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Rizka Hartati




A. Background of Study

Indonesia government has realized the importance of learning language,

especially English. It is become one of the most needed languages in this globalization

era to support our life so we are not left behind by other countries. English called as an

international language because it often used in most of the world. English also plays an

importance role because it is a tool of communication in all aspects in most of world, in

social interaction, science technology, politics, culture and education. Therefore, in

Indonesia, English is learned by all students from kindergarten to university level.

In studying English, there are four skills that must be learned, namely speaking,

listening, reading and writing. In addition, the students should also be able to master the

language components, such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. One of four

skills that must be mastered by the students is speaking. Speaking is an interactive

process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing

information or expressing one’s thoughts and feelings in spoken language.

One of the most important skills that must be mastered by the students is

speaking. By learning speaking and mastering it students can communicate well with

other people. Therefore, good speaking is an education that must be taught to students. In

Q.S An-Nisa’: 9 stated:

ِ ً‫ش الَّ ِذينَ لَوْ تَ َر ُكوا ِم ْن خَ ْلفِ ِه ْم ُذ ِّريَّة‬

‫ض َعافًا خَ افُوا‬ َ ‫ َو ْليَ ْخ‬b J‫َعلَ ْي ِه ْم فَ ْليَتَّقُوا هَّللا َ َو ْليَقُولُوا قَوْ اًل َس ِدي ًدا‬
“And let Allah fear those who if they leave behind their weak children, whom

they worry about (their welfare). Therefore, let them fear Allah and let them speak the

right words.” 1

Based on the statement in Q.S An-Nisa’ we as prospective parents should be

afraid of Allah when neglecting young children about their education, we must pay

attention to their education and Allah commands us to be shaleh and say well to our

fellow humans. Allah will give reward for us.

Speaking is a means of oral communication that gives information involve two

elements, namely the speaker who given the message and the listener who received the

message in the words. This skill is importance to be mastered because it has an

importance role to be able to communicate with others, especially native speakers. By

speaking students can express their opinions, ideas, expectations, and other things.

Nunan stated that speaking is an oral skill which consists of producing systematic

verbal utterances to convey meaning.2 Speaking is also the ability to express oneself in

one situation or the ability to report art or situation in precise words or the capability to

express sequence or ideas fluently.3 It means speaking is the action of delivering

information or expressing one’s feelings orally.

Speaking skill is a very important skill that has to be possessed by students in

studying English in order to be able to communicate with other people from different

countries. According to Brown speaking itself has five components such as; grammar,

vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation.4 In order to speak fluently,

Departemen Agama RI. Al-Qur’an Terjemah (Bandung: CV. Darus Sunnah, 2015), 143.
David Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching (Boston: McGraw Hill, 2003), 48
R. Lado, Language Testing (London: Longman Group, 1961), 240
H. Doughlas Brown, Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices (New York: 71)
students have to memorize a lot of vocabulary. Then, they have to arrange the vocabulary

in the correct order according to the grammar. Moreover, they have to use the correct

pronunciation and before speak. They must know what they are going to say first. After

all steps have been done, students can speak clearly so, the listeners can understand what

the speaker is saying and get the meaning easily.

The main point of speaking was the speaker communicated for their message to

the listeners. Furthermore, Furthermore, speakers and listeners must be able to understand

each other in conveying or receiving the messages. Speaking more complicated than

other skills because, speaking is providence skill in the oral mode. In speaking, body

language can be really needed, this is because body language can help listeners

understand the message conveyed by the speaker. By mastering speaking English,

students will be able to communicate each other and establish a good interaction.

Speaking English is not easy because students need to speak the new language with great


Teaching speaking is a process of guiding and facilitating students in learning to

communicate. For an English teacher, it is a challenge to improve their English skills and

teaching ability. In order to build a successful teaching, those aspects must be improved.

Successful teaching means giving the lessons so that transferring is guaranteed. Hughes

described that there were some aspects concerning with speaking ability include fluency,

accuracy, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and content.5 Students also expected to

perform with good pronunciation in order to make the listeners understand the content or

the message. In addition, fluency in the language is also needed. This can develop along

with speaking practice. It was important for English teacher to give a lot of practice to
Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), 131
their students. Therefore, it is necessary to apply innovative, creative, and better teaching


Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is one of many methods in teaching

and learning English. Many teachers use this teaching method to teach speaking.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method becomes one of the most popular

methods used by teacher. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) can improve the

students’ confidence and active motivated as the main technique of Communicative

Language Teaching (CLT). According to Harmer, Activities in CLT typically involve

students in real or realistic communication, where the successful achievement of the

communicative task they are performing is at least as important as the accuracy of their

language use.6 Language learning in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) puts the

learners as the center. That means the students have the opportunity to develop their

capability of interaction and communication by using their linguistic competence.

