Jeffrey Armstrong On The Mysteries of Indian Culture, The Relevance of Hindu

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Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying







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Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines
Sunday, December 19, 2010 with Anthony Wile

The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Jeffrey Armstrong (left). Introduction: Jeffrey Armstrong is an award-winning author of numerous books on Vedic knowledge including his recent book: Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar, Ancient Wisdom for a New World. He is a philosopher, practitioner and teacher of the Vedas for the past 40 years. He has degrees in Psychology, History & Comparative Religions, and Literature and had a successful career as an executive in Silicon Valley before turning to teaching full time. Jeffrey Armstrong (Kavindra Rishi) is the founder of VASA Vedic Academy of Sciences & Arts in Vancouver Canada. His work aims at promoting higher education in the Vedic sciences, showing their roots in Veda and Vedanta, taking an integrated approach with the different Vedic disciplines. As the Vice President and International Media Coordinator for the Vedic Friends Association (VFA), Jeffrey Armstrong is a global advocate for the Sanatana Dharma Culture. Daily Bell: Give us some background, where did you grow up? Jeffrey Armstrong: I am one of those people that people often ask: How did you do all that in one life? I was born in Detroit, Michigan and by the time I was 13 I had become more interested than anyone I knew in questions such as: Who are we? Why are we here? What is life? I was a philosopher in the making, but I sure wasn't surrounded by many others in the suburbs of Detroit. Eventually, everything I did became directed toward answering these questions. Daily Bell: Did you focus on these issues in college? Jeffrey Armstrong: I went off to university and spent five years working on a double major, one in psychology and one in creative writing, literature, and poetry. During that time which

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Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

was also the 60s I was intensely involved in social developments and what was going on in the world and the experiences of the time. From that I was led, in almost every subject that I entered into, toward India. It is my opinion that if one studies most any modern subject with real diligence, they will be led, as I was, to India. India has the largest simultaneously scientific and spiritual 'library' known to exist. I then spent five years in a Yoga ashram, as a celibate monk, being trained in the knowledge and practices of India. At the end of that time I spent two years learning Vedic Astrology. In the west, Astrology is mostly considered entertainment but in India it is a very serious and rigorous science. Then I went back for another degree in History and Comparative Religion where I spent 3 more years and then a year of graduate work in South Asian studies at the University of Wisconsin. I also studied modern dance, various forms of martial arts, fencing, Chinese herbal studies and rode and trained horses for many years. Starting in 1980 I began working in corporations in Silicon Valley. I first worked for Apple Computer as their Middle Eastern Sales Manager and then spent the next 7 years at the heart of the explosion of Silicon Valley, in various Executive Sales & Marketing positions. Finally, I decided I would prefer to work outside the corporation, as a consultant, rather than inside. So, I built a career for myself as a corporate motivational speaker and spent the next 10 years speaking to Fortune 500 companies around the world. That was my work until 14 years ago, when I made the commitment to be a full time spiritual teacher. During all these years, I have been an avid Mystical poet and have written over 1,600 poems describing the philosophy of India in modern English. Daily Bell: How did you get interested in Indian culture and religion? Jeffrey Armstrong: Religion is the wrong word to use for India's teachings. Religion is a word that is more accurately applied to the Middle Eastern Abrahamic cultures. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are religions. The origin of the word religion, from the Latin, is re-legare (a legalistic system of rules given by God) or 'bound by rules.' Re = tied up or connected by, and ligion = legare = ligaments = to tie, bind or bandage. The usual idea is that the practitioner of a religion is bound up in rules or laws. This especially applies to the three Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, whereas the spiritual practices of India are called a Dharma Culture. The main difference is religions generally have one book of rules and stories whereas a Dharma culture has a library of spiritual and material knowledge aimed at understanding who we really are and how to properly use everything around us. The phrase Dharma Culture is a more accurate descriptor for India, as compared to the 'Indian religion' or 'Hindu religion.' At the core of the Abrahamic Religions is a set of rules given by God that we are told we must follow because a specific vision of God and His prophet said so. That is not the basis of the Vedic Spiritual Library of India. India does not have a single book or an authoritarian/disciplinarian God, it uses an entirely different approach to the question of who we are and it is certainly more philosophical than a Religion, but it also contains many other components. It has a library of self-actualizing sacred knowledge, rather than just one dogmatic book. Daily Bell: What do you believe in and why? What application does it have to the West? Jeffrey Armstrong: My lifelong effort has been to try to find things that are universally true rather than relatively true and I believe that the largest library of that information exists in India in spite of the fact that India is a very fragmented culture right now due in large part to 1200 years of violent colonization by outside invading forces. This library of knowledge stretches back for thousands and thousands of years and is, as far as I know, the largest repository of the universal truth that exists on our planet. What we now call the West is the outgrowth of a tribal or city/state approach to living on the planet. This means if you take care of your tribe, you are seen as good. So, to all those tribes who were fighting against each other for thousands of years in a series of wars, that essentially meant that as long as the spoils of the wars were brought back and shared amongst the tribe, they were good. Alexander the Great was a prime example of this. He went out to rape, pillage and conquer, and was a monster to the rest of the world, but was considered great by his people, hence the name. He was really great at being a warmonger, and a rapist and a pillager. But he brought his people back the spoils of war. India, on the other hand, is the only culture of its size in the world that has never gone out and tried to spread its beliefs by war. In fact, it has consistently given shelter to anyone from any culture. So, to compare histories, the west is a competitive, war-based civilization and India has been a nurturing, cooperation-based civilization on an epic scale. I am involved in the process of practicing and transferring that cooperative

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Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

culture of India to the war-based culture of the west at a crucial time when it is needed very much. Daily Bell: Let us go back in time. How old is humankind? Jeffrey Armstrong: This is one of the most striking things about India. Indians of pre-modern history calculated the age of the universe in trillions of years. This is also the culture that gave us zero, the numerals that we use so-called Arabic have their roots in India as do trigonometry and calculus, astronomical calculation and a view that says the universe is not only billions, but trillions of years in age and that we are eternal beings who are simply visiting the material world to have the experience of being here. So, the point is, India holds a massive cosmological view of us and that humans have existed for trillions of years, in varying stages of existence. And further, over time humans will continue to populate the many universes again and again. Daily Bell: You wrote a book about this. Can you explain? Jeffrey Armstrong: The book I wrote is called: The Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar, published by Atria/Beyond Words an imprint of Simon and Schuster. The word Avatar means the descent of the Transcendental Divine or Supreme Being to the Earth for the purpose of revealing things we need to know about both living here and the nature of the Transcendental itself. In other words, to inform us of that which is currently beyond our sight. Daily Bell: Are there lost Indian cities under the sea? Jeffrey Armstrong: There is at least one that was discovered in 2001 in the Bay of Cambay, which is off the west coast of India. In a routine, environmental scan of the bottom of the sea, a city was discovered which turns out to have the largest megalithic stones of any city in ancient times; artifacts were dated to about 10,000 years ago. This find hasn't yet been recognized in mainstream intellectual and academic circles but is nonetheless a momentous discovery which I am sure will eventually contribute to the review of our current theories of the age of human civilization. The city sits in about 150 feet of water, which indicates it was built before the last melting of the polar ice caps, which most geologists date conservatively at about 12,000 years ago. It appears to have had a building format similar to the cities of Harappa and Mohendro Daro (3000-5000 BCE), which were previously thought to be the oldest cities of India (and located in what is now called Pakistan). But this underwater city off the coast of India suggests, conservatively, 15,000 years of sophisticated human history in India. Daily Bell: Did the ancient Indians know how to fly and to build flying machines? Are there replicas of these machines on the tops of ancient temples? Jeffrey Armstrong: On the latter question, I am not sure I have heard that there are replicas of the airplanes or Vimanas as they were referred to in the epic histories of India. But there are two Indian epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the two epic poems that supposedly took place 5,000 years ago and over 1.2 million years ago in India, and the Ramayana actually begins with a scene in which a very sophisticated stolen airplane is being flown all over the Earth. Such ancient stories, thousands and thousands of years old, have no logical reason for talking about airplanes in any modern sense. Yet they do. Daily Bell: Did this civilization possess nuclear weapons? Jeffrey Armstrong: It did not possess nuclear weapons as we know them and there is no evidence that India cultivated radium or other atomic materials at all. There is reference to a particular kind of mantra-based weapon that was used along with bows and arrows and is called a "Brahmastra." This weapon supposedly could release nuclear-like energy with pinpoint accuracy. So not exactly nuclear, but its use produces the same consequence of bringing an intensely powerful explosion to a targeted area: complete and fiery destruction. But in the epics there is nothing that resembles the nuclear reactors or nuclear contamination we see today. India is also unique in that, historically, none of their wars were fought with or against civilian populations. Even in the massive Mahabharata war, warriors fought warriors on a sequestered field of battle, leaving civilians untouched. Daily Bell: Are there lost power sources and other ancient technologies that we could perhaps reclaim with enough study? Jeffrey Armstrong: This is a question that is once again coming to light. For example, there is a recent though controversial book out called 1421: The Year China Discovered the World, by[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

a British submarine captain, Gavin Menzies. Regardless, China and India had very sophisticated sea faring technology, which is now proven, and with that technology and with the many inventions that both cultures created, it is becoming more and more clear that there was an extensive technological culture at an earlier time period in history than generally thought, that was spread all over the planet. It is now considered very likely that China and India had the ability to circumnavigate the entire planet. The ships that were launched from China in 1423 were 300 feet long and double-hulled and could stay at sea for 300 days at a time. Menzies further suggests that many inventions attributed to Leonardo de Vinci were actually from a book that the Chinese brought to Italy in 1423 on a global, seafaring expedition. Either way, China and India and Egypt appear to have had sophisticated technologies for thousands and thousands of years before modern times. And for the record, it is also common historical knowledge that both Egypt and China acknowledge their debt to India as the oldest culture. Daily Bell: How were the great stone blocks used by ancient builders moved from place to place? Jeffrey Armstrong: This still remains a mystery. There are actually conjectures that this was done with so-called psychic ability and powerful sound vibrations called mantras, yet there is no proof of this theory. All that aside, so-called modern man constantly and profoundly underestimates the brilliance of so-called primitive man. Daily Bell: What happened to this ancient civilization? Was it worldwide? Jeffrey Armstrong: There is a lot of evidence that it was global and as I mentioned many were seafaring and using extremely accurate astronomical, heliocentric calculations for both Earth and celestial motions, indicating an understanding that the Sun is at the center of the solar system and that the Earth is round. Elliptical orbits were also calculated for all moving celestial bodies. The findings are remarkable. What India calculated thousands of years ago, for example the wobble of the Earth's axis, which creates the movement called precession of the equinoxes the slowly changing motion that completes one cycle every 25,920 years has only recently been validated by modern science. Was this knowledge given to them by divine beings as they claim? Was there inter-galactic travel? Did the people in India have contact with beings or knowledge from other planets? We don't know, but what is certain is that they had mathematical/astronomical understanding that is extremely precise and agrees with many of the results of astronomy today. There is no other way to explain why India and these ancient cultures would have such precise knowledge other than the fact that they were in a period of impressive technology and culture beyond our present understanding. Daily Bell: The modern Hindu spirituality is a reflection of this ancient civilization and its knowledge? Jeffrey Armstrong: Reflection is probably a good word because India has been aggressively colonized for the last 1200 years. Some scholars have suggested that as many as 60 million people died in the process of both the Muslim and British colonization of India. Whatever the numbers, that a holocaust of this proportion hasn't even been discussed in terms of history speaks for itself. But what is simultaneously amazing is that the culture of India is as intact as it is compared to what one would expect from such extreme abuse and what we usually see with other decimated indigenous groups all across the world. Sixteenth century India has been described as the wealthiest country in the world, with the best universal educational system all of which has obviously become seriously damaged. India of today does not accurately represent the ancient culture, but what is amazing is that the India of today, without funding or resources, has spread its knowledge around the world. Today, there are probably as many as 100 million people practicing aspects of yoga not because India spent a lot of money trying to spread its culture, but because that knowledge is, I would say, innately desired and needed by people all over the world. So, to look at current India and then ask if their deep cultural knowledge is useful for today is misguided and ignorant. Present day India is damaged badly by recent colonization, internally corrupt and in many ways ruled by foreign interests opposed to its basic culture. But if we look deeply into the storehouse of ancient knowledge that the original culture possessed, we will find a legacy profoundly useful for the world we live in today. Daily Bell: Did ancient Indians consort with aliens and travel through time or to other dimensions?[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Jeffrey Armstrong: The cosmology of India describes our universe as having fourteen parallel realities on multiple levels, all existing and intersecting within the material realm in which we are currently living. One of those levels is called the Deva realm. The Deva realm is supposedly the home of the beings who actually conduct the laws of nature to which we are subject. This view of Divine helpers is much misunderstood as the so-called many gods or also as demi-gods, but in India they were never viewed as God, gods, demi-gods or in competition with God. They were, instead, viewed as souls (or more accurately atmas) like us, but living on another plane of material reality and performing specific jobs as administrators of the laws of nature. So, gods is the wrong word for many reasons, the main one being it implies 'God,' which is not an Indian word in the first place. These beings are called Devas, meaning beings who 'work in the light' assisting the Supreme Being by enforcing the laws of nature that allow the universe to function as it does. Different yet similar to us, Devas are viewed in India, by analogy, much as someone who works in the passport department giving out visas. Devas give out the passports (enforcing the laws of Nature) and we are people using and receiving the passports (obeying the laws of Nature). So as for the alien question, it was always the view in India that there are other dimensions of intelligent life in our universe who communicate with humans and that the Devas specifically are the intelligences operating behind the laws of Nature. But the Vedic culture wouldn't have described these beings as aliens in the way we currently think of aliens, as coming from another planet in a metal ship, parking their ship (or crashing their ship in Roswell) et cetera. The Vedas describe infinitely multiple universes filled with many Earth-like and other diverse planets and many kinds of intelligent beings living in these other dimensions, some in contact with this realm. The closest modern analogs are found in some of the theories of quantum physics, one being string theory, which suggests there are something like eleven parallel realities that are running simultaneously with ours. This idea in physics, of parallel realities crisscrossing, is undeniably reminiscent of the ancient teachings from India. Finally, beyond these many material realms, the Vedas state that there is an eternal Transcendental realm or abode which, though non-material, makes periodic visits to our physical plane here on Earth. The Transcendental is not considered a material realm and thus represents yet another form of visitation that sometimes takes place. In the Vedas, these intentional visitations from the Transcendental are called Avatars literally the descent of higher beings from the Transcendental to the material realms. Daily Bell: How did such a powerful civilization perish and why? Jeffrey Armstrong: By a definition given in the Vedas, everything within matter changes and is in flux, eternally. Specifically, younger, more physically vital cultures from the cold climates came in with a new power, technology and energy that was able to, let's say, exploit the situation of a diverse and cooperative India that had also become somewhat corrupt and decrepit. Ancient India is probably the poster child for a diverse, complex, cooperative society that by this definition allowed a lot of bio-diversity. Ironically, that was actually a weakness when Europeans came in and wanted to conquer India, to rape and pillage her wealth or to religiously convert the population, as with Islam and Christianity. After all, might does not make right. Daily Bell: We believe the West is afflicted by money power a group of wealthy families that want to centralize control over the world and are causing misery. How does your philosophy account for this? Jeffrey Armstrong: The philosophy of India is very clear. We human beings are here with the ability to utilize our free will and the spectrum is anywhere from enlightened to 'endarkened.' The enlightened end of the spectrum is where the laws of Nature reside, and is called the Deva view. The 'endarkened' view is the philosophy of the so-called Asuras, who are always against the enlightened way of being. We humans can choose to cooperate for the good of all and align ourselves with the Devic view or we can choose to be entirely selfish and only concerned for the personal gain and pleasure of a few. The dark Asuric choice brings fear, destruction, chaos, exploitation and is always imposed by a small uncaring minority, enslaving the masses and farming them like animals to steal their life energy. All the Vedic stories show this human potential for abuse of free will and the problems it can create. The Indian epics are rife with classic conflicts involving those who care only for themselves, subvert the laws of nature, create artificial inorganic societies, cannibalize other living entities[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

