Modals, Giving and Asking For Advice

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Some Important Modals

Use of ‘Can’
‘Can’ is the most commonly used modal verb in English. The modal ‘can’ is used to express
ability or opportunity, to request or offer permission and to show possibility or impossibility.

1. I can dance very well. (Ability)

2. We can stay with my mother when we are in the USA. (Opportunity)
3. He cannot stay out after 11 pm. (Permission)
4. Can you hand me the stapler? (Request)
5. Any child can grow up to be a President. (Possibility)
Use of ‘Could’
‘Could’ modal is used to express possibility or past ability and also to make any suggestions
and polite requests. ‘Could’ is also commonly used in conditional sentences showing the
possibility in past.

1. Extreme rain could cause a delay in the matches. (Possibility)

2. Sam could sing like a pro by the age of one. (Past ability)
3. You could wait or call again later. (Suggestion)
4. Could I use your mobile to call my mother? (Request)
5. Had we started earlier, we could have reached in time. (Conditional)
Use of ‘May’
‘May’ modal is usually used to express a possibility. It can also be used to give or request for
a permission in formal cases.

1. Cyrus may be at home or perhaps at work. (Possibility)

2. John, you may go out for a trip along with your friends. (Giving permission)
3. May I come in? (Seeking permission)
Use of ‘Might’
‘Might’ modal is usually used for expressing a possibility. It is also used in conditional
sentences. English speakers can also use ‘might’ to make some suggestions or requests.

1. Your luggage might be in the lobby. (Possibility)

2. If you had called me, I might have come. (Conditional)
3. You might visit the Taj Mahal during your visit to Agra. (Suggestion)
Use of ‘Will’
‘Will’ modal is used with promises and determinations that take place in the future. ‘Will’
can also be used to make predictions about the future.

1. I promise that I will never repeat this mistake in future. (Promise)

2. I will make the arrangements for the party tonight. (Voluntary action)
3. I think it will rain today. (Prediction)
4. We will overcome this situation soon. (Determination)
Use of ‘Would’
‘Would’ modal is usually used to create conditional verb forms. It also serves as the past
form of the modal verb will. ‘Would’ is also used to indicate past habits for which we also
use ‘simple past tense’ or ‘used to’.

1. If he were a dancer, he would earn a lot of money. (Conditional shows: he is not

a dancer)
2. I (mew that she would be very successful in her career. (Past of ‘will’)
3. As a young boy, be would participate. (Past habit)
Use of ‘Shall’
‘Shall’ is used to indicate a future action. ‘Shall’ is also used in promises or voluntary
actions. It is also used to describe future events that often express inevitability or

1. Shall I come along with you? (Suggestion)

2. I shall never forget the way you helped me. (Promise)
3. He shall become our next President. (Predestination)
Use of ‘Should’
‘Should’ is usually used to make a recommendation or give an advice. It might also be used
to express obligation as well as an expectation.

1. When you visit the USA, you should go and see the statue of liberty.
2. You should focus more on your studies than games. (Advice)
3. I really should be in office by 9:00 am. (Obligation)
4. By now, they should have reached London. (Expectation)
Use of ‘Must’
‘Must’ is most commonly used to express certainty. It can also be used to express necessity
or strong recommendation.

1. This must be the right ingredient for her dish! (Certainty)

2. Students must pass an entrance examination to study at this school. (Necessity)
3. You must take some extra food along with you. (Strong recommendation)
4. Jennifer, you must not play outside after 7:00 pm. (Prohibition)
Use of ‘Ought To’
‘Ought to’ is used to advise or make recommendations. ‘Ought to’ is also used to express
moral obligation. ‘Ought not’ (without ‘to’) is also used to advise against doing something.

1. You ought to stop drinking. (Recommendation)

2. We ought to respect our elders. (Moral obligation)
3. This stock ought to increase in value. (Probability)
4. Max ought not drink so much. (Advice against something) (notice there is no
Use of ‘Had Better’
‘Had better’ is usually used to make recommendations. It can also be used to express
desperate hope as well as to warn people for something.

1. You had better had your breakfast in the morning. (Recommendation)

2. That train had better got here soon! (Desperate hope)
3. You had better know your limits before talking to me! (Warning)
Chapter Practice

Question 1:
Use ‘should/must/ought to’ appropriately in the following sentences.

