F4 P1 Xmas 1920

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X’mas Exam 2019-2020 Class: ( )

Question-Answer Book
Marker’s Use Only
Time allowed: 1 hours 30 minutes
Question No. Marks
This paper must be answered in English.
1 /3
Full mark: 90 2 /3

3 /3
4 /4

5 /5
1. Write your Name, Class and Class No. in the space
provided on Page 1. 6 /5

2. This paper consists of THREE sections, A(1), A(2) 7 /7

and B. 8 /7

3. Attempt ALL questions in this paper. Write your 9 /7

answers in the spaces provided in this Question- 10 /2

Answer Book. Do not write in the margins. 11 /6
4. Unless otherwise specified, all working must be
12 /6
clearly shown.
13 /6
5. Unless otherwise specified, numerical answers
14 /7
should be either exact or correct to 3 significant
15 /9
6. The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn 16 /10

to scale.
7. Graph paper and supplementary answer sheets will
be supplied on request. Write your name, class and
class no. and put them INSIDE this book.

Total /90

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

Section A(1) (23 marks)

( xy )4
1. Simplify −5 7 and express your answer with positive indices. (3 marks)
x y

2. Factorize
(a) x 2+ x−6 (1 marks)
(b) x 2+ x−6− xy+ 2 y (2 marks)

3. Make k the subject of the formula =3. (3 marks)
k +t

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

4. The marked price of a violin is $3250. The violin is sold at a discount of 50% on the marked
(a) Find the selling price of the violin. (2 marks)
(b) If the profit per cent is 25%, find the cost of the violin. (2 marks)

5. The x-intercept and y-intercept of a straight line L1 are 8 and 20 respectively.

(a) Find the equation of L1. (2 marks)

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

(b) If another straight line L2 passes through the point (2, – 10) and is parallel to L1, find the
equation of L2. (3 marks)

6. In a polar coordinate system, the polor coordinates of the points A, B and C are (13,1570), (14,
2470) and (15, 3370) respectively.
a) Let O be the pole. Are A, O, C collinear ?, Explain your answer.
b) Find the area of △ABC. (5 marks)
F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

Section A(2) (41 marks)

7. If the roots of the quadratic equation 4x2 + bx + 3 = 0 are α and β, express the following
expressions in terms of b.
(a) α + β and αβ (2 marks)
(b) (α + 4)(β + 4) (2 marks)
(c) α3 + β3 (3 marks)
F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

8. Consider f ( x )=x 2 + 4 x−6.

(a) Express f (2u) and f (u+1) in terms of u. (4 marks)
(b) Find the values of u if f ( 2 u ) −f ( u+1 )=0 (3 marks)

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

9. (a) Express in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers. (3 marks)
2+ 3i
13 13
(b) The roots of the quadratic equation x2 + mx + 3n = 0 are and
2+ 3i 2−3 i
Find the values of m and n. (4 marks)

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

10. If the equation of a straight line is 5 x+ 7 y−9=0. Write down x-intercept and y-intercept of the
straight line. (2 marks)

x-intercept: y-intercept:

11. A rectangular grassland is bounded on one Fences

side by a straight river, and on the other
three sides by a fence whose length is
160m. Grassland xm
(a) Let the width and the area of the
rectangular grassland be x metres and A
square metres. Express the area of the river
grassland, A in terms of x; (2 marks)
(b) Find the maximum area of the grassland and the corresponding value of x by using the
method of completing the square. (4 marks)

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

12. In the figure, B is the point (4, 10). A

straight line L : x+ y −14=0 passes
through B and cuts x-axis at point C.
A vertical line L1 is passing through B.

a) Find the equation of L1. (1 mark)

b) A point D (7, 7) lies on L, find the
equation of line joining point D and
the origin. (2 marks)
c) Find the coordinates of the
orthocenter of △ABC. (3 marks)

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

13. In the figure, the graph of y=−3(x +1)2 +12 cuts the x-axis at A
and B. C is the vertex of the graph.
a) Find the coordinates of A, B and C. (4 marks)
b) Find the area of △ABC. (2 marks)

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

Section B (26 marks)

14. f(x) is a cubic polynomial. When f(x) is divided by x – 4, the remainder is 6. When f(x) is divided
by x + 3, the remainder is –120. Find the remainder when f(x) is divided by (x – 4)(x + 3).
(7 marks)

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

15. Let f ( x )= ( x −a ) ( x−b )( x +1 )−3 , where a and b are positive integers withb> a.
If f ( x) is divided by x−1, the reminder is 1.

(a) (i) Prove that ( a−1 ) ( b−1 ) =2 (2 marks)

(ii) Write down the values of a and b. (3 marks)
(b) Let g ( x )=x 3−6 x 2−2 x+7 .
Using the results of (a)(ii), find f ( x )−g ( x).
Hence find the exact values of all the roots of the equation f ( x )=g ( x). (4 marks)

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

16. In the figure, A is the point (8, 4).

(a) B is a point on the x-axis such that the slope of

AB is 2. Find the coordinates of B. (2 marks).

(b) C is another point on the x-axis such that AB =

AC. Find the coordinates of C. (3 marks)

(c) Find the equation of the straight line AC. (2


(d) The line CA is produced to M so that MO is

parallel to AB. Find the ratio of the area of
△ABC to the area of quadrilateral MOBA. (3

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020

F4 Mathematics Core Paper 1 X’mas Exam 2019-2020



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