Mod1 Capili MH21

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1. What have you observed on the words presented?

-These jumbled words are the terms that we use pertaining to the movement that we do in our body. I
also observed that some of the movement allows us to move our body from one place to another, or we
can practice the skills without moving in our place. The skills included are walking, bending, jumping,
twisting and etc. We may notice that these movement is familiar to us because we practice these
movements without noticing sometimes. These words are also called locomotor and non-locomotor

2. What do you think those movements are?







3. Why do you think those movements are important?

-It is necessary for us to to have these knowledge about the movements because we do this everyday
and we need to move from one place to another everyday. Because of these movements there are
opportunities to develop our lifestyle and health and it helps to be able to inspire to engage in physical
activity. These movement also help us to improve our balance, coordination, awareness and flexibility.
Because we do this movements always when we were young we are able to do any physical activities
easily today. This movement is important because this its study allows analysis interaction between
muscle function.

4. Do you think these movements are being applied in our daily life?

-Yes of course, when we just move from our bed to our kitchen we are already applying these
movements. When we play physical games like basketball and volleyball we are jumping and running
and it is part or the movement. Everything we do in our daily lives we apply these movements and it
improves our body. Every move we do it naturally requires to do the locomotor and non-locomotor
movements. When I am walking from our house to school and school to house I am already doing these
movements and it helps me to strengthen the muscle in my feet.

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