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Water is a crucial resource for human survival and development. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), access to safe water is a basic human right, and it is essential for the
prevention of water-borne diseases and the promotion of health (WHO, 2019). However, in
many parts of the world, access to safe water remains a challenge. Water is considered as one of
the principle needs of all living organisms. Human needs water in all his life activities. These
include daily life practices (domestic needs), industrial and agricultural activities. In many
countries water demands are continuously increasing due to population growth, urbanization and
improved living standards (Lee el at. 2012). On the other hand, limited water resources and
climate uncertainties magnify the water scarcity problem. Africa may be facing water crisis in
the next decade if urgent and deliberate steps are not taken to address the current water problems
already manifesting. Increase in population over the years in developing countries has made most
existing water supply schemes insufficient in meeting the demand. Rapid development has also
brought about increase in the uses of water as houses are now with gardens, increased number of
cars and water using home appliances. This rapid growth in water demand has to be
accompanied by regular review and adjustment in planning, designing and management of water
supply systems for the supply to be effective. Reports by intentional bodies like the United
Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO) and other non-governmental organizations
have indicated that water supply in not always commensurate with demand worldwide. It is
estimated that a fifth of the world’s population live in areas of physical water scarcity, where
there is not enough water to meet all demands. One-third of the world’s population does not have
access to clean drinking water. Further one-fourth of the world’s people live in areas of
economic water scarcity, where poor management makes it impossible for authorities to satisfy
the demand for water (Molden, 2007).

In Ghana, only 77% of the population has access to basic water services, and 13% still relies on
surface water sources (WHO, 2017). the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) was created
to be solely in charge of urban water supply to meet the growing demand. The Kpeve water
supply systemin the volta region of Ghana is one of such urban systems identified by the Ghana
Water Company Limited (GWCL) for the proposed investment intervention.

The Kpeve water supply systems primary objectives are to provide and maintain acceptable
levels of service to consumers on a regular basis and in respect to quality and quantity of potable
water supplied to South Dayi District and the Ho Municipality. Kpeve water supply system
supplies 11,400m3/day to communities in South Dayi District which are Kpeve, Peki and Have,
and also Ho Municipality

The population of South Dayi District, according to the 2021 Population and Housing Census, is
57,526 consisting of 28,721 males and 28,805 females. The District is predominantly rural as
68.3 percent of its population resides there compared to urban areas inhabited by 31.7 percent.
Majority of the employed population engaged as skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery
workers and a few are into service and sales, craft and related trade, managers, professionals, and

The Ho Municipality shares boundaries with Adaklu and Agotime-Ziope Districts to the South,
Ho West District to the North and West and the Republic of Togo to the East. Its total land area
is 2,361 square kilometers thus representing 11.5 percent of the region’s total land area.

The total estimated population of the Municipality stood at 180,420 with 84,843 males and
95,577 females (Ghana Statistical Service, 2021). Ho Municipal, the largest urban center in
Volta Region is noted for its agricultural production, both arable and plantation crops are
cultivated in the Municipality besides Livestock and Poultry keeping.

The communities rely on surface water sources such as rivers, streams, and lakes for its water
supply and also treated water from the Ghana Water Company Limited. However, the current
water supply system is inadequate to meet the current and future demand for water, particularly
in the industrial and commercial sectors due to the increase in population and development.

The importance of water resource management and conservation in the industrial and
commercial sectors has been widely recognized by international organizations and governments
around the world. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has identified access to
safe and clean water as a critical component of sustainable development (UNDP, 2018).
Additionally, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has highlighted the
importance of water management in ensuring environmental sustainability (UNEP, 2019).

It is against this background that the researchers want to assess the industrial and commercial
water demand for sustainable water supply using Kpeve Water Works as a case study in order to
evaluate and have an in-depth knowledge of the current and future water demand and to develop
effective strategies for sustainable water management, allocation, and utilization


The study is designed to find answers and questions about water demand in the industrial and
commercial sectors in the South Dayi District and Ho Municipality. That is, to assess the water
demand as a result of;

 lack of adequate infrastructure and management practices which may lead to water
wastage and inefficient use of water resources.
 The lack of accurate and up-to-date information on the industrial and commercial water
demand in the Municipality makes it difficult for policymakers and stakeholders to plan
and manage water resources effectively.
 Inadequate monitoring and enforcement of regulations and standards may lead to
unsustainable water use practices and environmental degradation.

Assessing the industrial and commercial water demand in South Dayi District and Ho
Municipality is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, water is a limited and essential resource, and
the demand for water is expected to increase in the coming years due to population growth and
economic development. As a result, there is a need to ensure that water resources are managed
and conserved sustainably to meet the current and future demand for water.

Secondly, the industrial and commercial sectors are critical drivers of economic growth and
development in South Dayi District and Ho Municipality. These sectors require large quantities
of water to carry out their operations, and the availability and quality of water are essential for
their viability and success. Therefore, the assessment of the industrial and commercial water
demand will provide valuable information to policymakers and stakeholders on the water
requirements of these sectors, as well as any potential issues or challenges that may arise in
meeting their water demand.