1. The students………… respect their teacher.

2. Every student……….. carry his or her i-card during the examination.
3. You……….. keep away from bad habits like teasing girls, copying in exams
4. Madhur seems to be quite exhausted. She……. take some rest.
5. What you are doing these days is a wild goose chase. You……… rather
concentrate on your own project.
6. Sejal has searched the file everywhere, but didn’t find it. I think, it……….. be
in the almirah at the drawing room.
7. Many new investors have started popping up these days. The stock
exchange rates…………….. go on rising in coming few days.
8. Every citizen of the country…………………. respect and obey its Constitution.
9. I………. say that he is a fool.
10. One……………. not disregard a religion that one does not follow.
Question 2:
In each of the following sentences, provide the blanks with suitable modal of permission,
ability, possibility, probability etc according to the context of the sentences.

1. Ruchira is ill today. She……………… not come to school.

2. ……… I talk to Ms Shailaja, please?
3. The sky is not clear today. The flight to Goa………. be delayed.
4. If you believe in yourself, you…………… definitely do it.
5. …………..I request you for your name madam?
6. The lid of the box is very tightly fixed. ……………… help me to open it?
7. When Riya called up, Shreshth was not home. He………. be there at his
friend’s home.
8. Nicky, you………………. wait for the Director in the lobby. He………….. be
here in 20-30 minutes.
9. Driving without putting on the seat belt……… really prove to be harmful.
10. He………….. solve even complex mathematics in a jiffy.
Question 3:
Pick out the correct sentence from among the four sentences in each of the following
1. (a) I was able to pass the exam. But I could not appear for it
(b) I could pass the exam. But I did not appear for it
(c) I was able to pass the exam. But I did not appeared for
it ’
(d) I was able to pass the exam. But I did not appear for it
2. (a) Nobody knows his whereabouts. He may was there in Doha
(b) Nobody knew his whereabouts. He may be there in Doha
(c) Nobody knews his where abouts. He is there in Doha
(d) Nobody knows his whereabouts. He might be there in Doha
3. (a) The drug addicts may not be tortured but should be rehabilitated
(b) The drug addicts can not be tortured but must be rehabilitated
(c) The drug addicts should not be tortured but might be rehabilitated
(d) The drug addicts must not be tortured but should be rehabilitated
4. (a) You ought to help the blind to cross the road
(b) You must to help the blind to cross the road
(c) You ought to help the blind to crossing the road
(d) You should help the blinds to cross the ‘ road
5. (a) You need not worry at all. I am take care of your luggage
(b) You need not worry at all. I will take care of your luggage
(c) You need to not worry at all. I will taking care of your luggage
(d) You need not worry at all. I will be take care of your luggage
6. (a) Everyone should follow the path shown by his or her parents and teachers
(b) Everyone may be follow the path shown by their parents and teachers
(c) Every should be follow the path shown by his or her parents and teachers
(d) Everyone might follow the path shown by his or her parents and teachers
7. (a) Abhi can achieve his goal if they have strong determination
(b) Abhi may achieve his goal if he had strong determination
(c) Abhi can achieve his goal but he has strong determination
(d) Abhi can achieve his goal if has strong determination
8. (a) This seems to be difficult. But I will make this happen
(b) This seemed to be difficult. But I may make this happen
(c) This seems to be difficult. But I shall make this happen
(d) This seemed to be difficult. But I should make this happen
9. (a) One should not too careful about what is good or what is bad
(b) One should not be too careful about what is good or what is bad
(c) One may not be too careful about what is good or what is bad
(d) One will not be too careful about what is good or what is bad
10. (a) He might be pass the exam in the first attempt
(b) He must be pass the exam in the first attempt
(c) He must pass the exam in the first attempt
(d) He should be pass the exam in the first attempt
Giving Advice and Suggestions Exercises
A. Match the suggestions / advice in number 1 – 8 to the responses point a – i.


You should try doing more exercise. i

1. Why don’t we visit Dubai this a) That’s a good idea. She is always losing

summer holiday? ___ b) Yes, or we could go somewhere cheaper.

2. You shouldn’t work such long c) Yes we could, but I think I’d prefer to stay
hours. ___ at home and just watch TV.

3. Don’t think about her. ___ d) That’s sensible advice, but I can’t forget
4. We could get her a new pen. ___
e) I know, but I have got a lot to do.
5. Shall we go out tonight? ___
f) Do you think so? I think I might miss my
6. Why don’t you ask him to meet chance if I leave it much longer.
you tonight? ___
g) Hmm. I am too shy to do that.
7. Let’s go for a walk, shall we? ___
h) Yes, good idea. I need some fresh air.
8. You could always put the decision
off a little bit longer. ___ i) Yes, you’re right. It would do me good.

B. Use the verbs in brackets, and the instructions to complete the conversation.

Ask for advice A: What do you think I should do?

