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‫محمد احمد حسين الطائي‬

ABC Horizon
Scenario :

It is an academic educational institution established in 2015 in turkey. the

academy specializes in Pearson programs . In addition to English and Turkish

courses The Academy supports professional and academic education and

supports Studying remotely and studying in it by students from different
countries - nearly 12 thousand students graduated from
the academy Stages
and specializations. The academy offers many of educational programs at
different levels And in several stages, including the third level and the level
Fifth, National Higher Diploma and Seventh Level And
also a master's degree
Specializations or educational programs available in Academy of them
Business administration, information technology and
science Computers in
most areas Photography and tourism management
programs Each level five
program lasts for two years For example, a software
engineering program or
specialty At the fifth level, it contains 15 subjects and lasts for two years,
after which a diploma is obtained The National High School of Pearson, UK
Problem Definition Statement for academic educational
institution abc horizon .
At ABC Horizon Academy, besides its popularity over the past two years,
they have difficulty using their old system using their traditional method of
using papers, in the past they used paper in their system but nowadays
they have difficulty storing data in papers and organizing paperwork
according to customer requirements. This is the problem we analyzed
through business-related exploration.

The main reason for this problem is that with the increasing popularity of
ABC Horizon they have increased the number of majors and students. ABC
Horizon cannot handle the manual process of handling the papers of a
large number of students. This is the reason that caused the problem of
ABC Horizon Academy

From this statement we analyzed the problem and the root cause of the
problem . We have provided a solution to this problem and it will increase
the efficiency of the Academy and facilitate the whole process of the
Academy. As we have identified the problem, there are a number of
practical problems that arise when using the traditional method of the
current trend.

User and system requirements

The ABC Horizon Foundation Order Tracking System must meet the user
requirements below and to meet these user requirements that they need
in accordance with the system requirements

Insert an order
Credit check the customer and reject
Create daily reports
Create invoices
Accept credit and debit card payments
Print acknow lcdgcmcnt copics
Print Invoices
Data should be stored in a secured database .

These are the user and system requirements that we have defined in the
proposed solution to the ABC Horizon enterprise problem. As we know,
there are different levels of access to the system that must be granted to
each user of this application. From this specific user and system
requirements, we can manage a system design that helps ABC Horizon get
rid of its old paper method and replace its order tracking with new
In this application, we have divided access to the system into several
levels. Every level
Access is granted according to the work done by each user
For example, a finance department manager only needs reports to submit
the final order and create invoices
Thus, the Director of Finance has given access to the report only. As we
know the accountant does not need any access
to deal with requests. The employee of the registration department gave
facilities to update and delete the application because he has to add
New order and customer deletion after customer credit check. They don't
need to create a report there before it's done

Restrict them from the reporting facility. As we know, the Administrator

has granted access to the update and creates acknowledgment copies.
The administrator is the user who has access to each level of this

. In other words, we can call this user as the application administrator. This
Because the enterprise manager needs to generate reports and sometimes
the manager has to attend to a special client himself. This
It is the main reason why we give administrative access to the enterprise
manager of the web application
This is how the user access levels for the ABC horizon are defined. By
creating levels
User access will help the organization manage the security of their data.
As we know by giving data
Software Development Tools
Software Development tool may be any software program that
helpsdevelopers in creating, editing, debugging, maintaining and
developmentspecific task Software development tool is also known as
programming tool. (techopedia, 2019)
When analyzing software development tools, we have to select the correct
programming language, IDE and UI and UX design tool. There are large
number of tools and techniques in the modern world to get selected. There
are specialized languages to develop systems to achieve specialized tasks. As we know
when selecting the language that we use to develop the
application for PCW company, we should match the compatibility of the
programming language and the defined tasks that should be carried out.
When selecting the tools for a software development, there are two parts of selection
Selecting the Correct IDE
Selecting the Correct Language.
This is the most important part of any software development process. As
we know by using a correct language and IDE, developers can increase the
performance of the proposed system and helps to carry out the
expectation of the client.
As we know to program modern computers, we have use various
abstractions. As an example, rather than writing down a program's binary
language a programmer will write a program in a programming language
like C, Java or Python to increase their efficiency. After that programming
tools likecompilers, assemblers and linkers translate a programming
These programs perform numberof repetitive tasks that would be much more time consuming and
error-prone when they performed by a human.As an example, if developer tries to link to pages without
using software development tools, they could never make the system work within a certain period of
time. In my conclusion using software development tools will increase the efficiency and productivity of
the whole software development process.