and make a few people very wealthy and powerful at the expense of large numbers of innocent people. It is the Avatars who come to fight against these dark beings. So anything like a global world government or a single global power or technology that subverts a freedom-based and sustainable reality with a manufactured and degrading pseudo-reality is considered, in the Vedic way of thinking, as Asuric, or against the light, against truth and blind to the good of all. The likelihood of such groups being out there is considerable. They are only acting in their selfish interest and do not care if they cause harm to large numbers of people. Ironically, the Vedas make it very clear that massive so-called wealth is actually most efficiently and easily acquired by literally not caring at all about sucking the life-force out of people and the Earth. Daily Bell: What is the fusion between "Western technology and Eastern wisdom [that] offers a revolutionary new vision for multiculturalism and responsible expansion?" Jeffrey Armstrong: The most scientific language that exists on our planet is Sanskrit. The Sanskrit language has four thousand grammatical rules, making it more precise than either Greek or Latin. Sanskrit by its sheer specificity explains why the citizens of India have never made a wide distinction between material science and spiritual science. Sanskrit also helps explain how a so-called primitive, ignorant and Pagan people were able to so rapidly take over the IT industry. Behind Sanskrit is a temperament that is not against science but rather weds science and our spiritual nature together into a single important subject: Divine Intelligence. The key principal here is that the original culture of India thinks in the longest possible cycles and believes that we are not supposed to brutally exploit the resources of the planet, the nonrenewable resources of the planet, let alone control or enslave people in the process. We are supposed to use our scientific and technological abilities to work in harmony with the laws of nature. This is based on the belief that nature is intelligent, conscious, purposeful, and not random and that the natural order of the universe is to be supported by us, not subverted by us. In the future, if we are fortunate, the technological capabilities that have now been developed will be wedded with a renewable idea of energy and we will stop exploiting the non-renewable energy resources of our planet and use our abilities to create a recycling, renewable and therefore a good-for-the-future way of living on the planet. Because right now, in so many ways, from energy to money, we are living as if there will be no future and we will certainly leave a terrible mess for our children given what is being done. Regardless of what we see today, India's teachings have always stood for a renewable and cooperative relationship with the resources of the universe and the freedom of individuals. Daily Bell: You write of your views "this will help take our success beyond the present-day definitions of a profit-only marketplace." How so? Jeffrey Armstrong: The large corporation as we know and define it now generally has a financial responsibility (which encompasses most of its other responsibilities) to its Board of Directors, only to bring in profit. It has the rights of an individual with no moral responsibilities. Corporations are still based on the colonial ethos that we can go out and harm the rest of the world as long as we bring the results back to our own country. These giant corporations become 'too big to fail,' are often deeply subsidized by taxpayer money, are products of the State in many nefarious ways and often have a revolving door of positions and lobbyists between themselves and government. Of course this isn't good for the planet and it creates animosity among many groups. Given the immense powers of technology, this rape and pillage attitude will inevitably lead to more and more war, more destruction and misery, and more debt. It continues at a rapid pace right now with the corporate world trying to own more and more resources like, for instance, water, with the idea that individuals or corporations should be able to own nonrenewable, life-sustaining resources, neither of which is acceptable morally, as history has shown and the Vedas have warned. This robber baron mentality needs to be replaced by a new mentality. I call it the CCO and every corporation should have one the Chief Conscience Officer. Why? Because as I said, and as it is said in the Vedas, massive wealth in the material world is most easily acquired via the exploitation of both resources and people and is therefore always tempting to certain beings. Ideologies aside, without compassion and corporation, there is no well-being. Daily Bell: What is the ancient Yoga philosophy and how does it teach valuable skills that are applicable to all areas of life?[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Jeffrey Armstrong: The purpose of Yoga is two-fold. One is the purpose to live in harmony with the laws of nature. The second is to empower each individual spiritual being to be autonomous and ultimately to be able to fly their airplane, (their divine consciousness), back to the Transcendental realm from which they originally came. This leads to a political viewpoint that says our education should maximize as many human beings as possible to achieve their highest human potential and not put them in positions of bondage where they are degraded in any means whatsoever. The yogic ethos is that we should arrange life so that, as far as is possible, human beings are not degraded in consciousness by performing their work but have the greatest possible opportunity to remain conscious of their true, Divine Nature, which will lead them as far as possible in that direction. All of this, by definition, has to be accomplished without the use of intimidation, forced-conversion or coercion. Daily Bell: You write, "The real treasures of the East weren't jewels, spices or exotic perfumes but the amazing treasure house of sacred and universal knowledge. This knowledge, increasingly validated by modern science, is now being embraced by leading edge corporations, professionals and leaders throughout the world." What are some examples? Jeffrey Armstrong: As I mentioned earlier, what is unique about the library of India is that it was recorded in the Sanskrit language, which has not degraded over time to any significant extent. This is unlike other religions and spiritual paths and bodies of knowledge that were written in languages which have often become obsolete or are no longer clearly understood. Thus, the treasure house of knowledge that I am talking about goes back accurately for thousands and thousands of years. The literature contains the precise understandings of the ancients and is still being transmitted by traditional teachers in India to the modern world. It is well known that Greek advancements in knowledge have affected our world for a couple thousand years. Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher, was the teacher of Plato. Socrates of course claims to have been enlightened by the teachings of Pythagoras who preceded him by 200 years. It is also historically known and should be remembered that Pythagoras studied in India; he was a vegetarian, virtually unheard of anywhere else, and learned the philosophy of India and taught it in Greece. So if we are to accept the well-known saying in academia that western philosophy is simply footnotes to Plato, it is then logical to say that the knowledge of India has been leaking into our culture for thousands of years. That this is not understood is a shame because it's both extremely exciting and a huge aspect of our human heritage. The Abrahamic religions, however, especially Islam and Christianity, have been very resistant to this idea because of their own institutional agendas. So knowledge from India that leaked in to other cultures has often remained either hidden or was simply incorporated into western thought without credit to India. The so-called American 'transcendentalists' Emerson and Thoreau et cetera are one tiny example of this. Today and for the last 100 years and perhaps especially the last 50 years the influence of ancient India is being revealed in full force and clarity. As part of that knowledge are a number of things, including the empowerment of women as seen clearly in the view of a feminine as well as masculine Divine and the consciousness that the Earth is in very tangible ways a living entity described as Gaia, Bhumi (In Sanskrit) or Mother Earth. The awareness of how we eat and how we live in our bodies is also vital to the Vedic philosophy and Yoga. It is also a viewpoint promoting bio-diversity both personally and sustainably. Firstly, individuals should never be coerced into a particular spiritual viewpoint. Secondly, we are living on a single organism, planet Earth, and it is in everyone's best interest to cooperate with one another since we ultimately all breathe the same air and drink the same water. This is initially accomplished by developing a vision of ALL living beings as divine in nature. Finally, it is a bio-diverse vision that both creates and supports an open Internet, considered by many technological idealists to be one of the great hopes of our planet trying to find a way to know and cooperate with each other instead of being in a competitive and destructive relationship. If we can keep the Internet open, then that is one of the key places where biodiverse ideas in a potentially open and cooperative environment can meet and are meeting. This interview, for example, with less than mainstream ideas, could be distributed in a short time to millions of eager listeners who hope that this is possible. That positive and idealistic ethos also lives in some corporations, more each day of course, not all of them are robber barons. Indeed, there are so many negative invisible and unseen forces that exist in the background for the purpose of manipulating our economy, our private lives, our food source and what is defined as medicine and so forth. For those invisible forces to be brought out into the open requires communication environments that allow for that possibility. This publication is an example and[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

there are many others. Monopolies are dangerous in government, corporations and ideas. The saying in Sanskrit is, 'Satyam eva jayate- the truth will always eventually prevail'. Daily Bell: You write, "We are all becoming global citizens. The next evolutionary step requires us to blend the advances of modern science with the time-honored secrets of ancient wisdom to create a sustainable and successful future throughout the world. Does this involve one-world governance as well? Who governs? Jeffrey Armstrong: The answer to that again, in clear English, straight from the Vedas, is NOTHING COULD BE WORSE THAN A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Extreme centralization a single, domineering and autocratic control-based system is entirely antithetical to the Vedic way of thinking. We need regional wisdom at every level in order to interact successfully and cooperatively with the laws of nature, the environment and individual local needs as they are playing out in a given area. Regional and bio-diverse management combined with a global awareness of ourselves as part of the universe, as part of a larger planetary perspective, is the ideal. The goal of government is to serve, not to create a bureaucracy that is a burden on everyone and helps create a group of robber barons who serve only themselves, under some false flag of so-called freedom. Daily Bell: You write, "According to Yoga philosophy there are a few easily recognizable bodytypes that determine many of our specific behavior patterns. Every professional will benefit from learning how to recognize these important body types. Once you've learned the body types, you'll know who you're talking to and how to communicate with them effectively." What are these body types? Jeffrey Armstrong: These body types are the basis of the practical everyday lifestyle science of the culture of India. It is rooted in the notion of universal elements, just as our modern science has divided matter into the atomic periodic table of elements. The problem is we can't see those minute atomic elements in our day-to-day life, even though we are composed of them. In ancient times there was (and still is) a more practical approach using the table of the five visible elements of nature. These elements are earth, water, fire, air and space, and they are visible to everyone using their perceptive senses. Everything is composed of these five ingredients, which are present in a specific ratio in all of our bodies. That proportionality or ratio can be translated to mean that each one of us has a certain body 'type' and that body is our vehicle. Each vehicle has a particular nature that is best suited for particular functions. I have described this in some detail in my book: 'God/Goddess the Astrologer, Soul, Karma, and Reincarnation: How we continually create our own destiny'. We as individuals are empowered by understanding what particular kind of body we are inhabiting, just as we need to know the make and model of our car in order to maintain it properly. This then forms the basis of the preventive, healing and organic science that is called Ayurvedic Medicine. Ayurveda, or the science of the life force, is based on knowing our nature and then using the natural remedies and foods that enhance and balance that nature. Because we all have a physical nature that is knowable, this knowing allows us to cooperate with Mother Nature, of whom we are a part. Conversely, not knowing our specific body type causes needless friction and damage to our bodies and minds and ultimately obscures a relatively easy understanding of each other's particular physical and mental nature and needs. Daily Bell: These would be called the 3 Doshas? Jeffrey Armstrong: Yes these would be the 3 Doshas, which give rise to the 10 basic body types. This means the particular mix of the five elements, in other words the characteristic design elements of each person's body/mind complex. We could also call this the recognizable form of one's underlying genetic structure. As an example, if you had a Maserati and took it to a mechanic who said: 'Sure, I can repair your car, all cars are all the same', you would never believe him. It's a bad diagnosis, and currently there are a startling number of medical conditions in hospitals that are actually doctor or pharmaceutically induced. One of the reasons is an unnecessary ignorance of the Ayurvedic body types, which means modern physicians simply do not know the make and model of their patient's body. For this reason, modern allopathic medicine, which is undeniably brilliant in repairing serious trauma, is not preventive. Combining that ignorance with Big Pharma and their excessive and relentless use of chemical-based pharmaceutical medicines instead of using either nothing or, when needed, safe, organic herbs, causes a great deal of suffering and unnecessary environmental damage. Ayurveda says: 'Live according to your body type,' let organic, nutritious food be your medicine and use pure herbal remedies as far as possible. Then allopathic and pharmaceutical medicines and surgery will become what they should be, remarkable last resorts.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Daily Bell: What are the "Vedas" and Vedic values? Jeffrey Armstrong: The word Veda means 'to see', and gave us our modern word, video. Its root is 'vid', and from that comes, wit, meaning 'knowledge' or 'what we know,' so Veda, first of all means the knowledge that we need in order to exist and fulfill our purpose for existing. That knowledge is considered to be eternal and to co-exist with both this world and with the eternal Transcendental world. A student of the Veda, or the study of the knowledge of India, would be studying a library of knowledge. There is not one, single dogmatic book, which takes precedence over the others. To be a student of the Veda then, is to be a student of a library of knowledge concerned with all subjects that support a sacred lifestyle and our true spiritual nature. That library has been passed down from antiquity and is thought by practitioners to have emanated from the Divine mind of the Supreme Being. It is the many 'users manuals' for the material world. Daily Bell: What was the vision of the Hindu Vedic Sages? Jeffrey Armstrong: The word Hindu came about when the people of Persia were describing the people on the other side of the Sindhu (Indus) River (India). They could not pronounce the river's name properly, saying the 's' as an 'h' and thus they called the people on the other side the Hindus. Technically, Hindu is now used as a word to describe the whole culture of India but it is more specifically a generic term meaning all of those people who probably are taking some inspiration from the Veda so card carrying Hindus would really also be card carrying members of the Vedic library. But that doesn't tell us which books within the library an individual favors. This choosing within the library is why there is such diversity in the Hindu Dharma or culture, and consequently confusion over what a 'Hindu" is or believes. The Sanskrit word dharma means learning the essential nature of everything, including your true self-nature, and then using it all accordingly. Knowing your own nature and the nature of everything and using it according to its Divinely intended purpose, is the basis and goal of the Vedic Hindu Dharma Culture. Daily Bell: Expand on the word Avatar and the relevance of the original Avatars of India for today's world? Jeffrey Armstrong: The word Avatar is two Sanskrit words: 'ava' which means to descend and 'tara' which means to heal, restore or replenish. The concept of 'Avatar' is different than that of a Prophet. The Abrahamic traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are considered Prophetic religions, meaning a human acted as a mouthpiece for some version of the Supreme Being. Moses and Mohammed are considered prophets, not Avatars. Even Jesus, by strict definition, is not an Avatar. Avatar means the actual appearance in a bodily form here on earth of the Supreme Reality, the Supreme Being, variously called God, Allah, Jehovah, etc. Those are some of the names that the Middle Eastern tribes have used for this Ultimate Being. In India that Being has thousands of names but is ultimately called 'Bhagavan', which means the "Person of the Supreme Being, the One who has all the possible Divine qualities." According to the historical record of India, that Supreme Being has come to Earth twice, and these visits or descents are described in detail in the two longest poems that exist on our planet, both written in Sanskrit. The Ramayana (24,000 verses) and the Mahabharata (100,000 verses), are the two great Avatar epics of India. The well-known Vedic text, the Bhagavad Gita is 700 verses taken from the Mahabharata, wherein Bhagavan Krishna explains in summary all the key spiritual teachings of the Vedic library. The descent of the Supreme Being, aka, GOD, to Earth, takes place with a large group of friends, to teach the purpose of our existence, to fight the previously mentioned Asuras who, indeed, were trying to make a repressive and destructive 'one world' government, at the expense of sustainability, compassion and individual freedom. Daily Bell: Perhaps they ought to visit again. Is the world heading toward collapse? What will be the outcome? Jeffrey Armstrong: It is inevitable that we are headed toward some kind of collapse or major contraction because we are violating the primary law, even of modern science, which is the law of entropy. The two laws of thermodynamics that matter is neither created nor destroyed and always going from a higher to lower state of energy were initially described in the Vedas as the laws of Nature, and were called 'The Gunas.' The Gunas are a description of the cyclic states and processes of matter.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

The point is, as long as we are simply extracting energy from the world around us and not replenishing or giving back or finding balance, then we are inevitably creating a world that is headed for collapse, population imbalance and exploitation. We are doing this through factoryfarming animals, by factory farming the land. We are doing it by not recycling correctly, by not replenishing the growth and vegetation of the planet. We are doing it by an exploitation-only attitude in economics, by a currency and a monetary system that is not rooted in real, sustainable value, by the manipulation of human beings at the most fundamental level in their real estate, their property, their resources, the water they drink, etc. Because exploitation and the irresponsible use of power is the fastest way to acquire wealth at the expense of others, the Vedic culture says that anyone who has great power has great responsibility and is accountable to use that power for the well-being of everyone. This idea is clearly not being exercised sufficiently on the planet. This process is based on the ancient Vedic principle of Karma that every action has an equal and opposite reaction both with matter and in the moral actions of humans. I describe this in depth in my book 'Karma The Ancient Science of Cause and Effect'. The resources of the Earth are meant for the good of all, they do not truly or ultimately belong to anyone as even death reminds us. So right now, we are on a crash course with destiny and the karmic laws of nature as a result of our incorrect attitude toward Mother Earth. We are stealing the future and wealth (and therefore freedom) of our children and their children by our actions in the present, and leaving them a pile of waste and debt as our legacy, instead of protecting their future. Daily Bell: Why is ancient Hindu knowledge being suppressed, if it is? Jeffrey Armstrong: The honesty of the Hindu knowledge is that we are accountable to, to put it colloquially, Mother Nature, who is Divinely intelligent. The world that we live in, however, is really being controlled by a variety of interests that are negatively polarized. In my opinion, the knowledge of India has been and is still being repressed so that certain interests can continue colonizing both India and the planet, and to prevent it being a viable alternative to more aggressive religious and political worldviews. The deeply spiritual, cooperative message of the Hindu Vedic Dharma Culture would shine light on the various selfish and harmful activities of the powerful interests who are harming the world. The rapid spread of Yoga in recent years shows that previous attitudes of repressing information are not nearly as effective in our current world of global communication. Freedom of speech is a crucial right to defend at this dangerous moment in history. Daily Bell: Why does the modern power elite not want the world to know about ancient Hindu civilization? Jeffrey Armstrong: At the crux of both of the epics and of the Avatar's descent to Earth is the message that anyone who has power has responsibility. This is the one message that those who are abusing power do not want to hear. The concept of stewardship had its home in India. Anyone who was a ruler in India had the responsibility of caring for every living entity. The intentional degradation of human beings for personal gain is simply wrong despite its effectiveness as a means of rapidly acquiring wealth. It is written that many of the greatest kings and queens and dynasties in India had a rule; that before they ate a meal, they would ring a bell. The bell meant if you are hungry, we have a kitchen open where you can come and eat. We are going to eat now, but we will not eat if you are hungry. Why? Not because of ideology, but because massive wealth and power is generally acquired on the backs of others. So, I would challenge any leaders of the world to ring a bell in your country and if no one is hungry, unsafe or uncared for, then you can have your dinner. You should listen carefully to what the Avatars and honorable ancient leaders have said is your responsibility as a so-called leader. Daily Bell: Recommend some books and websites for further study, please. Jeffrey Armstrong: Too many to mention, but if you go to my website,, I have made a list of useful people and sites, and I have personally given many lectures on these topics which reader's can request. There are numerous sources of information on India and her ancient culture but the genuine teachers of her wisdom should all lead you back to the Vedic Library, grounding their opinions in that ancient wisdom. Daily Bell: What is next for you? Where do you go from here? Jeffrey Armstrong: Well, my goal is to reach a billion people with this knowledge that pushes[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

for individual autonomy and empowerment in the most positive sense of those terms. I believe that a real problem is that good people who have good intentions often do not have the knowledge-tools necessary to give them a scope of vision and daily empowerment that will help them to implement the goodness and greatness that's inside of them. Even though the journey of life is cyclic and eternal, I believe we are here today at a sort of tipping point and that this point will be turned positively by autonomous and knowledgeable individuals who use their eternal free will to choose a universal view that is for the good of all. We don't need more ignorant armies, better weapons or sadly victimized civilian populations. We need a large body of informed and compassionate citizens from diverse cultures and viewpoints. Humans, through non-violent enlightenment on many levels and subjects, can change the world. I am ever hopeful that this is possible. We do NOT need more technology, we need smarter technology and a less-is-more attitude (less debt, less waste, less violence) to build a sustainable future. Daily Bell: Anything else you want to mention? Jeffrey Armstrong: I always like to stress the importance of broadening the scope of one's thinking to envision the idea that all the living entities on our planet have a right to be here, learning and growing happily. Be a philosopher and poet. Become broad-minded. Be local but don't live in a small bubble of reality ignoring the larger world. Inform yourself. Try not to become a Darwinian human, believing only in the survival of the so-called strong or well-armed, try to become a feeling being, an empathic human feeling the pain of others and helping them where you can, to heal. Mahatma Gandhi once said, 'the Supreme Being has provided enough for everyone's need but not enough for everyone's greed.' Certainly we know that not everyone will have the same amount as everyone else but surely a world can be built in which more people instead of less people have enough, and our children have a future not oppressed by waste, debt, propaganda and tyranny. The Hindu Vedic Dharma says that exploring 'Inner Space' is much more important than exploring 'Outer Space', while always hoping that all may be fed, protected and find peace within and in the world. Hari Om! May this knowledge bless all. Daily Bell: Thank you for sharing your time so graciously. It has been most interesting. Jeffrey Armstrong: Thank you for the opportunity.

