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Medina Foundation College

Sapang Dalaga, Misamis Occidental


1stSemester of A.Y. 2020-2021
Instructor: Mr. Aljun Colagbang Ebanay

Name:_________________________________ Course/Year:______________________ Serial #:_____________




A man’s character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in

Sociolinguist argue that gender is social variable that could account for language and
communication differences. Women speeches for instance according to results of some researches
suggest that they are generally characterized as indirect, apologetic, sensitive, relationship- oriented
and usually into rapport- talk and advise seeking. For example, some studies suggest that women
more that men have the tendency to use the expressions, “ Please; Correct me if I’m wrong” and
similar forms of hedges ( languages devices that lessen the appearance of bragging and assertion) .
Men’s speech on the other hand are often described to be assertive, dominant, power and status-
oriented, information- oriented and are inclined to report talk.
There are cases however that regardless of gender. one’s talk is characterized as feminine ( softer
and less assertive) or masculine depending one’s personality.
The differences need not be interpreted as to which gender demonstrates a better and more
positive communication patterns or which gender seems to be more inferior. Being aware of the
male and female communication variances could lead to better and deeper understanding of
someone in communication situations.

What are the challenges that gender differences in communication bring?

General Culture Communication Differences

Every generation or age group may also use its own unique set of jargons or lingos in their
casual conservations. Their era’s trends, popular events, movies, television, shows, radio,
programs, songs, and literature among many other machineries could introduce these lingos. Also,
technology has made some changes on words and introduced ones that are easier to type ( forming
acronyms) and innovative. The digital natives or the “millenials “ are the ones who are creatively
using them.

The are a few examples of popular or viral English terms are expressions among the millennials
from John Brandon (,com).

Can’t understand what a millennial is saying to you?
Here’s a cheat sheet to help.

Sometimes, it almost seems like people are speaking in Klingon.

With the advent of social media and texting came an entirely new way to communicate. It’s a mix of
shorthand, conjoined words, abbreviations, and phrases that came about because of a meme or
even a mistakes on social media that people found funny-and useful for communicating in a digital
age. Here are few I’ve heard or discovered on social media myself, ( With a special shout-out to my
Twitter pals for the help.)

(1) Phubbing
I’m reading an early review copy of a book by Sherry Turkle and this word comes up a
few times. It means someone is talking to you while he or she is texting or on a computer.
It’s a negative term only because it’s impossible for most of us to talk and type at the same
(2) Hundo P
This phrase is fairly obvious when you think about it. It means “a hundred percent” or that
the person using the phrase is supportive and approves.
(3) JOMO (Joy of missing out)
Millennials lilke to take an overused acronym like FOMO (fear of missing out) and twist it
to their will. The “joy of missing out” means missing something that was lame in the first place.
(4) Sorry not sorry)
Fake apologies are part of the ethos when are millennial .You are a little sorry, but you
also want to make fun of the idea of being sincerely apologetic when it is not deserved.
(5) I can’t even
When you hear this phrase at work, watch out. It means the speaker is losing patience,
is at loss for words, and is pretty annoyed about something.
(6) The struggle is real
When Millennials use this phrase at work , it means they are annoyed They might use the
phrase to let you know there problem real hardship.
(7) On Fleek
Used originally in an Instagram post about eyebrow (yes, the origin stories for these terms
tend to be as weird as the terms themselves), being on fleek means to be on point. In a
business context, it means something was well executed and is worthy of acknowledgement.

(8) Dipset
I was confused when I hears this one on social media . It means to bail on something- to
leave because something is lame. You might “dipset” from a meeting if the topic is boring. If
you use this one , let me know if people understand you.

(9) Bae
This word has fallen out of flavor, according to a lengthy essay in The Atlantic that
probably was not necessary, but you”ll still hear people use it work. It means your significant
10 V
Another “word” that is single letter , v is common because it adds some emphasis to texting and
social media conversations. It means “very” as in “I’m v excited” about this project. It also means
you don’t have to type three extra letters.

11. Perf
Another shortened word, perf means “ perfect” and denotes agreement to acause or plan. Like
many of the slang words on this list, it came about because you don’t have to type as may letters.
Just don’t confuse it with the shortened version of performance.
12. JK
JK- just kidding – is not a new abbreviation, but it has stood the test of time. Its used when
someone has made a joke and wants to make you pick up the humor.
13. It me
This shortened version of “it’s me” is often used as a term of agreement and self identification.
It means that a person identifies with the topic, but they don’t want to explain at length. It’s just a
quick way to say you can relate to something.
14. P
Is one letter by itself a word? That’s something Oxford will have to decide if it hasn’t already,
but to millennials, p is already part of their canon. It’s a replacement for pretty (as in “I’m p excited)
and might show up in your next email conversation.
15. TBH
This one is pretty easy to guess (or should I say” it is easy to guess”?) It means “ to be
honest” and is usually followed by either a joke or a more sincere comment.

Other than generation, a person’s s, social class, occupation, education, religion can also
be factors that shape one’ s speech code ( language, lexicon, expressions jargons, etc.). In the
Philippines for instance, it is an observation that if someone is able to use the English language
properly and accurately, the person is regarded as educated or someone in the properly and
accurately, the person is regarded as educated or someone in the the upper class of the social

Reactions to Cultural Communication Encounters

People could react differently when they encounter another culture. Literature say that they could
react throught : assimilation, accommodation, and separation

According to Oetzel (2007:229-230), assimilation is the effort to eliminate the cultural differences
towards home and host cultures. Accommodation attempt to retain some cultural uniqueness and to
transform the existing dominant structures so that there is less hierarchy while separation rejects
the dominant society and organizations, individuals attempt to join similar co-cultural group
members to form organizations that are reflective of their own values and norms.

Also, some people have the tendency to think and feel that their culture is superior than the others
so they use their own culture as the standard in judging other people culture. This is called
ethnocentrism. Cultural relatives other hand sees other cultures equal to their own.

Preparing to Communicate across Cultures: An assessment

(adopted from the Purposive Communication Trainer’s Training)

1. I enjoy communicating with persons unlike me as much as with person like me.
2. I am equally sensitive to the concerns of all groups in our multicultural society.
3. I can tell when persons from other cultures do not understand me or confused by my actions.
4. I do not fear interacting with persons from minority groups any more than I fear interacting
with persons from the dominant culture.
5. Persons from other cultures have a right to be angry at member culture.
6. Persons from other cultures who don’t actively participate in a conversation dialogue,or
debate with others may act that way because of their culture’s rules.
7. How I handle disagreements with persons from other cultures depends on the situation and
the culture (s) they are form.
8. My culture is not superior to other cultures.
9. I am knowledgeable of how to behave with persons of different cultures.
10. I respect the communication rules of cultures other than my own.

NAME:______________________________ Course/Year:_______________________ serial #:________


Instructions: Give 15 examples of Millennial words or terms used in a conversation (15 points).


 Write about “Technology in the 21st Century”. Give its impact on how technology contributes
especially in the 21st century learners. (20 points)



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