3-1): T Heaton 7 —
D Dalot 6 (A Wan-Bissaka 34min, 6), H Maguire 7,
This was the eighth successive vic- L Martínez 7, T Malacia 6 — S McTominay 7, Fred 7
tory for Ten Hag. It is a feat that has (C Eriksen 60, 6) — Antony 8 (M Rashford 60, 6),
been accomplished only twice in the K Mainoo 6 (Casemiro 60, 6), A Garnacho 8 —
post-Ferguson era. A Elanga 6 (F Pellistri 85). Booked Malacia,
The first instance came in José Mour- Charlton Athletic (4-3-3): A Maynard-Brewer 7 —
inho’s maiden campaign as manager, S Clare 5, R Inniss 7, L Ness 6, S Sessegnon 6
when he won nine in a row. The second (J Stockley 82) — A Morgan 6 (J Payne 66, 5),
G Dobson 6, S Fraser 5 — J Rak-Sakyi 5
eight-match winning run came with (A Henry 82), M Leaburn 7, C Blackett-Taylor 6
the sugar rush that followed Ole Gun- (E O’Connell 61, 5).
nar Solskjaer’s appointment as interim Referee J Gillett.
manager in the winter of 2018.
United were the nearly men under
Solskjaer, losing in three of their wide on to his weaker foot, but the which is similar to the terms of his deal release clause, which is why they and
four semi-finals and losing in
their only final, in the Europa
Argentinian outsmarted him, moving
inside, and striking a sweet right-foot-
Ten Hag closes with Al-Nassr, the Saudi Arabian club,
who released him from his contract
United have had to negotiate the
player’s release.
League. Ten Hag will be hoping ed shot that would have nestled into after signing Cristiano Ronaldo on a When asked for an update on the
his men fare better at the busi-
ness end of the Carabao Cup and
the far corner were it not for an out-
standing save from Maynard-
in on loan deal free transfer.
Weghorst appeared to wave goodbye
status of the deal last night after
United’s Carabao Cup win over
the other two cup competitions
his team remain in.
Until the late fireworks, this
The Charlton fans still be-
lieved their team could take
for Weghorst to the Besiktas fans after scoring in
their most recent game but the club
have repeatedly said that a deal has not
Charlton Athletic, Erik ten Hag said:
“No, unfortunately I can’t.”
The United manager has repeatedly
was a functional performance the game to penalties, but yet fully been agreed. Besiktas re- stated his desire to bring in another
from a much-changed United Rashford had other ideas. Paul Hirst inforced that point further yesterday striker in the transfer window after
team. Other than Antony, the on- Facundo Pellistri, who when they released pictures of the releasing Ronaldo from his contract.
ly other standout player in the had come off the bench Wout Weghorst’s loan switch to Man- player training at their base in Istanbul. Although his team won 3-0 against
starting XI was Alejandro Gar- for his debut, angled his chester United moved closer yesterday Weghorst scored two goals for Burn- the Sky Bet League One side, Ten Hag
nacho, the tricky winger run from the right flank to after Besiktas agreed to accept £2.5 mil- ley last season but decided to leave on a said he was not satisfied with his side’s
who gave Charlton right find Rashford and he lifted lion in compensation for the Holland season-long loan to Besiktas in July finishing.
back Sean Clare a torrid the ball over Maynard- striker. after the club’s relegation to the Sky Bet “I was unhappy that we were not clin-
time. Brewer. The four-month loan deal for Weg- Championship. The deal between ical in front of goal,” Ten Hag said. “We
The 18-year-old, support- The England forward horst will not go through, however, Burnley and Besiktas did not include a created a lot of chances. I think we
ed by debutant Kobbie showed his class again in until the Turkish club sign a replace- should have scored more in the first half
Mainoo, beat Clare three injury time, cush- ment for the 30-year-old. Besiktas have Weghorst’s loan to and second half. Alejandro [Garnacho]
times in the opening ioning a Casemiro lined up free agent Vincent Aboubakar Besiktas lacked a had a shot saved and Fred hit the post
15 minutes. through-ball on as a replacement for Weghorst but so release clause but we were not clinical enough.”
the half-volley far they have been unable to agree United will have to be at their most
Mainoo, a 17-year-old with his right foot, terms with the Cameroon striker. ruthless in their next fixture, the derby
midfielder, was given before finishing powerfully Aboubakar is thought to be demand- against Manchester City at Old Traf-
his United debut with his left foot from 12 yards. ing a contract worth £75,000 a week, ford on Saturday.
the times | Wednesday January 11 2023 2GM 65