What a wonderful interview. Jeffrey Armstrong is evidently an American master of Hindu history. What we find so very interesting and compelling is that some technology in ancient times was, according to scripture, far more sophisticated than technology even available today. Being professional meme watchers we believe it is no accident that popular books have been written claiming that certain impossible-to-explain ancient phenomena were the work of alien spacemen. How else to explain Hindu blueprints for flying machines and 100 ton blocks of stone that the ancients move with ease. In fact, from our point of view, "aliens-did-it" is a convenient explanation that obscures the reality of ancient-human sophistication. While ancient Hindu texts do describe the reality of alien beings, as we understand it the context is spiritual in nature. That still leaves us with flying machines, nuclear power of some sort and ancient lifting devices capable of moving 100-ton rocks, something still beyond today's technology. There are of course other technologies and other countries. In fact, there are perfectly believable books written by engineers explaining the use of power-tools that cut ancient Egyptian granite. At least one book of which we are aware (there are several presentations on Youtube) shows fairly clearly the traces of the use of power tools on stone. There is also evidence that the Egyptians had created a form of rudimentary electricity and used it to power lightbulbs that lit up their dark tombs. In South America, there are undated cities (so ancient are they) where 50 ton stones are used to[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

create an outer wall and fitted together precisely as a modern jigsaw puzzle. Small, golden, handmade "insects" have been found in South American ruins that on further study turn out to be tiny models of what once could have been flying machines. Scale models have been built (again you can see them on Youtube) and turn out to fly miraculously well. Indian flying machines, Vimanas, are said to have come in at least five varieties and are mentioned throughout Indian scripture. So ubiquitous were these vehicles, that they were ceremoniously parked on the tops of Hindu temples. You can see these hypothetical replicas on Youtube in a video entitled "Vimanas-Advanced Vehicles of the Gods symbolic parked on Temples in India." The cutting and hoisting of impossibly heavy stones is to be found in Egypt, India and South America. There are plenty of archaeologists who will explain in patient tones that ancient cultures around the world are disparate and unrelated. Does this also mean that they developed these incredible technologies in isolation? No, we would tend to think that there was an initial culture that propagated these techniques. We would tend to think it was initially located in India, since India is where humans apparently first settled after leaving Africa, and it was from India that the culture and technology may have broadened. This is not a fantastical hypothesis by any means, and we have written about archeologist Graham Hancock whose career until recently was devoted to establishing this ancient culture. Here is Hancock: "Between 17,000 years ago and 7000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age, terrible things happened to the world our ancestors lived in. Great ice caps over northern Europe and north America melted down, huge floods ripped across the earth, sea-level rose by more than 100 meters, and about 25 million square kilometers of formerly habitable lands were swallowed up by the waves." The discovery of the ancient city of Dwarka off the coast of India, submerged in a 150 feet of water is further evidence of a network of sophisticated coastal cities. There are apparently evidences of similar cities off the coast of Spain and, famously, off the coast of Japan as well. What has been observed is consistent and features megalithic stone construction. One can hypothesize that certain Egyptian technologies were the result of this ancient technology, perhaps in vitiated form. We realize that this commentary only scratches the surface of what Jeffrey Armstrong has provided. And of course Armstrong's viewpoints extend far beyond the technology of pre-history to include philosophy and spiritual enlightenment. But we find the technological aspects to be fascinating. As Hancock postulates, there was probably at least one human culture that existed worldwide some 15,000 years ago; in fact we have written in other articles about how advanced Cro-magnon societies were even 30,000 years ago (evidences of phenomenal cave-art proving this to be so), and thus the evolution of human culture to a pre-neolithic peak is certainly credible. In fact, you would think the idea that neolithic civilization could be extended back another 10,000 years would be world-shattering news. You would suppose the ancient, submerged city of Dwarka would already have attracted a swarm of scuba-diving archeologists. However, coverage remains sparse in the mainstream press, as does funding. This is evidently yet another secret that the power elite families of the Anglo-American axis want to keep hidden. The current Western model is supposed to be the culmination of civilization, with all its ruin and increasing tyranny. Nothing came before and there was no greatness not directly supported by modern regulatory democracy, which is the best of all possible worlds. The Internet increasingly shows us it is not. Edited on date of posting.

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Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines


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Posted by George Sign on 12/19/2010 2:52:28 AM

I haven't read the above yet but I'm really looking forward to reading it. I love this sort of stuff. Daily Bell I just wanted to draw your attention to this piece on Wikileaks:Click to View Link

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Thanks, here, from your link, Engdahl writes the following below. (This is why we wrote a trilogy of stories, beginning with "Comes a Blond Stranger, to point up the "too-good-totrue" fiction-like aspects of what increasingly seems to be a promotion) ... From Engdahl: "The story on the surface makes for a script for a new Oliver Stone Hollywood thriller. A 39-year old Australian hacker holds the President of the United States and his State Department hostage to a gigantic cyber 'leak, unless the President leaves Julian Assange and his Wikileaks free to release hundreds of thousands of pages of sensitive US Government memos. A closer look at the details, so far carefully leaked by the most ultra-establishment of international media such as the New York Times, reveals a clear agenda. That agenda coincidentally serves to buttress the agenda of US geopolitics around the world from Iran to Russia to North Korea. The Wikileaks is a big and dangerous US intelligence Con Job which will likely be used to police the Internet. It is almost too perfectly-scripted to be true." DB comment: If Assange and WikiLeaks are a promotion, then it is a grand promotion, hypothetically on the scale of NASA fake moon landings (which increasingly we lean toward being a promotion) and again shows the power of the Internet. Doubts about WikiLeaks are all over the Internet and thus, unlike the NASA promotion (assuming it was a promotion) the WikiLeaks promotion has been compromised from the very beginning. This would in our view tend to have considerable ramifications going forward and even to show that the most elaborate and powerful false-flag events sponsored by the Anglo-American power-elite are difficult to present credibly in the Age of the Internet.
Posted by Philip Mccormack on 12/19/2010 3:01:53 AM

DB what a wonderful interview. Thank you. The message, love yourself. your family, your friends, and your enemies. And love some more. Food-his wife's cooking is divine. His overall knowledge never ceases to amaze me. As a food aside, the 'father' of organic farming and composting Sir Albert Howard died 1945, spent 25 years in India and inwardly digested it (the knowledge) from many Divine Indian Mothers. Seasons greetings to everyone. Philip
Posted by Memehunter on 12/19/2010 3:52:56 AM

Extremely inspiring interview and commentary! I am delighted to see that the Daily Bell is exploring topics related to ancient history and is now ready to accept the idea that the suppression of ideas/thoughts/facts by the elite goes probably way beyond events having taken place in the last few hundred years.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines Regarding the possibility of building an aircraft based on Vedic technology, here is an account of the story of Shivkur Bapuji Talpade, the Indian who flew an unmanned aircraft in 1895 (eight years before the Wright brothers) which was based on Vedic principles: Click to View Link Although I tend to agree with DB that there is no need to postulate alien visitations, there are many other fascinating technological developments which are also worth mentioning. One in which I am particularly interested (given my exploration of issues related to biological evolution and Darwinism) is the domestication of plants and animals. As with the "heavy stone technologies" which are found in many geographically distant cultures, the development of agriculture seem to have occurred around the same time in many different cultures around the globe (central America, Egypt, Middle East, India).What is really puzzling is that the wild ancestors for many of our crops cannot be identified. There seem to have been massive genetic modification in several cases. Corn, for istance, is now totally dependent on human intervention for its reproduction. Several authors, such as Lloyd Pye and Will Hart, are questioning the mainstream model of neolithic man coming straight out of a hunter-gatherer existence armed with the knowledge and skills to select and hybridize these plants in order to develop modern crops. Although I could give many examples, let me focus on the banana. The wild ancestors of modern banana plants produce fruits which are full of seeds and have very limited nutritive value (even botanists admit this in peer-reviewed publications). While we don't know the exact process by which modern banana cultivars were developed, recent research suggests that backcrossing and crosshybridization must have been necessary. Now, one very obvious question for me (which I have asked on a scientific blog, with no answer forthcoming)is, how would stone-age proto-farmers, with presumably no knowledge of genetics or selection techniques, have: a) known that the wild banana would have the potential to become a staple of their diet, given that it is not a plant with a high nutritive value and that many other similar plants could have attracted their interest? b) known which wild banana varieties to selectively cross-hybridize, backcross, and so on, to get to a plant producing a nutritive fruit with few or no seeds? c) had the patience and skills to select these plants over many generations, with no immediate nutritive reward and no prior knowledge of the final goal? Similar questions have been posed by Pye regarding wheat and corn. As for domestic animals, Hart convincingly shows that there is something very mysterious regarding dogs; it is definitely not straightforward to obtain dogs from wolves. Pye also suggests that the cheetah is the product of some genetic manipulation, noting that all living cheetahs have an almost identical genotype (something acknowledged by mainstream science), that there are accounts of domesticated cheetahs dating back to very ancient times, and that cheetahs exhibit characteristics belonging to both felines and canines. The pig is, for me, probably the most mysterious of these domesticated animals. Why would early humans have attempted to tame wild boars, which are known to be extremely dangerous? Also, pigs strangely share many anatomical similarities with humans (eyelashes, fat distribution under the skin, internal organs). Domesticated pigs are found as early as 7000 B.C. in New Guinea and in Jericho. Again, given that it would have probably taken several millenia to domesticate pigs from wild boars (assuming that no genetic manipulation took place), the fact that we find pigs so early in such disparate locations suggest that the domestic pig appeared much earlier and may be the product of an earlier culture. Finally (and again I am delighted to see that the Daily Bell addresses this topic), there is an increasing amount of archeological evidence showing that the earliest human civilizations were probably peaceful seafaring cultures which worshipped a female deity (or female deities) and might have followed a matriarchal model. See for instance the work of Marija Gimbutas and others. William Hunt has done extensive research on the myth of the mermaids and shown that these "myths" may contain some truth; there are, still nowadays, matriarchical seafaring cultures in which naked women divers are the principal "breadwinners" (Hunt's positions on matriarchy may be somewhat extreme, but the evidence is there).[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Let us not omit the work of Elaine Morgan which shows that man shares a lot of anatomical characteristics with marine mammals (I do not necessarily agree with Morgan's Darwinian view, but the main point for me is that humans have characteristics which appear to be adaptations to a semi-nautical life).

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Thanks. You have raised points that we have never read elsewhere about the domestication of animals and plants. A tip of the hat. Absolutely fascinating. Several decades ago, we actually were ready to accept the idea that humankind's journey is far more sophisticated than has been presented. We would tend, in fact, to draw a line directly from mysterious Cro-Magnon culture, which was already advanced (including sewing, etc.) 30,000 years ago to the efflorescence of sea-faring societies around the world some 15,000 years ago. However ... as far as Morgan's work regarding humankind's marine influences, we believe that to have been fairly effectively debunked. The idea was that humans retreated to the South African coastline in very small numbers and then spent millennia hunting for fish, etc. Your point regarding Gaia worship is well taken. In fact there are evidences that Gaia worship was a survival trait of the early Cro-magnons that were competing with Neanderthals. Ancient cave-art shows that many of the drawings were actually calendars in disguise. The tendency for women in groups to menstruate all at the same time allowed for group fertility, which maximized the production of children. Ironically, mother-earth worship proves to have been, perhaps, a survival strategy and one, if some ancient pictorial evidences are to be believed, organized by male Shamans! ---Click to View Link 4. Talpade " The Indian Sanskrit scholar who built and flew a mercury engine aircraft in 1895, 8 years before the Wright brothers! Shivkur Bapuji Talpade, flew an unmanned aircraft, eight years before the Wright brothers demonstrated on December 17th 1903 that it was possible for a "manned heavier than air machine to fly'. But, in 1895, eight years earlier, the Sanskrit scholar Shivkar Bapuji Talpade had designed a basic aircraft called Marutsakthi (meaning Power of Air) based on Vedic technology documented in ancient Sanskrit manuscripts. His demonstration flight took place before a large audience in the Chowpathy beach of Bombay. The importance of the Wright brothers lies in the fact, that it was a manned flight for a distance of 120 feet and Orville Wright became the first man to fly. But Talpade's unmanned aircraft flew to a height of 1500 feet before crashing down and the historian Evan Koshtka, has described Talpade as the "first creator of an aircraft'. This historic day in 1895 (unfortunately the actual date is not mentioned in the Kesari newspaper of Pune which covered the event) was witnessed by the famous Indian judge/ nationalist/ Mahadeva Govin-da Ranade and H H Sayaji Rao Gaekwad. It is important to note that Talpade was no scientist, just a sanskrit scholar who had built his aircraft entirely from the rich treasury of India's Vedas. Shivkar Bapuji Talpade was born in 1864 in the locality of Chirabazar at Dukkarwadi in Bombay. He was a scholar of Sanskrit and from his young age was attracted by the Vaimanika Sastra (Aeronautical Science) expounded by the great Indian sage Maharishi Bhardwaja. Surprisingly according to the bi-monthly Ancient Skies published in USA, the aircraft engines being developed for future use by NASA also uses mercury bombardment units powered by Solar cells! Interestingly, the impulse is generated in seven stages. The mercury propellant is first vapourised fed into the thruster discharge chamber ionised converted into plasma by a combination with electrons broke down electrically and then accelerated through small openings in a screen to pass out of the engine at velocities between 1200 to 3000 kilometres per minute! But so far NASA has been able to produce an experimental basis only a one pound of thrust by its scientists a power[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines derivation virtually useless. But over 100 years ago Talpade was able to use his knowledge of Vaimanika Shastra to produce sufficient thrust to lift his aircraft 1500 feet into the air! Maharaja Sayaji Rao Gaekwad of Baroda was a great supporter of the Sciences in India, and was willing to help Talpade with funds to build his aircraft and the mercury engines. But the success of an Indian scientist was not liked by the Imperial rulers. Warned by the British Government the Maharaja of Baroda stopped helping Talpade. Talpade passed away in 1916 unhonoured, in his own country. It is said that the remains of the Marutsakthi (the aircraft Tapade built) were "sold' to a British company by Talpade's relatives. 5. Who is benefiting from this knowledge today? Robert Oppenheimer inventor of the atom bomb was well known for studying ancient Indian texts and perhaps drew more than inspiration from them. Just before the first Atom Bom test, Oppenheimer famously quoted from the Gita saying, "I have become Death, Destroyer of Worlds". It is interesting to note, that the Nazis developed the first practical pulse-jet engines for their V-8 rocket "buzz bombs." Hitler and the Nazi staff were exceptionally interested in ancient India and Tibet and sent expeditions to both these places yearly, starting in the 30's, in order to gather esoteric evidence that they did so, and perhaps it was from these people that the Nazis gained some of their scientific information! Only a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet and sent them to the University of Chandrigarh to be translated. Dr. Ruth Reyna of the University said recently that the documents contain directions for building interstellar spaceships! Their method of propulsion, she said, was "anti- gravitational" and was based upon a system analogous to that of "laghima," the unknown power of the ego existing in man's physiological makeup, "a centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull." According to Hindu Yogis, it is this "laghima" which enables a person to levitate. Dr. Reyna said that on board these machines, which were called "Astras" by the text, the ancient Indians could have sent a detachment of men onto any planet, according to the document, which is thought to be thousands of years old. The manuscripts were also said to reveal the secret of "antima"; "the cap of invisibility" and "garima"; "how to become as heavy as a mountain of lead." Naturally, Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously, but then became more positive about the value of them when the Chinese announced that they were including certain parts of the data for study in their space program! This was one of the first instances of a government admitting to be researching anti-gravity. 6. Cracking the code There is a wealth of knowledge locked away in Sanskrit manuscripts, 80% of which have not even been translated yet. Talpade managed to successfully fly an aircraft in 1895 using the knowledge in these Sanskrit documents. Remember, he was not a scientist, just a Sanskrit scholar. Just imagine what could be achieved if experts in science, Sanskrit and philosophy get together to crack the code! Whoever cracks it will change the future of the world and will probably dominate it.
Posted by Memehunter on 12/19/2010 3:59:29 AM

Correction to my previous post: it is William Bond, not William Hunt, who writes about mermaids. Apologies.
Posted by George Sign on 12/19/2010 4:36:15 AM

Armstrong seems to not only be an "academic" but a person who has lived in the "real" World. The interview is interesting and thought provoking. Having said that there seems to be a liking amongst our culture for "esoteric" and ancient knowledge. The more esoteric and ancient the better. If you can say that something is "thousands" of years old then it seems to add more validity to it's supposed truth. The interview at times took on an aura of mysticism and everything seemed overcomplicated. I always think the "truth" should be self-evident without gurus, teachers or religious leaders to explain everything.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines My own take on life is that you enter this World without knowingly asking to be here and then you exit it, usually violently. What, if anything, comes after is just interesting speculation. If there is "life after death" then it will be interesting but if there isn't you won't know about it. Most people realise the only way to live in this World with millions of other individuals is to do no harm and to co-operate. The only fly in the ointment is that the World and Mother Nature are set up in a way that everything lives by devouring each other. Plants devour minerals. Animals devour plants. Animals devour animals. Humans devour everything in sight. The World is one gigantic "lunch-box". If there are aliens and they are observing the planet Earth then it doesn't present a very pretty picture.
Posted by Memehunter on 12/19/2010 6:05:00 AM

@ DB: Could it be that the "after thoughts" were expanded since I wrote my earlier post? No problem with that, except that it may render some of the early comments (those posted prior to the "expansion") obsolete or irrelevant. Luckily, that does not seem to be the case here, although some elements of my long post now seem to parrot some of the stuff you said, which was not the case when I posted it. On a different but related topic, I like Hancock, but I would not rely exclusively on his research " there are other authors worth citing.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Such as?
Posted by Tazio Z. on 12/19/2010 6:21:04 AM

@ Victor Barney Looking forward to your response to this interview. And please do not repeat the same old stuff that you've been writing in the DB for most of 2010. Try some original thinking for a change. Thank you.
Posted by Bob Hougher on 12/19/2010 6:57:47 AM

I can hardly believe this subject is on this web-site. Most excellent. The Vedic tradition and the yogis of India will lead the world again using knowledge instead of force. Eventually the West and its science will hit up against the laws of nature described in the Ved. Quantum physics is already there. I have been using TM for 40 years as an easy way to access the Transcendental field. I would also suggest to anyone that wants to understand Christianity and it's spirituality to read Yogananda's book "The Second Coming of Christ".

