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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021


Bayombong Campus





A. Inductive and deductive reasoning

B. Intuition, proof and certainty
C. Polya’s four steps in problem solving
D. Problem solving strategies
E. Mathematical problems involving patterns
F. Recreational problems using mathematics


Mathematics seeks to understand patterns that permeate the world and human mind. Even if
the language of mathematics is based on rules, it is important to motivate students to move beyond
rules to be able to convey things in the language of mathematics. This transformation implies changes
which involve revitalized effort to focus on seeking solutions, exploring patterns and formulating
inferences. Learners will have opportunities to study mathematics as an exploratory, dynamic, evolving
discipline. They will be encouraged to perceive mathematics as a science and to appreciate
mathematics as a discipline about patterns and not merely about numbers.


At the end of the course the students are expected to: 1) Use different types of reasoning to
justify statements and arguments made about mathematical concepts; 2) Write clear and logical proofs;
3) Solve problems involving patterns and recreational problems by Polya’s four steps; and 4) Organize
one’s methods and approaches for proving and solving problems.


Mathematics consists of skills and processes. The skills include the basic arithmetical
processes and the algorithms that go with them, while processes are the ways of applying these skills.
Problem solving is a mathematical process and it contributes to mathematics itself.

A. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Mathematical reasoning enables a student to use all other mathematical skills. With
mathematical reasoning, students recognize that mathematics is indispensable; that it makes sense
and it can be understood. They then learn how to evaluate situations, opt for appropriate problem
solving strategies, draw logical conclusions, develop and describe solutions, and identify when those
solutions can be applied.

Inductive and deductive reasoning are two fundamental types of reasoning for mathematicians.
Inductive reasoning refers to the process of making generalized decisions after observing and/or
witnessing, repeated specific instances of something. Conversely, deductive reasoning refers to the

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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021
process of taking the information gathered from general observations and making specific decisions
based on that information.

Inductive reasoning is a process of reaching conclusions based on a series of observations

while deductive reasoning is a process of reaching conclusions based on previously known facts.
Inductive reasoning usually leads to deductive reasoning. A conclusion reached by inductive reasoning
may or may not be valid. The conclusions reached by deductive reasoning are correct and valid.
Inductive reasoning is used to form hypotheses, while deductive reasoning is used to prove ideas.

Whereas inductive reasoning draws general principles from specific instances, deductive
reasoning draws specific conclusions from general principles or premises. A premise is a previous
statement or propositions from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion. Unlike inductive
reasoning, which always involves uncertainty. Scientists use inductive reasoning to formulate
hypothesis and theories, and deductive reasoning when applying them to specific situations. Even if all
the premises are
true in a
reasoning may still yield false conclusion.
Examples of deductive reasoning:

1st premise: All numbers ending in 0 or 5 are divisible 1st premise: All men are mortal.
by 5.
2 premise The number 35 ends with a 5 2nd premise Algebra teachers are men.
Conclusion: Therefore, 35 is divisible by 5. Conclusion: Therefore, algebra teachers are mortal.

1st premise: All squares are rectangles. 1st premise: Some students of NVSU are taking up
2 nd premise All rectangles have four sides. BS Mathematics.
Conclusion: Therefore, all squares have four sides. 2nd premise Students of this University are
1st premise: Cacti are plants. Conclusion: Therefore, students taking up BS
2nd premise All plants perform photosynthesis. Mathematics in this University
Conclusion: Therefore, cacti perform are
photosynthesis. scholars.

Examples of inductive reasoning:

1st premise: John is an excellent swimmer. 1st premise: Children in the day care center are
2nd premise John’s family has a swimming pool. nd
2 premise Children in the day care center like to
play with Legos.
Conclusion: John’s sister Mary must also be Conclusion: Therefore, playful children like to
an excellent swimmer. play Legos.
1st premise: Elijah is good looking. 1st premise: The coin pulled from a bag is a penny.
2nd premise Elijah is well-behaved. 2nd premise A second coin from the bag is a penny.
Conclusion: Therefore, all good looking is Conclusion: Therefore, all the coins in the bag are
well behaved. pennies.