Thirdly, inadequate water supply and management can have severe consequences for public
health, the environment, and the economy. The lack of access to safe and clean water can lead to
the spread of waterborne diseases, and water pollution can have severe environmental
consequences. Additionally, water scarcity and inadequate water supply can limit economic
activities and hinder development.

1.4 Research Objectives

The objectives of the research are;

 To quantify the current water demand of industrial and commercial sectors in Ho

 To analyze the factors influencing the water demand in industrial and commercial
 To forecast the future water demand based on projected industrial and commercial
 To evaluate the water demand management practices in industrial and commercial
 To provide recommendations for effective water demand management strategies in Ho

1.4.1 Main Objectives

The main objective of assessing the industrial and commercial water demand for sustainable
water supply using Kpeve Water Works as a case study.

1.4.1 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives for the project include:

 To determine the current water demand of different industrial and commercial sectors in
the Kpeve water supply communities.
 To analyze the factors influencing water demand in the industrial and commercial
sectors, such as population growth, economic development, technological advancements,
and water pricing policies.
 To forecast the future water demand in the industrial and commercial sectors of Ho
township, considering projected growth, changes in industry practices, and population

1.5 Research Questions

 What are the current water consumption patterns and demands of different industrial and
commercial sectors in South Dayi District and Ho Municipality?
 What are the key factors influencing water demand in the industrial and commercial
sectors of South Dayi District and Ho Municipality?
 How can we forecast the future water demand in the industrial and commercial sectors of
a South Dayi District and Ho Municipality, considering projected growth and changes in
industry practices?
 What are the existing water demand management practices employed by industries and
businesses in South Dayi District and Ho Municipality, and how effective are they in
reducing water consumption and promoting water efficiency?
 How can effective water demand management strategies be developed and implemented
in the industrial and commercial sectors of South Dayi District and Ho Municipality,
including policy interventions, regulatory frameworks, and stakeholder engagement

1.6 Organization of the study

This study is organized into five (5) chapters to facilitate a systematic approach to the assessment
of industrial and commercial water demand in South Dayi District and Ho Municipality:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Provides an overview of the study, including the background, problem statement, research
objectives, main objective, specific objectives, research questions, and justification of the study.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Reviews relevant literature on water demand analysis, drivers of water demand, and water
demand management strategies.
Chapter 3: Materials and Methods
these includes study area and the methodology (research design, population, research instrument,
sample frame, sample, research techniques, data collection and analysis).
Chapter 4: Results and Discussions
Presents the findings of the assessment of current water consumption patterns in the industrial
and commercial sectors of South Dayi District and Ho Municipality.
Projects future water demand based on anticipated growth and development in the industrial and
commercial sectors.

Chapter 5: Recommendations and Conclusion

Provides recommendations for sustainable water management in the industrial and commercial
sectors of Ho Municipality and concludes the study
This project work is organized into five chapters. Chapter one provides an introduction to the
study, including the background, problem statement, justification, objectives, research questions
and significance of the study.
Chapter 2:

Literature Review

2.1 Water availability and demand

Although water is a copious and renewable natural resource covering two thirds of the planet, a
very minute proportion of this is effectively available for human use. Two third of it is locked up
in glaciers and permanent snow cover, remaining one third is distributed regionally with wide
disparities. Water has multifunctional roles. Water is considered as the most significant resource
for life as it is linked to the well-being of human societies that need it for industrial activities,
agriculture, drinking, hygiene and recreation (Grey and Sadoff, 2007).

Water is always an important element in Hindu mythology and it has been enjoying the most
respectable and unique status in India. Religious structures are always placed near water bodies.
The rivers in India are considered Goddesses and most of Hindu rituals move around water for
the religious ceremonies be it birth, marriage, death. Historically, towns and cities have
flourished on the banks of water bodies and these have played an important role in their growth
and development. India’s water bodies are extraordinarily diverse – ranging from lakes and
ponds to marshes, mangroves, backwaters and lagoons.

Water is used for energy extraction, conversion, power generation and transport. At the global
level and on an annual basis, enough freshwater is available to meet such demand, but spatial and
temporal variations of water demand and availability are large, leading to water scarcity in
several parts of the world during specific times of the year (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2016).

Per capita water demand is defined as the annual average daily requirement of water of one
person it includes domestic requirement, institutional needs, water meant for public use (such as
street washing, flushing of sewers etc.), industrial and commercial use and fire fighting, etc.

The average daily per capita demand (lpcd) can be written as:

Quantity required ∈12 month(litres)


As per the international norms, if per-capita water availability is less than 1700 m 3 per year then
the country is categorized as water stressed and if it is less than 1000 m 3 per capita per year then
the country is classified as water scarce.

The various types of water demand, which a Country may have, may be divided into;

(I) Domestic water demand includes water for residential uses like drinking, bathing,
cooking, washing etc,
(II) Industrial and commercial water demand includes water needed by various industries,
commercial institutions and buildings
(III) Demand for public uses includes amount of water for public utility excluding
(IV) Fire demand and
(V) Water required compensating losses in wastes and thefts.
Globally, domestic water use alone has grown on average by 2.2% every year for the last 60
years (Flörke et al., 2013). Currently, cities estimate that as much as 40-50 per cent of the water
is ‘lost’ in the distribution system.