men into winners Phillips ready at

6 Rashford came off the
bench to prod home
last to make first
start under Pep
Rashford has scored in United’s second, killing
six successive games for off Charlton’s hopes of a
United since the World comeback, before
Cup, in all scoring scoring their third, left
seven goals in six
Midfielder is facing a City conducted a thorough assessment
of his abilities last season. Txiki Begiris-
tough task to dislodge tain, the City director of football, and
the club’s vast scouting network cast
Rodri from the City their eye over him many times. They
even consulted Gareth Southgate, the
team, writes Paul Hirst England manager, when they were
considering signing Phillips as a
In the middle of summer, the Beijing replacement for Fernandinho.
sun can be particularly punishing, as But regardless of how many admirers
Samir Nasri found out to his cost in he has at City, the fact remains that
2016. Before Pep Guardiola’s first pre- Phillips has a huge task on his hands in
season tour with Manchester City, dislodging Rodri from the team.
medical tests showed the Frenchman Can he win that contest? “Why not?”
to be a little overweight. Guardiola said. “It depends on him,
So for a portion of the two-match how he is able to fight with Rodri. He
trip, the attacking midfielder trained has to fight with Rodri for the benefit of
away from the rest of the first team, all of us. All big clubs have that [compe-
running drills at the National Olympic tition]. Rodri must have the feeling
Centre in the 30C July heat. Nasri did there is someone close to him.”
not play a minute of the tour and five Guardiola said that Rodri and
weeks later he joined Sevilla on loan. Phillips could play together occasion-
When Kalvin Phillips returned from ally, but if that were the case the
his post-World Cup holiday, the City Catalan would have to drop one of his
and England midfielder was subjected attacking midfielders, such as Bernardo
to the same medical tests and he too Silva, Kevin De Bruyne or Ilkay
was found to be overweight. Gundogan, which is unlikely.
There was no chance of There is an acknowledgement
Guardiola subjecting Phillips within the club, however, that
to the same castigation as Rodri will not hang around
Nasri, although it must Southampton forSpaniard ever. The 26-year-old
have been humbling for has a contract
him to have been outed v Man City at the Etihad Stadium
as overweight by his Tonight, 8pm until 2027 but there is a
manager in a press con- feeling at the club that
ference over Christmas. TV: Sky Sports Main he has a career path
Four days after Guard- Event/Football planned out that involves
iola revealed that Phillips Radio: talkSPORT and him returning to his native
was out of shape, he was BBC 5 Live country at some stage.
named on the bench for the 3-1 Either this summer or next,
away win against Leeds United, his Barcelona will be looking for a
former club, in the Premier League replacement for Sergio Busquets,
on December 28 and a week later he and there is no doubt that Rodri
came off the bench in the 1-0 victory could do the job.
over Chelsea. The first task for Phillips is
Now, after overcoming a dislo- to catch up on what he
cated shoulder and a series of has missed so far.
other niggling injuries, the “There are patterns
27-year-old is finally set to and movements
make his full City debut in that he will learn
tonight’s Carabao Cup with games,”
quarter-final away to Guardiola
Southampton. said.
“He is ready,” Guardi- “He arrived
ola said of player he signed and had inju-
from Leeds for £42 million in ries which
July. “I am pretty sure it is frus- meant he couldn’t be there but
trating for you when you come step by step he will get there.
to a new club and cannot play, “Kalvin is better than Rodri
but the shoulder is the main with the quality of the long balls.
thing. It’s just a question of time, When it comes to the shorter game,
Wolves want answers on offside goal minutes, the number of games
we are going to use him.”
That is an issue that will be
Rodri is better.
“Kalvin is an intelligent guy. He is a
national team player and when
Graham Hill but Lopetegui disputes it. The Spaniard we are waiting for an explanation. I occupying Phillips’ mind too, England reached the [Euro 2020] final,
has attached footage of the incident — spoke after the match but it’s very clear given that he has made only six him and [Declan] Rice both played
Julen Lopetegui, the Wolverhampton taken by Wolves’ tactical camera — something has happened.” Wolves substitute appearances so far. amazingly.
Wanderers manager, has contacted the which he says proves that Nunes was hope to have received a response before “He has many attributes to make me
referees’ chief, Howard Webb, to ask onside and the goal should have stood. the replay at Molineux next week. Phillips was overweight on believe he could settle perfectly with us
why what could have been his side’s late Lopetegui wants answers from both There will be no such issues in his return from World Cup and I’m convinced he’s going to do it.”
winner away to Liverpool in Saturday’s the PGMOL and the FA. “Of course I tonight’s Carabao Cup quarter-final
FA Cup third-round tie was disallowed have seen the images on the internet away to Nottingham Forest because
after a VAR check. and I have my opinion,” he said. “We VAR will not be in use. Lopetegui says continued from back knows that a defeat by City could mean
Toti Gomes, the Wolves defender, have sent to the FA our comments and this game will be tougher than the one Jones: This is toughest challenge the fans turning on him once more. He
looked to have given Lopetegui’s side at Liverpool, as there is more at stake, is coming under pressure only weeks
the lead in a match which ended 2-2. with a semi-final spot up for grabs. and lost to Chelsea. Guardiola said he after replacing Ralph Hasenhüttl. Even
But VAR ruled it out and Lopetegui said FA Cup third-round replays “This is very important game for us,” noticed that a lot of his players were in victory in the FA Cup at Crystal Pal-
that he has emailed the Professional Lopetegui added. “We will forget the tired last week after their 1-0 win over ace on Saturday, Jones was subjected to
Game Match Officials Board Kick-off 7.45pm unless stated Liverpool issues and put all our focus on Chelsea in the Premier League, which taunts from the away end over his style
(PGMOL), where Webb has recently Jan 17 Accrington Stanley v Boreham the game.” is why he made seven changes for the of play and in-game management.
been appointed chief refereeing officer. Wood; Wigan v Luton; Wolves v Steve Cooper, the Forest manager, is 4-0 FA Cup victory against the same “You have to have a thick skin to be a
Wolves seemed to have scored in the Liverpool (BBC1); Forest Green v hoping to lead his side to a first semi- opponents three days later. manager, never mind a Premier League
80th minute but Matheus Nunes, who Birmingham (rearranged after game final in 31 years and said the competi- He must decide whether to recall Er- manager and a manager under pres-
had taken the corner, was adjudged to was called off); Swansea v Bristol tion still has prestige. “Manchester City ling Haaland and De Bruyne tonight, or sure,” he said. “This is the toughest
be offside when the ball came back to City; West Brom v Chesterfield (8pm) have won it a lot, and Liverpool [too],” he leave them on the bench so that they challenge I have faced: one, because it is
him and he crossed it back into the box. Jan 18 Leeds v Cardiff (ITV4) said. “You look at the recent list of win- are fresh for the derby. Meanwhile, Nat- the next one, and two, because it is the
VAR stuck with the original decision ners and it obviously means something.” han Jones, the Southampton manager, Premier League.”
Wednesday January 11 2023 | the times

