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Research Development and Extension Manual

Our Vision

Research Development and Extension recognized for quality researches and relevant
extension services as its contribution to global competitiveness and character formation
of individuals and social transformation.

Our Mission

RDE shall generate new knowledge, verify and disseminate information in support to
quality instruction and responsive extension services to produce graduates equipped
with knowledge and skills, possessing high ethical standards prepared to compete in
the global environment and contribute to local and national development.


1. Establish a culture of Science and Technology environment to produce

knowledge-based products
2. Institutionalize research in the educational institution through a well-structured
Faculty and Students Research Capability Development Program
3. Conduct long-term, relevant and responsive research and extension programs
that will be mutually beneficial to BIST and the partner communities


Establishing research culture can be accomplished by the following objectives:

1. To create a research development and extension environment

1.1 Establishing the culture of research for the students, faculty and staff. This can be
accomplished by mind-setting the faculty towards a unified outlook, understanding
and commitment towards the institute’s mission and vision through a
series of internal consultations, re-orientations and seminars;
1.2 Compartmentalizing the Institute so that a specific group of interested faculty and
staff are groomed for research who shall spearhead the culture of research
development and extension in the academe. This can be accomplished by conducting
a descriptive and psychological mapping of the faculty for a clearer picture of who are
inclined to do research, development and extension and who are not and the constant
exposure to paper presentation and research and extension congress training and
related activities.

1.3 Introduction of effective RDE capability building programs. These shall be

conducted to capacitate and motivate the human resource to engage into S&T-based
research and development outputs.
1.4 Formulating RDE themes reflective of the expertise of the university faculty and
staff. This is reflected in the RDE thrusts and priorities of this section of the manual.

2. To establish of RDE Centers. This is reflected in the Management and Human

Resource of RDE based on the expertise of the Institute.

3. Intensify support for the development and protection of appropriate technology to

address local, national and global issues
An academic institution like BIST functions as a fountain of knowledge and part of its
mandate is to help improve the quality of life of the community. This is captured in it’s
vision as a science and technology institution. To respond to this mandate, the institute
needs to contribute to the development of appropriate technologies that will address
both local and global issues.

4. Facilitate the service areas’ adoption of developed technologies and intensify their
utilization of the institute’s expert services. Based on the it’s strategic plan for 2023-
2029, it is tasked to increase the economic productivity of the farmers, fisher folk and
business sectors, and enhance the capability of the educators and technology
providers in the service areas.

5. As an aspiring front-liner in Science- and Technology-based research and extension

in the province, BIST is mandated to facilitate the adoption of developed technologies to
communities and service areas as part of and on top of its extension activities. This can
be done through:
5.1. Establish linkages with the end-users through MOU/MOA and
5.2 Form a mechanism to implement, monitor and sustain the efficient adoption of

Thrusts and Priorities

Research, development and extension thrusts and priorities of the institute shall be
geared towards:

1. Transformative Learning. RDE Programs, Projects and Activities that

1.1. Enhance the BIST’s academic programs;
1.2. Improve the quality of teaching;
1.3. Explore transformative learning strategies;
1.4. Articulate and revise assumptions and perspectives on education;
1.5. Promote critical self-reflection and openness to alternative discourse; and
1.6. Develop innovative and more effective learning models.

2. Livelihood Generation.

2.1. Generate, propagate and develop products and commodities;

2.2. Produce technologies that facilitate the sustainable development of various
Commodities for business;
2.3. Promote the preservation and development of human capital e.g. studies on
health, nutrition, fitness and wellness, socio-economics, entrepreneurship, financial
education, etc.; and
2.4. Critically explore policy, management, civil society, governance and gender and

3. Biodiversity Conservation.
3.1. Contribute to the restoration and sustainability of natural resources in the region;
3.2. Explore and provide information on the status and impact of destruction in
different ecosystems in the region,
3.3. Improve the knowledge, awareness, attitude and perceptions (KAAP) of locals on
the importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resources

4. Climate Change Adaptation & Disaster Risk Management. RDE to

contribute to knowledge creation as key inputs for planning and policy formulation
emphasizing on climate change adaptation and disaster risk management.
4.1.. Improve protection of capacities and assets from impacts of climatic disaster;
4.2. Promote preparedness of communities and institutions to cope and mitigate the
impacts of climatic shocks and disasters;
4.3. strengthen communities’ ability to recover and reconstruct from conflicts in a way
that ensures their resilience to future climatic disasters; and
4.4. contribute to sustainable development.

