Narrative Speech

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Academic Pressure

To our beloved Teachers, Classmates, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen Good

Students are being trapped in a world of full of pressure and stress nowadays from
a lot of contributing sources. Academic Pressure is one of many students biggest
causes of stress. These pressure come from friends, parental expectations, disappoint
by not being as good as expected from others and fear, these can lead to students
being stressed and nervous. Peer pressure is one of the main reason because they are
getting hassled into doing things from their relatives which they don’t want to do.
The workload from school is a main reason for pressure because some students
think they are being given too much homework from certain subjects;however the
only reason they get this is so that they get better understanding of the class work.
Exam also is another key fact for pressure because you want to do well but you can be
put under to much pressure too study or to do exceptionally well in the exams. Adults
expect you to be studying all the time but it can get too much for teenagers and a
break is needed so that you don’t feel under too much stress.
Such pressure on students also may lead to negative side effects, these may include
such as cheating on tests,quiz and rash coping strategies of depression such as suicide
or drink alcohol or take some drugs.
At school there is a range of academic pressure, we feel, derived from a need for
perfection, worry over grades, parental pressure, competition,sports or a tough class
load, the nervous breakdowns, panic attacks,burnouts, and depression are also
apparent in many younger students like me, the same situation is not always stressful
for all people, and all people do not undergo the same feelings or off putting though
thoughts when stressed. At school this may lead to poor attendance , a significant drop
in grades or even annoyance with schoolwork, in a good student. There are many
studies that have been performed to prove the correlation between responsibility in
school and academic performance. On the other hand when parents are putting too
much pressure on their children will feel guilty and shameful if they do not fulfill
their parents expectations. Their child does not wish to disappoint their parents and
therefore the motivation to do well in school comes from within. For me the
expectation of my Mom and Dad is so high so that’s one of my biggest fear , they
want good grade or better to be good sometimes because I’m just trying to be smart,
actually I am not. As well as choosing my strand they choose. They always compare
me to my cousins because they look so much better ‘kesyo nga mas magaling si ano si
ganyan’. All parents want to see their kids succeed in school to become one of with
honors. My Mom and Dad set a lot of strict rule that I don’t like at all. The main one
are what time you have to be in the house on weekends , Some of you argue about this
because they think they are not being allowed a lot of freedom, some of you can
embarrassed about the rules there parents make. Teenagers find it unfair because their
friends might be allowed to stay longer.Our Parents need to be strict and impossed
discipline to us for our own sake and to become successful in the future.
Friends can be the best people to relieve your stress, but they can also be the reason
behind the stress. Our parents to are one of the best to relieve stress, but sometimes
they have even more reason to sue you. Who else is close to you sometimes they are
the reason for you to come down.
However these days everything that we do in school is looking towards getting into
good and aiming the best of our ability.
Fellow classmates let us make sure we maintain positive attitude in order to cope
up with all these kinds of negative effects in our lives.
Let us make our parent be proud of us we the hope of the nation. Thank you.

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