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Mark scheme criteria: Exam question

Making valid comparisons between poems
of :
 Explore the way the key focus of the
question can be applied to both poems
 Comparing key themes and ideas
 Make symbolic, perceptive and conceptual Compare how attitudes to love are shown in The Farmer’s
comments about meaning
Bride and Sonnet 29.
 Use of precise range of
embedded/integrated evidence
Making valid comparisons between poems
 Analysis of poet’s methods with accurate
reference to subject terminology
Top tips
 Exploration of effects of poet’s methods on
the reader and how they interpret themes,
 Don’t just compare what the poems are about, the nature of the
ideas and emotions in the poems
relationships or the feelings/emotions being presented. Instead, you must
Making valid comparisons between poems say HOW these things have been presented by the poet through use of
of: word choices, structural features and poetic devices.
 The contextual factors that might influence  Interweave your comparisons between the poems; don’t write about one
the presentation of themes, ideas and poem, and then the other. Try to choose quotations that you can compare
feelings in the poems
‘point for point’. (e.g. Both poems make effective use of imagery to show…)
 The links between the key ideas regarding
 Make sure you discuss a range of ideas from across the poem (the
relationships in the poems and the poets
attitudes towards them. beginning, middle and end) in order to look at changes in emotions or ideas.

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