Environment International: Sanjay Dwivedi, Seema Mishra, Rudra Deo Tripathi

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Environment International 117 (2018) 327–338

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Environment International
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Review article

Ganga water pollution: A potential health threat to inhabitants of Ganga T


Sanjay Dwivedi, Seema Mishra , Rudra Deo Tripathi
Plant Ecology and Environmental Science Division, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow 226001, India


Handling Editor: Robert Letcher Background: The water quality of Ganga, the largest river in Indian sub-continent and life line to hundreds of
million people, has severely deteriorated. Studies have indicated the presence of high level of carcinogenic
elements in Ganga water.
Objectives: We performed extensive review of sources and level of organic, inorganic pollution and microbial
contamination in Ganga water to evaluate changes in the level of various pollutants in the recent decade in
comparison to the past and potential health risk for the population through consumption of toxicant tainted
fishes in Ganga basin.
Methods: A systematic search through databases, specific websites and reports of pollution regulatory agencies
was conducted. The state wise level of contamination was tabulated along the Ganga river. We have discussed
the major sources of various pollutants with particular focus on metal/metalloid and pesticide residues.
Bioaccumulation of toxicants in fishes of Ganga water and potential health hazards to humans through con-
sumption of tainted fishes was evaluated.
Results: The level of pesticides in Ganga water registered a drastic reduction in the last decade (i.e. after the
establishment of National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) in 2009), still the levels of some organo-
chlorines are beyond the permissible limits for drinking water. Conversely the inorganic pollutants, particularly
carcinogenic elements have increased several folds. Microbial contamination has also significantly increased.
Hazard quotient and hazard index indicated significant health risk due to metal/metalloid exposure through
consumption of tainted fishes from Ganga. Target cancer risk assessment showed high carcinogenic risk from As,
Cr, Ni and Pb as well as residues of DDT and HCHs.
Conclusion: Current data analysis showed that Ganga water quality is deteriorating day by day and at several
places even in upper stretch of Ganga the water is not suitable for domestic uses. Although there is positive
impact of ban on persistent pesticides with decreasing trend of pesticide residues in Ganga water, the increasing
trend of trace and toxic elements is alarming and the prolong exposure to polluted Ganga water and/or con-
sumption of Ganga water fishes may cause serious illness including cancer.

1. Background However, due to pollution, today the regular consumption of Ganga

water or taking dip in it may cause serious health effects including
Ganga, the largest river of the Indian sub-continent, originates from cancer.
the Gaumukh ice cave of the Gangotri Glacier system at an altitude of Ganga covers as much as 8,61,404 km2 of drainage basin within the
4100 m and discharges into the Bay of Bengal after traversing for over country which is 15th in Asia and 29th in the world (Joshi et al., 2009).
2525 km through the plains of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Covering more than a quarter (26.2%) of geographical area of the
Jharkhand, and West Bengal (Basu, 1992; Singh and Singh, 2007). It is country with the major ancient cities situated on the bank of Ganga,
lifeline to more than 400 million people who lives along its course and such as Haridwar, Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi, Patna and Kolkata.
depend on it for their daily needs. Ganga is the most sacred river of From Gaumukh to Rishikesh it flows on hills of Himalayas, thereafter it
India, personified as goddess and given the reverence of mother. It is enters the Gangetic plain. Gangetic plain has been divided into three
believed to be soul purifier and has been reported to have antimicrobial major parts; upper, middle and lower plains (Payne et al., 2004). In the
and medicinal properties (Nautiyal, 2009a, 2009b; Rai, 2013). middle plains, Ganga receives major tributaries viz. Yamuna, Ghaghara,

Corresponding author at: Plant Ecology and Environmental Science Division, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow 226001, Uttar Pradesh, India.
E-mail address: seema_mishra2003@yahoo.co.in (S. Mishra).

Received 3 May 2018; Accepted 6 May 2018
Available online 18 May 2018
0160-4120/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Dwivedi et al. Environment International 117 (2018) 327–338