Programming Languages

Programming language is a number of commands, instructions, and other syntax use to create a
software program for the expectation of the developer. Languages that developers use to write code are
called "high-level languages" and this code can be compiled into a "low-level language," which can be
recognized directly by the computer hardware.

As we know there are lots of programming languages for developing application. We should select the
most favorable language for our purpose. Since some languages have their own pros and cons we
should be much and more considerate about their implementation and uses for our project.

Ruby - programming language focusing on productivity and simplicity.

NodeJS - Event-driven 1/O server-side JavaScript environment based on V8.

PHP - Great scripting language which especially suits web development.

HTML5 - Mark-up language, and the latest kind among XHTML and HTML.

Python - Allows faster work and combine systems precisely.

Java - This is a popular programming language, owned by Oracle

C#-This is a simple and OOP language developed by Microsoft

C/C++ -C++ is a language that contains the feature of C language

ASP .NET -This is an open-source server-side web application framework

Visual basic This is a third-generation event-driven language

These are the most popular programming languages that can be used as the software development

tools in the modern world. We have considered advantages and disadvantages of each and every

programming language when selecting a language for our business-related problem. As we know there

are several popular programming languages used by the modern developers. They are Java, C#, Python,

PHP and ASP.Net. These are the most popular programming languages in the world that developers use.

Therefore, we should use one of above-mentioned languages, because it will increase generatability of

the application that are developing. We have to consider the advantages and disadvantages of above

mentioned programming languages before selection one language to ABC Horizon Academy

Java Programming Language

Java is a high-level programming language developed by Oracle and this is firstly designed for developing
programs for set-top boxes and handheld devices. then later it became a popular choice for creating
web applications. This is an object-oriented programming language. As an example, all Java programs
contain classes, they are used to define objects, and methods and they are assigned to individual

As we know unlike Windows executables or Macintosh applications , Java programs are not run directly
by the operating system. Instead they are interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine, which can be run on
multiple platforms. Therefore we can say that all Java programs are multiplatform and can run on all the
different platforms, including Macintosh, Windows, and Unix computers. (Techterms, 2019)

Advantages Disadvantages
1.Simple 1.Performance is significantly slower and more
2.Object-Oriented memory-consuming
3.Platform Independent
4.Distributed 2.Look and feel of GUI applications developed by
5.Secure java is not better
7.Robust 3.Single-paradigm language:
8.Resource Availability

As we know java is used in several areas of the industry. In Banking field to deal with transaction

management, In Retail field for billing applications, In Android Applications, In Financial services as

server-side applications and In Scientific and Research Community to deal with huge amount of data.

These are the main advantages and disadvantages of the Java programming language. When we

selecting the programming language for our solution, we should use this advantages and disadvantages

as a resource when selecting the appropriate programming language.

C# Programming Language

This is a simple and object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft within its NET

initiative maintained by Anders Hejlsberg. This language designed to work with Microsoft's Net platform
and Microsoft's main aim is to facilitate the exchange of information and services over the Web to

enable developers to build highly portable applications that will be on the top of The market. This

programming language simplifies programming through its use of Extensible Markup Language and

Simple Object Access Protocol which allow access to a developer to a program object or method without

requiring the developer to write additional code for each step. This is because programmers can build

on existing code, rather than repeatedly duplicating it in various ways. This language is expected to

make it faster and less expensive to get new products and services to market and cope up with the

market's trends in the modern world. (Rouse, 2019)

Advantages Disadvantages
1.Object-oriented 1.Developers have to use semi-colons [;]at the
2.Cross Platform end of each line of code they write.
3.Automatic Garbage Collection
4.Avoid the problem of memory leak 2.Switch clause requires a “break;” command
5.Easy-to-Development every time you check for a value
7.Programming support 3.Curly-brackets can become messy unless you
8.Properties and Indexers are careful

