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“Little Women”

1.- Jo : Cecilia Farías
2.- Meg: Emilia del Pino
3.- Beth: Martina
4.- Amy: Fernanda
5.- Mrs March : Camila Muñoz
6.- Mr March : Martín Suazo
7.-Hannah: Fernanda Carrasco
8.- Aunt March . Ignacia Fuentes
9.- Laurie: Benjamín Alarcón
10.- Mr Laurence: Maximiliano Laurido
11.- Professor John: Martín Fernández
12.- Professor Frederich : Benjamín Bustamante
13.- Sally (Meg’s friend) : Paula Herrera
14.- Fred (Amy’s fiance) : Tomás
15.- Publisher: Alberto Carhuas
Scene 1
Ignacia: Welcome everyone to our play performed by the English workshop called “Little
Women”. This play was written by Louisa May Alcott where it is described the story of 4
sisters during the Civil War in the USA.
We hope you could enjoy it. The story begins with our sisters in their house during
Christmas Eve.
Jo: a Young writer, full of dreams about the role of women, strong, decided and
Meg: a traditional woman and one of the most responsable due she is the older sister.
Beth: shy, kind and the most sensitive of the family
Amy: a beautiful, elegant and forthright girl. The youngest sister.

Jo: This Christmas will be sad because dad is not with us

Beth. But, we are all together
Amy: yes, we have a house, food and a family
Meg: Mom’s shoes are old.
Jo: She will be very happy when she could receive the new ones
Amy: It was a great idea
Meg. They are so beautiful

Mrs March: Hello girls, I’m glad to find you so happy. I have a surprise for you……Your
father sent a letter.
Jo : Mom, read it, please
Mrs March: Well, he says that he is doing well, he loves you so much, he is so proud of
all his Little Women, but it would not be posible to come soon
Beth. The important is that he is fine
Amy: But we haven’t seen him for a long time
Meg. Don’t get sad, he is alive
Jo: You’re right, my dear. We must try to be brave
Hannah: Hey girl, the diner is ready, come and sit because the food is delicious….
Jo : Mom, we have something for you
Mrs march: What’s it?
Meg: Open it
Mrs March: But my Little girls, they are beautifull, How did you get them?
Amy: We save money, mom.
Beth: You deserve it
Hannah: You are really good daughters, you always want to help others …….. Can you
Mrs March . Girls, we have a delicious diner but there is a poor family living near or
house. There are 4 children and without food.
Jo: What do you mean, mom?
Mrs march: We could share our food with them
Amy: But mom…’s so cold outside
Beth: Mom is right
Meg: Yes, and we have so much food
Jo: Ok mom, it would be a great gift for them and we could share our food.
Mrs March: I knew that you will be agree. Hannah, can you help us, please?
Hannah. Do you need some baskets??
Meg: Yes, please
Mrs March: Put all the food inside.
Scene 2
Next to the March, There is a rich and generous family called “Laurence”. A grandfather
Mr Laurence, a generous and kind gentleman; his grandson; Laurie, an enthusiastic and
unquiet boy.
Laurie: Good evening grandad
Mr Laurence: Good evening…..Did you finish your studies?
John: Yes, sir. Young Laurence is a bit restless but a clever student
Laurie: You know how I hate studying, I prefer to be an artist, a musician….one day I will
be a famous one.
Mr Laurence: Yes, and enjoy my money. You are my only family and you have to take over
the business
Laurie: I hate business, I don’t want to have a traditional life, it’s boring.
John: But it’s your duty. Besides, you have a lot of qualities.
Laurie: (looking through the window) Look, there are some girls outside. Who are
John: The March Family, they are our neighbours
Laurie: I have never seen them. I think thattt….yes, they take baskets with food on it
Mr Laurence: They are a kind family, only daughters.and maybe they take some food for
poor families. Their dad is helping in the war.
Laurie: I want to meet them. I don’t know anybody in this place
John: But not today, we have a new lesson to study and You don’t have time.
Laurie: There is a party on Friday, isn’t it? John, you are going to come with me!!!!!
John: but I don’t like these kind of parties.
Laurie: you are my teacher, so you will go with me.
Mr Laurence: Don’t worry about the Marchs. I will send some food for a
Christmas gift.
Scene 3:
Ignacia: The family went to the poor family’s house and share the food with them, having
a wonderful feeling for having help. When they return home, there was a big surprise, the
table was full of food .