In general, many students had difficult in learning speaking. All the same, some

students still have some problems in improving their skill in speaking. They cannot speak

fluently and clearly, event they cannot speak any single word in English. Those problems

can be caused because they lack of practice. Sometimes, when the teaching and learning

process takes place, the teacher only gives some dialogue, or read it out or rather we

know it as lecture method where the teacher is more dominant in the classroom. This

makes students didn’t have enough opportunities to practice their speaking skill.

Based on the researcher’s experience when become teacher training, it seemed

that some students faced problems with speaking. First, the problem is they lack of

vocabulary. When they lack vocabulary, this will make them feel lazy to speak because
Jeremi Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching (Fourth Edition), (England: Longman, 2002), p. 69.
they don’t know what they will say. Therefore, more vocabulary is needed. In addition to

lack of mastery of vocabulary, the other problem faced by the students is they not

understand the material that was given. When they feel not understand with the material,

this will make them lazy to follow or pay attention to the teacher’s explanation. Besides

understanding the material, the problems that are often found is feeling less confident,

nervous or anxious. When they asked by the teacher to speak in front of the class, they

still feel afraid and nervous. It can cause because they are afraid to make mistakes when

speaking, or afraid of looking silly for what they are talking about. Based on the

problems above, students need a lot of time to study and practice speaking English.

From the explanation above, teacher needs appropriate method that will make

students be better in their speaking skill. The researcher researched at SMP N 4 Jember

because the English teacher implemented the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

method to improve students speaking skill. In this study, student will have the

opportunity to develop their capability of interaction and communication by using their

linguistic competence. The teacher will put the students as the center. This will make

students feel free to develop their speaking skills, while the teacher is only a companion

or facilitator.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher interest in conducting the research

entitle “The Implementation of Teaching Speaking Skill Through Communicative

Language Teaching (CLT) At Eight Grade Students Of SMP N 4 Jember”

B. Research Questions

Based on the background problems above, the following research questions are

1. How is the goal of teaching speaking skill through communicative language

teaching at eight grade students of SMP N 4 Jember?

2. How is the material of teaching speaking skill through communicative

language teaching at eight grade students of SMP N 4 Jember?

3. How is the step of teaching speaking skill through communicative language

teaching at eight grade students of SMP N 4 Jember?

4. How is the evaluation of teaching speaking skill through communicative

language teaching at eight grade students of SMP N 4 Jember?

C. Research Objectives

1. To describe the goal of teaching speaking skill through communicative

language teaching at eight grade students of SMP N 4 Jember

2. To describe the material of used in teaching speaking skill through

communicative language teaching at eight grade students of SMP N 4 Jember

3. To describe the steps in teaching speaking skill through communicative

language teaching at eight grade students of SMP N 4 Jember

4. To describe the evaluation of teaching speaking skill through communicative

language teaching at eight grade students of SMP N 4 Jember

D. Research Significances

The researcher is expected to give contribution to the language teaching learning

process as follow:

1. Theoretically

The result of this research would be hopefully giving benefits for the

science in teaching and learning speaking. The information about the speaking
learning method can make people who are interested in speaking know and

understand the various learning method that can be used on learning process.

2. Practically

a. For English Teacher

This research is expected to provide the teacher with new

knowledge about speaking learning method or technique that can be used

to enrich students’ language learning.

b. For Student

For students, this research expects that by using communicative

approach will be beneficial for the students in order to motivate them to

speak more and hope that students can improve their speaking skills.

c. For Other Research

This research hope can be helpful to future research as a reference.

This research hope can be used as a reference to help improve students’

speaking skills.

E. Definition of Key Terms

The term used by the researcher in this researchs are follows:

1. Teaching Speaking Skill

Teaching speaking is a way to help students communicate their emotion, assist

students in conveying what they want to say, and interact with others. To teaching

speaking effectively, the teacher needs to have a good understanding of speaking

itself and also help your students to develop their natural speaking abilities. Overall,
teaching speaking skill emphasizes on making students active and creative in their

speaking activities.

2. Communicative Language Teaching

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is one of the most popular methods

used. This method put the students as a center. The teacher should not dominate the

process of the language teaching learning. It is aimed that communicative effectively

and appropriately based on the context they are working. By using CLT students are

able to improve their own ideas without any limitation to express what comes to their

mind. These also make students more confidence and motivated.

3. Teaching Speaking Skill Through CLT

The overall meaning of the term related to the title of this research is teaching

English especially speaking skills using communicative language teaching to solve

problems that previously occurred during the learning process. While the focus of this

research, is about teaching goal, teaching material, teaching step, and teaching

evaluation. Therefore, an appropriate method is needed so that the research focus can

be achieved properly.

