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EPISODE 1 麦苗: 啊?!

Stage-1 : Greeting of Mai Miao and
Susan 苏珊: 你确定吗?
Are you sure?
第一阶段: 麦苗和苏珊一起迎接
确定 Quèdìng (verb): to
determine; (adjective): sure, fixed,
苏珊:你好! 您好! 吗 ma (question particle)
Hello! Hello!

苏珊: 我真的能去你舅舅家过
How are you?
I can spend the Spring Festival at your
uncle’s home?
我 (subject, noun): I, me
I’m fine.
真的 (adverb): really
能 (modal): can, to be able to
苏珊:您好! 您好! 去 (v): to go
Hello! Hello!
舅舅 (n): uncle
家 (n): home
At once: 麦苗!! 苏珊!! 过年 (v): to spend the year festival
Mai Miao! Susan!

麦苗: 那当然啦!
苏珊: 你先说, 女士优先嘛. Of course!
Go ahead, ladies first.
当然 (adv) : of course, certainly
嘛 ma (modal particle) : well
女士优先嘛 Nǚshì yōuxiān ma
麦苗: 对了, 苏珊, 我现在有点
(idiom) : ladies first
By the way, Susan, I’ve got something to
麦苗: 咱们两个都是女的.
handle first.
We’re both ladies!
对了 (conjuction): by the way

苏珊: 你确定吗?
Are you sure?
麦苗: 我一会儿来接你好吗? Stage-2 : Mother & Father Li are
I’ll come back in a moment to you to my sticking the couplets
home, okay?
一会儿 (adv) : for a while, awhile, 第二阶段: 舅舅和舅妈贴对联
in a moment
接 Jiē (v): to catch, -----
Mother Li: 你说你这犟老头!
苏珊: 不用接. You stubborn old man!
You don’t have to take me there. 犟 Jiàng (a) : stubborn
接 Jiē (v): to catch, 老头 lǎotóu (n) : old man, elder

苏珊: 我们可以在你家门口 Mother Li:都多大岁数了!

You’re no longer young!
数 Shù (n) : number
We’ll meet at the gate of your home.
集合 Jíhé (v): to gather, to meet,
Mother Li:每年都要亲自贴对
麦苗:好啊 联.
Okay. You don’t have to paste up the couplets
personally every year.

麦苗: 这样,我先给舅舅打个 亲自 Qīnzì (adv) : personally

贴 tiē (v) : to paste
对联 duìlián (n) : couplet
Well, I’ll call my uncle first to ask him.
要 (modal) : to want, future tense
舅舅 Jiùjiu (n): uncle
particle, must; (conj) : if
打个电话 (v): to call (by phone)
个 (measure word) : individual,
Mother Li:今年让孩子贴一次
measure for general things,
general classifier 不行吗?
Why do you not let the kids do it this
让 (v) : to let
to wait for you at the gate.
接 Jiē (v): to catch, to meet, to join
Father Li: 不行, 一年就这一出
No. It’s done only once a year.
Father Li:得我来.
------- I have to do it myself.
Stage-3: Mai Miao gives to Susan 苏珊:苏珊就是 GPS 嘛
the home address I, Susan, am a GPS myself.

第三阶段: 麦苗给苏珊她家的地址  可以, 没问题, 苏珊就是 GPS 嘛.

----- Stage-4 : Mother & Father Li miss

麦苗:家里没人 the phone of Mai Miao. Later they
No one at home. answer Dawei’s phone. They are
informed about the cake.
Maybe they are all gone shopping for 第四阶段: 舅舅和舅妈不可以回答
the Spring Festival. 麦苗的电话。但是他们回答大伟
货 Huò (n) : goods 的电话。大伟告诉他们蛋糕。

麦苗:这样吧, 苏珊, 我有家里 -----

的地址 Mother Li:紫笋破冰辞旧岁!
Well, Susan, here’s my home address. The bamboo shoots break ice to send
地址 Dìzhǐ (n) : address away the old year.
紫 Zǐ (adjective) : purple
笋 sǔn (n) : bamboo shoots
破冰 pòbīng : to break the ice
According to this address
辞 cí (v) : to discharge, to resign,
按照 Ànzhào (preposition) :
to take leave
according to
旧 jiù (a) : old
岁 suì (n) : year
can you find my home?
Father Li:红梅得意闹新春!
 你按照这个地址可以找得到家吗? The red plums bloom gaily to greet the
new spring.
According to this address can you find
the house? 红 Hóng (a) : red
按照 Ànzhào (preposition) : 梅 méi (n) : plum
according to 得意 déyì (a) : pleased, proud
可以 (m) : can, to be able to 闹 nào (v) : to greet, to
新春 xīnchūn : the new year, new
苏珊:可以, 没问题, spring
Sure, no problem.
At once:迎春接福! Mother Li:可能是拜年的.
Happy Spring!! Perhaps someone giving us New Year
迎 Yíng (v) : to welcome greetings.
春 chūn (n) : the spring 可能 Kěnéng (m) : may, possibly
接 jiē (v) : to welcome 拜 Bài (v) : to give a salute, to
福 fú (n) : blessing congratulate, to pay respect

Father Li:我来, 我来, 哎呀, 好 Father Li:你这短跑速度太慢.

嘞! You ran too slowly.
Let me do it. Oh, good. 短跑 Duǎnpǎo (v) : to run
哎呀 āiyā (interjection): Damn, 速度 sùdù (n): speed, rate
Ahh, My God! 慢 màn (a) : slow
好嘞 hǎo lei (int) : good, great
Mother Li:你快你接呀.
Mother Li:哎哟, 电话! Go get it quick.
Oh, the phone is ringing. 呀 ya (int) : ah
哎哟 Āiyō (int) : Oh, Ouch
Father Li:这我拿着梯子呢.
Father Li:快听电话! I’m carrying this ladder.
Get the phone, quick. 梯子 Tīzi (n) : ladder
呢 ne (particle, quep) : where,
Mother Li:喂? compliment for the sentence
喂 Wèi (int) : Hello (while Father Li:来了, 来了! 看这速度
answering phone) Coming, coming! Look, how fast!