A. Intuition, Proof and Certainty

Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. It is
instinctive knowledge, meaning the state of being aware of or knowing something without having to discover or
perceive it, or the ability to do this. It is the instinctive belief, meaning that something is known or believed
instinctively, without actual evidence for it.

In the traditional way of dealing with mathematics, mathematicians use their intuition and imagination to
come up with theorems. Then, they do a lot of work to try to fill in the proofs and check what’s true.

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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021
A mathematical proof is an argument which convinces other people that something is true. Proof is an
inferential argument for a mathematical statement. It is a conclusive evidence or an argument that serves to
establish a fact or the truth of something. Proof consists of a test or trial of something to establish that it is true.

In direct proof, the conclusion is established by logically combining the axioms, definitions and earlier

For example, direct proof can be used to establish that the sum of two even integers is always even:
consider two even integers x and y. since they are even, they can be written as x = 2a and y = 2b, respectively,
for integers a and b. then the sum x + y = 2a + 2b = 2(a+b). Therefore, x + y has 2 as a factor and, by
definition, is even. Hence the sum of any two integers is even. This proof uses the definition of even integers,
the integer properties of closure under addition and multiplication and distributive.

Certainty is total continuity and validity of inquiries to the highest degree of precision. Certainty is a
conclusion or outcome that is beyond doubt. A mathematical certainty is something that is certain or most likely
to happen.

B. Polya’s Four Steps to Problem Solving

Problem solving is an artistic science! There is no single approach in problem solving that works all the
time. Each problem is slightly different. George Polya (1887-1985), known as the father of modern problem
solving who did extensive studies and wrote papers and books about problem solving, formulated the four-step
approach to problem solving. Polya’s four-step approach to problem solving aims to make individuals as better
problem solvers.

Given below is a detailed framework for thinking about problem solving: Polya’s four-step approach:

1. Preparation: Understand the problem.

a. Learn the necessary underlying mathematical concepts
b. Consider the terminology and notation used in the problem:
∙ What sort of a problem is it?
∙ What is being asked?
∙ What do the terms mean?
∙ Is there enough information or is more information needed?
∙ What is known or unknown?

2. Thinking Time: Devise a plan.

a. You must start somewhere so try something. How are you going to attack the problem?
b. Possible strategies: (i. e. reach into your bag of tricks)
∙ Draw pictures
∙ Use a variable and choose helpful names for variables or unknowns.
∙ Be systematic.
∙ Solve a simpler version of the problem.
∙ Guess and check. Trial and error. Guess and test. (guessing is OK.)
∙ Look for a pattern or patterns.
∙ Make a list.
c. Once you understand what the problem is, if you are stumped or stuck, set the problem aside for a while.
Your subconscious mind may keep working on it.
d. Moving on to think about other things may help you stay relaxed, flexible, and creative rather than
becoming tense, frustrated, and forced in your efforts to solve the problem.

3. Insight: Carry out the plan.

a. Once you have an idea for a new approach, jot it down immediately. When you have time, try it out and
see if it leads to a solution.
b. If the plan does not seem to be working, then start over and try another approach. Often the first
approach does not work. Do not worry, just because an approach does not work, it does not mean you
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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021
did it wrong. You actually accomplished something, knowing a way does not work is part of the process
of elimination.
c. Once you have thought about a problem or returned to it enough times, you will often have a flash of
insight: a new idea to try or a new perspective on how to approach solving the problem. d. The key is to keep
trying until something works.

4. Verification: Look back.

a. Once you have a potential solution, check to see if it works.
∙ Did you answer the question?
∙ Is your result reasonable?
∙ Double check to make sure that all of the conditions related to the problem are satisfied. ∙
Double check any computations involved in finding your solution.
b. If you find that your solution does not work, there may only be a simple mistake. Try to fix or modify your
current attempt before scrapping it. Remember what you tried- it is likely that at least part of it will end
up being useful.
c. Is there another way of doing the problem which may be simpler? (You need to become flexible in your
thinking. There usually is not one right away.)
d. Can the problem or method be generalized so as to be useful for future problems?

