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The Correlation of Students Anxiety and Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students in

Limited Face-to-Face


Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. When this anxiety does not go away

and get worse over time. This may lead to anxiety disorder. Which its symptoms can interfere

with our daily activities in life such as schoolwork and relationship (Medlineplus, 2020). One of

the major predictors of academic performance is anxiety. Students with anxiety disorder display

a passive attitude in their studies such as lack of interest in learning and poor performance in the

class especially on the exam and assignment (Vitacarri, ET All.2010). Experts believe that severe

anxiety is a learning disability because it makes more difficult for a student to comprehend,

analyze and communicate.

According to Alibudbud R. (2021), experiencing difficulties coping with studies. The rates

of anxiety and depression among students have increased over years. They are also two or three

times at risk for depression and anxiety problems compared to general public. The covid-19

pandemic affects many countries rendering everyday lives halted. In the Philippines the

lockdown, quarantine protocol has shifted the traditional classes to online and modular classes.

The sudden transition to online and modular classes may bring psychological effects to the

students due to the continuous isolation and lack of interaction to its fellow students and teachers

(Lim, et al. 2022).

Anxiety is the biggest factors to conquer in solving the poor academic performances of the

students. Especially now because of covid-19 pandemic students suffered anxiety. The sudden

shift of events affects the psychological state of the students that affect their academic
performance. Because of the events they encounter some students struggle to coexist, bond,

make close relationship to its co-students that affect its academic performance in school.

Students wouldn’t participate in classroom group activities is the common problem we encounter

in school.

The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of the anxiety towards the academic

performance of the students and to give aid to those students who suffered anxiety to lessen the

burden they got to themselves with this study. The researchers aim to initiate a program in which

students’ anxiety may seek advice to the professionals about their burdens in life that they can’t

open up to others.

Scope and Delimitations

The man purpose of this research is to determine the effects of anxiety towards the

academic performance of grade 12 Senior High School students of Lorenzo Tan National High

school. Students suffering anxiety had gone through horrible times during this pandemic. The

hardship, failures and intense sadness made them addressed to worsen in finding themselves in.

The researcher scout 100 male and female grade 12 students enrolled in school year 2022-2023

of Lorenzo Tan National High school. Each of the respondents will be given a questionnaire to



The study aimed to determine the correlation of anxiety toward the academic

performance of the Grade-12 students at Lorenzo Tan National High School in limited face-to-


Specifically, this study seeks answer to the following questions:

1. 1. What is the demographic profile of the Grade 12 student

a) Age:

b) Sex:

2. What is the level of anxiety of Grade-12 students in Lorenzo Tan National High School?

3. What is the academic performance of the Grade-12 students in Lorenzo Tan National

High School?

4. Based on the findings, what program may be formulated to improve the mental health

and well-being of the students?

Research Design
The study utilizes quantitative research design specifically descriptive-normative and

correlational research design. Quantitative research encompasses a range of methods concerned

with the systematic investigation of social phenomena, using statistical or numerical data, (Roger

W., 2015). According to McCombes, S. (2022), descriptive-normative research aims to describe

a population, situation, or phenomenon accurately and systematically. Descriptive-normative

survey will be use in this research because the researcher will ask about demographic profile of

the respondent regarding sex, age, civil status, family status, and average of family income.

Correlational research design investigates relationships between variables without the researcher

controlling or manipulating any of them, (Pritha B., 2021). However, correlational research

design will use in this analysis due to researchers will have 2 or more quantitative variables and

they will seek the relationship between students’ anxiety and academic performances.

Research Environment

This study was conducted in Lorenzo Tan National High School, Lorenzo Tan, Tangub

City, Misamis Occidental. Lorenzo Tan National High School is a DepEd managed partially
urban secondary public school located in Tangub City, Misamis Occidental. Lorenzo Tan

National High School was established on year 1972. As of school year 2022-2023 there are 701

students enrolled in this S.Y. 349 of this are male and 362 are female. Currently there are 45

teachers, 2 admins, 2 ADA being assigned to Lorenzo Tan National High School as of S.Y.