Reply from the Daily Bell:

What are the laws of nature described in the Ved?

Posted by Gavin on 12/19/2010 7:24:47 AM

@George Sign I like your take on life though I would add that entering this life is violent too if you think about it. Then for all your efforts to get here the doctor or nurse gives you a smack on the bum. Hardly a good start. "I always think the "truth" should be self-evident without gurus, teachers or religious leaders to explain everything." Maybe it is self-evident. Trouble is there are too many distractions. Anyway I'm not one to say but I[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines think there was a hint about that in the interview. "The Hindu Vedic Dharma says that exploring 'Inner Space' is much more important than exploring 'Outer Space'..." Bill Hicks said the same thing so there might be something to it.
Posted by Memehunter on 12/19/2010 7:36:09 AM

Reply from the Daily Bell: Such as? Well, I did give some names such as Marija Gimbutas or Lloyd Pye (not an archeologist), but you may already be familiar with them. You may not agree with Pye's basic assumption that aliens have intervened actively, but I think that he still makes many thought-provoking points (I don't necessarily agree with the alien intervention either, although it is a possibility that cannot be completely discounted). Are you familiar with Robert Temple? He makes some interesting points regarding the ancient monuments in Egypt (I have not read his books but have read some of his articles). Regarding Hancock, I agree with you that he is, as far as I know, one of the main proponents of this idea of an earlier worldwide culture. One little quibble I have with him (and this was the reason for my comment) was his insistence, in his book co-authored with Robert Bauval, that the Pyramids were built around 10500 BC, probably by the Atlanteans, and were supposed to represent the main stars of Orion. It turns out that this date of 10500 BC corresponds to a prediction by Edgar Cayce (the whole "Hall of Records" stuff). However, other authors have debunked this interpretation, saying that we have no definitive evidence about either the date, the builders, or which star alignment may be represented by the pyramids (they can apparently also be aligned very convincingly with the stars in Cygnus). Sorry for not giving the names of authors here, I am quoting from memory but you should be able to find that online. The point is that there seems to be a mini-conspiracy to make the data fit with Cayce's predictions (and Cayce's followers are very active in the small world of Egyptology " again, this can be confirmed by a quick online research). Whether or not Hancock willingly took part in that or was influenced by Bauval, it made me a tad more skeptical of his pronouncements regarding the pyramids.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Thanks. Agreed: Hancock has done great work, but he sometimes seems to verge on the overly mystical, especially when he speaks of an ancient proto-Atlantean civilization. This is irritating because apparently Plato added an extra zero in his tale and when the zero is subtracted it sets the date right around Minoa, which is most likely the Atlantis of Plato's description.

Here is a link to the hypothesis of Atlanta as Minoa. Minoa's main colony was Crete and the civilization of Minoa, today known as Santorini, perished in a vast volcanic catastrophe. Click to View Link Ironically, the Atlantis of record, then, is post-deluge and like the Egyptian culture partakes of the previous high-seafaring culture that preceded it and was much greater. Minoan architecture is preHellenic and much different than the heavy-stone technology of previous millennia. In fact, there is no reason to drag Atlantis into pre-history. Why couldn't human civilization have evolved out of India (one of the first situated colonies of humankind)? There needn't have been an initial Atlantis, simply a culmination of human coastal cities, linked by ships and seafaring. The civilization had an advanced spirituality and technology that still exceeds ours today. One thing it may not have had was a central bank or a pervasive elite population that was willing to distort every single element of human history and prehistory for purposes of maintaining power and control. Most likely, it would seem gold and silver was used as money.
Posted by EDD on 12/19/2010 7:46:11 AM[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines @ Daily Bell Finally, a very enlightened article that espouses just what the DB is trying to accomplish. I thought 'Oath Keepers' was excellent, and indeed is indicative of those who in these latter days are examples wherein people are 'waking up'. Now, some comments on this article: (The word Avatar is two Sanskrit words: 'ava' which means to descend and 'tara' which means to heal, restore or replenish. The concept of 'Avatar' is different than that of a Prophet. Even Jesus, by strict definition, is not an Avatar.) Perhaps by strict definition this may be so, but to my way of study, Jesus definitely fits the pattern. Witness the fact that the 'wise men' came from the east to honor his birth. One may ask, 'What was in their culture/astrology that purported to a great soul coming into the world?' (The word Veda means 'to see', and gave us our modern word, video. Its root is 'vid', and from that comes, wit, meaning 'knowledge' or 'what we know,' so Veda, first of all means the knowledge that we need in order to exist and fulfill our purpose for existing. That knowledge is considered to be eternal and to co-exist with both this world and with the eternal Transcendental world. The word Avatar means the descent of the Transcendental Divine or Supreme Being to the Earth for the purpose of revealing things we need to know about both living here and the nature of the Transcendental itself. In other words, to inform us of that which is currently beyond our sight. The Transcendental is not considered a material realm and thus represents yet another form of visitation that sometimes takes place. In the Vedas, these intentional visitations from the Transcendental are called Avatars ' literally the descent of higher beings from the Transcendental to the material realms.) Again, in reference to Jesus, 'Except thine eye be single, thy whole body would be full of Light.' Another example of an Avatar is recorded in the book of 'Daniel' when he describes one known as 'The Ancient of Days'. (The Sanskrit word dharma means learning the essential nature of everything, including your true self-nature, and then using it all accordingly. .......and also.... This process is based on the ancient Vedic principle of Karma ' that every action has an equal and opposite reaction both with matter and in the moral actions of humans.) Well put, and to add, dharma my be considered as 'one's duty to life.' According to esoteric teachings, our dharma is to overcome our 'negative karma' which we not only create in this lifetime due to our injustices toward others, but which may also exist from previous incarnations. The life of Jesus actually exemplifies this thought in that he made his 'Ascension' in public view. For those who may disagree, the old testament reveals two other ascensions, Enoch who was taken by God, and Elijah who went into heaven, (higher dimension), in a chariot of fire. And both of these were prior to Jesus. Another example describes Jesus (in the new testament) as a High Priest after the Order of Melchizedic. (Even though the journey of life is cyclic and eternal, I believe we are here today at a sort of tipping point and that this point will be turned positively by autonomous and knowledgeable individuals who use their eternal free will to choose a universal view that is for the good of all. We don't need more ignorant armies, better weapons or sadly victimized civilian populations. We need a large body of informed and compassionate citizens from diverse cultures and viewpoints. Humans, through nonviolent enlightenment on many levels and subjects, can change the world. I am ever hopeful that this is possible.) Yes and yes. According to some teachings, there are times when there are 'soul groups' who come into embodiment at particular times whose dharma it is to effect change for the good. I am seeing more and more of this all the time as we come into a higher understanding of the Universal Consciousness, or that which we call 'God', (Geometry Of Divinity). (The Hindu Vedic Dharma says that exploring 'Inner Space' is much more important than exploring 'Outer Space'.)[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines Isn't this the same as when Guatama Buddha realized after becoming totally enlightened after sitting under the Bo tree for 49 days? (Here is Hancock: "Between 17,000 years ago and 7000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age, terrible things happened to the world our ancestors lived in.) Another good source is from Otto Muck, a Germain who wrote 'The Secret of Atlantis', wherein he writes of catastrophic events from appr. 12,000 years ago, and is part of the so called myths of many of the cultures surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. By way of understanding catastrophes, the earth, as a living planet, and perhaps assisted by 'devas', can only absorb so much negative energy, (mankind's injustices), before it throws off this energy. (We human beings are here with the ability to utilize our free will and the spectrum is anywhere from enlightened to 'endarkened.' The enlightened end of the spectrum is where the laws of Nature reside, and is called the Deva view. The 'endarkened' view is the philosophy of the so-called Asuras, who are always against the enlightened way of being.} For me, there are numerous viewpoints from the Bible and other works which complement each other. There is very little info in the Bible about 'fallen angels', but to my mind, the term Asuras definitely fits the description.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Thanks for the insights.

Posted by EDD on 12/19/2010 8:19:45 AM

For those U.S. citizens reading this article, the news listed below just came to my attention. Grassfire Nation Update On Monday afternoon, Grassfire Nation representatives will march into the offices of the Federal Communications Commission and deluge them with tens of thousands of petitions and letters opposing their Internet takeover scheme. Only a massive citizen uprising can short-circuit this latest statist grab by the Obama administration and we are counting on you to help punctuate our actions in two very important ways: First: Take a moment to add your name to our petition opposing this takeover of the greatest example of the free marketplace perhaps in our history! Click here to sign: Click to View Link We cannot simply roll over and play dead as Obama takes more in the name of the federal government. As freedomloving Americans we are compelled to stand up and say "NO MORE!" Our freedoms are being taken away one by one. Anything less -- especially now signals surrender! Don't delay. We have a hard deadline of 9 am ET Monday morning to gather and print all petitions and letters for a Monday afternoon delivery!
Posted by Victor Barney on 12/19/2010 8:36:47 AM[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines Sounds like the John Lennon approach to me, but it didn't seem work for him, either! Besides, the "BIG" plan always has been for a Marxist(Anti-Messiah) New World Order under Lucifer for 3 1/2 years and 3 1/2 days long; watch!
Posted by Iddy on 12/19/2010 8:39:20 AM

Good article, I would only add that the word Re ligion is not meaning to be bound up. Rather its meaning is more of a re attachment. To redo anything is to put something together. True Religion pulls together and does not enslave. This is another example of how modern factory schooling changes word meanings. Also another point to consider Abraham changed his name more than once. He was from the hindus valley and his name was Bramha. The world government have hijacked religion. When the bible talks about the beginning it is only the beginning of this age which implies the end of the previous age. The so called jews of today are not the hebrews of the old testament times. Judaisim is not of Abraham. The term Judeo Christian is a misnomer. Another elite meme. Yes there are many viewpoints we all see from. We all look at the same thing and many times see differing results. The God of Abraham has been misrepresented by judeochristian mythology. He is not sitting on a throne somewhere out in the sky with a naughty and nice list and is not waiting to burn all the bad people in a lake of fire for eternity. Anyway My frame of reference is not from many years of proffesional study but from many years of walking on a planet living and learning. My point is not to debate anything but to add too and allow people to see connection. Yes ancient people were far more knowing and full of wisdom that what has been taught to us. Many of the so called gods and wizards were not supernaturals from other planets but in reality men and woman who stopped to consider and ponder.
Posted by Dennis Smith on 12/19/2010 8:46:45 AM

Excellent interview; thanks very much. If I may be permitted an aside re the Paternalistic Big Three Abrahamic "religions", I find it remarkable that their attendant "holy books", i.e., the Torah, Bible and Koran are entirely devoid of humor and that not one word in the three books was written by a woman. Also, in the words of Swami X, we know reincarnation is a fact because it had to take us more than one lifetime to get this f--ked up.
Posted by Bill Ross on 12/19/2010 8:57:04 AM

JA: "The most scientific language that exists on our planet is Sanskrit." and mathematics, logic... JA: 'Satyam eva jayate- the truth will always eventually prevail'. If objectively considered and expressed in precise terms (Sanskrit, math, measurable definitions of words / concepts): Click to View Link One by one, JA: "Who are we?" We are intelligent (able to evaluate reality, the absolute relationship between action and consequence) creatures able to make choices in response to perceived state of affairs now and affecting future state of affairs. See link above. JA: "Why are we here?"[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

To learn about ourselves and others, to discover how to survive and make the most out of life. Because we CHOOSE to be here, else, we would self terminate: Click to View Link JA: "What is life?" The sum total of all of our choices in the areas of action / inaction and the sum total of all of the consequences of these choices on ourselves, others and physical reality (pollution, DU, nuclear craters, scorched earth...) See two links above. No matter how or in what terms you consider matters, so long as you are honest and objective, it comes down to: Collective survival and civilization IS "the rules by which we cooperate for MUTUAL self-interest and survival". Collective destruction and barbarism IS "the rules by which we are coerced for the benefit of a few to collective non-survival, including the coercers" Really enjoyed this interview. What should be taken from this is: a) Precise language is the ONLY way to evaluate / store knowledge (the relationship between action and consequence). b) Comparison of knowledge from diverse sources (broadening your horizons / perceptions) allows distilling knowledge to its basic essence and bringing diverse points of view into peaceful alignment. c) The internet is a planetary TOOL allowing "we, the people" to have this long suppressed species wide discussion to discover common interest among societies which are currently pitted against each other, on a path to global war unless we turn as one against those who provoke us to conflict, to make a profit from the demise of civilization which must and will also destroy the temporary gains of our collective predators. d) Elites depend on the false statement that mankind is incompetent and they, our self-proclaimed moral and intellectual superiors are "necessary" (Machiavelli, falsely framed arguments), required to be our "masters". Factual history argues otherwise and the existence and reasons for demise of previous high civilizations are to be suppressed at all costs, else, elites would not be able to profit from intentional collapse of OUR civilization. e) Wake UP.
Posted by Puzzled on 12/19/2010 8:57:23 AM

Again Thank You DB, for an interesting article, and a starting place for more education.
Posted by EDD on 12/19/2010 9:11:40 AM

@ Iddy, (The world government have hijacked religion. When the bible talks about the beginning it is only the beginning of this age which implies the end of the previous age.) True enough, likewise, when the the book of Revelation notes that 'then the end will come', IMO, it indicates the beginning of another age in the history of the earth. Hopefully, it will be a period of universal enlightenment rather than one of universal catastrophe. Plato was right on when he spoke of 'one dreadful day and one dreadful night'. We are on the cusp, and the actions we take today may help determine the state of the earth tomorrow.
Posted by Gavin on 12/19/2010 9:12:51 AM