It’s a difficult situation, but if I were you I’d think (think)

Give advice B:
about it.

I have, and I just don’t know what to do.That’s why I am

Give advice A:
asking you.

Well, (1) you _________ always _________ (accept)

Give advice B:
both jobs now.

(2) _____________________ it’s just delaying the

Reject advice A:

Then, maybe you (3) _____________ (write) a list for

Make a suggestion B:
each job with advantages and disadvantages.

Accept a A: That’s a (4) _________ . (5) ___________ we

suggestion, make a
suggestion __________ (do) it now?

Accept a
Yeah. OK. (6) ___________ (start) with the local job, and
suggestion, make a B:
then do the everseas one, (7) _________________ ?

Yes, or we (8) ________________ (do) each one

Refuse a
A: together, comparing the positive and negative points as
we do it.

C. A student wrote this reply to a letter asking for advice. Underline six more
mistakes and write the corrections.

Dear Patricia,

Your letter was entirely interesting to me. You seem to be in a difficult situation. I have
some advices for you. I think the first thing you do is to arrange a meeting with your
daughter. Then, if I were you, I tell her how I felt about her husband’s behavior. She may
get angry, but hopefully she will listen to you and understand your situation. Then, you
could trying asking her to speak to her husband. She should to talk to him and find out
why he is always rude to you. If she still does not understand your problems, perhaps
you should to try to talk to your son-in-law yourself. The last but not least, why you don’t
stop worrying too much. Your daughter is such a good friend to you so you should being
happy for that!


Pengertian greeting card adalah teks singkat berupa pesan yang terdiri dari doa dan harapan.
Sementara fungsi greeting card atau tujuan komunikatif greeting card adalah untuk memberi
selamat, doa, harapan, dan juga menunjukkan simpati. Jadi ada beberapa jenis jenis greeting
card, diantaranya greeting card untuk ucapan selamat atas suatu prestasi, greeting card untuk
ucapan rasa simpati, dan greeting card untuk doa dan harapan pada hari hari tertentu.

Secara umum, struktur greeting card adalah receiver (penerima), body (isi),
dan sender (pengirim). Karena generic structure greeting card ini hampir sama dengan
struktur functional text lainnya, maka metode pembelajaran greeting card pun tidak jauh berbeda
dengan berbagai jenis teks bahasa Inggris lainya.
Banyak yang sedang berusaha berlatih dengan soal hot greeting card dengan cara memahami
indikator soal greeting card dan juga dari kisi kisi soal greeting card atau mendapatkan file 50
soal greeting card dan jawabannya sebagai latihan mengerjakan soal soal bahasa Inggris. Ada
banyak type dan model soal ucapan selamat ini seperti contoh soal greeting card get well soon,
contoh soal greeting card sympathy, soal greeting card condolence, contoh greeting card
teacher day, contoh greeting card circumcision, atau teks rumpang greeting card smp dan juga

Kumpulan 30 Soal Greeting Card Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

Teks Soal Greeting Card 1
Dear Fahmi,
When your name is called as the best student please step forward-for high five!
You are the best. Congratulations!
Uncle Andre

1. From the text we know that Fahmi…

a. get a medal for the best student
b. is the best student at school
c. graduates from high school
d. got five for his test

2. “…when your name is called as the best….” The word “your” refers to…..
a. Fahmi
b. Uncle Andre
c. Student
d. Uncle Fahmi

Teks Soal Greeting Card 2

Dear Dori,
Congratulation on your success on the college entrance exam. May today success be just the
beginning of your long life achievement and happiness. Remember the challenge is waiting for
you in the college. Nevertheless, I believe that you can handle it well. Good luck!
Your best friend,

3. The purpose of the text above is …..

a. To persuade someone
b. To entertain someone
c. To congratulate someone
d. To invite someone

4. What has Dori done?

a. Won the contest
b. Passed the college entrance exam
c. Invited Fina to his celebration day
d. Graduated from University

Teks Soal Greeting Card 3 Selamat Hari Ibu

Happy Mother’s Day
Your smile brightens each day just as the morning rays shines on the hills and it’s with doubt that
this gives us the courage to face the new day with joy.

5. To whom the card is sent?

a. Mother
b. Father
c. Grandmother
d. Grandfather

6. . “… with doubt that this gives us ….” The word “doubt” has similar meaning to
a. Belief
b. Uncertainty
c. Selfish
d. Wealthy


To: Santi

My deepest condolence on the death of your grandmother. I hope that you

won’t be too sad and can do the burial ceremony without problem. Please send
my regards to all of your family.

From: Tati
To whom the card is sent?

What is the text about?

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