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82 Chapter 2  Introduction to Conduction

• What is the physical significance of each term appearing in the heat equation?
• Cite some examples of thermal energy generation. If the rate at which thermal en-
ergy is generated per unit volume, q̇, varies with location in a medium of volume
V, how can the rate of energy generation for the entire medium, Ėg, be determined
from knowledge of q̇(x, y, z)?
• For a chemically reacting medium, what kind of reaction provides a source of
thermal energy (q̇  0)? What kind of reaction provides a sink for thermal energy
(q̇  0)?
• To solve the heat equation for the temperature distribution in a medium, boundary
conditions must be prescribed at the surfaces of the medium. What physical condi-
tions are commonly suitable for this purpose?

1. Flik, M. I., B.-I. Choi, and K. E. Goodson, J. Heat Trans- 10. Zeng, S. Q., A. Hunt, and R. Greif, J. Heat Transfer,
fer, 114, 666, 1992. 117, 1055, 1995.
2. Klemens, P. G., “Theory of the Thermal Conductivity of 11. Sengers, J. V., and M. Klein, Eds., The Technical Impor-
Solids,” in R. P. Tye, Ed., Thermal Conductivity, Vol. 1, tance of Accurate Thermophysical Property Information,
Academic Press, London, 1969. National Bureau of Standards Technical Note No. 590,
3. Yang, H.-S., G.-R. Bai, L. J. Thompson, and J. A. East- 1980.
man, Acta Materialia, 50, 2309, 2002. 12. Najjar, M. S., K. J. Bell, and R. N. Maddox, Heat Trans-
4. Chen, G., J. Heat Transfer, 118, 539, 1996. fer Eng., 2, 27, 1981.
5. Vincenti, W. G., and C. H. Kruger, Jr., Introduction to 13. Hanley, H. J. M., and M. E. Baltatu, Mech. Eng., 105, 68,
Physical Gas Dynamics, Wiley, New York, 1986. 1983.
6. McLaughlin, E., “Theory of the Thermal Conductivity of 14. Touloukian, Y. S., and C. Y. Ho, Eds., Thermophysical
Fluids,” in R. P. Tye, Ed., Thermal Conductivity, Vol. 2, Properties of Matter, The TPRC Data Series (13 vol-
Academic Press, London, 1969. umes on thermophysical properties: thermal conductiv-
7. Foust, O. J., Ed., “Sodium Chemistry and Physical Prop- ity, specific heat, thermal radiative, thermal diffusivity,
erties,” in Sodium-NaK Engineering Handbook, Vol. 1, and thermal linear expansion), Plenum Press, New York,
Gordon & Breach, New York, 1972. 1970 through 1977.
8. Mallory, J. F., Thermal Insulation, Reinhold Book Corp., 15. Cahill, D. G., W. K. Ford, K. E. Goodson, G. D. Mahan,
New York, 1969. A. Majumdar, H. J. Maris, R. Merlin, and S. R. Phillpot,
App. Phys. Rev., 93, 793, 2003.
9. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Engineers, Handbook of Fundamentals,
Chapters 23–25 and 31, ASHRAE, New York, 2001.

Fourier’s Law Assuming constant properties and no internal heat
generation, sketch the temperature distribution on T–x
2.1 Assume steady-state, one-dimensional heat conduction coordinates. Briefly explain the shape of your curve.
through the axisymmetric shape shown below.
2.2 A hot water pipe with outside radius r1 has a tempera-
T1 T2
ture T1. A thick insulation applied to reduce the heat
loss has an outer radius r2 and temperature T2. On T–r
coordinates, sketch the temperature distribution in the
T1 > T2
insulation for one-dimensional, steady-state heat trans-
fer with constant properties. Give a brief explanation,
x L justifying the shape of your curve.
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 Problems 83

2.3 A spherical shell with inner radius r1 and outer radius r2 a plane wall for three cases corresponding to a 0,
has surface temperatures T1 and T2, respectively, where a  0, and a  0.
T1 T2. Sketch the temperature distribution on T–r
coordinates assuming steady-state, one-dimensional 2.7 A young engineer is asked to design a thermal protec-
conduction with constant properties. Briefly justify the tion barrier for a sensitive electronic device that might
shape of your curve. be exposed to irradiation from a high-powered infrared
laser. Having learned as a student that a low thermal
2.4 Assume steady-state, one-dimensional heat conduction conductivity material provides good insulating charac-
through the symmetric shape shown. teristics, the engineer specifies use of a nanostructured
aerogel, characterized by a thermal conductivity of ka 
0.005 W/m  K, for the protective barrier. The engi-
neer’s boss questions the wisdom of selecting the aero-
qx gel because it has a low thermal conductivity. Consider
the sudden laser irradiation of (a) pure aluminum,
(b) glass, and (c) aerogel. The laser provides irradiation
x of G  10 106 W/m2. The absorptivities of the mate-
rials are   0.2, 0.9, and 0.8 for the aluminum, glass,
Assuming that there is no internal heat generation, derive and aerogel, respectively, and the initial temperature of
an expression for the thermal conductivity k(x) for these the barrier is Ti  300 K. Explain why the boss is con-
conditions: A(x)  (1  x), T(x)  300(1  2x  x3), cerned. Hint: All materials experience thermal expan-
and q  6000 W, where A is in square meters, T in sion (or contraction), and local stresses that develop
kelvins, and x in meters. within a material are, to a first approximation, propor-
tional to the local temperature gradient.
2.5 A solid, truncated cone serves as a support for a system
that maintains the top (truncated) face of the cone at a 2.8 Consider steady-state conditions for one-dimensional
temperature T1, while the base of the cone is at a tem- conduction in a plane wall having a thermal conductiv-
perature T2  T1. ity k  50 W/m  K and a thickness L  0.25 m, with
no internal heat generation.