C. Problem Solving Strategies

Problem solving strategies maybe develop in many ways. First, the ability to use strategies develops
with experience and practice. Second, strategies themselves can become more abstract and complex.
There are simple and common problem solving strategies, to mention a few:

∙ Guess (This includes guess-and-check and guess-and-improve)

∙ Act it Out (Act it out and use equipment)
∙ Draw (This includes drawing pictures and diagrams)
∙ List/Tabulate (This includes making a table)

Guess-and-check is a classic technique. While it may not be very efficient or reliable, sometimes it’s all
one has to work with. One nice thing about this technique is the low level of effort it requires. It can be a great
way to relax the mind. Guess-and-check is one of the simplest strategies. Anyone can guess an answer. If
they can also check that the guess fits the conditions of the problem, then they have mastered guess and
check. Guess-and-improve is slightly more sophisticated than the guess-and-check. The idea is that you use
your first incorrect guess to make an improved next guess. In relatively straightforward problems like that, it is
often fairly easy to see how to improve the last guess. In some problems though, where there are more
variables, it may not be clear at first which way to change the guessing jigsaw and crossword puzzles are
usually solved using guess-and-check and guess-and-improve.

There are pros and cons for Act-It-Out strategy. It is an effective strategy for demonstration purposes
and to have a better grip of the problem on hand. Devices use to act out the problem are considered
equipment. Act-It-Out strategy has limited application. Simple division operation problem can be solved by this
strategy. A class of 32 elementary graders maybe asked: To effectively do the task, we shall divide the class.
How many group of five can you make? Then, they can act-it-out by forming groups of five.

To draw pictures, Venn diagram, sketches, maps and other representations help solve mathematical
problems, as well as problems in mechanics (physics). Problems concerning vector addition, in fact, are solved
in two ways: graphical or drawing methods and analytical or mathematical method. In doing so, precise
measurements and careful drawing lead to accurate solution.

Creating systematic lists and organized tables helps discover some hidden hints towards solution of
some problems. To help solve logic problems, tables with ticks and crosses are often used. Tables can also be
an efficient way of finding number patterns. Work and age problems are easier solved by tabulating the known
facts and relations. Lists maybe organized following rules like highest to lowest, most frequent to less frequent,
excellent to very unsatisfactory, etc. scores may be listed in an array in decreasing manner for item analysis
purposes. Problems in statistics may be solved by listing, tallying and tabulating data.
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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021
D. Mathematical Problems Involving Patterns

Finding patterns is an important problem-solving strategy because many problems are similar and fall into
predictable patterns. A pattern is a regular, systematic repetition and may be numerical, visual, or sequential.
Patterns show how things are connected, how things work and how a group of objects acts in the same way.

Example No. 1: Find-a-pattern problem solving strategy.

▪ Given the following diagram, find the number of dots and lines by completing the table.

Pattern: For first dot, 6 lines; and
For each additional dot, add 5 lines.
To find the number of lines, given the number of dots:
For 7 dots, then, 6 + (6 x 5) = 36 lines.
For 12 dots, then, 6 + (11 x 5) = 61 lines.

To find the number of lines, given the number of dots:

For 46 lines, then (46 - 6) ÷ 5 + 1 = 9 dots.

To find the number of lines, given the number of dots:

For 136 lines, then, (136 - 6) ÷ 5 + 1 = 27 dots.
Number of Dots Number of Lines Number of

1 6 1

2 6 + (1 x 5) = 11 2

3 6 + (2 x 5) = 16 3

4 6 + (3 x 5) = 21 4

6 6 + (5 x 5) = 31 6

7 6 + (6 x 5) = 36 7

8 6 + (7 x 5) = 41 8

(46 – 6) ÷ 5 + 1 = 9 6 + (8 x 5) = 46 9

12 6 + (11 x 5) = 61 12

(136 – 6) ÷ 5 + 1 = 27 6 + (27 x 5) = 136 27

Example No. 2: Can you find the sum of the first 100 even positive numbers? Find a
pattern. Solution:
The sum of the first 1 even positive no. is 2 or
1(1+1) = 1(2).
The sum of the first 2 even positive no. is
2 +4 = 6 12 or 2(2+1) = 2(3).
The sum of the first 3 even positive numbers is
2 + 4 = 6 12 or 3(3+1) = 3(4).
The sum of the first 4 even positive numbers is
2 + 4 = 6 + 8 = 20 or 4(4+1) = 4(5).