5. Good Governance

5.1. create an environment that strengthens rule of law and human rights, gender
equality, appropriate distribution of power and macro-economic stability;
5.2. improve social and economic framework conditions in the service of sustainable
development, the fight against poverty and human security.
5.3. produce results that meet the needs of society while making the best use of
resources at their disposal;
5.4. also covers the sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of the

The Research Development and Extension Office (RDE) Manual is promulgated

by the Bato Insttute of Science and Technology Board of Directors approved per
Resolution Number _______ dated ________ .

Application and Coverage

This manual will be used and apply to all BIST students, faculty and staff and
other stakeholders and collaborators of the administrative and academic units of the

Legal Bases and Rationale

In the higher education sector Research Development and Extension play a very
important role in the search for sustainable development and growth of society
especially in the higher education sector. These functions are recognized as significant
input ensuring that the policies, programs and projects of higher education institutions
substantially meet the diverse and changing needs of their stakeholders and service
areas. Likewise, these are also acknowledged as accelerators in the generation and
transfer of knowledge and ideas to the community.

BIST as a Science and Technology Institution claimed to recognize with significant

inputs on Technology-based research and extension. The Institute nurtures a research
climate that aims to advance knowledge and develop new and breakthrough research
and part of its mandate to undertake research and extension services that collectively
and creatively address the development gaps in education, livelihood, environmental
management and good governance. Since research innovations are undertaken in an
academic setting, a project’s success is measured not only in terms of obtaining
desired results but also in learning and acquiring new knowledge.

Research Development and Extension is an inherent function of the Faculty of higher

education institutions, in addition to instruction and production. It is thus prudent that
instruction and research be reintegrated as one unit in order to streamline the entire
academic process. The following laws, rules and regulations served as the rationale
and legal bases of this Manual:
a. The 1987 Philippine Constitution, specifically Article XIV (Science and Technology)
b. The Philippine Development Plan (2023-2028)
c. The National Higher Education Research Agenda-2 (NHERA)
d. Republic Act No. 9261
e. Republic Act 9710 , the Magna Carta of Women
f. Section 4 (m) of Republic Act No. 8292 (Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997)
expressly mandates the governing boards of Universities and Colleges “to
establish research and extension centers where such will promote the development of
the latter.”

Organizational Structure

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Research Development &Extension Director

Head, Research RDE Head Gender and

Head, Extension
Development Development
Services Council
Services (GAD)

Monitoring & Department RDE
Evaluation & Pulication
Coordinator Coordinator rCommittee

Clientele/Stakeholders/ Students/

Figure 1. Organizational Structure of the Research and Extension Office

Duties and Functions

Director for Research, Development and Extension (DRDE)

The Director for Research Development and Extension shall be designated by the
School President subject to the confirmation of the Board of Directors. The Director
have, at least the appropriate doctoral degree with an academic rank of, at least,
Associate Professor with, at least three (3) years of research and development
experience and at least three (3) years of administrative experience.

