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Origin of Power, “The Inheritors' Dilemma: Powers,

Betrayal, and the Shattered Legacy”

In a separate plane of existence called Purgatory, there was a ruler named
Solarus Travis who watched over the world. Solarus Travis lived in solitude,
safeguarding both realms from otherworldly threats. Though people in the
real world knew of his existence, they couldn't directly interact with him. He
was the embodiment of Dreams and Miracles, which were his source of
power. Meanwhile, in the real world, kingdoms engaged in power-driven
wars. However, one day, a group of thirteen ambitious individuals
discovered the magic of miracles, desiring to overthrow Solarus Travis and
impose strict rule to end the senseless fighting. They were called the Red

The battle between Solarus Travis and these individuals resulted in their
defeat, but at a great cost. He fragmented into countless beings, each
inheriting unique powers passed down through generations. These
individuals, known as The First Ones, possessed random abilities inherited
from Solarus, but the strongest of them were the inheritors of Light and
Dark, as well as the mysterious elemental stones. The inheritors of Light
and Dark, Mercurius and Astraeus, also gained the lack of ageing that
Solarus Travis once possessed. The First Ones formed a new community in
Purgatory, which would turn into many cities.

To the people of Purgatory, much of their history is preserved. But to the

people of the real world, they’d be dismissed as legends. After all, the only
way to get to the real world from Purgatory is extremely difficult. There’s no
way for the reverse to happen. As such, many ordinary people who hadn’t
seen a descendent of the First Ones themselves refused to believe in
Purgatory as the years went on. And especially now, with modern
technology advanced enough to create superhumans, many that are truly
gifted with power are dismissed.

First Saga, "Shadows of Redemption: Unleashing

Light in a Corrupted City"

First Arc, "Fragments of the Past, Seeds of the Future"

The story begins with our protagonist, a high school student in his late
teens, who has always admired the first ones and their descendants.
However, due to his physical shortcomings and social anxiety, he has
struggled to fit in with his peers and has often found solace in fiction and
stories of people with extraordinary powers. Throughout his teenage years,
he has daydreamed about scenarios in which he gains his own powers and
becomes a hero, longing to prove his worth to the world. Despite his
aspirations, he feels increasingly lonely and useless as he fails to make
friends or find a sense of purpose in his life.

One day, a classmate reaches out to him, offering a chance to open up and
befriend her. Over the course of a few months, their friendship deepens,
and he starts to believe that he might finally find happiness and belonging.
He gathers the courage to ask her out on a date, but their lives are
dramatically changed when a massive earthquake strikes their town.
Unfortunately, he finds himself paralyzed with fear and unable to take
action to save his friend during the chaos. Tragically, he also loses his
family in the disaster, leaving him completely alone in the world.

Overwhelmed by his sense of failure and grief, he spirals into depression.

To make matters worse, he begins to experience a strange cloudy
sensation in his mind. The state of the town worsens, becoming
uninhabitable, and its residents are forced to evacuate to neighboring
cities. Rumors circulate that the earthquake was not a natural disaster but
instead part of a sinister plot. Some attribute it to the political climate, with
major powers vying for dominance and advancing their weapons

Now homeless, he wanders the streets of a major city, using the money left
behind by his parents sparingly for food. One fateful day, he finds himself in
the backstreets of the Black Genesis Industries head office. He had heard
rumors that this organization controlled the city and had corrupt influence
over the law enforcement. He intends to remain hidden, but he witnesses a
horrifying scene: a woman and her daughter about to be executed by armed
goons. Despite his desire to stay out of it, he sees a shadowy figure, visible
only to him, urging him to take action.

In a trance-like state, he finds himself stepping up to defend the woman

and her daughter. Fueled by an unexpected surge of power, he lands a few
punches on the goons, momentarily believing that he may have what it
takes to protect them. However, reality swiftly sets in as he realizes the
danger he has put himself in. The goons overpower him, knocking him to
the ground. Helplessly, he watches as they ruthlessly execute the innocent
victims. Then, turning their attention to him, they prepare to deliver the final

In that moment, a flash of light emanates from within him, granting him
newfound abilities. With superhuman reflexes, he manages to dodge their
attacks and escapes to safety, panting and bewildered, at the docks near
the water. The shadow figure returns, laughing sinisterly. It reveals itself as
a physical entity and tells him that there is so much more in store for him.
The shadow bestows upon him the name Solus, a name whose meaning
remains unknown to him. Feeling that this is an opportunity for a fresh
start, as there is no one left to remember his old name, he tentatively
accepts the new identity.

However, despite having yearned for something like this his whole life, he
remains hesitant to fully embrace his new powers and the mysterious
agenda of the shadow figure. The shadow attacks him once again, albeit
with restraint, and Solus fights back, utilizing his newfound abilities that he
struggles to comprehend. As the confrontation reaches its climax, the
shadow gradually fades away and disappears, leaving Solus with a clearer
mind but many unanswered questions.

Second Arc, "Toronto’s Corruption: Solus and Colt's Quest"

After several days of contemplation, Solus decides to embrace his
newfound powers and use them to protect innocent people. With nothing
left to lose and a desire for redemption, he sets his sights on taking down
Black Genesis, the organization responsible for the corrupt state of the city.
Armed with his light-based abilities, Solus begins his mission by fighting
against the Arbors, a gang that serves as the rivals for Black Genesis

In this world, superpowers are not uncommon but have become more
prevalent recently. The emergence of superpowered individuals has led to
an increased demand for heroes. Additionally, an unknown faction has
sparked an advanced weapons race, resulting in the proliferation of
superpowered weapons. Black Genesis, in particular, has been conducting
experiments and developing technology to grant people abilities.
One of the test subjects of Black Genesis managed to escape, becoming
the leader of the Arbors. His name was John Arbor. The elite members of
this gang are equipped with the modified technology and pose a significant
threat. Solus confronts and battles these individuals, determined to
dismantle the criminal organization and restore order to the city.

During his encounters with the Arbors, Solus crosses paths with Colt, a
quirky yet morally upright individual. Colt has been actively helping people
by taking on thugs and criminals, and he convinces Solus to join forces in
their mission to fight crime and protect the city. Colt possesses one of the
advanced weapons created by Black Genesis, and he becomes both a
mentor and a friend to Solus, teaching him the intricacies of combat and
how to fully manifest his light manipulation abilities.

Solus quickly learns the versatility of his powers. He discovers his ability to
manipulate light, creating illusions and conjuring objects made of light.
With Colt's guidance, Solus first learns to shape his light powers into a
sword and even conjures a dragon made of pure light. As Solus gains more
control over his abilities, he realizes the potential for using his powers
creatively and strategically.

However, Colt's mentorship is far from conventional. Despite his troubled

past, Colt maintains a light-hearted and goofy demeanor, often acting more
like a friend than a mentor. Solus discovers that Colt's mother was a
policewoman who was murdered while on duty. She had opposed Black
Genesis, and Colt grew up without a parental figure due to her tragic death.
Determined to honor his mother's legacy and fight against the corruption,
Colt pursued a career in the police force.

However, as he rose through the ranks, Colt uncovered the pervasive

corruption within the force, linked to Black Genesis. Unlike his mother, Colt
managed to escape their clutches and has since been fighting against
crime on his own terms. He stole an advanced weapon from Black Genesis,
making it his own and using it to aid him in his quest for justice. Eventually,
Colt's path intersects with Solus, and they form an unlikely partnership to
combat the criminal elements in the city.

As Solus learns from Colt's experiences and unique perspective, he gains

not only combat skills but also valuable insights into the fight against
corruption and the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.
Together, Solus and Colt become a formidable duo, united by their shared
goal of bringing down Black Genesis and restoring justice to the city.

Third Arc, "Arbors face the End: Vitriol and the Weight of the
The leader of the Arbors, a family man driven by the desire to provide a
comfortable life for his wife and son, finds himself trapped in a life of
crime. Having become involved with Black Genesis, he realizes there is no
turning back, and he resolves to live life on his own terms. Believing that his
headquarters is the safest place for his family, he keeps them by his side as
he leads the Arbors.

The Arbors managed to acquire a precious and elusive substance known

as the Rancorite. This stone, believed to be the first of the elemental
stones, holds the power of death and emanates an aura of poison and ice.
John Arbor recognizes the stone's potential and smelts it into a formidable
sword. This acquisition marks a small victory for the Arbors in their
ongoing arms race against Black Genesis.

However, unbeknownst to the Arbors, Black Genesis is always one step

ahead. The organization's true motive is to eliminate the Arbors and Solus
once and for all, seizing the Rancorite for themselves. Suspicions
surrounding Solus and his potential connection to a legendary past prompt
Black Genesis to take action, planning to frame Solus and Colt for the
destruction of the Arbors' base and the theft of the Rancorite.

Solus receives vital information from a secret agent in disguise, who is

actually working for Black Genesis. Armed with this knowledge, Solus takes
Colt along as they set out to reclaim the Rancorite. However, their attempt
is foiled when the undercover agent triggers a massive bomb, causing
widespread devastation and casualties. The explosion is designed to shift
blame onto Solus and Colt, while allowing Black Genesis to retrieve the
Rancorite unnoticed.

What the Black Genesis agents fail to anticipate is the unique ability
possessed by John Arbor. He has the power to transfer and manipulate life
force between individuals and objects. Extracting enough energy from a
person to kill or weaken them is a time-consuming process, typically done
with the cooperation of a willing or weakened individual. As the
confrontation ensues, the leader draws on the remaining life force of his
dying crew members, channeling it into himself and the Rancorite sword.

