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7/15/22, 12:02 AM Object Oriented Programming CheatSheet - by Love Babbar

Resources: 2

Overview 8

What is a Class ? 34

What is an Object ? Class vs Object

Real world analogy of Class and Object ?

Static keyword Why it is used ?

Virtual Keyword Why it is used ?

Abstract Keyword Why it is used ?

Final Keyword Why it is used ?

Important Keywords: Explicit keyword Why it is used ?

this keyword Why it is used ?

new keyword Why it is used ?

const keyword Why it is used ?

super keywork Why it is used ?

Pillar of OOPS
Polymorphism 17

Inheritance 32

Features of OOPS:
Encapsulation 6

Abstraction: 13

Dynamic Binding

Message Passing

Design a hash map

Design an LRU cache

Design a call center

Object-oriented design interview questions
Object Oriented Programming Design a deck of cards
what you can expect from this ?
CheatSheet - by Love Babbar Design a parking lot

Design an online chat

C vs C++ vs Java

Difference between procedural programming and OOPs?

Why Java is not a Purely Object Oriented Language ?

Is an array a primitive type or an object in Java?

What is early and late Binding?

What is the default access modifier in a class?

How many instances can be created for an abstract class?

Define Garbage collection?, how does it work

Define manipulators?

What do you mean by finally block?

What is a final variable?

What is meant by an exception?

Is an error basically the same as an exception?

Exception handling ? Try-Catch Block

What is the method ‘finalize’ used for?

What is a token? Examples ?

What are the three arguments of a ternary operator?

Describe the concept of Enum?

Basic understanding of Design Patterns Singleton pattern Example ?

Is it possible for a class to inherit the constructor of its

base class?

When should I use a struct instead of a class?

Cohesion vs Coupling 1/1

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