Week 13 2023 (V1)

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Dynamics ENGI 24859

Week 13 Summary

Topic covered Details in class Comments, important points
• Mass moment of inertia 9
• Inertia 13
Final Exam Review
• Energy 14
• Impulse momentum 15

• Final Exam is scheduled Tuesday April 18, 1:00-3:00 p.m. in A301 - (Usual lecture time and room)
• Review all posted materials
• As discussed during the lecture/lab session, lab 4 now due Sunday April 16, 2023. Please also note:
o Lab 4 is an individual submission use the drop box titled “Lab 4”
o Microsoft word format only
o The report must not exceed 2 pages
o Raw data to be submitted using the folder title “Lab 4 Raw Data” only 1 submission per group
• Question presented below were discussed during the lecture/lab

Question Comment etc.

Use conservation of energy to solve. Set up

relationships for displacement and velocity noting
that the spring displacement will be two times that
of the string connected to the left-hand side of the
pulley. Noting the text answer may be incorrect

As above, noting that load C moves downwards.

This problem can be solved using inertia

Use conservation of angular momentum to solve.

Recognizing that the angular velocity of A is
related to the angular velocity of B. This is simply
a diameter ratio

Mass moment of inertia, where it is used

Radius of gyration
Reviewed of questions from previous topics Inertia 13-55, 13-57
Energy 14-77

All questions from Walker, K. M. Applied Mechanics for Engineering Technology, 8th Edition

Developed by M. Arthur

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