In a formidable one-on-two battle against Solus and Colt, Arbor initially

gains the upper hand. However, his focus shifts when he realizes that his
family is still inside the crumbling building, in grave danger. Tragically, his
wife has already passed away, and his son, Silvers Arbor, clings to life by a
thread. Overwhelmed by remorse and realizing the gravity of his mistake,
the leader makes a desperate decision. He transfers all of his life energy,
along with the energy of the remaining Arbors and the collapsing
headquarters, into his dying son, entrusting him with the Rancorite sword.

The leader dies but Silvers manages to escape the wreckage with all of his
power, consumed by pain and convinced that Solus and Colt are
responsible for the devastating incident. Slightly younger than Solus, he
becomes driven by a deep sense of loss and vengeance, unaware of the
truth behind the destruction

Fourth Arc, "The Enigmatic Lion: Resentment and Unanswered

Solus and Colt find themselves thrust into a world of deception and hidden
agendas. The unexpected appearance of Lionel, a mysterious and cold
individual, adds another layer of complexity to their already tumultuous
lives. Lionel harbours unknown resentment towards Solus, yet refuses to
provide any explanation for his feelings. Solus senses a menacing presence
in Lionel, a darkness that mirrors his own powers.

It is revealed that Lionel is under the command of Mercurius, a powerful

figure who dwells in a pocket dimension, slowly regaining his strength.
Mercurius has the ability to create a legion of villains seemingly out of
nothing, using them to carry out his bidding. Although weakened like
Astraeus, he refuses to choose a successor, holding onto his power and

Lionel, driven by his own motives, plots a mutiny against Mercurius and his
followers known as "the Solution." Solus and Colt, on the other hand, strive
to clean up the remnants of the Arbors and uncover the truth behind the
recent events that have thrown their lives into chaos. However, they are
unaware that Black Genesis has taken the body of John Arbor and is
attempting to extract his powers for their own nefarious purposes.

Amidst the unfolding turmoil, the enigmatic Stalker returns to Solus,

warning him of impending danger and advising him to seek allies. Stalker
takes the form of Solus' shadow, engaging him in combat and pushing him
to unlock more of his potential. As doubts and insecurities plague Solus, he
must find the strength to trust in himself and embrace his true power.
Solus undergoes a transformative experience, unleashing his abilities to a
greater extent. A radiant blue flame aura and crackling lightning manifest
around him, signifying his newfound strength. Stalker bids Solus to be
vigilant and disappears, leaving Solus with a heightened sense of purpose
and determination.

Second Saga, "Pillars of Destiny: The Race Against


First Arc, "Storming the City: Lionel's Sinister Extraction"

Lionel made a crucial decision to betray his former allies, The Solution, and
put his own plans into action. His immediate objective was to acquire
something of value from Black Genesis, so he led his followers in a
full-scale attack on the city. Lionel knew that capturing Genesis meant
taking control of the entire city, regardless of the potential casualties, and
he showed little concern for the harm caused. He also knew that Black
Genesis kept their prized possessions in a hidden facility within the city,
and he was willing to destroy everything in his path to uncover it. Time was
of the essence as The Solution had become aware of his betrayal.
Determined, Lionel set out to retrieve a specific corpse, confident in his
ability to defeat Black Genesis.

Meanwhile, Colt, who was a former cop, wanted to prioritise the safety of
the civilians and worked to evacuate them. This left Solus alone to face
Lionel's forces. Solus unleashed a variety of attacks and successfully
fought off many enemies, but Lionel proved to be a formidable opponent.
Although Solus couldn't withstand Lionel's power on his own, he gradually
gained ground and started to hold his own against him. Just when the
situation seemed dire, reinforcements arrived. This group of like-minded
individuals, led by another former cop, had been waiting for an opportunity
to expose the corrupt organization of Black Genesis and stage a rebellion.
Ironically, they found themselves defending them alongside Solus, forming
an unexpected alliance. These individuals were Keith, Mistral and Overdrive.

Mistral engaged in a closely matched battle with Ao, eventually emerging

victorious with assistance from Keith. Mistral then teamed up with Keith to
face Wizz and Polaris. Overdrive showcased superior skills and
overpowered Maximo. Meanwhile, Colt took on the foot soldiers created by
Requiem's ability, swiftly eliminating most of them while also assisting
civilians. During this time, he clashed briefly with Owl, although Owl was
more preoccupied with finding John’s corpse and paid less attention to
Colt. Solus found himself in a face-off against Ebon “Wave” Dominus, who
proved to be a formidable adversary, overwhelming Solus in their fight. As
Solus struggled against Wave, Lionel intervened, urging Wave to aid in their
search. Lionel then engaged in a battle against Solus, demonstrating his
similar powers. The distinguishing factors were the colors, intensity, and
strength of Lionel's light attacks. Despite Solus's valiant efforts, he
ultimately succumbed to Lionel's superior power. Responding to the
situation, Overdrive joined forces with Keith and Mistral, prompting Mistral
to temporarily leave the ongoing battle and provide assistance to Solus. As
the fight progressed, Wave discovered the location of John Arbor's corpse,
prompting Lionel to leave and extract the heart of it and leave with all of his

Following the conflict, Colt reunited with Solus, both of them nursing
injuries. Despite the challenging circumstances, their combined efforts
resulted in few casualties and minimal major injuries among the populace.
Solus came to the realization that he couldn't overcome the upcoming
threats alone and proposed that they join forces with Keith and them.
While Black Genesis Industries temporarily crumbled, it began the process
of rebuilding itself. They took advantage of the situation, manipulating
public perception through a series of lies to create positive PR. However,
their focus on reconstruction left them unable to compete in any significant

Second Arc, "Travesty Rises: Uniting Against Lionel"

Solus joined Keith's group, which started as a simple team aiming to defeat
Black Genesis but soon grew into something more significant. They
established a secret base on the outskirts of the city and named
themselves Travesty. At the base, Solus encountered two guys from
Purgatory, the alternate plane of existence. Their names were Novarael and
Contrivance. These individuals initially came to the real world due to the
threat of Requiem, a member of The Solution. However, they ended up
joining Keith's group to fight against Black Genesis, as suspicions were
raised about their true intentions. Unbeknownst to them, Requiem was
currently with Lionel's group. The group's suspicions about the gang rivalry
were confirmed when they discovered that John Arbor, the leader of Arbor
gang, had uncovered the Rancorite.

Solus was chosen as the leader due to the belief held by the two from
Purgatory that he possessed something special Colt also joined the group
but preferred to operate independently, though he associated himself with
the others, recognizing their need for each other. Additionally, Colt and
Keith did not get along due to existing differences. The group focused on
Lionel. Novarael and Contrivance shared the ancient legend involving
Astraeus and Mercurius and expressed how it was highly regarded in their
realm. They believed that it was relevant to their current situation,
especially with the emergence of The Solution, unaware that Astraeus and
Mercurius had become active again after years of inactivity. The Travesty
group also worked to rebuild their home city, Toronto, which had suffered
heavy damage during the battle. Although the city had experienced an
economic boom in the past, there were further troubles brewing. Mistral
enlisted the help of his brother-in-arms Damon, and during their time in the
city, they encountered a young man named Lance Jolton, who was eager to
join the Travesty in their efforts. Lance had lost his parents in the battle and
possessed a necklace that seemed to grant him power, although he was
unaware of its effects. Keith recruited Lance, who adopted the name
Superbolt. Solus saw a reflection of himself in Superbolt and guided him
while providing a new weapon. As the group settled into their roles, they
took the time to familiarize themselves with one another.

Among the group members, Overdrive stood out as a passionate and

impulsive individual who frequently engaged in combat. He wielded heavy
cannons and guns. He was a lot less focused in the rebuilding effort as he
was fighting, which there wasn’t much of. Despite his cold demeanor, he
had a kind heart and possessed valuable combat experience from his
previous membership in the Arbors. Colt also tried to assist the city
independently. Contrivance and Novarael remained at the base most of the
time but were occasionally called upon to aid the citizens. They were
incredibly close friends. Contrivance was outgoing and served as the
team's scientist or engineer, benefiting greatly from his ability of equivalent
exchange. Novarael specialized in healing and utilized a modified pistol and
a lantern that generated force fields. Healing was his superpower. Keith,
like Overdrive, had expertise in guns but began training with flame gauntlets
created by Contrivance. Mistral, who had never known his parents, was a
descendant of the First Ones and possessed wind powers. Both Mistral and
his like-brother Damon were recruited by Keith, although Damon was
initially hesitant and sought a better life for the two of them. However, after
the battle with Lionel, it became evident that this was their purpose. Mistral
used his wind powers to enhance his pistol and create wind blades, making
him a vital asset to the team. In contrast, Damon was colder and lacked
powers but was provided with a scythe and shuriken by Contrivance.
Third Arc, "Fallen Wind: Mistral's Sacrifice"
During the city's recovery, the group becomes aware of suspicious activities
and decides to send Mistral and Superbolt to investigate. While scouting,
they unexpectedly encounter Lionel himself, who is seeking a specific
component from the wreckage of Genesis. This component is used in a
machine that modifies people. Mistral, like John Arbor, is from Purgatory
and unaware of his heritage. He possesses the power to control wind.
Superbolt, feeling overconfident in his newfound abilities, bravely attempts
to fight Lionel, underestimating the enemy's strength. However, Mistral, who
knows about Lionel's power, realizes that Superbolt doesn't stand a chance.
He steps in to protect Superbolt and engages in a fierce battle with Lionel.
Despite exceeding his own limits, Mistral is tragically killed by Lionel.
Witnessing Mistral's sacrifice, Superbolt learns a valuable lesson and
understands the seriousness of the situation. Upon hearing about Mistral's
fate, Solus also realizes the daunting challenges they face and vows to step
up as a leader. Meanwhile, Lionel manages to obtain the device used by
Black Genesis to modify people. Mistral’s death served as further fuel to the
group's determination to stop him, even as they were unaware of Lionel’s
ultimate goal. Colt, sensing that something is amiss in the old Arbor
wreckage, continues his investigation and discovers a blueprint, which he
holds onto for future reference.