Gandak and Kosi originating from Himalayas; Burhi Gandak and Go- different states are also discussed. The reports after 2009, i.e. after
mati, from foothill or terai region of the Himalaya, and Tons, Sone, NGRBA, were used to evaluate present status of contamination while
Punpun from Central India plateau. These tributaries increase the vo- the earlier studies represent past level of pollution. This is pertinent in
lume of water in the river Ganga, however, they also bring different the view of various measures taken to clean the river as well as in-
pollutants adding up to the deterioration of its water quality. Within creasing pollution sources due to population growth in Ganga basin and
middle plain, the stretch of the river from Kannauj to Varanasi is par- increasing number of cancer patient in this area.
ticularly vulnerable to human induced pollution such as industrial and
sewage discharge and agricultural runoff. In this regard, several studies 2. Sources of pollution
have documented physico-chemical, biological, and toxicological as-
pects of the water and sediments of Ganga river (Mukherjee et al., 1993; The Ganga river pollution constitutes various organic and inorganic
Kumari et al., 2001a; Singh et al., 2002; Singh and Singh, 2007). High substances originating primarily from agriculture, industry and muni-
variability in water has been observed with respect to spatial dis- cipal sectors. Among them municipal sewage is a major culprit followed
tribution as well as temporal variations in precipitation, surface runoff by industrial effluents and agricultural run-off. The river is also a site
and groundwater flow. Industrial effluents coming from different in- for religious activities, washing and watering of animals, disposal of
dustries contains high amount of inorganic and organic pollutants. In- corpses and cremation etc. Thus, sources of pollution in Ganga can
organic pollutants such as cadmium, chromium, iron, lead, mercury, broadly be divided into four categories; sewage pollution, industrial
nickel, titanium and zinc are released from metal working and elec- effluent, agricultural runoff and religious activities.
troplating industries, and thermal power plants (Dwivedi et al., 2006;
Sinha et al., 2007; Deepali and Gangwar, 2010; Rai et al., 2010; Katiyar, 2.1. Sewage pollution
2011; Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), 2016). The pulp and
paper mill effluents contribute chlorinated organics and dioxins, as well Discharge of untreated sewage from urban centers is the major
as suspended solids and organic wastes. The petrochemical industry cause for deterioration of Ganga water quality. The main constituent of
discharges a lot of phenols and mineral oils. Further, Gangetic plane is sewage water is organic matter, nutrients (viz., N, P, K), inorganic
the most fertile land of the country and thus huge application of pes- matter (dissolved minerals), toxic chemicals (heavy metal and pesti-
ticides occur in this region which finally ends up in Ganga through cides) and pathogens (Vega et al., 1998). Several studies have shown
direct runoff and tributaries (Mutiyar and Mittal, 2013; CPCB, 2016). that the water at upper stretch of Ganga, such as at Rishikesh, also does
Most of the organic and inorganic pollutants are human carcinogens not fulfill the guidelines for potable water (Chauhan and Singh, 2011)
and mutagens, and cause several physiological and neurological dis- while at several places in middle and lower stretch of Ganga water is
orders (Ejaz et al., 2004; Pal et al., 2012). Several species of fresh water not even useful for bathing and other livelihood activities (Bilgrami and
fishes accumulate metals and pesticides from contaminated water be- Kumar, 1998; Mishra and Mohapatra, 2009; Hamner et al., 2006,
yond the permissible limit (Kumari et al., 2001b; Sinha et al., 2007; 2007). Discharge of sewage into the Ganga is responsible for 75% of its
Bhattacharya et al., 2008; Aktar et al., 2009; Mitra et al., 2012; Pal pollution with millions of liters sewage generated per day in the towns
et al., 2012). The biomagnification of pesticides and methylated mer- along the Ganga (Das, 2011). According to the report of Central Pol-
cury has been reported in various popular fishes from river Ganga lution Control Board (CPCB), in 1985 the total municipal sewage gen-
(Sinha et al., 2007; Pal et al., 2012). Several toxic elements also erated in the identified 25 Class-1 towns, located in the States of U.P.,
bioaccumulate and biomagnify in the fishes of Ganga (Sinha et al., Bihar and West Bengal, was around 1340 million liters per day (MLD).
2007; Bhattacharya et al., 2008; Mitra et al., 2012;Sudhakar and Singh, To tackle the increasing problem of pollution in Ganga water, the am-
2014). Therefore, excess accumulation of toxicants in fish could become bitious Ganga Action Plan (GAP) was launched in 1986. Ganga Action
a significant exposure pathway and a consequent health risk to the fish Plan Phase-1 planned 35 sewage treatment plants (3 STPs in Uttar-
consuming human population in Ganga basin. According to the recent anchal, 10 STPs in Uttar Pradesh, 7 STPs in Bihar, and 15 STPs in West
study by National Cancer Registry programme the number of cancer Bengal) for the abatement of sewage pollution in Ganga (Rai, 2013). In
patients has increased around Ganga basin with largest number of gall 1993 GAP phase II was launched and several STPs were established in
bladder cancer cases worldwide (Jain et al., 2013; Saini et al., 2015). Ganga basin targeting the tributaries of Ganga. However, the GAP was
Researchers have been mostly focused on monitoring Ganga water unsuccessful to achieve its goals because of several reasons. Thereafter,
quality based on physico-chemical characteristics and fecal coli form in 2009 NGRBA was established for cleaning and conservation of
counts (Bilgrami and Kumar, 1998; Baghel et al., 2005; Hamner et al., Ganga. However, recent reports of CPCB showed that the gap between
2007; Ahammad et al., 2014). Government has also addressed mostly sewage generation and treatment capacities is drastically increasing
the sewage problem as the main cause of pollution in river Ganga. A and more than 50% of sewage is still discharged untreated into the river
few studies have indicated severe organic and inorganic pollution Ganga directly or through tributaries (Table 1). According to CPCB
through agricultural and industrial effluent. For reducing the level of (2014) the total wastewater generation from 222 towns in Ganga basin
pollution in Ganga, Govt. of India has taken several steps and has spent is 8250 MLD, while the treatment facilities are available only for
millions of rupees. For instance, the Ganga Action Plan (GAP) was 3500 MLD. Out of total waste water generated, 2538 MLD is directly
launched in 1986 targeting to reduce sewage discharge. From 1993 discharged into the Ganga, 4491 MLD disposed into tributaries of river
onward GAP phase II was launched aiming to reduce pollution load Ganga and rest is disposed on land or low lying areas. The maximum
through its tributaries. On 20 February 2009, the National Ganga River generation of sewage from class-I cities is in West Bengal (50%, approx.
Basin Authority (NGRBA) was established for cleaning and conservation 1311 MLD) most of which is from Kolkata (618 MLD), followed by Utter
of Ganga under the Section 3(3) of the Environment Protection Act, Pradesh (34%, approx. 874 MLD) mostly from Kanpur and Allahabad
1986 and Ganga was declared National River. Nevertheless, after nine (339 and 208, respectively). While sewage generation form class-II ci-
years of establishment of NGRBA, the quality of river water does not ties is maximum in Uttar Pradesh (52%, 63.5 MLD) followed by Bihar
seem to improve and a comprehensive data on the status of different and Uttarakhand. Maximum discharge of untreated sewage is also from
pollutants in river Ganga is still lacking. West Bengal (548 MLD; 42%) followed by Uttar Pradesh (461 MLD;
Here we have reviewed the state-wise level of contaminants in 52%) (CPCB, 2013). According to Environmental Information System
Ganga water, including the past and present scenario, their sources and (ENVIS), New Delhi, the total sewage generation from urban population
assessment of potential human health risk through consumption of in 5 states of Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) is 15,435 MLD while the in-
metal and pesticide tented fishes. The changes in physicochemical stalled treatment capacity is only 3458 MLD (ENVIS, 2016). Thus, de-
parameters and the level of microbial contamination in river water in spite spending several million rupees the untreated sewage discharge to

