Activity 16-2nd

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas

Media and Information Literacy


Quarter : 2 Week : 9 Day : 16 Activity No. : 16

Competency: : Evaluate a creative multimedia form (living museum, electronic
portfolio, others)
Objective : Create a creative multimedia form (electronic portfolio)

Topic : Multimedia
Materials : Hand-outs, smart phones/ laptops/ tablets/ desktops
Reference : Media and Information Literacy Teaching Guide (for Senior
High School)by collaboration of Commission on Higher
Education and Philippine Normal University
Copyrights : For Classroom Use

Concept Notes
Multimedia -Dave Marshall defines multimedia as “the field concerned with the
computer-controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images
(video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of information can
be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally.”

Selection Criteria- In evaluating a multimedia product, there are two major aspects
that are of prime importance- technology and content. Below are selection criteria that can be used to evaluate
CONTENT Target Who are the possible users? What aspects of
Audience the users are to be considered? (persons with
disability, language barrier, reading level,
culturally-sensitive, etc.)
Sender / Who is the author of this multimedia product?
Author How credible is the author?
Key content What is the tone (authoritative, informative,
encouraging, enticing, etc.) of the multimedia
product? Is the information correctly
Purpose Does it meet the objectives of the topic?
Form / Style What are the elements (text, sound, animation,
etc.) used?
Do the elements help in conveying the
message? Do the elements follow the different
principles of design? Is it pleasing to the eyes?
Do the sound and video run smoothly together
Medium / Is the selected format commonly used? Is it
Format easy to use? Does it allow the user to cancel or
return to an action? Are the instructions easy
to use?

Activity 1: Creating a Multimedia Presentation (Individual Activity)

1. Create a 5-minute multimedia presentation about what you have learned from the
Media and Information Literacy subject. You can use a PowerPoint Presentation or
any video editing application in making your output. Make sure to follow the design
principles and elements of making a multimedia presentation in your output.
Submit your work to your teacher’s MIL Portal for evaluation.
2. Upload your output in our Private Group Page via Facebook so every can see it.


Wilson, C., et al. (2011). Media and Information Literacy: Curriculum for Teachers.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Norton, P. (2006). Introduction to Computers. McGraw-Hill Education. Marshall, D.

(2001). History of Multimedia. Retrieved from Savage, T.M. & Vogel,
K.E. (2009). An introduction to digital multimedia. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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