Very interesting interview, thanks.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

~~~~ "In fact, there are perfectly believable books written by engineers explaining the use of power-tools that cut ancient Egyptian granite. At least one book of which we are aware (there are several presentations on Youtube) shows fairly clearly the traces of the use of power tools on stone." On the same topic there is an ancient aqueduct system running across the top of the Peruvian Andes which has been cut into granite. The aqueduct is very long and precisely cut with dog-leg bends and a consistent width and gradient to control the speed and volume of water. On the page with the video it says "In places, you can see their hand prints playfully placed. They only needed to touch the stone to leave the impression." Click to View Link In more recent times it's curious that similar breakthroughs of the same invention have usually happened around the same time. For example, Memehunter mentioned the Indian who flew the unmanned aircraft eight years before the Wright brothers. There was also a New Zealander by the name of Richard Pearse who was supposed to have flown and landed an aircraft in March 1903, nine months before the Wright Brothers did. International communication was not very developed or widespread at that time so I find it interesting that these events pop up in different parts of the world within a short time of each other.
Posted by Texaninsweden on 12/19/2010 9:13:34 AM

Interesting, I always had the feeling our 'soul' or 'conscience' is actually an entity from a non-tactile dimension utilizing our primate body and brain to experience the tactile. And that our time in the tactile world is a precious time, a grand experience, and one that should not wasted. When our physical body is dead our soul returns to the non-tactile dimension. But of course that could have just been the ayahuasca, vine of the dead, that the Hourani Shaman and I drank deep in the amazon one hot night distorting my perception. Also a lot of what Jeffery Armstrong is mentioning pertaining to Indian Teachings reminds me a lot of another shaman (vegetalista) painter I met in Peru, Don Pablo Maringo. He produced many paintings to help relate what he experienced as a Shaman and released a book, Ayahuasca Visions The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman. Google Pablo Maringo...
Posted by Heuristic on 12/19/2010 9:14:39 AM

The theory that monoliths were moved by advanced technology fails Occam's Razor. It has been shown that such blocks can be moved and erected by rollers and basic concepts of leverage: Click to View Link The blocks can be carved with bronze age tools. You don't need either aliens or lost technologies. Furthermore, why would Indian culture be something to emulate? Their social practices and personal hygeine are apallingly barbaric. Come on! Suttee? (ritualistic immolation of a widow). The idiots who eat pieces of charred corpses? The place is filthy, with excrement and spit everywhere. Rats are tolerated and vultures are a common sight in cities. Lifespan is short in areas that have not been modernized. The caste system is idiotic and unjust. The plagues that devastated Europe came from India and China. If it hadn't been for invasion by the West with its 19th century "gunboat diplomacy" those societies would still be feudal systems within which the vast majority would live out short lives of back-breaking labour. Anyone claims that any of that is "our fault" is a moron with an evil agenda.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Thank you for an interesting link in an otherwise bigoted screed. No doubt you are a proponent of irradiating Afghanistan with depleted uranium to "liberate it" and sympathetic to the decision, 50 years ago, to drop two nuclear bombs on the women and children of Japan to "end the war." As far Thompson's calculations go, he raises interesting points, but as can be seen from the feedback, hoisting a gigantic via jacks is not the same as cutting it or moving it. The Baalbek stones[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines are upwards of 50 and 75 tons, five miles away from where they were quarried and fitted together with precision. The idea that all this was accomplished with wood and sleds strikes us as somewhat patronizing ... Here below, is a description from an engineer with expertise in this area who has spent some 30 years analyzing ancient Egyptian pyramid-building techniques and written treatises about it: Click to View Link "Without going back in time and interviewing the craftsmen who worked on the pyramids, we will probably never know for sure what materials their tools were made of. Any debate of the subject would be futile, for until the proof is at hand, no satisfactory conclusion can be reached. However, the manner in which the masons used their tools can be discussed, and, perhaps if we compare current methods of cutting granite with the finished product (i.e. the granite coffers), there may be some basis on which to draw a parallel. "Today's granite cutting methods includes the use of wire-saws and an abrasive, usually siliconcarbide which slices through granite with ease. The wire is a continuous loop that is held by two wheels, one of the wheels being the driver. Between the wheels, which can vary in distance depending on the size of the machine, the granite is cut by being pushed against the wire or by being held firmly and allowing the wire to feed through it. The wire does not cut the granite, but is designed to effectively hold the silicon carbide grit that does the actual cutting. "By looking at the shapes of the cuts that were made in the basalt items 3b, and 5b, one could certainly speculate that a wire saw had been used and left its imprint in the rock. The full radius at the bottom of the cut is exactly the shape that would be left by such a saw. "Mr. John Barta, of the John Barta Company informed me, that the wire saws used in quarry mills today cut through granite with great rapidity. Mr. Barta told me that the wire saws with siliconcarbide cut through the granite like it is butter. Out of interest, I asked Mr. Barta what he thought of the copper chisel theory. Mr. Barta, possessing an excellent sense of humor, came forth with some jocular remarks regarding the practicality of such an idea. "If the ancient Egyptians had indeed used wire saws for cutting hard rock, were these saws powered by hand or machine? With my experience in machine shops and the countless number of times I have had to use a saw (both handsaws and power saws), there appears to be strong evidence that, in at least some instances, the latter method was used. "Once again, Petrie provides a clue: " 'On the N. end (of the coffer) is a place, near the west side, where the saw was run too deep into the granite, and was backed out again by the masons; but this fresh start they made still too deep, and two inches lower they backed out a second time, having cut out more than .10 inch deeper than they had intended...' "The above was Petrie's notes on the coffer inside the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid. The following concerns the coffer inside the Second Pyramid: " ' The coffer is well polished, not only inside but all over the outside; even though it was nearly all bedded into the floor, with the blocks plastered against it. The bottom is left rough, and shows that it was sawn and afterwards dressed down to the intended height; but in sawing it the saw was run too deep and then backed out; it was, therefore, not dressed down all over the bottom, the worst part of the sawing being cut .20 inch deeper than the dressed part. This is the only error of workmanship in the whole of it; it is polished all over the sides in and out, and is not left with the saw lines visible on it like the Great Pyramid coffer.' "Petrie estimated that a pressure of one to two tons on jeweled tipped bronze saws would have been necessary to cut through the extremely hard granite. If we agree with these estimates as well as with the methods proposed by Egyptologists regarding the construction of the pyramids, then a severe inequity can be discerned between the two. "So far, Egyptologists have not given credence to any speculation that suggests that the builders of the pyramid might have used machines instead of manpower in this massive construction project. In fact, they do not give the pyramid builders the intelligence to have developed and used the simple wheel. It is quite remarkable that a culture, which possessed sufficient technical ability to make a[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines lathe and progressed from there to develop a technique that enabled them to machine radii in hard diorite, would not have thought of the wheel before this. "Petrie logically assumes that the granite coffers found in the Giza Pyramids were marked prior to being cut. The workmen were given a guideline with which to work. The accuracy exhibited in the dimensions of the coffers confirms this, plus the fact that guidelines of some sort would have been necessary to alert the masons of their error. "While no one can say with certainty how the granite coffers were cut, the saw marks in the granite have certain characteristics, which suggests that they were not the result of hand sawing. If there was not evidence to the contrary, I might agree that the manufacturing of the granite coffers in the Great Pyramid and the Second Pyramid could quite possibly have been achieved using pure manpower, and a tremendous amount of time. "It is extremely unlikely that a team of masons operating a 9-foot handsaw would be cutting through hard granite fast enough that they would pass their guideline before noticing the error. To then back the saw out and repeat the same error, as they did on the coffer in the King's Chamber, does nothing to confirm the speculation that this object was the result of hand work."
Posted by Heuristic on 12/19/2010 9:34:22 AM

Addendum: found this gem on a site with the slogan "only in India." They got that right, alright: Click to View Link

Reply from the Daily Bell:

And here is modern Detroit, a significant improvement over India in your eyes, no doubt. But then again, Detroit has had all the benefits of modern Western society; those you suggest with enthusiasm ... Click to View Link
Posted by Heuristic on 12/19/2010 9:36:59 AM

"No doubt you are a proponent of irradiating Afghanistan with depleted uranium to "liberate it" and sympathetic to the decision, 50 years ago, to drop two nuclear bombs on the women and children of Japan to "end the war." " Not at all, quite the opposite on both counts. Kindly stick to facts and refrain from the lazy ad hominems.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Your own words: "If it hadn't been for invasion by the West with its 19th century 'gunboat diplomacy' those societies would still be feudal systems within which the vast majority would live out short lives of backbreaking labour. Anyone claims that any of that is 'our fault' is a moron with an evil agenda." Such a statement deserves extrapolation. We provided it.
Posted by Texaninsweden on 12/19/2010 9:40:04 AM

@ Heuristic What about the hygiene of an internet Troll? According to you the Indian people should thank Money Power for beating the Western Worship of Money into their culture? Hmmm... The spit spilling out on your keyboard has rotted your little troll brain.
Posted by Memehunter on 12/19/2010 9:43:41 AM

@ Heuristic:[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

The theory that monoliths were moved by advanced technology fails Occam's Razor. It has been shown that such blocks can be moved and erected by rollers and basic concepts of leverage Have a look at this (hopefully my links will work this time): Click to Click to Click to Click to View View View View Link Link Link Link

I'd like to ask: if pyramids could be constructed using only bronze age technology, how is it that modern engineers can barely move rocks that weigh more than 300 tons? Furthermore, why would Indian culture be something to emulate? The caste system is idiotic and unjust. The caste system was likely brought by invaders, probably Aryans, around 1500 B.C. So it is debatable whether it is truly a part of the original Indian culture. The plagues that devastated Europe came from India and China. This is also debatable. There is a credible hypothesis proposed by Mike Baillie, a dendrochronology professor, that the Black Death of 1348 was actually caused by comets. Click to View Link

Reply from the Daily Bell:

1. We fixed the links. Very interesting! 2. BTW ... The Aryan thing is likely a myth. There probably were no Aryans, only Indians. The Brits that "civilized" India could not fathom the idea of an ancient Indian civilization and thus introduced fair-skinned Aryans to explain the Vedas, etc. 3. Had not heard of the comet explanation for the Black Death. Interesting, but there are plenty of other explanations that do not feature China and India. There were certainly rats scurrying around European cities of the day. (The fleas had to travel to India to hitch a ride to Europe? Come on.)
Posted by Memehunter on 12/19/2010 9:59:53 AM

@ DB: Thanks for fixing the links (I am really having trouble with that!). I did not know about the Aryan invasion being a "British myth" " one can truly never let one's guard down, it seems that promotions are everywhere ... Thanks also for the earlier link on Atlantis, very interesting.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Thanks. Just Google "India and the Aryan myth." Plenty to keep you busy.
Posted by Iddy on 12/19/2010 10:08:48 AM

EDD I agree ... another neat thing about that book most will say oh it is all metaphorical , until of course they read about a lake of fire and torment and then suddenly it is now literal. Then next chapter back to metaphor.
Posted by Anon on 12/19/2010 10:17:27 AM

Is Iddy short for idiot? There is no free will.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Reply from the Daily Bell:

That's your perspective. You don't need to insult the man to make it.
Posted by EDD on 12/19/2010 10:18:07 AM

@ DB "Without going back in time and interviewing the craftsmen who worked on the pyramids, we will probably never know for sure what materials their tools were made of. Any debate of the subject would be futile, for until the proof is at hand, no satisfactory conclusion can be reached. True enough. However, the time may come when, through electronic circuitry, we may have what is called, the Akashic Record machine. There is probably someone alive today who will develop such a device. According to eastern thought, there is a skein of time and space which holds all the records of events on the earth. Just as there was a time when fingerprints were discovered to be unique, and dna was also discovered, (just to mention two), it will also be discovered that the aforementioned technology will be able to tap this vast reservoir of earth's history. Then we will be able to view events without distortion. (IMO, this is just what Jesus described as the 'book of life'.) In Tibet, within some monasteries, Jesus was referred to as one who was perfected in 'the Divine Law'. To fully comprehend the essence of His life, I have come to understand that there are many of His adventures which most of Christianity has yet to appreciate. We live in a wonderful, yet terrifying age. Still, I greet each day with anticipation of new discoveries and the DB has constantly supplied a portion.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

We were not aware of the Akashic Record machine ... From Wikipedia ... Click to View Link The akashic records (akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether") is a term used in theosophy (and Anthroposophy) to describe a compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records are described as containing all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. They are metaphorically described as a library; other analogies commonly found in discourse on the subject include a "universal supercomputer" and the "Mind of God". People who describe the records assert that they are constantly updated automatically and that they can be accessed through astral projection[1] or when someone is placed under deep hypnosis. The concept was popularized in the theosophical movements of the 19th century and is derived from Hindu philosophy of Samkhya. It is promulgated in the Samkhya philosophy that the Akashic records are automatically recorded in the atoms of akasha ("air" or "aether"), one of the five types of atoms visualized as existing in the atomic theory of Ancient India. The term akashic records is frequently used in New Age discourse.
Posted by Bill Ross on 12/19/2010 10:27:32 AM

DB: "Akashic Record machine" Is this not what the internet is evolving to (refinement of design / user choice)? Our collective memory, lasting longer than us...

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Good point.
Posted by Bill Ross on 12/19/2010 10:34:10 AM[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines @Anon "There is no free will." CORRECTION, "there is ONLY free will" THINK about it: Click to View Link Otherwise, who coerced you to state your false opinion? Are you a programmed automation? If so, you have freely chosen to be so. Nobody except my free will to choose to meet my freely chosen goals coerced me.
Posted by John on 12/19/2010 10:38:33 AM

"They were, instead, viewed as souls (or more accurately atmas) like us, but living on another plane of material reality and performing specific jobs as administrators of the laws of nature." So from the Abrahamic point of view angels? All spiritual ways become corrupted into religions as defined above by Armstrong, however there are also other ways within each religion which keeps the spirit alive, sometimes they are killed and persecuted by the dominant culture and religion and they disappear, or they survive. Islam has its pseudo Sufis, but it also has authentic Sufis. They always clothe their spirituality with the external laws of religion, arguing that the material world has a body and spirit exists with the body and the body needs laws to live by. Much of their teachings have similarities with the Tao, or the Veda, the yin yang and common elements can be traced in all cultures but there are differences. The culture and way discussed by Armstrong above does not prohibit Usury or Interest bearing transactions, it does not define the moral and healthy transaction, therefore it is flawed in my opinion. A spiritual way which simply says be free and be good without prescribing a law that allows for healthy, free and mutually beneficial transactions in trade and business is simply going to create another tyranical culture.
Posted by John on 12/19/2010 10:47:56 AM

Why is charging interest wrong and against the laws of nature? This is a question that all ways should be grappling with. Is it the same as trade and profit when a time delay penalty is paid for renting money? If the culture that Armstrong talks about does not have this question or an answer to it then it is a useless way in my opinion, regardless of its Technology and Knowledge. Usury cultures are often very sophisticated and technical, look at ancient Egypt and the Aztecs, yet they are also highly flawed. This in-itself is a manifestation of the Divine in human history, the changing of the seasons, when human beings create a culture giving expression to their darker potentialities, which do flower and crash, and in the process human beings have manifested the Divine Power.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

We do not agree that charging interest is wrong. Let the market decide. ...
Posted by Memehunter on 12/19/2010 10:51:07 AM

The Akashic record is the same thing as Cayce's mythical "Hall of Records" according to Wikipedia. Not sure what to make of this... @ Bill Ross: Apparently, you could also access the future with this Akashic Record machine...[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Reply from the Daily Bell:

They don't believe it. It seems a highly spiritual concept, but an interesting one nonetheless. The idea that Hindu culture included the concept of a time-machine (or timeless machine) is in line with the sophistication of the rest of their thought ...
Posted by EDD on 12/19/2010 10:55:44 AM

@DB As far as I know, it hasn't been invented yet. However, what man can conceive, man can achieve. It has been referenced to in 'Ascended Master Instruction', published by Saint Germain Press, copyright 1985. Quote, page 126: "The machine to read the Akashic Records will not come forth until humanity is sufficiently evolved to hold to the Christ Presence with no danger of slipping back. If this instrument were to come forth now, it would upset every theory the scientific world has". BTW, I have come to accept the idea that St. Germain sponsored the internet, and your 'truth telling' concept. Research on the net' shows many sites about this person. And at the center of some, there is a grain of truth. If one were to be aware, many of the saints are trying to help today; one only has to have an open heart, (to the truth). Hope you do not tire of repetition, but once again I include an excerpt from Washington's vision: "At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word 'Union' and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits."
Posted by Craig on 12/19/2010 11:03:15 AM

It has always been interesting to me that Zarathustra and Buddha were born less than 100 miles apart and at the same time, both influenced by Vedic histories, while spawning the philosophies of the so called West and East. Please consider devoting an article or two to Zarathustra (one of our most underestimated philosophers/prophets), and the ancient Zoroastrians who's small communities in Persia, India and (Bactria) Afghanistan / Pakistan and Tajikistan barely cling on. The Anglo-American meme views this philosophy and region as a threat; they are insecure and paranoid about these folks' thoughts. Certainly one of the most important inventions of zero comes out of this area, which combines science, mathematics, spirituality and was beyond our western or Hellenistic logic. Seasons (are we celebrating the Winter solstice, virgin birth of Mithras?) greetings to the staff and philanthropist who make the godsend of The Daily Bell possible!
Posted by Bill Ross on 12/19/2010 11:27:55 AM

DB: "We do not agree that charging interest is wrong. Let the market decide" Interest is one way to solve the problem of insolvent / irresponsible debtors. The debts of the irresponsible are written off, but in actual fact, paid off by socializing this cost to the wider economy via interest, especially on state debts. This is how state debts will, in actual fact be paid off when interest rates become astronomical because of inevitable state defaults. The banks have ZERO intention to lose. If you think banks / large financial pools will lose by default, think again. The law is not only in their pocket, it is a creature of their creation. IMHO, this is the very reason that some market players allow and even encourage financial irresponsibility. It is an investment in future servitude of "we, the people". Hopefully, this matter will be resolved by honest legal application of the concept of "Odious Debt": The above is also why credit card interest rates are so high. This is unsecured debt, so the probability of default is much higher. Without interest rates, some OTHER way must be found to pay for the consequences of the[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines irresponsible. Think banks will eat it, despite the moral fact that they should be responsible for their own losses and poor lending choices? No, banks will fight the concept of their "privilege to be irresponsible for their own choices" to the bitter end. So long as we tolerate lender irresponsibility, some social way must be found to protect lenders from themselves. Shall we return to Dickensian "debtors prisons", etc?