These are the advantages and disadvantages of using a C# language

We must take into account these pros and cons before choosing an
appropriate programming language for the abc Horizon application
development process
Python Programming Language
This language is an interpreted and object-oriented programming language.
Python is said to be relatively easy to learn and portable and meaning its
statements can be interpreted in a number of operating systems. Python
was created by Guido van Rossum, a former resident of the Netherlands,
whose favorite comedy group at the time was Monty Python's Flying
In this programming language source code is freely available and open for
modification and reuse. Python has a significant number of users because
of its easiness in use. One of the main featurefeatures of Python is its
indenting of source statements to make the code easier to read. This\
programming language offers dynamic data type, ready-made class, and
interfaces to many system calls and libraries

Advantages Disadvantages
1.Extensive Libraries 1.Speed Limitations
3.Embeddable 2.Weak in mobile Computing and
4.Simple and Easy Browsers
6.Object-Oriented 3.Design Restrictions
7.Free and Open-Source 4.Underdeveloped Database
8.Portable Access Layers
These are the advantages and disadvantages of using a Python
Programming Language
We must take into account these pros and cons before choosing an
appropriate programming language for the abc Horizon application
development process

PHP Programming Language

This programming language is a powerful scripting language that fits grace
fully into HTML and puts the tools for creating dynamic websites to
perform various tasks. This is a program that gets installed on top of web
server software and it works with versions of Apache and other server
software packages. Developers can use PHP by inserting PHP code inside
the HTML code and that makes up the website. When a consumer visits a
web page that contains this code, server cxecute the PHP code. That is the
main reason that weneed to install our own server in order to test PHP in a
local manner. The server is the main component.
Customers don't need any special plug-ins or anything to see PHP codes in
action This language is a scripting language, like HTML. That concludes us
that code does not need to be compiled before it gets used.(pstatz, 2010)

Advantages Disadvantages
1.Speed up custom web application 1.Developersneed to learn PHP
development frameworks instead of PHP

2.Simplify web application 2.Quality of PHP frameworks

maintenance Differs

3.No need to write additional code 3.Lack of option to modify core

4.Work with databases more
efficiently 4.Affect Speed and performance of
5.Automate common web

development tasks
6.Protect websites from targeted
security attacks

7.Perform unit testing efficiently

These are the advantages and disadvantages of using a PHP Programming

We must take into account these pros and cons before choosing an
appropriate programming language for the abc Horizon application
development process
ASP.NET Programming Language
This programming language is a unified web development model
integrated with NET framework and it is designed to provide services to
create dynamic web applications and web services. It is built on the
Common Language Runtime of the NET framework and includes those
advantages like multi-language interoperability, type safety, garbage
collection and inheritance. As we know web forms are the main part of
application development in ASP.NET. They give lot of flexibility by allowing
controls to be used on a page as objects.
As we know controls in ASP.NET can handle events such as Load, Click
and Change, similar to those in desktop applications.(Rouse, 2019)

Advantages Disadvantages
1.Reduces coding time 1.Costly

2.Consists of some of out-of- 2.Documentation is not exactly up

thebox features to the mark

3.World class toolbox 3.Making changes in the app

4.Delivers power and flexibility 4.Porting ASP application from one

server to another is expensive

6.Customizability and Extensibility


8.Cross-platform migration
As we can see there are number of advantages and odisadvantages in this
programming language. When we select a programming language for
application development of ABC Horizon Academy, we should take this
advantages and disadvantages into consideration.
Comparison of differences between Programming Languages
In the above we have discussed about five different programming
languages that have their own specialized features.
As we know from above programming languages, we can see there are two
web-based languages. They are ASP.NET and PHP. When we compare
these two languages, ASP.NET
language has advantages like multi-language interoperability, type safety,
garbage collection and inheritance and PHP language have advantages
like, speed up custom web application development, simplify web
application maintenance, no need to write additional code and Work with
databases more efficiently. We compare these two languages we can
assume that both languages have its own specialized feature. PHP
programming language is the most famous programming language from
these two languages. ASP.NET has a ability develop a better user interface
than PHP, because we get a much more help from other languages. In my
opinion PHP is the most suitable language to built a custom build website.
We can compare the ASP.NET and PHP as follows,