General Functions

The Director for Research and Development shall perform the following:
1. Define priority research and development areas and identify projects towards the
development of the College and service areas.
2. Formulate general policies, plans, guidelines and direction that would govern the
operation of the various schools within the college and recommend these for
approval to higher authorities.
3. Initiate and administer the planning and implementation of programs and projects
designed to promote and enhance the linkage of the College.
4. Establish linkages with private and government sectors for possible research
grants and programs/projects.
5. Direct, coordinate, monitor and supervise the R&D programs and related
activities of the College.
6. Recommend patentable technologies for application and registration.
7. Determine and recommend to higher authorities the financial requirements of the
RDE and administer the use of the same.
8. Recommend the recruitment and hiring of the needed personnel of the division
and prescribe their duties and responsibilities.
9. Conduct an annual inventory of resources, on-going and completed researches,
and, technologies generated for the development of the college and service
10. Encourage faculty and staff to conduct research and publish papers in the
International Scientific Index (ISI) and refereed journal.
11. Conduct trainings and related activities to improve R&D capabilities of the
division / campuses.
12. Prepare and submit pertinent reports and recommendation to the VPAA (i.e.
monthly, quarterly, annual reports, etc.)
13. Perform other functions pertinent to RD&E as necessary as directed by higher

Specific Duties

Exercise the general supervision and coordination of all programs, projects and
activities of the various units under his/her Office;

1. Recommend and implement policies and guidelines governing research,

development and extension affairs of the College;
2. Plan programs for research, development and extension activities which are
geared towards the growth and development of the College;
3. Direct the implementation of research and development programs and extension
work of the College;
4. Coordinate, monitor, and appraise the performance of the various research,
development and extension units of the College;
5. Plan, promote, and carry out close working relations with appropriate government
agencies and people’s organizations;
6. Lead in formulating and implementing the research manual of operations;
7. Facilitate the development and/or revision/improvement and implementation of
the RD Agenda and Programs of the schools;
8. Facilitate the preparation and publication of research journal;
9. Lead in the publication of results from researches conducted in the College by
the faculty, staff and students;
10. Lead in the formulation and implementation of Faculty and Students Research
Capability Enhancement Program;
11. Act as Chairman of the Research, Development and Extension Council; and
12. Perform other related functions as may be directed by the President

Head, Research and Development

The Head of Research and Development shall perform the following functions:

1. Plan and implement policies and procedures for the effective monitoring on policy
guidelines on the conduct of researches;
2. Monitor implementation of policy guidelines on the conduct of researches;
3. Keep an updated record of on-going and completed studies in the College;
4. Prepare and submit important documents for the consumption of the College and
other agencies;
5. Coordinate holding of annual in-house review from planning, staging and post in-
house activities (proceedings and documentations);
6. Coordinate with the School Research Coordinators concerning the
a. Researchers’ submission of progress reports for the purpose of
recommending the continuance or termination of researches;
b. Progress reports on the student researchers and feasibility studies.
c. Report of respective school’s annual research activities
7. Consolidate the listed problems and recommended solutions by the RDEC to
solve or ease out problems in the implementation of the research projects;
8. Evaluate workloads of faculty involved in research;
9. Prepare and submit documents for budget allocation;
10. Prepare and submit required reports to the research director; and
11. Perform other related functions that may be assigned from time to time by the
higher authorities.

Head, Extension Services

The Head for Extension Services shall:

1. Assist in the preparation of strategic plan for extension programs of the different
2. Prepare yearly financial work plans and accomplishment reports
3. Implement target plans accordingly
4. Monitor and evaluate the planned and implemented activities
5. Coordinate and monitor the extension services of the different school
6. Document and possibly publish all lessons and notable experiences in their
extension works
7. Submit the required data and other reports
8. Perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by higher

Monitoring and Evaluation Unit

It facilitates the monitoring and evaluation of the performance and progress of

conducted R&D programs/ projects of the College. Specifically, it facilitates the review
and evaluation of ongoing and completed projects, researchers’ workload, periodic
progress reports, and Annual In-House Review and Evaluation (M&E Flow: Appendix A)

1. Monitoring provides mechanisms for keeping track of records of all conducted

R&D projects, and packages updates on the progress of these projects by
developing a data retrieval mechanism on the following:
a. R&D proposals;
b. Implemented and completed projects by Discipline, implementing units,
i.researchers and funding agencies;
c. Manpower resource (staffing pattern, workload and performance
evaluation, staff development)
d. Physical resources (facilities and equipment)
e. Quarterly Physical/Progress Reports
f. Quarterly Financial Report Funding agency
g. Mid-Year Progress Report
h. Annual Progress Report
i. Terminal Report
2. Evaluation – The M&E also provides the information on the progress of these
projects and the status of technologies/new information generated. Specifically,
this unit takes charge of the consolidation and packaging of the College R&D

Research Development and Extension Council


There shall be College Research, Development and Extension Council consisting of the
RDE Director as Chairperson, the Heads of Research and Extension Units School
Research and Extension Coordinators (BEEd, HRTM, SAS, SBM, SSR,SCS, Senior
High School) as members of the council for a total of ten (10) regular members.