S. Dwivedi et al. Environment International 117 (2018) 327–338

Table 1 The time wise analysis of physicochemical data and microbial

Increasing gap between sewage/waste water generation and treatment capa- contamination show that Ganga water in West Bengal (lower stretch)
cities in Ganga basin (values are in MLD). and Uttar Pradesh (middle stretch) has always been most contaminated
1985a 2009b 2012c 2013d 2015e which is directly correlated with the amount of waste water discharged
in these stretches of Ganga. However, there is a lack of data for many
Sewage generation 1340 2638 2723 (6070)f 8250 15,435 physicochemical parameters in West Bengal. The slight decrease ob-
Treatment capacity – 1174 1208 3500 3458.43
served in different parameters before NGRBA may be related to the
Gap – 1464 1515 4750 11,976.57
STPs constructed during the GAP period. Nevertheless, the increasing
CSE, 2013, Status Paper for River Ganga, Past failures and current chal- gap between sewage generation and capacities of STPs in recent years
lenges, Centre for Science and Environment. has resulted in further increase in the level of various contaminants
CPCB, 2009, Monitoring of Indian Aquatic Resources, Ganga water quality including microbial population in different states. The current analysis
trend, Central Pollution Control Board, MoEF. of data showed that the range (i.e. the minimum and maximum re-
CPCB, 2013, Pollution Assessment: River Ganga, Central Pollution Control ported values) for most of the contaminants has extended in the recent
Board, MoEF. years. This also indicates that there are still some heavily contaminated
CPCB, 2014, Status of Sewage Treatment Plants in Ganga Basin, Central areas which are lacking sufficient treatment capacities.
Pollution Control Board, MoEF.
ENVIS Centre on Hygiene, Sanitation, Sewage Treatment Systems and 2.2. Industrial effluent
Value reported by CSE (2014), Ganga, The River, its Pollution and what we Several hundred industrial units, 956 only in Uttar Pradesh, com-
can do to clean it, Centre for Science and Environment. prising thermal power plants, electro-processing industries, textiles,
wood and jute mills, sugar mills, distilleries, pulp and paper factories,
Ganga has increased by over 9 folds in the recent years than in 1985 synthetic rubber industry, dairies, coal washeries (generating fly-ash),
(Table 1). pesticide factories, dying units and tanneries discharge different types
of waste in the river Ganga (Down To Earth, 2014). According to an
2.1.1. Changes in physicochemical properties and microbial contamination estimate about 2500 MLD of industrial waste water is generated in the
of Ganga entire Ganga basin (Trivedi, 2010). As per CPCB (2016), 764 grossly
The continuous increase in untreated sewage discharge into Ganga polluting industries, mostly situated in Uttar Pradesh, are directly dis-
has severely affected the physicochemical properties and microbial charging their effluent in river Ganga. The area from Kannauj to Var-
counts of river water in all the stretches. The state wise level of water anasi is particularly responsible for the most of the industrial waste into
quality parameters (pH, EC, BOD, COD, DO), major ions and bacterial the Ganga. Kanpur (tanneries), Allahabad (engineering) and Varanasi
counts at different time periods are summarized in Supplementary (carpets and locomotive) are the major industrial cities in Uttar Pra-
Table 1. Sewage and household wastewater is the major source of these desh. Tannery sector constitute highest proportion (58%) of grossly
contaminants in rivers. Increasing urbanization along the river Ganga polluting industries. Two out of three major tanneries in India are si-
has caused severe deterioration of river water. Though the availability tuated at the bank of river Ganga (Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh and Kolkata,
of data for different parameters is not uniform, still there is a clear state West Bengal) and many more small scale tanneries in the Ganga basin
wise trend in different time periods. The pH data showed that in are directly or indirectly contaminating the water of Ganga. High level
comparison to Uttarakhand the Ganga water is slightly more alkaline in of chromium has been reported in the Ganga water at Kanpur and
other states. Also in Uttarakhand the pH has increased slightly in recent Kolkata because of the use of chrome tanning process in most of the
decades. Though the mean pH level was within the bathing limit tanneries (Table 2). Kanpur has 151 tanneries located in a cluster at
(6.5–8.5) set by WHO, however, the range of pH varied beyond the Jajmau along the southern bank of the Ganga with an estimated waste
permissible limits (i.e. 5.9–9) (Supplementary Table 1). The level of DO water discharge of 5.8 to 8.8 MLD. Out of these, 62 tanneries ex-
was highest in Uttarakhand followed by Bihar and Uttar Pradesh and clusively use the chrome tanning process (Agrawal et al., 2010). In a
minimum in West Bengal. In Uttarakhand, the level of DO increased in study the Ganga water quality was analyzed before entering in Kanpur
last decades (before NGRBA), however in recent years i.e. after NGRBA (upstream Bithoor) till heavily contaminated Jajmau area (down-
its level has further decreased. In contrast, the level of BOD decreased stream, Siddhnath Ghat). The study showed a continuous increase in
before NGRBA while it has increased after NGRBA. In other states, the the level of Cr from upstream (0.039 ± 0.02 mg l−1) to downstream
level of DO and BOD both showed increasing trend in recent years i.e. (4.47 ± 1.85 mg l−1) as well as high seasonal variation at all the sites
after NGRBA. The level of various ions viz., nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, with maximum being in summer and minimum in monsoon (Khatoon
phosphate, and the alkalinity and hardness was highest in Uttar Pradesh et al., 2013). In Jajmau area as high as 52.12 ± 15.52 mg l−1 Cr has
followed by Bihar and Uttarakhand, except for nitrate which was higher been reported in Ganga water (Katiyar, 2011). Tannery effluent not
in West Bengal after Uttar Pradesh. The microbial count (fecal and total only contains Cr but a significant amount of other heavy metals, such as
coliform), measured in maximum permissible number/100 ml, was Zn, Mn, Cu and Pb are also present (Deepali and Gangwar, 2010;
maximum in West Bengal followed by Uttar Pradesh at both time per- Bhuiyan et al., 2011; Katiyar, 2011; Dixit et al., 2015). High levels of As
iods i.e. before and after NGRBA. In Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur and and Pb along with Cr has been reported in Ganga water contaminated
Varanasi are the most contaminated sites having up to 93,000 and by tannery effluent near Jajmau area in Kanpur (Katiyar, 2011).
50,000 MPN/100 ml fecal coliform, respectively and in West Bengal Besides the tanneries, the untreated or partial treated effluents from
Dakshineswar and Howrah are most contaminated with up to 425,313 other industries also significantly enhances the concentration of toxic
and 237,059 MPN/100 ml fecal coliform, respectively (CPCB ENVIS, elements in the Ganga water (Gupta and Raghubansi, 2002; Dwivedi
2007–2014; Pandey and Prasad, 2014). Interestingly, in Uttar Pradesh, et al., 2006; Bhattacharya et al., 2008; Aktar et al., 2010; Rai et al.,
Bihar and West Bengal the microbial contamination has slightly de- 2010). In recent past Ganga water quality evaluated by National Cancer
creased before NGRBA, while there is a continuous increase in Uttar- Registry Programme (NCRP) and Indian Council of Medical Research
akhand. The data showed that the microbial counts are several fold (ICMR) revealed that the traces of heavy metals specially mercury (Hg)
higher than the maximum permissible limits for drinking (50 MPN/ in the Ganga water were more in comparison to maximum permissible
100 ml) and bathing water (500 MPN/100 ml, CPCB, 2009). The CPCB limit provided by World Health Organization (WHO, 1990). Sinha et al.
(2009) report showed that Ganga water, even at its source, at Gangotri, (2007) investigated the Hg pollution at Varanasi (both up and down
is not suitable for drinking. stream) and concluded that annual mean concentration of Hg in the

S. Dwivedi et al. Environment International 117 (2018) 327–338

Table 2
Changes in the level of inorganic pollution (trace and toxic elements) in Ganga water in different states.
Sl no. Name of trace and toxic elements Level (mg l−1) in Ganga water in different states

Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh Bihar West Bengal

A Trace elements
1. Fe After 2009 0.03–2.61 0.0–7.0 – 0.0–5.5
Before 2009 0.3–5.99 0.02–3 0.08–0.36 0.35–2.35
2. Zn After 2009 ND-13 ND-106 – ND-64
Before 2009 0.015–0.16 0.01–0.60 0.04–0.4 0.04–0.69
3. Cu After 2009 ND-0.18 ND-36 – ND-38
Before 2009 0.01–0.02 0.01–2.0 0.02–0.15 0.003–0.322
4. Mn After 2009 0.002–0.16 0.04–2.8 – ND-2.7
Before 2009 0.03–0.08 0.03–0.12 0.10–0.25 0.085–0.712
5. Co After 2009 0.002–0.02 ND-0.02 – –
Before 2009 – 0.01–0.05 – –

B. Toxic elements
1. Cr After 2009 0.003–0.2 0.0–52 – 0.0–9.5
Before 2009 – ND-1.09 ND-0.13 0.01–0.39
2. Cd After 2009 0.0–0.7 0.00–13 – ND-1.4
Before 2009 ND-0.011 0.003–0.033 ND-0.10 ND-0.003
3. Pb After 2009 0.00–5.0 0.0–27 – ND-7.9
Before 2009 – 0.03–0.19 ND-0.37 0.00004–0.076
4. As After 2009 0.003–0.01 ND-0.01 – 0.0–4.7
Before 2009 – 0.007–0.03 ND-0.01 –
5. Hg After 2009 ND-0.0004 ND-0.0008 – 0.0–0.69
Before 2009 0.0–0.000081 ND-0.002 ND 0.00001–0.95
6. Ni After 2009 0.0–0.004 0.0–1.12 – 0.0–9.7
Before 2009 0.01–0.05 0.03–0.9 ND-0.01 0.03–0.05

The estimated range of trace and toxic elements is based on the Supplementary Table 2.
The National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) established in 2009 has been used as timeline to evaluate past and present level of contamination.