Pattern: The sum of the first 100 even positive numbers is 2 + 4 + 6 +… =?

100(100+1) = 100(101) or 10 100.

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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021
E. Recreational Problems Using Mathematics

Recreational mathematics involves problems, riddles, puzzles, brain teasers and games carried out for
recreation or leisure rather than as a research or application-based professional activity. Recreational
mathematics employs creative problem-solving, logical reasoning approaches, reflective thinking and algebra

Mathematical games are multi-player games who rules, strategies, and outcomes can be studied and
explained using mathematics. The players of the game may not need to use explicit mathematics in order to
play mathematical games. Recreational mathematics include magic squares, chessboard problems, logical
puzzles, paradoxes, Sudoku, Pythagorean triples, palominos, shapes and symmetry, origami, fractals, Pascal’s
triangle, probability, prime numbers, number bases, Fibonacci numbers, knots, shapes and colors.

Solving mathematical puzzles require mathematics. There are specific rules, as do multi-player games,
but mathematical puzzles don’t usually involve competition between two or more players. In order to solve
such puzzle, the solver must find a solution that satisfies the given conditions. Logic puzzles and classical
ciphers are common examples of mathematical puzzles.
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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021

1. Mathematics requires not only facility with numbers but also the ability to critically think through
situations, to reason and argue logically and to creatively solve problems.

2. Mathematics is an active human endeavour. We can create the mathematics we need to solve problems.
Mathematics is for everyone and anyone who cares to learn it.

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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021

Search for Patterns:

Problem No. 1: The first week of chess club had 3 students. The second week had five students. The third
week had eight students and the fourth had twelve. If this pattern continues, how many students will
show up for the eight week?

Problem No. 2: From the given table find the value of n if m = 50.
M 1 2 3 4 5 50

N 1 3 5 7

Problem No. 3: What is the unit’s digit in the power of 7 with an exponent of 1999?

Make an Organized Listing:

Problem No. 4: The figure below

shows the roads linking cities
R and S. What are the different
routes to travel from R to S?


Problem No. 5: How many two-digit numbers can be

formed from 1, 2, 3 and 4?



Problem No. 6: How many squares?

Draw a Diagram
Problem 7: In an isosceles triangle, each base angle is twice the size of the third angle. What is the
measure of the base angle?
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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021
Problem 8: A rectangle measuring 9 units by 11 units is tiled with a unit-square tiles. How many tiles
are crossed by the diagonal of the rectangle?

Make a Table:

Problem 9: The sum of the squares of 3 consecutive odd numbers is 515. Find the
numbers. ____________________________________

Problem 10: In a two-die experiment, what is the probability of having a sum of 6 in the two
dice? ____________________________________

Guess and Check:

Problem 11: A man is 25 years older than his son. The sum of their ages is 55, how old is the
son? ____________________________________

Problem 12: When 7 is added to a certain number and sum is multiplied by 3, the result is 123. What is
the number?

Simplify the Problem:

Problem No. 13: Find the sum.


Problem No. 14: Find the sum.


Problem No. 15: Find the sum: 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 49 + 50 = ?

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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021

Problem No. 16: A square with a side of 10 inches has its side reduced by 2 inches. What is the ratio of
the area of the smaller square to the original square?

Work Backwards:

Problem No. 17: I am thinking of a number. If I add 4, then multiply by 5, then subtract 9, then divide by
3, then subtract 1, the result is 6. What is my number?
Act it Out:
Problem No. 18: There are 5 guests in a TV show. I everyone will shake hands with each other, how
many handshakes will there be?