Reply from the Daily Bell:

"Let the market decide" is predicated on a fair, open and honest market. None of which we have ...
Posted by Patricia on 12/19/2010 11:49:21 AM

Wow! When I stared reading this, I didn't know that I would get totally "hooked"...I just had to read till the end. I'm very glad I did. There is so much talk these days about a "One World Order". Jeffrey Armstrong addresses it's dangers. We all have to start paying attention to the "Elite" who are leading us down that road. Thank you Daily Bell for another terrific article.
Posted by Rowan Smith on 12/19/2010 12:05:14 PM

@DB, Many thanks for awakening me to the greatest "meme" of all. " You are who we tell you you are, from the beginning until the end of time".

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Did we?
Posted by Tazio Z. on 12/19/2010 12:24:31 PM

@ Victor Barney Your response was as expected; same old nonsense that you've been spewing for many months. Don't you feel out-of-place among the more intelligent and original DB feedbackers? Suggest that you write some new material rather than recycling your tired old Marxist/Anti-Messiah/Yahweh delusions. Consider taking a break for 3 1/2 years plus 3 1/2 days or until Armageddon arrives, whichever comes first.
Posted by John Blenkins on 12/19/2010 12:36:31 PM

I know this is off thread but i think its worth a view. Click to View Link
Posted by J.D.Beck on 12/19/2010 12:45:33 PM

Posted by J D BECK on 12/19/2010 12:48:26 PM

@Jeffrey Armstrong[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Posted by Rowan Smith on 12/19/2010 1:27:21 PM

@DB, No, you didn`t tell me, they (the PE) have been telling me that for 65 years. Obviously my grammar has become somewhat erratic with the passing of time, probably due to "mad cow disease", or "chemtrails", or just plain natural "premature fast-food dementia.
Posted by Bluebird on 12/19/2010 1:45:03 PM

An interesting interview and interesting feedback. It is well known that Solomon was a wise man. In the Book of Ecclesiastes, Ch. 1 he tells us that there is no new thing under the sun. (v.9). I will leave it at that and if any desire can read further yourselves. To me, this article speaks of things similar to the Bible through a different culture. It reinforces the idea that in all lands there seems to be a Supreme Being. Many attribute this to a weakness in humans that manufactures it. I do not believe that, but believe the knowledge of this Being is written in our "DNA", if you will. To reject it is to deny a part of oneself and leaves us constantly seeking something to fill that missing part. At any rate, a great article and insights. Thank you, Daily Bell.
Posted by NS on 12/19/2010 1:48:13 PM

Apparently,one of the top reasons for the US of A attacking Afghanistan is for the billion dollar (or more) reserve of diamonds,raw materials and such stuff. Is this fact or fiction? Would really love it if the Daily Bell cleared my mind off doubts on this. Aside from that, ruddy brilliant article. I'm an Indian, and this article speaks precisely of the ancient brilliance of the Indian system; Universities in the 16th century like Nalanda, where people from all over the world would come to study. 16th Century India was THE hip place back then. Thank you, DB. I digress. Do comment on the Afghanistan question.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Is this fact or fiction? It is fiction in our view. Raw materials matter little. They are all over the world, though they provide a convenient justification. But Afghanistan was one of the last countries without a central bank. Another such was Iraq. They both have central banks now. What's left: Syria, Lebanon, Iran, North Korea, maybe Venezuela? No ... The war is to westernize the Pashtuns and ultimately to resubdue the Pakistan Punjabis. These are two of the oldest cohesive tribes in the world, and Britain has fought several wars in this area in the past 150 years.
Posted by Bluebird on 12/19/2010 1:54:48 PM

DB, don't you think the cruel remark to Victor is uncalled for? I am sure he feels he is delivering an important message. It may be often repeated but any can skip it who knows what it is going to say. It is no more fair than the comment to Iddy.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Reply from the Daily Bell:

For a year, Victor has written basically the same message over and over again on most Bell threads. We've never complained, but it is not very polite. He should vary his message or his methodology.
Posted by Mpresley on 12/19/2010 2:12:23 PM

You've lost me on this one, DB. "It did not possess nuclear weapons as we know them ... There is reference to a ... kind of mantrabased weapon that was used along with bows and arrows... This weapon supposedly could release nuclear-like energy with pinpoint accuracy." Does this make sense to anyone? Bows and arrows, along with "nuclear-like" energy. And on the same battlefield? It's a good thing that India's "nurturing, cooperation-based civilization on an epic scale" wasn't war-like, or we'd all be speaking Sanskrit. "Such ancient stories, thousands and thousands of years old, have no logical reason for talking about airplanes in any modern sense. Yet they do." In one of the suspect verses, the god Pusan's car (purported to be drawn by goats and made of gold), is able to travel in the air: R-V 58:3. Sorry, but this doesn't strike me as an airplane: unless Daedalus had an early version of the Bell Rocket Belt. Q: How were the great stone blocks used by ancient builders moved from place to place? Jeffrey Armstrong: "This still remains a mystery. There are actually conjectures that this was done with socalled psychic ability..." Smart enough for nuclear (or nuclear-like) energy, but never heard of levers? Where was Pusan, he of the golden-goat airplane, when you needed him? I'm reminded of one of the first serious Sanskrit scholars, Friedrich Max Muller, who, commenting on Madame Blavatsky's so-called Buddhist Theosophy, called her a "a clever, wild, and excitable girl..." But a girl ultimately taken in by charlatans. As I described her once, sort of an esoteric Margaret Mead. I'm wondering if what we have here is more of the same?

Reply from the Daily Bell:

You'll have to take the excitable girl crack up with Robert Oppenhiemer ... See this link at the Click to View Link ... During a college lecture, Oppenheimer was asked: 'Was the atomic test at Alamagordo the first nuclear blast?' The student meant: Was there a U.S. program before Alamagordo? Oppenheimer answered: 'Yes, in modern times.' The creator of the A-Bomb meant: Our atomic program was the first, not counting the ancient nuclear wars of the distant past. Oppenheimer was a student of the old books of India; such as the Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita and the Kansur. Some of these holy works pre-date the Bible. They are not fictional stories. They are history. They speak of flying vimanas. Vimanas were real vehicles and the origin of the 'flying carpet.' Great wars were described in these early texts. Weapons could literally level the land like a moving force field. In ancient India, we find words for certain measurements of length; one was the distance of light-years and one was the length of an atom. Only a society that possessed nuclear energy would have the need for such words. When Oppenheimer said 'I am become the destroyer of worlds,' he was quoting from these ancient books. Believe it or not, the deserts on a number of continents today are the result of (prehistoric) nuclear warfare ... ---This is from the ancient Hindu text the Mahabharata. 'Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana [fast aircraft],[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines hurled a single projectile [rocket] charged with the power of the Universe [nuclear device]. An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose with all its splendour. It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas. The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected to escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment. From the Ramayana (It was a weapon) so powerful that it could destroy the earth in an instant" A great soaring sound in smoke and flames" And on it sits death . " The Ramayana And this from Click to View Link/ Could it be that ancient texts like the Mahabharata actually make reference to nuclear devices? It is interesting to note that in various locations around the world"including areas that were part of India at the time the Vedas were authored"archaeologists have discovered vitrified stone walls: that is, stone walls which were fused together by sudden, intense heat. In modern times, vitrification has similarly been witnessed at locations that include Hiroshima and Nagasaki; could this be further proof that incredible explosive devices were used in ancient times? Perhaps, as Oppenheimer watched 'trinity erupt at Alamogordo in 1945, he had known all along that he was observing a retelling of a story so ancient it has been long-forgotten by most today and yet, strangely, it served as the very impetus for something hellish and devastating; and a creation he would be best remembered for. If so, what other clues to Earth's sordid past may lay buried, waiting to be unearthed, like Oppenheimer's 'Iron Thunderbolt?
Posted by MetaCynic on 12/19/2010 2:19:50 PM

Speaking of complex ancient technologies, here's a You Tube link to a reconstructed working model of the ancient Greek, Antikythera mechanism, recovered from a shipwreck 110 years ago. Click to View Link See also the accompanying virtual animation deconstruction of this amazing early computer which appears to have been used to predict the motion of the moon and planets as well as solar and lunar eclipses.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

They recently built a Lego version of this. It is on Youtube.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines
Posted by TTSchlegel on 12/19/2010 2:31:29 PM

Regarding: "What we find so very interesting and compelling is that some technology in ancient times was, according to scripture, far more sophisticated than technology even available today." Contextually by the word "scripture" in the above sentence it seems rather natural to conclude that you meant "scripture" of the Vedic variety? If so, note that you neglected to mention what, for readers like myself who are still wrapped up in the "legalistic" system of Yeshua (LOL), will be a much more important scripture, namely Genesis 6:4 (see also 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6). For assistance with interpretation of this part of scripture (if you need it), see John Fleming's 19th century book here, especially Chapter 4: Click to View Link and also Steve Quayle's work here: Click to View Link

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Why, Hindus can't have scripture, too?

Posted by Giustino on 12/19/2010 2:38:58 PM

Very interesting and thought stimulating interview. Also quite entertaining in its esoteric developments. It reminds me that we communicate here in an Indo-European language and that our JudeoChristian cultural background is not entirely independent from Indian philosophy. The Vedic concept of free will is reminiscent of the Christian concept of free will and the old controversy about predestination. I don't wish to touch its religious aspects, as trying to speak rationally about irrational subjects is, in itself, some sort of irrational thing to do, whatever Pope Benedict might say. But Jeffrey Armstrong uses first an interesting expression about free will operating within the "spectrum from enlightened to 'endarkened' ", then he says: "All the Vedic stories show this human potential for abuse of free will and the problems it can create". This is provoking the following thought: If the will is supposed to operate within a full spectrum (because it is free), how can we have an "abuse" of free will? He probably means that in the Vedic interpretation free will using the 'endarkened' part of the spectrum is committing an "abuse" and generates karma (or "sin" in our Judeo-Christian view). Therefore this leads inevitably to limiting and confining the will to the enlightened part of the spectrum, denying it, ipso facto, its freedom. We are there back into the old and sterile controversy. I would not pursue further into this, as for me the most convincing analysis of free will remain the Essay on Free Will by Schopenhauer, where he says basically that free will is a mere illusion: "Der Mensch kann wohl tun, was er will, aber er kann nicht wollen, was er will". Man can well do what he wants, but he cannot will what he wants.
Posted by Rowan Smith on 12/19/2010 2:42:47 PM

@DB, "Did we?" Today`s interview and the resulting feedback has helped me to realize that the world history which has been built up in my mind is largely constructed from, well....memes. This is nothing less than a full frontal attack on the core foundations of the PE. Your elves are very courageous, and I wish you success.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Well, you win the prize for the most insightful feedback today, in our view. Today's exercise has been all about extending the modernity of power elite memes into the past and finding out what has been withheld, not just recently but over the ages. Think of all the TV and movies that you've watched. In any of it, was there a portrayal of ancient Vedic machinery or technology? Sure, there is a comprehensive reference book for all these sorts of things - Chariots of the Gods, which reduces all ancient technologies to the absurdity of alien visitations and science-fiction-like happenstance. It is a mockery, not a serious investigation. And yes why wouldn't it be a purposeful meme designed to make sure that reasonable people were discouraged from looking seriously at what went on in India and South America millennia ago? The Western middle class has been purposefully lied to about its recent past - the 20th century, which was a kind of Dreamtime, designed to encourage governmental dependence and lack of selfreliance. More tragically, knowledge of the larger history of humankind has been deliberately stripped away from the modern knowledge-base. It has in fact been savagely ripped out of the tomes and templates of modern education and removed entirely from discourse, polite or otherwise. Human civilization is far more complex and advanced than has been acknowledged. But this is not widely conveyed at any level of Western society, nor even among global facilities such as the UN with its farcical "world heritage" designations. It has been done on purpose, we would have to believe, so that the modern, cowed billions on this planet do not understand there are other, better ways to live - and continue to assume that current civilization is the only available choice. "The best of all worlds," Voltaire would suggest derisively.
Posted by TTSchlegel on 12/19/2010 2:43:38 PM

But according to your guest Hinduism is not a "religion", and only "religions" can have "scripture", no?

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Another argument over definitions ... Scripture (Also found in: Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Hutchinson) Scripture (skrpchr) n. 1. A sacred writing or book. Sacred [sekrd] adj 2. worthy of or regarded with reverence, awe, or respect
Posted by Lyfo on 12/19/2010 2:56:32 PM

The twain have met: It seems Kipling was thinking wishful when he pronounced that East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet. Great job Bell of demonstrating once again how the philosophy behind sound money, free market capitalism tends to uplift the whole civilization and all forms of culture. It was not by chance that von Mises chose the title Human Action aka Karma to outline that philosophy. The profit motive is in disrepute the world over thanks to incessant propaganda from the PTB. What people do not realize is how cooperative it actually is at its core and how despite the accumulations of immense fortunes, how egalitarian it automatically is for vast numbers of people. There is upward mobility and freedom of choice. You can even live in a commune, shop at a coop and attend a collectivist church under freedom. For Classical Indian Yoga Philosophy broadcast nightly from Miami, FL USA in audio and video please surf on over to Swami Jyotirmayananda speaks.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Thanks for the link ... Great insight.

Posted by TTSchlegel on 12/19/2010 3:00:06 PM

Also from Wikipedia: "Hinduism is the predominant and indigenous RELIGIOUS tradition..." (my emphasis)

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Well, we think it's religious. Jeffrey Armstrong does not. It is surely sacred ...
Posted by Huh on 12/19/2010 3:14:47 PM

Thanks DB, awesome interview! More please!! suggestion 1: The Dalai Lama Click to View Link suggestion 2: Raymond Smullyan Click to View Link

Posted by Jeannie Queenie on 12/19/2010 3:51:40 PM

@EDD.. thank you for the url and urgency to prevent this loony liberal administration to vote to end the 'net' at this time of the year. If this were put into effect, can you see life without our 'daily', Daily Bell fix? The liberals pull this when everyone is running around and so busy before the holidays. So dishonest...sooo Democratic. @Memehunter... surprised to hear your denigration of the food/banana. My pediatrician told me forty years that the banana was a 'perfect food' for a baby, having everything they needed for survival. So I guess if it is good enough for a baby, must not be all that deficient for an adult. 'Bananas and nutrition go hand in hand. They are great sources of an array of nutrients, with Bcomplex vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, manganese and magnesium. One banana also provides eleven percent of the daily recommended requirement of fiber" Read more at Suite101: The Nutritional Value of Bananas: What are the Health Benefits of Nature's Original Packaged Fruit? Click to View Link "Increasing energy: Only about 100 calories, bananas will give you a natural boost of energy. They contain sucrose, fructose, glucose and gives you an immediate and sustained energy. Athletes often eat bananas for this reason. A good way to start the day for cutting a banana and add it to your whole grains." Athletes eat them for a good reason, no? @ DB.. regarding Detroit and your comparison to the Indian scene of rats drinking from the milk supply, made me realize that Detroit has been milking the productive citizens of Detroit for decades, all to feed the dependent rats that have doomed Detroit since the 50's. The end result is a majority parasitic population serving as poster child for all liberals who believe that others have a right to reach in your wallet. Detroit, once the heartbeat of the country with its many auto plants, is now the armpit of the country, fetid and stinking thanks to the lazy liberals who feel that parasitic behavior can reign supreme[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines forever. I often wonder why the draw to that area by the largest muslim community in the US in nearby Dearborn. One wonders if they see this area as the parasitic mecca that milks magnanimous americans who amazingly are far too charitable and PC. But wait, should we blame them, when we see.... Americans have stupidly ignored the concept of earning or deserving, buying into the entitlement mentality for all those who jump on the gravy train. Won't be long and that train will see the light at the end of the tunnel...the light will be an oncoming train of tragedy. Thanks to the ersatz educational system, the liberals who ruled Detroit for eons, the demise of the car industry, and the ever-growing entitlement mentality of many morons milking the system, what other outcome is there, other than animals feeding off other animals as a feedbacker describes above.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Memehunter was not criticizing bananas. He was suggesting that bananas, cheetahs and pigs had been cultivated and genetically modified for thousands of years BEFORE the neolithic. That is, he was suggesting that man's modification of the environment was a far longerterm affair than the modern calculation of the neolithic period suggests. Humankind's history as an "advanced" species may go back 10,000 or 15,000 years instead of 5,000.
Posted by Dauden on 12/19/2010 4:01:07 PM

Well, I'm going to be a lone voice here but I am disappointed in this article. I rather prefer the analyzations of meme promotions. However, since this has become a forum of philosphy today, I have some comments. This teacher, however skilled and learned in mysteries, can never attain to the knowledge and mysteries revealed by the true God directly to the Apostle Paul who wrote 13 books in the King James Bible, Romans thru Philemon. Though not a promoter of religion, he is a promoter of the gospel of Christ found in I Corinthians, verses 1-4, whereby men who would trust in this gospel are saved OUT of this world, soon to be destroyed because of the evil inherent in it. Yes, the Bible contradicts Mr. Armstrong on many levels. The KJB exposes his philosophy, in general, as a lie. Many "enlightened" ones have gone to hell not because of what they know but because they have believed this lie that man can be as god, knowing good and evil and doing good works! They have rejected the Savior who gave His life to redeem us from our sinful nature; this nature which causes all the ills on this earth which The Bell expounds upon. It may sound very simplistic but the true God who created the heavens and the earth, loved man to the point of sending his own Son in the likeness of man to earth to die for us. That through His death, we may have life and have it more abundantly. Not by works which we have done but by his righteousness He saves all who would believe HIM, not his enemy, that old serpent, the devil (Lucifer, Satan); not through attaining enlightenment, but by believing the gospel that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again according to the Scriptures. "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God" (1 Cor. 1:18). "For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe" (1 Cor. 1:21). These are very beautiful verses indeed. They show God's power and His wisdom in the carrying out of His plan in spite of man. Man has always prided himself with his much wisdom. But pride is what sent the beautiful, archangel Lucifer away from the presence of God because he thought he could be as God. Nope! He became the god of this world, deceiving the likes of those who because of pride, refuse to humble themselves, admit they're a sinner in need of a Savior and believe this gospel. God's will: "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity." --the Apostle Paul "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines
Posted by Laura K on 12/19/2010 5:00:38 PM

