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Middlesex County Magnet Schools

Piscataway Culinary Arts Syllabus

Antonia Mastrella
732-985-0717 Ext. 2226

COURSE Culinary Arts will start with the introduction of Safety & Sanitation for all grades and will be studied and
DESCRIPTION practiced throughout the existing time of the school year. All grades will learn and continue to learn all
skills applicable to Culinary Arts attaining to and not limited to Commercial Kitchen Tools & Equipment,
Cooking methods, Sauces, Stocks & Soups, Applicable Mathematics and Sciences, Finance Literacy,
Catering services, Menu Building, Baking, Meat Fabrication, Fruits & Vegetables, Poultry, Fish, Seafood,
Ordering & Receiving, ServSafe training & NOCTI training, Resume Building and career Interviews.
REQUIRED Handouts distributed by the culinary instructor.
TEXTBOOK Introduction to Culinary Arts, Third Edition ©2017, The Culinary Institute of America
"ServSafe Manager" 8th Edition - National Restaurant Association

SUPPLIES In addition the student is required to have the following.

Students must have their Chromebooks - with them daily to class - Pens / Pencil

CULINARY Upon entering the kitchen, the students should be in complete uniform. No book bags
REQUIREMENTS jackets or other personal belongs, that do not pertain to the class, are permitted in the
kitchen lab. Students are also required to:
● Maintain handouts, lecture- notes, terms, homework
● Come to class prepared by review daily production and notes
● Follow and complete assignments and readings
● Take test and quizzes administered
● Return textbooks to the culinary department
● Follow Culinary Expectations (listed below)
All students are expected to act professional and respect each other.

GRADING Laboratory / Lecture Classroom/ Employability Skill Evaluation_

Lack of appropriate classroom attire may affect a student’s participation as well as the corresponding grade.
District Policy - 5600 Code of Conduct
Students who cheat on a test, plagiarize, misuse AI, or refuse to submit an assignment may suffer a reduced
grade due to disqualified work.

Marking Period
Classwork/Homework 80%= (weekly)
Responsibilities, Daily Task, Timing, Technique of Production, Proficiency Skills, Team Work
Uniforms, Lockers, Clean Up, Personal Hygiene, Care & Use of knives & Equipment
Punctuality, Binder Organization, Classroom Lecture Participation, Preparedness
Attitude, Motivation, Professionalism, Cooperation, Communication, Leadership, Dependability

Tests/Projects/Quizzes 20% = *All assignments will be points-based (not percentage)

Quizzes, Test, Finals, Projects, Reports

Middlesex County Magnet Schools policy 2624 - Grading System

GRADING A+ 100-98 B+ 89-87 C+ 79-77 D 69-65
SCALE A 97-92 B 86-82 C 76-72 F 64 and below
A- 91-90 B- 81-80 C- 71-70

PARTICIPATION Culinary Rubrics: Please see attached daily grading rubric

Grades & Genesis: You are able to access your current grades online. I will do my absolute best to ensure
that this information is extremely accurate and up-to-date. Do not ask me to tell you what your current
grade is; look up your grade online and see me if you have questions or concerns. I am always willing to
discuss grades.

● Marking Period 1:
COURSE Sophomore: Unit 1: Review of Introduction to Culinary Arts
OVERVIEW ● Marking Period 2:
Sophomore: Unit 2: Review of Culinary Basics- Introduction to the Kitchen
● Marking Period 3:
Sophomore: Unit 3: Applied Culinary Skills I
● Marking Period 4:
Sophomore: Unit 4: Appling and Building Culinary Foundation

CLASSROOM ● No Gum chewing, No eating in the kitchen or in front of customers

RULES ● Foul language is not allowed to be spoken in class or will be tolerated
● Keep your hands to yourself; Treat your classmates and teachers with respect
● No cell phones or earbuds allowed in class or kitchen - All Electronic Devices: Please utilize a sense of
maturity when using your Chromebook and cell phone. Do not check them during the time when we
are actively working and do not spend class time on websites that are not class-related.
● No one is permitted to leave class without a pass
● Students are not permitted to use any equipment on which they have not been trained
● Any injury including a cut, burn, fall, etc. must be reported immediately to your instructor
● All instructor established safety procedures must be followed at all times.
● All applicable OSHA and ServSafe regulation must be followed
● All required Personal Protective Equipment must be worn during hands-on instruction
● Subject to change as needed with prior notice to students and parents