Mother Li:哟, 挂了. Mother Li:你就在跟前呢.

Oh, it’s disconnected. It’s right by your side.
哟 yō (int) : Oh 跟前 Gēnqián (pr) : in front of,
挂 Guà (v) : to hang, to put off, near

Father Li:您好
Father Li:嗨, 是你呀? -----
Who is this? Oh, its you? Li Dawei:你说谁小鸡呢? 说谁
嗨 Hāi (int) : hey, hi 小鸡呢?
Who is chicken? Who is chicken?
Mother Li:谁呀? 鸡 Jī (n) : chicken
Li Dawei:还想不想要鞭炮了?
Father Li:咱大儿子. Don’t you want firecrackers anymore?
Our older son. 鞭炮 Biānpào (n) : firecracker
(havai fişek)
Father Li:大伟, 什么事儿?
Dawei, what’s it? Le Le:我是小鸡.
大伟 (character) : Dàwěi I’m chicken.

Father Li:哦, 你订了一个蛋糕 Li Dawei:这还差不多

Oh, you ordered a cake and That’s more like it.
哦 Ó (int) : Oh
订 dìng (v) : to order Li Dawei:对不起! I’m sorry!
蛋糕 dàngāo (n) : cake I’m sorry!

Father Li:一会儿有专人给送来 苏珊:对不起!

someone will deliver it here soon… I’m sorry!
专人 zhuānrén (n) : someone, a
guy, a person Li Dawei:还说中国话呢! 你好.
She even speaks Chinese! Hello.
Father Li:好好好
Okay. 苏珊:你好!
Stage-5 : Dawei meets Susan and
misdirects her. Lele notices that and Li Dawei:你好吗? 我刚才没碰
then they go to buy firecrackers.
How are you? I didn’t touch you, right?
第五阶段: 大伟见面苏珊, 苏珊问
碰 Pèng (v) : to touch, to bump
大伟问题北街在哪儿, 然后乐乐意
乐乐走买鞭炮。 苏珊:我很好.
I’m okay.
苏珊: 就是…不会走路. 苏珊:再见
Only… I can’t walk now. Goodbye.
路 Lù (n) : road, way
Le Le:哎, 不对
Li Dawei:啊, 我刚才没踩到您 Hey, you’re wrong.
的脚吧! 哎 Āi (int) : hey
Oh, but I didn’t step on your foot!
踩 Cǎi (v) : to step on Li Dawei:怎么了?
脚 Jiǎo (n) : foot Why?

苏珊: No, No! 我想说我不会 Le Le:小叔, 你给人家指错路了

认路 Uncle, you misdirected her.
Oh, I mean I can’t find the street I’m 小叔 xiǎo shū (n) : uncle
looking for 给 gěi (prep) : to, for
认路 Rèn lù : to know the way 人家 rénjiā (n) : other people
指错 zhǐ cuò (v) : to misdirect
Do you know where Beijie Street is? Le Le:北街呀在咱家的这边
北街 Běi jiē Beijie is in the direction of our home.

Li Dawei:北街? 那边. Le Le:那边你指的是南街

Beijie? In that direction. You pointed to Nanjie Street.
边 Biān (n) : side, direction
Li Dawei:南面… 北边…
苏珊:那边呢? South… north…
In that direction?
Li Dawei:哦, 我是指错了
苏珊:谢谢. I did misdirect her!
Thank you.
Li Dawei:喂, 跑这么快
Li Dawei:别客气. Hey, she runs so fast!
You’re welcome.
别客气 Bié kèqì (id) : You’re
Li Dawei:难道是外国飞毛腿 Li Dawei:走, 买鞭炮去
吗? Let’s go and buy firecrackers.
Is she a foreign fast runner?
道 Dào (v) : to say, (n) : path ***
飞毛腿 fēimáotuǐ : fast runner
你好! / 您好!
Le Le:小叔啊, 你这么聪明的人 Nǐ hǎo! / Nín hǎo!
Uncle, you’re a clever man. Hello!
聪明 Cōngmíng (a) : clever
 “你好”是人们最常用的问候语,
Le Le:连东南西北都不认识了 任何时间, 任何场合及任何身份
But why can’t you tell the directions? 的人都可以使用.
连 Lián (adv) : even “Nǐ hǎo” is the most common
东南 dōngnán (n) : southeast word for greeting, used
西北 xīběi (n) : northwest anytime, anyplace, and by
 你这么聪明的人连东南西北都 任何 rènhé (conj) : whatever,
不认识了. whatsoever; (s) : any, whichever
场合 chǎnghé (n) : occasion, situation
Li Dawei:这不都是让你给闹的 及 jí (conj) : and
吗? 身份 shēnfèn (n) : identity

Just because you were so naughty.

 对方的回答也是“你好” 如果要
闹 Nào (a) : noisy, naughty
表示礼貌和尊敬 就用“您好”
The person greeted should also
Li Dawei:还好地球是圆的
say “nǐ hǎo” in reply. “nín hǎo”
Fortunately the earth is round.
implies more politeness and
地球 Dìqiú (n) : the earth
圆 Yuán (n) : round, (a) : circular
表示 biǎoshì (v) : to express
Li Dawei:怎么绕都能绕回来 礼貌 lǐmào (n) : courtesy, politeness
She’d come back sooner or later. 尊敬 zūnjìng (n) : respect; (v) : to
绕 Rào (v) : to revolve respect


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