Research Participants

The study participants were 40 Grade-12 students who are identified that as experiencing

anxiety in the Lorenzo Tan National High School during the school year 2022-2023.

Sampling Technique

According to (Lauren Thomas, 2020) a Simple random sampling is randomly selected

subgroup of a population. In this sampling method, each member of the population has an

exactly equal chance of being selected. Simple random sampling is usually the best for ensuring

both internal and external validity. The function of simple random sampling is to choose

individuals who became sample who will be representative of population (Creswell,2012)

explains that a slight variation of the simple random sampling procedure is to use systematic

sampling. A sample chosen randomly is meant to be an unbiased representation of the total

population. This is what will happen in using S.R.S the researcher will gather SCO potential

respondent. Each of the respondent writes their name in a quarter piece of paper. And drop it in a

drobox. After all the respondents finish dropping their names in the drop box. The researcher

will pull out 100 names in the drop box randomly. And these 100 names will be the respondents

of this research study.

Items Never(1) Rarely(2) Sometimes(3) Often(4) Always(5)

1.I often worry that my best is

not as good as expected in


2.I tend to put off doing school

work because it stresses me.

3.I often worry that I am not

doing assignments properly.

4.I am less confident about

school than my classmates.

5.I have a sense of dread when I

am in my classrooms.

6.I tend to find my instructors


7.I spend much of my time at

school worrying about what is

next. There is something about

school that scares me. I'm

concerned about what my

classmates think about my


8.I often feel sick when I need to

work on a major class


9.I have a hard time handling

school responsibilities.

10. I feel anxious whenever I

need to sit for a test or exam.

11. I worry I will "go blank"

when I start a test or exam.

12. In general, sitting for a

test or exam makes me tense

and uneasy.

13. I feel anxious whenever I

need to submit written work.

14. I worry that my spelling

and writing is not good


15. Submitting written work

makes me feel nervous.

16. I feel anxious whenever I

am asked to make a short

speech in class.

17. I worry that I will forget

information during my speech.

18. Speaking in public makes

me panic.

19. I feel anxious whenever I

am asked to make a short

speech in class.
20. I worry that I will forget

information during my speech.

21. Speaking in public makes

me panic.

22. I feel anxious whenever I

need to work on a group


23. On group projects, I

worry that my classmates will

not work well together.

24. Submitting a group

assignment makes me feel

tense and nervous.

Name:______________________ Age:____ Sex:______


In this research, the academic performance will serve as the dependent variable of the

study. Meanwhile the personal information of the respondents with regard to their age, sex, and

their anxiety (level) will serve as the independent variable, this will determine what level of

relationship between the two (2) variables had.

Anxiety is feelings of fear, dread and uneasiness. It causes you to sweat, feel restless and

tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to stress (, 2020).

Which greatly affects with the school performance of the student. The causes for poor/great

academic performance can be external or internal. External causes include: school environment,

social interaction, teachers and teaching techniques. While internal causes may involve problems

at home, as well as children's emotional state and maturity (Arbeláez, 2018). Anxiety is the

biggest factors to conquer in solving the poor academic performances of the student.






In the figure, one headed arrow connects the two boxes. It indicates how anxiety can affect
the academic the academic performance of the student. Likewise, a block at the bottom contains

the respondents’ demographic profile in terms of age and sex. This will also serve as the

moderator between the two variables. The researcher considered them the defining factor in

determining the correlation between the students anxiety and academic performance.


This study was premised on these hypotheses:

HO¹: There is no significant difference in the extent of Grade 12 students' anxiety level

when analyzed as to their profile.

HO²: There is no significant difference in Grade 12 students'academic performance when

respondents are group according to their profile and their anxiety level.