Sport Rashford scores again

Striker grabs two more as United
cruise into Carabao Cup semis

Archer’s back safety review
Martin Hardy

with a bang The Newcastle United Supporters

Trust has received more than 50
detailed complaints regarding over-
crowding during the club’s FA Cup
third-round tie at Hillsborough on
Saturday. It is investigating claims that
After 541 days, England fast bowler returns fans with tickets for the wide areas of
the Leppings Lane end of Sheffield
from injury hell and takes three wickets Wednesday’s ground were directed by
stewards through the central tunnel.
The trust is also looking at allega-
tions that Newcastle supporters had
Elizabeth Ammon tickets for seats in the lower level of
Leppings Lane that were covered by
Jofra Archer took three wickets on safety netting.
his return to competitive cricket The Sports Grounds Safety Author-
after 18 months out with injury in ity (SGSA), the government’s advisory
a significant boost for England’s body on safety at sports grounds,
hopes of a successful year. expressed its concern yesterday about
Archer played a friendly intra- images in which Newcastle fans could
squad game for the England Lions be seen in overcrowded areas of
in November, but his appearance the lower concourse, the scene of the
in South Africa’s T20 franchise Hillsborough disaster in 1989.
was his first competitive bowl for The SGSA has revealed that it is now
541 days, since July 2021. involved in the investigative process,
England will contest the Ashes working with Wednesday — who are
at home in the summer and then yet to release an official comment — to
try to defend their World Cup title ensure another incident does not occur
in India and Archer’s skill and at the ground where 97 Liverpool fans
pace is seen a crucial part of that. were unlawfully killed when their team
Ben Stokes, the Test captain, said played Nottingham Forest in an FA
that he was “buzzing, buzzing, Cup semi-final.
buzzing” to see Archer’s return. “We are concerned by reports of
overcrowding and crushing at Hillsbor-
ough stadium on Saturday evening,”

