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Community Strategic Plan

Community Strategic Plans are community wide
1. Population Growth
plans used to inform the operation of Council. It
sets the strategic direction for the City, its policies, 2. Employment
services and activities.
3. Housing Affordability
Our Council is dedicated to identifying important
social issues and community needs to ensure the 4. Transport
effective delivery of services. 5. School Overcrowding
This Analysis provides a summary of the local 6. Aging Population
demographic information and service provision
across a range of council areas of operation and 7. Sense of Community
concern. It helps the community in identifying major 8. Youth Development
issues and understands how these issues may impact
on the community: 9. Climate Change

Council’s Role and Responsibilities in Strategic Planning

Council’s role is to guide the community through issues in the local area are within Council’s direct
important discussions around the community vision responsibility or are beyond its capacity to fund.
for the future and to document those responses in These issues require a multi-agency response.
the Willoughby City Strategy.
To achieve the goals set out in the Willoughby
Willoughby City Council has the capacity to shape City Strategy; Willoughby City Council will need to
and influence outcomes on a number of the key seek partnerships with business, community groups,
factors that affect Willoughby City’s long term education and health providers and all tiers of
future. However, Council does not control all government to address the key issues and some
policy makers and some of the major infrastructure of our major constraints.

Our city is
from the Sydney CBD
23 300 ha
square km of bushland

Community Strategic Plan - Gap Analysis - 2017 1

1 About our Community

Willoughby LGA

37 YEARS 35-39 YEARS 0.2%
48% 52%
Median Age - (8.2%)
1 year older than Dominate age (129)
Greater Sydney structure are Aboriginal
Compared to 224,211 people and Torres Strait
in greater Sydney in 2016. Islander People.

45.6% are

or born overseas.
In Willoughby City as a whole,
Health Care and Social Assistance
2011-2016 is the largest employer, generating
12,153 local jobs in 2015/16.
there was an average of
32,799 international

83 %
visitors to Willoughby City. In 2016, 83% of people
working in Willoughby,
live outside of the LGA.

This information is the copyright of the ABS and made available through I.D Communications.

During the period 2011- annual

Aug 2016 a total of 8,891 events
The Concourse had 855 event days
people migrated to
in 2015/2016, an 18% increase
Willoughby from overseas.
compared to 2014/15

855 Event Days

250,000 annual
196K Visitors attendance

650+ Volunteers across Council

12.4% 13,131 people volunteer within the LGA
of Willoughby’s
population are 19%
youth aged 15-24 years. +2,119

2 Willoughby City Council

2 Summaries of our Community Issues

Population Growth What do we know?

Concern about changes in the size and composition • Employment in traditional manufacturing
of the population has been growing for several and industrial activity continues to decline.
decades in Australia. It is important to understand
the impact of population growth on economy, • Chatswood has increasing pressure for
housing and environment in our LGA. This will help commercial land to be rezoned
in the process of changing behaviour and bringing for residential.
political change.
• Traffic congestion, temporary retail
(e.g. the Victoria Street markets) and slow
DA processing have been identified by
real estate agents as challenges for the
retail businesses.

more people
78,017 Estimated Resident Population (2016) by 2036

78,017 80,382 83,507 89,271

2016 2022 2026 2036

State & Regional Strategic Plan

• T he Draft Northern District Plan set planning • The Department of Planning and Environment
priorities and housing and jobs targets for each is working with Willoughby City Council to
LGA over the next 20 years and will be finalised undertake a strategic planning investigation of the
during the next 12 months. Council made a St Leonard’s and Crow’s Nest priority precincts.
submission on the draft North District Plan and
was able to reflect findings from its own local
strategic planning processes.

Our City Strategic Plan

Where we are now In five years we will: By 2026:

• Council has developed • The Chatswood CBD Planning and Urban • In 10 years’ time,
strategic plans for its Design Strategy will contribute to the overall Willoughby Council is
future land use including Willoughby City Strategy 2018-2036. aiming for a confident and
CBD and Local Centers. commercially thriving CBD
• Detailed studies for the Housing, Local
in Chatswood as well as
Centers and Industrial Lands Position
flourishing local centres
Statements will inform any land use changes.
across the LGA.