HO³: There is no significant interplay between Grade 12 students' anxiety and academic



 TEACHERS. This study helps the teacher to lessen their teaching-related stress. Students'

anxiety has an impact on how the teacher, as shown by their lack of participation in class

activities, failure to complete tasks, and poor grades. These are some factors that this

study can diminish, seek out, and resolve to help teachers manage their stress.
 STUDENTS. This study will help the students to provide them the ability to ascertain

whether they have anxiety and will provide prevention techniques. The students learning

will benefit from this, making it easier for them to complete their coursework and

succeed in school.

 SCHOOL HEADS. This study will help the school heads to assist in making the

institution run more efficiently, they are able to develop a program to aid the students in

reducing their anxiety.

 PARENTS. This study can help parents to aware if their kid is anxious . They can now

begin to keep an eye on their child's mental well-being and develop some preventative

strategies for how they can support them, particularly as they study.


You may also experience physical signs of anxiety, such as pounding heart and sweating.


 Is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. It might cause you to sweat, feel restless and

tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to stress (MedlinePlus. gov,


 A disorder that a student has which can affect to poor classroom performance.

 Is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects

(, 2020).

 •Student academic output.


 Is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. This

affects how you feel think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical

problems (, 2022).

 •Students mood after a talking/facing certain problem in life which they can't solve.


 Is the process of reciprocal influence exercise by individuals over one another during

social encounters. Usually it refers to face to face encounters in which people are

physically present with one another for a specified duration (

 •Communicating to others.


 It is an organization or other formal social structure that governs a field of action (Fabio

Rojas, 2022).

 •Educational institution like school.



Anxiety is a psychological and physical response to treat a self-concept characterized by

subjective, consciously perceived feelings of tension (Spielberger, 1983) as citied by (Vitasari,, 2010).The challenge of dealing with change and adaptation causes academic performance

issues in some students, leading in many cases to learning difficulties or even forcing some to

drop out of university (Hernández,, 2020).

According to Remedios E Basco and Melanio Trillanes Olea (2013), Generally, anxiety is

defined as unpleasant emotion characterized by worry, apprehension, dread and fear in

varying degree. It exists when a person is weary, but does not know the reason at all.

When this feeling persist out of proportion and remained unchecked, then the anxiety

becomes a phobia. The people experiencing this kind of behavior are easily agitated, restless and

may indulge in purposeless or aimless activity. They may also experience some physiological

discomforts which occur unexpectedly with or without being aware of it, such as increase

in heart rate and blood pressure, dizziness, stomach discomfort, perspiration and other

physiological manifestations
According to Muhammad Ajmal* and Saghir Ahmad** (2019), Anxiety is a basic human

emotion that consists of fear and uncertainty and usually it occurs when an individual believes

that the event is a threat to self or self-esteem. Anxiety can also be state or trait depending on its

duration. Anxiety blocks the normal thought processes. It favors a passive approach to material

rather than interaction with it. Anxiety is the human emotion that everyone experiences. Students

experience problems during their studies, and feel anxious when taking exams or making

significant life decisions.

The anxiety disorders share self-reported symptoms of anxiety and fear; heightened anxiety and

fear responding to cues that signal threat, cues that signal no threat, cues that formerly signaled

threat, and contexts associated with threat; elevated stress reactivity to aversive stimuli;

attentional biases to threat-relevant stimuli and threat-based appraisals of ambiguous stimuli; and

elevated amygdala responses to threat-relevant stimuli. Some differences exist among anxiety

disorders, and between anxiety disorders and depressive disorders (Craske,, 2011)

According to Tobias in Ibrahim (1996) as cited by Vitasari, (2010) has been recognised that

anxiety plays significant role in student's learning and academic performance, moreover anxiety

has been known to have both facilitating and debilitating effects on academic achievement.

Researchers have been looking at the correlation of anxiety and the effect of academic

performance among school students, they found that among high school students with higher

level of anxiety have lower academic performance (McCraty, 2007) as cited by (Vitasari,,
2010) and greater anxiety would be associated with poorer academic achievement (Luigi, et al.,

2007) as cited by (Vitasari,, 2010).

