Standard - Grammar - U2.2 - Modal Verbs

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2 Modal verbs

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

The scale of the challenges facing our planetseem intimidating, but weall do

a. may; could b. may; can c. can; could d. might; could

1.2 We are the first generation to know we’re ruining the planet, and we be the last that
do anything about it.
a. can; could b. could; can c. might; could d. may; could
1.3 To make a difference you make your voice heard, keep yourself informed and above
all you eat sustainably.
a. should; must b. must; can c. should; might d. should; might
1.4 If I walk to work, I lower my environmental impact.
a. could; should b. may; shall c. can; would d. could; would
1.5 we start upcycling? That be a good way of reusing our old items, reducing
our waste, and saving money.
a. Would; might b. May; shall c. Shall; might d. Could; shall

2. Rewrite the sentences using the modal verbs in brackets.

a. You bought a lot of new fast fashion clothes last week! That’s terrible! (shouldn’t)

b. I have no doubt that living a less consumerist lifestyle benefits me and the planet. (must)

c. As he is an advocate for a zero-waste life, I don’t think he agreed with his son’s way of life
during his teenage years. (can’t)

d. With the help of our local supporters, we will probably restore the natural habitat of some
native species. (may)

3. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first. Use between
two and five words, including the word given.
a. It’s against the rules to use the town park to sell our old things. (use)
We the town park to sell our old things.
b. If I were you, I would adopt an animal, I wouldn’t buy it. (you)
instead of buying it.
c. I can’t buy an environmentally friendly car because it’s very expensive. (able)
If environmentally friendly cars weren’t so expensive, I one.
d. Transport is a very polluting sector, so use your bicycle more often, please. (ought)
Transport is a very polluting sector, so your bicycle more often.

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