T1, A1

T1 T2

T2 < T1
A2 > A1
Determine the heat flux and the unknown quantity for
each case and sketch the temperature distribution, indi-
The thermal conductivity of the solid depends on tem-
cating the direction of the heat flux.
perature according to the relation k  k o  aT , where a
is a positive constant, and the sides of the cone are well
insulated. Do the following quantities increase, de- Case T1(°C) T2(°C) dT/dx (K/m)
crease, or remain the same with increasing x: the heat
transfer rate qx, the heat flux q x , the thermal conductiv- 1 50 20
ity k, and the temperature gradient dT/dx? 2 30 10
3 70 160
2.6 To determine the effect of the temperature dependence
of the thermal conductivity on the temperature distribu- 4 40 80
tion in a solid, consider a material for which this depen- 5 30 200
dence may be represented as
k  k o  aT 2.9 Consider a plane wall 100 mm thick and of thermal
conductivity 100 W/m  K. Steady-state conditions are
where ko is a positive constant and a is a coefficient that known to exist with T1  400 K and T2  600 K. Deter-
may be positive or negative. Sketch the steady-state mine the heat flux qx and the temperature gradient dT/dx
temperature distribution associated with heat transfer in for the coordinate systems shown.
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84 Chapter 2  Introduction to Conduction

T(x) T(x) T(x) (a) Write an expression for the conduction heat rate,
qx(x). Use this expression to determine the temper-
T2 T2 ature distribution T(x) and qualitatively sketch the
distribution for T(0) T(L).
T1 (b) Now consider conditions for which thermal
T1 T1
energy is generated in the rod at a volumetric rate
x x x
q̇  q̇o exp(ax), where q̇o is a constant. Obtain an
(a) (b) (c)
expression for qx(x) when the left face (x  0) is
2.10 A cylinder of radius ro, length L, and thermal conductiv- well insulated.
ity k is immersed in a fluid of convection coefficient h and
unknown temperature T . At a certain instant the tempera-
ture distribution in the cylinder is T(r)  a  br 2, where Thermophysical Properties
a and b are constants. Obtain expressions for the heat 2.14 Consider a 300 mm 300 mm window in an aircraft.
transfer rate at ro and the fluid temperature. For a temperature difference of 80C from the inner to
2.11 In the two-dimensional body illustrated, the gradient at the outer surface of the window, calculate the heat loss
surface A is found to be T/y  30 K/m. What are through L  10-mm-thick polycarbonate, soda lime
T/y and T/x at surface B? glass, and aerogel windows, respectively. The thermal
conductivities of the aerogel and polycarbonate are
kag  0.014 W/m  K and kpc  0.21 W/m  K, respec-
tively. Evaluate the thermal conductivity of the soda
1m B, TB = 100°C
lime glass at 300 K. If the aircraft has 130 windows and
k = 10 W/m•K
the cost to heat the cabin air is $1/kW  h, compare the
y costs associated with the heat loss through the windows
2m for an 8-hour intercontinental flight.
2.15 Gold is commonly used in semiconductor packaging to
A, TA = 0°C form interconnections (also known as interconnects)
2.12 Sections of the trans-Alaska pipeline run above the that carry electrical signals between different devices in
ground and are supported by vertical steel shafts (k  25 the package. In addition to being a good electrical con-
W/m  K) that are 1 m long and have a cross-sectional ductor, gold interconnects are also effective at protecting
area of 0.005 m2. Under normal operating conditions, the heat-generating devices to which they are attached
the temperature variation along the length of a shaft is by conducting thermal energy away from the devices to
known to be governed by an expression of the form surrounding, cooler regions. Consider a thin film of gold
T  100  150x  10x 2 that has a cross section of 60 nm 250 nm.

where T and x have units of °C and meters, respec- (a) For an applied temperature difference of 20C, de-
tively. Temperature variations are small over the shaft termine the energy conducted along a 1- m-long,
cross section. Evaluate the temperature and conduction thin-film interconnect. Evaluate properties at 300 K.
heat rate at the shaft–pipeline joint (x  0) and at the (b) Plot the lengthwise (in the l- m direction) and
shaft–ground interface (x  1 m). Explain the differ- spanwise (in the thinnest direction) thermal con-
ence in the heat rates. ductivities of the gold film as a function of the film
2.13 Steady-state, one-dimensional conduction occurs in a thickness, L, for 30  L  140 nm.
rod of constant thermal conductivity k and variable 2.16 A TV advertisement by a well-known insulation manufac-
cross-sectional area Ax(x)  Aoe ax, where Ao and a are turer states: it isn’t the thickness of the insulating material
constants. The lateral surface of the rod is well insulated. that counts, it’s the R-value. The ad shows that to obtain
an R-value of 19, you need 18 ft of rock, 15 in. of wood,
Ax(x) = Aoeax
or just 6 in. of the manufacturer’s insulation. Is this adver-
tisement technically reasonable? If you are like most TV
Ao viewers, you don’t know the R-value is defined as L/k,
qx(x) where L (in.) is the thickness of the insulation and k (Btu 
in./hr  ft2  °F) is the thermal conductivity of the material.
2.17 An apparatus for measuring thermal conductivity em-
x L ploys an electrical heater sandwiched between two
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 Problems 85

