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tN50l1 to, the fotlow9'1= • feast once in the premises.

QS. 6illlR be cflSfributed a.
1. ....,110 ,sm tS to un":= the: ;;na:o: term ar:rl • e
//Ills: a! rruddle term ma Categcnail ::.-,~ g
. R,r~

~leffll rf thlS :unc-..ion, un ess It rs r- samu-e...

,. ,:.
-· ---
-.:.::. ...,~
,.; . -
• Thr le cerm cann~ ;,e orm '

distnbuted when r: refers to the who e dass and is undrstributeC: w~n re·as to
* part ot the class •
• nw~of th rule commrts the fallacy of 1.ind stnbuted m
id d
mfta are eavy
stones are heavy.
stones are metals

"1&~1nt themiddle term, , e 'heavy stands as the pred cate of A propos on

••ts So both premises the mtdd e term heavy as und:st buted S ce the m
,... • ~ • pc,ssible that the pan of the m dd e term wh ch ts related to the n
,..._, _ _ bt the .,.rt
which ts related to the m nor prem1Se That as , 1• h the midd e te
isnatabletoPfflOrm tts function of relat ng two terms. So the fa acy of Undistributed m d

720aou4n 7208092477


ativ e prl! m iscs .

z#'NO con clus ion can bo dra wn from two neg
om e
'"' d 'O'd cn1cs the clas~ 111clus1011 It ass erts th,1 t all/~
~s : ne-g at rvc pro po~ ,ti 0111 c " ,,11
AnY 1ec t or pre dica te of thl'
thr :.ub
cd fr 0111 the olh er class I c .
• b(.'rS o f o n e cl,, s,; .ire t•xd 11lf s of M1 ddll' tl'rm 1s neg ativ e pre mis es
t 1,1lly exc lud t'd from the cl.is
~~ :usion ,s wh olly or p.ir the pre ,rns es a,,d the
lntt exc lusi on c-,m not Jus tify the rcl,H1011 be-twcc>n
r ..... orernls t he re fo re lI1c ,n num cnt 1s lnv. illd This l.ill,1cy ls ,is nam cd .ls fallacy of Nc& at,v e
• "V
e s a~ ,crt
c1usron and
~n usr ~ {or Exc lusi ve pre m ls,•,
fote ,iam ple :
No Lotus are ros es (Nc ga t111 t•) not Lot us
The refo re som e flow er,; are
so~E' flo\ \er'S are no t ros es (Nceat111~) 1s dra wn from two neg atrv e pre mis es so the rule 1s
s,r.ct? 111 the abo ve arg u me nt con clus mis es 1s com mit ted
fall a cy o f N ega tive Pre
vt()lated and the
dis trib ute d in the pre m ise.
d In the con clusio n unl ess it is
J. •A term can not be dis trib ute
AflS! bul not dis trib ute d m the pre
mis es, me ans tha t the
trib ute d in the con clus ion
~ • ~ I s dis m ,ti. p rem ise s and the arg um ent bei ng
ded uct ive 1s
o nd the evi den ce
~ has gon e bey s of terms .
Invalid . Thi s mis tak e 1s ca lled t he tall ac'/ of illicit pro ces
dD .-e
und ant .
ya syll ogi sm , two app ear red
._ au tof fiv e pro pos itio ns in Nya
• tqa ya syllogism has five pro
mp:e of Nyaya syllogism -
• The(ollowing is a typical exa
1 This hill has fire. (Pratijna)
2. Because it has smoke. (Hetu)
in the kitchen . (Udaharan)
a. Wherever tne re is smoke there 1s fire as ya)
bly associated wit h fire . (Upana
4. This hill has smoke wh ich rs invaria
s. Therefore this hill has fire . (Nigam oving first two
three propositions eith er by rem
reduce the Nyaya syll ogism t o
itwo ·· nsa sgi ven be low.
ra n) - Ma jor premise
reverth ere is sm oke the re is fire as in the kit chen. (Udaha
:MIIJe Min or pre mis e
ocia t ed wit h fire lUp ana ya) -
has smoke wh ich is inv aria bly ass
sio n
th,s hill has fire. (Nigaman) - Conclu
sm, two app ear red und ant
of five pro pos itio ns is Nyaya syllogi
example in the thi rd pro pos itio n is a uni que fea tur e of Ny aya

. (Ud aharan) - Major premise.

ls smoke there is fire as in the kitchen
que feature of Nyaya syllogis
mple in the third proposition is a uni uct1on bas md
result of a real
, the universal major premise is the

ins eparable m Nyaya syllogism

show deduction and induction are
I and material.

