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Examples of issues created by consumerism

Pollution - A lot of pollution is created during this process. Pollution is a big issue for the whole
world as it can result in loss of food and water, and sickness.

Trashing communities - During this process communities are trashed. They take all the
resources from the communities and dump all of their disposed goods.

The story of stuff is still a valuable resource. I think that it is still a valuable resource because it
explains the interrelationships between the different sections in the linear system. It
demonstrates the way the different sections work together, even though the outcome of it all is
less than desirable. At first, the materials need to be gathered, then sent to the second part of
the linear system. Next, the natural resources are turned into products which are sent to the
third part of the system, or the store. The store sells all the products as fast as they can and are
bought by the consumers or the fourth part of the system. The consumers either use the product
till they brake, or get rid of the product because they want a new one. When the consumer
decides to get rid of the product it is thrown out, the fifth part of the system is disposal. The
consumer disposes of the item, and it is either placed in a landfill or incinerated. This video still
displays accurate information and shows how the linear system is not going to work forever. It
shows that the world isn't going to work if communities are being destroyed just for
consumerism and that communities are not liveable if there are no resources, too much
pollution, and too much garbage.

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