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Science, Technology

I. Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society

II. Science, Technology and Society (STS) is an

and Society (STS) is an interdisciplinary field
interdisciplinary field VII. that studies the
III. that studies the conditions under which
conditions under which the production,
the production, distribution
distribution VIII. and utilization of
IV. and utilization of scientific knowledge
scientific knowledge and technological
and technological systems
systems IX. occur.
V. occur.
Science, Technology and e will be able to develop
Society (STS) is an critical thinking
interdisciplinary field and creativity as we
that studies the conditions utilize science in
under which the understanding various
production, distribution human conditions and
and utilization of scientific social issues, explore the
knowledge and role of science
technological systems and technology in
occur. nation building, analyze
Science, Technology and Society (STS) is an interdisciplinary field scientific ideas,
that studies the conditions under which the production, distribution and
utilization of scientific knowledge and technological systems occur.
theories, innovations,
research and practices,
and discover do we define science in
technological different aspects?
How do we define science in different aspects?

1. Science as an idea.

brought by science to the

 This includes all the ideas, theories and even available systematic
explanations and observations that explains the natural and physical

society. 2. Science as an intellectual activity.

 This includes the systematic observations and experimentation
STS will be able to develop critical thinking and creativity as we utilize
science in understanding various human conditions and social issues, explore of natural and physical world.
the role of science and technology in nation building, analyze scientific
ideas, theories, innovations, research and practices, and discover 3. Science as a body of knowledge.
technological advancements brought by science to the society.
4. Science as a
STS Integration to four parts:

1. analysis of the concepts, theories, principles, historical events in

discipline, a field of
science and its development in various civilizations
2. the role of science in nation building with emphasis on government study, or body of
knowledge that
programs and projects for the advancement of science and
technological capabilities of the country
3. the discussion of science and human conditions that introduces
different philosophies, ideas, policies, and personalities in the fields of
science and technology
4. deals with various issues in the society related to science and technology
5. process the learning
about natural and
how physical world.
 Science as a discipline, a field of study, or body of knowledge that are not responsible for the application of knowledge in technology. He further
process the learning about natural and physical world. explained that the very nature of science is that it is not possible to
predict scientific discoveries and how these discoveries may be applied.
4. Science as a personal and social activity. While scientists are not responsible for the reliable conduct of the scientific
 This will explain that science is both knowledge and activities done by inquiry and its honest interpretation and dissemination, technological
humans to further develop better understanding of the world around applications of science are influenced by other sectors such as politics and
us. governance, religion, and business.

 Nowadays, advancements in science and technology have

Definition of Terms become pervasive. They are manifested in the activities that
humans pursue and the tools they use everyday. The beauty of this
Science - the word came from the Latin "scientia," meaning "knowledge." It
is that an advancement builds upon itself. As such, humans today live
refers to the systematic and methodical activity of building and organizing
more productive and more exciting lives than their predecessors.
knowledge about how the universe behaves through observation,
experimentation, or both.
 However, the dynamism and immensity of scientific and technological
 According to famous American science historian, John Heilbron progress also pose challenges and drawbacks to the way humans
(2003), " Modern science is a discovery of regularity in nature, live. The introduction of machines tremendously cut the need
enough for natural phenomena to be described by principles and for the human workforce and gave rise to the questions about
laws. he also explained that science required invention to devise whether machines will eventually replace humans. The invention of
techniques, abstractions, apparatuses, and organizations to describe drugs that cured the previously incurable diseases introduced
these natural regularities and their law-like descriptions. new strains of bacteria and viruses that are resistant to the very
same drugs that once fought them-take an antibiotic-resistant
Technology - it is the application of scientific knowledge, laws, and strain of gonorrhea as an example. The rise of social media
principles to produce services, materials, tools, and machines aimed at solving drastically changed the way humans communicate, interact, and
real-world problems. it came from the Greek word techne, meaning 'art, share information; however, this tends to put people's privacy at risk.
skill, or cunning of hand. Indeed, science and technology have served a predominantly
Society - is composed of a group of people living together in a more or less double-edged function.
ordered community.
 As problems in science and technology continue to rise and become
Wolpert (2005) made an interesting comparison between science and more observable, the need to pay attention. to their interactions with
technology that is helpful in the study of their interaction with society, Wolpert various aspects of human life, e.g. social, political, and economic,
explained that reliable scientific knowledge has no moral or ethical value. becomes even more necessary. How the different aspects of
It is meant simply to explain how nature and the universe work and that society shape and influence the progression and further
the obligation of the scientists, besides studying the nature of the universe, is to developments of science and technology in the area of concern of a
explain the possible uses and applications of such scientific knowledge. Along this relatively new academic discipline called Science, Technology, and
line, Wolpert made it clear that science is not the same as technology. Scientists Society.
 Science and Technology and Society is a relatively young field
that previously independent and older disciplines, such as the
2. of these solutions
and to what
history of science, philosophy of science, and sociology of science.
As an academic field,STS, according to Harvard University's Kennedy
School(2018) traces its roots from the interwar period and the start

of the cold war. It was during the period when historians and
scientists found interest in the interconnections of scientific
knowledge, technological systems, and society. The rise of STS as an
academic field resulted from the recognition that many
schools today do not really prepare students to respond
critically, reflectively, and proactively to the challenges posed
3. 4.) Could solutions
by science and technology in the contemporary world.
proposed by science
and technology be

1. Can science and problematic in

technology solve all themselves? So
problems faced by 4. what are these
the human race? problems?
What are some 5. Can science and
technology solve all
problems faced by 8. what are these
the human race? problems?
What are some
1. Can science and technology solve all problems faced by the human
race? What are some of these solutions and to what problems?

6. of these solutions
2. Could solutions proposed by science and technology be
problematic in themselves? So what are these problems?

and to what As problems in science and

problems? technology continue to rise
7. 4.) Could solutions and become more
proposed by science observable, the need to pay
and technology be
problematic in
themselves? So

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