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Grade: 8 Section: ______________________Date:_______________

Learning Competency

Use opinion-marking signals to share ideas (EN8RC-IIIa-10).


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Identify the different opinion-marking signals in a given text or

sentences, and
b. Use correct opinion-marking signals in expressing ideas on a
particular current issue.

Let’s Recall

Directions: Check sentences that contain polite expression.

_____________1. Get that bag!

_____________2. Please, get that water!

_____________3. That letter means a lot to me. Thank you again!

_____________4. Get out of my way!

_____________5. Do you mind if I stay here for a bit?

______________6.Excuse me Sir!

______________7. Move out of my way now!

_______________8. Kindly hand me that phone over there.

________________9. Thank you so much for dropping by.

________________10. Get lost!

Let’s Understand

In expressing ideas and opinions, it is best to use opinion-marking

signals to state your ideas clearly and precisely. Most of the writers, use
opinion-marking signals for them to present the ideas and concepts more
clearly. However, it is not only important to convey a message but also to show
politeness. Being polite in expressing one’s opinion is necessary for the listener’s
not to be offended or somehow hurt their feelings. Being polite as well is
somehow one of the characteristics that Filipinos have. It’s one of our good and
well-known characteristic. For example, you are having a meeting and you are
not agree to your Manager’s opinion, it’s impolite if you are just going to butt in
and without calling his/her attention.
In communicating, there are lots of opinion-marking signals that you may
use. Some of the commonly used signals are following:
I think…. I am convinced…
My favourite… It is claimed that …
I believe… The best…
Speaking for myself… I feel…
From my point of view… I know you you will have to agree that…
In my opinion… It’s my belief based on what I know…
I am confident that…. Personally, I think
I might be wrong that … In my experience…
I strongly believed… I strongly agree…
As I see it… I must admit that…
That is why I think that … I am certain that …
I am sure that … I am mixed emotions on that …

A. Encircle the opinion-marking signals that are used in the sentences.
1. I am confident that I would pass the examination.
2. My favorite part of the movie is when the mother sacrificed everything just to
be with her family.
3. I think it’s best for us if we are going to part ways this time.
4. I believe that everything happens because it bounds to happen.
5. I know that you will have to agree that this pandemic really made a huge
impact to everyone’s life.
6. I believe in the power of positivity.
7. In my experience, real love comes to those who wait.
8. I am certain that Squid Game is one of the best Korean Series that I watched.
9. I strongly agree with Rona’s ideologies.
10. I think that it is best for us to separate ways now.
B. Identify whether the given statement is Fact or Opinion, if it’s opinion
encircle the opinion marking signals used.
________________1 Philippines is part of Asia.
_________________2. I believe that Mathematics is the hardest subject.
_________________3. Sarah Geronimo is one of the most famous artists in her
_________________4. Banaue Rice Terraces is classified as one of the Eight
Wonders of the World.
_________________5. I think that pandemic helps the family to build stronger
relationships within themselves.
_________________6. I am confident that who ever wins in Miss Universe
Philippines 2021, will be a great role model to the youths and younger
_________________7. Jose Rizal is the author of Noli Me Tangere and El
_________________8. Zeus is one if the Greek Gods.
_________________9. My favorite Greek mythology characters are Athena and

_________________10. Ares is the God of war.

Let’s Apply

A. Directions: Read and analyze the paragraph below; then, underline the
opinion-marking signals used.

I know and you will agree that COVID-19 has a great impact to the world.
It has affected mostly the economy of every country. In my opinion, this
pandemic brought by COVID-19 will always be leaving a mark in every
individual who experienced its effects. Considering the increasing number of
positive cases all over the world, as well as the number of deaths, it’s undeniable
that this pandemic is very alarming.

Because of the COVID-19, even our country is facing lots of problem

caused by it such as increasing unemployment rate, poverty and closure of
many businesses, which I think have a huge effect in our economy. I believe that
most of the countries, especially the third world and the developing ones, are
greatly affected by this pandemic and they are having a hard time to survive.
Yet, I feel that when the world leaders, their subordinates, and people will work
together and try their very best to solve the issues concerning health and
economy, nothing is impossible to beat the virus. It is the hope of every
individual that soon, this pandemic will be over so that the economy of every
country will boost again.

Covid-19 creates huge impacts to everyone’s life. This virus has been
taken away the great opportunities to everyone. I believe that this virus takes
the opportunities for the students to learn better at school. This virus takes a
way as well the chance for the travelers, mountaineers, and climbers to enjoy
the beauty of the nature. It makes more people struggled more in terms of
financial aspects. Lastly, this virus and pandemic taken away lots of life. I think
that the government must do their best for everyone’s to go back on their daily
lives. We must work hand in hand to follow the restrictions of the government in
this time of pandemic. Despite the negative things around that keep on
happening because of this, one’s must still stay positive. Let us hope and pray
that everything will go back to normal, like travelers will go back travelling,
hikers will go back hiking, businesses and establishments will be open,
facemasks will not be required anymore and lastly, students will go back on
experiencing the normal classroom situation.

