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• What is system building design?
• A systems approach is a concept built on the idea
that all things are connected and dependent on
each other.
• It is associated with business, but can also be
applied to construction in terms of project
management and other areas such as safety,
infrastructure and net-zero buildings.
• What are the 4 types of building
• be divided into four categories as
follows: foundation systems, floor
systems, wall – column systems,
and roof systems.
• The 7 Types of Building Systems Engineering
• Civil. Civil engineering related to building systems primarily deals with the routing of
site utilities, such as storm water piping and retention, sanitary, natural gas. ...
• Electrical. Everyone thinks of the obvious here: lights. ...
• Energy. ...
• Mechanical. ...
• Plumbing. ...
• Structural. ...
• Technology.
• What are the four types of building?
• Detached Buildings.
• Semi-Detached Buildings.
• Multi-Storey or High Rise Buildings.
• This are the 3 systems that make a
• Building systems refers to
the mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing systems found in modern
• What are the 4 types of structural
• Basic types of systems
include bearing-wall, post-and-
lintel, frame, membrane, and
• Building Systems means:
• (a) all heating, ventilating, air
conditioning, climate control and
humidity control equipment and
systems serving the Demised
• (b) other systems, services, installations and facilities installed in
or servicing the Building including, without limitation, the
following systems, services, installations and facilities:
• mechanical, plumbing, sprinkler, drainage and sewage, elevators,
electrical and other utilities, lighting, life safety (including fire
prevention, detectors, safety system testing and plans,
communications, security and surveillance), computer (including
environmental, security and lighting control), ice and snow
melting, refuse removal, window washing and music;
• (c) all machinery, appliances, equipment, apparatus,
components, computer software and appurtenances
forming part of or used for or in connection with any of
such systems, services, installations and facilities
including, but not limited to, boilers, motors, generators,
fans, pumps, pipes, conduits, ducts, valves, wiring, meters
and controls, and the structures and shafts housing and
enclosing any of them; and
d) all Landlord owned or
• (

controlled telecommunications
facilities, pathways, installations
and equipment
5 Building Construction Types: Fire Resistance Ratings
• Type 1: Fire-resistive: High-rise buildings made of concrete and
protected steel
• Type 2: Non-combustible: Newer buildings with tilt-slab or reinforced
masonry walls and a metal roof
• ype 3: Ordinary: New or old buildings with non-combustible walls but a
wood-framed roof
• Type 4: Heavy Timber: Older buildings made from thick lumber
• Type 5: Wood-framed: Modern buildings with combustible framing and
Type 1: Fire-resistive
• Type 1 buildings are fire-resistant high-rises. Generally,
these buildings are more than 75 feet tall, including high-
rise housing and commercial spaces.
• Because of their materials and design, Type 1 buildings
are considered the safest in case of a fire, as they are able
to withstand high temperatures for long periods of time.
• When firefighters encounter Type 1 buildings, they must
secure stairwells to ensure a safe evacuation.
• Here’s what you should know about Type 1 buildings:
• Materials: These buildings are made from reinforced concrete and
protected steel covered in a fire-resistant coating.
• Strengths: All structural materials are non-combustible, fire-resistant for
up to four hours and not vulnerable to collapse.
• Weaknesses: Exposed steel can wear down over time and difficult-to-
penetrate roofs and windows can prevent ventilation in case of fire.
• Special notes: Some Type 1 buildings have specialized HVAC systems
and self-pressurizing stairwells that mitigate fire spread.
• Overall, Type 1 buildings are highly durable and unlikely to collapse if a
fire occurs.
Type 2: Non-combustible
• Many new or recently renovated commercial structures
— including big-box stores and large shopping malls —
are Type 2 buildings.
• While these buildings generally have fire suppression
systems, they are prone to collapse when flames expose
their metal roofs to high temperatures.
• When firefighters encounter these structures, their main
priority is to ventilate the building to prevent flashover, a
sudden and dangerous rise in temperature.
• Here’s what you should know about Type 2 buildings:
• Materials: Walls are either tilt-slab construction or reinforced masonry, both
fire-resistant. The metal and lightweight concrete in their roofs are non-
combustible, but flammable materials like foam and rubber may be present.
• Strengths: They have one to two hours of burn resistance, depending on the
materials used.
• Weaknesses: Without sufficient ventilation, temperatures can quickly rise,
leading to collapse.
• Special notes: Firefighters aim to ventilate these buildings with skylights or
roll-up doors on the exterior of the building.
• Type 2 buildings include many non-combustible materials but still pose risks
due to their increased chance of collapse.
Type 3: Ordinary
• Schools, businesses and houses with non-combustible
walls and wood roofs distinguish themselves as Type 3
• While older buildings tend to have conventionally
framed roofs, newer buildings offer lightweight roof
• As firefighters approach Type 3 buildings, they
prioritize determining whether the building is old or
new to make appropriate ventilation decisions.