The group bury Mistral near the base. His life touched many growing up as
a youth with nowhere to go, and he brought a lot of life to the people around
him. Damon took Mistral’s prized jacket and wore it. He clearly took the loss
the hardest.

Fourth Arc, "The Soul Harvest: Lionel's Hidden Agenda"

Lionel discussed that Mercurius had what he needed, and that they’d
eventually need to fight him for them. Lionel tells his most loyal comrade
and friend Wave what his plans were. He reveals to only Wave his plan, but
is noticeably holding back on many details. He wants the power to take
someone’s soul power to get stronger with the heart. And once achieving
that, he’d be able to harness all 13 pillars hidden across Purgatory and the
real world. He’d been unable to return to Purgatory. Travesty believed
something was up with Lionel. Days of silence went by with no activity from
Lionel or his guys, which was fishy. Travesty spent their time fixing
themselves up. Solus was given a sword by Contrivance that made use of
his abilities to the greatest. Solus meets Colt again, and is told to check out
the Arbors’ old ruins. Colt shares the blueprint to Solus. In turn, Solus
presents it to the rest of the team. Contrivance realises what this is and
uses his ability to replicate the portal device to what seemed to be for
Purgatory. Lionel’s team is lagging a bit behind on this. Wave leads a squad
to Toronto and clashes with some of the Travesty, setting the tone once
more. His goal is to search for the Travesty base and maintained this aim
for a while.

Fifth Arc, "Confrontation at the Facility: Showdown with

Lionel embarks on a journey to an island where he discovers one of the
thirteen pillars, which he keeps hidden. Meanwhile, Novirae, against her
father's disapproval, arrives from Purgatory to the real world. Initially less
skilled in healing, Novirae receives weapons from Contrivance that are
similar to her father's but easier to use. She also gains the teleportation
ability. Novirae is determined to prove herself and wishes to take her
father's place, as he has dedicated his life to helping others using his
powers. She fears losing him like her mother and wants to continue his

Meanwhile, Lionel infiltrates a secret facility located elsewhere in the world

in search of another Pillar. It became known that in this country and a few
others, they’d located one but kept it secret. Those countries don’t know
what the Pillars are, but they do keep them in hidden research facilities to
study them. However, Lionel’s covert attempt is unsuccessful, and Travesty
becomes aware of his activities. Utilising their advanced technology, the
Travesty group quickly arrives at the facility within an hour. The military
there had been able to hold off Lionel but were struggling. When Solus and
them made it, they showed hostility and slowed them down, but the
Travesty group were able to push through. They engage in a battle with
Lionel and his team inside the facility, but receive no help from the military.

Contrivance remains at the base, while Colt stays in Toronto. Although

worried that Lionel's team might be attempting to locate the Travesty base,
Colt keeps his concerns hidden. In the battle at the facility, Novirae initially
fights against Wizz but is joined by her father. By assisting her father in
defeating Wizz, she proves her fighting abilities. However, when Polaris
joins the battle, Novirae slows down her father. Fortunately, Damon
intervenes and helps impede Polaris. However, Lionel was able to progress.

Solus, Keith, Overdrive, and Superbolt chase after Lionel. Owl and Maximo,
working together, confront Keith and Overdrive. Owl, particularly skilled with
his abilities, proves to be a formidable opponent for Keith. Overdrive
clashes with Maximo, who is too weak to overpower him. Maximo is
gravely wounded and left behind, his fate uncertain after the battle.

Superbolt accompanies Solus in a fight against Lionel. Although they make

significant progress, Lionel reveals that he has been holding back.
Superbolt is quickly defeated, while Solus, with his improved mastery of his
powers, puts up a strong resistance. Despite his newfound skills, Solus
eventually loses the battle. Lionel secures the next pillar.

Requiem realises that the pillars are a source of energy and begins working
on creating the device that Lionel seeks. They discuss how Mercurius has
already obtained six pillars from both Purgatory and the real world over the
years, using The Solution. This means that four pillars are still left to be
found. Requiem struggled to find a way to access the seemingly-limitless
energy in the Pillar.

Sixth Arc, "Uncovering the truth: Solus and Novirae's Training"

The group gathers at their base, racking their heads over the pillars and
Lionel's intentions. Colt is present for this discussion. According to
Purgatory legend, it is known that the Red Genesis left behind 13 artifacts.
However, they don't quite know that these artifacts were pillars or what
their purpose is.

Shortly after, the Stalker appears to Solus and directly tells him about the
Pillars. The Stalker goes into depth about their history and the Red Genesis.
He explains that each member of the Red Genesis left behind a pillar
containing a part of their soul. These pillars became vessels of miraculous
magic that granted them power. As usual, Solus is the only one who can
see Astraeus' ghostly form. He shares this information with the others and
introduces them to the Stalker. While skeptical at first, they start to believe
in his words. Novarael, in particular, connects the dots and realizes that
Stalker might be Astraeus, and that Solus is the next inheritor of Light. This
suggestion shocks the group. Damon, who had been in his own corner,
overhears part of the discussion. Superbolt suggests that he may also be
special, pointing to his mysterious stone. Though no one pays much mind
to it, Damon gets angry and curses Superbolt for being useless. Superbolt,
angered by Damon's reaction, leaves to join Colt, who had intended to leave
as well. He hopes to do something productive like Colt always does, but he
mainly thought about Mistral.

Solus is confused, but Keith suggests allowing Superbolt to go and clear

his head. In the meantime, Solus decides to train himself. He gains hope
that he could eventually surpass Lionel. Novirae joins him, curious but not
fully convinced that Solus is the inheritor of Light. She shares with him the
suffering of the people of Purgatory throughout the years due to the conflict
initiated by Mercurius. With Lionel joining their ranks, the situation has
worsened. Novirae tells Solus about her father's past and her own
conviction to end his selfless journey. Solus doesn't know how to respond,
but sensing Novirae's desire to become stronger, he offers to train with her
if she wants to follow in her father's footsteps. Novirae is taken aback by
this proposal, but considering her goals, she accepts. With Contrivance's
help, they hone each other's skills.

Seventh Arc, "A Risky Proposal: The Travesty Suggests an

A month goes by, during which Solus and Novirae dedicate themselves to
rigorous training. Superbolt, having gained valuable experience from Colt,
feels prepared to rejoin the group. Toronto makes an astonishing recovery
since the battle from Lionel, and Black Genesis emerges stronger than ever.
They’d capitalised on the assistance provided by Solus and his allies during
the fight and worked hard to cover their tracks, preparing for the aftermath
of Lionel’s onslaught. Unbeknownst to everyone, Black Genesis has also
managed to rebuild their device that grants superpowers, adding further
mystery to their leader's capabilities. Colt noticed during the month
timeskip that they had returned to their usual secretive activities and
informed Solus about it. However, Solus proposes a different plan. He
suggests that the Travesty group suits up (they wear formal attire) and
approaches Black Genesis to propose an alliance, recognizing Lionel as a
common enemy. Colt initially opposes the idea, but Keith supports it,
understanding the importance of setting aside their differences. A majority
vote determines that they should pursue the alliance, and they organize a
The meeting with Black Genesis is successfully arranged, and both parties
genuinely consider the alliance. Black Genesis recognizes that the Travesty
group has become renowned as the city's heroes, which would help them
establish positive relations with the city since they were previously viewed
as adversaries. This is also the first time Solus and Colt come face-to-face
with the leader of Black Genesis, Alessandro "Crimson Raven" Akachi. As
the leader presents their resources, he mentions his right-hand man,
Condoriano Bogard, the man who orchestrated the Arbor explosion earlier.
They offer a half-hearted apology for the trouble caused by the event and
proceed to describe Bogard's abilities. It suddenly dawns on Colt that this is
the person responsible for his mother's demise. Overwhelmed by anger and
rage, he impulsively charges at and attacks Condoriano, triggering a brawl
and abruptly ending the negotiations. Solus stands by his close friend Colt,
and the group inadvertently renews their enmity with Black Genesis.

Eight Arc, "Novarael's Resolve: A Promise to Free Purgatory"

Contrivance successfully completes his portal to Purgatory, marveling at
the seemingly impossible task that the Arbors were about to accomplish.
With his exceptional skills, Contrivance finalizes the previously incomplete
blueprint. The group sets off for Purgatory, and those who are not from
there are awestruck by the sight of a whole different world that had existed
only in legends for them. Contrivance and Novarael promise to show
everyone around, but as they reach a civilization within Purgatory, they
discover that the city is under the control of The Solution. This infuriates
Novarael. They inquire and learn that Mercurius has successfully taken over
all of Purgatory, leaving only the real world behind. Previously, Astraeus and
Lionel were able to fend off The Solution, but after Lionel's betrayal, the
people of Purgatory's cities united in a futile attempt to resist, ultimately
losing control. Novarael witnesses the suffering of the people and rushes to
help them, with the rest of the group following his lead. It is during this time
that they encounter Siraiya, a troubled youth who had nowhere else to go
and had been involved in the fight against The Solution. Despite some
reluctance, Travesty reluctantly accepts her into their group. After this,
Novarael promised to his people that they’d free them all, making the brave
and reckless decision to tell them that Astraeus’ true successor was finally
here; and it was Solus.