Students who have these disorders are at risk of suffering from poor academic performance and

resistance to anything school-related. This can include lack of engagement in the classroom, poor

relationships with peers and teachers, and disinterest in pursuing passions and planning for the

future. Their learning is also affected due to the fact that anxiety and depression can impact the

working memory, which makes it challenging to retain new information and recall previously

learned information.

Anxiety and depression negatively influence academic progress and encourage under-

achievement. Students with a high level of anxiety score lower on IQ and achievement tests than

their peers (lbcces. org. 2019).

Experiencing anxiety are often available in local communities and the third sector. Peer support

groups, social groups, exercise and changes to diet all have a positive impact on symptoms

(Curtis et al, 2009).

It is a basic human emotion that consists of fear and uncertainty and usually it occurs when an

individual believes that the event is a threat to self or self-esteem. Anxiety can also be state or

trait depending on its duration. Anxiety blocks the normal thought processes. It favors a passive
approach to material rather than interaction with it. Anxiety is the human emotion that everyone

experiences. Students experience problems during their studies, and feel anxious when taking

exams or making significant life decisions. There is evidence in the literature that there is a

negative correlation between anxiety and student achievement, and there is a negative correlation

between anxiety and the realization of important cognitive and emotional outcomes in distance

learning education (Jegede, Alaiyemola, & Okebukola, 1990) as cited by (Ajmal and Amad ,



High level of anxiety also interferes with concentration and memory, which are critical for

academic success. However, most of students would lack the concentration of study because of

exam anxiety, social anxiety, mathematic anxiety, and many anxiety sources. Feeling discomfort

and anxious in the classroom does not enhance learning of any kind. The anxiety’s psychological

symptoms among students include feeling nervous before a study class, panicking, going blank

during a test, feeling helpless while doing assignments, or lack of interest of subjects difficult

whereas the physiological symptoms include sweaty palms, racing heartbeat, or an upset

stomach (Vitasari, Wahab, Et al, 2010).

Anxious students have experience of cognitive deficits like misapprehension of information or

blocking of memory and recall (Vitasari,, 2010). Academic anxiety can become more

detrimental over time. As a student’s academic performance suffers, the anxiety level related to

certain academic tasks increases (Huberty, 2012) as cited by (Cassie Dobson, 2012).
Students with anxiety disorder exhibit a passive attitude in their studies such as lack of interest in

learning, poor performance in exams, and do poorly on assignments. The anxiety’s psychological

symptoms among students include feeling nervous before a tutorial class, panicking, going blank

during a test, feeling helpless while doing assignments, or lack interest in a difficult subject

whereas the physiological symptoms include sweaty palms, cold, nervousness, panic, fast pace of

breathing, racing heartbeat, or an upset stomach (Ruffins, 2007) as cited by (Vitasari,,


Social anxiety can also affect a student’s academic performance. If a student has social anxiety,

the student might not be able to complete group tasks or might not feel comfortable asking for

help in class. Social anxiety can go along with or even lead to academic anxiety. Teaching

students self-regulation can reduce anxiety and increase academic performance (Ader & Erktin,

2010) as cited by (Cassie Dobson, 2012).

The first component of academic anxiety is emotionality that instruction time, faulty learning

material, over demanding is characterized with symptoms which include distress, fright syllabus

as well as insensible teaching. Consequently, students (panic), high palpitations, queasiness

(nausea), moist palms, rush preparing at the eleventh hour, leading to mix-up especially

touchiness (irritability), and tenseness among others. In most during examinations. As a result,

students underperform due to cases, these are feelings emanating from the inability to perform
the inability to embrace study skills. Apparently, the three expected duties. Specifically, such

feelings are as a result of dimensions of academic anxiety are outcomes of poor study inadequate

preparation or inability to comprehend learning skills, hence the need to design mechanisms of

checking these concepts (Nancy, W.M. Gichohi, 2019).