Students who are not dressed in the below designated safety attire or required personal protective
equipment, may not be permitted to participate in hands-on instruction.
ATTIRE AND REQUIRED: Chef Hat, Chef Coat, Chef Pants, Non Slip Shoes.
PERSONAL Piscataway Culinary takes great pride in upholding the hospitality industry professionalism standards.
PROTECTIVE Uniforms are mandated by the culinary department. These standards are required for all culinary students
EQUIPMENT during the full class time.
Uniforms must be worn in class daily unless specified otherwise. Uniforms will be graded daily; part of the
UNIFORMS overall grade. In the event the student does not have non-slip shoes, or a full uniform he/she will not be
REQUIRED allowed to participate in the kitchen and will be given book work for the day. All Points will be deducted
(GRADED) from uniform grade if not worn. Uniforms must be respected and be kept in good, clean, excellence
standards. Uniforms must not be written on, kept clean and fit properly. Students are responsible for
making sure they have a clean and presentable uniform.
EVERY STUDENT is required to wear NON SLIP SHOES while in class. This is to prevent injuries
that can be caused in the kitchen due to spills and leaks. If the student fails to wear non-slip shoes,
He/She will spend the day doing written and reading assignments and have a participation grade
Non slip shoes can be purchased at the following locations: Walmart, Payless, DSW shoes
District Culinary Uniform Policy
● As per ServSafe, ACF (American Culinary Federation) and industry guidelines students will
follow the outlined policy:
● School issued chef coats, hats and aprons must be worn in shop settings, including but not limited
to, shop production, events, etc.
● Black, slip resistant shoes must be worn in kitchens and bakeshops. These shoes may be lace-up or
slip-on, but they must not have a canvas or other permeable top. See Chef for any questions about
proper footwear.
● Hair must be properly restrained with an issued hat. If hair cannot be kept back properly with an
issued hat, a hair net must also be worn.
● No hoop or dangling earrings. Stud earrings only.
● No hand jewelry including rings and bracelets.
● No press on nails, acrylic nails or artificial nails of any kind. Nails must be kept clean, trimmed
and short. Gloves should be worn as per chef instruction and when handling ready to eat foods.
● No air pods or headphones in kitchens or bakeshops

● Keep hands and fingernails clean at all times. Use soap and water.
CULINARY ● If you are sick, please stay home or you must report to the nurse.
SANITATION ● Wash hands before food handling and after using the restroom, eating or touching anything that may
RULES contain bacteria. Sanitize as well when possible.
● Keep cuts and burns covered at all times.
● Wear clean, proper uniforms and an apron while in the kitchen.
● Keep hair clean, neat and pulled back as required with hair net and hat.
● Shower or bathe daily. Personal Hygiene Is Crucial. Good sanitation starts with every individual who
works in the kitchen. Careful attention to personal hygiene makes all the difference in keeping food free
of any pathogens that students could carry on their bodies, hair, or clothes. This is a strict standard of
cleanliness for all students, especially those who come into direct contact with ingredients or finished
items that must be enforced.
● Do not chew gum while working.
● Clean and sanitize all tools and equipment after use.

WORK BASED All Students are required to abide by the Guidelines in the Middlesex Magnet Schools Work Based
LEARNING Learning Handbook. All Job Shadowing, Community Service, Volunteering, Service Learning, Internship
REQUIREMENTS and Cooperative Education Experience must be within the CIP Code of the student’s approved Program of
Study and the required documentation in the Snapshot Table in the Work-Based Learning Handbook on
page 15 must be completed.
Grade 10
All Grade 10 Students who will turn 16 prior to January 1 of their sophomore school year are required to
complete 6 hours of Community Service/Volunteering/Service Learning. All Grade 10 students who will
turn 16 on or after January 1 of will be required to complete 6 hours of Job Shadowing. The requirement
will count as an assessment weighted as an average exam grade for students during Marking Period 4..

MAKE UP Middlesex County Magnet Schools Board Policy and Regulation 5200
WORK: Students that are absent from school for any reason are responsible for the completion of
assignments missed because of their absence. The parent or student is responsible for requesting
missed assignments and any assistance required. Teachers will cooperate in the preparation of
home assignments for students who anticipate an absence of five or more school days in duration.
Students will be allowed two days to make up missed work for each one day of absence.
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:36-14, a student who is absent from school for observing a
religious holiday has the right to take an alternate test or examination that was missed because of
the absence provided there is a written excuse of such absence signed by the parent.
Middlesex County Magnet School Policy 2624 - Grading System.
If the make-up work is not completed in the time required, a failing grade for the marking period
will be given for the assignments that were not completed, which may result in a failing grade for
the marking period.