Beth: Mommy, look!!

Meg: Oh my god!!! What a wonderful surprise!!!!!!
Jo : Who did it????
Amy: It was Santa Claus!!!
Hannah: It was Mr Laurence my dear.
Meg: Why did he do it?
Mrs March: because he is good person.
Jo: That’s the boy grandfather!!!
Meg. Yes, I have seen him around here.
Amy: He is always watching us through the windows
Mrs March: let’s sit and enjoy this wonderful food
Scene 4
Ignacia: The girls are getting dressed because they are going to assist to a society dance
during the fall season.
Jo: We don’t need to assist to the dance, it’s better to stay at home and play my new
Amy: Are you writing a new one?
Jo: Yes, an extraordinary story that we can play
Meg: Please Jo, Can you help me with the hair?.
Jo: You always want to be pretty.
Amy: It’s what a girl must do.
Meg: It’s the opportunity to meet new people and my friend Sally invited us
Meg: Are you sure that this is working?
Jo: Of course. I’m sure
Amy: I want to go!!. Why I can´t go?????
Beth: Because we are too Young
Meg: Jo, what did you do?!!!!!!, My Hair!!!!!
Jo: I’m so sorry, forgive me ¡!!! It was not my intention
Hannah: You put this ribbon in your hair and it’s fixed.
Mrs March: Please my girls, hurry up!!!!.
Jo: oHHHHH!!!! I have a great idea for my new novel.
Meg: This is not a good moment, Jo. We are late.
Amy: But if she doesn’t want to go, I could
Jo: No, it’s not a place for you!!!!
Amy: You always get fun
Mrs March: Meg, here are the gloves. Jo, be nice.
Jo: yes, mom. Don’t worry…..I ‘ll take care of Meg too.
Scene 5
Ignacia: The girls are arriving to Sally’s house. She belongs to one of the richest family and
she is Meg’s friend. These occasions are a good oportunity to meet people, have a great
time and share. People are dancing, drinking and eating. Here, the girls are going to meet
Sally: Hello my dears, welcome!
Meg: Hi Sally, thanks for invite us
Sally: Don’t mention it… know how I enjoy these social activities….and obviously, it’s
an opportunity to know maybe……… your future housband.
Jo: We don’t come for that reason. Meg is not interesting in getting marriage yet.
Sally: Meg is older enough.Please, Meg, come with me….I will introduce you to some
(Laurie and John are coming)
Sally: Welcome Theodore…It’s a pleasure to see you.
Laurie: Thanks you Sally. This is my teacher John
John: Nice to meet you, madam
Sally: Meg, this is Theodore Laurence
Laurie: Nice to meet you.
John: Nice to meet you
Sally: let’s go to eat.
(Jo just looking and suddenly, Laurie gets close)
Laurie: Hello, It seems you are not enjoying the music.
Jo: No, I don’t like these events…..It’s boring for me….people getting fun and we are in
war, poor people without food….and…..and you? What about you?
Laurie: I share your opinión….I have just arrived from Europe and I don’t know
anybody….My name is Theordore by the way, but you can call me Laurie.
Jo: yes, You live next to our house…. And my name is Josephine but you can call me Jo.I
thought you were vain, just a young rich boy
Laurie: Nooooo…I hate social events…I would like be an artista, a musician
Jo: No way, really…..I am a writer
Laurie: Are you a writer????? What kind of books do you write about?
Jo: Well, stories about pirats, princess…and I play them with my daughters.
Laurie: It seems amazing….Do you need another character?
Jo: No, we are only girls…..sisters
Laurie: Give me a chance…as you can see I am not a common boy……Would you like to
dance with me?