Representatives from government and private research, development and extension

local/agencies may be invited to participate in the council meetings.

1. formulate policies, guidelines, rules and regulation governing research,

development, and extension and recommend them to the Board of Trustees
through the President, for approval;
2. determine the research, development and extension priorities of the college
3. recommend allocation of funds for research, development and extension
4. initiate appropriate actions for the establishment of institutional linkages with
other foreign or local institutions for the development of research, development
and extension activities of the college;
5. review and recommend amendments to improve established policies and
guidelines for research and extension for the approval of the BOT;
6. make recommendations to academic council on policies and procedures relating
to the:
a. management of research and development (R & D/E);
b. research training;
c. ethical conduct of research; and,
d. Professional development of staff focused on research training.
7. monitor research outcomes, and research funding
8. coordinate scholarships and grants to research students;
9. provide advice to the College Academic Council on the development of courses
that involve research training and the internationalization of academic programs;
10. assist the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Director for Research,
Development and Extension in the implementation of Academic policies and
procedures relating to research and research training and in developing each
Faculty’s research culture and performance.

Gender and Development (GAD)

The GAD Coordinator will ensure that Research Development and Extension projects
and activities of the Institution will incorporate GAD pursuant to the provisions of
Pursuant to Section 36 of Republic Act No. 9710, otherwise known as the Magna Carta
of Women (MCW), PCW Memorandum Circular No. 2011-01 and Republic Act No. 7192
and Executive Order No. 348, the Gender and Development (GAD).

Gender and Development (GAD) is a development approach which reflects a change in

outlook recognizing the equal contribution of women and men in all aspects and sectors
of development at BIST. It includes the process of identifying interventions which
transform gender disparities into opportunities that equally benefit women and men.
The composition of GAD includes the coordinators of the different departments:
Education, HRM, and Business Management.

Areas covered include:

1. Maintain ethical research, development and extension (RDE) standards by
respecting the dignity of women. Minimize or eliminate any form of gender or sexual
exploitation in conducting research and extension activities.

2. Encourage and support women's participation in extension activities. Seek

livelihood relationships with women-owned businesses and vendors, including
micro-enterprises, and work with them to arrange fair credit and lending terms.

3. Clearly forbid RDE-related activities that condone, support, or otherwise

participate in trafficking, including labor or sexual exploitation.

4. Ensure that these Principles are observed not only with respect to employees, but
also students and collaborating agencies such as: independent contractors, sub-
contractors, workers, suppliers.

5. Take these Principles into consideration in product and service development and
major income generating decisions, such as mergers, acquisitions, joint venture
partnerships, and financing.

Publication and Dissemination

Dissemination and Publication of Research and Extension Outputs.

Outputs of institutionallyfunded research may be published in CHED-recognized or

reputable peer-reviewed journals only after acquiring a Pub clearance from the
Dissemination and publication Committee. The committee, in close collaboration with
the RDE Director, shall be on the lookout and keep a database of reputable publication
media. As such, faculty researchers may inquire from the committee and ask for advice
on where to publish their respective research and extension outputs. Likewise, the
committee may proactively endorse reputable publication media to faculty researchers.
In case of conflicting decisions between the proponent(s)/author(s) and the Institute on
where to publish, the choice of the proponent(s)/author(s) shall prevail. Authors (within
and outside BIST.
Continuous Faculty an Staff Development

Inherent Faculty and Institutional Functions.