Every human being should have access to safe drinking water. Generally, water availability of
more than 1700 m3 /person/year is considered acceptable, while below this level water scarcity
occurs regularly. In areas with less than 1000 m3 /person/year, the lack of water limits human
activities and business operations, while less than 500m3 /person/year is viewed as a main
constraint to human life (Mueller et al., 2015). The World Health Organization specifies 50 litres
per person per day as the recommended ‘intermediate’ quantity needed to maintain health,
hygiene and for all domestic uses (WHO, 2003). As per the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS),
IS:1172-1993, minimum water supply of 200 litres per capita per day (lpcd) should be provided
for domestic consumption in cities with full flushing systems. Indian Standards 1172-1993 also
mentions that the amount of water supply may be reduced to 135 lpcd for the LIG and the
economically weaker sections (EWS) of the society and in small towns (Modi, 1998; Shaban and
Sharma, 2007).

According to the 12th Five Year Plan the country’s water budget, based on Ministry of Water
Resources (MoWR) estimates, shows utilizable water of 1123 billion cubic metres (BCM)
against a current estimated demand of 710 BCM. The Standing Committee of the Ministry of
Water Resources estimates that this water demand will rise to 1093 BCM by 2025.

water demand

industrial and water required

domestic water demand for public
commercial water fire demind compensating losses
demand uses
demand in wastes and thefts

Figure.2.1 Various types of demand


Water is required for various purposes in a community, town or city besides its need for personal
use by human beings. Considerable amount of water is used for other purposes. There are thumb
rules and empirical formulae for accessing the water demand for a particular town.

The various typical water demands in a town are

 Domestic water demand

 Commercial and industrial water demand
 Demand for civic or public uses
 Fire demand
 Loss and waste of water

To ascertain the water demand for a town the quantity of water required by each of the demands
need to be considered

2.2.1 Domestic water demand

This includes the water which is required for use in private residences, apartment houses, etc.,
for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing of clothes, washing of utensils, washing and cleaning of
houses and residences, lawn watering, gardening and sanitary purposes (such as flushing of
water closets, etc.). The living condition of consumers is directly proportional to the domestic
water demand.

Table 2.1 Average domestic water consumption for towns or cities with full flushing
Consumption in
Use of water for
Drinking 5
Cooking 5
Bathing 75
Washing of clothes 25
Washing of utensils 15
Washing and cleaning of houses and residences 15
Lawn watering and gardening 15
Flushing of water closets, etc. 45

In arriving at the total quantity of water required to meet the domestic water demand for a town
or city, the total domestic water demand in litres per head per day is multiplied by the total
design population. The domestic water demand is about 40 to 60percent of the total water
demand. Developed countries have higher domestic water demand in terms of water
consumption as a result of the usage of air conditioning, automatic household appliances (such as
dish washing machines, home laundries, garbage grinders, etc.), flushing system, car washing.
The domestic water consumption is as high as 340 liters per head per day as against 200 liters per
day for developing countries.

2.2.2 Commercial and industrial water demand

This includes the water demand of commercial and other establishments such as offices,
hospitals, hotels, restaurants, cinemas, schools and factories or industries. On an average for a
town or city with moderate factories or industries a provision of about 20 to 25% of the total
water consumption is generally made in the design of water supply project for these uses other
than residences are as shown in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Water requirements Commercial and industrial water demand

Product or raw consumption in
material unit m3 per unit of
raw material
Food Industry
Milk received 2 -5
(1000 L)
Abattoir Animal 4 – 10
slaughtered (gross
Brewery Beer (1000 L) 10 – 20
Sugar Cane (tonne) 10 – 20
Fish processing Tonne 7–9
Wood processing industry
Bleached pulp 100 – 800
Pulp mill
High quality paper 300 – 450
Paper mill
Chipboard factory Chipboard (tonne) 50 – 150
Tannery Raw skins (tonne) 50 – 120
Cotton mill Cotton thread tufi 50 – 150
Hotels 70 (Low class)
200 (Medium
400 (High class)
Bars 70 (Low class)
100 (Medium
300 (High class)
Shopping malls 70 – 130

2.2.3 Demand for civic or public use

The usage of water for civic or public utility purposes is critical. This includes the quantity of
water required for civic or public utility purposes such as watering of public parks or gardens,
road washing, sprinkling of water on dusty roads, cleaning public sanitary blocks, large markets
and use in decorative features such as public fountains. A provision of usually 5 to 10% of the
total consumption of water is made to meet these demands.

2.2.4 Fire Demand

This is the quantity of water needed for firefighting purposes. Making water available for
firefighting is critical hence provision should be made in water supply schemes and designs for
firefighting purposes. Water needed for this purpose should be readily available and stored in a
reservoir. On the average a moderate fire break has three jet streams simultaneously thrown from
each hydrant—one on the burning property and one each on the adjacent property on either side
of the burning property. The discharge of each stream should be about 1100 litres per minute.