Consequently, students undergoing these signs are likely to experience diminishing

concentration levels during academic activities. Undeniably, emotionality can impact negatively

on student academic performance if not attended to (Saini, 2012) as cited by (Nancy, W.M.

Gichohi, 2019). These psychological problems badly affect the health of our students (Wani,


Academic anxiety is a well-established, significant predictor of academic performance. Students

with high levels of anxiety are unable to perform at the best of their ability. The purpose of this

study was to determine the extent of academic anxiety and its effects on academic performance

and explore if social and family sources of anxiety have effects on academic performance

(Shangal,, 2018)

When the anxiety or level of arousal exceeds that optimal level, the result is decline in

performance. Hence the individual fails to fulfill the required obligation (Afolayan,,

2013).Today’s school life develops anxieties, tensions, frustration and anger leading to a

negative impact on the mental health of students. As a result more and more students are facing

adjustment problems in every sphere of life- personal, social and emotional (Kaur,, 2020)
It is when anxiety is in its severe form that some students experience genuine problem in

academics. Their minds go blank, they experience the shakes, their hands go numb and they

suffer from a number of sudden disabilities associated with anxiety during examination.

Academic performance is the outcome of education. It refers to the extent to which a student,

teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. This goal is known to be influenced

by anxiety. Anxiety can occur as a result of stress, affecting learning and memory and also

affecting academic performance negatively. According to an optimal level of stress can enhance

learning ability and improve academic performance (Afolayan,, 2013).


Introduce counseling center/programs for students so that they may cope with examination

anxiety, academic anxiety and management problems. As high level of anxiety is responsible for

low academic performance, it is recommended that students may be provided with satisfactory

feedback by tutors, Instructors may deal students with positive behavior to overcome and reduce

their level of anxiety. A healthy relationship between tutor and students is helpful to minimize

the anxiety factors. The students with higher level of anxiety must be identified and treated to

enhance their academic performance and for timely and effectively (Muhammad Ajmal and

Saghir Ahmad, 2019).

Calming and relaxation technique can help student manage anxiety. The technique use to help

student will overcome in part of social anxiety and given class situation (Cooley, 2007) as cited

by (Othman, 2010)

Students used learning strategies, such as memorizing and rehearsal to buffer anticipatory

anxiety and to increase knowledge and personal confidence. In clinical terms, such strategies are

referred to as “safety behaviors” and some of those employed resulted in, at best, partial

participation in learning activities (GRAHAM RUSSELL & PHIL TOPHAM, 2012).

Drugs to reduce anxiety have been used by human beings for thousands of years. One of the first

anxiolytics and one that continues to be used by humans is ethanol. A number of other drugs

including the barbiturates and the carbamates (meprobamate) were used in the first half of

the 20th century and some continue to be used today (Adwas, , 2019) improve the

environmental circumstances associated with anxiety. The focus on enhancing school climate

highlights many facets of schools and schooling that need to be changed and are likely

contributors to student anxiety. Relatedly, many student and learning supports are meant to

address factors that are associated with student anxiety (Sarah Ting, 2015).

Teaching coping skills to children as early as possible will help them deal with stress and lower

anxiety (Tomb & Hunter, 2004) as cited by (Cindilee Hayden, 2016). Teachers and parents can

learn to recognize the signs of anxiety in school students. If teachers and parents help students to

learn to control anxiety early, more serious academic problems related to anxiety can be avoided.
Anxiety can become more detrimental over time. If academic anxiety is identified on time it

helps to improve the performance of students so it necessary to know more about academic

anxiety (Madhuri Hooda and Anu Saini, 2017).