Guardiola: I’ve got ridiculous plans in mind for the derby

Paul Hirst third game in seven days. Guardiola has . . . ridiculous ones for the match against ball, has made alterations to his side in Guardiola has occasionally switched
occasionally sprung a surprise with his United, but I still haven’t watched their big games with mixed results during his to a 3-3-3-1 formation, too, mostly with
Pep Guardiola hinted that he may go starting line-up in big games and that past few games,” Guardiola, the City 6½-year spell in charge of City. success. Not all of his tactical rejigs
with a left-field team selection for the may be the case this weekend depend- manager, said. In January 2020, Guardiola oversaw have worked, though. City lost a
Manchester derby on Saturday after ing on the research that he does on the “I have to see the way they play at a 3-1 win against United at Old Trafford Champions League quarter-final to
admitting that some “ridiculous” opposition in the build-up to the match home and if they changed something in the Carabao Cup after deploying Lyon in August 2020 after switching to
thoughts about his starting XI had at Old Trafford. [under Erik ten Hag]. I still have to Kevin De Bruyne and Bernardo Silva as a three-man defence.
occupied his mind in the past few days. “I would like to arrive against United review it. That is why I don’t have a clear two false nines in a 4-4-2 formation. In the Champions League final the
After tonight’s Carabao Cup quarter- with all the players having a similar line-up against United.” The following month, he used the following year, Guardiola played with-
final against Southampton, City face amount of minutes in their legs, Guardiola, regarded as one of the same system in the 2-1 win away to Real out a recognised holding midfielder
Manchester United in what will be their because I have a few ideas and thoughts most accomplished tacticians in foot- Madrid in the Champions League.

Times Crossword 28,497 across down Yesterday’s solution 28,496

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Group of cottages in Perth or 1 Article on old Persian monarch’s B A C K P A C K P HOB I C

Penicuik? (6) religious system (9) D A P HN I S A NDCH L O E
4 Hymn is able to delight, though 2 Cricket side in wizard place initially E A E T K L A
king has left (8) enjoying bracing air (5) G OB SMA C K E D D E R V
9 10 11 9 Woman binding books, works of an 3 Ancient drug injected into prudish S Y NON Y M ROOS T E R
explicit nature (7) woman (8) A I A A N R
11 Comparatively slender maidens 5 Clot aunt again dispersed, using F UN F A I R L E EWA R D
visiting German city (7) this? (13) E A S T O N T H EMON E Y
12 Reportedly witnessed 6 Limited number concealing onset L P P A Y O E
12 13 embarrassing display of emotion of such longing (6) D O L L A R D I P L OMA C Y
(5) 7 Bell towers river god observed on E I W E E N R E
13 Reverse old carriage out of sight of the Italian island (9)
Check today’s answers by ringing 0905 757
the house (9) 8 One invited into Jane’s lofty 0141 by midnight. Calls cost £1 per minute
14 15 16 17 14 Airborne soldier’s girl adopting dwelling (5) plus your telephone company’s network
name of some French poets (10) 10 Senior diplomat’s fuss over retreat access charge. SP: Spoke 0333 202 3390.
18 16 Increase in cost of healthy exercise set up by American singer (13)
(4) 15 Again experience strong emotion Newspapers
19 Variable food leader spat out? touring City area (9)
19 20
That’s disgusting (4) 17 Host in French land given time for support recycling
The recycled paper content of
20 Person like Linnaeus, one without second run (9) UK newspapers in 2020 was 67%
21 cover crossing a lake (10) 18 Broad view of girl kept by dad and
22 Great month to introduce a star! (9) mum (8)
22 23 24 23 Eg Hammerstein’s very big estate, 21 A number of sailors in charge of a
perhaps (5) plant (6)
25 Escapologist’s dog losing direction 22 Unstressed vowel we analysed
in India (7) originally after school (5)
25 26 26 Empress’s army penetrated by 24 Outstanding feature primarily of
nerve gas (7) cotton twill fabric (5)
27 Compliant, having the last word?
Clever (8)
27 28
28 Explosive device Aussie native kept
in castle, perhaps (6)

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