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Mariane Jasmine Mas

BS Tourism - 4
IC 7

Reflection Questions

1. What is the ranking from highest to lowest?

Rank 1: Smoothing = 27 points

Rank 2: Confrontation = 26 points
Rank 3: Compromising = 23 points
Rank 4: Forcing = 21 points
Rank 5: Withdrawing - 19 points

2. What do you consider as your strengths? In what ways?

As a result of Teddy Bear/Smoothing, I have several strengths that make me valuable to others.
One of my key strengths is my ability to empathize with people and show compassion towards
them. I am a great listener and always try to offer emotional support when needed.

Another strength of mine is my talent for finding common ground and resolving conflicts. I am
skilled at bringing people together and promoting harmony. People often see me as a calming
influence in tense situations, and I can be an excellent mediator.

I am also highly adaptable and can fit into different situations and get along with various
personalities. I am easy going and can make friends easily. I prioritize fostering positive
relationships and making others happy over achieving personal recognition or achievement.

Furthermore, I have a positive attitude towards life and tend to focus on the good in others. I am
optimistic and always see the best in people. This helps me build strong relationships and
maintain them over time.

3. What do you consider is / are weaknesses? In what ways?

I recognize that I have several weaknesses that may impact my ability to achieve my own goals
and needs. One of my key weaknesses is my difficulty standing up for myself. I tend to prioritize
maintaining relationships over my own desires, and I may struggle to assert myself when my
needs conflict with those of others.
Another weakness of mine is my avoidance of conflict. I fear that disagreements or arguments
will harm my relationships, so I may struggle to express myself effectively or resolve conflicts
when they arise.

I can also be overly trusting, which can make me vulnerable to being taken advantage of or
manipulated by others. I may struggle to recognize when others have ulterior motives and have
difficulty setting appropriate boundaries.

In addition, I may struggle with criticism or negative feedback. As I value relationships, I may
take criticism personally, which can make it challenging for me to learn from feedback and make
necessary improvements.

Lastly, I may have a tendency to prioritize pleasing others over my own needs, which can lead to
neglecting my own well-being or being taken advantage of by others. I may struggle with setting
boundaries and saying "no" when necessary.

4. How are your strengths sometimes your weaknesses?

I understand that my strengths can sometimes turn into weaknesses, depending on the situation.
While my empathy and concern for others are admirable qualities, it can become a weakness if I
become too involved in other people's problems and neglect my own needs. I may feel drained or
taken advantage of if I am always putting others' needs before my own.

Diplomacy is another strength of mine that can also be a weakness. While my ability to find
common ground and promote harmony is valuable, it can also be a weakness if I avoid conflicts
altogether. Sometimes, issues need to be addressed in order to find a solution or prevent further
problems from arising. By avoiding conflict, I may allow issues to persist or become worse.

My adaptability is another strength that can also be a weakness. While my ability to adjust to
different situations and personalities is a valuable strength, it can also be a weakness if I
compromise my own values or goals in order to fit in. I may have difficulty asserting myself or
setting boundaries if I am always trying to please others.

My humility is another strength that can also be a weakness. While my modesty and
unselfishness are commendable qualities, it can also be a weakness if I fail to celebrate my own
achievements or speak up for myself when necessary. I may struggle with self-confidence or feel
undervalued if I always prioritize others over myself.
Lastly, my positive attitude is a strength that can also be a weakness. While my optimism and
focus on the good in others is a valuable strength, it can also be a weakness if I become overly
trusting or fail to recognize warning signs of potential harm. I may overlook red flags or fail to
take action when necessary if I always assume the best in people.

5. How can you relate these to the competencies in your desired jobs?

In the tourism and hospitality industry, empathy and concern for others are essential
competencies. A Teddy Bear's ability to empathize with people and show compassion towards
them can be valuable in providing excellent customer service and creating a welcoming
environment for guests. However, as mentioned earlier, it can also become a weakness if Teddy
Bears become too involved in other people's problems and neglect their own needs. Therefore, it
is important to balance empathy and self-care in the workplace.

Adaptability is another important competency in the tourism and hospitality industry, as it is a

fast-paced and ever-changing environment. Teddy Bears' ability to adjust to different situations
and personalities can be valuable in providing personalized service to guests and collaborating
effectively with colleagues. However, it is crucial to maintain one's values and goals, as
compromising them can lead to a lack of direction and focus.

Lastly, a positive attitude is an essential competency in the tourism and hospitality industry, as it
contributes to a welcoming and uplifting atmosphere for guests and colleagues. Teddy Bears'
optimism and focus on the good in others can be valuable in creating a positive work culture and
building strong relationships with guests. However, it is also important to be vigilant and
recognize potential risks or problems, as overlooking red flags can lead to negative consequences
for the business and guests.

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