Meanwhile, Lionel ventures into Mercurius' pocket realm. Mercurius seeks

to break free from his realm and has remained a figure of myth even within
his own army, as nobody has seen his face in centuries. Underestimating
Lionel, Mercurius leaves a single pillar for him to fight for, unaware that
Lionel already possesses two pillars. He hopes to see how Lionel would go
about using the pillar. Lionel engages in battles against monstrous
opponents, assisted by Wave and a few others. Despite sustaining
significant injuries, Lionel returns with another pillar. Throughout his trials,
Astraeus watches over him, silently observing. He becomes conflicted on
who he wants to support now, but leans slightly towards Solus. A part of
him hopes that Lionel might succeed and end the era as we know it.

Ninth Arc, The Owl's Gambit: A Selfless Loss

The group receives a communication from Colt at their base, alerting them
to detected activity. Colt, monitoring activity, notices something suspicious
happening relatively nearby, which was a good thing. Understanding the
urgency of the situation, he sets out by car to reach the location.
Completely ignoring any rules, he manages to arrive in just 30 minutes.
However, time in Purgatory passes differently than in the real world, and
those 30 minutes equate to 30 hours there. During that time, the rest of the
group embarks on a perilous journey to find a Void Rift, a rare and
dangerous task.
Meanwhile, Colt engages in a fierce battle against Owl, who has already
secured the objective and is joined by Wizz and Polaris. Colt fights with
more determination than ever before, facing this immense challenge
head-on. Eventually, he confronts Owl, who had been fleeing and calling for
reinforcements. By this point, 50 hours have passed in Purgatory. Colt
fights valiantly, risking his life to protect the pillar, and manages to take it
into his own hands using his tricks and unwavering willpower. Now, all that
remains is to guard it. Owl launches an explosive attack, which Colt
narrowly dodges, followed by a poison-tipped knife. Exhausting all his
energy, Colt musters the strength to evade his attackers.

Meanwhile, the group has split into three smaller teams led by Novarael,
Contrivance, and Novirae, all of whom have previous experience with Void
Rifts. Novarael reaches his destination first, accompanied by Siraiya and
Overdrive. The Void Rifts transport them to the place their hearts desire—to
be with Colt. They arrive just in time for Novarael to use his powers to
miraculously heal Colt's near-fatal injuries. However, the healing process
take time, so Novarael creates a protective barrier around them. Overdrive
and Siraiya engage in a valiant fight against the squad of enemies Owl had
at his disposal, gradually wearing them down. Despite their impressive
efforts, fatigue eventually overtakes them, forcing Novarael to bring them
under his barrier for protection. He defends everyone, including the Pillar,
using his pistol as his last line of defense. Despite being worn out from
searching for the rifts and healing, Novarael manages to destroy the
remaining enemies with the power of his barriers and gun. However, his
barrier becomes too weak to withstand the relentless assault, and Owl
swiftly snipes him through one of his clouds. A few minutes before this
point Novarael encouraged the team with words of hope. He told them that
this was the group of people he’d waited his whole life for. He expressed his
hope for a better world for his daughter and all the other young people here.
However Novarael falls, as the knife piercing his skull causes the force field
to collapse and fade away like his life.
By this point, Colt is halfway healed, while the others remain weakened.
Colt takes it upon himself to complete the mission especially for the sake
of Novarael, so he confronts Owl once again and battles him and his clouds
with unwavering determination. With Overdrive joining the fight, they corner
Owl, causing him to split into clouds and flee. Colt comm's the rest of the
group, telling them that the mission was complete. They all return to base
using Colt's car within an hour. The other groups also make it back home
within that time frame. When Colt steps out, carrying Novarael's lifeless
body in his arms, there are no words exchanged among them. Overdrive
and Siraiya follow, holding the Pillar. Colt gazes directly at Solus with a
grave expression, and Solus meets his gaze in silence. It is Novirae who
approaches from behind and breaks down emotionally.

In her grief, Novirae suggests that the pillar could be used to revive her
father. However, the Stalker appears in his ghostly form and says that the
only rule of the world is that the dead never return. Solus solemnly looks at
Novirae and after a moment of silence, he tells her that it's impossible.

Tenth Arc, "Gaia's Call: Gearing up for a Decisive Battle"

Novirae, consumed by grief, finds it difficult to find solace. Superbolt tries to
comfort her, but his efforts fall short. Solus, struggling with his own
emotions, struggles to find the right words to say to Novirae. After coldly
telling her that reviving Novarael was impossible, he felt awkward in trying
to talk to her again. The entire group is deeply affected by the loss, and they
hesitate to think about their next steps. They lay Novarael to rest near their
base where Mistral was buried. Solus vows a quiet promise at Novarael's
grave to achieve his dream at any cost. Siraiya, though acquainted with
Novarael from Purgatory and briefly on the team, remains the least
impacted by the loss. She tries to lift their spirits, but her attempts are
useless. Colt leaves to clear his mind and Superbolt later follows.
Contrivance tries to be with Novirae, while Keith, Overdrive, and Damon
mourn silently.
The team's entire flow is upended when they receive an unexpected call
from the king of Gaia, a reclusive country that has isolated itself from the
rest of the world for many years. Gaia has successfully repelled all invasion
attempts, choosing to live in seclusion. The other nations have respected
their decision, leaving Gaia shrouded in mystery. The king informs Travesty
that they possess the next pillar and are aware that Lionel will soon target

The team gears up and prepares for the impending battle. Novirae attempts
to practice her powers, but her frustration mounts as she struggles to make
progress. Contrivance assists in healing Colt and the others existing
injuries, lending his support to Novirae. Meanwhile, Gaia dispatches a large
military airship to Toronto with clearance for the team.

Astraeus reappears to share information with Solus. He reveals that Lionel

stole a pillar from Mercurius and now possesses three pillars, with the team
possessing one. However, two pillars still remain unaccounted for. One of
those belongs to Alessandro, but no one really knows. He says that two
were used a long time ago and Mercurius has the rest. Solus questions
Astraeus about how he knows everything. but before he can receive
answers, Astraeus disappears. Solus' gets mad that Astraeus seemed to
not really be giving all the support he could, but time is running out. Lionel
has already initiated his invasion, bolstered by the machine he acquired
from Black Genesis and Requiem's army. The Gaian soldiers welcome the
team aboard the ship. With no one behind, all of the Travesty prepare for
the fight. They have much to prove in the face of the impending conflict.

On the plane, Solus musters up the courage to speak to Novirae again. He

tells her that her father died for his dream of a new era, and clearly he
would've wanted Novirae to lead it for him. He says she needs to be strong
for her and for her father, and that he made a sacrifice for everyone. He
reiterates that she came to the real world from Purgatory to prove
something, and now more than ever she has to live up to that. She still
seems shaken from the loss, and Solus feels like he didn't really get

Eleventh Arc, "Bolts of Destiny: Activation of a Pillar"

Since the pilot struggles to find a suitable landing spot, the Travesty team is
forced to jump from the plane. A sky jump scene unfolds (inspired by the
Greninja flying scene) as they descend to the battlefield. They parachute
down, only to be immediately thrust into a raging battle in the war-torn land
of Gaia.

Lionel has brought his most formidable force to this battle, leading it
personally to avoid another failure like the one with Owl. The group has no
time to admire the mysterious land of Gaia as they engage in combat
against Lionel's enhanced army of fighters from Requiem, who are now
stronger than ever. With the assistance of the military, they fight
relentlessly, pushing forward. Superbolt harbors the hope of obtaining the
Pillar himself.

Meanwhile, Solus leads the charge into battle. He clears a path, making his
way towards Lionel, who openly desires a confrontation with Solus. Keith
engages the new enemy, Seraphim, who proves to be incredibly tough. Colt
charges at Owl, Polaris takes on Overdrive, Wizz battles with Novirae, and
Damon confronts Ao. This leads Requiem to face his brother, Contrivance,
for the first time. Each battle is intense and fiercely contested, as Lionel's
allies are bolstered with the power of Black Genesis' machine.

Wave is the only one who remains unaccounted for, and he engages
Superbolt. Superbolt struggles against Wave but notices another figure
overpowering the Gaia soldiers in the distance, heading towards the
location of the Pillar's vault. That figure is Fulminar, another one of Lionel's
new subordinates. Siraiya takes over the fight against Wave, allowing
Superbolt to pursue Fulminar. Wave, who had previously seemed
unbeatable, finally faces a formidable challenge in Siraiya, but eventually
overpowers her. Nobody was able to help her.

Superbolt rushes to the vault and confronts Fulminar. He engages in an

intense and closely matched fight, as both utilize lightning attacks.
Superbolt emerges victorious, narrowly overcoming Fulminar. It appears
that his stone reacts to something in Gaia, granting him a surge of power
that enables him to defeat the monstrously strong enemy. Superbolt
retrieves the pillar and begins to retreat, inadvertently crossing paths with
the ongoing battle between Lionel and Solus. Exhausted from their own
fights, the others continue to clash, while Superbolt is forced to hide and
protect the pillar. However, Lionel shifts his attention to Superbolt,
determined to kill him and seize the pillar. Superbolt's actions foil Lionel's
plans as he unknowingly activates the pillar, absorbing its strength into his
stone and gaining a tremendous surge of power. With this newfound
strength, Superbolt delivers a powerful blow to Lionel, knocking himself out
in the process. Solus seizes the opportunity and ultimately defeats Lionel
as they clashed further. Damon appeared as well, helping Solus achieve the
impossible and take down Lionel.

Lionel’s forces were forced to retreat with the result of this clash. Ao was
beaten to submission by Damon and captured by Gaia as he couldn’t be
retrieved by Lionel’s team. All of Requiem’s soldiers faded away.

