PR1 - Activity 4

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Practical Research 1] ‘Qualitative Research 1 Quarte: 1 Semester SY 2022-2023 Activity Title; MIME Research Ethics Objective ‘1 Identify ethical principles and misconduct in research: and 2. Enact a situation showing ethical principles and research misconduct through mime; Procedure: 4. Read article on Research Ethics and Misconduct behavior (DepEd Module 3. pp 13-16) 2. Graste 3 1-minute mime skit on any 2-research ethics and 2 research misconducts 3. A.paniomime or mime is a theatrical technique of suggesting action, character, or emotion without words. using only gesture. expression. and movernent (Mecram= Webster. n.d). You can watch samples of pantomime: https: hweny youtube com/watch?v=XE spt 4. Selected research ethics and miscoaducts should not be. shared wih other groups. 5. Below is the scoring rubrics. Use this 2s guide in preparing your mine. 6. This will be presented on Monday, September 26, 2022. Performance Task: Pantomine Criteria Good Great ‘Wow! Fantastic! | Seore a 2) @) Sound Made too much mai noses | Ne nioise made. noise heard sory No siory Gre or more ot] Cleary showed ie developed, the following are | Beginning, Middle missing End of the story. Beginning. Migeie or end, GesturesiMovament| _ Now T= “Some Lage, mavements and | gesturesimoweme | exaggerated & distracting, nits were small dramatic and istracting | gestures!movemen rather than | 1s helped the stony helpful Facial Expressions | oto fle tacial Facial Facial expressions B Body Language | =xpressionsand | expressions and | and body language body language | body langusge were present ‘during the were present in ‘through the performance. | someparts ofthe | performance. perfarmance. Visuals Note WHE WauSEe | Some visuals are | VieUals sre denne are definita snd | definite and seen | and fully seen by seen by audience | _ by audience. audiance, Tatal good Luck! end Prepared bye Wendelie R. Raners

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