Community Strategic Plan - Gap Analysis - 2017 3

Employment What do we know?
The commercial, retail and industrial precincts of • 4.7% of the local labour force of
Willoughby are the key employment concentrations Willoughby City was unemployed in 2011
in the local government area (LGA). They provide compared to 5.7% in Greater Sydney.
regional and local services. Chatswood is
Willoughby’s main economic centre. • The number of local workers in Willoughby
City increased by 3,372 between 2014/16.
Employment is projected to continue to
increase in health care with almost 6,000
State & Regional Strategic Plan jobs projected in Willoughby LGA by 2031.
• T he Draft Greater Sydney Region Plan is built on
a vision where the people of Greater Sydney live
within 30 minutes of their jobs, education and
health facilities, services and great places.
> 24,000 jobs
300,000 sqm 190,000 sqm
Our City Strategic Plan Commercial Retail
floor space floor space
 ouncil seeks to ensure that its economic
• C
development policies and land use planning provisions
support the growth of employment and services.

• T o assist in the achievement of the growth targets

identified for the City in the draft Greater Sydney
Region Plan and Draft Northern District Plan.

• T he Council is also seeking to understand what

measures might be taken within Council’s
control to facilitate the economic growth and
sustainability of the LGA.

Where we are now In five years we will: By 2026:

• Facilitate business • Implement strategy for the • Ensure we cater for global and
and employment long term development of local trends as well as the land use
opportunities servicing Chatswood CBD as a major requirements of modern businesses and
local and regional needs. regional employment, retail the expectations of customers.
and entertainment destination.
• 137 Businesses • Provide programs that engage with
are registered with • Work with the Department local businesses and assist in their long
the Better Business of Planning, Lane Cove, North term sustainability.
Partnership Sydney Councils and the
• By 2026, Willoughby Council estimates
community to develop the
there is potential for 19,100 jobs.
vision for the St Leonards/
This includes 7,300 jobs in Chatswood
Crows Nest Priority Precinct.
and 4,200 jobs in St Leonards
(within Willoughby LGA). Chatswood is
expected to accommodate an additional
95,000 square metres of commercial
floors-pace and 40,000 square metres
of retail floor-space.

4 Willoughby City Council

Housing Affordability What do we know?
If a household is spending more than 30% of • 1.7% households renting social housing
income on housing costs it is described as being in (Source: idcommunity, Community
housing stress. Housing stress impacts on quality of Profile 2016).
life and the ability to afford other living costs such as
food, clothing, transport and utilities. • There is a limited supply of social housing
within Willoughby City and waiting list
demand far outstrips supply.

• Not enough accessible and affordable

options for people with disability.

Housing Costs as a
Percentage of Income

6.7 % 7%

State & Regional Strategic Plan 5.1%

• T he Draft Northern District Plan set an affordable
housing target at 7-10%.

Our City Strategic Plan

 ouncil has a role as a provider of Affordable
• C
Housing and to enable housing planning and
development that increases the availably of 2006 2011 2016
affordable housing within the LGA.

Where we are now In five years we will: By 2026:

• Council provides 22 • Increase Council provided • Increase Council provided

Affordable Housing units affordable housing properties from affordable housing properties
for Key Workers. 22 to 50. from 22 to 70.
• Willoughby LEP 2012 • Increase to the LEP Affordable • Increase to the LEP Affordable
identifies sites which will Housing requirement from 4% to Housing requirement from 4%
require 4% affordable 7% in line with the Draft Northern to 10% in line with the Draft
housing when the site District Plan Target. Northern District Plan Target.
is redeveloped. • Monitor the supply of affordable • Examples of ‘model’ affordable
housing particularly for low income housing developments enabled by
workers who provide services for Council through joint ventures.
the residents and businesses of the
Willoughby LGA.

Community Strategic Plan - Gap Analysis - 2017 5

There is no doubt that the flows of traffic and
passengers within our LGA are expected to surge
with a growing population.

State & Regional Strategic Plan

• T he North West Rail Link will provide eight new
stations and services over a 23 kilometre addition
to the rail network from Epping to Rouse Hill.