LATE WORK In the event a student hands in their homework late, their grade will drop 10 points for everyday it
is late.

ELECTRONIC District Policy 5600 - Student Code of Conduct

Students are expected to engage in instruction without interruptions from any electronic device
including but not limited to cell phones, computers, watches, or VR glasses. Devices should be
stored in a student’s bag or locker unless express permission is provided by the instructor.

Infraction Using an electronic device in an inappropriate manner

1st Occurrence: 2 Administrative detentions

2nd Occurrence: Device confiscated and 3 Administrative detentions

3rd Occurrence: Device confiscated 1 day suspension

ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY: Cellular phones are not allowed to be used in the classroom or
kitchen. They are a danger in the kitchen because they carry germs, cause cross contamination and are a
distraction. It is important that students stay focused while they are working and handling sharp tools and
commercial kitchen equipment. In the event a student is seen using his/her cellular phone in class, they will
be warned. If the classroom policy continues to be abused, parent(s) will be notified of the classroom rule
breach. The student is responsible for putting valuables into their locker and locking it. Teacher is not
responsible for any items that become lost or stolen.

DETENTION: Please check the student handbook for school detention policy for students that have disciplinary issues including but
not limited to lateness to class, inappropriate behavior, leaving class without permission, etc.

CLEANING POLICY: ALL STUDENTS are expected to clean and are not limited to their own stations or work areas. Students will
have a cleaning schedule to follow, perform and complete before the end of class. Cleaning is part of a student's overall grade.
Students are responsible for making sure their specific jobs are completed, and helping others until instructed to change. No student
should change without permission.

PHOTO/VIDEO POLICY: Throughout the school year the students may be involved in catered events inside and outside of school.
School PHOTOS will be taken and possibly the opportunity to be FILMED while working and learning. We also will be participating
in LIVE VIDEO conferences such as Google meets or Zoom within the class. NO Student has any permission to take or video
themselves, each other within the culinary class or while live video on a live stream. Please contact me via email if this will be an
issue. Our first priority is the wellbeing of the student and parent concerns.

NOTE to Student & Parent: Our kitchen and class will be run and managed in a professional manner and as a professional
establishment. The student is here to learn and be well prepared for success inside and outside of school. The student will be
treated with the utmost respect and is expected to treat others with the same magnitude of respect. Fighting and any
unprofessional behavior will result in a phone call to the parent and appropriate administration. For instance Counselor,
Assistant Principal and Principal will be notified and then disciplinary reports will be filled out, followed by disciplinary
actions. Respect, professionalism and students' individual responsibility will always be upheld with the utmost importance.
All health rules are mandatory and will be followed. We need to ensure everyone’s safety.

I am available to speak with you throughout the week. You can contact me either by phone 732-985-0717 Ext. 2226 or by
E-mail, If you have any questions or concerns regarding our distancing guidelines - procedures,
grades, progress reports or discipline please feel free to contact me.

All students are given a google classroom code and a REMIND code to join. Ask your child for the codes or you can email
me and I will gladly share them with you. You are more than welcome to join them as well.



Assigned Date___________________________________________

Middlesex County Magnet Schools
Piscataway Culinary Arts Syllabus
Antonia Mastrella
732-985-0717 Ext. 2226

STUDENT NAME: _________________________________ DATE DUE:______________________

Culinary Students Expectations Promise… (students read and initial before each line)