2.2.5 Loss and waste of water

This is water that cannot be accounted for. This is made up of water lost due to leakage in mains,
valves and other fittings, worn or damaged meters, meter spillage, theft of water through illegal
connections and loss of water through other reasons. The loss and waste of water due to all these
reasons should be taken into account while estimating the total requirements of water. A
provision of about 30 to 40 % of the total water consumption is usually made to cater for this.
This is because the quantity of lost and wasted water cannot be quantified. In a more metered
system with a well-maintained metered system the loss of waste of water can be brought down to
10 to 15%.The water in this category is sometimes termed as unaccounted-for water. This
includes the water lost due to leakage in mains, valves and other fittings, worn or damaged
meters, meter slippage, theft of water through unauthorized water connections, and loss and
waste of water due to other miscellaneous reasons. However, the quantity of water lost and
wasted due to all these reasons being uncertain it cannot be precisely predicted. As such in the
design of a water supply project in order to account for the loss and waste of water a provision of
about 30 to 40% of the total water.

2.3 Factors affecting water demand and consequences of unsustainable water demand

The increasing world population, improving living standards, changing consumption patterns,
and expansion of irrigated agriculture are the main driving forces for the rising global demand
for water (Vorosmarty et al., 2000 and Ercin and Hoekstra, 2014).

2.3.1 Population

Regarded as a driving force in the demand for water, food and energy, the world’s population has
been increasing rapidly since the beginning of the 20th century, from about 1.6 billion in 1900,
2.5 billion in 1950, 6.1 billion in 2000, to 7.0 billion in 2011, according to estimates by the
United Nations Population Fund (REN21). Increasing populations enhanced per capita water use.
Drinking water is demanded for different purposes and it is continuously growing. Population,
commercial units, educational, health institutions have increased in the city. Globally,3.6 billion
people live in urban areas (UNPD, 2011). The next few decades will be the most rapid period of
urban growth in human history, with 2.6 billion additional urban dwellers expected by 2050
(UNPD, 2011). All these new urban dwellers will need water. Currently around 1.2 billion
people in the world have limited access to drinking water, which means that one in six people do
not have drinking water for your needs, because the demand for water exceeds the supply
(Rogers, 2008). The daily supply of drinking water to city population is inadequate and there is a
mismatch between demand and supply. Water supply is disrupted regularly in the city. It gets
disrupted because of repairing, burst and joining new pipeline etc. Irregularity of water supply
forces urban people to store water in iron, plastic drums or large earthenware. Every day they
struggle to obtain few litres of water. Urban water demand varies with a range of factors (See
Figure 12.3) including Demographic factors (Fox et al., 2009), Climatic factors (Cole and
Stewart, 2013) and Socio-economic factors (Qi and Chang, 2011). According to NCIWRD, the
population of India is expected to be 1333 million and 1581 million in high growth scenario by
the year 2025 and 2050 respectively. This eventually would be major cause of water crisis and
water quality deterioration (Bhattacharyya et al., 2015). Meeting the water demand of a growing
population at the existing level of per capita water use requires increasing water withdrawal.
Demographic factors
eg. population, number of
connections and average
number of people in a house

Climatic factors
urban water demand eg. rainfall, temperature and

Socio-economic factors
eg. household income and
water price

Figure 2.2 Factors affecting urban water demand

2.3.2 Agriculture and Industrial growth

Agriculture industry is the largest user of fresh water as water withdrawals for irrigation account
for 70% of all water use globally (Fisher et al., 2007). Today 40% of the world’s food comes
from the 18% of the cropland that is irrigated. Irrigated areas increase almost 1% per year
(Jensen, 1993) and the irrigation water demand will increase by 13.6% by 2025 (Rosegrant and
Cai, 2002). Continued increase in demand for irrigation water over many years has led to
changed water flows, land clearing and therefore deteriorated stream water quality (Hanjra and
Qureshi, 2010). Industrial water demand has been increasing with the pace of industrial
development. In India, industry is the second highest consumer of water. The main sources of
water for the industrial sector are groundwater and surface water. Large water consumption
relative to water availability results in decreased river flows, mostly during the dry period, and
declining lake water and groundwater levels. India is the largest user of ground water in the
world. Over 90% of rural domestic water, around 50% of urban domestic water and 60- 70% of
agriculture are ground water dependent. This has resulted in the overexploitation and acute
depletion of the resource in many parts of the country. Due to paucity of surface water, there is
dependency on ground water resources to a great extent in arid and semi-arid region in India.
Indiscriminate tapping of ground water for agricultural production is the main reason for the
scarcity of ground water resources in different parts of Rajasthan.

2.3.3 Climate Change

As climate change becomes more prevalent globally, the future availability of fresh water for
human consumption, agricultural production, and manufacturing becomes more uncertain.
Furthermore, changing climatic conditions are expected to aggravate the pressures on water
supply systems. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported in its 2014 assessment
that it is virtually certain that climate change will reduce renewable water resources substantially
in most dry, subtropical regions, resulting in scarcity of drinking water and biomass-based fuels.
Depending on the crop (among corn, apples, and alfalfa), irrigation requirements were projected
to increase by 40–250% by the end of the 21st century, attributed directly to decreases in
growing season water availability, increases in evapo-transpiration, and changes in crop
phenology (Woznicki et al., 2015).

