Dairy Farm9

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Rei Hino. Not long ago, that name commanded respect among men and women alike.

For it was the true name of Sailor Mars, Senshi of Fire and Spirit. She had been
one of four Guardians to Neo Queen Serenity, and a high ranking warrior in the
Queens army. She had stood by the Queen as she held court, led a legion of
soldiers against the Dark Moon Family before having to fall back to protect the
Queen. Everything about her commanded admiration and respect.

But not any more.

Taking a quick breath through her nose, Rei tried not to gag as her 'feedbag'
forced another mouthfull of Ami and Harukas 'cattle feed' into her mouth. The dark
haired girl had no choice but to swallow the thick paste-like substance that tasted
like heavily buttered mashed potatoes. Her 'feedbag' as Ami had called it, was a
bright red ballgag that was connected to a clear hose that in turn was connected to
a silver box hanging from the side of her stall. The box was some kind of device
that had been filled with a high fat, high protein content food that Ami said she
had designed. The thick and gritty stuff was pumped down the hose and into Reis
mouth where she had to swallow it or choke on the stuff. Tears still trickled down
the raven haired womans cheeks as she forced down another mouthfull of her 'feed'.

Groaning softly, Rei tried to move, but her heavy udders kept her on her knees as
she swallowed another mouthful of feed. Earlier, Ami had presented Rei with her
own feeding trough that sat next to her stall. When Rei refused to eat like some
farm animal, Ami and Haruka had strapped on her 'feedbag'. Rei wanted to weep, but
she couldn't do anything other than eat this pasty food as she looked out from her
stall at the other senshi. Makoto wasn't too far away, crawling on all fours, her
massive udders swaying from side to side as she crawled over to the main feeding
trough and dipped her head in to eat. Rei watched as the naked woman fed herself
and listened as she mooed like the cow she had become while she did. Her dark
purple eyes moved to Makotos heavily pregnant belly, it wouldn't be long now before
the brunette gave birth. Fresh tears began falling down Reis cheeks as she
realized that she too was going to be bred like an animal, and worse, the thought
was turning her on!

Rei moaned against her feedbag as her nipples began to ache. It had been almost a
full day since she was last milked, and her udders were starting to hurt from the
milk build-up.

"If you didn't misbehave so much, Mistress Ami would treat you better." said Minako
as she crawled over from the stall she shared with Makoto. The blondes tits were
just as big as Reis and jiggled inticingly as she crawled up to Rei and sat down on
her knees in front of her. "You should just let yourself go Rei-chan, it just
feels soooo goood when you let go..." Minako said before mooing like a cow. She
then reached behind Rei and grabbed the pair of suction cups that hung inside her
stall. Before Rei could try and voice a complaint, Minako attached them to her
aching nipples. The suction turned on instantly and Rei moaned as she felt herself
being milked once more!

"Mmmm, doesn't it feel so good to have your milk sucked out?" Minako asked as she
began playing with her clit while she watched Rei being milked and force-fed.

Rei didn't want to admit it, but it DID feel good! The ache in her nipples faded
almost instantly, replaced by a warm flowing sensation that made her pussy hungry
for one of those big horse dicks inside her. She tried to glare at Minako, but she
could only manage a pleading stare as she swallowed her feed once again and heard a
'click'. She looked up to see that a red light on her feed canister had turned on,
indicating that the reserve was now empty. Rei had finished her afternoon meal.

Smiling, Minako reached over and untied the ballgag, pulling it out of Rei's mouth
slowly enough that ropes of her own drool hung between her lips and the ball for
several moments before snapping. "Mistress Haruka said I could take it out when
you were finished." Minako said as she pulled the gag to her lips and slowly licked
Reis saliva off.

"M..Minako, what's wrong with you?" Rei asked after taking several deep breaths.

"Wrong?" Minako repeated, "What do you mean? I've never been happier!" she said,
looking at Rei with a nearly blank look in her once vibrant blue eyes. "Mistress
Ami is so good to me, she fucks my asshole every day and I cum so much! I'm happy
to be her cow! Mooooo!"

"Moooo!" said another voice. Rei and Minako turned to see Michiru crawling in from
outside, her creamy smooth skin beginning to show a very light tan from sunning her
naked body every day. The aqua haired girl crawled over to them, moving so as to
make her udders sway as much as possible. Minako smiled at her and leaned over to
kiss the other woman when she was close enough. Michiru kissed back lewdly, her
tongue slapping against Minakos as the two sucked on one anothers lips.