______ I will take notes, retain recipes and handouts to study for tests.
_______ I will come to class prepared, at all times, with pencil, pen, notebook and chromebook.
_______ I will silence all electronics and place them in my backpack including my cell phone and will not wear ear buds in the lab.
_______ I will not record, video, live stream, make cell phone calls, answer my cell phone calls, make TikToks, snapchat, or do any other social
media posting using my cell phone or any other device without chef and/or my fellow students permission. This includes videoing myself during
class time anywhere in the culinary area.
_______ I will respect my chef and fellow students’ privacy.
_______ I will treat the chef, fellow students, myself, school property and equipment with respect at all times.
_______ I will use clean language. No cursing or hurtful negative words or remarks
_______ I will only make kind comments to my chef and my fellow classmates.
_______ I will keep a positive attitude.
_______ I will not engage in horseplay or fights.
_______ I will keep my hands to myself and respect others' personal space.
_______ I will come to class healthy and well.
_______ I will store backpacks, personal items in designated areas.
_______ I will ask for a pass to leave the kitchen or classroom for any reason including using the restroom.
_______ I will clean my workstation as I go. Clean up my station and follow the cleaning list posted each day.
_______ I will check my station before I leave each day, including where I sit in class and the floor around me.
_______ I will wash my utensils, equipment and dishes and put them away properly before the end of class.
_______ I will wash, clean and sanitize my hands often throughout the day..
_______ I will take care of my uniform and properly place it in the laundry room before I leave each day.
_______ I will follow kitchen eating rules at all times.
_______ I will only bring water into the lab and have no glass item. I know the only food allowed in class is what we prepare
_______ I will only taste while cooking using a tasting spoon then, I will immediately throw it out and use a new one each time I taste.
_______ I will not throw food away unless I have checked with Chef
_______ I will not take food from the lab kitchen without permission from the Chef.
_______ I will be responsible for my own productivity and will be engaged in daily activities.

I have read and pledge to follow the Culinary Students Expectations Promise

______________________________ ____________________________________________ __________

Print STUDENT name STUDENT signature Date

I have read, acknowledged and reviewed with my child the Culinary Students Expectations Promise.

______________________________ ____________________________________________ __________

Print Parent/Guardian name Parent/Guardian signature Date

Middlesex County Magnet Schools
Piscataway Culinary Arts Syllabus
Antonia Mastrella
732-985-0717 Ext. 2226

Food Waiver:
Why Food Waiver? To protect the health and safety of everyone who consumes food and beverages on property. 2. To ensure that
everyone adheres to local Health Department standards when preparing food for others consumption. With the rising increase of food
allergies among the U.S. consumer population, it has become more imperative that health protection guidelines are adhered to. To that
end, we all must be mindful of who is preparing food, where food is prepared, and the conditions as to how the food is consumed.
I understand that my child is in a Culinary Arts shop, tasting and participating in cooking activities is vital to our curriculum.
By signing below, you acknowledge and agree that your child can participate in kitchen activities which include eating,
drinking, sharing equipment and stations with other students. Gloves will be worn at all times as well as constant
sanitizing and cleaning.

Parent Signature:________________________________________Date:________________

Student Signature:_______________________________________Date:________________

Food Allergy:
This form allows you to disclose whether your child has a food allergy or severe food allergy that you believe should be disclosed in
order to enable necessary precautions for your child’s safety.

“Severe food allergy” means a dangerous or life-threatening reaction of the human body to a food-borne allergen introduced by
inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact that requires immediate medical attention.

Please list any foods to which your child is allergic or severely allergic, as well as how your child reacts when exposed to the food that
is listed.

PRINT Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________________

No information to report (check here)

Food Allergy: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Nature of Allergic Reaction to Food: ___________________________________________________________________

Reaction to Food Allergy: ____________________________________________________________________________

Parent Signature:________________________________________Date:________________

Student Signature:_______________________________________Date:________________

Middlesex County Magnet Schools
Piscataway Culinary Arts Syllabus
Antonia Mastrella
732-985-0717 Ext. 2226

Requirements and Grading Policy

I have read and discussed the requirement and grading policy for this class and agree to assume responsibility, as a
student, to meet and follow them. It is a requirement that ALL permanent culinary students purchase non-slip shoes. If
you have concerns please contact me, your child will not be allowed in the kitchen until the student has the proper
footwear. **Please note cycling students DO NOT need to purchase shoes. **

______________________________ ____________________________________________ __________

Print STUDENT name STUDENT signature Date

______________________________ ____________________________________________ __________

Print Parent/Guardian name Parent/Guardian signature Date

________________________________________________________ @_____________________________

(________) ____________________________
Parent Preferred contact Phone Number


Please sign if you agree to allow your child to be in shop photos, videos, or any material using the school I-pad, chrome
book etc. during shop class time to create projects and to be on the teacher web page. Etc.
Also, to allow your child to be online with other students for classroom instruction on any live internet meet ups.

______________________ ________________________________________ _____________

Print Student Name Student Signature Date

______________________ ________________________________________ _____________

Print Parent Name Parent Signature Date

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