Everyone from the Travesty team is alive, and Lionel has been thwarted in
his quest for the Pillar. At the end of the day, it looks to be a complete
victory for Solus and his friends. However, there is one thing amiss: Siraiya
is missing.
Third Saga, “A New Era: End of the Journey”

First Arc, "Darkened Halls: A Shattered Sanctuary"

In the midst of the fierce battle in Gaia, Wave captures Siraiya and
transports her to Toronto, determined to extract the location of the Travesty
base from her. He mercilessly beats her until she is forced to spit it out. She
was still young, with so much more life to live.

Wave proceeds to raid the base, wreaking havoc and defiling both
memorials. He destroys all valuable items and seizes the pillar. Additionally,
he confiscates the completed blueprint before destroying the portal to
Purgatory. With his mission accomplished, he takes Siraiya captive and
returns to his injured and lost leader, who is being attended to by Wizz.
Lionel's spirit returns to him, as Wave has never failed him before. Requiem
is also delighted to acquire the blueprints for the portal and willingly takes
Siraiya. She becomes a subject of unrestrained experimentation, subjected
to the machine and Requiem's own abilities.

After conducting a thorough search for Siraiya, the Travesty reluctantly

makes their way back to their devastated base. It seems that victory always
comes at a great cost, and now they have lost yet another member, forcing
them to start anew. They relocate to a distant location and establish a
much smaller-scale base of operations. They never enter the old base due
to the fear of traps, but Contrivance still hopes that some remnants of the
portal have survived, enabling him to rebuild it in the new base. After a
week, he secretly sets out to scavenge the wreckage. However, waiting for
him are his brother Requiem and Siraiya.

In an uncharacteristic display of madness, Requiem uses Siraiya as a

puppet to overpower and kill Contrivance. Due to Contrivance's hesitation
and Siraiya's increased strength, it happens nearly effortlessly. Requiem
takes his brother's lifeless body and abandons Siraiya at the wreckage, a
final act of mockery towards his enemies. Afterward, he reverts to his usual
reserved self as he returns to Lionel. No one knew what happened to
Contrivance, and after a week of his disappearance, the team returned to
their blood-stained home base. There is nothing and nobody left there.

Second Arc, Last Dance: The Travesty’s Last Chance

The team feels incredibly lost once again. At the end of the day, they'd face
yet another brutal failure after their tireless efforts. However, they gather
their strength and decide to focus on the next steps. Novirae's grief fuels a
burning determination within her. She accepts things as what they are, and
refuses to let everyone’s sacrifices be in vain. The strength to press on
burns deeply within her. The loss of Contrivance and Siraiya only intensifies
her resolve to fight against Lionel, vowing to avenge them.

As the team relocates to their new base, Novirae takes on a more

prominent role in leading the remaining members of Travesty. She realises
that she must step up and fill the void left by the fallen members,
embracing a new role of a leader and strategist. Novirae channels her
emotions into her actions. Astraeus reappears and tells Solus that Lionel
possesses everything he needs to carry out his plans, and it remains to be
seen if he can succeed. He then discloses the location of Lionel's base to
Solus, stating that he is now ready. Solus, choosing not to question his
questionable ally this time, shares the information with his crew. Though
disheartened, they embark on the long journey, forced to take the long

During the journey, Solus and the Travesty encounter no ambushes or

interruptions. The trip serves as an opportunity for the group to slowly
mend their strained relationships, finding solace in one another's company.
After about a week, they arrive at Lionel's hidden base with Astraeus as
their guide. There, they resolve to retrieve all of the pillars.

Infiltrating Lionel's base successfully against all odds, they split up to

increase their chances of success, following Novirae and Keith’s plans.
Finally, Solus confronts Lionel himself. Lionel commends and curses Solus
for making it this far. Novirae joins forces with Colt to fight against Owl,
eventually emerging victorious. Owl surrenders and offers to assist them in
reaching the Pillars, which are in Requiem's possession. Keith, Superbolt,
Damon, and Overdrive engage in battles against the remaining members of
Lionel's main force. Requiem, unprepared for the situation, doesn't have
disposable soldiers. Superbolt engages in a fierce fight against Wave.

Solus has the edge this time and defeats Lionel without any tricks or
interference. Meanwhile, Colt and Novirae are led to Requiem's laboratory,
where they discover the lifeless body of Contrivance. They are overcome
with disgust and horror but realise they have no time to waste. Owl
vanishes, leaving Colt and Novirae to confront Requiem.

While Lionel is defeated, Requiem activates a switch, alerting Lionel and his
team that the pillars are at risk of being compromised. Lionel narrowly
escapes and swiftly reaches Requiem in a display of impressive speed.
He’s joined by Wave, who’d just beaten Superbolt. Inadvertently activating
his pillars, Lionel, Wave, and the pillars vanish. It appears as though the
pillars have been destroyed, taking Lionel and Requiem with them. The
perplexing outcome leaves Solus, Colt, and Novirae bewildered, but it feels
like a victory. The team begins to withdraw from the base. Wave and the
other allies are preoccupied with understanding what happened to Lionel,
while Owl has disappeared. Astraeus tells Solus that something is wrong.

Novirae heals up the team, which hadn’t been all that injured apart from
Superbolt. On the long, but less rushed trek back home, Novirae opens up
with Solus. She hopes that everything is over, and if her father would’ve
been proud that things ended this way. Solus tells her that everything’s still
far from over. The unfortunate truth was that the threat of Mercurius was
still up in the air, and they had no idea how to go about it.

Third Arc, "Serenade of Souls: Lionel's Melancholy and Wave's

Final Act"
Lionel and Wave find themselves trapped in a bizarre dimension created by
the power of the Pillars. They struggle to comprehend their surroundings,
but one thing is clear: the Pillars are responsible for this situation. In a
moment of reflection, Lionel reminisces about his past. A flashback ensues
about Lionel's youth, when he harboured a deep desire to protect and
defend others. His whole life changed when Astraeus chose him as his
successor. However, unbeknownst to him, he didn’t quite click with it.
Astraeus, treating Lionel almost like a son he never had, entrusted him with
the history of his life.

Astraeus revealed to Lionel the ongoing conflict between himself and

Mercurius, who had succumbed to evil and sought to conquer the world.
Astraeus fought tirelessly to safeguard Purgatory, but ultimately, Mercurius
proved to be stronger and emerged victorious after centuries of battles.
Astraeus, defeated and weakened, went into exile, accompanied by his sole
companion, Sylvia Arbor. Astraeus, having lived for so long, had grown
distant from forming new relationships, knowing that he would inevitably
outlive them all. Sylvia, however, was an exception, and their friendship
flourished. It was Sylvia who discovered two legendary pillars, ancient
artefacts left behind by Red Genesis. In an act of sacrifice, Sylvia bestowed
her life energy to Astraeus, hoping that he would finally have the power to
defeat Mercurius.
In a desperate act, Astraeus sacrificed nearly everything to use the energy
of a pillar to turn Mercurius weak. Mercurius became trapped in a pocket
dimension thanks to Astraeus’ second pillar. Astraeus went into exile
shortly afterward to never be seen, but it was clear he was permanently
weakened by using this power. He chose Lionel as his successor when he
discovered that Mercurius had survived and planned a comeback from the
pocket dimension. While in the pocket dimension, Mercurius built his own
army, known as The Solution, recruiting followers to his cause and
endangering Lionel and his loved ones. During this time as a hero, he
helped save a boy who’d go on to be the only survivor of his village. That
boy went on to become Wave.

During Lionel's eventual confrontation with Mercurius in the pocket

dimension, he suffered a severe defeat. Mercurius spared Lionel's life,
manipulating him to blame Astraeus for all the hardships he had endured.
Lionel joined The Solution, harbouring secret intentions to eventually betray
Mercurius. Astraeus had gone missing after this point, knowing he was in a
grave state. The people of Purgatory had believed that he’d died.

Now, in the present, Lionel shares with Wave the true nature of the Pillars
and reveals his ultimate goal: to follow in the footsteps of Red Genesis,
assume the role once held by Solarus Travis and bring an end to the world's
chaotic state. Wave then believes that they’re being absorbed and killed by
the energy and they need to take action soon. A dark energy surrounds
Wave, as if someone is watching them. Lionel takes note of this presence.
Wave entrusts Lionel with the responsibility of achieving his ultimate goal
and activating his weapon. Wave activates a pillar, actually showing the
legendary process for the first time in the story. In order for the pillars to
work, you need a clear conviction for others and the will to sacrifice. In a
selfless act of loyalty, Wave sacrifices his own life to free Lionel. He uses
one of the four pillars, but the magic of miracles also allows Requiem’s
seemingly impossible invention to be complete; a sword infused by the
Arbor’s heart's power to transfer soul power. This one had no drawbacks,
and was a truly broken ability to have. It was just what Lionel needed to
activate the Pillars for what he wanted.

For someone who didn't really seem to have compassion for others, Lionel
looked disheartened by the loss of Wave. He didn't shed any tears, and only
silently recalled the memory of his former subordinate. He didn't mention
Wave to any of the others, who'd all figured something must have happened
to him.

Fourth Arc, "The Lion’s Snowfield: A Desolate World"

The team returned home, seeking rest and contemplating their next steps
with uncertainty. They pondered what their goals should be and how to
prepare for the challenges ahead. One thing was clear—they needed to find
a way back into Purgatory.

At Lionel's base, he prepared himself for his final saga. Gazing into his
portal, he wondered about the state of Purgatory. He knew all too well that
Mercurius had ravaged his homeworld, and even worse, he had discovered
how to use the pillars. Lionel realized he needed to grow stronger to face
him, so he set off for Toronto.

