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Roll No.: Test Date: 21-11-2021 JEE (Advanced)-2023 ____c GSREEEED © MSN 10. Pattern of he questions are ‘The question paper Chery and ‘spproprate crcie the 3. Mark should be dark and should complete fhe se 4. Rough work must not be done onthe answer sheet 5. Be not ue whe id or any cer rutting material on “ smpting the question paper. student shckd paper contane nbpages Ando page iS 18. Botore handing over the answer anect 10 the invigator “Sock tat Rot No. Centre Code and coneety immediately after the proscribed examination tne is over Mieanamersheet tsbevetured tthe inugator mluioce Time : 3 Hrs | TEST -IA (Paper-l) | MM: 180 PART -1: PHYSICS SECTION - One or More Options Correct Type ach question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer tains 6 multiple choice questions ‘one or more than one is/are correct moving with velocity 4 mis and one end nt of hemisphere and rod, if hemisphere tact with horizontal surface is moving with velocity 2 mis, then Hemisphere a Xa6ms (6) {29 . 3/2 radis when @ = 45° (c) * =4mis z 2ti + 2t(1~t)j. Choose ‘A particle moves in X-¥ plane and its position vector (F) varies with time (0) 38 F (A) Equation of wajectory of te path folowed by paniciele y= (x2) (©) Equation of vejectory ofthe path clowed by pails y= x— 8 (6) Velocity along *-axie Is constant (0) Velocity along axle te not constant aoa ea inna win same spect (at two dierent angles and covers the same horizontal range) T, and T,, are time of flights in two cases, then aut a e+e @) 2-13 = 9 LA R (0) Fi is independent of u © Th =2 a axash Tower 8, Pasa Road, New Deihi-1 10005. Ph.011-A7623456 Corporate Office ap 6 Particle will be parabolic ‘Of @ particle moving in a st ight line is shown in graph, then (A) The portion AB of graph shows accelerated motion (8) The portion CD of graph shows retarded motion {C) The portion EF of graph shows that particle is at rest (©) The portion EF of graph shows that particle is moving Two horizontal forces F, and F, are applied on 2 kg and 4 kg block as shown, Choose the correct options for different value of F, and F, (My 2, re acceleration of 2 kg and 4 kg block respectively and g = 10 mis?) e=02 [apr F [ era) | Smooth AD IE, zero ) HF, oy FF, 12.N, and F, = 6 N, then ) HF, Nand Fy22N, mens, Smit Corporate Office Kakaah Tower, SECTION -2 Integer Value Correct Type . The answer to each of the questions is a double-digit integer, ranging trom ‘Smooth Two identical point masses 1 and 2 are connected at the end of an ideal string Complete arrangement ‘s placed on smooth horizontal surface and a horizontal force F is applied at mid-point of string as shown. Magnitude of the relative acceleration (in m/s*) of mass 1 with respect to mass 2 at the instant shown oe hoi is (Given £ - 12 mis? } Corporate Office - Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-1 10005. PhO11-a7623456 9 inthe shown arrangement pulley 1s emocth and string Is ideal, Frictionsl foroe (in H) acing on 4 kg Whack iy (9 = 10 every : Srnooth 0 In the shown arrancement, two ends of the string are pulled with velocity 20 mis and 10 mis. I speed of ane biock is observed as 2 m/s, then speed (¥) of second block in m/s is 20 Hi 40 mie 2in 41. dimensions! tormaa of Fowe = wets is [Me LT, then the vatue of (20 + 3b + 4c) is equal to (72 12. M distance (S) trav @ function of time (A) #8 given by the equation S = {+ at\m, 0 by the particle where 119 in second, then average speed of the particle trom |= 13. A particle ie moving on » circular path of radius (R= 1m) with speed which varies with time (f) as v= 21 m/s stol=4eie____ min (tis in 9) Mat t= 7 9, Me voloctty vector makes an angie AS with total accaleration vector, then the vatise of Mis 14 A-surmener at the bank of river reaches directty at other bank of river at point B with minimur possible speed ne taken by ewmmer is” second then the value of Nis sn ol water. SECTION - 3 Paragraph Type ate to two This section contains 2 paragraphs, each describing theory, experiment, dota etc. Four questions re taining to a particular passage should have 18 each paragraph. Each question per paragraphs with two questions only one correct answer among the four given choices (A), (B), (C) and (0) Paragraph for Q. Nos. 15 & 16 Im the shown arrangement pulley is smooth and string is ideal, If system is set free to move, then answer the following questions smooth 15. Minimum value of coetficient