Jo: jiji I am not a normal girl…I dance on my way….
John: Miss Meg, would you like with me?
Meg: yes, obviously.
Laurie: Jo, I think that John is very interesting in your sister…
Jo: No, it can’t be possible….Meg, we must return home.
Meg: Ohhhhh, my leg…..It hurts me
John: Put your arms around me
Laurie: I will ask for the carriage…we take you home
Jo: Thanks.
Scene 6:
Jo: MOM!!!!. We are home!!!!!
Mrs March: What happened???
Meg: My leg, mom…it hurts
Laurie: Good evening, madam
Hannah: Please, sit Megan here
Mrs March: Bring some hot water Hannah
John: Are you getting better?
Meg: Yes, thanks
Amy: hi, my name is Amy…nice to meet you
Laurie: Hi, nice to meet you, too
Amy: You are so handsome
Jo: AMY!!!!
Amy: what……
Mrs March: Thanks you for worry about my daughters, you are welcome wherever you
Laurie: It was an honour
John: I hope you could get well soon
Meg: thank you.
Laurie: We will see us ¡
Jo: Laurie, would you like to be in my group of artists?
Laurie: well, you are invited……..
Meg: But Jo, it’s only for us.
Beth: I think he is kind
Amy: I agree….we need a man to play the role
Jo: So, you are officialy a member of our group.
Scene 7:
Ignacia: Meg, Jo, Laurie and John went to an opera and spend a good time
Meg: Thanks for inviting us
John: It was a pleasure, I’m really very happy to spend time with you….I mean with you
and your sister.
Meg: I agree…..
Laurie: Jo, I know that there is someone very interested in your sister….
Jo: What????? No, it can’t be possible
Laurie: Why not??? John is an excellent man, I know him and the intentions with your
sister are serious.
John: My dear….I must confess you something…
Meg: tell me, John….
Jo: (getting close to Meg) Meg, it’s very late…..hurry up.
Laurie: But Jo, we have a carriage…don’t worry
Jo: It’s not necessary. We are near home….
Meg: Jo, I need to talk with John……………………..John, what do you try to tell me?
John: Well, it’s difficult Meg, but I am in love of you
Meg: Ohhh John, I feel something for you too.
Jo: Meg!!!! Please
Laurie: let them alone. Do you know that John has Meg’s glove with him?
Jo: It can’t be
Laurie:…they are in love Jo
Jo: Noooo, our lives must not change….we must stay as we are now.
Laurie: You are growing, it’s part of life.
Scene 8
Ignacia: Laurie and the sisters became good Friends, especially with Jo. They play the
original stories that Jo writes every week and go out together. One day, they receive a
telegram informing bad news. Jo visits her aunt. She sells her hair.
Hannah: Mrs March. What’s happening?
Mrs March: Tell the girls to come ……I have terrible news.
Jo: what’s going on?.
Mrs March: I have to travel inmediatly
Meg: Why?...
Mrs March: Take it easy… but I have received a telegram from the army
Amy: How is dad?
Mrs March: He is injured…
(todas, desesperadas)
Hannah: I will prepare some food
Meg: I will search some blankets
Amy: I will help you, Hanna
Mrs March: Jo, please I need you to go to Aunt, and ask her some money
Jo: Yes, mom…..
Mrs March: I need you to hurry up
(Mr Laurence, John and Laurie are comming)
Mr Laurence: You will need assistance. John is going to go with you
John: It woud be a pleasure
(después de un rato, Jo llega)
Mrs march: Did she give the money?
Jo, take it mom.
Mrs March: What happen??
Jo: She didn’t give me the money
Laurie: How did you get it?
Jo: (llorando) I sell my hair
Amy: NOOOO!!!
Meg: Why…?
Mrs March: She souldn’t have done it
Jo: It’s dad….

