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Approved Abbreviation List

Abbreviation Definition
4WW Four-wheeled walker
A Assistance, assist
AAROM Active assistive range of motion
ADL or ADLs Activity of daily living or activities of daily living
AE or A/E Adaptive equipment
AFO Ankle foot orthosis
AKA Above knee amputation
ALF Assisted living facility
AROM Active range of motion
B Bilateral
BEA Below elbow amputation
BKA Below knee amputation
BOS Base of support
BP Blood pressure
BSC Bedside commode
CGA Contact guard assist
COG Center of gravity
D or Dep Dependent
D/C Discharge, discharged
D/C’ed Discontinued
DME Durable medical equipment
DNT Did not test
DOB Date of birth
DX or Dx Diagnosis
EOB Edge of bed
EOM Edge of mat
E-stim Electrical stimulation
EXER or exer Exercise
EXT or ext Extension
FLEX or flex Flexion
FWB Full weight bearing
FWW Front-wheeled walker
FX or Fx or fx Fracture
HEP Home exercise program
HH Home health
H/O History of
HOB Head of bed
HOH Hard of hearing
H&P History and physical
HPI History of present illness
HR Heart rate
HX or Hx or hx History
I or INDEP Independent

ICU Intensive care unit
INPT or Inpt or inpt Inpatient
L Left
LB Lower body
LBQC Large base quad cane
LE Lower extremity
LOB Loss of balance
LOS Length of stay
LTC Long term care
LTG Long term goal
Max A or max A Maximum, maximal assistance
Mod I Modified independent
Min A or min A Minimum, minimal assistance
Mod A or mod A Moderate assistance
NBQC Narrow base quad cane
NH Nursing home
NT Not tested
NWB Non-weightbearing
O2 Oxygen
OOB Out of bed
OP Outpatient
OT Occupational therapy
PLOF Prior level of function
PMH Past medical history
POC Plan of care
PRN As necessary, as needed
PROM Passive range of motion
PROX Proximal
Pt or pt Patient
PT Physical therapy
PWB Partial weightbearing
QC Quad cane
R Right
Rehab or rehab Rehabilitation
Reps, REPS Repetitions
ROM Range of motion
S Supervision
SBA Standby assistance
SBQC Small base quad cane
SLP Speech language pathologist
SNF Skilled nursing facility
SOB Shortness of breath
S/P Status post (after)
SPC Single point cane
ST Speech therapy
STG Short term goal

S/U or s/u Set up
SWD Short wave diathermy
TOT A or tot A Total assistance
TAM Total active motion
TBI Traumatic brain injury
TDWB Touch-down weightbearing
TEX or Ther Ex or ther ex Therapeutic exercise
TFA Transfemoral amputation
THA Total hip arthroplasty
TKA Total knee arthroplasty
TPM Total passive motion
TTA Transtibial amputation
TTWB Toe-touch weightbearing
TX or Tx or tx Treatment
UB Upper body
UE Upper extremity
VC or vc Verbal cue
WB Weightbearing
WBAT Weightbearing as tolerated
W/C Wheelchair
W/P Whirlpool
WBQC Wide base quad cane
WFL Within functional limits
WNL Within normal limits

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