identical samples of diameter 30 mm and length 60 mm, thermocouples. Aerogel sheets of thickness t  5
which are pressed between plates maintained at a uni- mm are placed outside the aluminum plates, while
form temperature To  77°C by a circulating fluid. A a coolant with an inlet temperature of Tc,i  25C
conducting grease is placed between all the surfaces to maintains the exterior surfaces of the aerogel at a
ensure good thermal contact. Differential thermocouples low temperature. The circular aerogel sheets are
are imbedded in the samples with a spacing of 15 mm. formed so that they encase the heater and alu-
The lateral sides of the samples are insulated to ensure minum sheets, providing insulation to minimize ra-
one-dimensional heat transfer through the samples. dial heat losses. At steady state, T1  T2  55C
and the heater draws 125 mA at 10 V. Determine
Plate, To
the value of the aerogel thermal conductivity ka.
(c) Calculate the temperature difference across the
thickness of the 5-mm-thick aluminum plates.
Sample ∆T1
Comment on whether it is important to know the
axial locations at which the temperatures of the
Heater Insulation
leads aluminum plates are measured.
(d) If liquid water is used as the coolant with a total
Sample ∆T2
flow rate of ṁ  1 kg/min (0.5 kg/min for each of
the two streams), calculate the outlet temperature
of the water, Tc,o.
Plate, To
(a) With two samples of SS316 in the apparatus, the Tc,i
leads Coolant in
heater draws 0.353 A at 100 V and the differential
thermocouples indicate T1  T2  25.0C. What
is the thermal conductivity of the stainless steel sam-
ple material? What is the average temperature of the
samples? Compare your result with the thermal con-
ductivity value reported for this material in Table A.1. t Aerogel
(b) By mistake, an Armco iron sample is placed in the sample
lower position of the apparatus with one of the
SS316 samples from part (a) in the upper portion.
For this situation, the heater draws 0.601 A at 100 V Heater
and the differential thermocouples indicate T1 
T2  15.0C. What are the thermal conductivity
and average temperature of the Armco iron sample? Aluminum
(c) What is the advantage in constructing the apparatus
with two identical samples sandwiching the heater
rather than with a single heater–sample combina- T 2 T1
tion? When would heat leakage out of the lateral
surfaces of the samples become significant? Under 2.19 A method for determining the thermal conductivity k
what conditions would you expect T1  T2? and the specific heat cp of a material is illustrated in the
sketch. Initially the two identical samples of diameter
2.18 An engineer desires to measure the thermal conductiv-
D  60 mm and thickness L  10 mm and the thin
ity of an aerogel material. It is expected that the aerogel
heater are at a uniform temperature of Ti  23.00°C,
will have an extremely small thermal conductivity.
while surrounded by an insulating powder. Suddenly
(a) Explain why the apparatus of Problem 2.17 cannot the heater is energized to provide a uniform heat flux qo
be used to obtain an accurate measurement of the on each of the sample interfaces, and the heat flux is
aerogel’s thermal conductivity. maintained constant for a period of time, to. A short
(b) The engineer designs a new apparatus for which an time after sudden heating is initiated, the temperature at
electric heater of diameter D  150 mm is sand- this interface To is related to the heat flux as
wiched between two thin plates of aluminum. The

ct k
steady-state temperatures of the 5-mm-thick alu- To(t)  Ti  2q o
minum plates, T1 and T2, are measured with p
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86 Chapter 2  Introduction to Conduction

