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Dynamics ENGI 24859

Week 10

Topic covered Details in class Comments, important points
Lab 2 Review • F=ma, Discussed the due dates
• Dynamic equilibrium (compare to static equilibrium)
• Linear motion
Kinetics review • Angular inertia 13
• Angular dynamic equilibrium
• Plane motion
• Brief introduction
• Work of a constant force
• Work of a variable force
• Potential energy
• Kinetic energy can be linear and angular (e.g. wheels on
a car)
Work, Power & Energy • Spring work (what is free length etc.) 14
• Conservation of energy (activating = resulting)
• Conservation of energy (work at position 1 = work at
position 2)
• Other representation include work in = work out, or
∑ 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑒𝑠 = 0

• Review all posted materials
• Quiz 2 will be scheduled March 28– Topics likely to include:
o Mass moment of inertia
o Kinetics
• Question presented below were discussed during the lecture/lab
• Assignment 2 is on page 2 of this document. Due date April 3, 2023

Question Comment etc.

Discussed the 50 kg solution, noting the

importance of static equilibrium. Without static
equilibrium you may get results that conflict

Solve using inertia and energy. Noting the

importance of a FBD for both cases. Also solved
using the energy approach

As above, noting the acceleration is negative for

part a, but positive for part b. Discussed the
solution using energy approach

13-46 solved during the lectures in addition there

is a video posting on SLATE. Discussed the
solution for 13-47

As above

Approach to solving:
a) Excluded the wheel and assumed the 0 friction
b) Included the wheels recognizing the
acceleration should be smaller than case a
Mentioned the importance of drawing accurate

Solved using inertia

All questions from Walker, K. M. Applied Mechanics for Engineering Technology, 8th Edition

Developed by M. Arthur
Dynamics ENGI 24859
Week 10
1. Assuming the velocity of B = 0.7 m/s after dropping 500 mm. Complete the following:
a. Determine the spring constant such that all conditions mentioned above are met
b. Using you value from part a, determine distacne B will drop if lowered slowly

System is initially at rest
Radius of pulley = 100 mm
Cylinder mass = 25 kg Ic value for pulley 0.5 kg.m2
Cylinder radius = 400 mm
Ic cylinder = 1.2 kg.m

Spring free length 300 mm

Developed by M. Arthur

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