Problem No. 19: In how many ways can three students be seated in a row of three
chairs? ____________________________________

Logical Reasoning:
Problem No. 20: Jose, Dario, Alfred, Linda, Maria and Rosa graduated from the same university with
teaching degrees in Mathematics and after passing the LET, they took teaching jobs in different
cities. The cities in no particular order are Baguio, Cebu, San Carlos, Davao, Tacloban and
Laoag. Where were did they get their teaching assignments?
A. Linda did not get a job in Baguio and Alfredo did not move to Davao.
B. Rosa hoped to get a job in Tacloban but did not.
C. Dario got a job in Laoag and Maria got the job she wanted in San Carlos City
D. Linda turned down the job in Cebu after Rosa took the job in Davao.
E. Jose took the job in Cebu.

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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021

Problem 1: The school is having a bean bag toss contest. The person who tosses the most bean bags
through the hoop wins. Nancy won the contest but made her mom guess how many bean bags
she got through the hoop. Here are the clues Nancy gave. How many bean bags did she get
through the hoop?
There are more than 91.
There are fewer than 95.
It is an odd number.

Problem 2: Jenny works in the local florist shop. Her boss has asked her to calculate the total dollars in
sales they made on Valentine's Day. Jenny determined that they had sold 124 bunches of
flowers at a price of $26.26 each. What was their total sales?

Problem3: Three days ago, yesterday was the day before Sunday. What day will it be tomorrow?

Problem 4: What will come next in the figure?

Problem 5: 5, 16, 49, 148 then, find the next number.

Problem 6: Find the odd man out: 3, 7, 15, 17, 22, 27, 29.

Problem 7: If E = 5 and AMENDMENT = 89 then find SECRETARY


Problem 8: Fill in the numbers from 1 to 6 (without repetition) so that

each side of the magic triangle adds up to 12.

Problem 9: Using any letter only once, what are the largest and smallest numbers that you can write
down in words?

Example: EIGHTY
But not NINETY as N is used twice

Problem 10: How many triangles are there in this


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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021
Problem 11: How can you add eight 8's to get the number 1,000?

(only use addition)

Problem 12: Two fathers and two sons sat down to eat eggs for
breakfast. They ate exactly three eggs, each
person had
an egg. The riddle is for you to explain how.

Problem 13: Six toothpicks make two equilateral triangles. Move two toothpicks to make four
equilateral triangles. (Toothpicks may overlap.) Draw your answer.
Problem 14: Ninety two percent fail this simple test. Choose the correct answer among the options. Do
you belong to the 92%? Prove it!

7 + 7 ÷ 7 + 7 x 7 – 7 = __

Problem 15: How many squares are there in the figure?

Problem No. 16 – 20: Quantitative Reasoning. In the following items, discover the principle involved in
the series. Select from the given choices what should come next in the series. Write the answer on the space
provided before each item. (10 points)

16. 77, 78, 75, 80, 73, 82,

17. 81, 75, 68, 62, 55,

18. 88, 44, 40, 20, 16,

19. 3, 6, 18, 36, 108, 216,

20. 52, 54, 57, 61, 66,

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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021

For numbers 1 – 10: On the space provided before each number, write DR if the conclusion is reached thru
deductive reasoning; and write IR if the conclusion is reached thru inductive reasoning.

______1. A quadrilateral has four sides.

A square has four sides.
Therefore, a square is a quadrilateral.
______2. If A = B and B = C, then A = C.
______3. My Geometry teacher this semester is skinny.
My Geometry teacher last semester was skinny.
Therefore, Geometry teachers are skinny.
______4. All even numbers are divisible by 2.
18 is an even number.
Therefore, 28 is divisible by 2.
______5. Angles A, B and C are angles inside a triangle.
The sum of the angles of any triangle equals 1800.
Therefore, the sum of angles A, B and C equals 1800.
______6. Acute angles are less than 900 and angle Ø is 420, so this angle Ø is acute.
______7. All numbers ending in 0 or 5 are divisible by 5.
80 ends with 0 and 45 ends in 5.
Therefore, 80 and 45 are divisible by 5.
______8. Sets A and B are equal.
Equal sets are equivalent.
Therefore, sets A and B are equivalent.
______9. Mass and weight are directly proportional.
Mass is directly proportional to force.
Therefore, weight is directly proportional to force.
______10. The symbols x and * indicate multiplication operation.
The symbols / and ÷ indicate division operation.
` Therefore, x, *, / and ÷ are operation symbols.