For a particular test run, the electrical heater dissipates (b) During Stage 2, the surface of the pan in contact
15.0 W for a period of to  120 s and the temperature with the water is at a fixed temperature, T(L, t) 
at the interface is To(30 s)  24.57°C after 30 s of heat- TL  Tb. Write the form of the heat equation and
ing. A long time after the heater is deenergized, t to, boundary conditions that determine the temperature
the samples reach the uniform temperature of To( )  distribution, T(x), in the pan bottom. Express your
33.50°C. The density of the sample materials, deter- result in terms of the parameters qo, D, L, and TL, as
mined by measurement of volume and mass, is   well as appropriate properties of the pan material.
3965 kg/m3.
2.22 Uniform internal heat generation at q̇  5 107 W/m3 is
occurring in a cylindrical nuclear reactor fuel rod of 50-mm
diameter, and under steady-state conditions the tempera-
Sample 1, D, L, ρ ture distribution is of the form T(r)  a  br 2, where T is
Heater leads
in degrees Celsius and r is in meters, while a  800°C and
b  4.167 105°C/m2. The fuel rod properties are k 
Sample 2, D, L, ρ 30 W/m  K,   1100 kg/m3, and cp  800 J/kg  K.
(a) What is the rate of heat transfer per unit length of
the rod at r  0 (the centerline) and at r  25 mm
(the surface)?
Determine the specific heat and thermal conductivity of
the test material. By looking at values of the thermo- (b) If the reactor power level is suddenly increased to
physical properties in Table A.1 or A.2, identify the test q̇2  108 W/m3, what is the initial time rate of tem-
sample material. perature change at r  0 and r  25 mm?
2.23 The steady-state temperature distribution in a one-
dimensional wall of thermal conductivity 50 W/m  K
The Heat Equation and thickness 50 mm is observed to be T(°C)  a  bx2,
where a  200°C, b  2000°C/m2, and x is in meters.
2.20 At a given instant of time the temperature distribution
within an infinite homogeneous body is given by the (a) What is the heat generation rate q̇ in the wall?
function (b) Determine the heat fluxes at the two wall faces. In
what manner are these heat fluxes related to the
T(x, y, z)  x 2  2y 2  z 2  xy  2yz
heat generation rate?
Assuming constant properties and no internal heat gen-
2.24 The temperature distribution across a wall 0.3 m thick at
eration, determine the regions where the temperature
a certain instant of time is T(x)  a  bx  cx 2, where T
changes with time.
is in degrees Celsius and x is in meters, a  200°C,
2.21 A pan is used to boil water by placing it on a stove, b  200°C/m, and c  30°C/m2. The wall has a ther-
from which heat is transferred at a fixed rate qo. There mal conductivity of 1 W/m  K.
are two stages to the process. In Stage 1, the water is (a) On a unit surface area basis, determine the rate of
taken from its initial (room) temperature Ti to the boil- heat transfer into and out of the wall and the rate of
ing point, as heat is transferred from the pan by natural change of energy stored by the wall.
convection. During this stage, a constant value of the
(b) If the cold surface is exposed to a fluid at 100°C,
convection coefficient h may be assumed, while the
what is the convection coefficient?
bulk temperature of the water increases with time,
T  T(t). In Stage 2, the water has come to a boil, 2.25 A plane wall of thickness 2L  40 mm and thermal
and its temperature remains at a fixed value, T  Tb, as conductivity k  5 W/m  K experiences uniform volu-
heating continues. Consider a pan bottom of thickness L metric heat generation at a rate q̇, while convection heat
and diameter D, with a coordinate system correspond- transfer occurs at both of its surfaces (x  L,  L),
ing to x  0 and x  L for the surfaces in contact with each of which is exposed to a fluid of temperature
the stove and water, respectively. T  20C. Under steady-state conditions, the tempera-
(a) Write the form of the heat equation and the boundary/ ture distribution in the wall is of the form T(x)  a 
initial conditions that determine the variation of bx  cx2, where a  82.0C, b  210C/m, c 
temperature with position and time, T(x,t), in the 2 104C/m2, and x is in meters. The origin of the
pan bottom during Stage 1. Express your result in x-coordinate is at the midplane of the wall.
terms of the parameters qo, D, L, h, and T, as well (a) Sketch the temperature distribution and identify
as appropriate properties of the pan material. significant physical features.
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(b) What is the volumetric rate of heat generation q̇ (d) Under conditions for which the internal energy gen-
in the wall? eration rate is doubled, and the convection coeffi-
(c) Determine the surface heat fluxes, q x (L) and cient remains unchanged (h  500 W/m2  K), deter-
q x (L). How are these fluxes related to the heat mine the new values of a, b, and c and plot the
generation rate? corresponding temperature distribution. Referring to
the results of parts (b), (c), and (d) as Cases 1, 2, and
(d) What are the convection coefficients for the sur-
3, respectively, compare the temperature distribu-
faces at x   L and x   L?
tions for the three cases and discuss the effects of h
(e) Obtain an expression for the heat flux distribution, and q̇ on the distributions.
q x (x). Is the heat flux zero at any location? Explain
2.27 A salt-gradient solar pond is a shallow body of water
any significant features of the distribution.
that consists of three distinct fluid layers and is used
(f) If the source of the heat generation is suddenly to collect solar energy. The upper- and lower-most
deactivated (q̇  0), what is the rate of change of layers are well mixed and serve to maintain the upper
energy stored in the wall at this instant? and lower surfaces of the central layer at uniform tem-
(g) What temperature will the wall eventually reach peratures T1 and T2, where T2  T1. Although there is
with q̇  0? How much energy must be removed by bulk fluid motion in the mixed layers, there is no such
the fluid per unit area of the wall (J/m2) to reach this motion in the central layer. Consider conditions for
state? The density and specific heat of the wall ma- which solar radiation absorption in the central layer
terial are 2600 kg/m3 and 800 J/kg  K, respectively. provides nonuniform heat generation of the form
q̇  Ae ax, and the temperature distribution in the cen-
2.26 One-dimensional, steady-state conduction with uniform
tral layer is
internal energy generation occurs in a plane wall with a
thickness of 50 mm and a constant thermal conductivity A  ax
T(x)   e  Bx  C
of 5 W/m  K. For these conditions, the temperature dis- ka2
tribution has the form, T(x)  a  bx  cx 2. The surface
The quantities A (W/m3), a (1/m), B (K/m), and C (K)
at x  0 has a temperature of T(0)  To  120C and
are known constants having the prescribed units, and k
experiences convection with a fluid for which T  20C
is the thermal conductivity, which is also constant.
and h  500 W/m2  K. The surface at x  L is well
insulated. Solar radiation

To = 120°C Mixed layer

T∞ = 20°C x
h = 500 W/m2•K Central (stagnant) layer q• (x), k

q , k = 5 W/m•K
Mixed layer

x L = 50 mm (a) Obtain expressions for the rate at which heat is
transferred per unit area from the lower mixed layer
(a) Applying an overall energy balance to the wall, cal- to the central layer and from the central layer to the
culate the internal energy generation rate, q̇. upper mixed layer.
(b) Determine the coefficients a, b, and c by applying (b) Determine whether conditions are steady or transient.
the boundary conditions to the prescribed tempera- (c) Obtain an expression for the rate at which thermal
ture distribution. Use the results to calculate and energy is generated in the entire central layer, per
plot the temperature distribution. unit surface area.
(c) Consider conditions for which the convection coef-
2.28 The steady-state temperature distribution in a semitrans-
ficient is halved, but the internal energy generation
parent material of thermal conductivity k and thickness
rate remains unchanged. Determine the new values
L exposed to laser irradiation is of the form
of a, b, and c, and use the results to plot the temper-
ature distribution. Hint: recognize that T(0) is no A  ax
T(x)   e  Bx  C
longer 120°C. ka2
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88 Chapter 2  Introduction to Conduction

where A, a, B, and C are known constants. For this situ- respectively, compute and plot the temperature at
ation, radiation absorption in the material is manifested x  L, T(L), as a function of h for 10  h  100
by a distributed heat generation term, q̇(x). W/m2  K. Briefly explain your results.

