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The Nature of Science

4 Science and Technology

REVIEW Recall the definition of the Review Vocabulary term.
industrialized Having developed a lot of industry

Use your book to define each term.
technology The practical use of scientific discoveries
A large group of people who live together in an organized way

Compare and contrast science and technology.

What is technology?
• The application of Science refers to the process of exploring new knowledge. Technology
scientific knowledge to refers to the process of applying scientific knowledge in particular
help people or society applications.

Organize information about types of technology by completing the

4 types of technology concept web. Provide two examples of each type of technology.
• Objects Methods or
• Methods or techniques Objects
1. Techniques
• Knowledge or skills Marker 1. The process for
• Systems
making glass

2. 2.
Pen The process of
Types of making ceramics
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Knowledge or Skills Systems

1. 1.
Pilot an airplane Internet

2. 2.
Drive a car Google

Science Notebook • The Nature of Science

4 Science and Technology (continued)
Get It? Identify another example of a technological system. Explain
why it fits into this category.

The book

Create your own real-world example of how the application of a

scientific discovery has helped create a new technology.

To comunícate to other parts of the world and pass information

Get It? Compare and contrast the technological needs of

developing countries and industrialized countries.

Developing needs food and water and industrialized need internet

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Science Notebook • The Nature of Science

4 Science and Technology (continued)
Summarize the focus of technological solutions in developing
countries and industrialized countries.

Developing Industrialized
Countries Countries
They need water food They need internet a
and a place to live house and education

Social Forces that Shape Complete the concept web to identify the social forces that shape
Technology technology.
• The values of individuals
and society influence the
Social Forces
development of
Shape Technology
• People support
technologies by buying
things, by donating to
organizations that include
support research, and by
A new need to comi Don't contaminate
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Summarize how social forces shape technology.

It forces to have better, cheaper and less contaminate things

Science Notebook • The Nature of Science

4 Science and Technology (continued)
Organize information about economic forces that shape technology
Economic Forces that by completing the concept web.
Shape Technology
• Many factors influence Economic Forces
how money is spent on that Shape Technology
developing technology.
• The federal government, include
private foundations, and
private industries all Better Less contamination Economic
support research and
which which which

A better thing that That contaminate less Is economic to all the

helps people

Summarize the types of issues involved in developing technology

responsibly by completing the table.

Type of Description of Issue Example

Environmental how technology affects The contamination affects
plants, animals, and the nature

Moral what is right and Right test in animals to

wrong have a better solution to us
and is the same of wrong

Ethical Testing should not be

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Testing in rats it's ok
only in other animals no done on people against
their will.

Science Notebook • The Nature of Science

4 Science and Technology (continued)
17. Classify the types of technology, and give at least two examples of each type.
Systems, knowledges, objects, and methods. Pen, airplane

18. Explain why the types of technology valued can vary.

Because they are different types of technology to classify better

19. Describe how private citizens have a voice in which projects the federal
government will fund.

Private citizens can make a company that creates better things to investigate like Amazon

20. Evaluate Would cell phone technology be of use in a developing country? Explain
your answer.

Maybe, if it's a little bit developed like mexico yes to comunícate and commerce in the country

21. Math Connection In 2010, the Department of Defense’s overall budget was
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approximately $534 billion. In the same year, the Department of Defense budgeted
$79.1 billion for research, development, tests, and evaluations. What percentage of
the budget does this represent?

Science Notebook • The Nature of Science


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