Let’s Analyze

A. Directions: Use three opinion-marking signals in three sentences where

you express your insights regarding the issues stated below.

1. The government’s way of handling COVID-19 in the Philippines

2. The Filipino people’s response to the policies implemented by the government
regarding COVID-19

3. How “bayanihan” was felt during the pandemic

4. . The different vaccines administered to all the Filipinos.
5. The effects of the Covid-19 in Tourism.


5 The answers composed 3 sentences in each number and 3

opinion-marking signals that are mostly related to the
given topic.
4 The answers composed 3 sentences in each number and 3
opinion-marking signals that are closely related to the
given topic.
3 The answers composed 2 sentences in each number and 2
opinion-marking signals that are related to the given topic.
2 The answers composed 1 sentence in each number and 1
opinion-marking signal that are related to the given topic.
1 The answers are not related to the topic.

B. From the given topics below, kindly choose one and fill in the table that
a. My Favorite Hobby
b. My Favorite Grrek Gods
c. My favorite Anime Character
d. My Favorite Place to Visit
e. My Favorite Filipno actor or actress

MY FAVORITE ___________________________________________

Reason 1:

Reason: 2:

Reason 3:

Reason 4:

Reason 5:

Reason 6:

Reason 7:

Reason 8:

Reason 9:

Reason 10:



20 The answers composed 10 reasons and using opinion-

marking signals that are mostly related to the given topic.
18 The answers composed 8 reasons and using opinion-
marking signals that are closely related to the given topic.
15 The answers composed 6 sentences in each number and
using opinion-marking signals that are related to the given
10 The answers composed 4 reasons and using opinion-
marking signals that are related to the given topic.
5 The given reasons and answers are not related to the topic.

Let’s Try

Directions: Complete the following prompts by writing your insights about the
given topic below.

A. TOPIC: COVID-19: The Unexpected Pandemic

1. I believe that____________________________________________________________
2. In my opinion___________________________________________________________
3. I think _________________________________________________________________
4. I feel ___________________________________________________________________
5. I am confident that _____________________________________________________

6. From my point of
7. I strongly agree that____________________________________________________
8. I must admit that_______________________________________________________
9. Personally, I think______________________________________________________

10. As I see it ______________________________________________________________



5 The answers in each number composed sentences/ideas

that are mostly relevant to the topic.
4 The answers in each number composed of sentences/ideas
that are more closely relevant to
the topic.
3 The answers in each number composed of sentences/ideas
that are closely relevant to the
2 The answers in each number composed of some
Sentences/ideas that are relevant to
the topic.
1 The answers in each number composed of sentences/ideas
that are not relevant to the topic.

B. Ms/Mr. Universe Grade 8 Edition

Directions: Assume that you are one of the contestants for the
Ms/Mr. Universe Grade 8 Edition, using the different opinion
marking signals how are you going to answers the following

1. What are the best ways to improve one’s study habits?

I think that_______________________________________________________

2. If you are going to be the winner of the contest, how are you going to
assist those out of youth students?

From my point of view_______________________________________________


3. How are you going to convince the majority that education is


In my opinion_______________________________________________________

4. What are the major problems we encountered in the education system


I strongly believed that______________________________________________


5. Do you believe that grades reflect your potential?

In my opinion_______________________________________________________



5 The answers in each number composed sentences/ideas

that are mostly relevant to the questions.
4 The answers in each number composed of sentences/ideas
that are more closely relevant to
the questions.
3 The answers in each number composed of sentences/ideas
that are closely relevant to the
2 The answers in each number composed of some

Sentences/ideas that are relevant to
the questions.
1 The answers in each number composed of sentences/ideas
that are not relevant to the questions.

Let’s Create

Directions: Accomplish the GRASPS.

GOAL Write a short paragraph using different opinion-marking

signals about the topic: “Education System in the New-
Normal Situation”.
ROLE You are a column writer in your school publication.
AUDIENCE Fellow Grade 8 students.
SITUATION You are a writer in your school publication. Your Editor-in-
Chief asked you to publish an article containing your
opinions on the topic: “Education System in the New-
Normal Situation”. And in your column, you want to
highlight the challenges that you and your fellow students
experience in the new learning modality.
8 – 10 The paragraph is composed of at least
5 sentences with 5 opinion marking signals.
6-7 The paragraph is composed of 4 sentences
with 4 opinion marking signals.
4–5 The paragraph is composed of 3 sentences
with 3 opinion marking signals.
2–3 The paragraph is composed of at least 2
sentences with 2 opinion marking signals.
1 The paragraph is composed only 1 sentence
without using the opinion-marking signals.

1. JamesFuertes (2018)
Retrieved from:

2. Scolastic (2020)
Retrieved from:

3. Catherine Demetros, M.Ed. (2020)

Elementary Curriculum Specialist, Lexia Learning
Retrieved from:

4. Heike Pahlow (2020)

Retrieved from:


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