Comparison Between ASP.NET PHP

Type Web application Server-side scripting
framework created by language created by
Microsoft Rasmus Lerdorf
Support Large to medium size Small to medium sized
enterprise applications web solutions
Cost License cost is Freely available
Solutions More focused on More focused on client
Security and facing, user interfaces
Community Dedicated community Large size community
with the fewer since its open source
Security Highly secure Less built-in security
feature than .NET
Speed Decent speed, fast Not suitable and
enough for desktop slower for desktop
application application
Customization Less prone to Allow customization
customization causes bugs, thus poor
coding than .NET

As we know PHP is the worlds most used and popular language on the
internet is assisting the developer with a lot of applications and its
community is large and freely available on the
web. User
it working with PHP in the lesser time because it is
Shaping Lives, Creating Futures.
open source platform, unlike ASP.NET which is paid Microsoft platform.
This is the main disadvantage of ASP.NET programming language over
PHP. (Educba, 2019)
These are the differences between ASP.NET and PHP programming
languages. As we have discussed about two web-based languages, there
are three remaining programming languages that we should take
consideration into. Theylare Java, C# and Python. These programming
languages have its own features.
We can compare C# and language and Java languages for their differences
over each other.

C# Features Java Features

Lambda Functions Support for strict static types

Delegates A simplified version of C++

Operator Overloading Cross-platform support

Yield support in iterations Cost friendly

Extension Methods Complete backward compatibility

Vast library

These main differences between these two-programming languages. We

can select the language Depending on the requirement and use we can
choose any language among Java or C#. Developers can check the
features and choose the appropriate one that satisfies all their needs. As
we know the languages that are being used in the modern world are much
rich in features and user can use anyone that has a number of features
that they expect.As we all know Java is one of the most popular and
feature-rich programming languages that are known for its platform
compatibility and robustness and the C#language is also an object
-oriented language that is mostly used by the.Net programmers and this
language is popular as it provides almost similar features to C
programming language in a certain manner. As we know Java is being
used by most of the programmers to develop web or desktop-based
applications depending on their expectation. (Training, 2018)
Python language is a language that is used in many instances in the
developer's world.
As we know C# isSimple, general-purpose, object-oriented programming
language for the NET platform and Python is a clear and powerful object
-oriented programming language, comparable to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, or
Java. Python can be used by the beginners of the
Programming Python has its advantage over C# by the simplicity
Can understand python is not much of choice in the modern world when
developing applications for companies
As we know we can compare the programming languages by the
methodology of the compilation.We can divide these languages into three
main categories by using this variable. They are

Fast Compile Reasonable Fast Slow Interpreted

Assembly Language Perl JavaScript

C PHP ActionScript




(Thoughtco, 2019)
As we can understand there are number of differences between each and
every language. We should consider that these differences gain some
specialize features. We should select the best programming language
suited to our need.
As we know all of these languages have their own advantages and
disadvantages as we have mentioned earlier. We should consider all the
features in this comparison when selecting the suitable programming

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Integrated development environment is a software suite that connects
basic tools required to write and test software.
Developers use number tools throughout software code creation, building
and testing a
program.As we know development tools often include text editors, code
libraries, compilers

And test plat forms.With out using an IDE developer must select, deploy,
integrateandmanage all of these tools in a separate and manual manner.
An IDE brings many of those development-related tools together as a single
service.As we know integrated toolset is designed to simplify software
development processand itcan identify and minimize coding
mistakes.When selecting an IDE for our purpose we should consider all our
requirements for the development process.
3.Visual Studio
These are some famous IDEs in the present system development. When we
selecting an IDE, we should consider about the following features,
User Interface

After we selecting a best IDE with all the features and performance that we
need, we can start working on our project with good accurate manner.
When selecting an IDE for the software development process we should
consider the advantages and disadvantages of the IDE. There are
specialized features of each and every IDE. We should be able to identify
those features and select the most suitable IDE for the development of
ABC Horizon Academy order tracking system