If students feel fear from test then there is used to inculcate different skills like relaxation,

visualization, self-talk, etc. and that help to reduce their academic anxiety (Hooda and Saini,


SOAR is a program that is designed to create an environment where students can discuss any

difficulties they are facing, receive social support, as well as connect them with resources to help

them to overcome them. The mission of SOAR is to: “Partner with faculty, staff, parents and

students to assist ACU students and connect them to resources available to support their path to

success, and build a caring community at ACU by connecting students with faculty, staff,

parents, and peers" (Katherine Bisson, 2017).

As people mature, coping skills develop more easily and they are able to use coping strategies

more successfully. We also agree with the approach of in considering that, as people mature,

they are more able to adopt a behavioral, cognitive and emotional strategy to cope with stressful

events as they arise. Therefore, stress becomes an adaptive and psychological process, so that, as

age increases, students value academic demands as stressful (Puerta,, 2022).
Student coping could have two phases: The first would consist of the student’s assessment and

coping with what is happening, oriented towards his or her own well-being; and the second

phase, which would focus on the development of efforts to manage certain external demands.

From this point of view, it is evident that, depending on the assessment of the academic demand,

the student will develop a type of response that could be based on his or her experience in

managing stressful situations (Puerta,, 2022).

According to AlKandari, (2020), many institutions provide students with mental health workers

to help them cope with their negative feelings while they pursue their studies. To provide

students with efficient mental services, the institutions should hire workers who specialize in

psychology and counseling. This will provide students with effective strategies to reduce their

anxiety. These mental health workers should be available to meet students on campus and, most

importantly, give students a trusted and secure setting in which to improve their self-confidence

when they seek help.

Data Collection Procedure

After making a statement about the problem. Research design, research environment,

research participants, and sampling techniques have also been formulated. A research

questionnaire will be created.

Before the study is proper, the researcher will ask permission from the principal to

conduct this research study. The researcher will also ask permission from the senior high school

students, if they can be a respondent to this study. Once approval is granted, distribution of
instrument will be followed. Aside from the written answer, the researcher will also ask for the

respondent’s general average.

The data well then be gather and retrieved for the data analysis and interpretation.


This chapter shows the result of the survey conducted in the study of correlation between

students and society and academic performance limited face to face. The tables presented are in

the accordance with the order being stated in the statement of the problem. The result of this

study is given below.

Table 1: Respondent’s Profile

Table 1.1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Age

Age Frequency Percentage

17 13 30.95%

18 23 54.76%

19 above 6 14.29%

Total 42 100%
Table 1.1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents according

to age. Among 42 respondents, 23 of them are 18 years old that represents 54.76%. Followed by

respondents who are 17 years old representing 30.95%. 14.29% of the respondents is 19 years

old and above.

Table 1.2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 22 52.38%

Female 20 47.62%

Total 42 100%

Table 1.2 shows that 52.38% of our respondents are male and 47.62% of them are

female. The table clearly shows that out of 42 respondents, majority of them are male with 22


Table 2. Level of Anxiety

Indicator Mean Value

1. I often worry that my 3.24 sometimes

best is not as good as

expected in school.

2. I tend to put off doing 2.76 rarely

school work because it

stresses me.
3. I often worry that I am 2.74 rarely

not doing assignments


4. I am less confident about 3.14 sometimes

school than my


5. I have a sense of dread 2.81 rarely

when I am in my


6. I tend to find my 3.38 sometimes

instructors intimidating.

7. I spend much of my time 3.5 Sometimes

at school worrying about

what is next. There is

something about school

that scares me. I'm

concerned about what

my classmates think

about my abilities.

8. I often feel sick when I 2.43 rarely

need to work on a major

class assignment.

9. I have a hard time 2.98 rarely

handling school

10. I feel anxious whenever I 3.26 sometimes

need to sit for a test or


11. I worry I will "go blank" 3.24 Sometimes

when I start a test or


12. In general, sitting for a 3.14 Sometimes

test or exam makes me

tense and uneasy.

13. I feel anxious whenever I 3.07 Sometimes

need to submit written


14. I worry that my spelling 3.21 Sometimes

and writing is not good


15. Submitting written work 3.12 Sometimes

makes me feel nervous.