F. Structure of Discussion

Structure of discussion contains a description of the flow of thesis discussion

starting from introductory chapter to the closing chapter. The format of systematic

writing was a descriptive narrative, not a table of contents. They are initial part, core part,

and final part that would be explained as follows;

Chapter I discussed about introduction of the thesis, such as research

background, research questions, research objectives, research significances,

definition of key term, and structure of discussion.

Chapter II discussed about review of related literature which consists of previous

research of this research and theoretical framework.

Chapter III discussed about research methodology of this research which

consists of research design, research subject, source of data, data collection and

analysis, and validity of data.

Chapter IV discussed about research object description, research finding and


Chapter V discussed about the conclusions and suggestions of this research.



A. Previous Research

This research is not the first research in analyzing speaking skill. The researcher

found some research that related to this study;

1. A thesis is written by Nuim Hayat under the title "Improving Students'

Speaking Skill Through Communicative Language Teaching At The

Tenth Grade Of SMAN 3 Polewali"

This research showed the result of the research that there are significant

different of the students’ achievement on their speaking accuracy and fluency

before and after giving treatment by using Communicative Language

Teaching (CLT). This research showed that Communicative Language

Teaching (CLT) method in teaching speaking is able to increase the students’

accuracy and fluency. The alternative hypothesis was accepted. The result of

the data analysis showed that the mean score of post-tests was higher than the

mean score of pre-tests.

The similarities between Nuim’s research and this research also used

Communicative Language Teaching method. Nuim’s research also used

Communicative Language Teaching with the same skill that was speaking.

The difference between Nuim’s research with this research about object. In

Nuim’s research, the object was the students of 10th grade of SMA N 3

Polewali. The aim of Nuim’s research was to know whether the students’
speaking accuracy and fluency can be improved through the use of

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method. Nuim;s research used a

pre experimental research while this research use qualitative research.

2. A thesis is written by Uswatun Hasanah under the title “The Use Of

Communicative Approach To Improve The Students’ Speaking Fluency

And Accuracy”

This research showed the result that after collecting the data and analyze,

the students of the experimental class achieved the improvement from 73,6 to

89,05 while the control class result only showed a slightly improvement from

65,5 to 79,6. It is mean that using the communicative approach as a teaching

method through role-play and task-based in the classroom activity

successfully improved the students speaking ability especially on students

speaking fluency and accuracy.

The similarities between Uswatun’s research and this research, both of the

research used Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). This research also

used the same skill that was speaking skill to observe. The difference between

this research and Uswatun’s research is about the object. The object of Nuim;s

research was the students of the first grade of the students at MAS Ruhul

Islam Anak Bangsa, Gue Gajah, Kec. Darul Imarah, Kabupaten Aceh Besar.

The research used quantitative research design in analyzing data.

3. A thesis is written by Frisca Julista under the title “Improving Students’s

Speaking Skill Through Communicative Language Teaching Method At

SMP Asuhan Jaya Medan”

This research showed the result that the Communicative Language

Teaching (CLT) method was significantly affected on the students’ speaking

achievement. It can be seen from the students’ score mean of the pre-test in

the first meeting was still low (62) by which 8 students get point up to 75. In

post-test of cycle II 21 students got higher than 75. Then, can be concluded as

the following there was an improvement on the student’s speaking skill when

they were thought by using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).

The similarities between Frisca’s research and this research, both of the

research used Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method. Both of

research also used the same skill that was speaking skill. The difference

between Frisca’s research and this research was that friscas’s research used

classroom action research to conduct the data. The deals from the research

were to investigate the students’ speaking improvement by applying

communicative language teaching (CLT) method. The object was the students

of second grade of SMP Asahan jaya.


Similarities and Differences of Previous Research

No Tittle of The Research Similarities Differences

1 2 3 4

Thesis is written by Nuim a. This research used a. Both object of

Hayat under the title speaking skill this research was

“Improving Students’ b. This research used different

Speaking Skill Through Communicative b. The aim of this

research was to

know whether the



accuracy and
Communicative Language
Language Learning fluency can
Teaching At The Tenth
to improve students improved through
Grade Of SMAN 3
speaking skill the use of CLT

c. This research

used pre-



2 Thesis is written by a. Both of the research a. The object of this

Uswatun Hasanah under observes about research was

the title “The Use Of Communicative different

Communicative Approach Language Teaching b. The goal of this

To Improve The Students’ (CLT) to improve research was to

Speaking Fluency And students’ speaking know the result of

Accuracy” skill using the

b. Both the research communicative

used same skill that approach CLT to

was speaking skill improve the


speaking fluency

and accuracy.

c. This research

used quantitative


a. The object of this

a. This research research was

Thesis is written by Frisca discussed about different

Julista under the title Communicative b. This study deals

“Improving Students’s Language Teaching with improving

3 Speaking Skill Through (CLT) students’

Communicative Language b. The research also speaking skill

Teaching Method At SMP used the same skill through CLT

Asuhan Jaya Medan” that was speaking c. this research used

skill classroom action


Based on the table of the previous research above, the researcher wanted to

identify the gap between this research and the previous research. This study has

similarities and differences with the three studies previously above. The similarities are

both the research used communicative language teaching (CLT) and also used the same
skill that was speaking skill. At the same time, this research was teaching speaking skill

through the communicative language teaching (CLT) method focuses on goals, materials,

steps, and evaluation.