Laser irradiation
2.31 A plane layer of coal of thickness L  1 m experiences
uniform volumetric generation at a rate of q̇  20 W/m3
due to slow oxidation of the coal particles. Averaged
over a daily period, the top surface of the layer transfers
heat by convection to ambient air for which
h  5 W/m2  K and T  25C, while receiving solar ir-
L radiation in the amount GS  400 W/m2. Irradiation from
Semitransparent medium, T(x) the atmosphere may be neglected. The solar absorptivity
and emissivity of the surface are each S   0.95.
(a) Obtain expressions for the conduction heat fluxes
at the front and rear surfaces.
(b) Derive an expression for q̇(x).
(c) Derive an expression for the rate at which radiation Ambient air
T∞, h
is absorbed in the entire material, per unit surface
area. Express your result in terms of the known Ts
constants for the temperature distribution, the ther- L
mal conductivity of the material, and its thickness.
2.29 The steady-state temperature distribution in a one- k, q•
dimensional wall of thermal conductivity k and thickness
L is of the form T  ax 3  bx 2  cx  d. Derive expres-
sions for the heat generation rate per unit volume in the
wall and the heat fluxes at the two wall faces (x  0, L).
(a) Write the steady-state form of the heat diffusion
2.30 One-dimensional, steady-state conduction with no in- equation for the layer of coal. Verify that this equa-
ternal energy generation is occurring in a plane wall of tion is satisfied by a temperature distribution of the
constant thermal conductivity. form

120 T(x)  Ts 
q̇L2 x2
1 2
From this distribution, what can you say about con-
80 ditions at the bottom surface (x  0)? Sketch the
temperature distribution and label key features.

(b) Obtain an expression for the rate of heat transfer by
conduction per unit area at x  L. Applying an
20 energy balance to a control surface about the top
surface of the layer, obtain an expression for Ts.
Evaluate Ts and T(0) for the prescribed conditions.
x (c) Daily average values of GS and h depend on a num-
ber of factors such as time of year, cloud cover,
q• = 0, k = 4.5 W/m•K
and wind conditions. For h  5 W/m2  K, compute
T∞ = 20°C
h = 30 W/m2•K and plot Ts and T(0) as a function of GS for
0.18 m
50  GS  500 W/m2. For GS  400 W/m2, com-
pute and plot Ts and T(0) as a function of h for
5  h  50 W/m2  K.
(a) Is the prescribed temperature distribution possible? 2.32 The cylindrical system illustrated has negligible varia-
Briefly explain your reasoning. tion of temperature in the r and z directions. Assume
(b) With the temperature at x  0 and the fluid tem- that r  ro  ri is small compared to ri and denote the
perature fixed at T(0)  0°C and T  20C, length in the z direction, normal to the page, as L.
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 Problems 89

Insulation temperature distribution in the wall? If so, what special

conditions must exist?
2.39 Passage of an electric current through a long conducting
φ rod of radius ri and thermal conductivity kr results in
ri r .
o uniform volumetric heating at a rate of q. The conduct-
ing rod is wrapped in an electrically nonconducting
cladding material of outer radius ro and thermal conduc-
T2 T1
tivity kc, and convection cooling is provided by an
(a) Beginning with a properly defined control volume adjoining fluid.
and considering energy generation and storage ef-
fects, derive the differential equation that prescribes
the variation in temperature with the angular coor-
dinate . Compare your result with Equation 2.24. •
rod, q, kr
(b) For steady-state conditions with no internal heat gen-
eration and constant properties, determine the tem-
perature distribution T() in terms of the constants ri T∞, h
T1, T2, ri, and ro. Is this distribution linear in ?
(c) For the conditions of part (b) write the expression
for the heat rate q. Cladding, kc

2.33 Beginning with a differential control volume in the For steady-state conditions, write appropriate forms of
form of a cylindrical shell, derive the heat diffusion the heat equations for the rod and cladding. Express ap-
equation for a one-dimensional, cylindrical, radial coor- propriate boundary conditions for the solution of these
dinate system with internal heat generation. Compare equations.
your result with Equation 2.24.
2.40 Two-dimensional, steady-state conduction occurs in a
2.34 Beginning with a differential control volume in the hollow cylindrical solid of thermal conductivity k 
form of a spherical shell, derive the heat diffusion equa- 16 W/m  K, outer radius ro  1 m, and overall length
tion for a one-dimensional, spherical, radial coordinate 2z o  5 m, where the origin of the coordinate system is
system with internal heat generation. Compare your located at the midpoint of the centerline. The inner sur-
result with Equation 2.27. face of the cylinder is insulated, and the temperature dis-
2.35 Derive the heat diffusion equation, Equation 2.24, for tribution within the cylinder has the form T (r, z) 
cylindrical coordinates beginning with the differential a  br 2  c ln r  dz 2, where a  20C, b  150C/m2,
control volume shown in Figure 2.12. c  12C, d  300°C/m2 and r and z are in meters.
2.36 Derive the heat diffusion equation, Equation 2.27, for (a) Determine the inner radius ri of the cylinder.
spherical coordinates beginning with the differential (b) Obtain an expression for the volumetric rate of heat
control volume shown in Figure 2.13. generation, q̇(W/m3).
2.37 A steam pipe is wrapped with insulation of inner and (c) Determine the axial distribution of the heat flux at
outer radii, ri and ro, respectively. At a particular instant the outer surface, q r (ro, z). What is the heat rate at
the temperature distribution in the insulation is known the outer surface? Is it into or out of the cylinder?
to be of the form
(d) Determine the radial distribution of the heat flux at
the end faces of the cylinder, q z (r,  z o) and
T(r)  C1 ln r  C2
o q z (r,  z o). What are the corresponding heat rates?
Are conditions steady-state or transient? How do the Are they into or out of the cylinder?
heat flux and heat rate vary with radius? (e) Verify that your results are consistent with an over-
all energy balance on the cylinder.
2.38 For a long circular tube of inner and outer radii r1 and
r2, respectively, uniform temperatures T1 and T2 are 2.41 An electric cable of radius r1 and thermal conductivity kc
maintained at the inner and outer surfaces, while ther- is enclosed by an insulating sleeve whose outer surface
mal energy generation is occurring within the tube wall is of radius r2 and experiences convection heat transfer
(r1  r  r2). Consider steady-state conditions for and radiation exchange with the adjoining air and large
which T1 T2. Is it possible to maintain a linear radial surroundings, respectively. When electric current passes
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90 Chapter 2  Introduction to Conduction