Ganga water was 0.23 μg l−1. Considerable seasonal and site specific Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI),
variations in heavy metal contamination of Ganga water was observed 2016). The annual use of pesticide is about 60,000 MT in India, of
in different states (Dwivedi et al., 2006; Gupta et al., 2009; Aktar et al., which the maximum consumption is in Ganga basin only (Mohapatra
2010; Pal et al., 2012; Rai et al., 2012). High level of different metals et al., 1995; Kumar et al., 2013). Pesticides used in agriculture could
like Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn has also been reported at different easily find their way into the river via runoff streams and tributaries.
bathing sites on the bank of river Ganga (Gupta et al., 2009; Pandey Besides the regular agricultural practices in Ganga basin, the dry bed of
et al., 2010; Rai et al., 2012) which might be related to various religious the river, used for growing several vegetables and fruits e.g. water-
activities. melon, muskmelon and cucumber during summer, also add pesticides
From the above it is clear that the levels of carcinogenic elements to the river during monsoon. Organochlorine (OCPs) and organopho-
like As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni and Pb, were exceeding the WHO permissible sphorus pesticides (OPPs) are the most used pesticides in India in which
limit for potable water at many sites of Ganga river in different seasons OCPs fall in Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Though Government
(Sinha et al., 2007; Gupta et al., 2009; Aktar et al., 2010; Pandey et al., of India has withdrawn the use of some pesticides such as DDT, aldrin
2010; Katiyar, 2011). The state wise level of metal contamination has and HCH in agriculture in the year 1989, 1996 and 1997 respectively,
been given in Supplementary Table 2. The concentration of Cd, Cr and but unfortunately they are still being used due to easy availability and
Pb was maximum in Uttar Pradesh followed by West Bengal then Ut- low cost (Abhilash and Singh, 2009; Vijgen et al., 2011). DDT is still in
tarakhand and minimum in Bihar while As and Hg was maximum in use for public health and sanitation purpose as per WHO guidelines and
West Bengal followed by Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Bihar. High HCH was in use until 2013 for termite control in buildings, wood and
level of As observed in Ganga water of West Bengal probably comes agriculture (Berg, 2009; Central Insecticide Board and Registration
through agricultural runoff originating from contaminated ground Committee, 2012). POPs are potential carcinogens and mutagens and of
water used for irrigation (Mishra et al., 2016). The source of Hg could considerable concern to human and environmental health (Ejaz et al.,
be idol immersion, taking place at high rate in West Bengal throughout 2004; Kumar et al., 2013). Several workers have monitored the level of
the year. There is a huge study gap in the lower middle stretch of Ganga different type of pesticides in Ganga water and found most of them
i.e., Bihar and Jharkhand. The level of metal contamination in Ganga beyond WHO permissible limit (WHO, 1984; Rehana et al., 1995, 1996;
water before the establishment of NGRBA in 2009 and the status Guzzella et al., 2005; Mutiyar and Mittal, 2013). The level of pesticides
afterwards is summarized in Table 2. varied considerably in upper, middle and lower stretches of Ganga. The
data from the various studies covering different stretches of river Ganga
show that the river water in Uttar Pradesh has more pesticide pollution
2.3. Agricultural runoff than in other states (Supplementary Table 3). Further the contamina-
tion was considerably localized with a few sites having more pesticide
The Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) ranks as one of the most extensive concentration than the other within a state, such as Kanpur and Var-
fluvial plain of the world. The area of IGP in India is nearly 13% of the anasi in Uttar Pradesh (ITRC Annual Report, 1992; Semwal and
total geographical area of the country including the states Uttarakhand, Akolkar, 2006; Mutiyar and Mittal, 2013). The level of contamination
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal. About 50% of the before the NGRBA (in 2009) and the status afterwards is categorized in
total food grains are produced in these regions to feed 40% of the po- Table 3.
pulation of the country (Pal et al., 2009). India produces approximately Analysis of Ganga water at the upper stream of Uttar Pradesh i.e. in
85,000 MT of pesticide annually and rank fourth in the world after the Narora, Kachla, Fatehgarh and Kannauj showed significant
US, Japan and China in pesticide production (Sampathkumar, 2014;

S. Dwivedi et al. Environment International 117 (2018) 327–338

Table 3
Changes in the level of organic pollution (pesticides) in Ganga water in different states.
Sl no. Name of pesticides Level (ng l−1) in Ganga water in different States

Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh Bihar West Bengal

A Organochlorines
1 Σ-HCH After 2009 5.2–7.24 0.1–3.5 ND-74.04 0.0–0.039
Before 2009 ND-153 1–99,517 11–2597 0–18,650
2 Σ-DDT After 2009 ND-1.01 0.05–2.21 ND-489
Before 2009 2.0–365 ND-143226 19–1663 0–6000
3 Σ-Endosulfan After 2009 ND-0.92 ND-85.4 ND-739 –
Before 2009 ND-66 ND-66516 – 0–3620
4 Σ-Aldrin After 2009 0.12–2.3 ND-2.2 ND-489 0.0–0.009
Before 2009 ND-46 ND-3340 ND-800 10–900
5 Σ-Hepta After 2009 0.06–0.32 ND-0.2 ND-11.8 0.0–0.026
Before 2009 – – – –
6 2-4D After 2009 – – – –
Before 2009 – ND-39 – –

B. Organophosphorus
1 Dimethoate After 2009 – – – –
Before 2009 – 0–2694 – 0–1940
2 Malathion After 2009 – – – –
Before 2009 – ND-6982 – 0–4830
3 Methyl parathion After 2009 – – ND –
Before 2009 – ND-500 – 0–3050
4 Ethion After 2009 – – – –
Before 2009 – 0–1995 – –

The estimated range of pesticides is based on the Supplementary Table 3.

The National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) established in 2009 has been used as timeline to evaluate past and present level of contamination.

concentrations of OCPs such as DDT (1360–5330 ng l−1), α-BHC detected in any sample. Another study in Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh)
(1380–3010 ng l−1), DDD (880–2410 ng l−1), aldrin (950–2810 ng l−1) showed dominance of DDT group and lindane (γ-HCH), which were
and dieldrin (410–4110 ng l−1) and OPPs like dimethoate present at all the selected sites while endosulfans were absent in all the
(200–560 ng l−1) and methyl parathion (160–500 ng l−1). The levels of samples (Raghuvanshi et al., 2014). High levels of aldrins (up to
pesticides were lower at Narora (Rehana et al., 1995, 1996). Agnihotri 900 ng l−1) and DDT (up to 650 ng l−1) were found in the lower stretch
et al. (1994) found residue of several OCPs such as HCH, DDT, aldrin, of Ganga (named Hooghly in WB) from the industrial area of Kolkata
endosulfan and heptachlor in Ganga river water from Farrukhabad (Ghose et al., 2009). Lindane was also detected in all the samples (up to
district, upstream to Kannauj. HCH and DDT were most prevalent while 100 ng l−1) while heptachlor and dicofel were absent. Chakraborty
concentration of aldrin was also exceeding WHO limits for drinking et al. (2014) also reported up to 114 ng l−1 OCPs in Ganga at the tip of
water in most of the samples. The study conducted in Varanasi, the Bay of Bengal in the order; heptachlor > HCH > DDT >
lower stream of Ganga in U.P., showed a high increase in levels of HCH dieldrin > aldrin > endosulfan.
(105–99,517 ng l−1), DDT (69–14,320 ng l−1) and endosulfan Apart from OCPs and OPPs, organotin compounds (OTCs) have also
(83–66,520 ng l−1) (Nayak et al., 1995). In a relatively recent study, been detected in Ganga water collected from Kanpur-Unnao region. The
high concentration of HCHs (109 ng l−1 α-HCH and 260 ng l−1 γ-HCH), concentration of butyltin compounds viz. monobutyltin, dibutyltin,
dieldrin (1671 ng l−1) and malathion (2610 ng l−1) was reported in tributyltin were significantly higher while methyltin compounds viz.
Ganga water at Kanpur (Sankararamakrishnan et al., 2005). The surface monomethyltin and dimethyltin, were below the detection limits
water bodies in Unnao, the adjoining district of Kanpur, were also re- (Ansari et al., 1998) (Supplementary Table 3). The level of OTCs was
ported to have considerable pesticide contamination through past use higher in pre-monsoon than post-monsoon season. Organotin com-
in agriculture (Singh et al., 2007). pounds have been extensively used in industrial and agricultural sector.
Mutiyar and Mittal (2013) studied the occurrence of 16 major OCPs Butyltin compounds have been used as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sta-
in three states covering 72% of the Ganga river stretch. The level of bilizers, industrial catalysts, industrial and agricultural biocides and as
total pesticide residue was below the safe limit (1 μg l−1 BIS, and 0.5 EU wood preserving and antifouling agents. Triphenyltin compounds exert
standard). In Uttarakhand stretch, 14 out of 16 OCPs were detected and deleterious effects on aquatic organisms at very low concentrations.
heptachlore and DDT were not detected in any samples but HCHs were Several studies have been done on the level and toxicity of tin com-
present in all samples. In Uttar Pradesh stretch endosulfans were found pounds in marine environments due to use of OCTs as biocide in marine
in maximum number of samples (75%), followed by aldrin (11%), DDT antifouling paints. However, there is dearth of data on level of OCTs in
(9%) and HCH (5%) group. The β-endosulfan was frequently present in different stretches of Ganga water. Thus, it seems that different types of
many of the samples in Uttar Pradesh stretch in relatively higher con- pesticides predominate in different regions depending upon the land
centrations (up to 133.11 ng l−1). In Bihar maximum detection fre- use pattern and differential past uses for agricultural and public health
quency was for the aldrin group (34%) followed by HCHs (21%), en- programme. Nevertheless, the level of pesticides, particularly OCPs,
dosulfans (20%), heptachlore group (13%) and DDT group (12%). registered a drastic decline in the recent years in comparison to the
Thus, in general HCHs in Uttarakhand, endosulfans in Uttar Pradesh studies before NGRBA (Table 3, Supplementary Table 3). Further it is
and aldrins (aldrin and dieldrin) were dominant in Bihar. While the also interesting to note that before NGRBA the level of most of pesti-
study by Singh et al. (2012) showed that endosulfans were dominant in cides were higher in Uttar Pradesh followed by West Bengal, Bihar and
Bihar (Bhagalpur) followed by DDT group and HCH among the tested Uttarakhand, whereas, after NGRBA the trend has changed with max-
pesticides. The maximum level of pesticides also followed the same imum levels in Bihar followed by Uttarakhand (Σ-HCH, Σ-Aldrin and Σ-
order (upto 783, 489, 74.04 ng l−1 respectively for endosulfans, DDT Hepta) or Uttar Pradesh (Σ-DDT, Σ-Endosulfan). No recent data from
and HCH group). They also analyzed methyl parathion but it was not West Bengal was found. The decrease in the level of pesticides probably