of friction (j,.,), 50 that block A has zero acceleration in vertical direction, is w2 «we 3 os os 1, then acceleration of biock A will be ‘5 ®) 29 ele wa 7 ©) Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 and 18 A particle is thrown vertically upward from a certain height. Its distance (S) from a fixed point varies with time (0) as shown in graph. Answer the following questions on the basis of information given in graph: (Take g = 10 m/s?) s(m) us) Rakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Deine 110005. PROTTATEZS456 Corporate Office This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each au Te kee ERIC: rH Time taken by the particle to return to the point of projection 'S ts (a) 98 (4s (0) 28 A 4m (3m (Cc) 5m 6m PART - Il: CHEMISTRY SECTION-1 Correct Type ‘One or More Options hroices (A) (B), (C) and (D) for ts ansiver jestion has 4 ch out of which one or more than one is/are correct, = x - 19. 20. 2 To explain the covalent bond formation, valence bond Wy cory js well Known. Which of the following statement(s) is/are tue? a arate er reaes rete ea etre ont eno) A> UNPONSS slactreng ‘with the opposite spins (©) The ‘Pp orbitals forming n-bond should have same sign with orientation In space (C) Valence bond theory was not able to explain the paramagnetic nature of O2 (hy (tte posable thas ccwabere bond Gon be ortoed bee mcenrming fo pimestor, let ofSHel th ssconl orbital MOT cen explain the propertie of various tiehorla olecisex (HomonucteanFimer onsen wisely following l/ere the correct explanation forthe fect thet lonization energy of NO fe lees than both nitrogen snd oxygen (A) The energy of HOMO is higher than atomic orbital of nitrogen but less than oxygen (@) The energy of HOMO is higher than the atomic orbital both nitrogen and oxygen (C) The energy of LUMO is less than atomic orbitals of nitrogen and oxygen (0) The energy of LUMO is higher than atomic orbitals of nitrogen and oxygen Which of the following order is (are) correct for the indicated property? 04 < CaC:O+ < SrC201 < BaCz0s (Jonic character) (A) Bet: (8) AlFs < AlCl < AlBir < Afls (Covalent character) (C) LizCOs > NazCOs > K:COs > RbzCOs > Cs:COs (Covalent character) (0) NaF < MgO < AIN < TiC (Covalent character) Corporate Office -Rakash Tower, 6, Pusa Road, New Deth TIO00S Ph OTT -AT6zZ3456 23 24 Which of the following order(s) is/are correct for the indicated ionization energy? (A) O>N>B>C UE) (8) F> Cl> Br> 1 (162) (©) N>C (Es) (©) B> Ga (ies) Consider the following chemical reaction: PR(NOs)e + NazSOs + PbSO« + 2NaNOs [Molar mass = Pb(NOs)» = 331, NasSO« = 142] If a series of experiments are run maintaining sum of the weights of two reactant constant but varying the weight composition of reactants. Which of the following statement is (are) not true? (A) Maximum weight of the precipitate (PbSOs) will be formed if equal weight of reactants are taken (8) Maximum weight of the precipitate (PbSO.) will be formed if equal moles of reactant are taken (C) In the experiment, as the weight of NasSOs increases weight of precipitate (PLSOs) increases indefinitely (©) In the experiment as the weight of Pb(NOs}: increases weight of precipitate (PbSO.) increases indefinitely lated 18 9 oF A salt mixture was believed to contain KCIOs, KHCOs, KsCO: and KCL When this moxture was hi water, 132 g of COs and 40 g of oxygen is evolved according to the iollowing reaction. 2KCIOs-» 2KCI + 30x 2KHCOs + K20 + H20 + 2602 K:COs > K0 + CO2 ‘Then the ratio of mass % of KCIOs to KHCOs is: 051 ©) 0.72 (©) 061 (©) 0.32 SECTION -2_ oe Integer Value Correct Type This section contains 8 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a double-digit integer, ranging from 00 to 99, The answer will have to be appropriately bubbled in the OMR as per the instructions as follows. Examples- If the correct answer to question numbers X, Y and Z (say) are 76, 0 and 9 respectively, then mark 76, 00 and 09 in OMR respectively. x] S22a2a0eao |DODDOOODOO. The accelerating potential (V) that must be imparted to @ proton 0.1 Ate x. Then the value of 10x le (the closest whole number valve). Use charge of = 1.6 = 10°C. mass Of proton = 1.6 = 10-27 kg, Planck's constant (h) = 6.4 + 10 the following reaction. Sum of the to 8 0.8 mote HNOs and 1.8 mole HC! are allowed to react accord moles of gaseous product formed is x. Then the value HNO (aq) BHCI(aq) ——9CI (a) BNO(a) 4H O{") dial probability distribution function vs ¥ graph