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75 verbos 11.

appear aparecer

1 To accept aceptar

8. to aim apuntar
12. apply aplicar
2 To achieve lograr

c 13. discuss discutir

3 To act actuar
9. allow permitir

4. add sumar 14 To fix arreglar

10. answer responder

5 To admit admitir
15. repair reparar

6. affect afectar
16. to arrive llegar

7 To be estar
17. to ask preguntar 23. to turn volverse 29. to burn quemar

18. to attack atacar

30. to buy comprar

24 To start empezar

19. to avoid evitar

31. to call llamar
25. to believe creer

32. power poder

20. to base oneself basarse 26. to belong pertenecer

33. import importar

21 To win vencer 27. to break romper

34. load cargar

22 To catch Atrapar

28. build construir

35. carry llevar
40. check cobrar

36. catch atrapar

41. control controlar

37. cause causar

42. to elect elegir

43. complain reclamar

38. change cambiar

39. to charge cobrar

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