Fascinating interview. Just yesterday coming back with the kids from a day-trip, my husband and I were talking about EXACTLY the knowledge of the ancient cultures and how they could be related one to the other by such sophisticated ways of technology and science. For instance, Nazca signs and pyramid constructions, the irrigation systems of Machu Pichu and other similar cultures. Definitively, things in this world have a purpose and do not happen but for a reason. P.S: Venezuela has already a Central bank that is called:"Banco Central de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela" and it has the same characteristics of the central bank system already exposed in many of your articles. Sorry, but Venezuela is a much as molded by the PE than any other Western country and Hugo Chavez is not but more of the same but with the class warfare as a flag to justify his brutality.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Yes, but apparently Chavez is removing it. Or so we read anyway.

Posted by John Danforth on 12/19/2010 5:02:26 PM

Damn. I guess I'm going to burn.

Posted by Jd Beck on 12/19/2010 5:30:24 PM

@ Dauden Thank you for your interesting feedback...allow me to make a suggestion. Take the time and study the will quickly find true advocates of the B-G have no problem to humble themselves...nor do they have pride in their knowledge. Bahkti-yoga is pure devotional service to God.... the ultimate purpose of Vedic knowledge is to detach oneself from the entanglement (satan) of the material world.... ( was this not also Christ's message ....many years later)
Posted by Douglas Witt on 12/19/2010 5:36:54 PM

What the (expletive deleted) is this doing on the DB when the world is putting its rear end in a sling? It would be more intelligent to advocate Shirley McLaine to head C.E.R.N. or interview Fabio on the subtleties of magneto-hydrodynamics. Stay away from the magic mushrooms, guys. And now, I will unsubscribe from the D.B.

Posted by Janie on 12/19/2010 5:38:48 PM

Okay, I am going out on a limb here and tell you what I believe. First I believe in the Bible 100%. So if we look at the Bible, it says that before the flood there were sons of men...giants. These were half fallen angel and half human. People lived to be 300 to 700 or more years. People were advanced in technology. These are the people who built the pyramids and other wonders that we wonder about today. Then came the flood which wiped out all these people. God stopped man from advancing too far ahead. He did it at the Tower of Babel also. The Bible says that anything that man can conceive he is able to do. That is powerful. Today it is said that men only uses 10% of their brain. Perhaps in ancient times they use more.
Posted by Laura K on 12/19/2010 5:47:17 PM

DB: I would not be so sure of that. I do not follow as much as before the local news. However, in recent years, "Banco Central" became a piggy bank for Chavez and it was well known as his "Caja Chica", by locals. There he was manipulating the currency and setting monetary policies. Likewise, the national oil industry, PDVSA, openly, transformed into an institution funding all sort of social programs and even works as a reserve funds for Chavez policies and campaings. Interestingly enough, Why he would get rid of the very same institutions that plays along with him? Maybe, he[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines will call it something else, but be sure it is not distant itself from the corrupt banking system that has prevailed in our countries for so long.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

We will follow the story, if it develops.

Posted by Dauden on 12/19/2010 6:17:15 PM

Thank you Janie, I couldn't say it all. But your comments are mentioned very clearly in Scripture about these giants in the book of Genesis. God's purpose is to redeem mankind from the fall in Eden and he did this at the cross placing Satan in a position of utter astonishment and surprise. The fact that all mankind (Jew and Gentile alike) can be saved WITHOUT the law and by grace alone was a mystery not foretold in the Old Testament. It was hidden even from Satan until Paul revealed it.

Posted by TTSchlegel on 12/19/2010 6:23:55 PM

Hi Janie -- welcome. Your limb is actually part of a preexisting tree (see my post from 2:31:29 PM). Jd Beck: Regarding your statement: "The ultimate purpose of Vedic knowledge is to detach oneself from the entanglement... of the material world....was this not also Christ's message?" The answer to your rhetorical question is "no". Yeshua's message is ultimately affirming of physicality and of physical life. He was materially (physically) resurrected, he will return physically (in materiality) to the Earth, and he's going to rule over Earth, meaning the physical Earth, in materiality for a 1000 year period after his next coming. This ultimate embrace rather than rejection of physicality is actually one of the major differences between (Judeo)-Christianity and the eastern religions, especially Buddhism. The type of "Christianity" to which it appears you refer is not biblical Christianity but rather the gnostic perversion of Christianity which borrowed/borrows much from eastern religions.

Posted by Helen on 12/19/2010 6:29:43 PM

I liked some of the content of this article but the part that I really could not go along with , is the worship of Mother Earth as being part of spiritual Living. This is such a deceptive trap to believe in lack and limitation and it is spiritually untrue. Looking after the environment is inherent to daily living, but watch what gets tagged along with it.....a lack of resources,overpopulation, man is raping and pillaging the earth and we must protect the earth at the expense of man is really the bottom line. Environmentalism has been promoted at the expense of man.....and the elite have hijacked environmentalism for there own ends....control and depopulation.( Look at the banning of DDT....and how billions of deaths from malaria ( a once nearly eradicated disease is once again rampant. Check out Click to View Link;. The embracing of environmentalism and spirituality is so seductive as it sounds so good, so pure and so pro life but believe me if you are prepared to dig alittle deeper at will never embrace it with Spirit... you cannot mix Spirit and things, it is like trying to mix the finite(the visible) with the Infinite (the invisible) and it is impossible. Spirit IS and is never optical. It is not an ''object''of ANY kind. Spirit is about multiplication only it cannot be divided ever. Spirit is inexhaustible and all things come from the "invisible", hence, resources of every name and nature are also inexhaustible. Socialism, Communism sees only that which is visible and forces division of what is seen so that we are all equal and have equality. They never seem to consider what is to be done when the seen[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines is used up. Spiritual man draws on that which is unseen and steps it down into the visible. He knows that the Source cannot be exhausted and finds those who worry about a lack of anything rather odd and silly. He knows that starting with a premise of lack will show in the conclusion. And of course that is why error in the premise is so pernicious. Environmentalism is based on saving, on shortages, on an inability or refusal to acknowledge Source as that which is always enough, regardless of the lacks and how they look or seem at the moment.
Posted by Jdbeck on 12/19/2010 7:07:11 PM

@ TT Schlegel Key in this phrase is "entanglement" moreover : WHO really knows who borrowed from WHOM... Christ Message "To do on to others...." is timeless.... and often misunderstood...Vedic scripture is more to the point..

Posted by SP on 12/19/2010 7:55:27 PM

Absolutely outstanding interview. The DB teaches me daily. The world needs more people like Mr. Armstrong to help clear the way for a more peaceful and freer world. Thanks to the elves for working so hard with X-mas and all.

Posted by IndianaJohn on 12/19/2010 8:29:11 PM

Could the manufacturing tools used by the Egyptians have been melted down for new iron , much the same as scrap iron is today? Just wondering

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Good question. We wondered about that too.

Posted by Dauden on 12/19/2010 8:59:20 PM

"For ye see your calling brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise: and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence." I Cor. 1:26-29. @ SP: "The world needs more people like Mr. Armstrong to help clear the way for a more peaceful and freer world." --There has not been peace in the world since the fall of man and there will not be peace until the Prince of Peace rules after judging the earth and those who refuse to put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. No one has to "burn in hell" when there's a free gift offered to all who still breath life. While we yet remain in this age of grace, anyone who will can receive eternal life and live in that peaceful world that will come because the debt of our sins was paid for at the cross for everyone!! Just believe it! Book of Romans explains much more.
Posted by TTSchlegel on 12/19/2010 9:02:20 PM

Jdbeck:[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines It depends on how one defines "entanglement". In the process of saving this world Yeshua certainly "entangled" himself in it (and further such "entanglements" are to come). In this sense the example of Yeshua differs greatly from those of the founders of certain eastern religions wherein a complete ascetic abandonment of the world is recommended as the path to enlightenment or salvation. Now in much (although granted not all) of Vedic Hinduism the world is also a temporary, worthless illusion ("Maya"). In much/most of Vedic Hinduism there is also no such thing as sin, but rather only lamentable philosophic ignorance ("avidya"). It is these facts that most readily separate Vedic Hinduism from Christianity. Now regarding the Bhagavad, it is true that in the evolution of Hinduism the Bhagavad probably represents the closest Hinduism ever gets to Christianity (and in that sense I do enjoy and appreciate the book). For example in the Bhagavad the possibility of universal salvation is hinted at (e.g., 4:36; 9:30), even for women and low-caste Sudras (9:32). Nonetheless even in the Bhagavad the deity therein (Krishna) still condones the unjust caste system and in fact declares that "the four castes were created by me" (4:13; see also 18:43-44). Thus one key practical (but very unfortunate) message of the Bhagavad, the spiritual peak of Hinduism, is that its readers should still "Do their caste duty".
Posted by Puck T. Smith on 12/19/2010 9:30:09 PM

Thank you for this very informative interview. There were many interesting tidbit to file away for future rumination. On the other hand, I am the only one who seem to pick up a few underlying hints of a strong collectivist and environmentalist theme in what he was saying? I kept expecting him to drop the climate change bomb, but it never came. I realize you were more interested in the advanced ancient culture aspect, and it is fascinating, but you seemed to be lobbing softballs.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Mr. Armstrong has evident and obvious beliefs that we may not concur with. Since we have 364 other days to make them clear, we chose to let him speak. Was there harm? He's an interesting man.
Posted by Puck T. Smith on 12/19/2010 9:45:15 PM

Seems I spoke too soon (and typoed: it should be "Am I the only one..." not "I am the only one...") All that being said I have no desire to throw out the baby with the bath water. There was a good deal of valuable stuff, but I gave up on Gaia worship when I abandoned Wicca.

Posted by Puck T. Smith on 12/19/2010 9:49:27 PM

DB: Was there harm? No, not for people who have a little strength in their convictions. DB: He's an interesting man. He is that. I was not complaining just observing. This article only reinforced how much I value this site and why it is indeed "Daily" for me. Some times hourly. Carry on.
Posted by David Anderson on 12/19/2010 10:09:15 PM

What a wonderful interview. You said it. Let me add an ! I have enjoyed your articles for a long[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines time, but this is the best so far. Thank you for publishing it.
Posted by Pragmatico on 12/19/2010 11:09:12 PM

@DB "Hancock has done great work, but he sometimes seems to verge on the overly mystical, especially when he speaks of an ancient proto-Atlantean civilization. This is irritating because apparently Plato added an extra zero in his tale and when the zero is subtracted it sets the date right around Minoa, which is most likely the Atlantis of Plato's description." I think you might want to review Frank Joseph's account of the destruction of Atlantis and what he considers to be a modern Minoan myth before rejecting Atlantis out of hand. Joseph's account is quite compelling without calling on mysticism: Click to View Link

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Thanks for the link. After reading the reviews we still think Minoa sounds the better bet. We'll try to read the book.
Posted by S4bj on 12/19/2010 11:59:09 PM

Spinoza completely rejected free will. (Does anyone here believe in cause and effect?) Who am I to question the great Benedict de Spinoza? Click to View Link "In working out this new perspective, the first thing on Spinoza's agenda is to clear away what he sees as the most pervasive confusion that we as humans have about ourselves. This is the belief in free-will. Spinoza has nothing but scorn for this belief and treats it as a delusion that arises from the fact that the ideas we have of our actions are inadequate. "[M]en believe themselves to be free," he writes, "because they are conscious of their own actions and are ignorant of the causes by which they are determined" (IIIP2S). If we were to acquire adequate ideas of our actions, since these would carry with them knowledge of their causes, we would immediately see this belief as the delusion that it is. Spinoza's position on this matter is quite obviously dictated by the determinism of his metaphysics. The mind, as a finite mode, is fully determined to be and to act by other finite modes. To posit a faculty of will by which it is made autonomous and independent of external causal determinants is to remove it from nature. Spinoza will have none of this. As it is fully part of nature, the mind must be understood according to the same principles that govern all modes."
Posted by Nonplused on 12/20/2010 12:09:36 AM

you're kidding, right?

Posted by S4bj on 12/20/2010 12:21:45 AM

Cause and effect and free-will are incompatible philosophies. You either believe in one or the other. I prefer cause and effect. It could be argued that Werner Heisenberg suggested otherwise.
Posted by Helmut Lange on 12/20/2010 12:22:17 AM

Google offers facts. Facebook filters them for truth. Armstrong provides motivation for truth, which is Love in Action. Your interview is timely to commemorate the birth of Christ , however one construes Him (or that meme), and provides hope for the New Year. Thank you.
Posted by Jeannie Queenie on 12/20/2010 12:36:08 AM

@DB.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines said that Memehunter was not criticising bananas per se, but I fail to see how this remark of his is an endorsement of that fruit by saying it has little nutritive value to offer. "known that the wild banana would have the potential to become a staple of their diet, given that it is NOT a plant with a high nutritive value and that many other similar plants could have attracted their interest?" He adds,"Although I could give many examples, let me focus on the banana. The wild ancestors of modern banana plants produce fruits which are full of seeds and have very limited nutritive value (even botanists admit this in peer-reviewed publications).' To this quote I would add that botanists are NOT nutritionists. If babies can survive on them as they are viewed as one of the most perfect foods supplying all the nutrients a baby would need, and if athletes eat them for energy and performance, it is obvious that bananas are quite high in nutritive value.
Posted by John Danforth on 12/20/2010 12:47:01 AM

Re: Mercury propulsion--I wonder what you would feel like the next day after getting a blast of mercury vapor ions in the face if you were standing in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Posted by Memehunter on 12/20/2010 1:39:13 AM

@Jeannie Queenie: No, you misunderstood as explained by DB. I am talking about the development of the modern banana plant (the one producing the fruit you eat, which is of course nutritive) from the WILD ancestor, which indeed produces smaller fruits which are full of seeds and contain very little flesh and are therefore of limited nutritive value. You have probably never seen the fruits of a WILD banana plant, but if you did you would probably not enjoy eating them. It is not at all like the modern banana which you are eating. If you read carefully what I wrote, you will see that I make an important distinction between the cultivated bananas and their wild ancestors.It has nothing to do with a criticism about the nutritive value of cultivated bananas (the ones you can buy at the supermarket and eat).
Posted by Gavin on 12/20/2010 2:36:19 AM

@Dauden What makes you think your interpretation of the bible is correct to the point that you can say "The KJB exposes [Mr Armstrong's] philosophy, in general, as a lie? What's worse in your post is that because you believe Mr Armstrong is mistaken you seem to suggest he will go to hell. Your quote: "Many "enlightened" ones have gone to hell not because of what they know but because they have believed this lie that man can be as god, knowing good and evil and doing good works! They have rejected the Savior who gave His life to redeem us from our sinful nature; this nature which causes all the ills on this earth which The Bell expounds upon." It sounds like you're the one who is eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, big time. It might even be that Mr Armstrong is mistaken, but so what? As long as he is doing what he believes to be right and with good intentions I see no reason that he should go to your version of hell. Why not take the best parts from Mr Armstrong's interview and leave the stuff you're not comfortable with? I believe it says in the bible that God is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-present. If that is true it also means that the essence of God lives in each and every person, ie; The drop in the ocean and the ocean in the drop. That also means that every person is animated by God (Life) and each person has the POTENTIAL to be Christ-like when they fully realise and recognise this. Therefore it's not a lie to say that "man can be as God" when he works with God. I think even Jesus said similar things to his followers like; "I am of myself nothing, it is my father who does the work in me" or "ye shall do greater works than me."[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Anyway, my point is don't self-righteously knock someone whose intent is to improve humanity's condition just because their world-view is different from yours.
Posted by Jimi BigBear on 12/20/2010 3:01:27 AM

WOW! Blown away to read this on the Daily Bell! Really great interview, afterthoughts, and, for the most part, the Feedback. Two links for those wanting to actually experience Transcendental Consciousness " the 4th major state of consciousness unlike, but underlying the "usual" three states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep Click to View Link/ For those wanting to develop TC (Transcendental Consciousness) into the 3 higher states of consciousness, starting with Cosmic Consciousness by pursuing Consciousness Based Education " where the Knower is developed/experienced/Realized along with the Known Click to View Link/ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year DB and Feedbackers Liberty, Peace, Prosperity and Love Jimi

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Same to you.
Posted by Jubal on 12/20/2010 3:13:21 AM

Interesting interview, and praiseworthy courage by the DB to search for truth wherever you think it might be, even in non-respectable territory by mainstream standards. A reader said that he was not aware of any device to read the Akashic Records, but some say that such a device exists. It is called the chronovisor. I think it is more fiction than fact, but I mention it for the non-Akashic Record (pun intended, sorry): Click to View Link Following the thread of the Akashic Records, English biochemist Rupert Sheldrake is a remarkable thinker with bold, original ideas: Click to View Link His concepts/hypotheses of morphogenetic fields and morphic resonance mesh well with the observation by a reader, above, that some scientific and techonological breakthroughs are independently realized by several persons at the same time. The application of these ideas to selforganization of complex systems, although perhaps far-fetched, could be of interest as an interdisciplinary connection from a free-market point of view. In sum, food for Sunday's thought, before coming back to the realm of fiat money, tax-slave debt, central banking and unlimited government on Mondays.
Posted by Zenbillioniare on 12/20/2010 3:49:26 AM

Strangely interesting interview. Mr. Armstrong seems to have a well developed sense of the Vedas, but his headshot on the byline is weirdly penetrating; It doesn't strike me as a peaceful pose. What was he trying to say with that? I have a casual relationship with one of his fellows in the field of Ayurvedic medicine, if he gets back down to visit Sam Browne someday I'd like to meet him (I'm having difficulty with my left hip). Hope we'll see him soon. Click to View Link
Posted by Memehunter on 12/20/2010 4:54:57 AM[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines @ Jubal: Interesting to see someone mentioning Sheldrake's theories. I had the pleasure to attend a lecture by Sheldrake two years ago. At the time, I was more of a conventional "mainstream" scientist (I have a graduate degree in molecular biology) and was ready to pounce on what I expected to be a half-lunatic presentation. However, I was favorably impressed and his ideas left an impression on me. I hasten to say that I have not seen anything close to what I would consider to be definitive evidence in favor of his theory of morphic resonance (followers of Sheldrake may disagree here...), but, if this theory would turn out to be true, it would constitute a major paradigm shift for biological sciences. On a related topic, there is a very recent study by Daryl Bem which shows evidence of precognition. This study, which is to be published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (peerreviewed), describes a series of experiments done on a large and statistically significant number of participants showing empirical evidence of precognition. A preprint version could be downloaded from Bem's website a month ago and may still available. The following link summarizes this research: Click to View Link I mention this study because it immediately made me think of Sheldrake's theories (and some esoterically-minded readers might even want to relate this to this idea of Akashic records, though I am not sure I want to go there yet).
Posted by Stargatefast on 12/20/2010 5:12:11 AM