S. Dwivedi et al. Environment International 117 (2018) 327–338

reflects the effect of their ban/restricted use. The changing pattern, coli form) due to mass bathing during Maha Kumbh in 2010 at Har-
however, indicates their long distance mobility and persistence, such as idwar. Tyagi et al. (2013) analyzed the Ganga water quality and con-
their occurrence in glaciers leading to their increased concentration in sequent health risks in the same event. They found BOD values were
Ganga water of Uttarakhand. surpassed the standard criteria (3 mg l−1) of outdoor bathing and the
Apart from above mentioned, many other chemicals are widely used level of total coliforms (792 MPN/100 ml) and fecal coliforms
in agriculture, industry and private sectors as pesticide and preservative (482 MPN/100 ml) were also many folds higher during the mass
which exert highly toxic effect on human such as, pentachlorophenol bathing and were far beyond the Indian and European standard of
(PCP) and there metabolites. However, there level in water and bio- outdoor bathing (TC 500 MPN/100 ml; FC 100 MPN/100 ml). Authors
magnifications in fishes have not been studied. reported significant increase in ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4-N) and
phosphate (PO4) which were positively correlated to the number of
2.4. Pollution due to religious activities bathing population. During Maha Kumbh 2013, the level of BOD at
Sangam, Allahabad was 7.4 mg l−1, after the first day of the bathing
River Ganga is considered as the soul purifier and Mokshdayini, event (Makar Sankranti). Though, the level of BOD (5 mg l−1) at
means a dip in the Ganga liberates from the cycle of death and rebirth. Sangam was already much above the permissible limit for outdoor
The Ganga basin houses many historical towns like Rishikesh, bathing before Kumbh (unpublished data). This is probably because
Haridwar, Garhmukteshwar, Kannauj, Allahabad, Mirzapur, Varanasi pilgrims from all over India come to take a dip in Sangam throughout
and Gangasagar which are important pilgrim centers where several the year. Srivastava et al. (2013) evaluated the water quality during
religious activities takes place throughout the year on the bank of Maha Kumbh 2013, Allahabad by fuzzy environmental model using
Ganga. During different festivals millions of people come to these places physic-chemical and bacteriological parameters of water. They found
for holy dips called “Ganga snans” (Rai, 2013). Devotees offer different that the water quality of river was deteriorated during mass bathing
kinds of materials like sweets, milk, flowers, leaves, lighted earthen and it was very poor at most of the sites. Other studies indicated that
lamps to Ganga, and discard remains of old holy books and idols water quality of the river at Allahabad was worse during Maha Kumbh
thereby contaminating the river water. Several communities in India 2013 than that during Ardha Kumbh 2007 and was not good for bathing
throw dead bodies and the remains of bones, after crimination, in or swimming (Yadav, 2007; Srivastava et al., 2013). The presence of
Ganga as a part of last ritual. The impact of different religious activities fecal coliforms in Ganga water hints to the presence of pathogenic
on Ganga water has been studied extensively and is summarized below. microorganisms, which might cause water borne diseases. A significant
enhancement of Salmonella typhi in the water and sediment of river
2.4.1. Religious bathing Ganga was reported during Maha Kumbh 2013 at Allahabad (Rani
Every day millions of peoples take bath throughout the course of et al., 2014). The epidemiological study by Tyagi et al. (2013), during
Ganga, however, some of the auspicious days are particularly important Ardh Kumbh at Haridwar in 2010, also showed significant increase in
when large number of people take a dip in the river. Kumbh is the main the incidence of water borne infections (gastroenteritis, fever and skin
event for mass ritualistic bathing which takes place at four places; disease) during bathing events. Further, high level of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe,
Haridwar (Har Ki Pauri), Allahabad (Prayag), Nashik (Godavari Ghat) Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn has also been reported at different bathing sites on
and Ujjain (Shipra Ghat). According to Hindu mythology, during the the bank of river Ganga, such as in Haridwar (Rai et al., 2012), Alla-
battle of devtas and demons for Amrit (elixir of immortality which was habad (Gupta et al., 2009) and Varanasi (Pandey et al., 2010). The
recovered during the churning of the ocean, the Samudra Manthan), concentration of many toxic metals was exceeding the permissible
was spilled over at these four places. The Kumbh is celebrated once limits (WHO, 2008). This might be due to throwing of different mate-
every 12 years in each of the four places for one and half months. rials in water during worship of Ganga, such as vermillion, coins etc.
During Kumbh billions of people take bath at a specific stretch of containing Pb, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn. The increased concentration of toxic
river. Several devotees and ascetics reside on the bank of river Ganga metals may pose potential risk to the devotees through direct con-
during the whole Kumbh period. Some of the auspicious days during sumption of Ganga water as religious rites or by use of water for
Kumbh are particularly heavily crowded which are Makar Sankranti, drinking and cooking during the stay of pilgrims at the bank of Ganga
Paush Purnima, Mauni Amavasya, Vasant Panchami, Magh Purnima on the occasions of ritualistic mass bathing. Besides Kumbh, several
and MahaShivratri. During the Kumbh at Haridwar in 2010 the esti- other bathing fairs are held on the bank of Ganga throughout the year,
mated number of bathing population was 41.6 million (Tyagi et al., such as Somwati Amavasya, Kartik Purnima, Shravan Amavasya, Ganga
2013). While in the Kumbh at Prayag in 2013 a total no. of 88.7 million Dussehra etc. which deteriorates the water quality (Sinha et al., 1991;
people took bath within 45 days (official data from Govt. of Uttar Sharma and Joshi, 2014). The mass bathing also decreases the trans-
Pradesh 2013). The biggest gathering was on 10 February 2013 when mittance of water (Kulshrestha and Sharma, 2006).
over 30 million devotees and ascetics took holy dip in the river Ganga
in one day on the auspicious event of Mauni Amavasya (Rani et al., 2.4.2. Pollution due to idol immersion
2014). The mass gathering severely deteriorates the water quality be- The idol immersion is a religious activity which is also responsible
cause people carelessly use soaps, shampoos, detergents, throw gar- for adding several pollutants in the rivers including Ganga. In India, a
bage, polythene, discarded clothes as well as throw food, flower, leaves, lot of religious activities take place round the year. Durga Puja is one of
milk, curd, ghee, coins etc. as offering to river Ganga. Thus, these kind the most important festival celebrated in West Bengal, Bihar and Uttar
of ritualistic practices have their own good share in contaminating the Pradesh. In last 15 years Lakshmi Puja and Ganesh Chaturthi are also
sacred Ganga water. celebrated at an equal pace in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar which were
The effect of mass ritualistic bathing on the Ganga water quality originally belonging to other parts of India. In these festivals a huge
during Ardh Kumbh, Khumbh and Maha Khumbh, at different places, numbers of Durga, Lakshmi and Ganesha's idols of different sizes (up to
has been evaluated by various workers (Sinha et al., 1991; Kulshrestha 40 ft) are formed every year and immersed in Ganga at the end of the
and Sharma, 2006; Joshi and Sati, 2011; Srivastava et al., 2013; Tyagi event. The idols are constructed by plaster of paris, clay, cloths, small
et al., 2013). During Ardh Kumbh at Haridwar in 2004 the water iron rods, bamboo and decorated with different paints such as varnish,
quality of river Ganga was significantly changed showing high increase water colors etc., plastic and polystyrene which can lead to significant
in BOD, COD and total and fecal coli form counts (Kulshrestha and alteration in the water quality after immersion. Paints which are used to
Sharma, 2006). Arora et al. (2013) also reported altered physico-che- colour these idols contains various heavy metals/metalloids, such as As,
mical and microbial nature of Ganga water by decreased pH and in- Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb which are known carcinogens (WHO, 2008). Plaster
creased chlorine, TDS, TSS, SPC and bacterial counts (total and fecal of paris, used in making of idols, contains gypsum, sulphur, phosphorus

