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ENGLISH EXAM – FIRST TERM *Criterios de Evaluación:

NAME:…………………leguizamon Valentin………… –Comprender consignas

COURSE:…………6to……………7ma…….………… -Reconocer voz pasiva y activa
DATE:………………26/07/23……………………………. –Demostrar habilidad en el uso del diccionario y
- Lectura y comprensión de texto

1) Here is part of a text about house building. Complete the text with these words (2.00)

(L)Painters /(k) plumbers /(j) electricians / (i)plasterers /(h)roofers /(h) masons / (F)carpenters /
(e)foundations / (d)quantity surveyor /(c) architect / (b)surveyor / (a)load- bearing

2. Read the text. Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)? (2.00)

a) Load-bearing walls support the floors and the roof of the building. …………T………….
b) When building a house, the plumbers first examines the site. …………F…………
c) A carpenter calculates exactly how much of the material will be needed. ………………F……
d) During building, carpenters make wooden structure. …………T………

3. Choose the correct word in the following sentences: (1,50)

a) The foundations for a skyscraper building must be deep .

b) Rooms in a building are divided by interior partitions.
c) To prevent water entering the cavity of the wall, moisture barriers are used on the external surface and
insulating barriers are used on the internal face.
d) The assembly of a building transfers all the loads acting on the building to the ground.

4. Underline the verb(s) in the following sentences. Are they active or passive sentences? (2.00)

a) The ventilating system provides fresh air. ACTIVE

b) Sound-deadening material is used to reduce sound passing from one room to another. Passive

c) A flat roof is usually covered in roofing felt for protection against the weather. Active

d) A caisson piers are used when the soil is weak. passive

5) Choose an active sentence and a passive sentence from exercise 4 and translate them into Spanish: (2,50)

1)…El sistema de ventilacion provee aire fresco

2)El material insonorizante se utiliza para reducir el paso del sonido de una habitacion a otra

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