On the explanation above has already described detail about the differences

between the research. The difference this research between the previous researches is

about using CAR, Pre-experimental, Quantitative, research subject, research place, and

the goals of the research. Those are the differences between this research and previous

research. So, this statement is really clear to distinguish the different between this

research and previous research.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this part of the theory study, the researcher will discuss related to the theories

used in this study. In this discussion, the theory will be described or explained broadly

and in depth. This is aimed at deepening insights researcher in studying the problem to

be solved according to research focus and research objectives. 7 Some theories that will be

discussed by the researcher include:

1. Teaching Speaking Skill

a. Aspect of Teaching

Teaching is the concerted sharing of knowledge and experience, which is

usually organizes within a discipline and, more generally, the provision of

stimulus to the psychological and intellectual growth of a person by another

person or artifact. In short, teaching is a process of transferring or delivering

knowledge from a teacher to students. So, it can be interpreted that teaching as a

Tim Penyusun Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Pedoman Penulisan Kasya Ilmiah IAIN Jember, 46
complex activity, namely the integrative use of a number skill to convey

knowledge, and experience.8

The integration of skill means that it must be based on a set of theories and

directed by a certain knowledge or insight. Meanwhile, for its application it will

usually be influenced by all components of teaching and learning itself. The

components referred to here are the goals to be achieved, the knowledge to be

conveyed, subject, facilities, learning environment, and most importantly the

skills, habits and insight of a teacher about the word of education and their

mission as an educator. This is because the longer the world of education is

becoming more developed and modern. This is of course the background of the

emergence of various kinds of new technologies so that teachers must know even

as much as possible the teachers must be able to master according to their fields.

Therefore, there are several goals that must be achieved by the teacher in teaching

especially teaching speaking skill including the goals, materials, steps, and


1) Teaching Goal

According to Hymes (1972), teaching of speaking skill has become central

in foreign language classroom. The goal of teaching speaking skill is

communicative efficiency.9 Students should be able to make themselves

understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest. Therefore, it is

necessary to use some teaching method, technique, or strategies and media to

Arifin, Zainal. 2011. Penelitian Pendidikan, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
Fauzy, Endang. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta,
2010), 15
help to reach the goals. This can help students to achieve their teaching target

in language skills.

The purpose of Communicative Language Learning is to prepare students

to be confident communicators for different real-life contexts, through

repetitive oral practices and student-student cooperation. Through

Communicative Language Teaching, students can; 1) student can have more

time to practice their speaking skill. 2) Students can express their feelings

freely. 3) Students can be active and creative when learning takes place. 4)

Students will enjoy and be more enthusiastic when learning takes place

because CLT is applied student-center learning.

2) Teaching Material

Teaching material is the important part of language programs. These

teaching materials are all forms of materials used to assist teacher in carrying

out teaching and learning activities in the classroom. This also the basic

source of input for students and way that language practice occurs in the


According to Sungkono, teaching materials are systematic, meaning that

they are arranged in order to make it easier for students to learn. In addition,

teaching materials are also unique and specific. Unique means that teaching

materials are only used for certain goals and in certain learning processes, and

specific means that the contents of teaching materials are designed in such a

way only to achieve certain competencies from certain targets.10 Several types

of teaching materials can be used in the classroom, including:

Sungkono, Pengembangan Bahan Ajar (Yogyakarta: FIP UNY, 2003)
a) Printed teaching materials; hand out, book, modules, brochures,


b) Non-printed teaching materials; audio visual (video/film, VCD),

audio (Radio, cassette, CD), visual (photo, picture), multimedia

( Computer based, internet),

c) Teaching materials in the form of facilities; library, study room,

studio, sports field

d) Teaching materials in the form of activities; interviews, group

discussion, observation, simulation, game

e) Teaching materials in the form of community environment;

friends, market, museums, factories.

Teaching materials can also add important structure to lesson planning and

the delivery of instruction. Learning materials act as a guide for both the

teacher and the students. From the explanation above, it can be seen that

teaching materials can support students to reach their target in learning

speaking skills.

