How The Burning of Garbage Affects The Citizens of Gregory Park

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Candidate Name: La-Shayne Marshall

Territory: Jamaica
Date: March 9 2023
Presentation of Data

Do you encounter prob-

lem in ur community
with the burning of
Provide access to waste disposal facilities
Enforce Stronger laws

1 0.097

Figure 1 Represents the percentage of people that had encounters with burning of garbage

How oft en do u burn garbage in your


Series1 Series2

Figure 2 represent the percentage of people in the community that burn their
Do u struggle with any respiratory

16% 10%


Enforce Stronger laws Provide access to waste disposal facilities

Invest in waste management infrastrucres Educate the citizens

Figure 3 represents the amount of people that struggle with respiratory illness in
the community.

What is your opinion when it comes

to the collection of garbage?

16% 10%


Enforce Stronger laws Provide access to waste disposal facilities

Invest in waste management infrastrucres Educate the citizens
Figure 4 represents the community opinion when it comes to the collection of garbage.

How does this act aff ect ur health?

Educate the citizens

Invest in waste management infrastrucres

Provide access to waste disposal facilities

Enforce Stronger laws

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%


Figure 5 represents how burning of garbage affects the community.

Figure 6 represent the amount of public bin that are located in the community.
Analysis and Interpretation of Data
In total I received 31 Reponses for my questionnaire and while analysing my data in figure(1)
can determine that 87.1% encounter problems with burning garbage while the remaining
12.9% does not.
In figure (2) I can determine that 45.2% of persons never burn garbage, 25.8% burn garbage
once per week, 16.1% burn garbage every other day while 12.9% burn garbage every day
In figure (3) 41.9% of the people in the community sometimes suffer from illnesses, 29%
does not while the remaining 29% does all the time
In figure (4) 71% of who answered the questionnaire garbage collection system is non-
satisfactory, 9.7% finds is satisfactory, 9.7% finds it fair while the remaining 9.7% finds it
In figure (5) 32.3% of people in the community eye burn when garbage is burnt, 16.1% has
nausea, 19.4% get respiratory problems, 32.3% has headaches while 0% experience rushes.
In figure (6) 45.2% of people has bins located near them while the remaining 54.8% does not
The burning of garbage produces smoke which can get into the eyes and lungs of persons.
Our results show that too much burning takes place in neighbourhoods and the effects on
health are clear. Smoke in particular can affect the lungs. it is said that the burning of
residential garbage produced many pollutants, which affects the communities health.
The burning of garbage has a significant impact on the health of individuals residing in the
neighbourhood, leading to severe health problems. As a researcher, I have discovered that
burning garbage is detrimental and has no positive effects. Continuing to burn garbage will
only escalate the problem, leading to more severe consequences, and it may even result in

To educate people about the new regulations pertaining to burning in the parish, additional
public service announcements should be broadcast. For example, no garbage should be
burned in any residential area, or the garbage collection system should be improved so that
garbage trucks are more dependable, so that residents of the community won't have to pack
garbage to the point where they feel the need to burn it. This would also encourage residents
of the neighbourhood to recycle garbage and build compost heaps.

While the researcher was finishing the sba, it was felt that new information had
been gained. For instance, The researcher learned that burning garbage affects
you in more ways and that there are proper way to dispose of your garbage. The
researcher found that its needed to practice proper garbage adequate for if not it
may impact the disposer and his/her surroundings The researcher believes that
the researcher believes that if the questionnaire was spread to a wide range that
more information would have been covered. While the researcher was finishing
the sba, it was felt that new information had been gained. For instance, I learned
that burning garbage affects you in more ways than I previously thought and
that there are different ways to get rid of garbage.


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