"Mmmmm," Minako cooed before breaking the kiss, "Did Mistress Ami test you?" she

Michiru nodded, "Yes, I'm pregnant with her baby! Haruka seemed disappointed, but
Mistress Ami promised that she'd get to knock me up next time!"

"That's great Michiru-sama! I'm so jealous, Mistress Ami hasn't fucked my pussy
yet, she said she's waiting for a special day." Minako said.

"Oh like you mind." Michiru said, "You're such an ass slut cow Minako!"

"MOOO!!!!" Minako groaned proudly as she laid back against the hay in Reis stall.
Michiru grinned at the blonde and crawled forward, spreading the womans legs and
licking her pussy as though it were simply the casual thing to do! Minako moaned
loudly as she spread her legs wider for the other cow, looking over at Rei with
lust filled eyes, "MOOO!!!"

Rei turned away from the sight, unable to look any more. The longer she watched,
the more she felt herself wanting to join them, to kiss Minakos moaning lips as her
nipples were milked endlessly. Already her pussy was drooling into the hay that
was strewn about her stall. Rei moaned softly at the feeling and after a moment,
she realized that she was masturbating!

The dark haired woman pulled her fingers away from her cunt, but before she could
even think about it, she stuck her fingers into her mouth, tasting her own juices.
Why, she thought, what's happening to me? Rei had never been this perverted in her
life. She had a vibrator like any other woman, but she had never had her mind so
preoccupied with sex like this! She wanted to get up, to run away to find Neo
Queen Serenity and beg her to use the Silver Crystal to change her back. But
dispite what her mind was screaming, her legs wouldn't move. It wasn't the weight
of her udders, after a day here, Rei learned she could walk upright with some
effort. No, something else was keeping her in this stall, some nameless need that
overrode her desire to run away.

She then moaned in pleasure as she felt something soft and wet lapping against her
pussy. Rei tried to backpedal away, but her arms and legs wouldn't move, and the
sheer size of her udders made it difficult to see who it was making her feel so
good. Groaning softly, Rei fell back in her stall, her big udders wobbling on her
chest as the suckers continued to draw out her milk at a steady pace.
"Mmmm, your pussy tastes so nice Rei-chan..." Makotos voice moaned as she felt the
licking at her pussy intensify while the brunette slipped two fingers inside her

"Nuuuh, no... Mako-chan, please... please stop!" Rei groaned as she looked down
between her cleavage to see the top of Makotos ponytail moving back and forth while
the brunette slowly ate her out. I can't take this any longer, Rei thought as she
felt her urges getting stronger. Her nipples and pussy all felt so good, and her
breasts were so sensitive that even the slightest touch was turning her on!

"Ahhh, yes, Michiru, yes... mooooooo!!!!!" Minako moaned in ecstasy as Michirus

attentions finally brought her to orgasm. Dispite herself, Rei looked over towards
the blonde, seeing that she and Michiru had moved to a cunt to cunt position,
rubbing their dripping pussies together while the fondled one anothers udders.
Milk leaked slowly from the nipples of both women as Minako looked back at Rei with
those same lust filled eyes. Rei shivered and moaned as she felt herself starting
to cum from Makoto's constant licking. Her hands slowly pawed at her own udders as
she squeezed around her nipples, making her milk flow faster.

"Mmmm, doesn't it feel so good?" Michiru asked as she crawled up next to Rei. Her
dark blue eyes looked down at the dark haired girl so tenderly as she moved to kiss
her deeply. Michirus giant cow tits mashed against the hay strewn floor as her
lips pressed against Reis and her tongue pushed into her mouth. Again Rei couldn't
stop herself as she kissed back, her long and thick tongue wrestling with Michirus
as she moaned in pleasure.

Meanwhile, Minako crawled over to Reis other side and removed one of the suckers
from her nipple, only to clamp her own lips around the bright pink nub as she began
suckling on the womans milk! Minako swallowed lewdly, moaning in bliss as she
drank from the other woman while she fingered her own pussy. "Mmmm, Rei-chans
milk, so yummy!" Minako moaned as she continued suckling from the dark haired

"Hahhh..." Rei moaned as Michiru slowly pulled back, breaking the kiss. It was too
much, Rei could literally feel her sanity slipping away as her friends all worked
so hard to pleasure her. The smell of sex and sweat was so thick in the air that
Rei could taste it!

