AR 1HV U2 Foreign-Dutch

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Les Foreign Dutch Dutch s Foreign s Word Context sentence

2 accessory accessoire noun This ring is my favourite [accessory].
2 brand merk noun This [brand] of clothes is on trend right now.
2 to fit passen verb This shirt is too big; it doesn’t [fit] me.
2 to go with passen bij verb Does this shirt [go with] the shorts?
2 jumper (UK) trui noun Put a [jumper] on if you’re cold.
2 sweater (US) trui noun Put a [sweater] on if you’re cold.
2 to match passen bij verb Does this shirt [match] these trousers?
2 old-fashioned ouderwets adjecti My grandma wears [old-fashioned] clothes.
in de uitverkoop
2 (to be) on sale phrase This shirt [is on sale]. It’s 25% off.
(zijn) She’s so fashionable. Her clothes [are on
2 (to be) on trend in de mode (zijn) phrase trend].
outfit kledingcombinati He bought a new [outfit]: a suit, a tie and a
2 e noun shirt.
I have to [pick out] a shirt to go with these
2 to pick out uitkiezen verb shorts.
2 to recommend aanbevelen verb I would [recommend] a smaller size.
2 suit pak noun My dad wears a [suit] to work.
2 to suit goed staan verb Do you think that colour will [suit] me?
2 tie stropdas noun He always wears a [tie] with his suit.
to try (something) This is a nice dress. Why don’t you [try] it
2 passen verb [on]?
2 to zip up dichtritsen verb [Zip up] your jacket. It’s cold.
3 calendar kalender noun I write my appointments on the [calendar].
3 century eeuw noun A [century] is a period of 100 years.
3 daily dagelijks adjecti [Daily] means ‘every day’.
3 diary dagboek; agenda noun I write about my day in my [diary].
3 midnight middernacht noun [Midnight] is at 12 a.m.; it’s at night.
3 monthly maandelijks adjecti [Monthly] means ‘every month’.
3 more often vaker adverb You should call me [more often].
3 past verleden noun The [past] is time before now.
zeggen hoe laat
3 to tell the time verb Could you [tell] me [the time], please?
het is

weekly wekelijks I have a [weekly] paper round; I do it every

3 adjecti week.
3 one een numbe We always have lunch at [one] o'clock.
3 two twee numbe I have [two] brothers: Paul and Mike.
3 three drie numbe Her little sister is [three] years old.
3 four vier numbe I started school when I was [four].
3 five vijf numbe Your letter arrived [five] days ago.
3 six zes numbe The train arrives at [six] o'clock.
3 seven zeven numbe There are [seven] days in a week.
3 eight acht numbe My brother is [eight] years old.
3 nine negen numbe Luke is [nine] years old.
3 ten tien numbe Our exam starts at [ten] o'clock.
3 eleven elf numbe You have to be there at [eleven].
My grandparents live at number [twelve]
3 twelve twaalf numbe Baker Street.
3 twenty twintig numbe Chris has won [twenty] euros.
Do your grandparents have [twenty-one]
3 twenty-one eenentwintig numbe grandchildren?
twenty-two tweeëntwintig These items cost [twenty-two] dollars
3 numbe alltogether.
There must be [twenty-three] names on the
3 twenty-three drieëntwintig numbe list.
3 thirty dertig numbe There are [thirty] people in the room.
3 forty veertig numbe Over [forty] people are coming to the party.
3 fifty vijftig numbe These trousers cost [fifty] dollars.
Michael has collected a [hundred] superhero
3 hundred honderd numbe comics.
3 first (1st) eerste numbe Peter is [first] in line.
This is the [second] time we're going to
3 second (2nd) tweede numbe Glasgow.
You don't have to wait much longer.
3 third (3rd) derde numbe You're [third] in line.
3 fourth (4th) vierde numbe I work on the [fourth] floor.
This is the [fifth] book I've finished this
3 fifth (5th) vijfde numbe holiday.
3 sixth (6th) zesde numbe Our apartment is on the [sixth] floor.
3 seventh (7th) zevende numbe What is the [seventh] day of the week?

eighth (8th) achtste It's the [eighth] time Christopher won the
3 numbe race.
3 ninth (9th) negende numbe My father's office is on the [ninth] floor.
3 tenth (10th) tiende numbe The restaurant is on the [tenth] floor.
3 eleventh (11th) elfde numbe Anne's name is the [eleventh] on the list.
3 twelfth (12th) twaalfde numbe December is the [twelfth] month of the year.
3 twentieth (20th) twintigste numbe Mary is celebrating her [twentieth] birthday.
3 twenty-first (21st) eenentwintigste numbeRichy is celebrating his [twenty-first] birthday.
twenty-second tweeëntwintigst
3 (22nd) e numbe Today is the [twenty-second] of November.
twenty-third drieëntwintigste
3 (23rd) numbe My birthday is the [twenty-third] of April.
3 thirtieth (30th) dertigste numbe It's her [thirtieth] birthday.
3 fortieth (40th) veertigste numbe He ran a good marathon. He came in [fortieth].
3 fiftieth (50th) vijftigste numbe It's my uncle's [fiftieth] birthday today.
3 hundredth (100th) honderste numbe This must be the [hundredth] time Eleanor is telling that story.
4 carrot wortel noun A [carrot] is an orange coloured vegetable.
You can have one, [choose] a starter or a
4 to choose kiezen verb dessert.
4 cucumber komkommer noun A [cucumber] is a vegetable.
4 dairy zuivel adjecti [Dairy] products are made from milk.
4 delicious heerlijk adjecti This meal tastes good; it’s [delicious].
4 dessert (UK/US) toetje noun I’ll have ice cream for [dessert].
4 pudding (UK) toetje noun We've got chocolate cake for [pudding].
4 dish gerecht noun Is there a vegetarian [dish] on the menu?
4 healthy gezond adjecti Vegetables are part of a [healthy] meal.
lamsvlees The shepherd’s pie is made with [lamb
4 lamb (mince) noun mince].
(gehakt) [Lettuce] is the main ingredient in many
4 lettuce sla noun salads.
4 main (course) hoofdgerecht noun I’ll have fish and chips for my [main course].
4 organic biologisch adjecti I usually buy [organic] fruit and vegetables.
4 potato aardappel noun The meat is served with a [potato] side dish.
4 raspberry framboos noun A [raspberry] is a red fruit.

side (dish) bijgerecht The main course comes with a [side] of

4 noun vegetables.
4 starter voorgerecht noun A [starter] is the first course of a meal.
4 strawberry aardbei noun I love [strawberry] jam.
5 activity activiteit noun My favourite [activity] is sailing.
5 boring saai adjecti I think basketball is [boring].
5 cinema (UK) bioscoop noun Let’s go to the [cinema] this weekend.
5 movies (US) bioscoop noun Let’s go to the [movies] this weekend.
This [event] includes some interesting
5 event evenement noun crafting workshops.
experience ervaring Please rate your [experience] on a scale of 1
5 noun (bad) to 10 (great).
5 favourite lievelings- adjecti What is your [favourite] band?
5 questionnaire vragenlijst noun Please fill in the [questionnaire].
5 stage podium noun The actor was alone on the [stage].
A [teen] is someone between thirteen and
5 teen tiener noun nineteen years old.
gedurende (de / [Throughout] the summer, we have a variety
5 throughout prepos of festivals.
het gehele …) Congratulations, you are our 1,000th [visitor]
5 visitor bezoeker noun today!

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