S. Dwivedi et al. Environment International 117 (2018) 327–338

and magnesium. Therefore, immersion of these idols poisons the water has an order of magnitude higher BOD rate constant and the reaction
by increasing acidity and the content of heavy metals (Das et al., 2012; rate constant value in comparison to other rivers. The coliforms were
Kaur et al., 2013; Bhattacharya et al., 2014; Mohini et al., 2014). An also found to be reduced significantly in very short time. Bhargava
estimated 5000 litres of paint and hundreds of kilograms of plaster of (1981) found that the rate of exocellular polymers excreted during
paris and toxic synthetic materials were immersed in the river with the endogenous growth phase of various species of bacteria is considerably
idols. The plastic and polystyrene is non-biodegradable thus toxic and reducing BOD and turbidity. The interaction of exocellular polymers
may lead to eutrophication at the river banks because of hampered flow present in the river with colloidal matters present in seepage results in a
(personal observation). Though, several studies, as mentioned above, very rapid and significant reduction of the BOD in the Ganga water.
show that idol immersion practices severely degrade the water quality Various studies validated self purificatory characteristic of Ganga
of rivers, there is a dearth of data regarding this aspect in Ganga water. water, even after being kept for several years (Nautiyal, 2009a, 2009b;
Sarkar (2013) reported significant increase in temperature, pH, con- Singh et al., 2011). Nautiyal (2009a) evaluated the incorruptible ability
ductivity, BOD, COD, total alkalinity, chloride, total hardness and of Ganga water using fresh, eight year old and sixteen year old water,
phosphate of river Ganga in West Bengal due to idol immersion during collected from upper stretch of Ganga, spiked with pathogenic Escher-
Durga Pooja. Chaturvedi and Pandey (2006) assessed the concentration ichia coli (0157; H7). He found that the survival of the bacteria was least
of some trace metals, like Zn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Cr and Cd in Ganga water at in the fresh followed by 8 and 16 years old stored Ganga water re-
Vindhyachal Ghat during Navratri Pooja and they found increase in spectively as compared to filtered (0.2 μ), boiled Ganga water or Milli Q
their levels. During the idol immersion a lot of vermilion (Sindur) is water. Similarly, Singh et al. (2011) showed inhibitory effect of Ganga
thrown in the river which increases the level of Pb and Cr (Das et al., water against Streptococcus sp. These studies confirmed that Ganga
2012). The various materials used in decoration of idols not only de- water has certain novel antimicrobial attributes validating the river's
teriorates the water quality upon its immersion but it also kills fishes, remarkable self-purifying capabilities. Despite the remarkable self-
damages plants and blocks the natural flow of the water, causing cleansing properties of Ganga, the extent of various kind of pollution, as
stagnation. discussed in preceding sections, has caused gross changes in water
quality. For instance, reduction in dissolved oxygen and light penetra-
2.4.3. Disposal of temple waste and religious materials tion has resulted in loss of self-purification capability of Ganga water
More than 1000 tons of flower and garlands are thrown in the river especially in the middle and lower stretch of Ganga (Tare et al., 2003;
as offering during worship of Ganga as well as those used in the temples CPCB, 2009).
nearby. At various places such as Haridwar, Varanasi etc. splendid
evening prayer of Ganga is being held during that the devotees offers 4. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of toxic substances in
flowers and hundreds of floating lighted earthen lamps. These practices fishes of Ganga
are more common during mass rituals. According to an estimate of
Kashi Vishwanath temple administration of Vanarasi, in normal days, Ganga is home for more than 140 fish species, including many
over 20 quintal of floral waste was being disposed into the Ganga daily, exotic species (Sarkar et al., 2012). The river contributes significant
while during special occasions like Mondays of the month of Shrawan economic benefits to the riparian communities and to the national
(July–August), the quantity increased by four to five times. Further economy by supporting fisheries resources. The various endemic and
each household dispose of their religious material, including those used commercially important fishes of river Ganga have been tabulated by
in daily prayer, into the Ganga. Thus, floral and other religious temple Vass et al. (2008, 2010).
wastes continue polluting Ganga water. Increase in organic and inorganic pollution and decrease in water
volume of river Ganga has severely affected fish diversity and health.
2.4.4. Dead body cremation Several fish species, including the Dolphins of river Ganga, are under the
In the India it is believed that dying and cremated along the banks threat. A significant decline in various commercially valuable fish
of the Ganga, particularly in Varanasi, releases soul from cycle of re- species has been observed, while forage fishes have been increased in
birth and the soul shall directly go to the heaven. Due to this religious Ganga since 1959 to 2004 (Sarkar et al., 2012). The pesticides and
belief, thousands of dead bodies are being cremated every day on the herbicides introduced into Ganga water through agricultural runoff,
bank of Ganga. In a study conducted between the year 2009–2011, an gets accumulate in the fish, causes reproductive and metabolic dys-
average 32,000 dead bodies are cremated every year at only two cre- function in the fish and subsequently transferred to higher trophic level
mation grounds, Harishchandra and Manikarnika Ghat, in Varanasi (Kumari et al., 2001b; Singh and Singh, 2008; Aktar et al., 2009).
(Tripathi and Tripathi, 2014). After cremation the ashes as well as tons Several toxic metals also accumulate in different organs of fish such as
of half burnt flesh are thrown into the Ganga. Even the ashes of many of liver, kidney, gills, muscles, skin and brain and alter various metabolic
those who were cremated elsewhere are thrown in Ganga by the re- parameters (Vaseem and Banerjee, 2013a). Khanna et al. (2007) re-
latives due to religious belief. Further, thousands of un-cremated ported damaged lepidonts and loosening of scales of fishes inhibiting in
bodies, such as that of women, children, holy men, snake poisoned and polluted stretches of river Ganga. There are two ways by which the
some skin diseased, as well as thousands of animal carcasses, mainly toxicants may accumulate and magnify in the fishes; first, through gills
cattle are directly thrown into the river. Such practices not only degrade which is the main site of toxicant uptake which readily gets absorbed in
the water quality but also destroy the picturesque view of the river. the blood in the secondary lamellae. Second; through contaminated
food, such as phytoplanktons which accumulate high amount of heavy
3. Effect of pollutants on self-purifying potential of Ganga metals (Dwivedi et al., 2006, 2010) and forage fishes.