Dreamweaver IDE
This is a software program for designing web pages and essentially a more
fully featured
HTML web and programming editor. The program provides an interface to
create and edit
Web pages.Dreamweaver supports number of Markup languages,including
HTML , XML ,CSS , and JavaScript In human languages, it supports
English, Spanish, French, German,
Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Russian, and many more languages used in the
This IDE was originally developed and published by Macromedia in 1997.
Then the Adobe purchased Macromedia in 2005 and continued the
development of the program as users request. As we know many features
of Dreamweaver make it a versatile web editing tool, where it be for
creating complex or very simples' sites according to the expectation of the
developer. (Computerhope, 2019)

Advantages Disadvantages
It highlights your coding so that it Adobe Dreamweaver isn't
can be quickly scanned. browser-based

Helps beginners understand what It takes time to learn the interface.

the coding does for a website
Automatic coding options are
Users receive code suggestions non-specific.

Creating content variations is easy Global styling can become a major

thanks to a word processing problem

Users can tab through files like

someone tabs through internet
NetBeans IDE
This is an open-source integrated development environment for
with Java, PHP, C++, and other programming languages. This IDE is also
referred to as a plat form of modular components used for developing
Java desktop applications. This IDE uses components, also known as
modules, to enable software development. NetBeans dynamically installs
modules and allows users to download updated features and digitally
authenticated upgrades as their

Expectations.As we know NetBeans IDE modules include NetBeans

Profiler, aGraphical User Interface design tool and NetBeans JavaScript
Editor to increase the number of tasks carried out by the IDE.
(techopedia, 2019)

Advantages Disadvantages
Has many integrated development Little bit slow to load.
modules, especially for Java
Takes up more memory
Easy to use Swing GUI design tool
Advanced tools and features
Auto completed code require some training.

Debugs and gives hints on

optimizing code, and even inserts
the right code.

Has version control

These are the most popular advantages and disadvantages of using Net
Beans IDE. We should consider those advantages and disadvantages
when selecting the suitable IDE for PCW company's application

Visual Studio IDE

Visual Studio is a MS-integrated development environment which can be
used for developing consoles, graphical user interfaces,graphical user
interfaces graphical user interfaces, Web services and Web applications
according to the user's idea. This IDE is used to write native code and
managed code supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile,
Windows CE, NET Framework, NET Compact Framework and Microsoft
Silverlight. This IDE's code editor supports code refactoring. This IDE's
integrated debugger supports both source and
machine-level de bugging.As we know visual studio includes other built-
intools, likea form designer,which is useful when building GUI
applications.There is a web designer that creates dynamic Web pages and
a class designer that is used to create custom libraries, and a schema
designer for database support.
Advantages Disadvantages
Faster install & better control Take time to adjust the
development environmen
Debugging process is not the bestin
Find all references the market

Refactoring improvements Will take memory in a higher

Exception helpers

Live unit testing

UI Testing


These are the advantages and disadvantages that we can gain from using
the visual studio
IDE for the development process.

Comparison of differences between IDEs

We have discussed about three different famous IDE's in the world. As we
know each and
every IDE has its own specialized feature that we should consider about
when selecting the
IDE for our software development purpose.
Visual Studio Dreamweaver NetBeans
Faster install & better highlights coding Integrated
control development modules
Users receive code specially for Java
Productivity suggestions
Easy to use Swing
Find all references Creating content GUI design tool
Refactoring Auto completed code
improvements Users can tab through
files Inserts Correct code
Exception helper

Live unit testing

From the table above we can compare the specialized features of each end
every IDE. We can categorize these IDE into two categories. They are WEB
based system development IDE's and General Purposes IDE's. As we know
Dreamweaver is the web bases system development, because it is famous
and can easily develop a website with the help of the tab view interface of
it. Visual studio is mostly used to develop .NET languages. From Visual
studio we can develop various types of programs using number of
programming languages.
As we can see from this table, we can compare these three IDE's with their
specialized features. Features are the main thing that developer consider
when they select an IDE for their projects.
As developer we should be much more considerate when selecting an IDE.
W&should mainly compare IDE and the programming language that we are
selecting. If we are selecting C# language, we should definitely use Visual
Studio, if we select Java language, we should definitely use NetBeans and
if we use a web-based language like PHP we should use Dreamweaver.
From this comparison we identified the differences between each and
IDE that we have discussed earlier.
Database is a collected group of information so they can be managed,
updated and retrieved.
1_ MongoDB
2_ Redis - In-memory data structure store, utilized as a message, cache and
database broker and open source.
3_ MariaDB - Quite popular like a database server that is open source and
made by the true developers of Mysol.
4_ PostgreSQL - Database system and powerful object related.
5_ MySQL - Leading open source database.