3) Teaching Step

Before teaching, a teacher decides to determine the steps or activities that

must be taken in bringing students to achieve their goals learning, and after

teaching, the teacher makes a decision whether the steps and activities are

necessary or not changed based on the achievement of goals by students. The

steps that most important in teaching,11 those are:

Sumiati dan Asra. Metode Pembelajaran Seri Pembelajaran Efektif, (Cet II; Bandung: CV. Wacana Prima, 2008),
a) Planning

In this context of teaching, this planning stage is needed as

a process of setting goals and determining ways to achieve these

goals. In this case, it will be determined in advance what will be

taught, how to teach, when to teach, who is being too taught and

the evaluation of students. Enoch explains that planning is a

process of preparing things that will do in the future to achieve a

predetermined goal.12

b) Implementation

Implementation is the implementation of the strategy and

resource assignment. Implementation is important element in the

planning process. To assess the effectiveness of a plan can be seen

from implementation.13 The steps for implementing learning are

carried out through the preliminary activity (pre-activity), core

activity (main activity), and closing activity (post activity)14

1) Pre-activity

In this stage, teacher is required to:

a) Prepare students psychologically and physically to

take part in the learning process

b) Provide contextual learning motivation according to

the benefits and application of teaching materials in

daily activities
Enoch, Yusuf, 1995. Dasar-dasar Perencanaan Pendidikan, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara;, 11
Ananda Rusydi, Perencanaan Pembelajaran ,(Medan, Lembaga Peduli Pengembangan Pendidikan Indonesia,
2019), 5
Hanum Latifah, Perencanaan Pembelajaran, (Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, 2017), 98
c) Giving the apperception

d) Explain the learning objectives

e) Convey the scope of the material and an explanation

of the description of activities according to the


2) Main activity

In these activities, teachers will apply learning models,

methods, media, and learning resources that have been

adapted to the character of students and subjects.

3) Post-activity

In this stage, the teacher and students both individually

and in groups reflect to evaluate:

a) The whole series of learning activities and the

results obtained from the learning process

b) Provide feedback on the learning process and


c) Carry out follow-up activities such as giving

assignments, either individually or in groups

d) Inform the lesson plan for the next meeting

c) Assessing

According to Brown, (1990) assessment refers to a related

series of measures used to determine a complex attribute of an

individual or group of individuals.15 This involves gathering and

Brown, D. H., Language assessment: Principle and Classroom Practices, (London, Longman 2003) 5
interpreting information about students’ level of attainment of

learning goals. Assessment also used to identify individual student

weaknesses and strengths so that teachers can provide specialized

academic support educational programming, or social services.

Assessment can be used to provide a diagnosis of someone's


Assessment can be said to be synonymous with evaluation.

But what needs to be emphasized here is that what can assessed or

evaluated in the assessment is the character of a person, including

academic ability, honesty, ability to pursue etc.16

4) Teaching Evaluation

The success or failure of education in achieving its goals can be seen after

an evaluation of the output produced. Therefore, the evaluation of learning is

very important in the educational process in general. Learning evaluation is

carried out in order to determine the level of success of students.

In the field of education, learning evaluation is a mandatory activity. For

educators, through evaluation they can make decisions or what steps forward

should be given for the progress of their students. Wysong (1974) suggested

that evaluation is a process for describe, obtain or produce information useful

for consider a decision.17 In learning process, teaching evaluation can be

divided into four types,18 including:

Asrul, Ananda R. dan Rosnita, Evaluasi Pembelajaran, (Bandung, Citapustaka Media, 2014) 3
Ratnawulan E. and Rusdiana A., Evaluasi Pembelajaran Pengantar, ( Bandung, Pustaka Setia Bandung, 2014),
Arifin Zainal, Evaluasi Pembelajaran, (Jakarta Pusat, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam Kementrian Agama,
2012) 35
a) Diagnostic Evaluation

Diagnostic evaluation is an evaluation used to find out the

extent of learning difficulties faced by students. Diagnostic

evaluations are usually carried out before a lesson begins. The goal

is to find out the knowledge and skills that have been mastered by

students and this kind of assessment is also known as a test of

entering behavior.

b) Formative Evaluation

Formative evaluation is usually used to review students'

learning abilities during the teaching and learning process. In

addition, this evaluation is also intended to provide feedback for

the improvement of learning programs and to identify weaknesses

so that improvements can be made and it is hoped that both student

learning outcomes and the teacher's learning process will be better.

In addition, this evaluation aims to improve the learning

process, not to determine the level of ability of students. This

evaluation is also commonly referred to as a criterion-referenced


c) Summative Evaluation

Summative assessment is all that is carried out if the unit of

learning experience or subject matter is considered to have been

completed for example final exams and National exams.

d) Placement Evaluation
The first objective of the problem relates to readiness of students to

face the new program, while the second relates to the suitability of

the learning program with the student ability. It is used in setting of

the position of students in some programs.