Ganga water has been used from time immemorial for remedial 4.1. Bioaccumulation of inorganic pollutants
purpose against various diseases. Since ancient time people believed
that bathing in Ganga cures from illness and infections. The anti- As discussed above, industrial effluent and religious activities (Idol
bacterial property of Ganga water has been recognized as long as in immersion etc.) adds high amount of heavy metals and metalloid in
1896 by the British bacteriologist Ernest Hankin against Vibrio cholera. Ganga water which gets bio-accumulated in different organs of fishes
Studies indicated that pathogenic bacteria do not thrive well in Ganga (Supplementary Tables 4–6). Though, species and organ specific dif-
water (Nautiyal, 2009a; Singh et al., 2011). The extraordinary high rate ferences in metal accumulation have been observed, but the accumu-
of oxygen retention, allow it to remain fresh during long storage period lation pattern has been found to be directly correlated with degree of
(Mukherjee et al., 1993). Bhargava (1981) reported that Ganga water contamination in Ganga water (Mitra et al., 2012; Vaseem and

S. Dwivedi et al. Environment International 117 (2018) 327–338

Banerjee, 2013b). Vaseem and Banerjee (2013b) determined the accu- Kumar, 1998; Mishra and Mohapatra, 2009; CPCB-ENVIS, 2007–2014).
mulation of various metals in different tissue of Rohu (Labeo rohita) and A survey study in residents of river Ganga in Varanasi showed high
found higher bioaccumulation of all metals in various organs of fish incidents of water borne/enteric diseases including acute gastro-
from Ganga water in comparison to control site. Mitra et al. (2012) intestinal disease, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis-A, and typhoid (Hamner
reported species specific variation in metal accumulation (Zn, Cu, Pb et al., 2006). A significant association between water-borne/enteric
and Cd) in muscles of some commercially important fishes of river disease occurrence and the use of the river for bathing, laundry,
Ganga. They showed that all the metals were accumulated to maximum washing eating utensils, and brushing teeth were found. Thirty-three
levels in Liza parsia and minimum in Stolephorus commersonii at all study cases of cholera were identified among families exposed to washing
sites. The level of toxic metals particularly Pb and Cd were higher then clothing or bathing in the Ganga while no cholera cases occurred in
WHO permissible limits in most of the fishes studied. Bhattacharya unexposed families in Varanasi.
et al. (2008) also reported bioaccumulation of Zn, Cr, Cu, Cd and Pb in
different fishes of Ganga in West Bengal. Significant amount of Hg, Tin 6. Estimated human health risk through consumption of fishes
(Sn) and their compounds has also been reported in Ganga water fishes. from Ganga water
The organic form of Hg and Sn are more readily absorbed, therefore,
relatively more toxic than inorganic forms. Pal et al. (2012) quantified Apart from pathogenic contamination, degradation of Ganga water
the presence of Hg in 19 common fishes from Ganga near Kolkata, West quality by pesticides and toxic elements highly impact human health by
Bengal. The result showed that some fishes tended to accumulate high direct ingestion of water or through food chain. Consumption of con-
levels of Hg (0–1.48 mg kg−1), in which 50–84% of Hg was methyl taminated fish and shellfish may pose significant health hazards parti-
mercury. The level of methyl Hg ranged from 0 to 0.93 mg kg−1 with cularly in downstream of Ganga where fish is subsistence economy.
many of the fishes contained beyond the recommended limit for methyl WHO (1993) has established drinking water guidelines for pesticides
Hg (0.25 mg kg−1) in fish set by PFA for human consumption (PFA, and heavy metal/metalloids. Other health and environmental protec-
2002). Although the level of total Hg was below the PFA limit tion agencies have also established “acceptable daily intake” (ADI)
(0.5 mg kg−1) in all the fishes except one (Wallago attu). However, the values that indicate the maximum allowable daily ingestion of a tox-
fishes collected from Varanasi contained high amount of total Hg (up to icant over a person's lifetime without appreciable risk to the individual.
91.679 mg kg−1) (Sinha et al., 2007). Kumar et al. (2012) also reported The ADI of commonly used pesticides and metals/metalloid according
accumulation of various heavy metals and metalloid in the commer- to WHO, USEPA and Bureau of Indian standard is included in Supple-
cially valuable fishes from lower stretch of Ganga (Midnapore, West mentary Tables 2–3, respectively. The level of most of the elements and
Bengal) including Hg and As. Kannan et al. (1997) found high bio- pesticides in Ganga water is higher than the ADI values, particularly in
magnification of butyltin compounds (mono-, di-, and tri-butyltin) in middle and lower stretches of the river (Tables 2–3). It is assumed that
Dolphins of Ganga in Bihar. The fishes and benthic invertebrates accu- the water is not used directly for drinking purposes, except during re-
mulated 3–10 times higher organotin compound than in sediment, ligious rites. Ganga water is used for domestic water supply after dis-
while Dolphin accumulated about 5–10 times higher than in their diet. infection and conventional treatment, however, the effectiveness of
The level of total butyl tin in Dolphin tissues was up to 2 mg kg−1 wet conventional treatment for reducing toxic metals and pesticides was not
weight. determined in present study, therefore, the health risk through drinking
of Ganga water has not been estimated.
4.2. Bioaccumulation of organic pollutants The non-carcinogenic health risk for the metals/metalloid and
pesticides, through consumption of tainted fishes from Ganga water,
A significant variation in bioaccumulation of organic pollutants has was estimated according to USEPA (1992) for which reference doses
been observed in different fish species and in various fish tissues as well have been established (USEPA, 2017). The reference dose of a chemical
(Supplementary Tables 7–8). In a study, carried out among 4 common is estimated as the single daily intake rate that appears to be without
fishes captured from Ganga, Gomti and Gujartal lake (control site), toxic effects if ingested over a life time (USEPA, 1991). For calculation
catfish has been shown to accumulate more pesticide than carps from of Hazard Quotient (HQ) the mean concentration of each toxicant in
Ganga river (Singh and Singh, 2008). The catfish accumulated higher fish obtained from different reports as well as the maximum reported
level of various metabolites of DDT than HCHs in contrast carps accu- values were used. The HQ for individual metal or metalloid, calculated
mulated more HCHs than DDT in their study, further, the accumulation from the mean concentrations, ranged from 0.045 (for Mn) to 4.3 (for
of DDT was more in ovary of both carps and catfish while HCHs were As) (Table 4). The HQ of As, Cd, Cr and Hg were higher than 1 sug-
accumulated more in brain of carp and in ovary of catfish. Aktar et al. gesting potential health risk from ingestion of a single contaminant
(2009) determined five pesticide residues, viz., total-HCH, total-DDT, through fish consumption. While the hazard index (HI) i.e., combined
total-endosulfan, dimethoate and malathion in fish samples collected health risk from total metals/metalloid through fish consumption is
from various points of the river Ganga. The level of total-HCH was over 10 times higher than the acceptable value (USEPA, 1991). The HQ
above the maximum residue levels (MRL) in most of the samples while calculated from mean concentration of individual group of pesticides in
the level of other pesticides including DDT was also higher than MRL in fish showed maximum health risk from HCHs followed by DDT group
many samples. while the HQ for endosulfans, dimethoate and malathion were below 1
Other studies also show significant accumulation of HCH and DDT (Table 5). The HI was significantly higher for pesticides as well. HQ
in fishes of river Ganga while aldrin and endosulfan were relatively low from maximum reported concentration of metals ranged from 0.186
(Senthilkumar et al., 1999; Kumari et al., 2001b; Samanta, 2013). (for Mn) to 42 (for Hg). The HQ calculated from maximum con-
Kumari et al. (2001b) reported several folds higher HCH (up to 7 fold) centration showed that a single toxicant can pose significant health
and endosulfan (up to 2 folds) in fishes of river Ganga than FAO (Food hazards through consumption of a particular fish species and/or fish
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) permissible levels. from a highly contaminated region, such as Kanpur, Varanasi and
Kolkata having high level of Cr, Hg and Cd, respectively. The overall HI
5. Disease due to polluted Ganga water exposure (18.798) from the mean concentration of metal and pesticides accu-
mulated in fish shows high health risk to the inhabitants of Ganga
The physicochemical and microbiological studies have shown that basin. Although different chemicals may interfere with the absorption
at various stretches, particularly in middle plain of Ganga the water is of each other thus the overall health effect may not be additive and HI
not even suitable for bathing of humans and cattle and for other do- may be an over estimate for potential non-carcinogenic health risk.
mestic uses because of high load of pathogenic bacteria (Bilgrami and However, the possibility of interactive effect of different toxicant may