Watching her cow sisters, Michiru smiled and pulled another set of suckers from a
hook on the wall, attaching them to her own udders, she mooed in bliss as her milk
began flowing up the tubes and into the tanks. She then braced her hands against
the wall of the stall as she moved to straddle Rei's face, pushing her hot and wet
pussy in the womans face.

"Mooooo!!! Please Rei-chan, lick and suck my pregnant cow pussy, put that big
tongue deep inside me!!" Michiru begged as she grinded her cunt against the panting
womans face.

Rei moaned, unable to stand it anymore as her pupils dilated, tears flowing down
the sides of her face and her nostrils flaring from the thick and powerful smell of
Michirus cunt in her face. "Aaahhhh.... MOOOOO!!!!!" Rei groaned before she
reached her hands up, grabbing Michirus wide hips and pulling her crotch against
her mouth. The aqua haired cow slut moaned as Rei delved her thick cow tongue deep
inside her pussy. So good, she tastes so good! Rei thought as she slipped her
tongue in and out of Michiru like a dick. Below, her own pussy gushed against
Makoto's face, soaking her sister cow in her juices as she came hard.

"Mmmmm, so much milk, moooooo!" Minako moaned as Reis slow trickle became a heavy
flow so suddenly that the raven haired womans milk shot out from the blondes
nostrils and forced her to pull back for a moment. The blonde watched the tiny
fountain of milk pour from Reis nipple only for a moment before she went back to
nursing from her.

"Hahh ahh ahhh... Moooo!!!" Michiru moaned as she began cumming all over Reis face,
her entire body shaking and jiggling with pleasure. "Mooooo!" she moaned again as
she looked behind her to see three figures entering the barn from the rear door.

"My my my, quite the little orgy our cows are having in here." said Harukas voice.

"Mooo!!!" Makoto moaned after lifting her mouth from Reis cunt for a moment before
going back for more.

"Mmmmmmm!!" Minako mooed around Reis nipple, not stopping her nursing for an
instant as she chugged down one mouthfull after another of the raven haired womans

Rei couldn't see anything other than Michirus pussy as she mooed like the other
cows, her hips rolling against Makoto's probing tongue. Meanwhile, her own long
tongue dipped deep inside Michiru, licking at her cervix and making the aqua haired
woman moo and moan in orgasm after orgasm.

"Mmmm, Mistresses, can I go join my cow sisters?" Hotarus voice asked.

Rei couldn't hear if Haruka responded, but she heard the unmistakable sound of a
hand slapping against the dark haired girls ass. A moment later, she felt the
sucker on her other nipple pull free before Hotaru clamped her lips over the hard
little nub and began suckling like Minako.

Ahhh, feels so good, Rei thought, I feel so good, so dirty, so nasty.... She
didn't care anymore, all she wanted now was to continue feeling this way. The
thought of going back to her old life was almost unappealing to her now.

Standing outside of Reis stall, Haruka smiled as she watched Hotaru drag her giant
udders into the space and latch her lips onto the womans nipple like a newborn.
She was dressed in a short denim shirt with all the buttons open, leaving her big
tits exposed, cowboy boots, and a pair of hip hugging denim hotpants with the
fastener and fly open so her cock and balls could hang free. the blonde slowly
stroked her hardening horse dick. Next to her Ami stood in a similar outfit with a
wide brimmed cowboy on her head and bandana around her neck. The two of them had
just finished double fucking Hotaru inside the house while Ami ran a few checks on
the baby growing in the girls womb. And even after having two huge horse cocks
inside her, the little slut still wanted more!

Panting softly, Makoto lifted her face from Reis crotch again and reached behind
herself to pull open the lips of her dripping pussy, "Please Mistress, fuck my
preggy cow pussy! I want a cock in me so baaad!!!"

Haruka grinned and Looked to Ami. The blue haired girl smiled at her and continued
masturbating to the sight in front of them. Nodding, Haruka dropped to her knees
and pushed her long cock up into Makotos cunt, moaning in pleasure as her hot wet
walls clenched around her dick.

"Ahhhh.. MOOOOO!!!" Makoto moaned before Haruka reached down and pushed her face
back into Reis cunt.

"Who told you to stop licking that cows pussy!?"

End Chapter 9

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