2.4 Global water demand

In the present developmental era, the utilization of water has increased many folds in agriculture,
industry and domestic purposes. By 2050, the world’s population is expected to grow to 9 billion
and combined with increased wealth and growing urbanization and industrialization worldwide,
the demand for water is accelerating dramatically (Bakker, 2013). Global water demand (in
terms of water withdrawals), are projected to increase by 55% by 2050, mainly because of the
growing demands from manufacturing (400%), thermal electricity generation (140%) and
domestic use (130%). As a result, freshwater availability will be increasingly strained over this
time period, and more than 40% of the global population is projected to be living in areas of
severe water stress by 2050.

2.5 Water consumption

Wide differences exist between water consumption levels in industrialized and developing
countries. Average per capita daily water consumption (l/c/d) for Switzerland, the least among
industrialized countries, is 110 l/c/d, USA (668 l/c/d) and Japan (342 l/c/d) (World Bank, 1997b
as cited by Rosen and Vincent, 1999). In comparison, although at the village level, an average of
11.1 l/c/d is observed for a village in Mozambique with a centrally located standpipe 300 metres

(Caincross and Cliff, 1987 as cited by Rosen and Vincent, 1999). Consumption averaged only
4.1 l/c/d (ibid, 1987) in another village in the same country with similar water source located 4
km away from home. Acharya and Barbier (2002) report an average of 232 litres per day per
household or 24 l/c/d for two wetland communities in northern Nigeria. In Madagascar, a survey
of 180 households in 8 villages reveals that on the average households consume 31 litres of water
daily in the dry season (Minten et al., 2002). No such documented information exists for rural
communities in Ghana. What is available is a survey conducted by London Economics (1999) on
behalf of the Ministry of Works and Housing (MWH) in major urban areas to justify the
introduction of Private Sector Participation (PSP) in urban water sector. They report an average
of 105.1 l/c/d for households with tap connections, 68.5 l/c/d for those with yard tap and 33.2
l/c/d for those using other means, with an average domestic water demand estimated at 52 l/c/d
for urban sector.

To further enhance water security, multiple water sources are utilised depending on the season
and geographic location. Ariyabandu (2001) report that between 2 and 6 sources of water have
been used among the rainwater harvesting community in rural Sri Lanka. The burden of
domestic water provision by women and children (usually girls) in developing countries is well
known (Curtis, 1986 as cited by Sullivan, 2002; Rosen and Vincent, 1999).

Mehretu and Mutambirwa (1992) observe that in the Chiduku communal area in Zimbabwe,
approximately 91% of total time devoted to water collection is carried out by women and girls
whilst in Arusha, Tanzania, they account for 75% of this time (Makule, 1997). In 8 rural
communities in Madagascar, Minten et al., (2002) indicate that women constitute 87% of water
carriers and spend an average of 12 minutes (one-way) undertaking this daily activity. Bevan,
Collier, and Gunning (1989) give more insight by indicating that in the Central and
Nyanza Provinces in Kenya, younger women generally spend less time than older women in
fetching water from the same distance: in the Central Province, women aged 20-29 spend 56
minutes daily; age 30-49 (69 minutes); over 50 years (77 minutes). In a village in Mozambique,
Cairncross and Cliff (1987) indicate that about 5 hours is devoted to water collection (return trip)
from a public standpipe located 4 kilometres (average of 131 minutes per carrier per day) whilst
a similar source located 300 metres takes an average of 25 minutes per carrier per day. Women
in Oyo State, Nigeria spend about 58 minutes daily collecting water at an average distance of
537 metres (Sangodoyin, 1992).

Locating improved water supplies within reasonable distances to households saves time and
possibly increases total water consumption. Although the World Health Organisation (WHO)
considers 200 metres as a convenient distance, Sharma et al., (1996) as cited by Rosen and
Vincent (1999) points out that when rural households’ perceptions of accessibility is considered,
the percentage of households with safe water supply access could substantially reduce and may
approach zero in some cases. Huttly et al. (1990) find that improving accessibility by
constructing boreholes in villages in Nigeria reduced daily water fetching times from 360
minutes to 45 minutes.

2.6 Water Management

Today, water crisis is already a reality in many countries, threatening their economic growth and
the livelihoods of their peoples. We all fear that the problems will only accelerate. Multiple
thumbscrews are operating on these finite and vulnerable fresh water resources. The driving
forces are strong: population growth and urbanization; tourism and industrialization;
globalization; and climate variability and change – decreasing precipitation and increasing the
frequency of droughts. (GWP, 2011)

Driven by these challenges and consistent with a worldwide movement towards more integrated
water resources management, countries have embarked on reforming their water sector. A
change in thinking and action in water management is slowly taking place. The experience
suggests that meeting the challenge of water scarcity requires both a supply management
strategy, involving highly selective development and exploitation of new water supplies
(conventional and non-conventional) coupled with a vigorous demand management involving
comprehensive reforms and actions to optimize the use of existing supplies.(UNEP,2012) The
appropriate mix of supply and demand management may vary depending on the level of
development, the governance structure and the degree of water scarcity in each country.
However, as economies grow and the value of water increases, the benefits from and necessity
for efficient demand management increase significantly. (GWP, 2011).