Instruction, Research and Development shall be inherent Faculty functions for this
Institution while Production and Extension shall be an inherent institutional functions.
Since it is inherent there should be continuous capability enhancement activities
which will be in close coordination with the Learning and Development functions of the
Human Resource Management. Local Congress and In-house Reviews must be
conducted twice a year or in every semester for both students and faculty . This local
congress will serve as the bases for sending researchers and extension workers in
external congress and presentations.

Generally, the VPAA shall provide support functions to the management in matters
pertaining to continuous Faculty and Staff development in research and extension. It
shall spearhead training activities and the selection of office nominees for training,
conferences, scholarship grants and any other personnel interventions on matters of
research and extension in accordance with existing policies. In close coordination with
the Research Development and Extension Director learning and development (L&D)
endeavors on research and Extension matters shall be in consonance with the L&D
plan facilitated by the management or its equivalent in the Institute.

The RDE Council

Composition, Meetings and Quorum

The RDE Council shall be composed of the following: The RDE Director, The RDE
Coordinators of every Department , GAD Coordinator and a field expert of the
RDE papers to be reviewed.

The Council shall conduct one regular meeting, at least per quarter which may be called
by the Vice President or upon the written request of the Director for Research
Development and Extension. Attendance in all its meetings shall be required of every
member of the Council and only for meritorious and justifiable reasons shall a member
be excused from attendance. Proxies may be allowed without voting powers.


A quorum of the Council shall consist of a majority of all its members, excluding those
on official travel or leave, and a majority vote of all members present shall be required
to dispose a question or decide an issue,
Process Flow of the In-House Review
A call for research, development and extension proposal should be done by the council
every quarter. Submitted papers will be reviewed by the council prior to its
implementation or endorsement for funding either local or international . No RDE
proposals be conducted without following the process as stipulated in the RDE Manual.
(See attached Appendces)

Appendix A

Director RDE

 At least a doctoral units / degree holder (25%)

 Must have conducted researches, development, and extension activities (25%)

 Must have published research, development, and extension article(s) in a refereed

journal (30%)

 Must have sufficient knowledge in research, extension and statistics or RDE work
experiences (20%)
Coordinator RD/E

 At least with doctoral units (20%)

 Must have conducted researches, development and extension activities (20%)

 Must have published research, development, and extension article(s) in a refereed
journal (30%)

 Must have sufficient knowledge in research, extension, and statistics or RDE work
experiences (20%)

 Must have a working knowledge in computer (10%)

B. Research, Development & Extension Heads

 At least a master’s degree holder (30%)

 Have conducted at least one research, development, and extension activity (20%)

 Have published/presented research, development, and extension paper (20%)

 Have actively participated in research, development, and extension activities, either

as a project leader, study leader or a research assistant/aide or any RDE work
experiences (20%)

 Have a sufficient knowledge on statistics (10%)

C. Research and Extension Coordinators

 Must have RDE work experiences

 Have potential leadership qualities

 Willing to work beyond office hours

Appendix B
Criteria for Evaluation of Project



Basic Socio- Applied Developmen

Economic t

Generation of new knowledge, 25% 40% 25% 25%

originality of the problem being
investigated or inattentiveness

Methodology (adequacy and 25% 35% 25% 25%

appropriateness of research design)

Potential economic, social and 25% - 25% 25%

environmental impacts

Presentation (written and oral) 25% 25% 25% 25%

TOTAL 100% 100% 100% 100%




1. Relevance 10% 1. Relevance 10%

2. Operational Outcome 80% 2. Organizational Dynamics 40%

2.1 Effectiveness 2.1 Planning & Implementation

(60%) Process

a. Social 2.2 Support Generated

(20%) (5%)

b. Economic 2.3 Personnel

(15%) (10%)

c. Environmental Impact 2.3 Facilities & Resources

(15%) (5%)

d. Quality of Interagency 2.5 Linkages

Collaboration (5%)

2.2 Efficiency 2.6 Awards& Recognition

(20%) (5%)

