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As stated in our shipping circular No 9 of 2014, all Electronic Ship Information and crew changes
are required to submit electronically i.e. via “Electronic Ship Information/Crew Change Form in
xml format. The procedures in loading the file are as follows:

1.1 Software Requirements

1 To run this application, you will need an Internet Explorer on Windows.
2 This application will need to run ActiveX Controls and this is not supported in Netscape.

1.2 To enable ActiveX Controls

1. Invoke Internet Explorer
2 Click on "Tool" menu |"Internet Options"
3 Click on the "Security" tab
4 Click on the "Custom Level...." button
5 Amend the Security Settings as follows:
- Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls: Enable
- Download signed ActiveX: Enable
- Download unsigned ActiveX: Enable
- Initialize and Script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: Enable
- Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Enable
- Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting: Enable
6 Click the "OK" button twice to save settings and close the Internet Options dialog box.

1.3 To start the Electronic Form:

1 Go to and click on File > Save As (e.g ABC)

2 Select Web Page, complete (*.htm, *.html) for the Save as type and click on Save button.
3 Go to the local drive to retrieve the "Electronic Ship Information/Crew Change Form
(Version 4.0).html" which you have saved in your local drive.
4 Double click on "Electronic Ship Information/Crew Change Form (Version 4.0).html" and
start filing up the form.

1.4 To save the records for own records

1 In the Filename field, enter desired directory and filename, please type c:/temp/birthe.dat
and click on Save button.
2 To retrieve the file that you have just saved, click on the Browse button to select the file
i.e. c:/temp/birthe.dat and click on the Load button.

1.5 To send the records to MPA

1 In the XML Filename field, retrieve the file you have saved e.g c:/temp/birthe .dat and
change the dat to xml i.e. c:/temp/birthe theresa.xml and click on the "Generate" button.
2 If the XML and TXT file had been generated successfully, you will see the message "
c:/temp/birthe.xml and c:/temp/birthe.txt had been created. Please email the XML file to
MPA and keep the TXT file for your reference."
3 Please email and attach the generated XML file i.e. c:/temp/birthe.xml to

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