Scene 9:
Ignacia: Mr Laurence gives the piano to Beth as a gift because she reminds him his

Meg: Beth, hurry up!!!

Beth: Why?
Amy: there is something for you
Jo: It’s an extraordinary gift
Meg: But look Beth, it’s for you
Beth: I can’t…I can’t…..I don’t know what to say….
Hannah: We will hear you play this new piano again
Meg: I will open the door
Hannah: No, my dear..I will……Mr Laurence, good evening
Mr Laurence: Good evening ladies
Beth: sir I want to thank you for your present (se abrazan)
Mr Laurence: You remind me so much my Little girl….the piano is yours..I had to give you
a long time ago
Beth: thank you
Mr Laurence: My dear your face and hands are burned
Beth: The Harmon family are very sick
Mr Laurence: Girls, go for a doctor
Meg: yes, she doesn’t seem to be good
Jo: Ohh Beth, what’s wrong?
Amy: She went to the Harmon family this morning
Hannah: and they are sick
Mr Laurence: Jo, go for my doctor…
Jo, Yes, sir……..Inmediatly.

Scene 10
Ignacia: The sisters are very worried because of Beth’ s illness. They try to help but finally
they decided to ask for assitance
Beth: I feel so strange.
Meg: Hannah, please bring one of mom’s medicine book
Hannah: yes, my dear.
Amy: Jo is going to bring the doctor
Hannah: Beth was visiting Harmon family and two of the children have died.
Meg: It can’t be…. You were all the afternoon with the family
Hannah: Don’t get close to your sister
Amy: why not?
Hannah: because you haven’t had that illness
Jo: (entrando) I’m here!!!!! The doctor will come in a moment
Jo: You will be fine my dear
Beth: I feel bad
Hannah: She suffers from scarlet fever
Jo: Oh no….
Meg: Is it dangerous?
Hannah: Jo and Meg have had it, but not Amy
Mr Laurence: It would be better not to be here
Jo: What can we do?
Meg: We could send her to Aunt March
Amy: I don’t want to go….I want to stay with Beth
Mr Laurence: I will take her to Miss March house
Jo; Thank you mister Laurence
Mr Laurence: Take the money, you need to buy some prescription
Jo: Meg, take care of her
Hannah: I think that your mom must be here.
Jo: I will send her a telegram….
(Jo sale corriendo)

Scene 11
Ignacia: After Beth’s recuperation, it’s Christmas time, and all the family is going to be
together after the arriving of the father.
Laurie: There is another gift for the March family
Amy: Oh my God!!!!
(se abrazan)
Dad; My Little women…you have grown….merry christmas my dear…to each of you…
Mrs March: Thanks God you are fine and at home
Dad: thanks you…
Mrs March: I can’t be angry with you
Hannah: Please the christmas diner is ready, and delicious….sit down ¡!!
All of them: thanks!! Hannah
Jo; But how it was possible???
Mr Laurence: John helped your father and he could bring him home
Meg: Oh John, it was so kind of you!!!
Mrs March. We appreciate that
John: It was a pleasure…I could do eveything in order to make you happy, especially you
Jo: what’s going on here?

Scene 12
Ignacia: It’s a very good moment for the March Family, Beth feeling better, Meg gets
married with John.
Jo: Meg… are you sure to get marriage?
Meg: yes, Jo….it has been my dream
Jo: We can leave together..I would work writing and selling my stories
Meg: No, Jo…. I want to have my life
Jo: Why must we get apart?
Meg: Because it’s part of life…but we are together, maybe it is not going to be in the same
house, but we will.
Jo: I would like that nothing would change.
Meg: Ohhh Jo (se abrazan)
Mr March: Wonderful promises to each other….pronounce you man and wife…You may
Kiss the bride
(música y baile)
Mr Laurence (to aunt March) Madam would you dance with me?
Aunt March: ohhh no no
Laurie: My dear I would be proud if you let me…..
Aunt March: continue your way, please
(tía march abandonando el lugar)
Aunt March: It’s not necessary to accompany me to the carriage
Mr March: I ‘m happy to do it
Aunt March: (mirando a Meg) I hope you will be happy that you are ruined your life as
your mother after married your father
Mr March: My dear sister, you are so kind and thabk you for the festivities
Aunt March: You are most welcome
Meg; Thank you aunt March (tratando de besar en la mejilla)
Aunt March: I don’t like to be kissed
Meg: Oh, I’m sorry
Aunt March: You will be sorry when will be living in a cottage.
Meg: Well some people do it in big houses.
Aunt March: I quite understand
Mrs March: you are not entirely wrong
Aunt March: I may not always right but I am never wrong
(Amy acercándose a tía March)
Aunt March: ohh here is the hope of the family…. I can’t take any more of this.
Amy: marme, marme!!!!!!
Mrs march: What?
Amy: aunt March is going to Europe
Jo. And she wants me to go with her!!!! (feliz y abraza a Amy) That’s wonderful… I know
that it was horrible to read books to her
Amy: no, no…she wants me to go…. As her companion
Jo: Europe?? With you???
Amy: Yes, she wants me to work in my art and my french too
Jo: That’s wonderful Amy
Amy: father…I’m going to Europe.

Scene 13
Ignacia: Jo and Laurie go for a walk but Laurie is going to make a confession that it’s going
to change their lives.