These are tools that can be used to develop the application for ABC
Horizon foundation . We have analyzed all the advantages and
disadvantages of the programming languages and IDE's that we have
discussed in above. By the comparisons we have done about the each and
every tool we can gain an idea about the tool that we are going to select for
the development process of ABC Horizon foundation application.
This is a process used for checking the work performed by peers to ensure
it meets specific criteria that it was designed. As we know this is used in
working groups for number of professional occupations because it is
thought that peers can identify cach other's errors quickly and casily
because they interact with each other all the time. As we know this
process speeds up the time that it takes for mistakes to be identified and
corrected. As we know software development, peer review is always used
in code development where a team of coders will have a meeting and go
through code line by line to look and debug errors. Main

Goal of all peer review processes is to verify whether the work satisfies the
customers expectations. (Rouse, 2019)There are several methods that can
used in peer reviewing process. They are,
1.Slide Bling Review –
In this reviewing methodology the names of the reviewers are hidden from
the author
2.Double Blind Review –
In This methodology both the reviewer and the author are anonymous.
3.Triple bling Review –In this methodology reviewers are anonymous and
the author's identity is unknown to both the reviewers and the editor
4.Open Review –In this methodology both the reviewer and author are
known to each other during the peer review process.These are methods
that we can use to review the work of the developers.Each and every
methodology has its own feature as we have mentioned above.Therefore
when selecting an appropriate peer reviewing methodology for ABC
Horizon solution we have select the best methodology according to the
situation .
Peer Review of the Solution for the PC-World Companies Solution
As we have proposed a solution for the problem of ABC Horizon, we have
to review the solution proposed with the peers. For the purpose of
reviewing we have selected the open review methodology. In this
methodology both the reviewer and author are known to each other during
the peer review process. We have selected a presentation to review the
proposed solution for the PCW company. By this peer review we can take
the feedback from the peers about the proposed solution. As we know this
proposed solution is the most ideal solution for this scenario, but there will
be more solutions within the peers, therefore we have conducted a peer
review for the proposed solution.
In the review process we will be collecting data about several areas in the
pro posed solution. As we know by getting different feedback from the
peers,we can manage to have a better
outcome of the proposed solution. This presentation defines data about
the business-related problem, proposed solution, development strategy
and alternate solutions. By this presentation peers can get a clear idea
about the business-related problem and what are the solution proposed by
us. According to that data they can give their feedback about the
proposed Solution .
By the peer review process, we have collected several feedbacks from the
peers. One of main feedback that we got is that is to use MySQL database
for the system development process.
Another main feedback that we have collected is to use prototyping
methodologies. This feedback is discussed and sorted out by the peers,
because creating number of prototypes for such a small system and a
system with no external partics involvement is a waste of time and®
energy of the developers. By the feedback received from the peers we
have managed to extract some valuable information. We have asked to
consider the user friendliness of the system that we are designing. Since
warehouse operative job role is a stressful job role and that employee
should have a better and clear interface to calm their mind. This is one of
the most important suggestion feedbacks that we collected using the peer
review process.
As we know by the peer review process, we are expecting to collect
feedback from the peers and inform them about the application that we
are going to develop. I think by using this presentation we have managed
to do the peer review process and data sharing process within the peers in
a better manner.
This is the main interface that I designed for the university program. The main interface has several
buttons, which are

1. Add new student

2. Add new teacher
3. Add new subjects
4. Enter students info
5. Edit teacher information
6. Enter marks

For example, if we click on the Add New Student button, the program will go to a list dedicated to
entering student information

Report: It is a button dedicated to reporting a problem or error in the program or the main interface
This interface contains a display button, which is :

1. Show all subject and their teachers

2. View all students marks

For example, if we click on the button to view all the subjects and their teachers, the program will go to
a menu dedicated to displaying this information as shown in the image below
This is an interface dedicated to displaying all subjects and their teachers
This is the new student information page, this page contains several fields and they are...