Based on the research objective of the researcher is to collect information

about how far the improvement in students' understanding of the material

provided, so the researcher used formative evaluation. The techniques used in

the formative evaluation are:

a) Test Technique



A. Research Approach

B. Research Locations

C. Research Subject

D. Research Collection Method

E. Data Analysis

F. Validity of Data

G. Research Steps


A. Description of The Research Object

1. History of SMPN 04 Jember

SMP Negeri 04 Jember was established on 1st of September 1950 which used to

call as SMEP Negeri Jember then integrated into SMP Negeri 04 Jember on 17 th of

February 1979. Subsequently develop into a National Standard School (SSN) with SK

SSN No. 867 a/C3/Kep/2006, dated June 13, 2006. This school located in Jl. Nusa

Indah No. 4 Jember, Kab. Jember. The headmaster of this school now is Wahyudi,

S.Pd M.Pd.

This School is very active in improving the qualities of learning provide to

students. This can be seen from the facilities provided. The facilities in this school are

quite complete, including basketball courts, mosque, large school halls, adequate

laboratory rooms, multimedia rooms, TU rooms, curriculum rooms, teacher’s rooms,

canteen, UKS, scout rooms, and many others. This also supported by the provision of

WIFI in each room. Not only that, the teachers in this school also very up to date with

the development of technology so that it makes them creative in packaging the

learning process.

2. The profile of SMPN 04 Jember

1 Nama Sekolah : SMPN 04 Jember

2 NPSN : 20523904

3 Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP

4 Status Sekolah : Negeri

5 Alamat Sekolah : Jl. Nusa Indah No.4 Krajan-Jember Lor

RT/RW : 1/2

Kode Pos : 68118

Kelurahan : Jember Lor

Kecamatan : Kec. Patrang

Kabupate/Kota : Kab. Jember

Provinsi : Prov. Jawa Timur

Negara : Indonesia

6 Posisi Geografis : -8,2326 Lintang

113,6282 Bujur

7 SK Pendirian sekolah : 188.45/330/1.12/2015

8 Tanggal SK Pendirian : 20015-09-29

9 Status Kepemilikan : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

10 Email :

11 Website :

3. Vision and Mision of SMPN 04 Jember

a. Vision :

“The realization of students who are noble, intelligent, independent, cultured, and

have high competitiveness”

b. Mission :
1) Instilll faith and piety through the practice of the teachings of the religion they

adhere to

2) Fostering student independence through habituation activities,

entrepreneurship, and sefl-development that are planned, directed, and

sustainable as well as achieving in various fields

3) Developing the fields of science and technology based on students’ interests,

talents, and potential through improving the SMPN 04 Jember’s Curriculum

4) Optimizing the learning process and guidance by carrying out effective and

efficient learning innovations according to the characteristics of the subjects.

5) Improving the competence of teachers and other educational personnel

through continuous improvement in education and training

6) Fulfillment of adequate facilities and infrastructure to support optimal

learning processes and educational services

7) Implement systematic performance-based school management

8) Fulfillment of financing standards by empowering all potential that can

support superior learning

9) Developing an effective, objective, and systematic learning outcomes

assessment system

10) Developing a Pandhalungan culture based on religion

B. Finding

The finding was taken from the result of the observation of teaching learning process,

interviews, and document reviews related to the research. Here the explanations:

1. The goal of teaching speaking skill through CLT

A successful of teaching learning process is when the teacher can achieve the

teaching goals. The teaching goals are planned before teaching learning process

begins. Here, the teacher used CLT as a method in teaching speaking skill. According

to English teacher who teaches eight graders (Mr. Bagus), the goals of teaching

speaking skill through CLT were:

“Actually, the purpose of this learning using CLT method is because I previously

found that my students tend to be passive in communicating in the class. They tend to

just be silent and unresponsive when I explaine the lesson. For that, I apply this CLT

method to my teaching and learning process. The main goal is of course so that

students can apply more speaking itself. Because, through this CLT students can learn

English more expressive and communicative. Then they get new vocabulary every

day. By using CLT, students feel free to express their feeling and creativity in the


From the interview above, the researchers found the goals of this CLT method,

including: 1) Students can have more time to practice their speaking skill, 2) Students

can express their feeling when in the classroom, 3) Students can get new vocabulary

every day, 4) Students can enjoy the learning process and will be more enthusiastic

when the learning process takes place. By using CLT method, the teachers more easy

when delivering the material and the learning process more efficient. This is also

supported by one of the students of eight C class (Dimas), he said that:

“Last week, Mr. Bagus told us that today’s meeting we are required to bring a

dictionary because ther will be a presentation in front of the class. And the

presentation must be in English. Mr. Bagus also said that later everyone who asks and
answers will get one point, and it must use English so Mr. Bagus advises us to bring a

dictionary, or if we do not have one, we are allowed to use Google Translate. It was

really exciting miss, especially when I got additional point too, even though it is hard

having to speaking English. Moreover, I don’t really know English, but because

earlier I could look at the dictionary and used Google translate, it’s much better”.