• A
 new tunnel under the Harbour and through the What do we know?
CBD will provide direct rail access from Hurstville • The rail network is at capacity during
and the Bankstown Line to Chatswood and the peak periods.
North West Rail Link.
• Bus services outside peak travelling to the
Chatswood CBD are underutilised.

• The large numbers of private vehicle pick

Our City Strategic Plan up / drop off trips of school children within
Willoughby contributes to the peak hour
• T o manage the transport needs of the community
traffic and air pollution.
in a sustainable manner by reducing car
dependence and promoting public transport use, • Lack of accessible transport to Willoughby
walking and cycling. community services and facilities.
• Increased use of active and public transport.

Where we are now In five years we will: By 2026:

• A key guiding principal for • Managing the traffic impacts • Travel demand management.
future development is already of a growing Chatswood CBD. • Improve local accessibility
embedded in the Willoughby • Improvement of local road and transport options
Development Control Plan traffic and safety. between suburbs.
under Section C4 Transport
Requirements for Development. • Encouraging more sustainable, • Further integration of land
active (cycling and walking) and use and transport to improve
• The Artarmon Loop is a free public transport use. accessibility and reduce
shuttle service. travel demand.

6 Willoughby City Council

School Overcrowding What do we know?
School overcrowding of a number of public primary • From 2012 to 2016 school enrolments in
and high schools has been a community issue over the LGA increased by 17.6%, the fourth
some years. highest in NSW.

• Chatswood Public School is at

108% capacity.
State & Regional Strategic Plan • The Willoughby Public School and
• T he State Environmental Planning Policy Willoughby High School have 2000
(Educational Establishments and Child Care students although they were originally
Facilities) 2017 (SEPP) has provisions that will designed to accommodate 450.
make it easier for child-care providers, schools,
• Use of demountable classrooms
TAFEs and universities to build new facilities
is common at many schools in
and improve existing ones by streamlining
our local government area.
approval processes.

Demographic trends affecting school student numbers

7000 6761 6794


6000 5947

5000 4974 5180

4315 4809


2011 2016 2017 2026

Babies and Children Primary Aged (5-11) Secondary Aged (12-17)

Our City Strategic Plan

Where we are now In five years we will: By 2026:

• Council is aware that • In planning for growth in • Although Local Government

community has raised concerns Willoughby it is absolutely is not responsible for school
over school over-crowding essential we take into account planning, it can advocate to the
with this issue affecting a the capacity of existing facilities NSW Government, informed by
number of public primary and and social infrastructure such as community advice and available
secondary schools. Council schools and open space. statistics, and work with the
is not responsible for school Greater Sydney Commission
planning but can advocate to and the Social Commissioner
the NSW Government, informed Heather Nesbitt to plan for and
by community advice. deliver new infrastructure.

Community Strategic Plan - Gap Analysis - 2017 7

Aging Population What do we know?
An ageing population means this function is an • There is a predicted 47.8% increase in
operational priority for Council in provision and the Willoughby retirement age population
as knowledge broker for community. between 2011 and 2026 (

• In 2016, 3.4% of the population (2,538)

reported requiring assistance with day to
State & Regional Strategic Plan day living tasks due to a disability.

• T he National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

commenced rollout in Northern Sydney in July
2016. The NDIS will provide individualised support
for people with disability, their families and carers
Population 65 or older
33% 24% 45%
to achieve their goals. The supports may include
therapies, equipment, home modifications,
mobility equipment, and taking part in community
activities or assistance with employment. 2016-2021 2016-2026 2026-2036

• A
 bility Links services have been funded by
the NSW Government to provide people with
a locally based first point of contact to support Change in need
people to access support and services in their
local communities.
for assistance

Our City Strategic Plan

• C
 ouncil provides a range of Community Home +65 +98 +191 +169
0-19 20-59 60-84 85<
Support Programs (CHSP) through At Home with
Willoughby Community Services. These include:
Meals on Wheels, Linen services, Social Support
groups and individual services. Council also 2011-2016
provides: Home Library Service, Healthy Ageing
activities (falls prevention and a range of exercise
programs), Time to Grow Garden Share program, Forecast Age Structure
Seniors Internet Tuition. Council will be required
to support community to manage changes and
to report to the Federal Government any gaps or
significant needs as they appear.
+2,610 +324 85<

• W
 illoughby City Council’s Disability Inclusion Source: .idcommunity, Population Forecast 2016
Action Plan 2017-2021 which was completed
and distributed in 2017, is a long-term vision
with a range of decisive actions that embrace and
embody Council’s commitment to ensuring a truly
inclusive and welcoming Willoughby.