1. Student id
2. Student name
3. Student birth date
4. Student address
5. Student phone
6. Student gender

Through this page, we can add the student's information in these fields designated for entering
information .

Add: It is a button dedicated to adding student information after entering it in the custom fields, and
when clicking on this button, it adds the information .

Cancel: It is a button dedicated to canceling the information entered in the student information
fields. When you click the cancel button, the information you entered is cancelled

Close: It is a button dedicated to closing and exiting the page completely. For example, on the
student information entry page, when you click on the “Close” button, the entire page will be closed

Empty fields: It is a place designated for entering student information

Adding is done : This icon pops up when information is added after clicking the Add button
Update: It is a button dedicated to updating or changing the information entered in the fields .

I presented a review and explanation of the processes and pages that I designed, and I also defined the
existing buttons and explained the benefits of each one
Student information page:

I ran the page and it worked successfully, then I entered the student's data, and indeed it was done
successfully, and the grid display interacted to show the new value entered. So the page fulfills the
user's requirements
I also did a search for the student with ID 400 and the result was shown successfully.

I also did a search for the student with ID 400 and the result was shown successfully. The View All button
is also effective once the search for a specific student is completed as soon as you click on View All it will
display the full list instead of pressing refresh the page.
I put an update to the teacher with ID 60 and changed the name of the course from Math. to
Math Computing and changed the name of the teacher from Aziz to Bilal and it was done
successfully. To add a new teacher, you can click on Add, and to
delete it, click on the Delete button. You can also click on View All Teachers to show all the
details. Thus, the page fulfills the requirements of the user
The course is added through the Add button. To modify something, the modifications are made
and press update to install the modification. To delete a course, delete is done. To search, click
Search. To view all, you must press the View All button.

Thus, the page fulfills the requirements of the user

The registration page worked fine, and I tested setting a username and password and rewriting
it once identically and again mismatched

Here David's username value was entered, and the password was entered twice identically. The
registration was successful, and a message (Record Inserted) appears.

Mismatched: I entered a wrong value in terms of the password that does not correspond to the
textbox of the password and is not compatible with the textbox of the Repassword and as
shown, the error message appears (Your password not matched). Thus, the page fulfills the
requirements of the user.
Other tests for the appearance of the error message when entering wrong values.
Table of Test All Pages

Page Test Result Note

Home page yes The course page The page needs to be
appears programmed to display
the appropriate
content instead of
showing a page for the
Course yes It worked successfully
& no problems
About yes Dedicated to the it just needs to change
student's page but it the page name from
worked successfully & About to Student for it
no problems to appear consistently
when executing the
Sign Up yes It worked successfully
& no problems
Teacher yes It worked successfully There is a page I have
& no problems hidden called Contact
that has the features of
the Teacher's page that
does not work, and I do
not recommend
implementing the
project from it because
it will not work.
Instead, I created a
special page called
Teacher and it works
University application performance

The application that we developed for abc horizon is an application that can fulfill all the requirements
of the user. As we know, we have been able to include all the requirements that were requested by abc

horizon. We have provided more features

In the business application review process, we first analyze that our solution can stop the business-
related problem. Also we can understand that this order tracking system for abc horizon can stop using

the old paper methodology. Then they can manage their order in an efficient manner. Therefore, we

can come to the conclusion that our business application can offer a solution to the business problem

related to abc horizon. In the problem definition statement, we mentioned that the old paper method

has problems when sorting out data and security issues. Through this app we can easily sort data from

SQL database using store procedure. Data security can be addressed using user access levels. This will

enhance the efficiency of data sorting and data security. Because we defined another problem in the

problem definition statement, there is no space to store the paper record in the abc horizon. The

answer to this question is given by this question. No physical storage space is required for DAT.

Therefore, we can conclude that this application was directly affected by the performance of abc

horizon's daily academic activities.

We can say that our application works well and gives all these features to the user to increase their


We can review the performance of this business application through the problem definition

statement. As we have identified the main problem of this company is getting rid of their old paper

method. We were able to provide an answer to this question and we were able to provide all the initial

requirements that abc horizon mentioned, so we can conclude that the performance of this application

is at an optimal level when we review it against the problem definition statement and the initial


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