Researcher concluded from interviews that by CLT the teacher makes students

practice their speaking more and active in communicating using English in the

classroom. Students also get a lot of new vocabulary and besides that, students also

become more enthusiastic in participating the learning process.

Abel added:

“It is exciting miss, but it is also difficult because it is the first time we’re

presenting in front of the class and we’ve to use full English. Both those who ask and

answer must use English. Since, I don’t really know about English. When I want to

speak English but I don’t know how to speak in English so I open the Google

translate. There were also a lot of wrong pronunciation when I speaking English, so

Mr. Bagus corrected a lot of my pronunciation”.

From the interview above, this CLT also helps the students to increase their

vocabulary because when they want to speak in English, but do not know much

vocabulary, this will make them spontaneously open their dictionary or use Google

translate to find the vocabulary they want to use.

The data also supported by class observation. Researcher noted that when learning

takes place, students actually use English in presenting their work. As well as those
who ask also use English. Students also seemed enthusiastic in asking and answering

the questions given.

Therefore, the researcher conclude that the goal from CLT, 1) Students can have

more time to practice their speaking skill, 2) Students can express their feeling freely,

3) Students can be more active and creative when they try to explained their work, 4)

students will enjoy the learning process and more enthusiastic when the learning takes

place because in CLT, the teacher gives students the freedom to express themselves.

The researchers also hope that by using CLT can increase students’ activeness and

motivation in learning English especially their speaking skill.

2. The material used in teaching speaking skill through CLT

Learning material is an important part in teaching learning process. Learning

material must have been prepared by the teacher before the teaching and learning

process takes place. According to English teacher who taught eight C, the materials of

teaching speaking skill through Communicative Language Teaching were:

“The material I use is about recount text. Firstly, I divided students into several

groups. Then each group makes a recount text. After students making the appropriate

recount text, the students are asked to present their work in front of the class followed

by questions that will be given by other groups. I ask the students to speak English

throughout the lesson, especially during presentations in front of the class because my

goal is to practice their speaking skills. Thus, students will indirectly get a lot of new

vocabulary that is foreign to them at first. It also aims to increase student’s motivation

so that they are more active and creative in the class. Actually the students prefer to

explain their work in front of the class atmosphere will become more active in
practicing their speaking ability. I took some of the material in the textbook provided

from the school, and I also used other sources as supporting material, such as some

picture that I took on Google sources”

From the interview above, the researcher found that the material used by the

teacher in teaching speaking skill was about recount text. The material chosen by

teacher was suitable for teaching the students’ speaking ability by using

communicative language teaching. Besides to make the class atmosphere more lively

and active, by dialogue, will certainly improve students’ ability to acquire new

vocabulary because in CLT method, students will voluntarily look for meaning or

translate any vocabulary that they don’t know. Of course this will also indirectly train

the students to develop their speaking skills. This also supported by the statement of

one of the eight grade C students (Dimas), he said:

“Mr. Bagus taught us about recount text and how to make it. The recount text is

about personal experience. then our text is presented in front of the class. Later the

other group will ask about the text we made, and we have to answer it. All

conversation in the class are required to use English. Beside, we are allowed to open a

dictionary or used Google translate.”

The other was supported by Abel, student of eight C class. He said:

We were taught how to make a recount text miss, at first we were asked to share

our personal experiences. After that, Mr. Bagus divided us into several groups. We

are asked to make a recount text which is that presented in front of the class using

English. Other groups are allowed to ask question and even required because they

will get additional points. So we have to speak English while in the class”
Based on the result of several interviews above, it can be seen that the material

used is about recount text. Where students are asked to make recount texts based on

their personal experiences then, present the in front of the class using English. so

students are asked to be responsible and think creatively in making and presenting the

text. In every English lesson, students are asked to bring their dictionary or they

allowed to used Google translate during the lesson so that the learning process

becomes more effective and running easier.

The results of the interview are supported by the lesson plan (Appendix -) which

is contained in point D is:

“Materi Pembelajaran. Contoh dari recount teks. Holiday. I spent my

holiday in Jogjakarta last year. I went to Prambanan Temple with my family early in

the morning. We went to Prambanan Temple by bus and arrived at 10.00 in the

afternoon. I saw many foreign tourists there, I spoke English with them. Their name

are Andrew and Peter. They were very friendly. They came from New York.

Prambanan Temple was crowded in holiday. We went back at 07.00 in the evening. It

was a very interesting holiday”

Therefore, the researcher concludes from the result of the interview with Mr.

Bagus and supported by document review in the form of lesson plan that the material

is recount text about personal experience which is presented in front of the class.
Picture 4.1

Divided students into several groups and ask each group to write a recount text

Based on observation in the classroom, researchers found that the material used

by the teacher was a recount text about personal experiences. Students are divided

into several groups and asked to make a recount text based on their personal

experiences. Each group presented the results of their work in front of the class while

the other groups listen to the group in front of the class and continued with a question

and answer session between the groups.

