B1 Task 11 - 12

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Task 5

I live in Bogotá, and this city has a lot of problems about environmental, for example:

1. Our rivers are being contaminated by trash.

a. Solution: one way to clean the rivers is get out all the possible trash
2. So many streets have been cracked as a result of heavy traffic.
a. Solution: the best way to fix the streets are built new freeways
3. Our air quality has been affected because of contamination of cars and production
a. Solution: The best way to reduce air pollution is make more days without a car or

Task 6

A good way to learn an idiom is by living in the country where the language is native. For example,
to learn English you can live in USA but if you want to learn French you can live in France. Living in
another country you can improve day by day because all the time you are thinking, speaking,
listening and reading the language. But the people that can´t live in another country, a good way to
learn a new idiom is by studying through an app, for example Duolingo is a good app, it´s free and
you can access 7*24. If you ask me, what is the best way for learning an idiom? I´d prefer to live in
another country.

Task 7

Diana, princess of Wales (1961-1997)

Recognized as Princess Diana, she was born July 1, 1961, Sandringham, Norfolk, England and died
August 31, 1997, Paris, France. Mother of Prince Henry and Prince William original name Diana
Frances Spencer. She had a marriage with Charles Prince of England. She broke the paradigm of
speaking and touching people with AIDS, she led anti-personnel mine campaigns despite being
incredibly unhappy and living ill as a result of her marriage. his death was shocking, and his image
and legacy is indelible. Diana is remembered as the people's princess for her charisma and her
approach to her people, breaking schemes that the monarchy imposed on her. The world needs
more personas like her.

Task 8

Dear Sister

I´m really sorry I forgot to tell you that I bought you a black shoes when I was traveling by Houston,
Texas but when I gave them, I saw you that you had a similar shoes and I remembered that when I
was buying the gift, I was choosing between the jacket or the black shoes. If I had called you when
I was buying the gift, I would have bought you another gift.

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