3. Internal Outcomes 10% 3. Outcome/Impact of Services to 50%

the clients/community

3.1 Social

3.2 Economic

3.3 Environmental

TOTAL 100% TOTAL 100%

Appendix C

Criteria for the Evaluation of Best Project/Research

1.1 Development of Proposal/Research 40%

1.1.1. Creativity, originality, resourcefulness 20%

1.1.2 Intellectual honesty/moral values 10%
1.1.3 Thoroughness and skills 10%

1.2 Development of Research Skills, Scientific thoughts 30%

1.2.1 Application of Science principles and appropriate

technology 10%
1.2.2 Furtherance of Scientific thoughts, invention, and
idea process 10%
1.2.3 Introduction of new scientific concept and idea 10%

1.3. Contribution to community development 30%

1.3.1 Use of the local material 10%

1.3.2 Utility or Economic Value in the community 10%
1.3.3 Applicability in material goods through 10%
Economic development

Total 100%

Appendix D
(Social Sciences)


I. Research Title
II. Proponent(s)
III. Implementing Agency(ies)
IV. Collaborating Agencies
V. Project Duration
VI. Proposed Budget

I. Introduction(Rationale, background, and significance of the study)

 What is the study all about?

 What do other authors say about the study?

 What are the existing gaps?

 How do you intend to address the gaps?

II. Objectives
III. Theoretical / Conceptual Framework (Social Science Research)
IV. Methodology (Research Design, Locale, Respondents and sampling technique,
Instruments, data gathering procedure, and statistical analysis.)
V. References (Use APA for Social and Educational Researches and CSE for Natural Science, Engineering
and Technology Researches)

VI. Work Schedule (Gantt chart)

VII. Expected output/ Deliverables
VIII. Budgetary Requirement
Personnel Services (PS)
Maintenance & Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)
Transportation &Travel
Supplies & Materials
Trainings & Seminars
Other Services
Capital Outlay (CO)
Administrative Cost
Appendix E


(Biophysical Sciences )


I. Research Title
II. Proponent(s)
III. Implementing Agency(ies)
IV. Collaborating Agencies
V. Project Duration
VI. Proposed Budget

I. Introduction(Rationale, background, and significance of the study)

 What is the study all about?

 What do other authors say about the study?

 What are the existing gaps?

 How do you intend to address the gaps?

II. Objectives
III. Methodology (specify experimental design)
IV. References (Use CSE format)
V. Work Schedule (Gantt chart)
VI. Expected output/ Deliverables
VII. Budgetary Requirement
Personnel Services (PS)
Maintenance & Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)
Transportation &Travel
Supplies & Materials
Trainings & Seminars
Other Services
Capital Outlay (CO)
Administrative Cost
Appendix F


(Information Technology)


I. Research Title
I. Proponent(s)
II. Implementing Agency(ies)
III. Collaborating Agencies
IV.Project Duration
V. Proposed Budget
I. Introduction(Rationale, background, and significance of the study)

 What is the study all about?

 What do other authors say about the study?

 What are the existing gaps?

 How do you intend to address the gaps?

II. Overview of the Current System and Related Systems
 Current System
 Related Systems
III. Objectives of the Study
IV. Methodology (Design of the Study)
 Purpose of the Study
 Methods
 Sources of Information
 Procedures
 System Design
 Architectural Design
 Database Design
 Procedural Design
V. Statistical Treatment of Data**
 Means
 Ranks
** if the study is for evaluation
VI. Reference: ( Use CSE Format)
VII. Work Schedule (Gantt chart)
VIII. Expected output/ Deliverables
IX. Budgetary Requirement
Personnel Services (PS)
Maintenance & Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)
Transportation &Travel
Supplies & Materials
Trainings & Seminars
Other Services
Capital Outlay (CO)
Administrative Cost

Appendix G




Title, author (s) and affiliation

Title, author(s) and affiliation
Abstract (not more than 100 words)
Abstract (not more than 100 words) Introduction (background of the project/service,
why it was deemed important, unique
Introduction (objectives are already integrated in strategy/ methodology used, significant
this section) contributions to knowledge,
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework (for social socioeconomic upliftment, environmental
science research; not required in physical and improvement, etc.)
biological science researches ) Objectives
Approaches, Strategies and Methods
Research Design and Methods
Results and Discussion (include presentation of Conclusion
results, analysis and interpretation of results) Implications and Recommendations
Acknowledgement (Optional)
References Cited
Acknowledgement (Optional)