KANDlvAU 720809 247 j
l89877am 12 os o1 24 n
r.•• pro r
1u,w1r16 '~-,11011Jtlf1 ,,,st 1118 of l wo pr,•""'-<:~ Wh1t.1
d o11IV th'
f;,ip1.ain th" to5,,uc'""' ,, ,111er. ,,,, crr11(C, ,or ;,n111on ,;hows lh,11 ,"I :.ylloP.,•'
06 •Ttif! "'~ of t ,or•'"'n .,111111' ,111 ' 11,,s de l!S n' c mor,• l11a11 two lh•ll, 11,e
J r,11 ,T1u, I nJ "" ,1i,s101 I pre1n1s. • l:11 •
)hJ I ,n ,, •'",,c ,, ,at., ~JIii I ,,,c co•' ,1111JCI O I\\
A, svflCt •.,.,It (fl'ft ,r 1'1<' 1111111 o II I111' 111
'>i d ,trfll' "" 0111 111,• 1un
rllft' 1h"' ~, ,nd '1nr i;

fl'"' prrnl
c..r ~,.,,,,pit:
,o~• "' lla8'~'''
A ""
A ~ " art'
1111ff!11lb,, br111t1~
,. rt' ,~111.,
, nils" . . e . total four propos,lioos so th
nclus,on · 1.
art,11 • e
I ng be1m:s art' Ill ses and a co rnent of Stones.
~to~, I ,VI as three ,,,emr ailed as A(gU •
Tl'tt abO\ e ,,i;umcnt h d such f.illi!CY IS c gorical syllogism.
r fall.1ciOUS an rrns in a cate
~ h e and on IV three te ,ns - no ,nore an cl no less. If l'llor
a ~must be r re mmust involve three t~rvalid The ra IlaCV thus co1111n1ttl!de Iha~
cal syllogrs lfogism 1s rn · t . is
h'fl\ \a d carego,r d he caregorica I sy . fly when one oft 1e terms 1s ambigu
r~ terms are inVf~fve ;;,ms TM is t,appens esp~cg,a A word becomes a term when it sta~~;
d fi d meanrn .
d becomes a term, .1t cannot have mo••us a\
....,, h fallaCV o ,our
au..,.. r e has definite an ,,ce
not the term.A term . When the wor . . f II . re
ed'c-ate in a proposition. b. uously it ,s called the a acy of Equ1vocar
subject or pr !
h the term is used am ,g 1011
T~ one meanrng W en
For eJCilmple:
Any bell r,ngs
Some nngs are beautiful
Therefore some bells are beautiful ,. . •. . , ,
.ddle term 'Rings ,s ambiguous, 1t means sound in the maiur
In the above exampIe th e ml
premise and 'ornament in the minor premise.
The fallacy of equivocation may be committed with regard to any of the three terms. These
arecalJed fallacy of: JJ Ambiguous major, 2) Ambiguous middle and 3) Ambiguous minor.
~ n of terms in Categorical propositions


A Distributed
E I Undistributed
I Distributed
0 Undistributed

Undistributed .

( K AMT\ LO{,\I"

ar.,_aacy of Undl•trlbulH Mlddla

• ffNt furl(tlOfl of mlddl• t•rm In • C.at•co1tul ,yllogl\m i. to 1111111'1 tht'! rn.aJOf term and the minor

• ..._,.,..... . .,m,annolpPr1ormlhl hmrtton 1,mlr s111.d1~1rlbull'd•tlell lOM.l'mthl"

: A""",. dlltrtbutltd Wht,n II tl'f t111 l<> lhP whoIt, da arid I• U11d1llflbUtf'(i whrn 11 rl"fl"f'. to
.._.,. ,.....
• ....,....,ion of thb rut. commits 1h11 h1ll1ny ol I lndl
........ •rw hHVV
trlhut"d m1ddlr

"'IIGM' •"' hHVV

flWC•roN •II atones are m4!tals

- - - -.,.ument thl! middle tl!rm, I e 'heavy' stand!. ai. the predfcate of 'A' pro~rt1on,
lses So In both premises the n11ddlc term 'heavy' 1s und1str1buted Smee the
strlbuted, it Is possible that the part of the middle term which I~ related to
V not be the part which ts related to the mmor premise That ts why the
ble to perform Its function of rclatmg two terrns So the fallat'f of

[l)lheconcluslon but not ciistributed in the premises, means that t

lehe evidence In its premises and the argument being deductrJe ,~
is called the fallacy of illicit process of terms
In tb ~011clusion.
terlrancEthe maJor term.
types of fallacies that arise are:

e. (Major Premise)
btillabJe.(Mlnor Premise)
le people are brave.

