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Logical Habits

Someone with logical intelligence would
I scored a 49 (strong) in my personal habits.
logically examine a problem and present
Some examples of how I demonstrate this well
solutions. They also use reasoning and logical are, asking questions in class when I do not
order to absorb information. It is someone that understand something, drinking 2 liters of water
can easily relate to numbers and facts therefore every day, exercising, and eating healthy foods.
FAMIL they generally find math and science easier. I 2 ways which I can improve are getting enough
Y believe this is true about myself because when sleep and reading more often
code I usually get stuck writing a program, so I
must analyze my code and come up with a
solution to make it work. I also love math and
science questions
I scored a 34 (strong) in my work habits. I
demonstrate my work habits by always being on
time with the required equipment and finishing
BASKETBALL my work before its due. I can improve by filing my
Gold papers in a more organized way and by using my
Some characteristics of GOLD are responsible, phone only when I am done my assignments.
dependable, loyal, planner, organized, punctual,
and caring. Some strengths and needs for a gold
personality are they notice and remember facts,
set deadlines, and want them to be met, respect
CODER authority, and need order and sequence. I believe
I am somewhat of a gold because I remember I scored a 36 (medium) in my study skills and
facts, I absolutely love to meet goals, and I have study habits. 2 ways I demonstrate this well is
many things in common with gold. However, I by studying in a well-organized space and
feel as if I like to take risks and bend the rules studying effectively for my tests. I can improve
once a while. I would consider my personality as by using a calendar to organize how I will
a combination of responsible gold and curious complete my projects and by taking effective
green. Like a curious green, I love to examine
notes that will help me when I get ready for a
things carefully, I value knowledge, I think a lot, test.
and possess problem solving skills.
Occupatio Learning My S.M.A.R.T Goal
Computer software engineering. One skill in this Responsibility: I always bring the mandatory
profession is thinking. You cannot just start off
equipment for each class. I always let my teachers
writing code because you will surely mess up. I S - I want to be reduce my weight by 10 kg and
know if I would not be attending class and I take it
know this because I code myself and I usually mess
upon myself to complete the misses work.
up. Also, follow through with the work. Most code . achieve a v-cut
can be frustrating, and it takes some engineers 3 Collaboration: I could improve by being more
years just to come up with one program and I acceptive of other peoples ideas. However, I love M – I can measure my progress on a chart, by
usually get frustrated and want to quit but I keep
working with my friends because my work become . using a counter and a timer
going. Finally having hand-on skills can be useful
since it can help with understanding circuits and I
demonstrate this by building stuff around the house. Self-Regulation: I am punctual; for my classes and I A – when I work-out, I feel I feel proud of
raise my hand to ask questions. However, I could be . . myself and get motivated to keep
Real estate agent. To become one, you must be more productive by only using my phone after I am going. . Also, whenever I feel angry or
thoughtful to know which areas to invest in and I done the work.
feeling lazy, I . work-out because it lets
demonstrate this by helping my brother with Forex. my anger go and . gets my body going
You also need to be persuading to convince Organization: I should keep
customers to buy the house and I always persuade my work organized by using R – before Covid-19 I was on
my brother to do deals with me. Business is also a a binder instead of placing
the . sports team but since
part of this occupation because you need to know the papers in my bag. I
then I . have been gaining
the cost of furniture and house decoration in the always hand in my
market. Also, need to know margins and profits. I schoolwork on time. weight. I . am afraid if I do
show this because I love to work with numbers. not keep my . body in shape,
then I be able . to make the
Dentist. Dentists need to be accurate because the Independently: I always complete my work to the best ultimate frisbee . team.
customer Is paying a lot of money and I show this of my ability in class because I know that the work
by being precise in the work I do through-out the would help me in the future. However, I should not
T – this goal might take a long
house. To become a dentist, you need to be distract other when I do complete my work because . time (3-4 months) because
determined because the study is very hard. I . I do not have any equipment, I could use
they might want some silence to focus.
demonstrate this by not giving up when I try
. workout. Also, too much workout can be
making simple programs. Problem solving is Initiative: I always ask question if I do not understand
another key to becoming a dentist. Everyone has . harmful for me.
something completely, but I could improve by starting
different problems with their teeth and a dentist my work right away. I could keep my phone in my bag,
should be able to solve them just like how I solve so I am not hesitant to keep using it.
difficult math questions.

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