Appendix H


I. Basic Information of the Project (one page)

 Project Title

 Project Proponent(s)

 Proponent(s) Department/Unit/Office

 Collaborating Agency(ies)

 Project Duration

 Total Project Cost

 Sources of Funds (Table form and show counterparting)

II. Progress Report of the Project

 A brief background of the project, objectives and methodology

 Extent of accomplishment (What has been accomplished as reflected in the Gantt

Chart and Objectives)

 New significant findings/highlights

 Problems encountered and suggested solutions(Matrix form)

III. Plan of Activities for the Succeeding Months

Appendix I



I. Title of Program/Project/Activity
II. Proponent(s)
III. Implementing Agency(ies)
IV.Collaborating Agencies
V. Project Sites
VI.Project Duration
VII. Target beneficiaries
X. Proposed Budget (Please show counterparting)

I. Nature and Background of the Program/Project/Activity

- state what the program/project/activity is all about

- what are the activities that it intends to do
- describe the situation of the project area and target clientele in relation to the
project to be undertaken
- relate the project to national economy and its contribution to local productivity
- state the need and importance of the conduct of project/activity in the area

II. Objective

State what the project/activity hope to come up with in tangible and non-tangible
forms: tangible – structures, write- ups/document, etc. while non-tangible: information
and skill learned

III. Relevance of the Program/Project/Activity

- state the relevance of the project/activity
- integrate results of related studies, readings and information gathered in
conjunction with the project/activity
- justify observations on the need of conducting the project/activity in the area
- state the necessity of the project to be conducted/implemented at such
period/specific time
- state why the proponent(s) has/have the capacity to undertake said project/activity

IV. Implementation Strategies

- State (paragraph form) how the project will be implemented
- Define the roles of the cooperating agencies
- Present chronologically the project/activity components or activities to be
- Present the time table of activities (GANTT Chart)

V. Management
- Give narrative description of the project/activity staff, their specialization, roles and
- Present organizational structure

VI. Monitoring and Evaluation

- Discuss how are we going to monitor and evaluate the project/activity (project
reviews, clients evaluation)
- Describe what are the aspects to be evaluated
- State how are you going to measure project/activity impact (productivity, income
level, skills learned, knowledge/information gained)

VII. Risks and Benefits

- State the expected risks in undertaking the project/activity, any possible negative
- State what are the expected benefits that can be derived from the project/activity
- Describe how the expected benefits outweigh expected risks

VIII. Sustainability Mechanism

- Explain how can the project/activity be assured of sustainability
- Explain what is the possibility of the projects’ continuity on the use of the extended
inputs to the clients even with minimal or without the project staff’s intervention.

IX. Budgetary Requirements

Item Amount
Personal Services (PS)
Maintenance & Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)
Transportation &Travel
Supplies & Materials
Trainings & Seminars
Other Services
Capital Outlay (CO)
Administrative Cost

Appendix J



Proposal No. __________________

Date Submitted: _________________
Status: ________________________

Title of the Project:

Proponent’s Name:
Nature of the Proposal:
Expected Project Dates
From: ______________________ to: ____________________
Director RDE
Signature over Printed Name

Date: _______________________

Recommending Approval:

VPA/ President

Appendix K

Appointment Form

Republic of the Philippines

____________________________________, Bato, Leyte

Office of the Vice President

For : ________________________________________

Subject : Appointment as Researcher

This is in relation to your approved research proposal entitled,

Be informed that you are hereby appointed as RESEARCHER of said study effective on
_________________________ until the termination of the program/project/study. As such, you
are expected to finish the research study within the time specified in the approved proposal

Congratulations and more power.

VPA or/ President

Cc: RDE Director

File (RDECouncil)

Appendix L
Compliance Checklist




RDE Council Compliance/Remarks

Prepared and Submitted by:



RDE Director

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