S. Dwivedi et al. Environment International 117 (2018) 327–338

Table 4
Estimated non-carcinogenic health risk through consumption of heavy metal/metalloid tainted fishes of Ganga water.
Name of the metal/ Max./average Metal concentration in fish muscle (Cf; Life time average daily dose (mg/ RfD Hazard quotient Hazard index (HI)
metalloid mg/kg ww)a kg/d) (LADD) (HQ)

Arsenic Maximum 4.5 6.00 × 10−3 3 × 10−4 20.00 95.81 (maximum)

Mean 0.97 1.29 × 10−3 4.30
Cadmium Max. 11.9 1.59 × 10−2 1 × 10−3 15.87 11.4 (mean)
Average 0.997 1.33 × 10−3 1.33
Chromium Maximum 16.84 2.25 × 10−2 3 × 10−3 7.48
Mean 4.27 5.70 × 10−3 1.90
Lead Maximum 15.90 2.12 × 10−2 2 × 10−2 1.06
Mean 3.75 5.00 × 10−3 2.40 × 10−1
Mercury Maximum 9.50 1.27 × 10−2 3 × 10−4 42.22
Mean 0.38 5.1 × 10−4 1.69
Copper Maximum 178.00 2.37 × 10−1 4 × 10−2 5.93
Mean 21.25 2.83 × 10−2 7.33 × 10−1
Iron Max. 249.70 3.33 × 10−1 7 × 10−1 4.76 × 10−1
Average 251.79 3.36 × 10−1 4.80 × 10−1
Manganese Maximum 19.58 2.61 × 10−2 1.4 × 10−1 1.86 × 10−1
Mean 4.71 6.29 × 10−3 4.50 × 10−2
Nickel Maximum 12.44 1.66 × 10−2 2 × 10−2 8.29 × 10−1
Mean 7.77 1.04 × 10−2 5.18 × 10−1
Zinc Maximum 395.00 5.27 × 10−1 3 × 10−1 1.76
Mean 41.98 5.60 × 10−2 1.87 × 10−1

Values are taken from: Bhattacharya et al., 2008; Bhattacharya and Sarkar, 1996; Mitra et al., 2012; Pal et al., 2012; Singh et al., 1993, Sinha et al., 2007;
Sudhakar and Singh, 2014. (Hazard quotient = LADD/RfD, LADD = (Cf × IR)/BW; LADD, Life time average daily dose; RfD, reference dose in mg/kg/d (USEPA,
2017); Cf, concentration of contaminant in fish; IR, ingestion rate of 80 g/d; BW, average body weight taken as 60 kg).

also not be excluded when there is combined exposure to several tox- Table 6
icants (Nordberg, 2010). Probable incremental life time cancer risk to humans from different pesticides
The probable incremental life time cancer risk has been calculated and metals/metalloid through consumption of tainted fishes from Ganga water.
for pesticides and toxic elements for which the cancer potency factor Name of Cancer potency Target risk levels Target risk levels
was known (USEPA, 2017). Arsenic, Cd, Cr (VI) and Ni are group 1 contaminant factor (CPF) (maximum)a (mean)b
carcinogens according to International Agency for Research on Cancer
Arsenic 1.50 × 100 9.00 × 10−3 1.90 × 10−3
(IARC, 2017) with sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans
Lead 5.00 × 10−1 1.06 × 10−2 2.38 × 10−3
while DDT, HCH and inorganic Pb are classified in Group 2A. The Chromium 5.00 × 10−1 1.12 × 10−2 2.85 × 10−3
highest estimated life time human cancer risk levels shows that con- Nickel 1.70 × 100 2.80 × 10−2 1.70 × 10−3
sumption of contaminated fish from Ganga water may pose high risk of Σ-HCH 1.80 × 100 1.99 × 10−2 1.59 × 10−3
Σ-DDT 3.40 × 10−1 6.00 × 10−3 3.65 × 10−4
cancer (Table 6). The risk estimate value 10−6 means risk of one ad-
Σ-Aldrin 1.7 × 101 5.1 × 10−3 1.97 × 10−3
ditional occurrence of cancer, in one million people. The risk levels
lower than 10−6 are considered negligible or de minimus risk while the (Target cancer risk levels = LADD × CPF; LADD = (Cf × IR)/BW; LADD, Life
acceptable risk level of USEPA range between 10−6 to 10−4. Table 6 time average daily dose; CPF, Cancer potency factor for chemical (USEPA,
shows risk level higher than 10−4 for all the elements and pesticides 2017); Cf, concentration of contaminant in fish; IR, ingestion rate of 80 g/d;
indicating high carcinogenic risk from consumption of individual tox- BW, average body weight taken as 60 kg).
icant through Ganga water fish. The risk from multiple chemicals may Maximum level of individual toxicant.
be synergistic and may pose greater risk of cancer in Ganga basin
Mean level of individual toxicant reported in fish (given in Tables 4 and 5
through consumption of contaminated fishes. The probable cancer risk for metals/metalloid and pesticides respectively).
may be even higher through consumption of fish from highly polluted

Table 5
Estimated non-carcinogenic health risk through consumption of pesticide tainted fishes of Ganga water.
Name of the pesticide Max./average Pesticide concentration in fish muscle Life time average daily dose (mg/ RfD Hazard quotient Hazard index (HI)
(Cf; mg/kg ww)a kg/d) (LADD) (HQ)

ΣHCH Maximum 8.31 1.11 × 10−2 3 × 10−4 36.93 116.7 (maximum)

Mean 1.25 8.8 × 10−4 2.94 12.6 (mean)
ΣDDT Max. 13.23 1.76 × 10−2 5 × 10 −4
Average 0.51 1.07 × 10−3 2.15
Σ-Aldrin Maximum 0.2251 3.0 × 10−4 3 × 10−5 10.0
Mean 0.087 1.16 × 10−4 3.86
Σ–Endosulfan Maximum 2.95 3.93 × 10−3 6 × 10−3 6.56 × 10−1
Mean 0.46 6.18 × 10−4 1.03 × 10−1
Dimethoate Maximum 5.02 6.69 × 10−3 2.2 × 10−3 3.047
Mean 0.52 6.95 × 10−4 0.316
Malathion Maximum 5.4 7.20 × 10−3 2 × 10−2 3.60 × 10−1
Mean 0.95 1.27 × 10−3 6.34 × 10−2

Values are taken from Aktar et al., 2009; Kumari et al., 2001b; Kannan et al., 1997 (Hazard quotient = LADD/RfD, LADD = (Cf × IR)/BW; LADD, Life time
average daily dose; RfD, reference dose mg/kg/d (USEPA, 2017); Cf, concentration of contaminant in fish; IR, ingestion rate of 80 g/d; BW, average body weight
taken as 60 kg).

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