• Here’s what you should know about Type 3 buildings:
• Materials: The walls are made from non-combustible
tilt-slab or reinforced masonry, while their wooden roofs
are flammable.
• Strengths: With a combination of non-combustible
masonry and fire-cut joists, exterior walls can stand even
if the floors collapse.
• Weaknesses: Many buildings of this type have
connected attics or horizontal void spaces, enabling
flames to spread unless fire stops are installed.
The roof systems in these buildings — including
parallel chord trusses and panelized roofs —
determine what types of cut firefighters must make
to ventilate the structure.
• Although Type 3 buildings contain materials
resistant to fire, their roof systems quickly burn
and their fire-cut joists pose hazards to firefighters.
Type 4: Heavy Timber
• Many Type 4 buildings were constructed before the 1960s
using large pieces of lumber.
• Easily recognized by firefighters, these buildings feature
wooden walls and roof spans seen on barns, factories and
old churches.
• They owe their robust structure to lumber connected by
metal plates and bolts.
• While their material is combustible, they fare surprisingly
well during fires thanks to the sheer size of the lumber.
• Here’s what you should know about Type 4 buildings:
• Materials: Large pieces of lumber form these buildings’ walls and
• Strengths: Many load-bearing walls are non-combustible, and their
drainage systems allow firefighters’ water to leave the building without
increasing weight and risking collapse.
• Weaknesses: Metal joints break at high temperatures, and in factories,
hazards like oil, machinery or goods can increase fire severity.
• Though large dimensional lumber holds up well in fire, older buildings
with termites or weather damage face an increased risk of collapse.
• Although well-maintained Type 4 buildings hold up against fire, the age
of some of these buildings poses significant difficulties to firefighters.
Type 5: Wood-framed
• Many modern homes fall into Type 5 due to their use of
combustible materials — usually wood — in the walls and
• Unlike the lumber in Type 4 buildings, Type 5 structures use
lightweight or manufactured wood. While this material is
inexpensive, efficient and structurally sound, it is not fire-
resistant and these buildings can collapse minutes after a fire
• Firefighters can efficiently ventilate Type 5 buildings because
of their wood-framed roofs, but the risk of collapse or
flashover is very high.
• Here’s what you should know about Type 5 buildings:
• Materials: They’re made with wood, often manufactured, or other combustible
materials in the walls and roof.
• Strengths: Larger beams offer structural support that helps prevent building
collapse, and interior platforms often prevent the fire from spreading vertically.
• Weaknesses: Manufactured wood burns quickly, and modern construction
methods leave buildings at high risk of catching fire.
• Special notes: Drywall briefly protects structural elements, but other materials
common in this type of construction will fuel fires.
• Overall, Type 5 buildings have few fire-resistant properties. While these structures
revolutionized the construction industry, they present new difficulties to firefighters.
The Importance of Construction Types
• Knowledge about construction types is vital for
firefighters and anyone in the construction industry.
• Construction workers must understand how different
materials and construction techniques affect a building’s
resilience to fire, earthquakes and hurricanes. Just as
workers should prepare for accidents during
construction, they should learn how their work
contributes to the future safety of the building.
• Firefighters should quickly recognize construction
types to form a plan of attack. Understanding how
fire spreads in different buildings enables
firefighters to make crucial decisions about
ventilation and water.
• Additionally, knowing the construction types saves
lives by helping firefighters anticipate dangerous
situations like flashover, back draft and collapse.
Construction Types
• Understanding these construction types gives
any construction worker or firefighter baseline
knowledge about how these structures come
• However, there are additional details about
construction types they need to keep in mind.
Common questions include:
What Is the Difference Between Type A and Type B Construction?
• All construction types except for Type 4 fall into
one of two subcategories: Type A or Type B. Type
A buildings are “protected” constructions and
Type B structures are “unprotected” constructions.
Protected constructions are more fire-resistant
than unprotected constructions.
• Type 4 buildings are excluded because of their old
age and more uniform design.
What Are the Different Types of
Construction Projects?
• In addition to the five construction types,
there are a few types of construction
• These include residential buildings,
commercial buildings, industrial complexes
and heavy civil construction.
• What Is “Ordinary Construction?”
• Buildings with “ordinary
construction” have non-flammable
exterior bearing walls with
combustible roofs, floors and interior
• How Are Fire Resistance Ratings Measured?
• Fire ratings are calculated in hour-long intervals.
Unlike building types, fire ratings aren’t
determined by their basic design.
• Instead, they take a building’s overall fire
resistance into account.
• For example, a building with a two-hour rating
can resist significant damage and collapse caused
by fires for at least two hours.
• Non-combustible buildings are similar to
the fire-resistive type where walls,
partitions, columns, floors, and roofs
are noncombustible.
• However, they provide less fire resistance
and do not withstand the effects or
spreading of fire as well as Type I.

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