He wasted no time and launched his onslaught by seizing control of Black

Genesis, mercilessly taking down everyone in his path. Testing his blade, he
felt a surge of power with each kill. Eventually, he reached Alessandro, who
knew his fate was sealed. Alessandro activated the energy of the pillar, but
was consumed by its overwhelming power. Both of them vanished. Lionel,
undeterred, moved on. He'd found Siraiya, who had regained her self-control
but still seemed troubled. They engaged in battle, and although she put up
a valiant fight, she too met her end. A shadowy figure had watched the
battle take place, and stepped in to fight after Siraiya’s death. It was a man
calling himself Vitriolocke. He possessed the Rancorite sword like Silvers,
but he looked much taller and stronger. He lacked Silvers’ characteristic
silver hair, as his were black with green accents to it. He fought Lionel and
nearly overpowered him, but backed away. Lionel realised he couldn’t
defeat Vitriolocke and backed out as well.

The perspective shifted to the Travesty, observing the events unfolding at

Black Genesis from their base. Though shocked by the situation, they didn't
let it completely rock them, considering everything else that had happened.
Keith emphasised the lack of time for strategizing, as lives were at stake.
Colt agreed without his usual banter with Keith, and they all set their sights
on Toronto.

Mercurius was still unable to activate his pillars, and was as such still stuck
in his shadow realm at half his strength. Thanks to his subordinates
however, he was able to gain some new power through equipment.

His soldiers stormed into the real world, led by his three generals: Incarion,
the Solar Hand of Mercurius; Vesperion, the Lunar Hand of Mercurius, and
Malachi, the Wind of Mercurius. There was a fourth one who’d be their
leader and second-in-command to Mercurius, but he was absent. Chaos
quickly consumed the world. An hour later, Lionel and Solus faced each
other in what seemed to be their final confrontation. Solus instructed his
allies to help the people. An unlikely emergence of unlikely heroes such as
survivors of Black Genesis and long-forgotten Arbors, fought to save their
homes as well. Malachi informed Lionel that Mercurius awaited his
challenge, something Lionel had anticipated.

The battle between Lionel and Solus was intense, and at first, it seemed like
Solus had the upper hand, proving himself as Lionel's superior. However,
Lionel held the sword as his ace. Despite Solus's extreme efforts, Lionel
managed to overpower him and deliver a fatal stab to his heart. Solus
passed away silently, his eyes losing their light as his body collapsed. The
team was shattered by this unexpected turn, but Overdrive reminded them
of the need to focus on the dire situation at hand.

Lionel disappeared without giving anyone a chance to react, but their hands
were quickly filled with the challenge of facing Malachi and his vast fleet of
enemies. Lionel confronted Mercurius, and after a gruelling battle, he
narrowly defeated him and absorbed his power, where towards the end he
was able to trounce him. In his hand was the Rancorite blade, implying he’d
gone and defeated Vitriolocke at some point.

Mercurius' army, unlike anything the Travesty had ever faced, completely
devastated the city beyond repair, killing most of its inhabitants and forcing
the group to seek refuge in the next town. Overdrive confronted Malachi to
buy time for the group's escape. Overdrive realised that Malachi possessed
the same powers as Mistral. The remaining members of the group boarded
an airship and flew to a distant country across the world, seeking shelter.
They soon realised that the same chaos plagued the rest of the world. They
try to hide, but they meet with Vesperion's army.

Superbolt takes on Vesperion, the Lunar Hand. Vesperion brings Superbolt

to the moon using her power, which was supposed to kill him outright. On
the moon, Vesperion had the ability to manipulate the laws of physics and
reality. Superbolt is powered by his stone which provides him with energy to
live. After a close confrontation, he emerged as the victor. However, his
triumph was overshadowed by the realisation that he had no means of
returning to Earth.

Meanwhile, Lionel made his way back to Earth and returned to his base,
determined to retrieve his pillars. As he arrived, he was confronted by
Incarion, the solar hand, who led him to the sun. At this point, Lionel had
grown incredibly powerful, and his abilities began to engulf the sun, where
Incarion was. He crushed Incarion within the blazing orb, bringing an end to
his life. Superbolt is determined to defeat Lionel and is surged by immense
power, sending a gigantic blast towards the sun. Lionel is alerted and
immediately goes to the moon where Superbolt is. Superbolt is powered
directly by the pillar, and his stone acts as a conduit. Astraeus appears to
Lionel and tells him that what he's looking at is the Zealium, an artefact lost
to time itself, something no one had even known existed. And for the first
time since the Red Genesis, it seems like Superbolt creates the true magic
of miracles. Superbolt almost gives a close fight, but is killed by
overexhaustion. Lionel returns to seize the pillars. The energy stored within
the Zealium had run completely dry. Lionel reflected on whether or not
having enough Pillars was going to be an issue.

Back on earth, Novirae, Keith, Colt and Damon decide to fly to Lionel's base
as Superbolt fought Lionel. To their surprise, the base was devoid of any
presence. No one was there, and as they ventured inside, they eventually
discovered the pillars. Lionel would return and meet the surviving four
members. While the other three silently accepted their loss and failure,
Damon stood up once more in a futile attempt. Lionel activated all of his
pillars, and the world enveloped in white. Everything was destroyed, leaving
only Lionel.

Alone in this new realm, Lionel stood amidst an expanse of blinding white.
The world around him seemed to stretch endlessly, as though it had been
blanketed in an eternal snow. Within this vacant canvas, he saw Astraeus'
shadow replacing his own, but after everything, it couldn’t bother him. Here
remained a singular task that beckoned to him—a task fueled by the potent
power of the pillars that now resonated within his being.

Determined to fix the world that he’d destroyed, Lionel sought to wield the
newfound might of the absorbed pillars and rebuild it. However, Astraeus
had outright told him that it was not possible. The weight of the choices he
had made, the actions he had undertaken, now bore down upon him with an
unrelenting force. Astraeus' voice resonated with the somber truth that
Lionel’s ends couldn't justify his means. It was an inescapable reality that
neither of them could ignore, and as Astraeus had seen Lionel as his own
son, it was tough to see what he’d bet all his chips on failing. Astraeus tells
him that it was time for both of them to accept that it really isn’t up to him
to change the world, and he lacks something important to do it, something
neither of them were able to understand. Lionel tried to use the powers to
ignite the power of creation, but nothing came out of it.

Astraeus' words carried the gravity of acceptance—an acceptance that

changing the world wasn't Lionel's prerogative. In the face of this revelation,
Lionel stood defeated, his aspirations crumbled, his hopes shattered. The
weight of his actions finally descended upon him in full force, as he
reflected his descent as a person.

Lionel's footsteps became a solemn march, as he’d have nothing left to do

in this world. But as he moved forward, the edges of his vision began to
blur, as though reality itself wavered. And then, amidst the haze, emerged
an awe-inspiring sight—thirteen enigmatic figures cloaked in crimson
armour, adorned with accents of fiery orange and blood red. They’d all
looked at least about 8 feet tall. Each of them possessed distinct, yet
similar characteristics—one bore majestic wings that evoked an
otherworldly essence. Yet, despite their striking appearance, they exuded
an uncanny inhuman quality, a mysteriousness that defied ordinary

The sheer presence of these enigmatic figures ignited a primal fear within
Lionel. Despite wielding the pinnacle of power, Lionel found himself
paralyzed by a visceral dread at the very thought of drawing near to them. It
was an instinctual response, a recognition of a force beyond his
comprehension, akin to a normal human facing a mighty lion in the heart of
an untamed wilderness.
Fifth Arc, "The Lion’s Legacy: The Window of Opportunities"

Within the recesses of his mind, Lionel unlocked the gateway to the
Window of Opportunities—a realm accessible only within the confines of
his consciousness. Here, he glimpsed fleeting moments that bridged the
chasm between past and future, a canvas painted with the essence of
Light. A torrent of visions flowed before him, revealing a flash of Solarus
Travis' fabled clash with the enigmatic thirteen individuals—a Red Genesis
that appeared strikingly human in their distant origins. He saw some more
flashes of information that are not revealed to the reader as well. Then, he
saw the present, himself going to face off against the Red Genesis.

That’s when everything hit him. Now, back in the real world, he approaches
the Red Genesis, as the truth crystallised itself into his mind and
empowered him. Back into reality, Lionel approached the figures of the Red
Genesis, imploring them to use the innate power of the pillars he carried.
The figures stirred from their slumber, their eyes flickering with newfound
awareness, yet their response remained shrouded in silence. Instead, they
attempt to kill and consume him. That’s when Lionel gains the ability to turn
back time and restores the world.

Following the world's restoration, Lionel clung tightly to his memories of the
Snowfield. Transported back to a pivotal moment, he found himself once
more locked in a fierce struggle against Solus within the confines of his
base—a confrontation that had once seen Solus emerge triumphant. And
just as last time, Requiem’s alarm had interrupted the battle. Lionel tells
Solus things are different now, and that he needs to fix the world for him.
Solus notices something changed about Lionel as well.

With a steadfast purpose, Lionel's footsteps echoed through the

labyrinthine halls, leading him to the heart of Requiem's lab. Much to the
confusion of his allies, he makes amends to his actions and destroys the
lab, seeking closure for the horrors he wrought himself, and making sure
his sword is never fully built. He also destroyed the in-progress Portal.The
others are confused as well.

Lionel seeks out Superbolt and tells him that the pillars belong to him, and
that the weight of the world was resting on him. In an act of selflessness
that attempted to rewrite his legacy, Lionel activated a pillar using the
essence of his life—a final sacrifice that would empower Superbolt to
embrace the pillars' luminous might. Superbolt and his Zealium struggle to
handle the newfound power.