through the cable, thermal energy is generated within 2.42 A spherical shell of inner and outer radii ri and ro, re-
the cable at a volumetric rate q̇. spectively, contains heat-dissipating components, and at
a particular instant the temperature distribution in the
Tsur shell is known to be of the form
Electrical cable
Insulation T(r)  r  C2
Ts, 1
Ambient air r1 Are conditions steady-state or transient? How do the
T∞, h heat flux and heat rate vary with radius?
2.43 A chemically reacting mixture is stored in a thin-walled
Ts, 2 spherical container of radius r1  200 mm, and the exother-
mic reaction generates heat at a uniform, but temperature-
dependent volumetric rate of q̇  q̇o exp(A/To), where
(a) Write the steady-state forms of the heat diffusion q̇o  5000 W/m3, A  75 K, and To is the mixture temper-
equation for the insulation and the cable. Verify ature in kelvins. The vessel is enclosed by an insulating
that these equations are satisfied by the following material of outer radius r2, thermal conductivity k, and
temperature distributions: emissivity . The outer surface of the insulation experi-
ences convection heat transfer and net radiation exchange
Insulation: T(r)  Ts,2  (Ts,1  Ts,2) with the adjoining air and large surroundings, respectively.

Cable: T(r)  Ts,1 

4k c
q̇r 21 r2
1 2
r1  Tsur

Sketch the temperature distribution, T(r), in the Chemical

cable and the sleeve, labeling key features. reaction, q (To)
Ambient air
(b) Applying Fourier’s law, show that the rate of con- T∞, h
duction heat transfer per unit length through the Insulation,
sleeve may be expressed as k, ε

2k s(Ts,1  Ts,2)

q r 
ln (r2/r1)

Applying an energy balance to a control surface r1

placed around the cable, obtain an alternative ex-
pression for q r , expressing your result in terms of q̇
and r1. (a) Write the steady-state form of the heat diffusion
(c) Applying an energy balance to a control surface equation for the insulation. Verify that this equa-
placed around the outer surface of the sleeve, obtain tion is satisfied by the temperature distribution
an expression from which Ts,2 may be determined as 1  (r1/r)
a function of q̇, r1, h, T , , and Tsur. T(r)  Ts,1  (Ts,1  Ts,2)
1  (r1/r2)
(d) Consider conditions for which 250 A are passing
through a cable having an electric resistance per Sketch the temperature distribution, T(r), labeling
unit length of R e  0.005 /m, a radius of r1  15 key features.
mm, and a thermal conductivity of kc  200 W/m  K. (b) Applying Fourier’s law, show that the rate of heat
For k s  0.15 W/m  K, r2  15.5 mm, h  25 transfer by conduction through the insulation may
W/m2  K,   0.9, T  25°C, and Tsur  35°C, be expressed as
evaluate the surface temperatures, Ts,1 and Ts,2, as
4k(Ts,1  Ts,2)
well as the temperature To at the centerline of the qr 
cable. (1/r1)  (1/r2)
(e) With all other conditions remaining the same, com- Applying an energy balance to a control surface
pute and plot To, Ts,1, and Ts,2 as a function of r2 for about the container, obtain an alternative expression
15.5  r2  20 mm. for qr , expressing your result in terms of q̇ and r1.
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 Problems 91