16. I feel anxious whenever I 3.55 Sometimes

am asked to make a short

speech in class.

17. I worry that I will forget 3.69 Sometimes

information during my


18. Speaking in public 3.74 Sometimes

makes me panic.
19. I feel anxious whenever I 3.43 Sometimes

am asked to make a short

speech in class.

20. I worry that I will forget 3.57 Sometimes

information during my


21. Speaking in public 3.31 Sometimes

makes me panic.

22. I feel anxious whenever I 2.81 rarely

need to work on a group


23. On group projects, I 2.67 rarely

worry that my classmates

will not work well


24. Submitting a group 2.36 rarely

assignment makes me

feel tense and nervous.

Total 75.15

3.13 sometimes

The table 2 represents the level of anxiety experience by the students. Among the items,

the respondents least experience are "submitting a group assignment makes me feel tense and

nervous" because it has a mean of 2.36 which can be interpreted as "rarely". It is followed by "I
often feel sick when I need to work on a major class assignment" because it has a mean of 2.43

which can be interpreted as rarely. While respondents have a higher level on "speaking in public

makes me panic" since it has a mean of 3.74 and it can be labeled as "sometimes". Followed by

"I worry that I will forgot information during my speech" since it has a mean of 3.69 and it can

be labeled as "sometimes".

The anxiety level of the students is depicted in the table 2. Item "submitting a group

assignment makes me feel tense and nervous" is least experience because it has the mean of 2.36,

although some students regard academic challenges and assessment as a way to improve

themselves, many others develop serious anxiety when they cannot solve task at school. When

they have problems with homework or when they know they are to be tested (OECD, 2017).

Student’s personal difficulties and competing priorities can also create obstacles to completing

homework successfully (Nancy Paulu). As indicated by Blazer (2009), a survey of senior high

school students ask which activities they engage in for 5 or more hours per week are those more

likely to feel stressed about homework. Respondents second least experience has the mean of

2.41 and states that "I often feel sick when I need to work on a major class assignment". Students

often experience the featured item "I worry that I will forget information during my speech"

which has 3.69 survey mean result. As stated by Allen Christy,, (2020), The common reason

for speaking anxiety are as follows: fear of abasement, to prepare badly, lack of confidence

related to the physical appearance, the fear of being criticized by the audience when there is no

perfect performance, anxiety of low self-esteem, indifference of the audience, the speaker to be

inexperience, the fear of making a mistake, the fear of failure. "Speaking in public makes me

panic" what's highly experience by respondents due to its result of 3.74 mean, anxiety disorder
are among the most common mental disorder encountered by public speaker people who feel

anxiety while speaking in public generally avoid situation where they have to perform, but when

they encountered the situation, they suffer intense distress and anxiety people in general

negatively assess and appraise those who demonstrate their fears toward public speaking and fail

to make a strong impression through confident gesture (Kant, 2000) as cited by (Raja, 2017).

Table 3: Academic Performance of the Students

Academic Frequency Percentage Level

Performance (General Average)

81 - 85 12 28.57% 84.08

86 - 90 25 59.52% 88.02

91 - 95 5 11.91% 91.93

42 100% 88.01

Table 3 displays the frequency, level, and percentage distribution of the respondents by

academic performance. Among the 42 respondents, 25 of them got 86 - 90 general average that

represents 59.52%. Followed by the respondents who got 81 - 85 and 91 - 95 general average

that represents 28.57% and 11.91% respectively. The academic performance levels for students

in 81 - 85, 86 - 90, and 91 - 95 groups 84.08, 88.02, and 91.93 respectively.

Summary of Data
1.) What is the demographic profile of the Grade 12 student?

42 students are being taken as a respondent to this study. 22 out of 42 of the respondents

are males, which represents 52.38% of the total number of respondents. The rest 20 respondents

are female which represents 47.62% of the total respondents. It clearly shows that the majority of

the respondents are male. 23 of the respondents are aged 18 years old which corresponds to

54.76℅ of the total respondents. It is followed by respondents aged 17 years old representing

30.95℅. Lastly, 14.29℅ of the respondents are 19 years old and above.