Fourth Saga, “The Stone Hunt: The Next


First Arc, "Vitrolocke: No End in Sight"

Solus, Keith, Colt, Overdrive, Novirae, Damon and Superbolt return back
home from Lionel’s base and stay in Toronto. All of Lionel’s subordinates
had successfully fled, and neither side had been hoping to prolong conflict.
Novirae was disheartened and hoped to kill Owl and Wave, but Solus
encouraged her by telling her that in the end, what everyone had died for
had reached fruition thanks to her efforts as well as everyone else's.
However deep down, Solus was also dissatisfied with this conclusion. He
knew something was up. Again, the team had to figure out how to deal with
Mercurius, but everyone was incredibly burnt out. Solus wanted to help
Superbolt absorb the remaining pillars in hopes to destroy them and keep
them under control, but they’d again realised that each subsequent
activation and absorption takes a heavier toll on Superbolt as well as a

With the main threats gone, the Travesty group were able to focus on the
Black Genesis and consider tackling them. Keith and Colt had finally
learned to coexist for their shared goal and led the team to storm them
once and for all. They formulated a plan which called for Solus to stay back
with Novirae to watch the base over. Colt, Keith and co. were successful in
breaking into the Black Genesis base, but were kept at a standstill by
Bogard and his associates as well as their endless goons. Soon enough,
Alessandro himself came into battle with Keith.

Back at base, Novirae and Solus engaged in conversation, mostly talking

about how far they’ve come, their next steps and finding Requiem in order
to rebuild the portal. They were meant to guard the base and keep Novirae
unoccupied in case she was needed as a healer. This was cut short as an
ambush came in to them, capturing Solus and leaving Novirae behind.
Novirae was left to follow Solus’ captors in secret as the rest of the
Travesty was locked deep into combat with Black Genesis.

When Novirae had finally followed Solus’ captors, it was to the top of the
CN Tower where she was forced to fight Siraiya to get through. With great
struggle, she managed to win and pressed on to see Solus in a fight with
Vitriolocke, surrounded by what seemed to be Vitriolocke’s allies.
Vitriolocke explains his vendetta towards Solus and Colt for ruining his
family and destroying everything he had, and refuses to listen to any
explanation. Even if he believed Solus somewhat, he’d lived his life with
nothing else but the desire to defeat and crush Solus so abandoning his
desires felt like truly having nothing left in life.

Solus was utterly helpless and got trounced and beaten down by
Vitriolocke, and after finally catching his wind, Vitriolocke strikes the last
blow, almost killing Solus. He then uses his powers as an Arbor to absorb
Solus’ life energy, leaving only really a shrivelled up corpse behind, devoid of
any sign that it’d been living up until recently. Vitriolocke expresses no
interest in Novirae and takes off to Black Genesis to find Colt and the rest.
Novirae flees back to base, and informs the rest to get out as soon as
Novirae managed to retrieve Solus’ corpse and finds out he’s alive thanks to
his powers, but unresponsive. She believes that if her father were still here,
his mastery of abilities would have allowed him to pull Solus out of this
lifeless condition, but everyone else believes that he’s as good as dead
looking at his current condition.

Second Arc, "The Elemental Stones: Requiem and Keith"

Vitriolocke met face to face with Alessandro, unknowing that he’d been the
one responsible for all of his life’s hardships. Alessandro realises his
inability to fight Vitriolocke and bears no hostility. Vitriolocke responds to
this by leaving without causing a scene, since Colt was not there anymore.
With Vitriolocke gone, Akachi was able to confirm the presence of 2 of the
4 stones, excluding the Zealium.

Perspective switches back to Gaia, where king Drake had prepared a

showdown with Incarion, the Solar Hand of Mercurius. Using the power of
his stone and the Field he’d created, he was nearly able to win. But since he
was really just a human without much experience, Incarion was able to win
with high difficulty. He reported his victory to his leader, Taji, titled the
Fourth of October Taji. Taji tells him that Gaia is his, and he’ll be tasked to
find the rest of the stones as the others are occupied at Purgatory fighting
the uprising led by Wave.

Meanwhile, Keith takes charge of Travesty. The surviving members are Colt,
Keith, Overdrive, Damon, Superbolt and Novirae. So far five members have
been lost. The group discussed how they would possibly tackle Vitriolocke,
whose goals were pretty much unknown and his strength greater than
anything they’d ever even seen. Novirae convinces the group to seek help
from Purgatory, and to return to Lionel’s old base and try to find Requiem in
order to rebuild a portal. Keith takes Superbolt with him, who asks Keith
how he’d be able to step up to Solus’ level. The fact that Superbolt accepted
stepping up convinced Keith that he was the future. The group were able to
find the base back in operation, yet abandoned still. It was clear that
Lionel’s team had come back, and the portal was rebuilt. What’s more was
that Requiem was there, and disinterested in fighting. He discussed the
current state of affairs and told Keith that there was much more to worry
about, considering the stone hunt and rebellion led by Wave, whose
motivations were beyond Requiem’s understanding. He explains that
Mercurius was likely still seeking out the stones from the real world using
his underlings, and explained what the stones were. Finally, he proposes a
truce, offering his expertise in exchange for protection. This angers
Superbolt and prompts him to attack Requiem. Even after trying to defend
and fight back, Superbolt was now able to just overpower him with ease,
until Keith stopped him. Keith captures Requiem and takes him back to
their base. Once there, Requiem reconstructs the portal from memory being
forced to by Keith, allowing them to investigate whatever was going on in
Purgatory. The other members were mixed on Requiem’s help, but all
gathered together to go to Purgatory.

Third Arc, "Return to Purgatory: Recruiting Sosa Otto and

Storming Gaia"
Their arrival takes them back to the old town, where Novirae delivers the
somber news of her father's, Contrivance’s and Solus’, passing. She straight
up asks the people for their help, despite being unable to protect Purgatory.
One young man, driven by his desire to accompany Solus’ journey, steps up,
saying that he’d wanted to go since last time. Sosa Otto joins their ranks.
Novirae looks around her old home and asks around, inquiring what went
down and realises Wave is somehow now an ally. She couldn’t bear to see
Purgatory like this, but believed she had to trust in Wave and the rebellion
as they’d go back to the real world to tie up all loose ends, find a way to
save Solus and be ready to defeat Mercurius.

They manage to find a Void Rift faster this time and go home, where they
decide to venture to Gaia in order to ascertain the situation there. They
confront Incarion’s forces almost immediately, which includes a surprise
encounter with Owl. Novirae ultimately emerges victorious against Owl,
finally killing him. Meanwhile, Keith, accompanied by Overdrive and Damon,
engages Incarion himself in a fight but loses. However, this was all just a
well-executed diversion made by Keith. Seizing the opportunity, Colt,
Superbolt, and Sosa Otto are dispatched by Keith to secure whatever the
Black Genesis were after in the Travesty’s absence, as activity was detected
by Requiem somewhere closeby.

Fourth Arc, "Securing the Igneousolite: The Big Trio’s Stand"

The trio embark on their mission, finding out that the Black Genesis were
trying to reach the core of the Earth through an inactive volcano in order to
find Igneousolite. Colt trounces Bogard in a humiliating defeat for him,
keeping him near death. Superbolt and Sosa, on the other hand, fight off all
the fodder. The trio realise that they’re now in a triangle fighting for the
stone as Siraiya was already ahead and traversing the depths for it. Sosa
Otto gives chase and engages in a challenging battle against Siraiya and
various allies of Vitriolocke to secure the Igneousolite, accomplishing his
objective. He recognizes Siraiya. However, his situation becomes
precarious as he finds himself stranded in the core of Earth.

Keith and the rest manage to escape thanks to Requiem, allowing them to
retrieve Colt and Superbolt. Vitriolocke shows up as Colt and them are
picked up and decide not to intervene, but the others clearly see him. Sosa
claimed the Igneosolite triggers the volcano almost instantly, and a whole
bunch of magma flows from the Volcano, forcing it to erupt. Sosa’s fate is
unknown and Vitriolocke stares at it and laughs hysterically despite tears
coming out of his eyes. Colt tells the others that Akachi's descended into
the Mariana Trench as Bogard told him so to avoid being killed.

Fifth Arc, "Keith’s Sea Adventure: Discovering the Beauty of

the Ocean and Ryujite"
Recognizing the imperative nature of the situation, Keith gets Requiem's to
help him get down to the ocean depths. He directs everyone else to back up
Colt, stating that Vitriolocke's could realistically appear whenever and
wherever. Keith ventures into the mystifying and terrifying depths of the
sea, steadfastly pursuing Alessandro's path. His pursuit culminates as he
finally finds Akachi, who asserts his claim over the Ryujite and promptly
sets its powers into motion. He knew that Keith was there. Requiem
disappears and Keith takes note of this small betrayal, but he pays little
mind to it due to the situation at hand.

Alessandro's quickly learned how to master the sea and storms as he deftly
manipulates the ocean around to conjure forth beasts of water within the
ocean itself and other manifestations. Alessandro escapes the ocean,
riding a sea beast made of water. He summons a massive storm and
causes destruction above. A tsunami is created in demonstration of his
power, which is assumed to have wiped out a nearby island.