2.6.1 Approaches of Water Management Water Supply Development

This is achieved by investing in water infrastructure, developing interregional and international

transfers, increased 'mining' of non-renewable groundwater reserves, or using non-conventional
water resources. But these supply-oriented policies are reaching their physical, social, economic,
and environmental limits and as such they pose grave long-term risks. These include
overexploitation of certain fossil and renewable water resources, the destruction of coastal
aquifers by seawater intrusion, degradation of water quality and the eco-system services
provided by the aquatic systems, loss of investment and jobs, and increased risks of social and
political instability. (GWP,2011) Water Demand Management

Water Demand Management (WDM) seeks to encourage better use of existing water supplies
through economical and efficient management before further increasing the supply. WDM
comprises a set of interventions and organisational systems intended to increase technical, social,
economic, environmental, and institutional efficiencies in the various uses of water. (GWP,
2011). The traditional approach of hydrologists and water resources engineers has been to focus
on the supply side and the assessment of available water resources. It is increasingly being
recognised that supply and demand can only be balanced if water resources and water supply
engineers address both sides of the balance. Water demand management is a key component of
integrated water resources planning, which is in turn the pre-requisite for sustainable water
The 4th guiding principle of the 1992 Dublin states that “Water has an economic value in all its
competing uses and should be recognised as an economic good.”The Dublin Statement goes on
to say that the role of water as an economic and life sustaining good should be reflected in
demand management policies, implemented through water conservation, efficient use, recycling
and reuse, resource assessment and financial instruments.

There are several reasons for analyzing industrial water demand in developing countries. First,
although current industrial withdrawal of water in developing countries is quite low in
comparison to developed countries, this is expected to increase in comparison to other sectors of
the economy as well as in absolute terms since these countries is expected to have higher growth
(Goldar and Pandey, 2001). There is also a greater appreciation for demand-side management,
rather than increasing supply by building new infrastructure (UNEP, 2006)

Demand management aims to change the way industries and commercial enterprises use water in
order to improve efficiency and reduce the need for expensive infrastructure development. It has
been identified as an alternative or complement to the conventional approach of increasing
supply by expanding infrastructure (UNEP, 2006). It thus reduces loss and misuse, optimizes
water use, adds more value per unit of water mobilized, facilitates major financial and
infrastructure savings and helps ease the pressure on water resources.

2.7 Integrated Water Resources Management

IWRM is an empirical concept which was built up from the on-the-ground experience of
practitioners. Although many parts of the concept have been around for several decades - in fact
since the first global water conference in Mar del Plata in 1977 - it was not until after Agenda 21
and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 1992 in Rio that the concept was made
the object of extensive discussions as to what it means in practice. The Global Water
Partnership's definition of IWRM is widely accepted. It states: 'IWRM is a process which
promotes the co-ordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in
order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without
compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.'(GWP, 2011)
Integrated Water Resources Management is a cross-sectoral policy approach, designed to replace
the traditional, fragmented sectoral approach to water resources and management that has led to
poor services and unsustainable resource use. IWRM is based on the understanding that water
resources are an integral component of the ecosystem, a natural resource, and a social and
economic good.

2.8 Water Security

According to Sustainable water partnership water security is the adaptive capacity to safeguard
the sustainable availability of, access to, and safe use of an adequate, reliable and resilient
quantity and quality of water for health, livelihoods, ecosystems and productive economies.” UN
Water has defined water security as “the capacity of a population to safeguard sustainable access
to adequate quantities of and acceptable quality water” Water security comes in different
dimensions, according to United Nations water expects the world is currently not on track with
respect to meeting its 2030 sustainable water goal. 3 out of 4 which represents 78% of the world
population of 6.1 billion live in water insure countries. This implies that a significant portion of
the world population live in water insecure countries. This is devastating and calls for the need
for water security. The security of water is fundamental to development. A total of 23 countries –
16 LDCs and 7 SIDS – are critically water-insecure: the Solomon Islands, Eritrea, Sudan,
Ethiopia, Vanuatu, Afghanistan, Djibouti, Haiti, Papua New Guinea, Somalia, Liberia, St Kitts &
Nevis, Libya, Madagascar, Pakistan, South Sudan, Micronesia, Niger, Sierra Leone, Yemen,
Chad, Comoros and Sri Lanka.

In total, 33 countries from three geographic regions are water-secure. Sweden is the most water-
secure country, along with other European countries include Denmark, Luxembourg, Austria,
Norway, Switzerland, Finland and Iceland, Ireland, France, Lithuania, Greece, Germany, the
UK, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, and Portugal.
Water-secure countries in the Asia Pacific are New Zealand, Cyprus, Australia, Japan, Israel,
Kuwait, and Malaysia.