Jo: Meg got married, Amy went to Europe, you will be in a long holiday, I’m angry…you
don’t have to stay here.
Laurie: I don’t want to leave you….(looking at her)
Jo:…don’t do that
Laurie: No, it not useful Jo, I have loved you since the first time we met, I couldn’t help it, I
tried but I couldn’t. Give me an answer because I can’t continue with this
Jo: No, Laurie, please….
Laurie: I have waited, I have never complained, I tried to think I am not good enough, but I
Jo: Well, you are a great man and you are a great deal too….and I am so proud of you…I
can’t see why I can’t love you as you do..
Laurie: Why not?
Jo: I can’t change how I feel, I would be a liar…I’m sorry Teddy… I can’t help it…
Laurie: I can’t love anyone else, Jo….I only love you
Jo: It would be a disaster….
Laurie: Why you even don’t try???
Jo: No, I can’t
Laurie: Everyone are expecting the same…your family, my grandpa…why are you saying
you can’t.
Jo: No, Laurie….it’s not possible
Laurie: Just say yes, and we’ll be happy
Jo: No; I am not going to say it..You’ll see that I’am right and you will thank me for that
Laurie: I would rather be dead
Jo: Teddy, don’t say that…..Teddy….listen….you’ll find some lovely girl who will love and
adore you
Laurie: Npoooo
Jo: look at me…I’m homely, I’m a disaster….I can’t help you even now……I hate elegant
society, we will be unhappy, everything will be horrible
Laurie: Anything else????...
Jo: No, nothing
Jo: except that…..I don’t believe if I will ever marry, I am happy as I am, I love my liberty,
Laurie: I think you are wrong, you will find someone, you will marry him, you will live for
him, die for him…and I will see it, because that’s the way you are

Scene 14:
Ignacia: Jo travels to New York because she is going to work as a teacher of two Little girls
and meets Friederich, a German profesor who is going to change the style of writting of Jo.
Friederich: emmmm, hello
Jo: Hello, I am Josephine March…Iam Jo..I am from …..
Friederich: My name is Friederich..
Jo: Your accent is different
Friederich: Yes, I am from Germany
Jo: I amin New York for working.
Friederich: I know…Are you a teacher?
Jo: oh no, I am working as a teacher
Friederich: Would you like some coffee?
Jo, thanks
Friederich: (tomando una taza de café) You are far from your house, you must miss your
Jo. Oh very much… sister especially and Laurie
Friederich: She is your sister?
Jo: Oh no, he is a friend
Friederich: You like your coffee?
Jo: It’s very strong, I like it
Jo: You bring so many books from Germany.
Friederich: Just few of them….Some are so important that I couldn’t leave them
Jo: (mirando uno de los libros) Shakespeare…some books are so familiar and reading them
is like to be at home….Will you return to Berlin?
Friederich: No sadly.
Jo. My father used to read me German poems when I was a child
Friederich: Do you write Miss March?
Jo, Ohh how did you notice?
Friederich: Because of the ink in your fingers
Jo: Ohh yes, it’s difficult try to get rid of it
Friederich: I would like one day…read your stories.
Jo: It would be a pleasure

Scene 15
Ignacia: Amy meets Laurie at Europe. Laurie has realiced that Amy is a young lady.

Aunt: Amy…Can you hurry up, please?

Amy: My dear aunt….I’ve just finished my classes
Aunt: How were they?
Amy: I’m doing my best aunt March…..
Aunt: Amy, You have being dating Fred for some months….Do you have any idea when he
will propose you?
Amy: No, but I think it will be soon….He is returning for London today
Aunt: mmmmm, he is a nobleman’s the opportunity for you and your family…
Amy: I know aunt…..but I know that he loves me too.
Aunt: Love is just for fool….but, well….
Amy: LAURIE??????,….hey wait!!!!
Laurie: AMY?...look at you!!!, you are so beautiful and you have grown..
Amy: Yes, of course…
Laurie: Miss March….
Aunt: You again….
Laurie: It’s a pleasure for me too…..I’ve known that you are engaged with Fred
Amy: Yes, you are right….look he is coming.
Fred: Hi, my dear…….. Laurie, it has been a long time….
Laurie: Yes, How are you?
Fred: I’ve being in London…just for business
Laurie: Good for you!!!
Fred: What about you?
Laurie: Just spending a good time
Aunt: As you used to….can you walk ahead, Darling?