for the electron in highest energy ve F graph for the electron in the subshell with highest ‘subshell of Cu® tx and number of maxima in energy and also has highest number of electron in Cr is'y, Then the value of x + y? ts According to molecular orbital theory the number of electrons present in the antibonding molecular oFtstals of toms in one plane is y. The value of x + yis Nev fs (ara) x. In the molecule XeOaFs, the maxims 31. The velocity of an «-particie that must be projected towards the nucleus of zine atom, such that it reaches as at a distance of 2.56 « 10-9 m from the ‘Zn’ nucieus is 18 « 10° ms’, The value of x is 4 charge of election = 1.6 * 10 C, Zn Use = 9610" NMC, Ny = 6 10" mot = 0 aimeg 1 arm = 1.6 * 1027 Atomic number of second period p-block element having lowest 2 jonization enthalpy is cae SECTION-3 paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each question pertaining to @ particular passage should have only one correct answer among the four given choices (A), (B), (C) and (0) Paragraph for Q. Nos. 33 & 34 Consider the below sequence of reactions S_ (8) + 80, (9) —**—> 880; (9) H:0 + SO, (g) + Bact, (aq) —** > BaSO, (5) + 24CI(aq) aso, (8) + H,0, (aa) —2*-+ BaSO, (3) + H,0(1) ‘Atomic masa (Vv): 5 — 32, O~ 16, Cl- 35.5, Ba — 137 Carper aTS OWES RAKGTR Tower. PUSS Rowe. Naw Dane OSE PROTESTS PER ed {ficient water Yn cee) of BaSO,(s) formed i 33. If 256 g Se and 192 g O- are allowed to reacts, then the mol and BaCh (A) 4.59 mote (©) 5.4 mole (©) 5.1 mote (0) 6.12 mole 34. If 256g Se and 192 g O2 are allowed to react, then the amount of BaSO4(s) formed is (approximately). Sulfcient water, H2O2 and BaCl is present A) 10709 (®) 802 9 (©) 11329 (©) 963.9 Paragraph for Question Nos. 35 and 36 Max Planck idea of quantization of energy wes applied by Bohr to the problem of hydrogen spectra. It was found Jectrum of hydrogen could by Balmer that the wavelength of emitted radiation in the visible and near ultraviolet sp be expressed as 364.56 ‘Also, Bohr solved the problem of instability of Rutherford model of Hydrogen atom. Answer the following questions. by introducing, Bohr's solved the problem of Rutherford mod 35. Statement : The electron in an atom can revolve around the nucieus only in certain allowed circular on without losing energy. Statement-ll : The electron can jump from one of the allowed orbits to another and can thereby gain or loss energy equivalent to the difference in the energy of two involved orbitals. 1: When the electron jump from higher energy orbit to lower energy orbit, it gains energy. which Statement appears in the form of radiation of frequency. Statements which are correct? (A) |.Ilonly (8) Honty (€) and tt only (0) |, Wand 36. The number of revolution made by an electron in the second Bohr orbit of Li? in 4 hr is (®) 1.06 = 10% (A) 2.65 « 10% (©) 8.84 = 1077 (©) 5.30 « 107 Corporate Office Aakash Tower, 6, Pusa Road, New Delhi-1 10005. Ph.011-47625456 Ory PART NW: MATHEMATICS ‘SECTION -1 One or More Options Correct Type (®) 5) + 15) = 20 — xis @ prime number and x < 15) and 6 = (x x is even divisor of 14), then number of elements in (A~ 8) = (B— A) is not equa t A) 5 6 40. Two roads are represented by the equations y — x = 6 and x + y= 8. A footbi distance of 100 units from each of the roads. The possible location(s) of football is (A) (10092 + 47) (®) (110042, 7) (©) (17 + 10042) () (-1-7~ 100¥2) at in nen +2] 2? = x4 iy then [x + oy is less than or equal to w 3 ) 5 ©) Ve ©) 7 42. Leta, 6, ¢> 0 be three numbers such that a + b+ e= 10, then a%bc can be (A) 100 (©) 150 (©) 250 Corporate Office Kakaah Tower, 6, Pusa Road, New Galii-t 10005 PR UT TaVeTSSE ‘SECTION Integer Value Correct Ty! 8 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a double-digit integer, ranging trom will have to be appropriately bubbled in the OMR as per the instructions as follows. answer to question numbers x, Y and Z (say) are 76, 0 and 9 respectively, then mark: then 42 is equal to {terms is 7 and the sum of the first six terms € © N, then the least possible 2) and 22 respectively, subsets of A which contain only even entries is, ‘SECTION -3 Paragraph Type bing theory, experiment, data etc. Four questions relate to wo Each question pertaining to a particular passage should have (A). (8), (C) and (0). Road, New Deihi-1 10005. Ph 011-a7623456 ————taiporate Oe 3 Road, New Deli 110005 PROT) ATEISTEE

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