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Engaging the whole Brain 2-7-04

Traditional setting in classroom is left brained. This benefits the girls.

To work with both hemispheres, Deal with concepts verbally and visually.

`Cooperative learning
Graphic Organizers

Look up
spencer Kagen Cooperative learning.

Some rolls
Task master
Resource Monitor
Reporter Recorder
cleanup crew

Provides opportunites for discussion and vocabulary use

Engages more students in the learnig process
Allows time for all studnets to be involved in learning (wait-think time)

Johnson and Johnson

Positive interdependence
`face to face prlomotive interaction
individual and group accountability
Interpersona; and small group skills
Group processing

Is not group work

Is not group grades

Teaching and Monitoring Students' Cooperative Skills

-Looks like
-Sounds like

(He reads Cock a Doodle Doo. Little Red Hen's nephew)

(He begins years with having students define this (`Cooperative Leaning)

1 Students are
10 8 6 4 2--0
2 Everyone is

3 Polite. Please
and thank you
Kids come up with Rubric
Doesn't have to be every group every day.
Teachers walk around and look at goups

Round Robin:
One piece of paper
Pass around
Each write one thing
"What do you know about personification?
....Scientific Location.?"

If have some swtill dominiering.

Could do a rubric with assigned groups

Could mention exact time and day to parents this way if having trouble

Think pair share

Numbered Heads together

Students number off
Teacher gives problem or question
Students put heads together to discuss
Teacher calls a number to share the groups' response

Teach1er proposes a question with 3-5

Teacher labels areas (corners) of the room with possible answers

Students go to the corner of the room and discuss with others

(Comment ask question and then have them write it down) before sending to corners

Inside/Outside Circles

`Cass structure
Small groups
Group-half in inner circle half in outer.
Inside faces out, outside faces in. Have written question.

Students number off. (more on slides)

Why need cooperative learning?

Moves us from oral to Written

Using cooperative learning strategies and oral discussion, opens a pathway ..........

Graphic Organizers

Page- Practitioner's Corner

Teaching to Both Hemispheres: Skills and Strategies for the Left Hemisphere

Compare Contrast
Column Chart
Much like the Rubric structure (use when contrasting multiple things)

To show relationships
Concept Maps
Cause-`effect Flow Chart

**See Sousa's Materials

Graphic Organizers

To organize and summarize ideas

Note taking chart

Concept of a
Episodic Notes
Conversational Roundtable
Story Map
About Point

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