~ undistributed in the minor premise since it is the predicat

d In the conclusion, being the sub1ect of 'E' proposition.~

7208092477 7208
•. .. .:


distributed In the ma1or llri;

bUI riot frii4
( 1us1011
_.,. 110,or rd 111 t 1,e con
n of pr,.,. 1,,n,1,1•• d
t, ,~
.rrr'"'..,,,, ,,,
I( 1 ri1P,-

a,<' ,.,c1111st! l
I (11·1,IJOI ) M p
r•ll..,pkl an mo i
f" 1'rt'fll1,c . . buted In the aicor rem,~e.' but
""" ~ • ,, ,rds 111111101 ,s und1str1 . ommitted. 11.~
• •, ~rt" b "".,nu11,1ls rfll '.1n1rrials I 1llic•t rnaior ,s c
Oft' no
b rtf\ .i,~ 1 or lt' he fill Ia..
,.., 0
I the ni. 1 ,
.... unit'" Hence r
ft,f' abO'"' lloo c1u~1011.
rd in che con
t b the position of the middle term
f '),ao,isn,. deterrr11ned Y lfj
'- .. ~ " f sylloB's11'1 as
• h 1orn1 o
1411'· _ .aog1Slll IS I t'
i:c1ire) of ,r.. s toHows:
mises. isn'I are a
,~~ c regonal sv11og h ..,..iddle term stands as the subjet\
~sol a . - which l e '" O!
Jlogrsm tn
f categorlca l sy .
It ts the form o f 1nor premise.
~ and predicate o m
M p
5 M
5 P . h. h the middle term stands as the pred,cat
f Categorical syllogism in w re e
Fcd~-Jl·Jt cs the form o a·or and minor premise.
4n both tbe premises ,.e. m J
p M

: s. ---
• J syllogism in which the middle term stands as the subjecti:i '
~-.lff: Jt 15 the form of Categonca .
~ premises, i.e. major and mrnor premise
M p

-s M S

Fgure- IV: It is the form of Categorical syllogism in which the middle term stands as the pred,cat~
'ltl the mapr premise and as a subject in minor premise.
p M
s p

7208012477 BORIVAU
">YJC ARl5 LOulC .

-bfan ce betwe en Aristo telian and Nyay, 1 syllog
s. ~csC" ·
,4ns~r,stotcllan syllog ism ,111d Nyava syllog ism
both have three terms .
to three propo s1t,on s either by remo ving first two 01 la~
• one can reduc e the Nyaya syllog ism
• propo s,uon s as given below
wo the kitche n (lJdah aran) MaJor premi se
,.1 where ver there Is smoke ttw1" Is fire as In
Tll•S tull ha5. smok e whtch is l11va11,1bly ,l!i:.oc l,Hed
wnh fire . (Upant1yn) - Mmo r premi se
: T/lrrefore this lull has f11c. (NtflJ tnan) Conclusion
appea r rt"dundant
,. out of five proposItIons 1,; NYilVil syllog ism, two

_Distinction betw een Aristo tellan and Nyay a syllog

,.,.s: syllog ism ,s dedu ct,vc mduc t,ve and
• ,Anstotehan syllog ism Is dedu ctive and forma l. Nyaya
formal .-ind mate rial at the same 1Ime.
uniqu e featu re of Nyaya syllogism wh,c
• The udaharan or exam ple m the third propo sition is a
resul t of a real induc tion based on t
Illustrates the truth that, the universal maJor premise 1s the
induc tion are inseparable 1n Nyay a
a.wof causation The udah aran shows how dedu ction and
~fs rn and also how It is both forma l and mate
mldd ie t erm, the majo r and the min
• ,n the Ansto tehan syllog ism, thoug h conn ected by the
ttnflS stand apart In the pr'?mises. In the Nyay
a syllog ism all the three terms stand svnth es,ie
r,,e.upaoaya i.e. fourt h propo sition .
than the abso lutely necessarv
• p,opositions of Arist otelia n syllog ism are nothi ng more
syllog ism on the other hand constitu
constituent parts of an infere nce. Prop ositio ns of Ny.aya
anoth er in their natur al sequ ence .
tu11y.teasoned out argu rnen t whos e parts follow one after
otelia n syllogism on the othe r I
• The Nyaya syllogism is expo sitory and rheto rical. The Arist
,naly tical and bette r fitted to test validity of infere nce.


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