(se quedan solo Fred y la tía)

Aunt : I want to be honest with you Fred
Fred: Tell me Miss March
Aunt: As you can see Laurie is here…
Fred: Yes, it was a surprise
Aunt: and he is very close to the family
Fred: but he is in love with Jo
Aunt: I realized how he looked Amy
Fred: but he knows that we are engaged.
Aunt: Yes, but Amy has been in love with him since she was a child
Fred: He is my friend but He only thinks in spending a good time
Aunt: don’t trust on him and if you are interested in Amy, propose as son as possible

Scene 16:
Ignacia: Meg meets her friend Sally and spends money in buying unuseful clothes.
Meg: Hi Sally, It’s been a long time
Sally: My dear Meg…. How is the life as a wife?
Meg: It’s very well. John is a good man and an excellent housband
Sally: Come with me!!!!. I will buy some clothes!
Meg: mmmm, it’s very expensive…
Sally: But they are so beautiful….And it’s your color
Meg: I’m not so sure.
Sally: Don’t be silly!!!... Besides, I know that John will be agree
Meg: Ok…I’ll do it
(Meg arriving home)
John: Hi, my dear
Meg: Hi John……I have to tell you something…. What are you doing?
John: Well, I’m checking the counts….We have to spend less money, Meg
Meg: I’m so sorry, John…..I’m really sorry….but….
John: What’s going on my dear?
Meg: I met Sally today, and , and….I bought some clothes….
John: MMMMM….It’s going to be difficult..
Meg: I feel so guilty….but I’m tired to be poor
John: I’m sorry, it’s me who can’t give you what you deserve..
Meg: I know….you try…, it’s my fault….I was so silly and irresponsable
John: No, you deserve it, but I can’t give you all the wonderful things..I’m just a teacher
Meg: You are a good man, I feel so bad because of what I have said…it’s not really truth.

Scene 17:
Ignacia: Amy meets Laurie again, and she confesses her love for him

Amy: What are you doing Laurie? I mean what do you intend to do?
Laurie: with life??
Amy: Yes.
Laurie: I’ve being writing an opera, I would be the central figure
Amy: That’s a waste of time
Laurie: What would you have me do?
Amy: (while she is making a portrait of him) try to make something by yourself not
because of your grandfather
Laurie: You are not playing fair.
Amy: Look…(showing the drawing)
Laurie: They are very good….when did you do this one?
Amy: It was the first day that we met, when I met Fred too
Laurie: That’s right…..What’s he doing?
Amy: He was in London …for business….
Laurie: Don’t marry him
Amy: What?
Laurie; Don’t marry him…
Amy: Why?
Laurie: Why? You know why…
Amy: No….no….Laurie. stop it, stop it..
Laurie: No
Amy: I have been second to Jo my whole life in everything, and I am not going to be the
person who replace her because you can’t have her….I won’t do it….I’ve spent my whole
life loving you….
Laurie: Please, wait…..

Scene 18:
Ignacia: Jo and Professor Friederich become good Friends especially because they share
the passion for literature. Friederich helps her in the process of writting
Professor: Good afternoon Miss March
Jo: (mientras ella escribe)Good afternoon
Professor: You are on fire
Jo; Sorry
Professor: Be careful…your dress is on fire
Jo. Oh, oh
Proffesor: You are writing
Jo: I’m trying…I have to sell this story
Professor: I have a present for you
Jo: You shouldn’t
Professor: They could help you as inspiration if you consider a proper model
Jo: Thank you..I know that they are very important for you
Professor: It’s important if they help you. You must write about own experiences, about
normal life…not all people are reading just for fun. They need to learn, share experiences
and think
Jo: What do you mean?. My stories are too childish!!!
Professor: To be honest Miss March, yes, most of them.
Jo: Well my stories are sold…and I need money to help my family
Professor: Why do you write?
Jo: Because writing is part of me, I express myself
Professor: So, express the real person inside.
Jo: MMmmm I don’t know
Professor: Do you like opera?
Jo: Well, I have had few opportunities
Professor: Would you come with me?
Jo: Of course…..I’m sorry, I felt a Little angry but maybe you are right according to the
Professor; I understand…well, I will go for you at 7:00 o’clock
Jo, I will be ready.
Scene 20
Ignacia: Laurie realices that he is in love with Amy because he has seen the growing and
how mature is she, so he proposes Amy

