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D'accord - 2HV - Woordtrainer F-NL 1

Les Dutch Foreign Dutc Forei Word cContext sentence

2 bureau desk noun Put your books on your [desk].
2 denken; nadenken to think verb Let’s [think] about this problem.
2 docent teacher noun He is our maths [teacher].
2 etui pencil case noun I have a new [pencil case].
2 gum rubber (UK); eraser (US) noun Use a [rubber] to erase your mistakes.
2 huiswerk maken to do homework verb I am going to [do] my [homework] now.
2 klasgenoot; klasgenote classmate noun Jim is my favourite [classmate].
2 klaslokaal classroom noun We have English in [classroom] 1.01.
2 leerling student noun We have a new [student] in our class.
2 leren to learn verb Today we are going to [learn] about verbs.
2 leren; bestuderen to study verb I always [study] a lot before a test.
2 She wants to [teach] English in secondary
leren; onderwijzen to teach verb
2 les lesson noun This [lesson] is about numbers.
2 pen pen noun Use a [pen] to take notes.
2 potlood pencil noun Use a [pencil] for your maths.
2 schooltas school bag noun My [school bag] is heavy.
2 schrift exercise book noun Take notes in your [exercise book].
2 tekstboek textbook noun This is my geography [textbook].
2 vak subject noun English is my favourite [subject].
3 dochter daughter noun My sibling’s [daughter] is my niece.
3 That young bird that fell out of its nest is
doodgaan to die verb
going to [die].
3 geboren worden to be born verb Is the baby going to [be born] today?
3 gezin; familie family noun The people I am related to are my [family].
3 grootouders grandparents noun My mum’s parents are my [grandparents].
3 jonger younger adjecti Anyone born after me is [younger].
3 neef (zoon van een broer of zus) nephew noun My sibling’s son is my [nephew].
3 neef; nicht (kind van een oom of
cousin (male and female) noun My aunt’s child is my [cousin].
nicht (dochter van een broer of
3 niece noun My sibling’s daughter is my [niece].
3 oom uncle noun My father’s brother is my [uncle].
3 ouder older adjecti He was born first, so he is [older].
3 ouders parents noun My mum and dad are my [parents].
3 My mum married my [step-]father a year
stief- step- prefix
3 tante aunt noun My dad’s sister is my [aunt].
3 wonen to live verb I [live] with my family.
3 zoon son noun My sibling’s [son] is my nephew.
3 Goedemorgen, John. Good morning , John. phrase Good morning , John.
3 Goedemiddag, John. Good afternoon, John. phrase Good afternoon, John.
3 Goedenavond, John. Good evening, John. phrase Good evening, John.
D'accord - 2HV - Woordtrainer F-NL 2