8 Willoughby City Council

Where we are now In five years we will: By 2026:

• Home Care Packages – a • Home Care Packages - an • Establish partnerships

consistent national process for additional 6,000 home care with local providers to ensure
prioritising access to home care packages will be released to ongoing service provision
packages commenced in February, support older Australians with to meet the needs of the
2017. This saw the introduction higher needs. This will mean aging population.
of a National Prioritisation Queue an increase in the availability of
which determines the order in higher Level 3 and 4 packages
which eligible clients are assigned
• The Commonwealth Home
a package.
Support Program will continue to
• Commonwealth Home Support be block funded until 2020. This
Program (CHSP) providers provides a certainty of funding
adapted to the introduction of and continuity of service delivery
My Aged Care as the main entry to older people to assist them to
point for aged care systems continue living at home and in
across Australia. CHSP programs their communities for as long as
continue to have a significant possible. Details of new funding
investment by volunteers. To date conditions are currently being
there has been no change in the developed and with changes
level of service provision available communicated to CHSP service
in this area. providers in early 2018.

Where we are now In five years we will: By 2026:

• The National Disability Insurance • The anticipated NDIS target of • Provide support for
Agency (NDIA) trial phase of the 460,000 scheme participants is disability employment
NDIS has been completed. The full expected to be met by 2019. agencies to create new
rollout of the Scheme commenced employment opportunities
• NSW NDIS commenced on
on 1 July 2016. in the LGA.
the 1 July, 2017 with more than
• The Scheme had some 35,000 54,000 people already joining
participants across Australia as in NSW with a further 60,000
at 30 June 2016, of whom about expected to join in 2017-18. All
30,000 had an approved plan. NSW delivered disability support
The average annual participant services will be transferred to
package cost is about $39,000, the non-government sector by
including the cost of large 30 June, 2018.
residential centres.

Community Strategic Plan - Gap Analysis - 2017 9

Sense of Community What do we know?
There has been an increase in high rise residential • Number of people who spoke a language
developments particularly in Chatswood and other than English at home:
St Leonards with a subsequent increase in people
moving into the area. Among these are newly
arrived migrants and long settled residents, attracted
by the convenient transport and apartment style +26.4%
living. The challenge for our City and Council is to +6,235
maintain a sense of community. 2011-2016

• Polarity between ‘traditional’ areas

outside of Chatswood CBD, and ‘diverse’
Our City Strategic Plan population within Chatswood CBD.

• F acilitate and support a range of cultural, • Large focus on Asian population – there
recreational and social activities and are other prominent cultural groups not
events, recognising emerging social changes supported as strongly.
and interests.
• E ncourage the broader community to engage
with our multicultural communities through
cross-cultural activities, the arts and events.

Where we are now In five years we will: By 2026:

• Council provides • Review event calendar with a view to grow • Develop place
information to the higher profile events and alternate locations for making and community
public on how to existing/planned events. engagement strategies
run events, including to engage and service all
• Develop strategic plan for events. Investigate;
local government suburbs of Willoughby.
procedures, insurance 1. Other areas in LGA where events
• Establish long-term
requirements. can be held.
strategic partnerships
• Event seed funding 2. Internal and external groups for delivery of high
– part of community to collaborate with. quality events
grants program. 3. External groups we can support
• Ensure provision of
$10,000 funding – i.e. they run the event and we can
event venues and support
available to community/ provide marketing support
hirers of these spaces.
not-for-profit groups to 4. Undertaking customer satisfaction surveys
run events within the at events to assist us in identifying gaps • Identify opportunities to
LGA. Focus on new/ or improvement areas. work in partnership with
emerging artists and service providers in the
• Develop a ‘How To’ events manual delivery of information
encouragement of
for external groups. sessions including health
new events.
• Providing pathways for young artists and other issues for the
to network with experienced artists – via CALD community.
community grant programs, connections that
WCC has already established (Century Venues).

