Introductory Activity 2 - Man-A Moral Being-The Harmony of Reason, Will and Action

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University of Cebu

Department of the Allied Courses

Cebu City
Date: _________
Subject: Philo 101—Ethics Subject Time/Days:
School Year/Semester: 2023-24/1st Sem. Term: Prelim—Midterm

Introductory Activity 2
(Man-A Moral Being: The Harmony of Reason, Will and Action)

Name: ___________________ Course/Year: ___________ EDP No:


I. Instructions:
- Consider and answer the given questions below.
- Follow the required number of sentences and paragraph.
- Use Verdana as font type with 13 font size. This is a Must.
- Submit the output into your correct LMS.
- Submit on: September 9, 2023/ 11:59 PM.
- Be on time in the submission.
- 40 point.

II. Questions:
 If moral nature of man happens to be simply because of the composition and
interplay of these three factors (reason, will and action), how can you make them
harmonized such that the claim of being moral will be and must be properly
sustained or ascertained?
 Provide one situational example (based on experience) wherein the three factors
as mentioned are presently harmoniously operative as man materializes his moral

III. Output:
- All the answers of the above 2 questions constitute one paragraph with 15 sentences
- Starts here below…

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