3 Hoe gaat het? - Prima, bedankt. En How are you? - Fine thank you. phrase How are you? - Fine thank you. And you?
met jou? And you?
3 Hallo, wat leuk om je weer te zien. Hello, it’s nice to see you again. phrase Hello, it’s nice to see you again.
3 Het spijt me, maar ik moet gaan. - I’m sorry, but I must go now. - phrase
I’m sorry, but I must go now. - That’s a
Dat is jammer. That’s a shame. shame.
3 Leuk om je ontmoet te hebben. It was nice meeting you. phrase It was nice meeting you.
3 Een fijne dag nog! Have a nice day! phrase Have a nice day!
3 Hallo, mijn naam is Dan. Hello, my name is Dan. phrase Hello, my name is Dan.
3 Aangenaam kennis te maken, Dan. Pleased to meet you, Dan. phrase Pleased to meet you, Dan.
3 Hoi. Ik ben Megan. Maar ze Hi. I’m Megan. But people phrase
Hi. I’m Megan. But people usually call me
Leuk om mij meestal
kennis Meg. Ik ben
te maken. usually call me Meg. Meg.
3 Nice to meet you. I’m James. phrase Nice to meet you. I’m James.
James. I’d like to introduce you to
3 Mag ik Jeremy voorstellen? phrase I’d like to introduce you to Jeremy.
3 Dit is mijn zus, Jenny. This is my sister, Jenny. phrase This is my sister, Jenny.
3 Dit is Jim. Hij is een oude vriend Meet Jim. He is an old friend of phrase Meet Jim. He is an old friend of mine.
van mij. mine.
3 Ik ben 14 (jaar). I’m 14 (years old). phrase I’m 14 (years old).
3 Ik kom uit Plymouth. I’m from Plymouth. phrase I’m from Plymouth.
3 Ik ben in Londen geboren. I was born in London. phrase I was born in London.
3 Ik woon in een dorp. I live in a village. phrase I live in a village.
3 Ik woon samen met mijn moeder, I live with my mother, father phrase I live with my mother, father and brother.
vader en broer. and brother.
3 Ik heb een oudere zus. I’ve got an older sister. phrase I’ve got an older sister.
3 Ik vind het leuk om te lezen. I like to read. phrase I like to read.
3 Ik houd van koken. I love cooking. phrase I love cooking.
3 Ik vind het erg leuk om naar
I really enjoy listening to music. phrase I really enjoy listening to music.
muziek te luisteren.
3 Ik houd niet van voetballen. I don’t like playing football. phrase I don’t like playing football.
3 Ik ben niet gek op sporten. I’m not fond of sports. phrase I’m not fond of sports.
3 Ik heb een hekel aan afwassen. I hate doing the washing up. phrase I hate doing the washing up.
4 accepteren to accept verb They [accept] her invitation.
4 Australië Australia noun He lives in [Australia].
4 bellen to call verb I will [call] you on your mobile.
4 [Germany] is a country next to the
Duitsland Germany noun
4 Engeland England noun [England] is part of the United Kingdom.
4 Frankrijk France noun [France] is a country in Europe.
4 het eens zijn to agree verb You’re right. I [agree] with you.
4 Italië Italy noun [Italy] is a country in southern Europe.
4 land country noun France is a [country] in Europe.
4 meedelen, laten weten to let (someone) know verb [Let] me [know] if you’re going to the party.
4 meenemen to bring verb [Bring] some food when you come over.
4 Nederland the Netherlands noun
[The Netherlands] is a country next to
4 Spanje Spain noun [Spain] is a country next to Portugal.
4 uitnodigen to invite verb I’ll [invite] you to my party.
4 London is the capital of [the United
Verenigd Koninkrijk the United Kingdom (U.K.) noun
D'accord - 2HV - Woordtrainer F-NL 3

4 Verenigde Staten the United States of America noun New York is a city in [the United States of
(U.S.A) America].
4 wereld world noun The [world] is a big place.
5 beschrijven to describe verb You have to [describe] your appearance.
5 My teeth were crooked, so now I’ve got
beugel braces noun
5 eruitzien to look like verb I don’t know him. What does he [look like]?
5 She’s got [pierced ears], but she never wears
gaatjes in de oren pierced ears noun
5 glimlachen to smile verb Can you [smile] for the photo?
5 knap (uiterlijk) good-looking adjecti He’s a [good-looking] young man.
5 kort short adjecti
He went to the hairdresser; his hair is [short]
5 lang long adjecti I wear my [long] hair in a ponytail.
5 lelijk ugly adjecti That is an [ugly] dog.
5 oorbellen earrings noun She’s got pierced ears, but she never wears
5 paardenstaart ponytail noun I wear my long hair in a [ponytail].
5 pukkel spot noun
Don’t take my photo. I’ve got a [spot] on my
5 steil straight adjecti I love curls, but I’ve got [straight] hair.
5 veranderen to change verb You look nice. Don’t [change] the way you
5 Ik heb lang, blond, krullend haar. I’ve got long blonde, curly hair. phrase I’ve got long blonde, curly hair.
5 Zij is een blondine. She is a blonde. phrase She is a blonde.
5 Zij is een brunette. She is a brunette. phrase She is a brunette.
5 Zij is een roodharige. She is a redhead. phrase She is a redhead.
5 Zij heeft een lichte huid met
She’s got fair skin with freckles. phrase She’s got fair skin with freckles.
Zij heeft een donkere huid met
5 She’s got dark skin with freckles. phrase She’s got dark skin with freckles.
5 Ik heb een donkere huid. I’m dark-skinned. phrase I’m dark-skinned.
5 Mama heeft groene ogen en een Mum’s got green eyes and phrase Mum’s got green eyes and glasses.
bril. glasses.
5 Hij heeft een gemiddelde lengte. He’s of average height. phrase He’s of average height.
5 Ik ben slank. I’m slender. phrase I’m slender.
5 Ik heb een gemiddeld postuur. I’m of average build. phrase I’m of average build.
5 Ik lijk precies op mijn vader. I look just like my father. phrase I look just like my father.

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