Keith remembers his parents, who were oceanographers, and the ocean
had taken them both from him. Growing up, he hated the sea. But now,
Keith couldn’t help but find the power around him incredible and an almost
wonderful sight to see, accepting the sea around him as the beautiful world,
understanding why his parents were so focused on it. In one last effort, he
comm’s to Colt, telling him that he trusts him to take out the Black Genesis
for him. Keith is never seen again.
Sixth Arc, "Travesty Reckoning: Curtains Fall on Black Genesis
and the Arbors"
Meanwhile, Colt and the others' airship is intercepted by Black Genesis,
who hijack the ship as they are en route back to Toronto. The ship crashes,
leaving only Colt and Superbolt able to jump out and escape, landing atop
the Black Genesis tower. The remaining members survive the crash landing
but are left in the situation of having to crawl out of the wreckage. Damon
and Overdrive go to return and ascend the Black Genesis building. In the
meantime, Novirae returns to the base, where she makes a desperate
attempt to heal Solus, convinced that she may have uncovered a
breakthrough. Meanwhile, Incarion is seen expressing his disbelief in
Vitriolocke's capabilities, convinced that Vitriolocke is likely to get himself
killed before meeting Mercurius. This implies that the two had met and
discussed an alliance prior to this. In the distance, a volcano is seen
erupting, accompanied by peculiar flashes of silver amidst the volcano
engulfing its island. These silver flashes appear to draw closer to Incarion
like meteors, resulting in the destruction of his palace and letting itself in.

Akachi confronts Colt and Superbolt. Colt takes control of the battle initially,
aided by Superbolt. Both of them struggle to keep a stand, but Colt's
experience and determination bolster their resolve. Just as Colt is about to
let out, Superbolt takes charge and overcomes Alessandro. As Alessandro
collapses, Colt stands poised to speak. He is abruptly disrupted by the
sudden entrance of Vitriolocke. Instantly, Colt shifts into survival mode,
swiftly seizing the Ryujite from Akachi and passing it to Superbolt.
Recognizing their shared exhaustion and the threat of Vitriolocke taking the
stone, Colt urges Superbolt to flee. Even at the cost of winning, the risk of
Vitriolocke gaining another stone was just too great, which would have
been the absolute worst case scenario. Colt's indomitable nature allows
him to endure Vitriolocke's assault, providing Superbolt the opportunity to
escape and command Vitriolocke's complete attention. Reflecting on
Silvers, Colt decides he’s only just accepting his responsibility. He thinks
about how Silvers is really just an innocent youth ensnared in the conflict,
given power beyond his control, and that no one got to guide him like Solus
had been. As Colt finally succumbs to unconsciousness, Vitriolocke
brutalises him to satiate his desires. Convinced that each successive blow
will bring him satisfaction, he persists, oblivious to Solus' surviving and his
own suppressed emotions. Deep down, he resists his current path, yet
remains driven by his father's final wish. Being blessed with strength felt
like an obligation to fulfil this purpose, and he found himself so far gone
that he could hardly call himself Silvers Arbor anymore. And no one was left
to refer to him as such.

Superbolt reunites with the others back at the base, where he gets a quick
recharge from Novirae. Superbolt did not want to keep Colt waiting any
longer than he had, and set out to pay back the favour and save his mentor.
The three of them return to the tower. Nothing recognizable is left of Colt
besides his bloodied up clothes and weapons. Vitriolocke stands
ominously and solemnly, gazing towards the horizon. Superbolt's emotions
now burn with anger.

This time, Damon refrains from placing any blame on Superbolt. Instead, he
affirms to him that the weight of everything now rests upon his shoulders,
and they all believe in him. The two watch as Superbolt taps into the latent
power of the pillars surging within him and his Zealium. The activation of
this power causes him to cough up blood and endure excruciating pain.
With resolve, he triggers the Ryujite as well and engages in a fierce
confrontation with Vitriolocke. The battle remains closely contested until its
conclusion, at which point Superbolt begins to decisively overpower him.
Realising that his very life is now at risk and that his personal objectives
have been fulfilled, Vitriolocke channels all his efforts into escaping, even at
the cost of losing his entire arm. As Vitriolocke escapes, he encounters Taji
and tells him that he wants an audience with Mercurius. Taji grants this
request, fully aware that Vitriolocke's intentions are pointless, considering
Mercurius was going to go and take whatever he wanted regardless of
anything. Meanwhile, the perspective transitions to Incarion, who is
engaged in a battle against Sosa Otto. The two opponents are evenly
matched, yet Incarion makes the decision to retreat to Mercurius' realm in
order to safeguard the Heliosite. Sosa's victory was within grasp. Utilising
Gaia's communication systems, he attempts to establish contact with the
Travesty, which gets Novirae’s attention.

Seventh Arc, " Resolutions Peak: Mercurius Arrives"

Superbolt’s frustration is at its peak. Overdrive was missing, but Damon is

by his side. Overdrive was down rounding up all the Black Genesis goons,
inspiring them to Join the Travesty both out of fear and for a chance at
redemption. They return home, where they’d meet back up with Novirae.
She tells them that Sosa is still alive and that he needs a pickup. Overdrive
goes to pick him up using a Black Genesis helicopter. Sosa and Overdrive
catch up and discuss what’s happened so far as they come home.

Taji brings Vitriolocke to Mercurius. He pleads to join Mercurius’ causes.

Mercurius obliges him, telling him that he’d allow him if was able to transfer
the raw power of the Pillars into him. Vitriolocke hesitates, but goes
through with it. It takes an incredible toll on his body but he succeeds.
Mercurius uses the first Pillar to undo his seal, the second to return his
power back to what it was and the rest to boost himself and his allies. With
Vitriolocke left to serve no real use, he kills him and takes his sword. He
gives the sword to Taji. Mercurius doesn’t believe in needing the other
Pillars to dominate and instead believes he has enough to run the world. He
goes to Purgatory to quell the insurgence.

Superbolt and the rest agree they need to focus on Purgatory now. They
had to figure out how to put an end to Mercurius now. Novirae opts to stay
back to keep the Black Genesis fodder in check and look after Solus.
Superbolt ponders taking another Pillar. Thanks to Ryujite, he’d be able to
absorb another one. Another byproduct of this was the Zealium ‘copying’
the Igneosiolite and Ryujite.

Fifth Saga, “Solution War Saga: Zenith of


First Arc, "The Revolution: Travesty Vs. The Four Hands"

Superbolt, Damon, Overdrive and Sosa make it to Purgatory. It doesn’t take
long for them to find Wave, who’d temporarily retreated. Wave stays silent
as he usually does, but briefly explains that they are essentially in a horrible
position and the rebellion was practically over. Wave says that on his own,
he lacked the means to fight off any of the Hands of Mercurius. If the four
of them managed to defeat the Hands with him, they might regain an
advantage. They set out to do this. Sosa outright goes to challenge them
all, and they all split up into individual pairings. Wave fights Malachi with
Damon, Overdrive fights Vesperion, Sosa fights Incarion and Superbolt
fights Taji. Malachi outpowers Damon, but Damon realises that Malachi is
similar to Mistral, scarily so. Everyone gets overpowered quickly, even Sosa,
who gets his stone taken by Incarion. Damon and Overdrive are hopeless
but lucky to make it out unscathed with Wave’s help. He notes that they
weren’t as strong as this before.

Meanwhile, Novirae returns to Solus’ side. She feels hopeless and

despaired as she’d been struggling to heal him all this time, but suddenly
everything just clicks to her and she feels as if she’d surefire believed that
she has the ability to heal him now, as if a switch had been flipped. Solus
begins to heal into his uninjured self and power is seen surging within him
again. However, he is not awake. Superbolt is overwhelmed by Taji and
doesn’t understand how such a big gap in power exists br

Second Arc, "Solus Unleashed: Darkest Hours"

Rough notes

All three are overpowered quickly. Incarion takes Sosa’s stone, Damon and
Overdrive as hopeless and are lucky to make it out unscathed with Wave’s
help. Taji fights Superbolt. Meanwhile, Novirae back at home returns to
Solus. She feels hopeless and despaired as she’d been struggling to heal
him all this time, but suddenly it all just clicks into her and she believes she
could. Solus begins to heal into his uninjured self and power is seen
surging within him again. However, he is not awake. Superbolt is
overwhelmed by Taji and doesn’t understand how such a big gap in power
exists. Taji claims both stones from him and tells him that as he is now, and
likely forever, even with every stone he’d be unable to defeat Mercurius. He
claims that the stones are just another thing to have to them. He takes his
Ryujite from him and deliberately spares him. Someone from the rebellion
goes to retrieve Sosa and tells him he needs to live, as he is a Mercurius
hand level talent rarely seen. They all go into hiding. The rebellion is lost,
and everyone either goes into hiding or forces to merge with Mercurius.
Superbolt, Sosa and Wave make plans for the long term in order to tackle

Solus is in the Window of Opportunities, seeing his past multiple times,

each time in a different perspective. Astraeus is by his side throughout all
this. He learns the truth of the earthquake, something he’d forced himself to
accept so long ago. He learns of Astraeus’ true feelings, what happened to
Lionel, Solarus Travis, Mercurius fighting Astraeus and Solarus Travis
fighting Red Genesis. He sees and understands what Solarus is like. By the
end of it, he speaks to Solarus Travis himself. Solarus asks him what he
wants to do. Solus says he does not know. Solarus tells him he had lived
his life without anything to do other than watch over and protect his world,
which he had failed to do. He tells Solus that he’s really just a normal
person who’s forced himself to try to be him at the cost of his own life and
freedoms. He understands that he’d been forced to accept the burden of
protecting the world by Astraeus, but after everything, it was clear that the
only person befit to master the magic of miracles was the one forced to
suffer the most for and by it. He tells him that it could’ve been anyone to
gain his opportunities, but it was his own willpower that built his destiny.
Solus accepts, knowing he had no other choice or paths to take. When he’s
back, Astraeus asks him why he’d been talking to himself. Solus ignores
him and looks at Superbolt and his journey, seeing Keith and Colt die out.
He looks at Keith’s death with a solemn, stone cold face. Colt’s death brings
him a tear. He feels proud of Superbolt’s growth and ends off upon seeing
Novirae’s dedicated attempts at healing himself. He returns to his true self,
but with a new aura. He tells Novirae they need to leave, and she obliges. A
year passes.

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