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Name of Employee: CAROL MAY U.

Position: Teacher III
School: Datu Mamundas Mamalumpong Integrated School
Rating Period: SY 2023-2024

Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental Intervention)
Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention

Monitored and evaluated learner To monitor and evaluate learners always track the pupils record in e-class record,
progress and achievement using progress and achievement. academic progress and behavioral anecdotal record
learner attainment data (PPST progress through e-class and
5.2.2) anecdotal record. all through out the
school year

Communicated promptly and To communicate promply and Engages in a personal dialogue with a e-class record,
clearly the learners' needs, clearly the learners' needs, parent and a learner regarding school anecdotal record
progress and achievement to key progress and achievment to key status. facilitates a stakeholders’
stakeholders, including stakeholders, including (teachers, parents, community officials
parents/guardians (PPST 5.4.2) parents/guardians and industry partners) general all through out the
assembly/forum. reports on the school year
performance of the learners, and
some other pertinent information
about their school and academic

Applied a personal philosophy of To apply a personal philosophy of Engage active learning, in which seminar-workshops
teaching that is learner-centered teaching that is learner centered students solve problems, answer
(PPST 7.1.2) questions, formulate questions of their
own, discuss, explain, debate, or
brainstorm during class. all through out the
school year
brainstorm during class. all through out the
school year

Prepared by:
Teacher III

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