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Ángel Moreno


Why would video games have negative social effects for girls more
than for boys?

We can say that today's young society's social life is based on the
world of technology and that their way of interacting with other people
and/or friends is through video games. Video games can be played by
both girls and boys, however, the interaction experiences are completely
different in both genders.

Studies reveal that video games do not harm the social development
of boys, but girls have difficulty making friends and creating a broader
social environment. For girls, the effects of video games are likely to be
more negative because games are rarely part of socialization among

Socialization in girls is completely affected as this world of video

games is very rare for girls to participate in and because of this girls who
are in this world and like video games are affected in their social
environment as they do not talk to other girls, when they go out they do
not find a way to connect with another girl to talk or just the gesture of
greeting each other.

Video games open many doors and lead us to be more creative and
most importantly, connect and socialize with people around the world
without any limit, but without realizing it also affects our social
environment and that is where we must improve.

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