2.) What is the level of anxiety of Grade-12 students in Lorenzo Tan National High School?

The level of anxiety of the student based on the given material is valued at 3.13 which

can be interpreted as "sometimes". Among the items in the given material respondent's least

experience is "submitting a group assignment a, me feel tense and nervous" because it has a

mean of 2.36 which can be interpreted as "rarely". Followed by "I often feel sick when I need to

work on a major class assignment" because it has a mean of "2.43" which can be also interpreted

as "rarely". While the respondents have a higher level of anxiety on "speaking in public makes

me panic" since it has a mean of 3.74 and it can be labeled as "sometimes". Followed by "I worry

that I will forget information during my speech" since it has a mean of 3.69 and can be labeled as

3.) What is the academic performance of the Grade-12 students in Lorenzo Tan National High


Among the 42 respondents, 25 of the respondent got an 86-90 general average which

represents 59.52%. Followed by the respondents who got 81 - 85 and 91 - 95 general averages

that represent 28.57% and 11.91% respectively. The academic performance levels for students in

the 81-85, 86-90, and 91-95 groups are 84.08, 88.02, and 91.93 respectively.

4.) Is there a significant relationship between students' anxiety to the academic performance?

No relationship is shown by the value of r, which is -0.037. The student's anxiety and

academic performance have no relationship to one another.

5.) Based on the findings, what program may be formulated to improve the mental health and

well-being of the students?

Consultation program and introduced a new teaching program where the students can

interact in a fun manner with the teaching process inside the classroom. Teaching process where

incorporate meditation, physical activity, creative arts, and peer mentoring programs.

Program for consultation and the launch of a new educational program that allows

students to engage in fun classroom activity. A method of teaching that includes peer mentoring,

exercise, creative arts, and meditation.

Based on the findings drive from the study, the following compressions were drawn.

1. Finding showed that the highest percentage of the respondents are male and age

18 years old. And with a general average of 86-90.

2. Most of the students are experiencing academic anxiety and public speaking


3. Based on the findings, respondents are sometimes aware of their anxiety level. In

terms of the strength and weaknesses based on their anxiety.

4. The results showed that student’s anxiety have no correlation to the student's

academic performance.


 Teachers:
 Training: Teachers should receive training on recognizing signs of anxiety in students,
understanding its impact on academic performance, and implementing appropriate
strategies to support students effectively.
 Creating a safe environment: Foster a safe and inclusive classroom environment where
students feel comfortable expressing their concerns and seeking help. Encourage open
communication, empathy, and understanding.

 Parents:
 Communication: Maintain open lines of communication with your child and create a
safe space for them to discuss their anxieties. Listen actively, validate their feelings, and
provide emotional support.
 Collaboration with teachers: Work closely with teachers to share information about your
child's anxiety and develop strategies that can be implemented both at home and in the
classroom to support their academic performance.

 School Heads:
 Resource allocation: Allocate resources for mental health support within the school,
including guidance counselors, psychologists, or other mental health professionals.
Ensure that these professionals are available to students who require additional
 Policy implementation: Establish policies and protocols that address mental health
concerns, including anxiety, and integrate them into the overall school framework.
Encourage a culture of well-being and prioritize mental health education and

 Students:
 Self-awareness: Recognize your own signs of anxiety and be proactive in seeking
support. Speak up and communicate your needs to teachers, parents, or school
 Coping strategies: Learn and practice healthy coping mechanisms for managing anxiety,
such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or engaging in activities you enjoy. Take
breaks when needed, prioritize self-care, and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

By working collaboratively and implementing these recommendations, teachers,

parents, school heads, and students can create a supportive environment that
addresses anxiety, mitigates its impact on academic performance, and promotes overall

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