Without water security, countries are simply incapable of freshwater ecosystems, livelihoods and
human well-being,” said Dr. Charlotte MacAlister, the report’s lead author and senior water
security researcher at the United Nations Institute of Water, Environment and Health (UNU
A UN report evaluated water security on 10 thematic areas, these are: drinking water, sanitation,
good health, water quality, water availability, water value, water, governance, human safety,
economic safety.

2.9 Water accessibility

According to Simmons (1991), water is the commonest compound on earth and it is not only
essential for life but has become interwoven with human livelihoods in various inextricable
ways. Though water resources are in abundance, it is unevenly distributed on earth resulting in
water scarcity in some parts of the earth. Efforts by government and non-governmental
organizations to make water accessible to homes irrespective of its availability have not yielded
the expected outcome. When the supply of water from a source is insufficient (in terms of its
quantity and quality) to cater for the needs of its population, its users most often than not devise
individual and collective responses to water scarcity (Drinking Water Review Panel, 2000).
More than 1.1 billion people in low and middle-income countries (representing about one in
every five people) lack access to clean, safe drinking water (MercyCorps, 2006). The issue of
water scarcity in parts of the world has affected its accessibility. Available fresh water is also
reducing by quantity and quality due to human development processes such as construction
projects in water ways and pollution by industrial waste. The most affected are people in the
developing countries with a greater majority being children. In Ghana, over nine million people
have inadequate access to treated water (WaterAid, 2006). The policy of the then Ghana Water
and Sewage Corporation (GWSC) included the supply of potable water to rural communities
based mainly on groundwater sources because groundwater is considered not only feasible but
also as the most economic source of rural potable water supply (WaterAid, 2006). The use of
groundwater sources is actually not feasible for all communities. This is because, though
groundwater might be one of the inexpensive ways of supplying water in some areas such as the
Northern part of Ghana, the situation is different in some areas in the South. Water from some
wells and boreholes in the South and especially in the Ga West Municipality has some level of
salinity, which either limit their functions or render them unproductive (DWST-GWDA, 2007).


This chapter presents the methodology used to assess the industrial and commercial water
demand for Ho Municipality. The chapter is organized into three sections. The first section
describes the study area, the second section outlines the data collection and analysis procedures,
and the third section presents the water demand projection models used in the study.
Ho Municipality is located in the Volta Region of Ghana. The municipality covers an area of
about 219.5 square kilometers and has a population of approximately 145,100 people (Ghana
Statistical Service, 2021). The municipality comprises 5 electoral areas and 29 administrative
units. The major economic activities in the municipality include agriculture, manufacturing, and
services. QGIS was used to generate the area map.


The data used in this study will be collected through a combination of primary and secondary
sources. The primary data will be collected through surveys of selected industrial and
commercial enterprises in the municipality. The surveys will be conducted using structured
questionnaires that captured information on the water demand patterns, water use practices, and
water management strategies of the enterprises. The secondary data will be obtained from the
Ghana Water Company Limited, the Ho Municipal Assembly, and other relevant agencies.

The collected data will be analyzed using statistical software packages such as Microsoft Excel
and SPSS. Descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviations, and frequencies will be used
to analyze the data. Inferential statistics such as regression analysis will be also used to develop
the water demand projection models.


This study has some limitations that may affect the generalization of the findings. One of the
limitations is the sample size of the survey, which may not be representative of the entire
industrial and commercial sector in the municipality. Another limitation is the availability of
data, as some of the data needed for the study will be not readily available. Despite these
limitations, the study provides useful insights into the industrial and commercial water demand
in Ho Municipality and can serve as a basis for future research on the topic.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Water demand assessment is a critical aspect of water resource management, particularly in
urban areas where industrial and commercial sectors are significant consumers of water. This
chapter provides an introduction to the assessment of industrial and commercial water demand in
Ho Municipality, highlighting the importance of understanding and managing water resources

1.2 Background of the Study

Ho Municipality, located in Ghana, experiences rapid urbanization and economic development.

As industrial and commercial activities expand, the demand for water increases accordingly. This
study aims to assess the water demand in these sectors to support sustainable water management
and ensure the availability of water resources for future generations.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The significance of assessing industrial and commercial water demand in Ho Municipality lies in
the need for informed decision-making and effective resource allocation. By understanding the
water consumption patterns and drivers in these sectors, policymakers, water authorities, and
businesses can develop appropriate strategies for water demand management, conservation, and

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to assess the industrial and commercial water demand in Ho
Municipality, considering various factors that influence water consumption patterns. The study
aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of current water demand, identify future
projections, and recommend strategies for sustainable water management.
1.5 Research Questions

The following research questions guide this study:

1. What are the current water consumption patterns in the industrial and commercial sectors of
Ho Municipality?

2. What factors influence water demand in these sectors?

3. How can water demand management practices be improved to ensure sustainable water use?

4. What are the implications of industrial and commercial water demand on water resource
availability and environmental sustainability in Ho Municipality?