(c) Applying an energy balance to a control surface 2.45 A large plate of thickness 2L is at a uniform tempera-
placed around the outer surface of the insulation, ture of Ti  200C, when it is suddenly quenched by
obtain an expression from which Ts,2 may be deter- dipping it in a liquid bath of temperature T  20C.
mined as a function of q̇, r1, h, T , , and Tsur. Heat transfer to the liquid is characterized by the con-
(d) The process engineer wishes to maintain a reactor vection coefficient h.
temperature of To  T(r1)  95°C under conditions (a) If x  0 corresponds to the midplane of the wall, on
for which k  0.05 W/m  K, r2  208 mm, T  x coordinates, sketch the temperature distribu-
h  5 W/m2  K,  0.9, T  25°C, and Tsur  tions for the following conditions: initial condition
35°C. What is the actual reactor temperature and (t  0), steady-state condition (t l ), and two in-
the outer surface temperature of the insulation, Ts,2? termediate times.
(e) Compute and plot the variation of Ts,2 with r2 for (b) On q x  t coordinates, sketch the variation with
201  r2  210 mm. The engineer is concerned time of the heat flux at x  L.
about potential burn injuries to personnel who may (c) If h  100 W/m2  K, what is the heat flux at x  L
come into contact with the exposed surface of the and t  0? If the wall has a thermal conductivity of
insulation. Is increasing the insulation thickness a k  50 W/m  K, what is the corresponding temper-
practical solution to maintaining Ts,2  45C? What ature gradient at x  L?
other parameter could be varied to reduce Ts,2?
(d) Consider a plate of thickness 2L  20 mm with a
density of   2770 kg/m3 and a specific heat
Graphical Representations cp  875 J/kg  K. By performing an energy bal-
ance on the plate, determine the amount of en-
2.44 The one-dimensional system of mass M with constant
ergy per unit surface area of the plate (J/m2) that
properties and no internal heat generation shown in the
is transferred to the bath over the time required to
figure is initially at a uniform temperature Ti. The elec-
reach steady-state conditions.
trical heater is suddenly energized providing a uniform
heat flux q o at the surface x  0. The boundaries at x  L (e) From other considerations, it is known that, during
and elsewhere are perfectly insulated. the quenching process, the heat flux at x  L and
x  L decays exponentially with time according
to the relation, q   A exp(Bt), where t is in
L seconds, A  1.80 104 W/m2, and B  4.126
x System, mass M 103 s1. Use this information to determine the en-
ergy per unit surface area of the plate that is trans-
Electrical ferred to the fluid during the quenching process.
2.46 The plane wall with constant properties and no internal
(a) Write the differential equation and identify the heat generation shown in the figure is initially at a uni-
boundary and initial conditions that could be used form temperature Ti. Suddenly the surface at x  L is
to determine the temperature as a function of posi- heated by a fluid at T having a convection heat transfer
tion and time in the system. coefficient h. The boundary at x  0 is perfectly insulated.
(b) On T – x coordinates, sketch the temperature distrib-
utions for the initial condition (t  0) and for several
times after the heater is energized. Will a steady-
state temperature distribution ever be reached?
T∞, h
(c) On q x t coordinates, sketch the heat flux q x (x,t) at
the planes x  0, x  L/2, and x  L as a function Insulation
of time.
(d) After a period of time te has elapsed, the heater
power is switched off. Assuming that the insulation L
is perfect, the system will eventually reach a final
uniform temperature Tƒ. Derive an expression that (a) Write the differential equation and identify the
can be used to determine Tƒ as a function of the pa- boundary and initial conditions that could be used
rameters q o, te, Ti, and the system characteristics M, to determine the temperature as a function of posi-
cp, and As (the heater surface area). tion and time in the wall.
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92 Chapter 2  Introduction to Conduction

(b) On T  x coordinates, sketch the temperature dis-

tributions for the following conditions: initial con-
dition (t  0), steady-state condition (t l ), and k, q• (t ≥ 0)
two intermediate times. To

(c) On q x  t coordinates, sketch the heat flux at the T∞, h

locations x  0 and x  L. That is, show qualita-
tively how q x (0, t) and q x (L, t) vary with time.
(d) Write an expression for the total energy transferred L
to the wall per unit volume of the wall (J/m3). x

2.47 A plane wall has constant properties, no internal heat (a) On T  x coordinates, sketch the temperature distri-
generation, and is initially at a uniform temperature Ti. butions for the following conditions: initial condi-
Suddenly, the surface at x  L is heated by a fluid at T tion (t  0), steady-state condition (t l ), and for
having a convection coefficient h. At the same instant, two intermediate times. Show also the distribution
the electrical heater is energized, providing a constant for the special condition when there is no heat flow
heat flux q o at x  0. at the x  L boundary.
(b) On qx  t coordinates, sketch the heat flux for the
locations x  0 and x  L, that is, qx(0, t) and
T∞, h qx(L, t), respectively.

2.49 Consider the conditions associated with Problem 2.48,

but now with a convection process for which T  To.
(a) On T  x coordinates, sketch the temperature distribu-
Insulation tions for the following conditions: initial condition
(t  0), steady-state condition (t l ), and for two in-
termediate times. Identify key features of the distribu-
L tions, especially the location of the maximum tempera-
x ture and the temperature gradient at x  L.
(b) On q  t coordinates, sketch the heat flux for the
(a) On T  x coordinates, sketch the temperature distri- locations x  0 and x  L, that is, q x (0, t) and
butions for the following conditions: initial condi- q x (L, t), respectively. Identify key features of the
tion (t  0), steady-state condition (t l ), and for flux histories.
two intermediate times.
2.50 A spherical particle of radius r1 experiences uniform
(b) On q x  x coordinates, sketch the heat flux corre- thermal generation at a rate of q̇. The particle is encapsu-
sponding to the four temperature distributions of lated by a spherical shell of outside radius r2 that is cooled
part (a). by ambient air. The thermal conductivities of the particle
(c) On q x  t coordinates, sketch the heat flux at the and shell are k1 and k2, respectively, where k1  2k2.
locations x  0 and x  L. That is, show qualita-
tively how qx(0, t) and qx(L, t) vary with time. Chemical reaction

(d) Derive an expression for the steady-state tempera- q
ture at the heater surface, T(0, ), in terms of qo,
T , k, h, and L.