10 Willoughby City Council

Youth Development What do we know?
Population growth in 12-24 year old results in • Our LGA has one Youth Centre for the
increasing demand for youth services in the future. current population of 76,000. Benchmarks
indicate one centre is required per 30,000
– 50,000. Therefore we need an additional
youth dedicated space.
State & Regional Strategic Plan
• There is a lack of Youth recreation space
Across the Lower North Shore and Northern Sydney within the LGA.
region a number of services are available for young • Willoughby has the third highest
people and families to access which operate within concentrations of children (13.4%)
the WLGA. This includes but is not limited to; in apartments.
1. Ability Links – Disability Services aimed at link
people (including young people with locally based
support services).
Forecast age structure
2. Ku-ring-gai Youth Development Service (KYDS) –
Support service for young people across the LNS.
12-24 year old
• F amily and Community Services (FACS) funding
cycle ends June 2016

+1758 +2174
15% 18%
2016-2026 2026-2036

Our City Strategic Plan

• Council provide a range of Youth and family
services ranging from education, training,
recreation, referral and policy development
for our residents and wider the Northern
Sydney region.

Where we are now In five years we will: By 2026:

• WCC’s youth services team were a • Establish a Youth • Continue to meet the
fundamental driver of the development of Centre located outside educational, employment,
the Northern Sydney Youth Strategy 2015. the Chatswood CBD recreational and support
(to provide space needs of young people
T he Willoughby YouthAction Group for a youth worker, and their families in
planned and delivered numerous initiatives employment training Willoughby LGA in-line
including a rooftop vegetable garden, programs drop in areas, with best practice.
centre upgrades, art works, music events formal areas and
at the Youth Centre, a band competition outreach programs).
(PreShocked), an Ozharvest cooking
initiative and initiatives partnering with
Headspace and the Headspace Youth
Advisory Committee.

Community Strategic Plan - Gap Analysis - 2017 11

Climate Change What do we know?
People and ecosystems all around the world are In NSW:
already stressed by changing patterns of floods, • Doubling or even trebling of days above
droughts, heatwaves, and seasons. Australia faces 35°C by 2070 - more people are likely to
hotter temperatures, worsening bush fire danger, and suffer heat-related illnesses and death,
an intensification of the ‘droughts and flooding rains’. with the elderly particularly vulnerable.
• By 2020 fire seasons will start earlier and
end slightly later.
• Continued rise in extreme sea-level events
State & Regional Strategic Plan
• Increase in high-intensity rainfall events
• M
 etropolitan Sydney Climate change snapshot and flooding
provides descriptions of climate change (Department of Environment & Energy 2017)
projections for 2020–2039 and 2060–2079.
In our LGA:
• C
 limate Change Policy Framework for NSW - to
maximise the economic, social and environmental • Climate Change impacts will require
wellbeing of NSW in the context of a changing response to bushfire and storm events,
climate and current and emerging international which are likely to cause greater
and national policy settings and actions to expenditure by council.
address climate change. • Increased requirement for alternative
energy and water supplies
• T he NSW Government has committed to an
aspirational objective of achieving net-zero
emissions by 2050.

Our City Strategic Plan Council’s 13

The Sustainability Action Plan details Council’s solar PV installations save
next steps on the journey towards sustainability. It
provides the plan of action for what Council will do 500 tonnes
of CO2
over the coming four years to ensure the Council
protects and enhances our environment.

Where we are now In five years we will: By 2026:

• Gas and fuel consumption 31% lower • Council currently at 5.5% • Strategic
than 2012/13. towards our renewable energy approach to the
• Greenhouse gas emissions from energy target of 20% by 2020. implementation of
and fuel use reduced by 3% since last year. • Provide sustainability action plans that
education programs. addresses climate
• Council’s 13 solar PV installations currently change mitigation
generate 500,000 KWh, save 500 tonnes • Facilitate schools, and adaptation.
of CO2 and $100,000 in electricity bills business and industry and
per year. community to participate
• The Live Well in Willoughby Campaign, in sustainability programs.
providing sustainability education, has been • Assist residents, business
very well received by the community. A total and industry to implement
of 134 workshops/activities and 10 events sustainable practices.
engaged over 4,000 people.

12 Willoughby City Council

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