Amy: I must return home..Beth is sick

Laurie: You can´t travel alone if aunt March is sick (se abrazan)..even if you hate me
Amy: I don’t hate you Laurie….
Laurie: You have reformed me.
Amy: Maybe you did it……I am not going to marry Fred
Laurie: I heard about that…
Amy: And you don’t have to say or do anything…I just didn’t love him as I should.
Laurie: I don’t regreat it…… I remine a promise that I did to you…That I will Kiss you before
you die
Amy: Did you hear from Jo?..she is a friend of a German professor.
Laurie: yes, ….
Amy: I don’t want to be courted by a man who is in love with my sister
Laurie: I’m not in love with Jo…
Amy: and how do you explain your jelousy?
Laurie: I envy her happiness, and John for marrying Meg, and I hate John….
Amy: I don’t want to be loved for my family.
Laurie: My dear, It is you I love and not your family..I have changed just for you
Amy: How can I believe you?
Laurie: You have said that I was different, because I realized that you deserved to be with
the best man…and I want to be that man.
Amy: What do you mean, Laurie?
Laurie: I will return home with you but first…..Please, would you give me the honour of
being my wife?
Amy; I have always been in love with you Laurie
Scene 19
Ignacia: Jo returns home because Beth gets illness.

Mrs March: Hi Jo…al least you are at home

Jo: How is Beth Mom?
Hannah: Give me your luggages
Jo. I want to see her
Mrs March: Jo, it has been so difficult
Jo: I will take her to the beach, the fresh air it’s good
Hannah: No Jo, you can’t. She can’t walk
Jo: Why not? We must try!!!!
Mrs march: We only have to wait..(llora)
Beth: Jo????
Jo: yes my dear..I’m here
Beth: You have returned
Jo: Of course, I got bored of those girls
Beth: Don’t lie to me..
Jo: I have some ideas for doing
Beth: I think I can’t
Jo: yes, you can
Beth: Jo, I can’t
Jo: What do you mean?
Beth: Jo, listen to me……
Jo: please Beth.
Beth: I was never like all of you…
Jo: You are the best of us
Beth: I never thought in myself as an adult…all of you wanted to be a writer, a painter, a
wife…but me
Jo: don’t say that
Beth; I wil miss you Jo……....I can be brave..
Jo: I know my dear…but you can’t leave me, Beth….try, try to fight
Beth: I am not afraid
Jo: I don’t want you to go….Don’t go in silence Beth (se dirije a cerrar la ventana)
Beth: (Se muere)
Jo: (Acercándose a Beth, llora)

Scene 21:
Ignacia: Jo is so sad that she needs to do something in memory of her sister. That’s why
she starts writing about her real life and moments with all of her sister.
Mrs march: You are too lonely here…would you like to come back to New York? What
about your friend Friederich?
Jo: No, I don’t want to..I ruin our frienship with my temper…as I ruin everything..I’m sure I
will never see him again.
Mrs March: I real friend i sable to forgive
Jo. I wish that it were true. If I was a girl in a book this will be so easy.
Mrs March: Laurie is returning, you know? There was a letter from Amy..she’s coming
home too, she is devastated about Beth. Aunt is very ill to, so Laurie is with her
Jo: That’s good for him.
Mrs March: What is it?
Jo: I don’t know…I’ve always been happy with my family…I don’t understand it…perhaps I
was too quick and turning him down
Mrs March: Do you love him?
Jo: If he asks me again I think I would say yes…Do you think he would ask me again?
Mrs march: Do you love him?
Jo: I care more to be loved, I want to be loved
Mrs March: that is not the same
Jo: I know… Women have mind, souls and hearts, they got ambition and talent, they are
pretty…but I am bored that people think women only must marry, but I am so lonely
Mrs March: try to do something about what you care and you love
Jo: I want to write about a woman’s feeling
Mrs March: Why don’t you do it?
Jo. It’s hard to start, I don’t know if I am good enough
Mrs march: You are….don’t write about your fictional stories….be honest and represent
what women are.
Jo: yes, mom, thanks….you are right.
(Jo start writting)

Scene 22
Ignacia: Jo goes to the editor and publishes her book
Editor; Miss March. Come in
Jo: Good afternoon
Editor: What bring you here
Jo: This time I have a different story
Editor: What is it about?
Jo: I know that you prefer romantic and fiction stories
Editor: They are sold faster, people need distraction and faith
Jo: This time is a long story. It must be a book
Editor: Let me take a look
Jo, Here it is
Editor: Yes, you are’s a long story…Is it romantic?
Jo: Yes, there are some romantic ones
Editor: Are there tragic stories?
Jo: Unfortunatly yes
Editor: And what about fiction?
Jo: No, sometimes life is more interesting than fiction
Editor: Mmmm, maybe
Jo: Are you interested or not?
Editor: Yes, You will receive a payment before
Jo: But I need my rights. It’s my story and I want to do whatever I want with my
Editor: Ok.