3. The procedure of teaching speaking skill through CLT

According to English teacher at eight grade students, the procedures of teaching

speaking skill through CLT were:

“First of all of course I set a lesson plan of this learning process. This lesson plan is

important because in the lesson plan it covers in detail about how the learning takes

place, what competencies are to be achieved, what material will be delivered, and so

on. After making the lesson plan the next step is apply the lesson plan that we have

made. In this step of implementation, there are three stages namely pre-activity, main

activity and post activity. In pre-activity I ask the student to read a prayer before

studying and check the student attendance list. So I try to tell about my personal
experience somewhere while conveying the material to be studied. From that activity,

I asked some students to share their experiences that happened to them in everyday

life. After that I started to share an example of simple recount text to each student. I

started to explain what recount text is, how the contents, characteristic, and the

structure of the text in detail. Besides that, to increase students’ understanding I also

display some pictures of cool vacation spots. After the students understand the

material, I divide them into several groups. I assigned them to make a recount text

about personal experiences. After that, each group will present their work in front of

the class, of course by using English. The other group will ask whether it is about the

classification, structure or whatever they want. To make the students more

enthusiastic, I deliberately implemented a point system in this presentation, so both

those who ask and answer will get one additional point. Then, after all the groups

have finished presenting their work in front of the class, I again ask them if there is

material that is not understood by the students, if there is the I will explain again until

the students really understand. After that then I closed the lesson by reading prayer

and greetings. After implementing the lesson play, the last step is assessment or

evaluation. Assessment and evaluation is the systematic process of documenting and

using empirical data on the knowledge, skill, creativity, attitudes, and beliefs to refine

programs and improve the students learning”

From the interview above, there were some steps used by the teacher. First, the

teachers make the lesson plan. Then after the lesson plan is completed, the teacher

applies it into his learning. After implemented the lesson plan, then the teacher assess

the students.
It was also supported by the student of eight C class (Dimas), he said:

“In my opinion, the presentation activity was very exciting because we were

excited to fight over as many points as possible. Besides, the teacher explained the

material in great detail. Thus, it make easy for us to make simple recount text about

personal experiment.”

Dimas also added:

“During the learning process, we are encouraged to pay close attention and listen

carefully from each group that presentation in from of the class. So, we can enjoy and

understand also how the example of recount text that brought by our friend, how good

sentences are made, and the structure and so on. Then we can also learn more about

speaking indirectly by presentation in front of the class.”

From the interview above, the student not feel difficult because the teacher

explains in great detail about the material presented. He also can enjoy and

understand also about the characteristic, structure and material about recount text.

The other was supported by the student of the eight C class (Abbel), he said:

“I am very happy when the teacher asks us to present in front of the class during

the learning process, this makes me more enthusiastic, more active, and enjoys the

learning process. Usually each group comes to the front of the class and presents their

work or their recount text so the other students will ask some questions to the

presenter. Not only that, at the end of the lesson, the teacher usually gives a reward or

prize for the most active students and got a lot of points. So many friends are

From the interview above, that this CLT is very helpful in the learning process

and facilitates the teacher’s teaching process. The existence of this method is able to

make the students more active and creative.

The results of the interview are supported by the lesson plan (Appendix --) which

is contained in point H is:

“Planning, Implementing (Pre-activity, main activity, post activity) and assessing”

Therefore, the researcher concludes from the results of the interview with Mr.

Bagus and supported by document review in the form of lesson plan that the steps are

palnning, implementing (pre-activity, main activity, post activity) and assessing.

Based on the observation in the classroom, researchers found that the step from

this CLT method is planning, means the planning of the learning process is namely

lesson plan. The teacher's plan for learning is the most operational before the teacher

begins to teach the students. It can be concluded that the lesson plan describes the

process and learning management to achieve one or more core competencies in the

curriculum. Next, in the implementation step, it is divided into three stages: pre-

activity, main activity, and postactivity. Last, Assessment data can be obtained from

directly examining student work to assess the achievement of learning outcomes or

can be based on data from which one can make inferences about learning

4. The evaluation of teaching speaking skill through CLT

According to English teacher at the eighth grade students, the evaluation of

teaching speaking skill through communicative language teaching was:

“After I explained about the material, I asked the students to make a recount text

related to their personal experience. Then, I asked them to explain their work in front
of the class. So the others students will ask the students in front of the class regarding

the text being explained. After that, I gave the feedback to their work. I did it to

ensure that they understood about the material.”

From the interview above, the evaluation used by the teacher was giving feedback

for students. Besides, the teacher also used oral test by asking the students about the

material has been explained.

It was also supported by student of eighth C class (Dimas), he said:

“in the end of teaching-learning process, the teacher used to give questions about

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