Superb,-i was only running these theories & views past my 14year old daughter & her friend yesterday as they brought up the 'Matrix theory!'. The kids are all cottoning on to this and are amazed @ the 'net. Fabulous Work DB ,i'll be recommending this to everyone i know. Rome did'nt fall overnight & lets press peacefully on. I do'nt think they will return the feeling -the elite..given they wanna do 7.5 Billion of us in.Where will they start huh..that kettling in London is Sinister:shades of Gas ovens.Hear Putin in his 4hr rant on RT: Evil monsters they are making themselves out to be so Benevolent n' all .Also a great doco' about Rudolf Guiliani on PressTV @ mo' absolute racist genocidal pig. Gotta cool the Jets!! LOL started out fine :D
Posted by Bill Ross on 12/20/2010 6:19:03 AM

@Jubal "some scientific and techonological breakthroughs are independently realized by several persons at the same time." In my myopic (action PRECEDES consequence) POV, I KNOW this is because the social / economic / intellectual environment becomes conducive / ready for those who THINK to see the possibilities (make connections, extrapolate knowledge) and make breakthroughs: Click to View Link In fact, I will go so far as to unambiguously state: The internet and information economy has shifted our collective intellectual environment such that the majority is well past the point of consensus that "our rulers are totally corrupt, beyond reason or redemption" (THE problem). Very few dots remain to be connected before the the obvious solution from saner times is insisted upon, forcefully, if necessary (no other option): "freedom, peace and social / economic accountability for ALL" (justice). Justice Defined: We are all free to profit or suffer and learn (adapt to excellence) by facing the consequences of our OWN choices. Injustice is to be forced to suffer the consequences of choices of unaccountable (irresponsible) others. "The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern. The law of liberty tends to abolish the reign of race over race, of faith over faith, of class over class." ~ Lord[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines Acton Elites have foolishly taken on the survival of the entire human race. They lose. Always have, always will. Freedom is reality. Oppose it and, the real costs of opposing reality will smite you and all of the complicit / dependent perpetrators involved.
Posted by Mpresley on 12/20/2010 7:02:20 AM

Reply from the Daily Bell: You'll have to take the excitable girl crack up with Robert Oppenhiemer ... Dr Oppenheimer was from all accounts moderately excitable, occasionally wild, and certainly damned clever. He was, at least politically, taken in by charlatans, however I don't know that it ever affected his work. He was not a Sanskrit scholar, nor an orientalist of any measure, however he certainly understood the spiritual power contained within the ancient Indian scriptures.
Posted by SpiritualHealing on 12/20/2010 7:57:49 AM

Thank you for the wonderful interview with this man. Hope is again released from Pandora's box today! Pro Pace.
Posted by Iddy on 12/20/2010 8:46:00 AM

For ANON. Yes you are correct in your assumption. But for your further investigation this is short for i)dio/ths, htos, idiohtos from greek meaning peculiar nature or property. I am not sure where you are deriving your meaning for the word. So here are some links for your further education and illumination. Polybius, Histories 305918 1 0.033 1 0.033 Flavius Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae 286938 4 0.139 4 0.139 Strabo, Geography 192200 4 0.208 4 0.208 Diodorus Siculus, Library 125221 3 0.24 3 0.24 Flavius Josephus, De bello Judaico libri vii 110982 2 0.18 2 0.18 Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers 78109 1 0.128 1 0.128 Plato, Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman 61965 4 0.646 4 0.646 Plutarch, Quaestiones Convivales 57183 1 0.175 1 0.175 Xenophon, Anabasis 20719 1 0.483 1 0.483 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Book 3 20511 1 0.488 1 0.488 Flavius Josephus, Contra Apionem 15869 1 0.63 1 0.63 Plutarch, De Iside et Osiride 13850 1 0.722 1 0.722 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Book 2 13535 1 0.739 1 0.739 Plutarch, De defectu oraculorum 12992 1 0.77 1 0.77 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Book 1[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines 6902 1 1.449 1 1.449 Plutarch, De tuenda sanitate praecepta To put this into 21rst century perspective. This word was applied to people not because of their lack of usefulness to the society of the time. It was applied to people who's hearts have been transformed by the work of the spirit of Christ. Which enables a man or woman to operate in the world without being sucked up by the elites of their day. These early believers did not participate in the government corban of the day but they gathered together in free societies based on faith hope and love not like the government of forced contributions and coveting of your neighbors goods. Now this does give the illusion of being an idiot. Of course our modern factory schooling has made sure that anyone who does not feel the need to steal from their neighbor using force of government taxation to fill their every need. peace on your house ANON not the absence of conflict but the overcoming. and blessed is he who overcomes.
Posted by Pragmatico on 12/20/2010 12:34:50 PM

@s4bj "Spinoza completely rejected free will. (Does anyone here believe in cause and effect?) Who am I to question the great Benedict de Spinoza? ... Cause and effect and free-will are incompatible philosophies. You either believe in one or the other. I prefer cause and effect." There is no inherent conflict between cause and effect and free will if, as some of us believe, matter, energy, space, and time are attributes of a "finished" creation that only exists in a stateshifting present (no past, no future). Free will is used to make state changes in the huge "karmic machine" into which we -- AS TRANSCENDENTAL OR SPIRITUAL BEINGS (not physical beings, which are part of the machine) -- all have input but not machine control. All possible future machine states already exist, but the ones that become "reality" are the ones we choose from our assigned position "as machine manipulating participants." We make each state a reality by the choices we make. The states that go non-chosen fall into the void. Here's a perfectly useful analogy. You, as a transcendental being, are sitting at your computer playing some kind of video game such as driving a race car through an obstacle course. You have free will to exercise control of the virtual race car, but with each moment, the computer responds in a preplanned way to each control choice that you make and brings you to the next (usually consistent) state based on your choice. And so it goes. You choose and the computer reacts in predestined ways as you wend your way through the obstacle course. With time, you learn stuff and get better at the game by repeated trials. Now, add multiple players such as with online "games" like Second Life. Now it requires multiple inputs from multiple players to move the 3D virtual control computer from state to state, and each player has a representative "image" in the game. But make no mistake about it: the game is preprogrammed to behave in specific ways based on individual and collective inputs. Potential next states are always present, but once the collective inputs are taken, a new game essentially starts with a new state ... a new moment. In this model of reality (the finished creation of matter, energy, space, time), the past is an illusion provided by that fact that each state contains built-in records (memories, history) of previous states. But those records only exist in the present (we may have a record of a bullet having been fired, but the present moment only provides the current location and condition of the bullet plus the record that we like to call the past)! On the other hand, the future exists as possible states in the machine, and some level of "predictable" outcome is available if all inputs into the machine behave as we expect them to (but that's hardly immutable in the human experience). Then what is cause and effect? A fairly consistent and compelling "story" offered by the machine as it shifts from state to state. Buy into the story of cause and effect and the choices you make right now will further substantiate your belief in the story (and the Spinoza's among us who advocate it) ...[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines until at some point the story starts to gain cracks and new, exciting ways of determining reality emerge. Personally, I stopped believing in the immutability of cause and effect long ago when certain experiences I had showed it to be modifiable under some conditions. I didn't have to wait for the proclamations or validations of quantum mechanics to conclude this. And so I've started to find better ways to conduct my life that don't always require buying into the cause-effect story.
Posted by R.C. Anderson on 12/20/2010 3:07:56 PM

Although I am always dubious about individuals who show an interest in philosophy and spirituality but unexplainedly end up getting rich in positions of sales and marketing, as well as individuals who proclaim themselves masters, Armstrong has a firm knowledge of the ancient sciences and a good intention apparently. What he needs though, in addition to right knowledge and right intention, is the right means. Such means have always been kept secret and held by special communities in every culture. Individuals are not allowed to go off on their own with this knowledge. One such community is the International Community of Cosolargy. I would like to see Armstrong take this current path (brought by an avatar, Jamil) and give his intentions the right means as well.
Posted by Heuristic on 12/20/2010 6:18:47 PM

Reply from the Daily Bell: "If it hadn't been for invasion by the West with its 19th century 'gunboat diplomacy' those societies would still be feudal systems within which the vast majority would live out short lives of backbreaking labour. Anyone claims that any of that is 'our fault' is a moron with an evil agenda." Such a statement deserves extrapolation. We provided it.

What you provided is your usual groundless, ad hoc theorizing. What I stated with the gunboat comment is simply an historical fact and does not imply approval ("white man's burden" and all that crap): without the intrusion of the West those societies would still be feudal, with the majority of the population condemned to a life of poverty and servitude. Ergo they were obviously unsuccessful societies and unworthy of emulation. Even you don't believe it, despite your words " I don't see anyone here (including the charlatan that you interviewed) giving up your lifestyle in Switzerland and Marina del Rey (or wherever he hangs out), wearing a dhoti and striving to merge with the cosmic on the streets of Calcutta. My inclination would be to have left them alone militarily and simply traded with them a la the spice merchants and dare I say, Ron Paul. Despising a culture has nothing with race and the "bigoted" remark is misplaced. Indeed, you can shove it up your ass since I don't take moral instruction from some blogger on the Internet. There is nothing wrong with noticing that a particular culture is obviously inferior and a stagnant failure, if our standard of success is human happiness. The guru is just another orientalist and western self-hater such as we've been frequently had visited upon us over the last century or so.

On the purported "lost" technology it is noteworthy how obscure such arguments are, depending as they do on a pattern of scratches, or the resemblance of a temple carving to an aeroplane. If power tools and planes had existed then why wouldn't the evidence be more obvious. The pyramids for example wer filled with provisions for the deceased to enjoy in the afterlife. They also were accompanied by manikins who were supposed to be their servants. The artefacts were all Bronze Age. Why didn't anyone think to include a clear example of high-technology ? Blank out, as Rand would have said, or perhaps some ad hoc theory is given to "explain" its absence.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Reply from the Daily Bell:

What you provided is your usual groundless, ad hoc theorizing. DB: No, we provided a truthful statement. What I stated with the gunboat comment is simply an historical fact and does not imply approval ("white man's burden" and all that crap): without the intrusion of the West those societies would still be feudal, with the majority of the population condemned to a life of poverty and servitude. DB: Your evident contempt for anyone not your color or with your facial characteristics is amply illustrated. Ergo they were obviously unsuccessful societies and unworthy of emulation. DB: As opposed to Western societies where unemployment is now rising to 30 percent, currencies have depreciated some 90 percent and the only jobs worth having are in the military (killing people) or the federal government (passing laws to ruin what is left of civil society). Even you don't believe it, despite your words " I don't see anyone here (including the charlatan that you interviewed) giving up your lifestyle in Switzerland and Marina del Rey (or wherever he hangs out), wearing a dhoti and striving to merge with the cosmic on the streets of Calcutta. DB: You decry ad hominem arguments and then make one. Not very consistent are you? No, we wouldn't expect you to be. My inclination would be to have left them alone militarily and simply traded with them a la the spice merchants and dare I say, Ron Paul. DB: Your mention of Ron Paul brings to mind the famous line of Samuel Johnson's ""Sir, a woman's preaching is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all." Despising a culture has nothing with race and the "bigoted" remark is misplaced. Indeed, you can shove it up your ass since I don't take moral instruction from some blogger on the Internet. There is nothing wrong with noticing that a particular culture is obviously inferior and a stagnant failure, if our standard of success is human happiness. DB: You are best at the "despising" part. "Shove it up your ass." Another defining argument, eh? The guru is just another orientalist and western self-hater such as we've been frequently had visited upon us over the last century or so. DB: "Amazing. He has spent his life in study, advising corporations on best practices and writing poetry. From the violent and ignorant place out of which you write, it sounds as if you are best at blowing up people and neighborhoods. Good career choice? Did you torture any tiny animals when you were young? On the purported "lost" technology it is noteworthy how obscure such arguments are, depending as they do on a pattern of scratches, or the resemblance of a temple carving to an aeroplane. If power tools and planes had existed then why wouldn't the evidence be more obvious. The pyramids for example were filled with provisions for the deceased to enjoy in the afterlife. They also were accompanied by manikins who were supposed to be their servants. The artefacts were all Bronze Age. Why didn't anyone think to include DB: Wow, you got us there. Obviously the traces of power tools on granite don't exist or the tools would have been buried in the tombs. Case closed! So much for any further research. Nothing to see here.
Posted by Zenbillionaire on 12/20/2010 7:42:10 PM

"Nothing to see here." Unfair. Heuristic makes some good points. I personally intend to be burned in a traditional Viking[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines boat along with a small number of my favorite power tools and my laptop.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Lord, what points would those be?

Posted by Zenbillionaire on 12/20/2010 7:49:33 PM

Excuse me if the question was rhetorical, but the joke concerned being buried with power tools and my absurd desire to accomplish the same end.
Posted by S4bj on 12/20/2010 8:25:53 PM

@Heuristic The pyramids for example wer filled with provisions for the deceased to enjoy in the afterlife. They also were accompanied by manikins who were supposed to be their servants. The artefacts were all Bronze Age. I believe this is not true, at least as far as the Giza pyramids are concerned. Maybe Heuristic is confusing the pyramids with the tombd at The Valley of the Kings.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Maybe Heuristic is just generally confused. Too many blows to the head, etc.
Posted by Zenbillionaire on 12/20/2010 8:59:31 PM

@ DB "Too many blows to the head, etc." You guys are worse than me, and I'm pretty bad. He did make at least one decent point: Western intervention may have changed the culture in India "for the good". It's not clear natives of that country would agree, but India now has high rise hotels, banks and credit cards, which they might not have had if Britain hadn't colonized them, and which make the country a far more attractive destination for Western industrialists and tourists. They should be grateful, just as the native peoples of the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are grateful. I can hardly count the number of Native Americans I've met who just couldn't imagine a better life than they have today; before the British got to North America they were living in absolute squalor, now they have several choices of fast food and well over 300 channels of cable television. Nobody here understands why the Afghans aren't lining up to become members of the Western world. They should check our references. We do good stuff.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

'I can hardly count the number of Native Americans I've met who just couldn't imagine a better life than they have today; before the British got to North America they were living in absolute squalor, now they have several choices of fast food and well over 300 channels of cable television." Are you serious?
Posted by Rolf Braendle on 12/21/2010 7:22:55 AM

Superb Interview with J. Armstrong.[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines

Posted by Bill Ross on 12/21/2010 9:56:28 AM

"Western intervention may have changed the culture in India "for the good". It's not clear natives of that country would agree, but India now has high rise hotels, banks and credit cards, which they might not have had if Britain hadn't colonized them, and which make the country a far more attractive destination for Western industrialists and tourists." This statement is being interpreted in an absurd manner by interpreting the word "may" as "did". Fact is, whether, at the point in time that two cultures come into contact, they are diverse, socially and economically, by the cumulative choices of the people in their unique environments. When a so called superior culture (using "might is right" metric to measure "superior") forcefully imposes their will, institutions, economics and products on an inferior culture, well, this is an environmental shift affecting the choice possibilities of the people. The same thing can be achieved by peaceful trade, the only difference is that what is superior will be judged by the self-interest of the choosers who will, in aggregate CHOOSE what is truly superior, by human values as opposed to being coerced by terror of the consequence of making dissenting choices. In actual fact, current events are the conflict between the inferior elite "might is right" social / economic culture and the "live and let live", freedom to choose culture bequeathed to "we, the people" by all of historical resolved conflict and once codified in the "rule of law", now rationalized away: Click to View Link What has changed is the arrogance of elites who view information technology as a game changer, affecting the balance of power between the natural (enforced by laws of reality) rights of "we, the people" and those who wield technology and information control as a weapon, in their favor. Elites are dead WRONG. The unseen hand of our cumulative choices in pursuit of non-negotiable survival and making self-interest choices will always thwart any organized force. PROOF: Click to View Link Elites wield the power of destruction (force, fraud). We, the people have the power of peaceful cooperation for mutual self interest (construction). The tighter elites grasp, or the more they succeed, the more people they alienate and the more slips through their grasp. Whatever happens, we will have peace. Whether it is the peace of species extinction or, a peaceful, honest civilization where all are free to engage in "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" remains to be seen. The latter requires the extinction of central controllers which is inevitable. If we do not oppose, elite false works will collapse by the attrition costs of opposing reality. If we do oppose, we may be able to salvage some of civilization. THINK about it: Click to View Link
Posted by Satish on 12/21/2010 3:53:26 PM

Insightful and authentic presentation! Found it quite informative. I liked the entire interview including the questions. Thanks you very much, Daily Bell!
Posted by Sushama Londhe on 12/21/2010 6:16:09 PM

Hello, I invite you to visit my website on Hinduism and Indian culture. Here is the link: Hindu Wisdom Click to View Link/ Author of: A Tribute to Hinduism: Thoughts and Wisdom spanning continents and time about India and her culture, Pragun Publications, New Delhi, India, 2008. Get your copy at:[12/24/2010 10:49:30 AM]

Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines Click to View Link.

Reply from the Daily Bell:

Thanks for the link ...

Posted by Jubal on 12/21/2010 6:22:21 PM

@ Memehunter I agree about Sheldrake. Very interesting ideas. Experimental results significant, but not conclusive. Thanks for the link about Daryl Bem. I didn't know his work. Very intersting, too. @ Bill Ross I'm myopic, too, but also hypermetropic. I'm scientific minded, but I'm also open to "unconventional" ways of causation if I think they might be possible. These are far-fetched ideas, of course. I was only making connections. Hypotheses, not theses. Concerning freedom, I'm in your camp.
Posted by Raj Kumar on 12/21/2010 11:58:21 PM

Thank you Daily bell for this wonderful interview.

Posted by Raghvendra Tripathi on 12/22/2010 4:49:36 AM

It is a very nice and knowledgable matter about Indian Culture I personally like to know more about Dharma and Motivation.I personally feel that if it is interlinked that karma is dharma of every humanbeing it can work better in motivating a person.I need humble comments over my feelings.
Posted by Ben Titshaw on 12/22/2010 2:44:26 PM

This was a wonderful interview. May I make a request for a future interview? David Talbott and Wal Thornhill are the main proponents of the the electric universe theory. it would be great to here their insights on the wonders of the universe. thank you for all the brilliant work.
Posted by Janis on 12/22/2010 3:27:30 PM

Brilliant presentation on the World's most ancient civilization and philosophy! Every intelligent person will be interested to know the true history of human civilization and the perennial philosophy. So, please post more interviews / articles by the same author.
Posted by EJG on 12/23/2010 2:49:02 PM

I have been a regular reader and fan of the Bell for several years now. Those at the Bell and its readers who are interested in spiritual questions as well as how these relate to the financial/power elite or world government efforts to enslave the planet will find valuable information on the site of Nicolai Levashov. In particular his books especially Russia Through Distorted Mirror.

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Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas and the Reality of Ancient Flying Machines


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