Scene 23:
Ignacia: Amy and Laurie return home after the death of Aunt March. Jo knows about the
(Jo is sleeping when Laurie arrives)
Laurie: Jo, Jo…get up
Jo: Laurie (se abrazan) come back
Laurie:Are you glad to see me?
Jo: I missed you a lot….come and sit down… How is Amy? How was the travel from
Europe?....Where is she?.
Laurie: She is at Meg’s house…It was difficult to leave my wife there
Jo: Your what?
Laurie: well I already told it…it was suppose to be a surprise…we engaged and at first we
wanted to wait, but now, we are man and wife
Jo: you and Amy? Are you in love?
Laurie: yes….I will say something for the last time..I have always loved you but the love
that I feel for Amy is different… I think you were and me, it would have been a
disaster, it would never works..
Jo: Ohh Teddy…
Laurie; You are the only one who tell me Teddy…. It had to be in this way.
Jo: ohhhh
Laurie; Can we be friend, please?
Jo: We will be Friends forever.
(todos entran a la casa)
Amy: Jo…(se abrazan) You must tell the truth, as sisters… Are you angry with me?
Jo: Why?
Amy: because of us…
Jo: no, my dear….I was surprised, that’s all….my sister and my best friend together… I wish
the best for you… Now, we are the family that we always should had been…. You must
promise me that you will live close… I don’t want to lose another sister

Scene 24:
Ignacia : When all the family is together, Professor Friederich visits Jo.
Mrs March: Jo, you have a guess
Jo: I don’t know anyone
Professor: I’m sorry to intrude
Jo: It’s you!
Professor: I hope it is allright… I got your adress
Laurie: Who are you?
Profesor: I was close by outside..but I think I must go..
Mrs March: No, no please. Stay with us.
Laurie: (tomando del brazo a Amy) can someone tell me who is this man?
Profesor: I don’t want to be a burden
Jo: You aren’t
John: You’re welcome. Nice to meet you
Jo: We were in the same house in New York
Hannah: Oh Jo, he is very handsome
Mr March: please, sit with us..we are almost the diner
Mrs March. Yes, it would be a pleasure
Mr Laurence: will you return to New York?
Professor: No, I have received an offer to work in California…and I have nothing keeping
me here. I thought I might go west.
John: It’s new there, a good oportunity for working
Professor: yes, especially for immigrants
Mr March. Perhaps I should go to
Mrs March: You are not an immigrant so perhaps you should stay at home (todos se rien)
Profesor: It is a wonderful instruments..who plays it?
Jo. It was my sister Beth..
Amy: We all play a Little
Meg: But not as well as her.
Professor; It is hard to lose a sister….I’m sorry
Mr Laurence: Do you play?
Professor: yes,
Mrs March: We will be happy f you could play for all of us. The piano has been in silence
Profesor: I don’t want to offend you
Mr March: please
(toca el piano y luego todos se despiden)
Profesor: well if you ever come to california, I would love to see you
Jo: I don’t know that I will but thank you
Professor: well…..good bye
Jo: bye
(se despiden)
Jo: What…..what are you looking at me like that.
Mr March: What a wonderful man..I hope he comes back …he could make a terrific friend
for me
Amy: Ohh father, he wasn’t here for you!!!....Jo…you love him
Jo: What????, no no, yes, noooo
Amy: I am not so Smart as you but I can see that you love him…isn’t it?
Mr Laurence: yes, she has a good instinc.You love him
Meg: I have never seen you so happy
Mrs March: What else can be love?
Amy: You need to go after him….Laurie…prepares the carriage
Meg: I’m coming too.
Jo: No…I’m not going
Amy; Yes, you will
Laurie: I never imagine that I could prepare and help Jo to catch his love
Jo: But he is moving to California
Amy: He was practically begging you a reason to stay
Jo: It’s raining outside.
Hannah: It doesn’t matter my dear, go
Amy: You must come with me…
Meg: I will help too.
Mrs march: They are so crazy.

Scene 25:
Ignacia: Jo runs to find Professor Friederich
Professor: JO!!
Jo: I don’t want you to leave, I want you to stay
Professor: You Do!
Jo: Yes!
Professor. Yes, I would never leave it….you wish me to stay….I have nothing to give you
Jo: It doesn’t matter!!!
Professor: My hands are empty!
Jo: Not empty..not anymore!!!

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