2.48 A plane wall with constant properties is initially at a uni-

form temperature To. Suddenly, the surface at x  L is
exposed to a convection process with a fluid at T ( To) r1
having a convection coefficient h. Also, suddenly the Ambient air
. T∞, h
wall experiences a uniform internal volumetric heating q
that is sufficiently large to induce a maximum steady- r2
state temperature within the wall, which exceeds that of Control volume B
the fluid. The boundary at x  0 remains at To. Control volume A
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 Problems 93

(a) By applying the conservation of energy principle to (a) Verify that the following equation satisfies the heat
spherical control volume A, which is placed at an equation and boundary conditions:
arbitrary location within the sphere, determine a re-
lationship between the temperature gradient, dT/dr,
and the local radius, r, for 0  r  r1.
T(x,t)  Ts
Ti  Ts
 C1 exp 2 t
4 L2
(b) By applying the conservation of energy principle to where C1 is a constant and  is the thermal diffusivity.
spherical control volume B, which is placed at an
(b) Obtain expressions for the heat flux at x  0 and
arbitrary location within the spherical shell, deter-
x  L.
mine a relationship between the temperature gradi-
ent, dT/dr, and the local radius, r, for r1  r  r2. (c) Sketch the temperature distribution T(x) at t  0, at
(c) On T  r coordinates, sketch the temperature dis- t l , and at an intermediate time. Sketch the
tribution over the range 0  r  r2. variation with time of the heat flux at x  L, q L(t).
(d) What effect does  have on the thermal response of
2.51 A plane wall of thickness L  0.1 m experiences uni-
the material to a change in surface temperature?
form volumetric heating at a rate q̇. One surface of the
wall (x  0) is insulated, while the other surface is 2.53 A thin electrical heater dissipating 4000 W/m2 is sand-
exposed to a fluid at T  20C, with convection heat wiched between two 25-mm-thick plates whose ex-
transfer characterized by h  1000 W/m2  K. Initially, posed surfaces experience convection with a fluid for
the temperature distribution in the wall is T(x,0)  which T  20C and h  400 W/m2  K. The thermo-
a  bx 2, where a  300C, b  1.0 104C/m2 and x physical properties of the plate material are   2500
is in meters. Suddenly, the volumetric heat generation kg/m3, c  700 J/kg  K, and k  5 W/m  K.
is deactivated (q̇  0 for t  0), while convection heat Electric heater, q"o
transfer continues to occur at x  L. The properties of
the wall are   7000 kg/m3, cp  450 J/kg  K, and
k  90 W/m  K.

k, ρ , cp, q (t < ρ , c, k
– 0)

Fluid Fluid
T∞, h T∞, h T∞, h

x L
–L 0 +L
(a) Determine the magnitude of the volumetric energy
generation rate q̇ associated with the initial condi- (a) On T  x coordinates, sketch the steady-state tem-
tion (t  0). perature distribution for L  x  L. Calculate
values of the temperatures at the surfaces, x   L,
(b) On T  x coordinates, sketch the temperature distri- and the midpoint, x  0. Label this distribution as
bution for the following conditions: initial condition Case 1, and explain its salient features.
(t  0), steady-state condition (t l ), and two in-
termediate conditions. (b) Consider conditions for which there is a loss
of coolant and existence of a nearly adiabatic con-
(c) On qx  t coordinates, sketch the variation with dition on the x  L surface. On the T  x coordi-
time of the heat flux at the boundary exposed nates used for part (a), sketch the corresponding
to the convection process, qx (L, t). Calculate steady-state temperature distribution and indicate
the corresponding value of the heat flux at the temperatures at x  0, L. Label the distribu-
t  0, qx (L, 0). tion as Case 2, and explain its key features.
(d) Calculate the amount of energy removed from the (c) With the system operating as described in part (b), the
wall per unit area (J/m2) by the fluid stream as the surface x  L also experiences a sudden loss of
wall cools from its initial to steady-state condition. coolant. This dangerous situation goes undetected for
2.52 A plane wall that is insulated on one side (x  0) is ini- 15 minutes, at which time the power to the heater is
tially at a uniform temperature Ti, when its exposed sur- deactivated. Assuming no heat losses from the sur-
face at x  L is suddenly raised to a temperature Ts. faces of the plates, what is the eventual (t l ), uni-
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94 Chapter 2  Introduction to Conduction

form, steady-state temperature distribution in the (a) For a wire radius ro, an air temperature T , and a
plates? Show this distribution as Case 3 on your convection coefficient h, write the form of the heat
sketch, and explain its key features. Hint: Apply the equation and the boundary/initial conditions that
conservation of energy requirement on a time-interval govern the transient thermal response, T(r, t), of
basis, Eq. 1.1lb, for the initial and final conditions the wire.
corresponding to Case 2 and Case 3, respectively. (b) If the length and radius of the wire are 500 mm and
(d) On T  t coordinates, sketch the temperature his- 1 mm, respectively, what is the volumetric rate of
tory at the plate locations x  0, L during the thermal energy generation for a power consump-
transient period between the distributions for Cases tion of Pelec  500 W? What is the convection heat
2 and 3. Where and when will the temperature in flux under steady-state conditions?
the system achieve a maximum value? (c) On T  r coordinates, sketch the temperature distri-
2.54 Typically, air is heated in a hair dryer by blowing it butions for the following conditions: initial condi-
across a coiled wire through which an electric current is tion (t  0), steady-state condition (t l ), and for
passed. Thermal energy is generated by electric resis- two intermediate times.
tance heating within the wire and is transferred by con- (d) On q r  t coordinates, sketch the variation of the
vection from the surface of the wire to the air. Consider heat flux with time for locations at r  0 and r  ro.
conditions for which the wire is initially at room tem-
perature, Ti, and resistance heating is concurrently initi-
ated with air flow at t  0.
• Coiled wire (ro, L, k, ρ , cp)

Air flow
T∞, h Pelec

ro r

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