For numbers 11 – 15: Answer the following questions by writing the letter of the best answer on the space
provided before each number.

______11. A problem is already solved but is solved again by using a different method to see if it yields the
same answer. In which step of Polya’s four-step problem solving approach is it?
c. First step b. Second step c. Third step d. Fourth step ______12. Which step of Polya’s
process consists of identifying all relevant and irrelevant information in a problem?
a. First step b. Second step c. Third step d. Fourth step ______13. Which Polya’s four-steps makes use of
strategies like drawing pictures; using variable and choosing helpful names for variables or unknowns; and
looking for patterns?
a. First step b. Second step c. Third step d. Fourth step ______14. Which of Polya’s four-steps
double checks to make sure that all of the conditions related to the problem are satisfied and double checks
computations involved in finding the solution? a. First step b. Second step c. Third step d. Fourth step
______15. Does the second step of Polya’s four-steps problem solving approach require understanding of the
problem by considering the necessary underlying mathematical concepts, as well as the terminology and
notation used in the problem?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. Sometimes

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IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021
For numbers 16 – 25: Quantitative Reasoning. In the following items, discover the principle involved in the series.
Select from the given choices what should come next in the series. Write the letter of the best answer on the space
provided before each item. (2 points each)

16. B, H, M, Q, T, V,
A. W B. V C. R D. S
17. JZ, KY, LX, MW,
18. 56D, 60E, 64F, 68G,
A. 70F B. 70H C. 72F D. 72H
19. 3E, 9G, 27J, 81N,
A. 243Q B. 243R C. 243S D. 243T
20. 3h – 33p, 9g – 28q, 15f – 23r, 21e – 18s
A. 25a – 33z B. 26b – 32y C. 27d – 13t D. 27e – 13p
21. Look at the series: Z, Y, X, M, V, U,… One letter is wrong in the series. What should it be?
A. Q B. R C. T D. W
22. Look at the series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 21,… One numeral is wrong. What should it be?
A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 14
23. Look at the series: 216, 343, 512, 700, 1000,… One numeral is wrong. What should it
be? A. 728 B. 729 C. 730 D. 731
24. Look at the series: w, s, o, k, a, c,… One letter is wrong in the series. What should it be?
A. f B. g C. h D. i
25. Look at the series: 3, 9, 27, 90, 243, 729,… One numeral is wrong. What should it be?
A. 79 B. 80 C. 81 D. 83

For numbers 26 - 27. MAGIC SQUARE

26. Magic Number is 42 27. Magic Number is 30
{10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18} {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18}

For numbers 28 - 29. Counting Squares

28. squares 29. squares

For number 30: What is the next four letters in the following series?

O, T, T, F, F, S, , , , .

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with Section
185. Fair Use of a Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293, the copyrighted works included in this material may be
reproduced for educational purposes only and not for commercial distribution.

Republic of the Philippines

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


IM No.: IM-GEMATH-1STSEM-2020-2021

Aufmann, Richard. (2018) Mathematical in the modern world (Philippine ed.). RBSI, 856 Nicanor
Reyes Sr. St. Sampaloc Manila

Barton, B. (2008). The Language of Mathematics: Telling Mathematical Tales. New York, NY: Springer.
Earnhart, Richard T. & Adlina, Edgar M. (2018) Mathematics in the modern world. Quezon City: C & E
Publishing, Inc.

Manululu, Esmeralda (2020), A course model for Mathematics in the Modern World, RBSI, 856
Nicanor Reyes Sr. St. Sampaloc Manila
Nocon, Rizaldi C. & Nocon, Ederlinda G. (2018). Essential Mathematics for Modern World. Quezon City: C
& E publishing House Inc.


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185. Fair Use of a Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293, the copyrighted works included in this material may be
reproduced for educational purposes only and not for commercial distribution.

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