1.6 Research Methodology

This study employs a mixed-methods research approach to gather both quantitative and
qualitative data. Primary data will be collected through surveys, interviews, and on-site
measurements, while secondary data will be obtained from relevant literature, reports, and
databases. The collected data will be analyzed using statistical techniques and thematic analysis
to provide comprehensive insights into water demand in the study area.

1.7 Organization of the Study

This study is organized into several chapters to facilitate a systematic approach to the assessment
of industrial and commercial water demand in Ho Municipality:
Chapter 1: Introduction

- Provides an overview of the study, including the background, significance, purpose, research
questions, and methodology.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

- Reviews relevant literature on water demand analysis, drivers of water demand, and water
demand management strategies.

Chapter 3: Methodology

- Describes the research design, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, and ethical
considerations employed in the study.

Chapter 4: Current Water Demand Analysis

- Presents the findings of the assessment of current water consumption patterns in the industrial
and commercial sectors of Ho Municipality.

Chapter 5: Future Water Demand Projection

- Projects future water demand based on anticipated growth and development in the industrial
and commercial sectors.

Chapter 6: Water Demand Management Practices

- Identifies and evaluates existing water demand management practices and suggests strategies
for improvement.
Chapter 7: Implications for Water Resource Management

- Discusses the implications of industrial and commercial water demand on water resource
availability, sustainability, and environmental impacts.

Chapter 8: Recommendations and Conclusion

- Provides recommendations for sustainable water management in the industrial and

commercial sectors of Ho Municipality and concludes the study.

1.8 Summary

This chapter introduced the study on assessing industrial and commercial water demand in Ho
Municipality. It highlighted the background, significance, purpose, research questions, and
methodology of the study. The subsequent chapters will delve deeper into the literature, methods,
findings, and implications of the assessment, ultimately providing valuable insights and
recommendations for sustainable

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Overview of Water Demand Analysis

Water demand analysis plays a crucial role in understanding and managing water resources
sustainably. It involves studying the factors that influence water demand, assessing consumption
patterns, and identifying effective strategies for water demand management in industrial and
commercial sectors. This chapter presents a comprehensive review of relevant literature to
establish the theoretical foundation for assessing the industrial and commercial water demand in
Ho Municipality.
2.2 Water Demand Drivers in Industrial and Commercial Sectors

The industrial and commercial sectors are major consumers of water, and various drivers
influence their water demand. Economic growth, population dynamics, technological
advancements, and changes in production processes are key factors that drive water demand in
these sectors (UNESCO, 2012). For instance, as industries expand and new businesses emerge in
Ho Municipality, the demand for water is expected to increase (Ghana Statistical Service, 2021).
Understanding these drivers is crucial for accurate water demand forecasting and effective water
management strategies.

2.3 Water Demand Management Strategies

Water demand management strategies aim to optimize water use, improve efficiency, and reduce
overall consumption. Several approaches have been identified for industrial and commercial
sectors. These include water-efficient technologies, reuse and recycling practices, demand-side
management, pricing mechanisms, and policy interventions (UNEP, 2011). Implementing these
strategies can help mitigate water scarcity risks, promote sustainable water use, and ensure long-
term water availability.

2.4 Previous Studies on Water Demand in Similar Contexts

Several studies have been conducted globally to assess water demand in industrial and
commercial sectors, providing valuable insights and methodologies. For example, a study by
Zhang et al. (2018) examined water demand patterns in industrial zones in China and identified
the key factors influencing water consumption. The research highlighted the importance of
technology adoption and water pricing policies in reducing water demand.
In a similar context, a study by Othman et al. (2019) investigated the water demand of
commercial buildings in urban areas, focusing on water consumption patterns and efficiency
measures. The findings emphasized the significance of water-saving fixtures and behavioral
changes in achieving substantial water savings.

In a study conducted by Ahmed et al. (2020) in an industrial park in Malaysia, the researchers
analyzed the impact of water demand management practices on water consumption. The study
demonstrated the effectiveness of water reuse systems, water audits, and awareness programs in
reducing water demand and promoting sustainable water use.

These previous studies provide valuable insights into water demand analysis, management
strategies, and the factors influencing water consumption in industrial and commercial sectors.
By building upon these studies, the present research aims to contribute to the existing knowledge
by assessing the industrial and commercial water demand in Ho Municipality.

In summary, this chapter reviewed the literature related to water demand analysis in the
industrial and commercial sectors. It highlighted the drivers of water demand, including
economic growth, population dynamics, and technological advancements. The chapter also
discussed various water demand management strategies and their effectiveness in reducing water
consumption. Additionally, previous studies conducted in similar contexts provided insights and
methodologies that inform the current research on assessing the industrial and commercial water
demand in Ho Municipality.

Ahmed, N., Zainal Abidin, N. A., Bakar, R. A., & Noor, Z. Z. (2020). Water demand
management practices in an industrial park: Case study of Kulim Hi-Tech Park, Malaysia.
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 17(5), 2837-2848.

Ghana Statistical Service. (2021). Population and Housing Census. Retrieved from [insert
reference link]

Othman, N., Shukri, S. N. S. M., Zakaria, N. A., & Zahari, N. M. (2019). Water

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